AUSTRALIA Representatives Mr. Warwick Smith Leader of delegation Mr. J. Fletcher Deputy Leader of delegation Mr, H.R. Woodrow Department of Treasury Mr. A.T. Carmody Department of Trade and Customs Mr. J. ff. Richardson Department of Commerce and Agriculture Mr. H.Ao Fuller Commonwealth Bank of Australia Mr» L. Corkery Department of External Affairs Mr. G.F, Johnson Department of Trade and Customs Mr. J. Scully Department of Commerce and Agrioulture

eecretaries '.Miss T,\ Bit^ford Miss A,-Brown Miss L. Greenwood

AUSTRIA ' Représentât i vo Dr. Heinz Standenat Counsellor of Legation, Federal Chancellery, Department of Foreign Affairs Leader of delegation

Changes to this list should be reported in writing to office A.660, Toute modification qu'il y aurait lieu d'apporter à cette liste devra Stre signalée par écrit au bureau A.660. TENA/Revll Page 2

AUSTRIA (Continued) Dr. H. Schmid Attaché, Federal Chancellery, Members. Department of Foreign Affairs Dr. Hoinrich Simonot Chiof of Division, Federal Ministry for Trado and Reconstruction Dr. Wirth Chiof of Division Federal Ministry for Trado and Rooonstruotion Dr. Franz iJanhart, Chief of Section, Fodoral Ministry of Financo Dr. Rudolf Martins Federal Chamber of Commoroo Dr. Friedrich Wondré Labour and Employment Office

Secretary Miss I. Miller-i-iichholz Austrian Permanent Delegation , Geneva

BJSLGHQPE Représentants *S.E, M. P.A. Forthommo Ambassadeur do Belgique en Suisse, Président do la délégation M. Guy Stuyck Ministère dos Affaires étrangères Vice-Président do la délégation Membres *M. R« x^rents Ministère des Affairos économiques M. G. Mostin Ministère do L'-agriculture M. Y. Delhayo Ministère des Colonies M. P. Cloes Ministère dos Colonios *M. A. Dubois Ministère dos Finances M» G. Janson Banque Nationale de Belgique * Accompagna de son épouse TEN/4/Rev.l Page 3

BELGIQUE (suite)

Membres Mo R0 Van don Brandon Banque Nationale de Belgique

Secrétariat Mlle. Jo Delfosso Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce extérieur M, M, Malbrecq Ministère dos x^ffaires étrangères et du Commerce extérieur Mme. S. Brichet

BRAZIL Représentatives *H.E. Mrp Julio ^ugusto Barboza-Carnoiro Ambassador, Loader of the Permanent Delegation of Brazil, Geneva *Mr» Mario Guarana de Barros Chairman of the Commission for the Revision of the Customs Tariff

Mr0 Octavio Augusto Dias Carneiro First Secretary of Embassy

*MTO Alfredo Teixeira Valladao First Secretary of Embassy, Member of the Permanent Delegation, Geneva

*Mrc Olyntho Pinto Machado Bank of Brazil

*Mr0 Ernesto Street National Confederation of Industry

Secretary of delegation Mrc Fernando Buarque Franco Netto S coud Secretary of Embassy, Memb6r of the Permanent Delegation, Geneva

BURMA. Représentât i ve II Saw Ohn Tin First Secretary (Commercial), Burmese Embassy,


Representative *H.E.; Mr. I, Dana Wilgress Canadian Ambassador to the North .atlantio Council, Chairman of the CONTRACTING PARTIES, * Wife present TEN/4/Rev.l Page 4

CANADA (continued) ^iltemate representatives Dr. CM. Isbister Director, International Trado Rolations Branch, Department of Trade and Commerce Mr. A.B» Hoc kin Department of Finance Mr. R.E. Latimer Foreign Trade Offico, Department of Trade and Commerce Mr. C.A. Jjinis Department of Finam-e Dr. CF. Wilson Commercial Counsellor, Canadian Legation., Copenhagen Mr. G.N. Vogol Department of Trade and Commerco Secretary Miss B.E. Johnston

