Back to school: study tips UP TO 4th year ! A reptile in HK IFMSA – Adapťák

Rozhovor s profesorkou Červinkovou

Meet the students

Pozvání na Vánoce v Pardubicích

Issue 003

November 1 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS

 Introduction by the editorial board 2

 Who do you think I am? Interview of Prof Červinkova— Department of Physiology EN 3

CZ 5

 Back to school– How to succeed your first years of medical school in HK EN

For First year 7

- General advices for a successful first year 10

For Second year 11

For Third year 13

For Fourth year 14

 Meet the students: Meet Klára Licinbergová CZ 15

Meet Munachiso Ndukwe EN 16

 The People/VIP of the month: The reptile in HK EN 17

 The scientific section: Skryte Kurikulum CZ 18

 The open section: IFMSA orientation and sports week EN 19

CZ 20

 Calendar of events 21

 Pozvání na Vánoce v Pardubicích / Invitation for a Christmas celebration in Pardubice CZ/EN 22

 Politics: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights EN 23

 Reviews: 2013 EN 28

 Poem: Sad Nature EN 30

 Quotes EN/CZ 31

 Join our local Hockey team CZ 32

 The HK Chronicle wants you EN 33


Editorial Board

Milí čtenáři,

pomalu se blíží polovina semestru a my pro Vás máme zpestření v podobě třetího čísla našehoškolního časopisu. Doufáme proto, že si uděláte chvíli času a mezi učením si přečtete, co jsme pro Vás připravili. Kromě tradičních rubrik pro Vás máme novinku a to rozhovory se studenty naší školy. Pro toto číslo byla volba na nás, od následujícího čísla to už bude tzv. ve Vaší režii, pokud chcete tedy v časopise mít rozhovor s někým konkrétním, neváhejte se ozvat a pošlete nám svůj návrh a také to, co byste o dotyčném či dotyčné chtěli vědět.

Také by nás velice potěšilo, kdybyste se rozhodli rozšířit naše řady. Práce pro časopis je velmi zajímavá a dá se říci, že každý si zde přijde na své. Naší sna- hou je mít pevnou základnu, tak aby HK Chronicle nebyl jen dílem pár jedinců, ale většího množství lidí s nejrůznějšími zájmy a názory.

Byla by škoda, kdyby tento slibný projekt musel skončit jen kvůli tomu, že mezi námi není dostatek lidí, kteří by se na něm chtěli podílet. Upřímně doufáme, že se mezi Vámi najde někdo, kdo bude chtít přiložit ruku k dílu. A pokud nám tedy nechcete poskytnout ani svoje ruce ani svoje hlavy, tak nám alespoň udělejte radost tím, že nám věnujete na pár okamžiků svoji pozornost a začtete se do toho, co napsali Vaši spolužáci.

Přejeme Vám tedy příjemné čtení a mnoho sil do učení.

Vaše redakce

Hi there and welcome back to HK! My name is Anne. I’m a 5th year medical student and editor-in-chief of our school magazine, the HK Chronicle.

I’m very pleased to introduce you to this issue, which is our 3rd one. It is mainly focused on helping our 1st year medical students. In this issue, we give you some information about your final exams, and few tips useful for the first, second, third and fourth year. Besides, we checked out the reptile in HK for you (page 17), are inviting you to a Christmas celebration organized in Pardubice with some performances from the Arts Club HK (page 22), our local Hockey team wants you (page 32) and much more...

Feel free to contact me on Facebook: Anne HK Share our school magazine via twitter, Facebook , Google+, by visiting our webpage Just click on the icons below.

While you are visiting our website, please click on ‘’download’’ to have a look at our past issues.

Leave us a comment or like us on Facebook:

I wish you all a nice Xmas :)



Prof. MUDr. Zuzana Červinková, CSc.

It was one of the best interviews I have ever done. It I have to say that I have been the head of this seemed like we were two grannies chatting about our department for quite a long time now. It happened at the younger lives, over a glass of wine. She was so cool, beginning of 1990. At that time I was 39 years old and it so funny… was quite demanding. Of course, it has been associated with the political changes affecting our society at that time because it was shortly after the Velvet Revolution. Every- thing was on the move. I have been working here since From which faculty of medicine did you graduate 1975 and I was one of the skilled assistants and that has and in which year? leaded me to this position. At first, I really didn’t want to be the head of the department, it was not my ambition. But so I graduated in 1975 from the medical faculty here in is life! Now I’m happy it happened because I can put into Hrádec Kralové. Before that, I went to high school, in a city reality my dreams about sciences, research and teaching. called Pardubice, which is very close to Hradec. What do you like the most about teaching?

And can you tell us why you chose Physiology as The most important to me is the direct contact with the your field of teaching? students. The possibility to speak to them face to face. I like to introduce the beauty of physiology to the undergraduate Physiology is a very nice subject that I really liked during students. I also enjoy giving my time to the PhD students my medical studies. I had it in my mind, before I came to because they are prepared; they have a good level of this faculty. If I had gone to a faculty of sciences, I would knowledge; they are almost like partners in my research. have chosen biology. It was also the only subject that really fulfilled my ideas You are also the vice president of the academic sen- about my future profession and what I would like to do… So ate, a researcher and a member of the scientific it was quite logic that after graduation I would choose it. board. How do you find time to live up to all these responsibilities?

When you entered the department of Physiology It is a really good question and I have to say that it is what was your position? quite difficult. Our children are grown-ups. They are living in Prague so they are not here everyday. And of course my When I started working here, I started as an assistant. husband is also very busy. Which means that I can spend at And very shortly, I think after 2 years, I started with my work much more time that most people can, especially PhD studies. females. I also come to the faculty during weekends with my husband. It wouldn’t be possible to do all these things otherwise. You are now the head of the department of Physiolo- gy. For how long have you held this position?

4 How do you spend your free time? What are your hobbies? Your husband is a co-author of some of your publi- cations, a colleague and the dean of our faculty. How It’s a good question. I like sports, especially swimming. does it feel like to have your husband as your boss? When I was younger, I took part in a swimming competition. In summer, it’s very nice because there are It’s not a big problem because we are a very isolated entity many natural lakes near and he respects my opinion. We behave at work as col- Hradec. We go practical- leagues and not as partners in private life. He always tries to ly every day, when the be a little bit stronger, stricter with me. This is to say that if water is warm enough there are some rules, I should follow them because we to swim in. We also like could be under scrutiny from somebody who could think that biking. In winter, we like it’s strange that her husband is also her boss. skiing: We usually spend We are able to handle it very easily: For example, when we one week in Italy every have the academic senate and I do not agree with the sug- year, in a very nice gestions of management from the dean, it’s not problematic place for skiing. And of for me to express my opinion. After the discussion, we pro- course we have grand- ceed to the vote. I accept when the vote is on my side or on children and I really like spending time with them. the other side. And it really doesn’t harm our relationship. When we go home at the end of the day, we are partners. We also have a cottage in the mountains, which is 70km We do not mix the problems that we have to solve at work. away from Hradec. But right now, we do not have much By the way, this year will mark our 40th wedding anniver- time to go there. sary. I wonder how we are going to celebrate it…

What do you expect from students during their final exam of physiology? Anne L. Nengue 5th year GM.

