Back to school: study tips UP TO 4th year ! A reptile in HK IFMSA – Adapťák Rozhovor s profesorkou Červinkovou Meet the students Pozvání na Vánoce v Pardubicích Issue 003 November 1 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction by the editorial board 2 Who do you think I am? Interview of Prof Červinkova— Department of Physiology EN 3 CZ 5 Back to school– How to succeed your first years of medical school in HK EN For First year 7 - General advices for a successful first year 10 For Second year 11 For Third year 13 For Fourth year 14 Meet the students: Meet Klára Licinbergová CZ 15 Meet Munachiso Ndukwe EN 16 The People/VIP of the month: The reptile in HK EN 17 The scientific section: Skryte Kurikulum CZ 18 The open section: IFMSA orientation and sports week EN 19 CZ 20 Calendar of events 21 Pozvání na Vánoce v Pardubicích / Invitation for a Christmas celebration in Pardubice CZ/EN 22 Politics: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights EN 23 Reviews: Miss world 2013 EN 28 Poem: Sad Nature EN 30 Quotes EN/CZ 31 Join our local Hockey team CZ 32 The HK Chronicle wants you EN 33 2 Editorial Board Milí čtenáři, pomalu se blíží polovina semestru a my pro Vás máme zpestření v podobě třetího čísla našehoškolního časopisu. Doufáme proto, že si uděláte chvíli času a mezi učením si přečtete, co jsme pro Vás připravili. Kromě tradičních rubrik pro Vás máme novinku a to rozhovory se studenty naší školy. Pro toto číslo byla volba na nás, od následujícího čísla to už bude tzv. ve Vaší režii, pokud chcete tedy v časopise mít rozhovor s někým konkrétním, neváhejte se ozvat a pošlete nám svůj návrh a také to, co byste o dotyčném či dotyčné chtěli vědět. Také by nás velice potěšilo, kdybyste se rozhodli rozšířit naše řady. Práce pro časopis je velmi zajímavá a dá se říci, že každý si zde přijde na své. Naší sna- hou je mít pevnou základnu, tak aby HK Chronicle nebyl jen dílem pár jedinců, ale většího množství lidí s nejrůznějšími zájmy a názory. Byla by škoda, kdyby tento slibný projekt musel skončit jen kvůli tomu, že mezi námi není dostatek lidí, kteří by se na něm chtěli podílet. Upřímně doufáme, že se mezi Vámi najde někdo, kdo bude chtít přiložit ruku k dílu. A pokud nám tedy nechcete poskytnout ani svoje ruce ani svoje hlavy, tak nám alespoň udělejte radost tím, že nám věnujete na pár okamžiků svoji pozornost a začtete se do toho, co napsali Vaši spolužáci. Přejeme Vám tedy příjemné čtení a mnoho sil do učení. Vaše redakce Hi there and welcome back to HK! My name is Anne. I’m a 5th year medical student and editor-in-chief of our school magazine, the HK Chronicle. I’m very pleased to introduce you to this issue, which is our 3rd one. It is mainly focused on helping our 1st year medical students. In this issue, we give you some information about your final exams, and few tips useful for the first, second, third and fourth year. Besides, we checked out the reptile in HK for you (page 17), are inviting you to a Christmas celebration organized in Pardubice with some performances from the Arts Club HK (page 22), our local Hockey team wants you (page 32) and much more... Feel free to contact me on Facebook: Anne HK Share our school magazine via twitter, Facebook , Google+, by visiting our webpage http://hkchronicle.wordpress.com/ Just click on the icons below. While you are visiting our website, please click on ‘’download’’ to have a look at our past issues. Leave us a comment or like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/HkChronicle I wish you all a nice Xmas :) 3 EN Prof. MUDr. Zuzana Červinková, CSc. It was one of the best interviews I have ever done. It I have to say that I have been the head of this seemed like we were two grannies chatting about our department for quite a long time now. It happened at the younger lives, over a glass of wine. She was so cool, beginning of 1990. At that time I was 39 years old and it so funny… was quite demanding. Of course, it has been associated with the political changes affecting our society at that time because it was shortly after the Velvet Revolution. Every- thing was on the move. I have been working here since From which faculty of medicine did you graduate 1975 and I was one of the skilled assistants and that has and in which year? leaded me to this position. At first, I really didn’t want to be the head of the department, it was not my ambition. But so I graduated in 1975 from the medical faculty here in is life! Now I’m happy it happened because I can put into Hrádec Kralové. Before that, I went to high school, in a city reality my dreams about sciences, research and teaching. called Pardubice, which is very close to Hradec. What do you like the most about teaching? And can you tell us why you chose Physiology as The most important to me is the direct contact with the your field of teaching? students. The possibility to speak to them face to face. I like to introduce the beauty of physiology to the undergraduate Physiology is a very nice subject that I really liked during students. I also enjoy giving my time to the PhD students my medical studies. I had it in my mind, before I came to because they are prepared; they have a good level of this faculty. If I had gone to a faculty of sciences, I would knowledge; they are almost like partners in my research. have chosen biology. It was also the only subject that really fulfilled my ideas You are also the vice president of the academic sen- about my future profession and what I would like to do… So ate, a researcher and a member of the scientific it was quite logic that after graduation I would choose it. board. How do you find time to live up to all these responsibilities? When you entered the department of Physiology It is a really good question and I have to say that it is what was your position? quite difficult. Our children are grown-ups. They are living in Prague so they are not here everyday. And of course my When I started working here, I started as an assistant. husband is also very busy. Which means that I can spend at And very shortly, I think after 2 years, I started with my work much more time that most people can, especially PhD studies. females. I also come to the faculty during weekends with my husband. It wouldn’t be possible to do all these things otherwise. You are now the head of the department of Physiolo- gy. For how long have you held this position? 4 How do you spend your free time? What are your hobbies? Your husband is a co-author of some of your publi- cations, a colleague and the dean of our faculty. How It’s a good question. I like sports, especially swimming. does it feel like to have your husband as your boss? When I was younger, I took part in a swimming competition. In summer, it’s very nice because there are It’s not a big problem because we are a very isolated entity many natural lakes near and he respects my opinion. We behave at work as col- Hradec. We go practical- leagues and not as partners in private life. He always tries to ly every day, when the be a little bit stronger, stricter with me. This is to say that if water is warm enough there are some rules, I should follow them because we to swim in. We also like could be under scrutiny from somebody who could think that biking. In winter, we like it’s strange that her husband is also her boss. skiing: We usually spend We are able to handle it very easily: For example, when we one week in Italy every have the academic senate and I do not agree with the sug- year, in a very nice gestions of management from the dean, it’s not problematic place for skiing. And of for me to express my opinion. After the discussion, we pro- course we have grand- ceed to the vote. I accept when the vote is on my side or on children and I really like spending time with them. the other side. And it really doesn’t harm our relationship. When we go home at the end of the day, we are partners. We also have a cottage in the mountains, which is 70km We do not mix the problems that we have to solve at work. away from Hradec. But right now, we do not have much By the way, this year will mark our 40th wedding anniver- time to go there. sary. I wonder how we are going to celebrate it… What do you expect from students during their final exam of physiology? Anne L. Nengue 5th year GM. A certain level of knowledge! I think that during the lec- tures and practical classes, the students can get some ideas about what we could expect during the final exam. I want them to think logically, this is the most important. I can forgive a student who doesn’t know a lot of details but I really appreciate students that have logical thinking.
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