CEYLON Représentâtivos Sir Claude Corea High Commissioner for Ceylon in the , Leader of delegation Mr. S.F. -'jnerasinghe Permanent Secretary, Minister of Commerce, Trado and Fisheries, Alternato Leader of delegation Mr. K.P.G. Pérora Deputy Director of Commerco *Mr. D.J.P. Sanaratna ...ssistant Collector of Customs Mr. E.C.S. Paul Deputy Director of Industries Mr. G.^i.0 Fernando Commercial Secretary, High Commission for Ceylon Mr. P.H. Siriwardene Central Bank of Ceylon Mr. M.M., Seneviratno Central Bank of Ceylon

*Wife present TEN/4/Rev*l Page 5

CEYLON (continued) Secretary Mrs* xOiandi Sirimane

CHILE Representative H.E. Mr. Fernando Garcia Oldini Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in Switzerland

CUBA Representative Dr. Andres Vargas Gdmez Minister Plenipotentiary, Leader of delegation Alternate représentatives Mrs. Maria Teresa de la Oampa Commorcial attaché, Ministry Of State» Socretary-Gonoral of tho delegation Dr. Juan F. Vizcaino Ortiz Delegate of th3 National Council of Economics

CZECHOSLOVAKIA Representative Dr. Otto BeneS Deputy Chief, International Section» Ministry of Foreign Trade, Head of delegation

Alternate representatives *Mr0 Ivan Sron^k Economic ....dviser to tho Permanent Delegation of Czechoslovakia to the European Office of the United Nations Mr. Jan MuSik Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Karel Fiala Chief of Central Customs Administration, Ministry of Foreign Trade Mr. Julius Hdjek Chief of Section, Ministry of Finance Dr. Karel Popel Czechoslovak State Bank Dr. Miluse Vilimské • Ministry of Foreign Trade

*Wife present .TEN/4/Rev.l Page 6

CZECHOSLOVAKIA, (continued) Secretary Miss Helena Cerné

DENMARK Repre sentat1 ve s Mr. Erling Kristiansen Head of the Economic Department, Ministry for Foreign .affairs-, Head of Delegation (departed) Mr. H.E. Kastoft Permanent Danish Delegate to the European Office of the United Nations Mr. Eigil Joergensen Ministry for -Foreign .affairs *Mr. Finn Gundelach Deputy Permanent Danish Delegate to the Europoan Office of the United Nations Mr. H. Lund Head of Section, Customs and Excise Department Mr. Chr. Johansen assistant Head of Section, Ministry of .igriculture *Mr. P. Naegeli Ministry of Commerce Mr. H.O. Christiansen Head of Department, Import-Export Licensing Board Mr. Palle Madsen Ministry of Commerce Secretary Miss Ruth Kroeger

DOMINIG/iN REPUBLIC Représentât jye Mr. Hans Cohn Lyon Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Embassy of the Dominican Republic, London FINLiND Repre s un tat i ve s Mr. Helge von Khorring Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Switzerland

*Wife present TEN/4/Rev.l Page 7

FINLAND (continued) Ropre sen tat i ve s *Mr„ Torsten Tikanvaara •Permanent Delegate of Finland to the International Organizations in Geneva

FRANCE Représentant • M. .jidré Philip • ancien Ministre, membre du Conseil économique, Président de la Delegation française Représentant-adjoint M, Rochereau Sénateur. Président de la Commission des ^Jffaires économiques du Conseil de la République, Vice-Président de la Délégation !, Membres M, Âlby Secrétaire général adjoint du Comité interministériel pour les questions de Coopération économique européenne M, de Curton Délégué permanent auprès de l'Office européen des Nations Unis Mo Deshors • , Secrétaire des Affaires étrangères *M. Donne Chef du Service des Tarifs douaniers au Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires économiques M. Dufourg Chof du Bureau de la Législation et des Conrentio^sà la Direction générale des Douanes

Mme0 Fcllenfant t Secrétaire d'administration au Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires économiques M, Kojdve • • Chargé de mission au Secrétariat d'Etat aur MÎfaires économiques M. Luguern Administrateur civil au Ministère do l'Agriculture M. Nespoulous-Nouville Inspecteur des Finances M, Peter Inspecteur général de la France d'outre-mer, Directeur de l'Office du Niger *Wife présent *Accompagné de son épouse TEN/4/Rov.L Page 8