A certain level of knowledge! I think that during the lec- tures and practical classes, the students can get some ideas about what we could expect during the final exam. I want them to think logically, this is the most important. I can forgive a student who doesn’t know a lot of details but I really appreciate students that have logical thinking. Physiology is a logical subject. Its basis are simple data on which the students have to build the house - if I could say- of their knowledge. Logical thinking is very important, not only for physiology but also for a good medical practice.

5 CZ

Vázalo se to samozřejmě na politické změny, které v tu dobu ovlivňovaly naši společnost, neboť to bylo těsně po sametové Byl to jeden z nejlepších rozhovorů, jaké jsem kdy revoluci. Všechno se hýbalo. dělala. Vypadalo to, jako bychom byly dvě babičky tlachající o svém mládí nad sklenkou vína. Byla tak super, tak vtipná.. Pracovala jsem se zde od roku 75 a tou dobou jsem byla jedním ze zkušenějších asistentů, což mne na tuto pozici vyneslo. Zprvu jsem být vedoucím ústavu vůbec nechtěla, tyto ambice jsem neměla. Ale takový je život! Teď jsem ráda, že se

to stalo, protože si mohu splnit své sny o vědě, výzkumu a Na jaké lékařské fakultě jste promovala a ve kterém výuce. roce?

Promovala jsem v roce 1975 zde na fakultě v Hradci Králové. Co máte na učení nejraději? Předtím jsem chodila na střední školu v Pardubicích, což je velice blízko Hradci. Nejdůležitější je pro mě přímý kontakt se studenty. Možnost

s nimi mluvit tváří v tvář. Ráda představuji krásy fyziologie

pregraduálním studentům. Také ráda věnuji čas Můžete nám říct, proč jste se rozhodla učit právě postgraduálním studentům, protože jsou připraveni, už mají fyziologii? určitou úroveň znalosti. V mém výzkumu jsou pro mě skoro

jako partneři. Fyziologie je krásný obor, který se mi během studií velmi líbil.

Přemýšlela jsem o něm ještě dřív, než jsem na tuto fakultu přišla. Kdybych šla na přírodovědeckou fakultu, vybrala bych si Jste také místopředsedkyní Akademického senátu, biologii. Byl to také jediný obor, který naplňoval mé představy výzkumnicí a členkou Vědecké rady. Kde berete čas o mém povolání a o tom, co bych chtěla dělat... Takže bylo věnovat se všem těmto aktivitám? naprosto logické, že jsem si ho po promoci vybrala.

To je velmi dobrá otázka a musím přiznat, že je to poměrně

obtížné. Naše děti jsou už dospělé, žijí v Praze, takže tu Na jakou pozici jste nastoupila, když jste poprvé nejsou každý den. A samozřejmě můj manžel je také velmi přišla na Ústav fyziologie? zaneprázdněn. To znamená, že můžu v práci trávit mnohem

více času než většina lidí, zejména ženy. Chodíme s manželem Když jsem tu začala pracovat, byla jsem asistentkou. A velmi na fakultu i o víkendech, jinak by nic takového nebylo možné. záhy, myslím, že po dvou letech, jsem začala se svou přípravou na PhD.

Jste nyní vedoucí Ústavu fyziologie. Jak dlouho tuto pozici zastáváte?

Musím říct, že šéfkou tohoto ústavu jsem už docela dlouho. Stalo se to na začátku roku 1990, kdy mi bylo 39 let a bylo to velmi náročné.

6 Jak trávíte svůj volný čas? Máte nějaké koníčky? Váš manžel je spoluautorem některých vašich publikací. Kolega a zároveň děkan naší fakulty. Jaké Dobrá otázka. Mám ráda sporty, zejména plavání. Když jsem to je, mít za šéfa manžela? byla mladší, účastnila jsem se plaveckých soutěží. V létě je to příjemné, protože okolo Není to velký problém, protože jsme dvě oddělené jednotky a Hradce je mnoho on respektuje mé názory. V práci se k sobě chováme jako přírodních jezer. kolegové a ne jako partneři, narozdíl od soukromého života. Chodíme téměř každý Vždycky se snaží být na mě o něco přísnější. To znamená, že den, když je voda dost pokud jsou dána nějaká pravidla, musím je respektovat. teplá na plavání. Máme Jelikož bychom mohli být pod drobnohledem lidí, kterým také rádi cyklistiku. přijde zvláštní, že mým šéfem je můj manžel. Jsme schopni V zimě jezdíme lyžovat; to zvládat velmi snadno. Například během jednání většinou strávíme týden Akademického senátu, pokud nesouhlasím s návrhy děkana, v Itálii každý rok. A není problém, abych vyjádřila svůj názor. Po diskuzi samozřejmě máme následuje hlasování. Ať už dopadne jakkoliv, jeho výsledek vnuky, se kterými ráda trávím čas. Máme také chalupu akceptuji. A našemu vztahu to opravdu vůbec neuškodí. Když v horách 70 km od Hradce. Ale momentálně nemáme příliš jdeme po práci domů, jsme partneři. Nemícháme do toho času tam jezdit. problémy, které musíme řešit v práci. Mimochodem, tento rok oslavíme 40. výročí svatby. Tak si říkám, jak to oslavíme... Co očekáváte od studentů na závěrečné zkoušce z fyziologie? Translated by Barbora Zbrankova.

Nějakou úroveň znalostí! Myslím, že během přednášek a cvičení si studenti mohou udělat dobrý obrázek o tom, co se od nich u závěrečné zkoušky bude očekávat. Chci, aby uvažovali logicky, to je to nejdůležitější. Mohu odpustit studentovi, který nezná spoustu detailů, ale umím ocenit logickou úvahu. Fyziologie je logický obor. Jejím základem jsou jednoduché údaje, na kterých studenti musí postavit, jak bych to řekla, dům svých znalostí. Logické uvažování je velmi důležité nejen pro fyziologii, ale pro celou medicínu.

7 EN

First year

It’s our hope that these tips are going to be helpful to you… Anatomy II: No matter how you feel, keep ya head up and remember that we have been there too. : if you are done with your credit in Anatomy by January, Tip Anatomy I: use your time wisely by reading some of the topics below Note: The summer term is going to be better because you are going to have only one test weekly.

