SENATE AGENDA Tuesday, March 26, 2019 Azalea Coast Room Call to Pledge of Allegiance Opening Roll Call

Absent: Bullins Collignon Glover Greason Shepherd Tyson

Late: Garcia-Ortega

Open Podium Jess Roach Thanks! Some of you have seen me before. Today I am directing more of my speech to candidates. I know a few of you have reached out to talk to me about resources and how to be more sustainable. I’ll be more direct with this. So bear with me.

As some of you already know, sustainability & responsible land management practices are of the utmost importance to me, both as a student and a resident here in Wilmington. Some of you are running for executive positions in SGA right now and I would like to personally thank those of you that have decided to include sustainability on your platforms. I think there is no better time than now to focus on this topic, especially with all our new development on campus. With that said, we will hold you accountable to both your words and your actions. Saying that you are a business major and don’t know much about sustainable practices is entirely unacceptable when asked about your sustainable action plan. If you are naming this as an important topic on your platform, you need to be prepared to tell us how you will approach the issue. If there are specific organizations you plan on reaching out to for information and project ideas, please do so and clarify to your supporters which organizations those are.

There are many committees, clubs, and departments at UCNW that are involved in sustainable practices. Just to name a few that might be able to work with you: EH&S, The Bee Keeping Club, The Sustainability Committee, The Eco Club, EVS Club, local farms and co-ops, and Marie Davis at Aramark.

Marie not only worked to help get Dub’s Café certified as the first green restaurant in New Hanover County but is a farmer, educator, and consultant at Centripetal Farms as well as a part- time employee at the NHC Arboretum. I believe we are all familiar with the phrase “do your homework”. There are many resources nearby, go network and investigate them. THE STUDENT SENATE OF THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA WILMINGTON 72ND SESSION: 2018-2019

If you are at a total loss, just go talk a walk through Bluethenthal Wildflower Preserve and I guarantee you’ll be able to find some wonderful sustainability projects to be done in there. Good luck to everyone on campaigning this week.

Motion to Approve Last Week’s Minutes Senator Oremeno moves to approve Senator Lanier seconds Voting numbers 36 -0-0 Motion passes

Guest Speakers Vice Stuart VC for University Advancement My name is Eddie Stuart and I’m Vice Chancellor of Univerity Advancement. Pretty much anything related to bringing resources into UNCW through philanthropic efforts is my domain. Mostly this effort is through alumni, parents, friends, and current employees. We doo work with foundations and businesses though as well. We have over 80,000 alumni here at UNCW. We have a huge Seahawk family that wants to be connected to this community. We always do surveys of alumni and we always ask if you do it all over again, would you chose UNCW? Did you love it? What percentage would you say would choose UNCW again? Various Senators: 70%, 68%,, 80%, 90%

Ninety percent of our alumni said they love it and would do it again. Now, what percent gives back anything in a given year? Various Senators: 25%, 26%.

Only about 5.8% give back to UNCW each year. So 90% love the Dub but only 6% are giving back. Now in Advancement, we think y’all are worth it and that philanthropy is important on this campus. We don’t rely too much on private giving to make things go at UNCW but we are starting to get there. We believe if we help our students while they are here and get them active in giving now, they are more likely to be an active alumnus. We are trying to engage them in the life of the university. Also, alumni participation is important for rankings to see what the alumni think of the university.

For tonight though, I wanted to give you all an overview of what we do, I wanted to answer concerns on anything like commencement, and then I also want some feedback if we have time. I had some great feedback from some of you earlier today. We want to make you more inspired and aware of philanthropy here at UNCW.