FRuNCE (suite) Membres M. Robert Commissaire aux Prix, Service des Tarifs douaniers au Secrétariat d'Etat aux .affaires économiques M. de Saint-Légier Secrétaire des Affaires étrangères M. Thomassin administrateur qivil au Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires économiques M. Touzelet Administrateur civil au Ministère des Finances Direction générale des Douanes M. Valéry Chef du Service de Coopération économique au Ministère des Affaires étrangères M. Vavasseur Ingénieur on Chef au Ministère de l'Industrie et du Commerce Secrétaires Mlle. Victouron adjoint administratif au Secrétariat d'Etat aux affaires économiques Mlle. Laudat Agent contractuel au Ministère des Affaires étrangères

FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY Roprosentnt ive *Mr. Hermann Reinhardt Ministorialdirektor, Federal Ministry of Economies, Head of Delegation Alternate représentative Mr. Helmut Klein Ministerialrat, Federal Ministry of Economics, resistant Head of Delegation Members Prof. Dr. Go'tfcelor Min i st er ia Id i r i gent Count Hans-Carl von Hardenberg Logationsrat, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs

*Wife prosent TEN/4/Revol Page 9

FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GER&2TY (c inued) Members Dr» Egon Einmel Federal Ministry of Foreign .affairs *Dr. Fritz Eichhorn Mini sterialrat f Federal Ministry of Economics *Mr. Gerhard Schiffler Rogierungsrat» Federal Ministry of Economics Mr, Franz Gerigk Regierungsrab, Federal Ministry of Economics ii Dr» Hermann Martinstetter Ministerialrat; Federal Ministry of Food,, *igriculture and Forestry

Dr0 Karl Metzen Regierungsdirektor, Federal Ministry of Finance

Dre Gustav Sonnonhol Oberregierungsrat Federal Ministry for Economic Cooporation

GRECE Représentants M. ko Poumpouras Délègue' permanent de la Grbce auprès des Organisations internationales à Genève, Chef de la délégation

M0 D. Coulopoulos Directeur au Ministère de lL^griculture M. A. Papoulias Chef de section au Ministère des Finances *M, J, Papayannis Membre de la délégation permanente de Grèce à Genève

Accompagné de son épouse TEN/4/Rev.l Page 10

HKITI Représentants *M. Marcel Fombrun Membre du Conseil de Gouvernement, Président de la délégation M. .ijadré Turnier Département fiscal, Banque nationale do la République d'Haïti M. René Tassy Département des Finances M. Max Questel Conseiller

INDIA Representatives Shri L.K. Jha Joint Secretary, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Shri T, Swaminathan Minister (Economic), High Commission of India, London *Shri C. Ramasubban Member, Tariff Commission advisers Shri J.N. Dutta Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Shri V.K. Ramaswami Deputy Economic adviser Ministry of Commerce and Industry Shri Jasjit Singh Secretary, Central Board of Revenue, Ministry of Finance (Revenue Division) *Shri K.V. Padmanabhan Peimanent Delegate to the European Office of United Nations Secretary of the delegation Shri S.S. Dhillon Junior Executive Officer, High Commission of India, London

INDONESIA Representatives *H.E. Dr. Mohammad Razif Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Belgium, Loader of Delegation

*Wife present TEN/4/Rev.l Page 11

INDONESIA(c ont imied) Representatives Dr. S» Djajadiningrat Head, State Revenue Department, . Ministry of Finance, Deputy Leador of delegation Alternate representatives Mr. A, Malik Slawat Senior Official, Ministry of Finance Dr. Sumintardjo Acting Head of Section of Multilateral Organizations, Ministry of Economic Affairs Drs. B.N. .adil Official Directorate of State Revenues, Ministry of Finance Mr. Imam Soewadji Third Commercial Secretary, Indonesian Legation, Born Mr. Tan Hoo Tong Official, Economic/Legal Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Adviser Dr. W.A. Weeda Senior Official, Directorate of State Revenues, Ministry of Finance Secretaries Miss Ellen Rietmann Mrs, M. van Romondt

ITALIE Représentants M. Tommaeo Notarangeli Délégué permanent de l'Italie auprès du GATT et de la Commission économique pour l'Europe, Ministère des Affaires étrangères Membres M, Giuseppe Ferlesch Directeur général au Ministère du Commerce extérieur M. Francesco .accardo Comité interministériel pour la Reconstruction TEN/4/Rev.l Page 12