Topics: -Urinary system - Female and male genital system. Male and female pelvis -Nervous system: Main structure and function, Spinal Cord. -Brainstem: Medulla oblongata,pons, mesencephalon -Cerebellum: Diencephalon, hypothalamo-hypophyseal system -Telecenphalon: Basal ganglia -Blood supply of the brain, brain ventricles, meninges, nerve tracts, somatosensory pathways, somatomotor pathways. Limbic system

Test: Anatomical dissection Tip: Know the part you will be dissecting inside out Use your atlas. website Test: CNS: Cranial nerves, vegetative nervous system, visual apparatus, optic pathway, reflexes,auditory and vestibular Click on ‘’lectures’’, so see the dates and topics of Tip: apparatus and tracts each lecture so that you can read a bit, about it beforehand. : Memorize the pathways (from the lectures,) Tip Exam: Spot test, Use your platzer if you don’t understand Ask a senior to help you. Use your atlas: Know the insertions, innervation, Tip: - vessels and latin names of the muscles Credit test: Usually in the 3rd week of May. - Remember the names of the bones (esp the names of each carpal bones of the hand and the bones of the Final exam: Oral . foot) You will have 3 questions, 1 from each part of the list. -Learn how to read X-rays (google pics + atlas) -Go for the training classes and use this time wisely Biophysics and biostatistics: Exam: CVS, respiratory, GIT system (usually in January) Tip: study from the platzer and the lecture notes. Weekly test Final Exam: usually during the exam period (winter) General information: Practical part: test on the computer (biostatistics) -You need to pass most of the micro tests, the spot test and Oral part: 3 questions from the list. the CVS, respiratory and GIT system tests to have your credit in anatomy for the winter semester. Tip: Study from the lectures and self-study presentation -If by December you have failed most of the micro tests, don’t Go for consultation if you don’t understand something. worry. You will have to take an additional test made up of Ask for help from a senior. questions from those actual micro tests (it will be a kind of revision, I had to do it :)

8 Histology and Embryology I: Credit test: About elastic aa, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus (childhood, involution), nasal ala, epiglottis, trachea ,intrapulmonary bronchus and pulmonary tissue,lungs and visceral pleura, structures of the mediastinum, etc… Tip: Update your table of slices everytime you have a practical lesson,it will help you for this credit test.

Identify this structure Histology II: Hint: A gland from Renal system -Digestive sytem I: oral cavity and tooth -Digestive sytem II: Esophagus,stomach, small intestine website -Digestive sytem II and III: large intestine,appendix, colon (rectum),anal canal,liver and gallbladder tuition/general/histology_I/annotation.asp -endocrine glands: pancreas, hypophysis,adrenal glands, thyroid gland,parathyroids,pineal gland - Use of light microscope -urinary system -glandular epthelium: exocrine glands, skin and salivary -Revision lesson glands -CT and supporting tissue: Connective tissue proper,cartilages Test: Oral exam about digestive and endocrine systems -Bones: compact and spongy bone, development of the bone, have a second list of slices for the summer semester ossification Tip: -Muscle tissue: smooth, skeletal,cardiac and upgrade it gradually too.

know the differences between the 3 types Tip: -Male reproductive system I: testsis, epididymis,spermatic -Nervous system: general description of the structure of the cord,seminal vesicle,prostate,corpus penis (glans penis). neurons, types of neurons, nerve fibers, glial cells in the CNS and PNS -Test: Embryology I (developmental principles: gametes and gametogenesis, 1st wk, 2nd wk,3rd wk,4th wk, primitive and Test: Basic Histological techniques definitive umbilical cord, neurulation, differentiation of Tip: Study from the booklet somites, fetal membranes. Development of the head and neck: pharyngeal (branchial -Revision lesson: apparatus), development of the tongue Test: Oral examination of preparations, theory and Tip: - make a table in which you will write down the elementary cytology different changes and maturity of organs per week and per Tip: The evaluation will be based on what you have done system during the practical classes. Focus on that. -Use the lecture notes and the embryology book : Before we are born. -Blood: human blood smear, circulatory system -lymphatic system -Female reproductive system: ovary, oviduct,uterus, vagina -respiratory system -Placenta: young and full term: -Revision lesson Tip: Know the histological differences between them Test: Oral examination of the CVS, lymphatics and -Peripheral nervous system: dorsal root ganglion, autonomic respiratory systems (theory+ practical knowledge ganglion, peripheral nerves ie.identification) -Skin Tip: Make a Table of the slices in which you will write down -CNS: Spinal cord, brain cortex, cerebellum, choroid plexus the names, number, important features (function, types of epithelium, appearance,etc..


Test: Embryology II: development of the face, nasal cavities and palate. Development of the teeth, digestive system, Respiratory system, CVS, urinary system, male and female genital systems, CNS Tip: same as Embryo I -Revision lesson: urinary and reproductive systems, Peripheral nervous system, mammary glands, sense organs. Latin I and II:

Credit test: slice test (theory and identification of slices from Depending on your group: Test every week or 2 weeks interval both semesters) Credit test: Usually at the end of each semester

: use your 2 tables to revise (the winter and summer Tip ones) Czech Language I and II: Depending on your group: the Final exam: Oral+ Practical parts system of points are different Practical: slice test Credit test at the end of each semester Oral: triplet (1 question from each part of the list) First-Aid: No weekly test Practicals at the hospital Biology I: Will start in the summer semester. No weekly test Credit test: usually in the last week of April Tip: know your booklet inside out, words by words (no kidding, this credit test is usually not easy) Use the lecture notes from Prof Cervinka.


 Study with someone, whenever you can, as much as you can, and as often you can.

 Lectures: Are not mandatory. However you don’t Online books. loose anything by attending them (especially in your st 1 year). How to connect from home? EZproxy

 Final exams: EZproxy server is a library application carried on by the For the oral : you should wear formal clothes on the IT department of UK (Univerzita Karlova-Charles University). Its day of your examination: suits/shirts for men and main function is to make it possible to connect into the skirts/office dresses for women, etc... university server from wherever you are (home, hospital, Most exams have 2 parts: internet café etc...) as if you were in the school IT labs. An Oral part: a set of 3 questions from the list (usually) A Practical part: to show your practical knowledge.

 During the exam,the teacher is free to ask you any Login with your login and password from the faculty to access questions, even if it is not on your triplet, so to the online catalog of free books. beware!

 Do everything not to postpone your exam otherwise you might regret it -To have access to our medical library from home, renew or prolong your loans of books go to  You sign up for the exams using the SIS system with your password by clicking ‘’register for the exam’’ at the time specified (be the fastest to click) Change to English Click on ‘’login CU user in red’’, on the top left  Go for consultation before your final exam if you Note: you might need your ISIC card to login. think you need to.