Senator Shoff: Thanks for coming. We love having you here. I know I had a couple of seniors complain that they felt like graduation was supposed to be a celebration of what we have done over the past couple years and they felt like they were just being treated like another check or just a number in a crowd. I know they wanted to have some more personalization. People were frustrated because their names were being called when they weren’t walking across the stage and things like that. VC Stuart: So we have got a little bit of a new bogie in this whole thing. Our Chancellor is not ashamed at all to ask for money. He is a hard charger. I think some of our subtle messaging is getting overrun a little bit by the Chancellor. His thinking was that if I match their donations 1:1 than that would inspire them. I think your point is well taken though. I think that some of the things we think are subtle are not so subtle. I mean walking across the stage and getting that diploma and then finding out it just has a sign on it that says donate to UNCW is kinda tacky. I heard that complaint a lot and so I checked into that and well, it actually says “Welcome to the Alumni Association.” I think people hear Alumni and think that it THE STUDENT SENATE OF THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA WILMINGTON 72ND SESSION: 2018-2019

is always about giving. We have a lot of things we want Alumni to get involved in. In regards to people’s names not being called across stage, definitely bring that up with VCPL because we will want to fix that.

Senator Ammons: You mentioned foundations and corporations giving money, can you tell us what that looks like? Where does that go? VC Stuart: If there was one myth I could dispel, it is that people think Advancement decides where money goes. We do not. Pretty much every donation goes directly to a designation they chose. For example, Duke Energy gave to help people get registered in Clinical Nursing. The owner of Blockade Runner wanted to help the Business School. He specifically wanted to help students in accounting. Now they have a paid internship for 5 accounting students that helps companies that might not be able to pay students. We do turn down offers from foundations and companies that don’t align with us as crazy as that sounds.

Senator Borja: Has there been any research on what students did give? VC Stuart: They are you. They are the student leaders. They were the people who felt their life was changed by UNCW. People give not just because they loved their alma mater but also because they feel like their school is making a difference. A lot of young alumni don’t feel like their gift can make a difference but it does go a long way. A lot of people don’t realize how much those small gifts add up and how much value they really do have.

Senator Shoff: I completely agree. Those gifts do go a long way. I think if students saw that that they might be encouraged more. VC Stuart: It’s mostly about building awareness and communicating. You all might remember the Get to Know Phil event where we wrote thank you notes to donors. We mailed those out to donors and it made them feel appreciated. It also made students think about philanthropy and the impact it can have.

Wallace: I think programs like that really influence the student population. The negative side is calls during the school year while I’m paying tuition. I wish we could focus more on calls during the future rather than while we are still at school. Stuart: Yeah, we straddle that line between tacky and tactful. We won’t apologize about asking for money but we will for overstepping. We believe in you and so do the thousands of people that donate every year.

Dr. Anderson Director of the University College Good Evening, I am so impressed by this show of Student Government. I am here to speak to you about Student Success initiatives. Who has not seen their academic advisor? Anyone? Not too bad! Anyway, I am here to talk about a couple different things. I have engaged with a couple different committees to talk about working with academic advisor. I’d like to talk about Starfish and academic success. What does academic success mean to students? It means study abroad, internships, and balancing a lot of changes. Sometimes you change majors, sometimes you know exactly what you want to do when you get here. Bio-pre med students, for example, often change their majors as soon as they hit organic chemistry.

We wanted to put something in place at the university that allowed advisors to make notes and have continuity. We wanted something comprehensive to the entire college community. The Chancellor charged us with finding a software solution for this problem. We purchased Starfish in July. We really do want to get the message out to students on campus and talk about how these programs can support you. Students need to be involved in student success. We need you to be on these committees and get you involved.


We started training in August. Then we had the hurricane and then we picked the pieces back up and we started a pilot this spring. What we are hoping to do now is take the feedback from students who are using Starfish. We are collaborating across campus. We have worked with the Deans, Associate Deans, Faculty Senate, and now you guys. All the administrative units are involved in this pilot. All professional advising offices are involved. Housing is involved.

Think about midterm grades for example. I had an advisee, say named Steve, and he says I don’t know how I’m doing in Math. He said he only has one grade on a test and it’s a D. An advisor can help you navigate that. They can help you talk to your teacher about that. Do we have any freshmen in here? Navigating the advisor and faculty can be tricky when you are starting at college. As you get older, you should become more comfortable with this engagement by yourself.