ITAUE (suite) Membres M. Vittorio Cito Ministère de l'Industrie et du Commerce M, Armando Fracassi Ministère du Commerce extérieur M. Guido Fucito Ministère du Commerce extérieur M. Umberto Garrone Ministère du Commerce extérieur M. Guido Maurino Ministère de l'Industrie et du Commeroe M. Ubaldo Migliorini Ministère do l'Agriculture M. Reginaldo Munafô* Délégation permanente de l'Italie auprès des Organisations internationales à Genève M. Silvano Palumbo Ministère du Trésor M. Sergio Parboni Ministère du Commerce extérieur M» Alvaro Perfetti Ministère des Finances Secrétaire de la délégation M, Francesco Tringale Ministère des affaires étrangères

JAPAN Ministerial representative Mr. Tatsunosuke Takasaki Minister of S-cato; Director-General of Economic Planning Board (departed)

Representatives *H,E. Mr0 Toru Ha^uiwara Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Switzerland Mr. Koichiro Asakai Minister Plenipotentiary, Head of the Planning Council, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Members Mr. Isao Abe Chi6f of Section. Ministry of Foreign Affairs

* Wife present TEN/4/RQV.I Pago 13

JAPAN ( c ont i nue d ) Members *Mr. Fumihiko Togo assistant Permanent Delegate of Japan to the International Organizations, Consul at the Consulate General of Japan, Geneva Mr. Koisuko Arita assistant Permanent Delegate of Japan to the International Organizations, Consul at tho Consulate General of Japan, Geneva Mr. Shigeyasu Isoe Chief of Section, Ministry of Finance Mr. Tadatomi Ishimaru Chief of Section, Ministry of International Trade and Industry Mr. Takeo Arakawa Secretary, Ministry of Finance Mr. Yasushi Miyazawa Attaché, Embassy of Japan, Bonn Mr. Takashi Sengoku Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Secretary Miss R.M. Hallor

LUXEMBOURG Représentants M, Elvinger Conseiller, Ministère des affaires étrangères M. Bue hier Conseiller, Ministère de l'agriculture M. Albert Duhr Secrétaire de Légation, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce extérieur M. Graffé attaché, Ministère dos Affaires étrangères M, Ménager Attaché, Ministère des ..iffaires êconomiqu&s *Wife present TEN/4/Rev.l Page 14


Ropro s ent at ives Baron C.A0 Buntinck Director of Foreign Economic Relations, Head of Delogation Mr. M.H. van Wijk Ministry of Economic Affairs Miss xx.FoW-, Lunsingh Meijer Acting Forr;anent Delegate to the European Office of the United Nations Mr. D.J.C. van der Peyl Ministry of Overseas Parts of the Realm Mr. F .A, van Alphen Ministry of Finance Mr<. E.C, Boissevain Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Mr. A. Keizer Ministry of Economic Affairs

Mr. A0 Rom Colthoff Delegate of the Central Organization for Economic Relations with Foreign Countrief Mr. J.H*Co Schell Ministry of Economic Affairs Mr. H.F. van Tienhoven Ministry of Economic Affairs Secretary Miss M.-.J.E, Heynneman

NEW ZEALAND Representative Mr. GoD.L. White Counsellor (Economic), Office of the High Commissioner for New Zealand in the United Kingdom Alternate representatives *Mr. C.H„ Fowler Commercial Secretary. Office of the High Commissioner for New Zealand in the United Kingdom Mr. FcT.P. Lockwood Customs Department, Wellington Secretary Miss Mary Hilda Clayden

NICARAGUA List not yet received TEN/VROV.I Page 15

NORWAY Reprosentatives Mr.. Paul Koht Director of the Politico-Commercial Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Head of delegation *Mr* Tancred Ibsen Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Haakon Skaarer Adviser to the Ministry of Customs *Mr, Paul Djbnno Adviser to the Ministry of Commerce Secretary of delegation * Miss Karin Lise Elstrand I Norwegian Permanent Delegation in Geneva PAKISTAN

Representative *Mr0 Or. Aziz Ahmad Commercial Secretary, Embassy of Pakistan, Milan Alternate representative Mr, M,U„ Ahmad Officer on special duty, Ministry of Commerce- Government of Pakistan

Secretary of delegation Mr. M„A« Siddiqi


Representatives *Mr» R0 Rushmere Trade Commissioner, Office of the High Commissioner.- London, Leader of. delegation Mr. No Townley Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Mr» CoW0 Collins Department of Customs and Excise Secretary Miss Phyllis May West


Representative Mr0 S. Sahlin Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary

* Wife present TEN/4/Rev.l Page 16

S'.-JEDEN (continued) Alternate representatives. Mr, H. de Beschd Chief of the Commercial Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. K.E. Onnesjo Ministry of Commerce Mr. L. Finnmark Counsellor of Legation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. S. Larson National Commission of Agriculture *Mr. P.B, Kollberg Swedish Delegation for International Cooperation Experts Baron Carl de Geer Swedish Delegation to the Organization for European Economic Co-operation, Paris Mr. J. Hanson National Commission of Industry and Commerce Mr. G-, Jansson State Trade and Industry Commission Mr. F» Nord National Commission of Industry and Commerce Mr. U. HHnninger Ministry of Commerce Mr. S. H. Berg Ministry for Foreign Affairs Seorotary Mrs. K. Fraenkel

TURQUIE Représentants M. Taha Carim Directeur général du département des Affaires économiques internationales, Ministère des Affaires étrangères, Chef de la délégation M, Necmettin Tuncel Délégué permanent auprès de l'Office européen des Nations Unies TEN/4/Rev.l Page 17

TURQUIE (suite) Conseillers M. Nazif Cuhruk Directeur do section au Département .des iiffaires économiques internationales, Ministère des Affaires étrangères M, Mehmet Akmansu Conseiller au Département des revenus, Ministère dos Finances M. Osman Saltcan Conseiller au Département des revenus, 'Ministère des Finances M« Cernai Ziya Ardai 'Chargé de la direction du Département des Affaires économiques internationales et des Accords commerciaux, Ministère de l'Economie et du Commerce M« Sabahattin Dumer Conseiller au département du Commerce extérieur. Ministère de l'Economie et du Commerce Mo Nazim Tanil Directeur des tarifs, Ministère des Douanes et des Monopoles

UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA Representatives *Dr. W.Oo Naudé Chargé d'Affaires a„i., Legation of the Union of South Africa, Bern, Leader of delegation Mr. J.Jo Pansogrouw Departmor.a of Commerce and Industries

Secretary of delegation Mr.. J0J« Becker Office of the High Commissioner, London

Secretary Miss A0 Krause Legation of tho Union of South Africa, Bern

UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND Representative Mr, C.W, Sanders Under Secretary and Adviser on Commercial Policy, Board of Trado TM/À-/Rev»l Page 18

UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND (continued) Alternate representative Mr. E.L. Phillips Board of Trade advisors Mr. R.S. Symons Treasury Mr. S.L. Edwards Board of Trade Mr. A.R. Ashford Customs and Excise Mr. E.G. Norris C.R.O. Mr. P.E. Thornton Board of Trade Sec rotary of delegation Miss G.D.J, Wannan Board of Trade Administrative staff Mr. A.C. Watts Mrs. V. Ellicott Miss M. Juffs

Miss M. Rey

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Representative H.E. Mr. James C.H, Bonbright American Ambassador to Assistant representative Mr. John M. Leddy Special .assistant to the Deputy Under Secretary for Economic Affairs, Department of State Id vis ers Mr. A. Richard Do Felice Chief, International Agreements Branch, Department of Agriculture Miss Ethel M. Dietrich Director, Trade Division, U.S. Mission to tho North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Regional ' Organizations, Paris Mr. Robert Eisenberg American Embassy, Luxemburg. Mr. Morris Fields, Chief, Commercial Policy and United Nations Division, Office of International Finance, Department of tho Treasury TEN/4/Rev.l Page 19


AidviserC s Mr. Mortimer Goldstoin International Financial Division, Department of State Mr. Walter Hollis Office of the ^sistant Legal Adviser for Economic Affairs, Department of Stato Mr. Eugene J. Kaplan Chief, United Kingdom and Iroland Section, Office of Economic Affairs, Department of Commerce Mr, Bernard Norwood Trade Agreements and Treaties Division, Department of State Mr. Laurence G. Pickering Trade Agrojmonts and Treaties Division, Department of State Mr. George L. Robbins .agricultural Economist, Department of Agriculture *Mr. Joseph Robinson Economic Officer, United States Resident Delegation to International Organizations, Geneva Mr. Clarence S. Siegel Assistant Diroctor, European Division Department of Commerce Mr. Leonard Weiss Assistant Chief, Trade Agreements and Treaties Division, Department of State Secratarioa Miss Irma Ballard Mrs. Natalie Boiseau Miss. Rosemary Hill Miss Edith V. Lee Miss Evelyn Tehaan