 Don’t get discouraged if you have failed many microtests so far. Many of us have been there before you but we kept on studying (perseverance is the key)


Second year

Biology II: Winter semester Final exam: MCQ test + Oral MCQ test is to assess your knowledge before the oral part, so try your best. Oral: Triplet Tip: Use your stickers to revise. Know the basics for the metabolism of glucose, lipids and proteins: how many steps, names of the products,enzymes catalyzing each reactions, etc.. Use the lecture notes and the Biochemistry book (Lippincott is straightforward).

Click on syllabi: to know the program of this term Click on ‘’questions for examination’’.

Credit test: usually in January Hard one too (only 2 people passed on the 1st attempt when I was in 2nd year) Tip: Study hard, from the booklet + lectures from the practical classes Physiology I Also use Prof Cervinka Lectures Deepen your knowledge with a biology book + google . display=page&pageId=28

Final exam: Oral Tests: every 2 weeks approximately Tip: the list of questions is already available on the website Click on timetable of practical classes, to know the topics of Use the lecture notes+ a biology book the tests. But usually, they are: 1-Hematology 2-Immunology Biochemistry I 3-General neurophysiology and myology 4-CNS

Tip: MCQ- think logically.

Every student will be required to choose a topic from a list and have 20 min powerpoint presentation. Physiology II: Click on ‘’Biochemistry I’’ Notice: print the list of questions for the oral part of the Weekly test: about organic chemistry examination from the website above. Tip: Get some stickers in which you will write down the Tests: Traditionally, the topics are: formula, the names of the compounds (trivial and 1 -CVS chemical names), and the chemical reactions, the 2-Respiratory system names of the enzymes involved, etc… 3-Endocrinology 4-Gastroenterology Biochemistry II: Tests during the seminar, usually once a week or every 2 5-Metabolism 6-kidneys weeks 7-senses

You will be asked to prepare some PowerPoint presentations. Topics will be given.


Practical exam: usually in May. -sterilization, disinfection procedures Tip: - You should know the principles and the -staphylococci, the Neisseriae -enterococci. Streptococci procedure of measurements. -Lab tests. Clinical cases. Seminar -You should also know the normal and

pathological ranges Credit test usually in April. Print the list of questions from the website

index.php?display=freePage&freePageId=4 Medical Immunology I: summer semester

No weekly test Oral exam: triplet

Tip: study from the lecture notes Use the recommended book (Guyton & Hall) Basis for patient care: No weekly test

Microbiology I (summer term) Czech Language III and IV: Website: Final exam: oral anstart.htm Test every 2 weeks or 3 weeks. The topics are usually announced in advance by the teacher, as well as the During the summer holidays, you will be required to dates of the tests. spend at least 2 weeks in a hospital, doing Nursing assignment for ‘’the Basis for patient care’’. At the Curriculum: end, the head nurse should sign your confirmation of - Work in the microbiology lab-lab safety internship and you should bring it to the secretary - specimen collection and transport. Cutivation of tonsil office of our faculty. swabs. Cultivation methods in bacteriology -Microscopy,staining methods -ATB susceptibility test +interpretation


Third year

Medical Immunology II Pathological anatomy I : Website: No weekly test Final Exam: Oral, around 50 questions No weekly test. Tip: Take it as early as possible. The lecture notes are more than enough Credit test: slice test: evaluation of theoretical and practical knowledge Tip: -make a table of the slices. On one side of the table, Microbiology II write down the number of each slice and on the other side, write down the most important features of the corresponding slice.

Pathological anatomy II: Credit test: Slice test Tip: -make another table for the summer term. Use the two tables (winter and summer) to revise for this credit Final Exam: Oral test. Tip: You can take the exam before Christmas if you want. Final examination: (Beware of this exam!!) Use the lecture notes. MCQ test + Oral

Note: If you fail this test, you loose one chance. Pathophysiology I: Website: Tip: study mostly from the lecture notes and the recommended book (Robbins) Pathophysiology II Start studying for this exam as early as possible. Tests: -respiratory system -ECG: pathophysiology diagnostics Oral part: triplet of questions. -Urinary system -GIT -Case reports Essentials of Surgery: Final exam: Oral Test after the lecture Tip: study from the booklet Tip: pay attention during the lecture Try to understand and think logically

Pharmacology I: website farmakol/anglicka/study/study.htm Click on ‘’winter term 2012/2013’’ for the syllabi Weekly test Tip: study from the lecture notes

Physical examination in Internal Medicine: Sometimes test before the practical Final Exam: Oral + MCQ TEST: Tip: study from the book you use during the practicals Practical part: Study from the book too Medical psychology and communication with the You should know how to examine the patient, how to patient: perform some basic tests (ex: Babinski) No weekly test Final Exam: Oral Tip: study from the lecture notes


Fourth year

Winter semester You should be able to explain the various graphs (pharmacokinetics) Dentistry: For the ATBs, you should also know: Final Exam: MCQ -the class and the generations of each ATB (1st, 2nd, 3rd,etc..) Tip: study from the lectures Ask dentistry colleagues Summer semester: Neurology I: No weekly test Internal Medicine II Surgery I Diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine: Note: Diagnostic radiology- has its own list of questions Nuclear Medicine- has its own list of questions too Final Exam: Oral They are both taken on the same day (a triplet from each Neurology II: list). Nuclear medicine exam is usually at the department of Final Exam: Oncology and Nuclear medicine, building 23 practical part: examination of the patient+ diagnosis pay attention to the X rays given during the seminars Tip: Oral part: triplet and their diagnostics There is a floor for ‘’stroke’’ patients, a floor for MS Study from the lecture notes for the oral part. Tip: (Multiple Sclerosis) and another for various diagnostics. Be wise Pharmacology II: and try to identify them, this might help you in your final diagnostic (of course you should consider your physical findings!

Internal Medicine III

Surgery II

Dermatovenereology: Final exam: MCQ + Practical Practical: diagnosis of the patient MCQ: around 80 questions (they were changed , so beware)

Sports Medicine: Final exam: Oral: Over 30 questions. Note: Dates available at the end of the week of the seminars.

