Was the Cold War Really Cold?

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Was the Cold War Really Cold? NORTHERN MICHIGAN INQUIRY HUB High School US History Inquiry Was The Cold War Really Cold? Supporting Questions 1. Identify and explain events that could be described as “cold” during the Cold War Era 2. What were the “Hot” wars during the Cold War? 3. How did the Cold War End? Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution: NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 Intl. License NORTHERN MICHIGAN INQUIRY HUB HS US History Inquiry Compelling Question Michigan Content 8.1.1 Origins and Beginnings of the Cold War – analyze the factors that contributed to Expectations: the Cold War 8.1.2 Foreign Policy During the Cold War – compare the causes and consequences of the American policy of containment 8.1.3 End of the Cold War – describe the factors that led to the end of the Cold War. Staging the View and discuss the following song: Billy Joel - “We Didn’t Start the Fire” music and Compelling video Question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFTLKWw542g Supporting Question 1 Supporting Question 2 Supporting Question 3 Identify and explain What were the “Hot” How did the Cold War events that could be de- wars during the Cold End? scribed as “cold” during War? the Cold War Era Formative Performance Formative Performance Formative Performance Task Task Task Make a T Chart, on one side Continue on your T chart Make a timeline of events label it as “Cold” events of and label the other side as that led up to the end of the the Cold War “Hot” List events that turned Cold War “hot” during the Cold War Featured Sources Featured Sources Featured Sources Cold War Timeline US Enters the Korean War Berlin Wall Speech Crash Course Cold War US Enters Korean War Press Glasnos and Perestroika How the Cold War Got its Release Article Name Proxy War - Vietnam The Collapse of the Soviet American History “The Cold Union Article War” Summative Argument “Was the Cold War Really Cold?” In the Summative Performance Task, Performance Task students address this issue by supporting their answers with evidence. Students may write an essay, create a multi-media presentation, etc. to craft a claim that is support- ed by evidence. Extension: Have students weigh and discuss if there is a new Cold War today. 2 NORTHERN MICHIGAN INQUIRY HUB Supporting Question 1 - Featured Source A February 4th – 11th 1945 Yalta which contain the famous phrase May 1949 End of Berlin Block- Conference Meeting between “..an iron curtain has descended on ade Russia ended the blockade Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin to Europe” of Berlin. decide what would happen at the end of the war. Topics discussed March 12th 1947 Truman April 4th 1949 NATO formed The included – Doctrine President Truman North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Partitioning of Germany promised to help any country fac- formed with member states Bel- Fate of Poland ing a Communist takeover gium, Canada, Denmark, France, The United Nations Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the German reparations June 5th 1947 Marshall Plan This Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the was a programme of economic aid United Kingdom, and the United May 8th 1945 V E Day Vic- offered by the United States to any States tory in Europe as Germany surren- European country. The plan was ders to the Russian army. rejected outright by Stalin and any June 25th 1950 Korean War The Eastern Bloc country considering Korean war began when North July 17th – August 2nd 1945 Pots- accepting aid was reprimanded Korea invaded South Korea. dam Conference The Potsdam severely. Consequently the aid was Conference formally divided Ger- only given to Western European March 5th 1953 Death of many and Austria into four zones. Countries. Stalin Joseph Stalin died at the age It was also agreed that the German of 74. He was succeeded by Nikita capital Berlin would be divided September 1947 Cominform Khrushchev. into four zones. The Russian Polish The USSR set up Cominform border was determined and Korea (Communist Information Bureau) July 27th 1953 Korean War The was to be divided into Soviet and which was the Information Bureau Korean war ended. North Korea re- American zones. of the Communist and Workers’ mained affiliated with Russia while Parties responsible for the creation South Korea was affiliated with the August 6th 1945 Hiroshima of the Eastern bloc. USA. The United States dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima June 1948 Formation of West Summer 1954 Geneva Accords Germany The French, USA This set of documents ended the August 8th 1945 Nagasaki and UK partitions of Germany French war with the Vietminh and The United States dropped the sec- were merged to form West Germa- divided Vietnam into North and ond atomic bomb on Nagasaki. ny South states. The communist leader of North Vietnam was Ho Chi August 14th 1945 V J Day June 24th 1948 Berlin Blockade Minh while the US friendly south The Japanese surrendered bringing Russia’s response to the merger of was led by Ngo Dinh Diem. World War Two to an end. the French, USA