URUGUAY List not yet received TJfli/4/Rer.l Page 20


ARGENTINE Représentant *Dr. Cecilio J, Morales Conseiller économique de la Délégation permanente de l'Argentine aux Nations Unies à New York

Secrétaire de la délégation M. José M. Campa-Blanes

ECUADOR Representative Dr, Ramon Vintimilla-Ramirez Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten­ tiary in Switzerland

EGYPTE Représentants M. Saber Ahmed Zouel Sous-contrSleur général des tarifs au Département des douanes d'Egypte *M. Aly Hamdy Hussein Secrétaire commercial, Ambassade d'Egypte à Berne

IRAN Représentant M, Mahmoud Salehi Premier Secrétaire à la Délégation permanente de l'Iran auprès de l'Office européen des Nations Unies

ISRAEL Representative *Dr» Menahem Kahany Permanent Delegate of Israel to the European Offioe of the United Nations Alternate representâtive Mr. Moshe Sasson Member of the Permanent Delegation

Accompagné de son épouse Wife present TEN/4/Rev.l Page 21

LIBYA. Repre sentative Mr, Mohammed Abdullcafi Director-General of Customs

MEXICO Representative #Hr, Juan Antonio Merino Aza Secretary, Chargé d'Affaires a.i., Mexican Permanent Delecation to the International Organizations in Geneva

PORTUGAL Représentante Dr. Izabel Maria de Magalhaes Colaço Ministère des Affaires étrangères

SUISSE Représentants M. Fritz Halm Premier chef de section à la Division du Commerce du Département fédéral de l'Economie publique H. Hans Steffen Premier chef de section à la Division du Commerce du Département fédéral de l'Economie publique

VENEZUELA Repre sentative Dr. Rafael Armando Rojas Counsellor of the Permanent Delegation of Venezuela to the International Organizations in Geneva

YUGOSIAVIA Representative Mr. Mladen SekickL Permanent Delegate of Yugoslavia to the European Office of the United Nations

Wife present, TEN/4/Rev.l Page 22


COIMJNAUTE EUROPEENNE DU CHARBON ET DE L'ACIER Haute Autorité "M. Giretti Directeur de la Division des Relations extérieures Mi, Ernst Directeur adjoint de la Division des Relations extérieures *M. Poincaré Division des Relations extérieures M; Christaki de Germain. Division des Relations extérieures Mme. Weil Division des Relations extérieures il- Rollman Directeur de la Division du Marché M. Mayer Division du Marché M. Much Conseiller juridique Etats Membres M. Mueller Roschach Porte-parole commun des Etats Membres de la CECA, Vortragender Legationsrat, Ministère des Affaires étrangères de la République fédérale d'Allemagne *M. F, de Schacht Directeur au Conseil de Ministres CECA M. J. von Hoffman Conseiller au Conseil de Ministres CECA Suppléant M, J. Peltier Secrétaire au Conseil de Ministres CECA M. J.Po Felsenhart Attaché au Conseil de Ministres CECA, SuppD iant

Accompagné de son épouse. TiflT/4/Rev.l Page 23

CONSEIL DE COOPERATION DOUANIERE Représentants M. T.G. Edmond Smith Directeur de la Valeur *M. L, Roux Directeur de la Nomenclature


Roproaoatatlvo M*. George R. Nelsen, Head, Eoonemio Section


INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION Representative Mr. E.J, Riches Economic Adviser Alternate representative Mr. H. Zoeteweij Economic Division

INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND Repre sentativeg Mr. W, Lawrence Hebbard Chief, Trade and Payments Division, Exchange Restrictions Department Mr. Albert S. Gerstein Counsellor, Legal Department Secretary Mrs, Lena S« Iddji

ORGANIZATION Ml EUROPEâN ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION Représentatives Mr, H.J.B, Lintott Deputy Secretary-General M. Marc Ouin Head of the Trade Division

•a Accompagné de son épouse* TSN/4/Rev.l Page 24

GTca'JJIZuTICH FOI EUROPEAN ECONOMIC CO-OPERATICN (cont'd) Representative Miss II.A, Cotterill Trade Division Secretary; itiss V. Holmes Trade Division

UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION Re pre sentative Mr. Perce Judd Chief, Commodity Trade Section, Bureau of Economic Affairs Alternate representatives Mr. C. Ramos General Legal Division Mr. M. Fagen Special Assistant to the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe Mr. L. Kopelmanas Legal Adviser, Economic Commission for Europe TEN/4 Page 25 GATT SECRETARIAT

Offices at the Offices at Villa Palais des Nations "le Bocage" T*l. Room No. Tél. Room No. Office of the Ixecutive Secretary Executive Secretary: *Mr. E. Wyndham White 3030 A.652 Deputy Executive Secretary: *M, J. Royer 3032 A. 656 Secretaries: *Mme M. Feinsilber 3031 A.654 Mrs. M. Wilson 3031 A. 654 Conference Officer: to. W. Roth 3034 A. 660 Enquiries Office: *Mme P. Mokaeff 3034 A. 660

Director of Ccmmeroial Policy *Mr. J.W. Evans 3028, 3031 A. 648 Secretary: Miss J. Breen 3028, 3031 A. 648

Operations Unit

Head, Secretary of meetings: *Mr. F.A. Haight 3483,3469 12 Officers: *Mr. C. Shih 3482 22 Mr. G-. Maggio 3484 21 *Mr. F. Liebich 3485 23 Assistant Officer: Mr. R.A. Saage 3496 27

Trade Intelligence Unit

Head: *Mr. H. Staehle 3480 19 Officers: *M. P. Carré 3479 17 Mr. G. Hortling 3478 18 Associate Officer: Mr. O.P. Mathur 3487 16 Statistical Assistant:*Mr. L. Till 3481 15 Clerk: Mlle p. de Perrot 3480 29

Information Unit

Information Officer: Mr. R. Ford 3490 24 Admin. Assistant: Mlle C. Sommer 3034 3490,3034 25

* Married TEN/4/Rev.l Page 26

Offices at tho Officos at Villa Palais des Nations "lo Bocage" Toi. Room No« Tel. Room No. Languages Unit

Languages Officericor: "M. R. Glémot 3033 A. 658 3477 3 Interpreters: Mlle M. Banerji (temp.) 3033 A. 658 Mlle J. Richon (temp.) 3033 A. 658 Mme M.F.Skuncke-Rosé > (temp.) 3033 A. 658 M. Zwerner (temp.) 3033 A. 658 Translators: (Chief) M. A. Micholet (temp.) — - 3477 3 Mile F. Despaux(temp.) - - 3491 2 M. M. Koesslor (temp.) - - 3495 13 M. R. Plissard (temp.) - - 3492 1 Secretary: "Mme N. Mathez 3488 Summary records editor Miss D. Peaslee (temp.) - 3493 28

Administrative Unit Administrative Officer:,-: *Mme I. Tissot 3471 6 Mlle M. Doess 3471 6 Finance Officer: "•Mr. J. Bugge 3474 Clerical staff: Mlle B. Grnlir (temp.) 3474 9 ••Mme P. Papadimitriou 3476 9 Mme 2. Zaeyen 3490 25

Documents control and secretarial assistance: Supervisor: ••Mme M. Brunetti 3475 10 Assistant: *Mrs. D. D'Alewyn 3475 10 Stenographers and copy-typists: Miss E. Mara 3472 11 Miss A.P. Matthews 3486 8 "Mrs. H. Thompson 3472 11 Temporary staff: Mrs. M. Bolaieff 3486 8 Mile 0. Belloche 3488 4 Mlle J. Boubou 3489 5 Mlle M.J. Boucherant 3488 4 Mme J. Falaize 3489 5 Miss M. Greenstone 3486 8 Miss E. Griffiths 3472 11 Miss J. Hazelden 3472 11

Married TEW/4/Rev.l Page 27

Offices at the Offices at Villa Palais des Nations "le Bocage" Tel. Room No. Tel. Room No.

Documents control and secretariat assistance (contd.)

Mme J. Kaznatcheeff 3488 4 Mme h. Le jeune 3489 5 tome D. Leuba 3489 5 raie M. Mézentin 3497 Roneo Idle J. Perelli 3488 4 Mss J. Taylor 3472 11 MLle M. Trullard 3489 5 Miss J. Wilkinson 3486 8

Maintenance services

Messenger-drivers: hr. J. Beckett 3470 Entrance *M. A. Richard 3470 Hall Huissier: Mr. G, Papadimas (temp.)- 3470