Psychiatry I: Credit test: MCQ + practical part (psychiatric Final exam: Oral examination of the patient) Tip: - start studying for this exam as soon as you can, Anesthesiology: otherwise it will seem like it’s too much. Final exam: MCQ - For each drug, you should know:

1.the name of the drug and its class

2. the mechanism of action Medical practice in the hospital: At least 2 weeks of 3. the actions on the body and Internal Medicine + at least 2 weeks of Surgery. target organs (if acting via receptors, which types?) You will be given a green logbook full of different 4. The adverse effects of the drug diagnosis,that has to be signed and stamped by the doctor in (ex: which drugs are teratogenic, nephrogenic,etc..) charge, during your stay in the hospital. Once you are back in

HK, you should get the same book signed from the head of each 5. The contraindications department. 6. Drugs that need to have TDM

Anne L.Nengue, 5th year GM

15 -


Meet the students

 Klára Licinbergová nejvýznamnějších lékařů českých zemí. Nutno podotknout, to je koncentrovaná inspirace v tvrdých deskách. Uvědomila jsem si, jakou obtížnou cestou Klára je studentka 5. se museli tito věhlasní profesoři a doktoři ročníku všeobecného probojovávat, v čele s hradeckým prof. lékařství a většina z nás Fingerlandem, a jak my máme proti nim všechno ji může znát díky tomu, naservírované na talíři. Jen to do té hlavy dostat :) že se nám snaží přiblížit jednání Akademického Kdyby si měla možnost něco vzkázat mladším senátu naší fakulty, ve studentů naší fakulty, co by to bylo? kterém nás jako senátorka zastupuje. Když přijdou chmury, tak ať si vzpomenou, že sem chtěli jít. Když to nepomůže, ta ať si řeknou, co jiného by chtěli dělat - nebyla medicína to jediný? A když nepomůže ani to, tak ať si řeknou, že když se Čím si myslíš, že tě naše fakulta nejvíc obohatila? dali na vojnu, tak se musí bojovat. Hlavně ať vydrží. Předzkouškové stavy méněcennosti jsou Naučila mě komunikovat s lidmi. Určitě mě obohatila fyziologické :). A ráda bych na ně apelovala, aby se o přátelství, rozšířila mi obzory. Každé setkání, ať už zajímali o dění kolem nich. Máme jedinečnou s vyučujícím nebo studentem mě inspirovalo příležitost podílet se na utváření našeho k formování životního postoje. A obohacuje mě každodenního života, který pak zanechá stopu pro každý den - z každého jednoho rozhovoru s další prváky a další studenty. Když budeme lhostejní, vyučujícím, ať profesorem, docentem, či ―pouze‖ je opravdu reálné, že nás politický systém naší země doktorem, si odnáším nejen vědomosti a předávané vyškrtne z jakéhokoliv podílu na utváření zkušenosti. Zároveň se mi ukazují možnosti, jak lze akademické atmosféry a prostředí. A to není to, za jednat s pacienty či nadřízenými. co se předchozí generace (nejen) naší univerzity bily.

Kdo tě v životě nejvíce inspiroval a proč? Tři věci, které by sis s sebou vzala na pustý ostrov. z domácího prostředí v prvé řadě určitě rodiče a to svojí pracovitostí a přístupem k životu. A pak má Jako na dovolenou? – Nůž, jodovou tinkturu a foťák skautská rodina v rodném městě. Jinak si myslím, že každé setkání s člověkem je inspirující, ať už Kde vidíš sama sebe za pět let? v pozitivním nebo negativním smyslu. První velký profesionální zážitek se odehrál jednoho V nejlepším případě na tom pustém ostrově, listopadového podvečera v prvém ročníku, kdy nám v nejhorším ve službě (směje se) o historii lékařství v HK vyprávěl prof. Chrobák. Svou Ne, teď vážně, nejlépe někde před dokončením grácií, moudrostí a přehledem ve mně zanechal atestace. silnou stopu. Poté se mi dostala do rukou kniha Rytíři lékařského stavu, příběhy těch Aneta Matulikova, 5.vseob



I will probably say that I learned about how to relate to people, how to think, how to be open-minded…Whatever  Munachiso Ndukwe ideas you have in your head, are probably not always how the world functions.

Where do you see yourself in Five years’ time from now? Munachiso Ndukwe (commonly called Chiso) is a 6th year medical In five years’ time from now, I will hopefully be in Nigeria, student. He was born in Nigeria trying to work with people. My vision is to go back to my but he grew up in Dubai. He is motherland and try to make it a better place. one of the pioneers behind our International Student’s Union Who is the person that inspired you the most in (ISU). your life and why?

(smile.) Does it have to be only one person? It is a difficult question to answer. There are many different people that have inspired me, at different points of my life. I will probably say that Jesus is my first inspiration: the way he loved people, how he cared about them and how he was Chiso, could you tell us what sparked your interest always provocative and thinking ahead of his time. in getting involved in the creation of ISU? The second will have to be my older sister, and pretty much all my sisters. They all have open hearts. They always take I would say the interest arose from the fact that I came care of people in whatever way they can from a multicultural background. Having grown up in And the last one will probably be Lukas. He is my leadership Dubai and then seeing another multicultural place mentor. He inspires me. But there are many more… here, full of different people from different nations. But, what was supposed to be a beautiful thing turned If you could say one word to the younger out to be an ugly thing and created a lot of frictions. generation of our school, what would it be? Thus, the motivation for everyone involved to start it: To get different students from different places I think it will definitively be: first of all focus on the fact together. that you came here to study. Then, take advantage of the fact that you have so many different nations represented here. You probably will never have this What have you learned the most about studying at experience again. I’m sure the country you come from this university? is awesome; it is the best country in the world. But while you are here, you get to mingle with so many The thing I have learned the most about studying here different people. Just take advantage of that. Finally will probably be more about living in this country. You see, I stay away from the drama, yeah stay away from the came here when I was young. So I pretty much grew up here. drama! I got most of my ideas about life here. Life was quite different th from what I was used to, because I grew up in a proper Anne L. Nengue 5 year GM capitalistic world. Then I came here which was quite different.



Have you guys heard about our local Reptile? I bet you haven’t…YET. Besides, he told me that in Music, an artist should use a name Let me introduce you to Reptile Maseko, a hip hop artist, member of that grabs attention. Reptile definitively does the job! the ALL 300 Infantry group, a poet, a politician and a medical student. On meeting Goms, his band mate:

Who is Reptile Maseko? They met 3 years ago at the University of Botswana. They Born Maseko Tumisang discovered that they shared a common concept and love for the Edward, he is a 2nd year kind of music they listened to: they called it ‘’true hip hop’’ medical student from naming it in their native language as ‘’Motswako’’ i.e Hip hop Botswana, Africa. with a message.

As a poet, Reptile incorporates poetry to his music and ‘’this is What motivated him to a great composition ‘’ he said, quoting 2pac: ’’ these days we start music? have so many rappers, but we don’t have enough poets’’. I was raised in a kind of ghetto place well known as Kasi (Peleng, Lobatse) . In such places, there are a lot of influences…So, one of the ways out of this not so good lifestyle was music. I started listening to 2pac, Nas, and our local musicians such as Tuks, HT and HHT. These artists talked about life and that fascinated me.

However, it wasn’t until I reached standard 6* that I started writing music on my own. I taught myself by just listening to it and I went on putting words together and rhymed them; everybody around me was impressed and that was encouraging. Eventually, it moved on to something more sensible. I started All 300 Infantry performing during Graduation night 2013 writing about life, about school, about God.