So what are the benefits for using this system? Starting in orientation, students will be able to login and immediately access support information about their teachers and advisors. When we think about student success networks, we have to talk about the relationship first. We are focused on the key to communication. We need to be able to schedule appointments and to access information and resources on the students quickly and easily. When we were looking at retention scores, we don’t want demographics like high school GPA or SAT scores because we want to use that against students. We are not looking for points that mean students will be unsuccessful, the opposite actually. We want to improve the relationships through information. We want to be able to establish relationships better by using photos so there can be facial recognition.

Currently, when we are doing midterm grades, they are currently inputted like final grades. It is too difficult to do this for hundreds of students mid semester for professors. We are now doing a simple survey that will see if the teacher is concerned or not concerned about a student’s progress. Now they can just click, click, click through it. We are also simplifying scheduling an appointment. It can be reached everywhere: laptop, phone, etc. Furthermore, we are working on the student Success Network. It will list all the information on advisors, coaches, and even financial aids counselors in one place.

So what I need to know is, how do we reach students about this initiative? We have had a lot of tech roll outs on campus that have not succeeded. The thought has been students will figure it out but that is not always the case. So what are your thoughts?

Senator Haigh: Thanks for coming. I think it starts with professors. I still have 3 professors that are on Blackboard and 3 on Canvas. It is really frustrating to have some who use it and some who don’t. I also think integrating this is important in advising sessions. It is important to literally show students how to do it. I think UNI classes are also a great idea so that in a couple years, everyone will be fluent in it.

Senator Shoff: I think the classrooms are really important because I think advising sessions kinda have a bad rep. I think having the faculty really get in and implement this is going to be crucial.

Senator Ammons: I think getting out and having tabling events is really important. Just talking to students at events and having some recognition. I also have a question. Does Starfish works with the new degree audit? Also, I know there have also been traffic issues on too many people overloading a server, can starfish handle that?

Anderson: The first point, the degree audit system. We did not have the money to code all the old students in the system. If you are a senior, you are the last class and everyone else will be in the new one so yes. It is so obnoxious to be in two systems, I know, so just bear with us. And faculty are complaining because it is a totally different system and its new. So they are going to take some convincing. It is great THE STUDENT SENATE OF THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA WILMINGTON 72ND SESSION: 2018-2019

though because Starfish is something that all undergraduates can access. We do not have it for the grad school yet but they are looking at bringing it online with them as well. The problem with bringing Starfish to a full launch schoolwide is that we need to make sure that people are trained.

To your second question, I saw Banner crash on Freshmen in August. They were already stressed about getting classes. Then we came back from the Hurricane and Banner was crashing all over again with registration to spring classes. Starfish runs on the Cloud so it won’t have any load issues. As far as scheduling appointments, we are hoping to get all faculty on the Starfish system. We are letting them know about how this will make it more efficient and it will make transcripts, notes, previous appointments, pins so much easier. Faculty are starting to come around to this. It is 2019 and we are thinking about becoming more efficient. Curriculum is more complex than people realize. I think it is really important that we have a paper trail for people who have been told this study abroad counts or this course counts. We need to be very consistent with a system to help students. All your advisors will be online by the end of 2019.

Wallace: You mentioned there was a connection between this and housing, can you explain that? Anderson: So say you have a problem with your roommate, through this system you will have direct access to all the resources you need. This system will make it easy to schedule an appointment with RA, RC, or even the Director of Housing. This will make it easy for students to feel supported. RAs can record student information without accessing personal student information which will make conflict resolution easier.

Reports Cole Tillett President Hey everyone, Yesterday, we had our intermural soccer game. It was 21-1. We got mercy-ruled. I think we actually played the Soccer Team. I met with Governor today and we talked about the impact of Hurricane Florence on Students. I have meetings with VC Lackey and the parking office. If you have anything to add to these meetings, let me know. Next week we are doing meetings with the Emergency Management Office to get feedback from students on Hurricane Disaster Response. They need feedback so be there next Tuesday at 5 in the SGA office. Dean’s Day of Service is with NC Coastal Federation from 2-4 on April 5th. OSLE has tons more volunteering opportunities so check those out.

Elizabeth Brethen Vice President 2 meetings left after tonight!! Finish strong! Any final legislation needs to be to Internal Affairs by this Friday.