and UK partitions of Berlin was to cut all road and May 14th 1955 Warsaw Pact September 2nd 1945 Vietnam rail links to that sector. This meant The Warsaw Pact was formed with Independence Ho Chi Minh pro- that those living in Western Berlin member states East Germany, claimed Vietnam an independent had no access to food supplies and Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, republic. faced starvation. Food was brought Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, and to Western Berliners by US and UK the Soviet Union. March 5th 1946 Churchill’s airplanes, an exercise known as the Iron Curtain Speech Churchill Berlin Airlift. October 23rd 1956 Hungarian delivers his ‘Sinews of Peace’ speech Revolution This began as a 3 NORTHERN MICHIGAN INQUIRY HUB Hungarian protest against Com- munist rule in Budapest. It quickly April 17th 1961 Bay of Pigs December 21st 1968 Space gathered momentum and on 24th Invasion A force of Cuban Race US launched Apollo 8 – first October Soviet tanks entered Buda- exiles, trained by the CIA, aided manned orbit of the Moon. pest. The tanks withdrew on 28th by the US government attempted 20th July 1969 Space Race US October and a new government to invade Cuba and overthrow the Apollo 11 landed on the Moon and was formed which quickly moved Communist government of Fidel Neil Armstrong became the first to introduce democracy, freedom Castro. The attempt failed. man on the Moon. of speech, and freedom of religion. The Soviet tanks returned on 4th August 13th 1961 Berlin Wall April 30th 1970 Vietnam November encircling Budapest. The Berlin wall built and borders sealed War President Richard Nixon Prime Minister Imre Nagy made a between East and West Germany. ordered US troops to go to Cambo- World broadcast that Hungary was dia. under attack from the Soviet Union October 14th 1962 Cuban Mis- and calling for aid. Hungary fell to sile Crisis A US spy plane September 3rd 1971 Four Power Russia on 10th November 1956. reported sighting the construction Agreement Berlin The Four of a Soviet nuclear missile base in Power Agreement made between October 30th 1956 Suez Crisis Cuba. President Kennedy set up a Russia, USA, Britain and France Following military bombardment naval blockade and demanded the reconfirmed the rights and respon- by Israeli forces, a joint British removal of the missiles. War was sibilities of those countries with and French force invaded Egypt to averted when the Russians agreed regard to Berlin. regain control of the Suez Canal on 28th October to remove the which had been nationalised by the weapons. The United States agreed May 26th 1972 SALT Strategic Egyptian leader Nasser. The attack not to invade Cuba. Arms Limitation Treaty signed was heavily criticised by World between the US and USSR. leaders, especially America be- November 22nd 1963 JFK Assassi- cause Russia had offered support to nation JF Kennedy was assassinat- August 15th 1973 Vietnam Egypt. The British and French were ed while on a visit to Dallas. Lee The Paris Peace Accords ended forced to withdraw and a UN peace Harvey Oswald was arrested for the American involvement in Vietnam. keeping force was sent to establish murder but there has always been order. speculation that he was not a lone April 17th 1975 Cambodia killer and that there may have been Killing fields The Khmer Rouge November 1st 1957 Space Race communist or CIA complicity. attacked and took control of Cam- USSR Sputnik II carried Laika the October 15th 1964 USSR Niki- bodia. Any supporters of the for- dog, the first living creature to go ta Krushchev removed from office. mer regime, anyone with links or into space. He was replaced by Leonid Brezh- supposed links to foreign govern- nev. ments as well as many intellectuals 1960 Paris East/West talks Talks and professionals were executed in between Nikita Khrushchev and July 1965 Vietnam War a genocide that became known as Dwight Eisenhower concerning the 150,000 US troops sent to Vietnam. the ‘killing fields’. fate of Germany broke down when August 20th 1968 Soviet inva- a USA U2 spy plane was shot down sion of Czechoslovakia War- April 30th 1975 Vietnam over Russian airspace. saw Pact forces entered Czechoslo- North Vietnam invaded South Viet- vakia in a bid to stop the reforms nam. The capture of Saigon by the April 12th 1961 Space Race known as ‘Prague Spring’ instigated North Vietnamese led to the whole Russian cosmonaut Yuri Alek- by Alexander Dubcek. When he country becoming Communist seyvich Gagarin became the first refused to halt his programme of human being in space. reforms Dubcek was arrested. July 1975 Apollo-Soyuz Test 4 NORTHERN MICHIGAN INQUIRY HUB Project Joint space venture between USA and USSR heralded as an end April 26th 1986 Chernobyl December 2nd, 3rd 1989 Malta to the ‘Space Race’ Disaster An explosion at the Summit This meeting January 20th 1977 Carter Presi- Chernobyl nuclear power plant between Mikhail Gorbachov and dent Jimmy Carter became the in the Ukraine remains the worst George H W Bush reversed much 39th President of the United States nuclear disaster in history of the provisions of the Yalta Con- ference 1945.
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