He added that school was also his motivation and considered On Why they called themselves ‘’All 300 Infantry’’? coming here to study as a great achievement. He knew that where he was from, it was almost impossible to make a living He said that back home, before meeting his bandmate ‘’Goms’’ out of music. So he had found a compromise: part time would born Keikanetswe Mogomotsi, he belonged to another group be dedicated to his music and his full time would be for school. called: 15 round semi automatic gun squad. An Infantry**, he explained to me, ‘’ is a word used in the mili- tary, to qualify soldiers fighting on the ground. It is the first line Why did he choose Reptile as his artist name? of defense that is deployed in the field’’ Simply put, they consider themselves as ‘’Ghetto soldiers’’. He smiled before answering me. But eventually he told me the story: When he was around 11 years old, he was reading a You can contact Reptile Maseko composition that he made, to his classmates, about a hare and a via Facebook at: maseko reptile ‘’ok fine’’ monkey. or by personal email: [email protected]

In the story, the monkey reached for the little hare and to *Standard 6: Primary school level in Botswana, age 11-12 years stress the reaction of the hare, he read on that ‘’the hare old reptiled against the monkey’’... The teacher and his classmates **Infantry: branch of the army that fights on the foot-soldiers were all surprised by this sentence and they started calling him specifically trained to defeat the enemy in face to face combat. reptile from that day. Anne L.Nengue, 5th year GM 18


Jak jsem se seznámil se skrytým kurikulem

Bez metafor pojem skryté kurikulum představuje souhrn nepsaných vlivů, které působí na členy Byl sychravý podzimní večer a já se vracel nějaké lidské společnosti. Pro naši potřebu po vyčerpávajícím týdnu do své domovské to zužme na hradeckou lékařskou fakultu. vesnice. Ten pátek byl za všechny prachy. Sice Po tomto vymezení sem můžeme zahrnout jsme ten den dostali šanci získat hattrick, co se veškeré mezilidské vztahy na fakultě i počtu napsaných testů týče, ale spíš bychom v nemocnici, zaběhnuté postupy zkoušení a byli bývali radši, kdybychom praporkový test, hodnocení studentů, hodnotové postoje první preparátový test a test z biofyziky mohli přímo či nepřímo vyjadřované vyučujícími, psát v odstupu aspoň pár dnů. Nevím, jestli to vzorce chování v určitých situacích, přístup bylo už ten den nebo někdy později, ale chtělo k pacientům (zvláště k těm, kteří vyžadují se mi z toho řvát. komplexnější péči) atd. Bez nadsázky sem Přeskočím příjemné i náročné peripetie prvních patří i to, jestli se navzájem zdravíme a tří semestrů svého studia a nadnesu otázky, jsme schopní si vyměnit alespoň úsměv. která mě vzápětí začaly trápit. To když jsem Shodou okolností se mi do rukou dostaly na sobě uviděl, že dochází síly. indicie vedoucí k tomu, že se s tímhle Je ten tlak, pod kterým jsme, nezbytný? Nešlo skrytým kurikulem dá podniknout spoustu by naše síly využít na potřebnější věci? Nebo bych se také užitečných věcí. Ale nejdřív je potřeba ho trochu víc poznat. Na z pohledu začínajícího čtvrťáka – klinika zelenáče – mohl ptát: to konto se snad v nejbližších měsících a semestrech podaří „Jaká je bilance „rizika versus benefit― u toho našeho studia? rozjet projekt zaštítěný právě Ústavem sociálního lékařství Co to s námi dělá? Jaké jsou vedlejší účinky? Co můžu jako LFHK (vedou nás pan profesor Mareš a pan doktor Hadaš). student udělat pro to, abych lépe zvládal rizika a aby převážily V něm je cílem sesbírat naše zkušenosti s hradeckým skrytým benefity?― kurikulem a použít je pro zlepšení výuky. Dalo by se o tom Odpovědi se jednomu hledají těžko. Měl jsem ale to štěstí, že napsat víc, ale bude-li se projektu dařit, určitě o něm ještě jsem potkal lidi, kteří mi s tím byli ochotní pomoct. Byl to tuším uslyšíte. pan prof. Mareš, který mě seznámil s termínem skryté kurikulum. Ne, opravdu to není chlupatá příšerka, která se Za všechny, kdo se na projektu nějak mají podílet schovává v temných zákoutích fakulty nebo kolejí. Spíš se tenhle pojem dá přirovnat k něčemu mnohem většímu, Tomáš Jiran, 4. ročník, VŠEOB. nenápadnějšímu a zákeřnějšímu. Nebo také prospěšnějšímu. [email protected] Záleží na tom, jak se nám to naše hradecké lékařské skryté kurikulum podaří ochočit.



IFMSA-Orientation and sports course

During the last week of September, an Orientation and sports to be a regular medical student. Disciplines with fun course, organized by IFMSA „simulation― of laparoscopy and transfusion station were also and supported by the Faculty included. of Medicine in Hradec The nights were devoted mostly to music and dancing: famous Králové, took place in czech and international songs were sung by the organizers Stříbrný rybník camp. Over with some help from the freshmen, accompanied by the sound 100 medical freshmen of the guitars. participated in the course. There was also a scheduled lesson from doc. MUDr.

Stoklasová, CSc, as the course was supposed to be educational The 3 day long course was full of various activities. The as well. This lesson was perfect as it gave to students the basic freshmen got to play icebreaking games, night games in the and most useful information for the first year students. There forest and various sports organized by the Katedra tělesné was also a short and interesting speech by prof. MUDr. Malý, výchovy FaF and LFHK UK. There were also medical olympic CSc. games, bonfire and guitars night, a lesson from doc. Immediately after the end of the course, the students played Stoklasová, games in Hradec Králové, discussion with another game in Hradec Králové. This one was designed to students,and finally, an introduction to the local students‗ help them learn about the interesting and important places of associations. The course ended by a tradional and very popular Hradec Králové. christening of the medical students. The highlight of the course was the christening of medical The registration was at the beginning and students got some students, one of the best experiences, that injections as their nameplates. The Organization comittee then prepared some ‚‗‗icebreaker‗‗ activities that helped the first year students to get to know each other. The students learned that many still remember to this day. All the participants entered ‚‗‗a they couldn‘t possibly study medicine without a good team secret ceremony as mere mortals and exited as medical work. students‗‗. Since medical school isn‘t a simple walk in a garden In cooperation with KTV, the students tried all kinds of sports – full of roses, they had to prove that they were ready and able crocket, volleyball, ringo and many more. Most of these sports to finish this route of initiation while keeping its secrets. activities are from the P.E. course available to students during Jan Rule, 4. ročník, všeob. academical year. KTV also prepared the night game in the forest, bringing back fun memories to some of the students and reminding them of their path of bravery.