Another concern raised at our last VCPL Breakfast regarding vaping and Juuling inside buildings on campus. I reviewed the University's Tobacco Policy and there is some discrepancy about whether it includes vapes. If you are interested in following up on this concern please reach out to me after tonight's meeting.

Last week, I had the pleasure of meeting with Ty Rowell, who retired from UNCW a few years ago. He was able to provide a lot of context about the history of campus and share some interesting stories about our formation. If you are at all interested I encourage you to reach out and ask!

Rachel Kowadlo Chief of Staff Happy Tuesday! I hope you are all doing well. Last week, my sister, Lauren, was in town and was able to observe our Senate meeting. I just wanted to share some things she said about our group: “I love how THE STUDENT SENATE OF THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA WILMINGTON 72ND SESSION: 2018-2019 passionate they are about serving UNCW,” “They asked some wonderful and insightful questions,” “I’m inspired to go do something for others,” “They will all make great parents one day,” “They are the sticks that keep the teepee up.”

Thank you to everyone who attended any of the Mark Weir presentations yesterday. Mark was a great speaker and I think he brought a lot of insight to our student leaders. The lunch, SGA leadership forum, and Seahawk Orgs United forum were all well attended, so thank you for coming! I will be sending out a survey as well as Mark’s power point in the coming days. If you attended Seahawk Orgs United, please be sure to give me your feedback, too!

Tomorrow is Outreach’s tabling event in Schwartz. We will be tabling from 6-8pm and soliciting feedback from freshmen. Feel free to stop by if you are in the area! Outreach committee, I will have the tabling supplies ready for you in the SGA office.

Sean Clark Treasurer We have 10 Appropriations Bills coming to the floor tonight.

Brandon Lanier President Pro-Tempore We have two pieces of legislation coming to the floor next week. The first is a constitutional amendment authored by the Vice President establishing the reception of graduation cords by current and former SGA members with at least one full year or two semesters of service. The second piece of legislation is authored by the President and revolves around the restructuring the statutes in regard to the Senate President Pro Tempore position. This legislation will allow for $200 a month in pay for the President Pro Temp, and tweaks the duties and responsibilities slightly. I will have the legislation in your inbox by the end of the night. Thank you.

Jules King Director of Communications No report.

Dara Arroyo Director of Diversity and Inclusion DIVE IN Week is next week! Emily will start passing around sign up sheets for you guys to help us out for the events happening. There is a lot happening next week and if you guys could make it a goal to help with at least one event, we will be set. I will give you guys a quick rundown of the week.

DIVE IN Week Events: Sunday: Day of Service Fort Fisher 1:00pm-4:00pm Volunteers will be helping set up the spring exotic bird exhibit, moving boxes and plants in the greenhouse area.

Outreach Soccer Tournament 2:00pm-3:30pm

Monday: Rep Your Flag SGA and Student Ambassadors tabling 10:30am-1:00pm We will be giving out buttons with flags and snacks for students!

Tuesday: Arts Day Seahawk Respect Contract signing 11:15am Live Music 11:45am-1:30pm Open Mic 7:00pm-9:00pm THE STUDENT SENATE OF THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA WILMINGTON 72ND SESSION: 2018-2019

Clocktower Lounge

Wednesday: Forum Day Open Forums in Long-Leaf Pine Room 10:45 Brooke Lambert 11:30 Dr. Segovia 12:15 Sean Palmer 1:00pm-2:30pm DNA Discussion Madeline Suite

Thursday: Media Day Stay tuned for more information

Friday: Food Day International inspired food in Hawks Nest, Dubs and Wag

Nolan Dunagan Director of Marketing Dive In Week starts March 31st and ends April 5th. The schedule will be posted tonight on our social media so be sure to check that out.

Farmer’s Market is on April 12th. Flyer will be out soon.

We got to meet the Governor today. He had a lot of encouraging words for us!

Don’t forget to vote.

Megan Shoff Senior Class President & Campus Services Campus Services: We heard and gathered info about the Bike Share/Hawk Wheels program about how students want more bikes as the program is doing really well since it launched last year! So well that some of the bikes have seen some wear and tear that has required them to go into the shop and that may be adding to why the supply is low. Also that some students have complained that the bikes are too large for all students to be able to enjoy them, even when the seats are all of the way down. Therefore we have reached out to Scott Holzberger and Caitlyn Styles will be spearheading that one.

Also, campus dining and Melissa Ivey will be hosting a feedback event next Thursday April 4th from 11:30-12:30 in the Madeline Suite by Wag. I was thinking around 8-10 people who have a lot of strong feedback for campus dining and who are frequent on campus eaters. If you are really passionate about this please come talk to me after the meeting tonight!

Side note, if we are trying to market other career opportunities for various majors, here is one for the history department: on Friday, March 29 from 2pm-3:30pm we will be having the History Department Career and Internship Event. A panel of alumni will be on hand to discuss careers and internships. This event will take place in the Randall Library Auditorium.

I highly encourage everyone to go to as many business week sessions as you can! There are so many interesting topics and sessions that are going on and it is a phenomenal opportunity to learn something new from subject matter exporters and people who have worked in the field. And its free! Please please take advantage of events like these because we are incredibly fortunate to have this kind of access.


Senior Class President: Polls opened Monday at 9am and close Thursday at 4pm! Please keep encouraging people to vote! Election results will be Thursday at 5pm in front of the CAIC office in that area.

Also remember that when you are encouraging your constituents to vote, that you are voting by class standing which is determined by your credit hours and not what grade you generally say that you are in. Also, some students who have not been accepted to certain schools/programs, may not see certain ballot options. If you have any questions or concerns, please email [email protected] or come see me after the meeting!

Candidates should remember that their Expenditure Report Form, Violation Form, and Candidate’s Checklist are due Thursday at 4pm as well!

Huge thing, two Tuesday’s from now is April 9th which is the Seahawk Salute day when seniors pick up all of their gear for graduation, as well as the “Give More in 24” which you might have heard called the Annual Day of Giving/ Giving Challenge/ the 24 Hr Giving Challenge - we are looking for 20 volunteers from between 10-2pm and this is such a great opportunity to show our Seahawk support and encourage student giving! You can also become an ambassador and help promote the event! - link to video:

On a more kind of serious note - Please y’all take this as a life lesson. Every project that you see going on around campus, every event, every survey, someone has worked on and put their time and effort into. Please be respectful of that. And if you can, be appreciative.

Ebony Ormeno Academic Affairs No report.

Anna Catherine Carey Student Services Hello all. First I'd like to thank everyone who helped make the suicide awareness cutouts last Wednesday and yesterday. Please be promoting it and telling people about where it is. That being said, I am disappointed today that more people did not help set up. Over 15 of you expressed interested and said you'd help out and only 1 person showed up and helped. However, you do have a chance to redeem yourself. Tomorrow from 2 to 4 we are tabling in front of the library. If you sign up I am expecting you to be there. We are also clearing the display on Friday at 2 so be at that too. Thanks

Zachery Tyson & Rebekah James Sustainability First of all, thank you for everyone who showed some support and came out to the beach sweep. Surfrider was really pleased with the turnout and Zach really appreciated all of you who came.

Sign up for tabling at Our Green Future! The sheet is being passed around. This is a big event run by UNCW Sustainability, lots of sustainable orgs tabling. It’s 7-10 pm, March 30th.

Sign up for working the farmers market! The sign up sheet is being passed around.

Luke Haigh External Affairs Great drive to Asheville. This past weekend at ASG we elected a new ASG president. He is from NC State. ASG is going through a huge restructuring and I think he will be great for that. We also passed a bill. This one provides for more equal rights on Trans- students


VP: This calls for universities to add more gender neurtral bathrooms. It asks that universities create a map of these bathrooms on campus. If you are interested in that come see me.