Medical olympic games were divided into 8 disciplines. Freshmen were able to try their memory, dexterity, balance, accuracy and strength of their stomachs – all qualities required



IFMSA- Seznamovací a sportovní kurz

české i zahraniční písně z úst organizátorů s notnou podporou Poslední týden v září proběhl účastníků kurzu a s doprovodnými libými zvuky kytar. v kempu Stříbrný rybník Sez Jelikož Seznamovací a sportovní kurz není určen pouze k zá- namovací a sportovní kurz, bavě, proběhla i přednáška s doc. MUDr. Stoklasovou, CSc., který patří mezi projekty IFMSA která stejně tak jako předešlé roky bravurně během jedné a je podporován Lékařskou hodiny podala ty nejzákladnější a nejdůležitější informace pro fakultou v Hradci Králové. nové studenty LF. Podnětným krátkým slovem přispěl také prof. Soustředění se účastnilo 100 MUDr. Malý, CSc. Hned po přednášce na studenty prvního novopečených mediků. ročníku čekalo další překvapení, tentokráte v podobě hry v Hradci Králové, díky níž mohli budoucí studenti poznat nejen Na začátku celé akce proběhla zajímavá, ale i pro svou existenci důležitá místa v Hradci Králo- registrace, oštítkování studentů vé. stříkačkami se jmény, následně ubytování. Zlatým hřebem tohoto kurzu je již od jeho počátků Křest med- iků, jeden z nejlepších zážitků, na něž spousta z pokřtěných Organizátoři poté připravili několik seznamovacích her, jež us- ráda vzpomíná. Všichni zúčastnění vstupují do tajemného nadnily samotné seznámení prváků mezi sebou a naznačily obřadu jako obyčejní smrtelníci a vystupují jako medici. Jelikož účastníkům, že se na Seznamovacím a sportovním kurzu rozh- studium medicíny není procházka růžovým sadem, musí odně v koutku o samotě nudit nebudou. Zároveň mohli již prokázat svou připravenost a způsobilost zdárným absol- v úvodu zjistit, že studium medicíny se bez týmové spolupráce vováním strastiplné cesty zasvěcení a uchovat jeho tajemství. neobejde. Během tří dnů kurzů nováčci postupně absolvovali výše zmíněné seznamovací hry, dále rozmanité sportovní hry pořáda- Martin Cerhán, 3. Ročník, všeob. né Katedrou tělesné výchovy spadající pod FaF UK (KTV), noční „bojovku“ v lese (pořádanou rovněž KTV), medickou olympiádu, kytarový večer, přednášku s doc. Stoklasovou, hru v Hradci Králové, besedy se studenty, byly jim představeny studentské spolky a celý kurz zakončil již tradiční a velmi oblíbený křest mediků.

Ve spolupráci s KTV si účastníci soustředění vyzkoušeli různé druhy sportů od kroketu přes volejbal až po ringo. Většina z těchto sportů je součástí nabídky tělocviků v průběhu akade- mického roku. KTV rovněž zorganizovala „bojovku“ v lese, která leckterým ne náhodou připomněla dětská léta a notoricky známou hru s názvem stezka odvahy. Medická olympiáda se skládala z 8 disciplín. Účastníci si mohli postupně vyzkoušet například svou paměť, obratnost, rovno- váhu, přesnost a silný žaludek – zkrátka vše, co patří ke stand- ardní výbavě průměrného medika. Nechybělo stanoviště se zá- bavnou „simulací“ laparoskopie či transfuzní stanice. Večery byly věnovány především hudbě a věcem s ní spojeným, včetně taneční zábavy. Během jednoho z večerů zazněly známé


Calendar of Events

November 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

21 ANSA 17 18 19 20 PUBQUIZ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

December 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 S TOMíkem 4 5 Mikulášská 6 7 do Hvězdárny párty (ASM)

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31


Pozvání na Vánoce v Pardubicích


Pátek 6. 12. od 17 h do 22 h Divadlo 29/Sv. Anežky České 29/Pardubice

Pracovníci Centra na podporu integrace cizinců pro Pardubický kraj Vás srdečně zvou na tradiční setkání s vánočními workshopy a bohatým doprovodným programem. Vstup je zdarma

Bližší informace najdete na našem webu : nebo na facebooku!/ pages/Centrum-na-podporu-integrace-cizinc%C5%AF-pro-Pardubick%C3%BD-kraj/547574505262568

The Arts Club HK in collaboration with the Center for support and integration of foreigners-Pardubice warmly invite you to the Christmas party that will take place:

- On: Friday 6th December - From: 5pm to 10pm (official program) - At: Divadlo 29,, Sv. anežky české 29 Pardubice (20 min from HK). Free entry.

Come and join us. Let’s celebrate Christmas, the international way with traditionally made workshop, music, dance…

For more information, please visit our website Our facebook profile: Centrum na podporu integrace cizinců pro Pardubický kraj. Join the Arts Club HK group on Facebook to keep up with the latest news.

Mgr. Ivona Baklíková

vedoucí centra

Správa uprchlických zařízení MV Centrum na podporu integrace cizinců v Pardubick- ém kraji Pernerova 444 530 02 Pardubice e-mail: [email protected]



The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Have you ever heard about the Universal declaration of Whereas the peoples of the United Nations Human Rights? Do you know your rights as a human being? have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith Well, let’s catch up people, not only as medical professionals in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and but as people. in the equal rights of men and women Here, for you is the Universal Declaration of Human rights, as and have determined to promote social adopted by the UN general assembly on the 10th of December progress and better standards of life in 1948. larger freedom,

Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, Preamble in cooperation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance Whereas recognition of the inherent of human rights and fundamental freedoms, dignity and of the equal and inaliena- ble rights of all members of the hu- Whereas a common understanding of these man family is the foundation of free- rights and freedoms is of the greatest dom, justice and peace in the world, importance for the full realization of this pledge, Whereas disregard and contempt for Now, therefore, human rights have resulted in barba- The General Assembly rous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the ad- vent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech Proclaims this Universal Declaration of Hu- Eleanor Roosevelt is widely regarded as and belief and freedom from fear and man Rights as a common standard of want has been proclaimed as the the ‘’Mother of The Universal Declaration achievement for all peoples and all nations, highest aspiration of the common peo- of Human Rights’ to the end that every individual and every ple, organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote re- compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, spect for hese rights and freedoms and by progressive to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, measures, national and international, to secure their univer- that human rights should be protected by sal and effective recognition and observance, both among the rule of law, the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction. Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations,


Article 1 Article 7

All human beings are born free and equal in All are equal before the law and are entitled dignity and rights. They are endowed with without any discrimination to equal protection reason and conscience and should act towards of the law. All are entitled to equal protection one another in a spirit of brotherhood. against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement Article 2 to such discrimination.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and Article 8 freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as Everyone has the right to an effective remedy race, colour, sex, language, religion, by the competent national tribunals for acts political or other opinion, national or social violating the fundamental rights granted him origin, property, birth or other sta tus. by the constitution or by law. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, juris- Article 9 dictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention belongs, whether it be independent, or exile. trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. Article 10

Logo of The United Nations Article 3 Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair Human Rights and public hearing by an independent and Everyone has the right to life, liberty and impartial tribunal, in the determination of security of person. his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.

Article 4 Article 11 No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited (1) Everyone charged with a penal offence in all their forms. has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial Article 5 at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or (2) No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of punishment. any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, un- der national or international law, at the time when it was commit- Article 6 ted. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere was committed. as a person before the law.


Article 12 (2) Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference spouses. with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour (3) The family is the natural and fundamental and reputation. Everyone has the right to the group unit of society and is entitled to protection protection of the law against such interference by society and the State. or attacks. Article 17 Article 13 (1) Everyone has the right to own property (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of alone as well as in association with others. movement and residence within the borders of each State. (2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property. (2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his Article 18 country. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, Article 14 conscience and religion; this right includes (1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy freedom to change his religion or belief, and in other countries asylum from persecution. freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his (2) This right may not be invoked in the religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship case of prosecutions genuinely arising from and observance. non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Article 19 Nations. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion Article 15 and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and (1) Everyone has the right to a nationality. to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of (2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his frontiers. nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality. Article 20

Article 16 (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. (1) Men and women of full age, without any Limitation due to race, nationality or religion, (2) No one may be compelled to belong to have the right to marry and to found an association. a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.


Article 21 Article 24

(1) Everyone has the right to take part in Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable the government of his country, directly or limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay. through freely chosen representatives. Article 25 (2) Everyone has the right to equal access to public service in his country. (1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well- (3) The will of the people shall be the basis being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, hous- of the authority of government; this will shall ing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right be expressed in periodic and genuine elections to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, which shall be by universal and equal widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or beyond his control. by equivalent free voting procedures. (2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, Article 22 whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection. Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, Article 26 through national effort and international cooperation and in accordance with the (1) Everyone has the right to education. Education organization and resources of each State, of shall be free, at least in the elementary the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be for his dignity and the free development compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made of his personality. generally available and higher education shall be equally accessi- ble to all on the basis of merit. Article 23 (2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the (1) Everyone has the right to work, to free human personality and to the strengthening of respect for hu- choice of employment, to just and favourable man rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote under- conditions of work and to protection against standing, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or unemployment. religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. (2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. (3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children. (3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself Article 27 and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by (1) Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life other means of social protection. of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. (4) Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his (2) Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and interests. material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.


Article 28 Article 30

Everyone is entitled to a social and international Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted order in which the rights and freedoms as implying for any State, group or person any set forth in this Declaration can be fully right to engage in any activity or to perform realized. any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein. Article 29

(1) Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of United Nations Department of Public Information his personality is possible.

(2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, For more information everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for training/udhr.htm the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements index.asp of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. WhatareHumanRights.aspx (3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. Anne. L. Nengue 5th year GM



Miss world 2013

Is an international beauty pageant created in the UK by Beauty with a purpose: Winner: Nepal, shani Shrestha Eric Morley in 1951. Part of the Big four (along with Miss Universe 1952, Miss international 1960, and Miss Earth 2001), it is one of the most known beauty contests in the world.

This year, marked the 63rd edition of the pageant with 127 contestants. It was held on the 28th September at Bali Nusa Dua in Bali, In- donesia.

The contest:  The concept of ‘’beauty with a purpose’’ was created by Eric and Julia Morley. The contestants presented their’’ purpose project’’ in a short video, stating from which Sports and Fitness: Winner: Netherlands, Jacqueline Steen- countries they are from and they different social issues beek they are involved/or will be involved in.

 The challenges: The contestants were also subjected to 5 challenges events. At the end of each event ,the top 10 finalists were picked.

Beach Fashion: Winner: Brazil, Sancler Frantz

Talent competition: Winner: Indonesia, Vania Larissa

Top model: Winner: Philippines,

The people’s champion: Winner: Gilbratar, Maria Kharbouch.


TOP MODEL : The top 10 And the winner is: Megan Young Ukraine, South Sudan, Brazil, France, Philippines, Cameroon, Cyprus, England ,Italy, United States.

Guys, isn’t she ‘’beauty-Full’’ ?

The controversies:

- Some people are against beauty contests in gen- eral, stating that ‘’Beauty is not about white skin and being pretty’’

-Prior to the Miss world contest, Muslimah World was also orga- The Final show: nized in Indonesia, Jakarta. Contestants were muslims, wore the Presented by Kamal Ibrahima and Myleene Klaas and after hijabs, and their ability to recite some Surat from the Qur’an was 2hours of colorful, beautiful and entertaining performances, the tested. This year winner was Obabiyi Aishah Ajibola, from Nige- judges reached an agreement ria.

The top 3: - Some contestants lost their clothes and other personal belong- -Miss Ghana: Carranzar Naa Okailey Shooter, 23nd year, ings inside the hotel they were staying. 4th year medical student -: Marine Lorphelin, 20., 2nd year medical student -Miss Philippines: Megan Young, film making Sources: student cameroon-cheated-dream-lost-dress/

Anne L. Nengue 5th year GM



Sad Nature.

Grow. Keep on growing little flower. As beautiful as you are now, Remember yourself years ago, as a seed. Small as sand. Brown as dust.

We thought you were dead, Until you emerged from the earth. Just as a spider, you spread your roots. You fought for survival, what a worthy fight!

Courageous creature that you are, Risen from the world of darkness, Helped by your feeble limbs To see the light from above.

On your way, you encountered the hard stones, You survived the drought, the rainy seasons. You went through the stormy weathers. You escaped the feet of mankind.

Yet, little flower, you remained full of elegance. Splendid as you are with your colorful petals. Your smell is now a refreshing breeze, Despite your longest lonely days.

Lively creature of the nature, It is time for you to enjoy your innocence, The wind, the bees. The sky and the seas. The happiest days of your life.

For you ought to remember that, As lovely as you are today, little flower, painted as a rainbow, A day shall come when your memories shall be erased. Your varnish will simply fade away.

Your struggles will soon be history. Your birth, a mere distant memory, Your elegance, forgotten by your peers. What a tragedy little flower, just as many before you.

Note: This poem is an allegory of the human life.

Anne L. Nengue 5th year GM


Confucius : ‘’When a wise man points at the moon, the fool looks at the finger ‘’

Mother Teresa: ‘’Be faithful in the small things because it is in them that your strength lies’’

Albert Einstein

‘’Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value’’

Bill Cosby

‘’I do not know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody’’

Charles Louis Montesquieu

„Člověk musí mnoho studovat, aby málo věděl.―

Alfred Adler

“Je vždycky snazší bojovat za principy, než podle nich žít.‖

Anne L. Nengue 5th year GM

Aneta Matulikova 5.Vseob.






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