Old Business New Business

Appropriations Bill 65 Delta Delta Sigma is requesting money for set of scrubs for clinical rotations Senator Wyatt moves to approve Senator Guerra seconds 30 approve; 0 oppose; 1 abstention Motion passes

Appropriations Bill 66 Alpha Psi Lambda is requesting funds for travel to Latin-X Conference Senator Ammons moves to approve Senator Ortiz seconds 31 approve; 0 oppose; 0 abstention Motion passes

Appropriations Bill 67 Asian Student Association is requesting funding for travel to a conference Senator Ormeno moves to approve Senator Garcia-Ortego seconds 31 approve; 0 oppose; 0 abstention Motion passes

Appropriations Bill 68 Hillel is requesting funds for Passover Seder Senator Shoff moves to approve Senator Petteway seconds 31 approve; 0 oppose; 0 abstention Motion passes

Appropriations Bill 69 Alpha Psi Lambda is requesting funding for a retreat Senator Richardson moves to approve Senator Carey seconds 31 approve; 0 oppose; 0 abstention Motion passes

Appropriations Bill 70 Catholic Campus Ministries is requesting funding for a speaker Senator Berry moves to approve Senator James seconds 29 approve; 0 oppose; 1 abstention Motion passes


Appropriations Bill 71 PC Enthusiasts Club is requesting funding for a LAN party Senator Grose moves to approve to the denial Senator Ammons seconds 30 approve; 0 oppose; 0 abstention Motion passes

Appropriations Bill 72 FYSA is requesting funds for bonding activities Senator Ammons moves to approve Senator Shoff seconds 29 approve; 0 oppose; 1 abstention Motion passes

Appropriations Bill 73 Student Ambassadors is requesting funding for Donuts and Directions Senator James moves to approve Senator Berry seconds 29 approve; 0 oppose; 1 abstention Motion passes

Appropriations Bill 74 IFC is requesting funding for a program Senator Guerra moves to approve the denial Senator Petteway seconds 29 approve; 0 oppose; 1 abstention Motion passes

Announcements Berry: We are making an Oozeball team. We need at least two guys. Come sign up. It is 15 dollars. Jonis: Please email Rachel with events so that they can go on the calendar. Carey: UNCW Dance Co is having their showcase on the same day as Dodgeball. Come to Kenan at 7pm to watch us dance. It is free. James: Scuba Club is doing a certification event that we passed last week. You do not have to have a diving certification to get a certification card. Its April 5th at 5. Sign up on Wavelink. Ammons: My is doing a dodgeball tournament on April 27th in the evening. Please donate a few dollars or come play. It will support the Jason Foundation which brings support to suicide awareness especially student suicide. Dunagan: Housing has some openings for Summer positions. Check out all those jobs online. Conference Assistant application priority deadline has already passed. It’s a great job if you want to work as RA. Advisor Report Jon Kapell Director for Campus Activities and Involvement Center There was more voting in the first day of elections than the entirety of elections last year! There is a free TEDxAirlie watch event (See Appendix A for flyer) o This coming Friday from 1-5 p.m. in Lumina Theater o There will be snacks, raffles and full goodie bags. Make sure to reserve your FREE ticket using the Eventbrite link; Lumina has 300 seats and they’ve already "sold" about 180!

· UNCWeekends is hosting a Casino Night event o Thursday from 7-10 p.m. at the SRC in the MAC gym. THE STUDENT SENATE OF THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA WILMINGTON 72ND SESSION: 2018-2019

o Lots of food, free shirts, and other give-away

· Derreck Koyango is speaking tomorrow (Wednesday) evening at 7 p.m. Tickets are free! o Derreck is the founder of the Global Soap Project, which recycles used hotel soap and redistributes it to impoverished populations around the world. In creating this global humanitarian initiative, he demonstrated that a simple, yet novel idea has the power to transform the lives of millions. Derreck will engage the audience in a conversation entitled Harnessing Your Power to Create Change.

· The Office of Student Leadership and Engagement 2019-2020 Community Engagement Specialist student leader position o Community Engagement Specialists (CES) are UNCW students who volunteer their time and talents to help guide their UNCW peers to engage in leadership and service initiatives. o Applications and the organizations the CES team currently work with can be found at:



Appendix A: