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Histopathological Features of Cutaneous Tuberculoid Granuloma Disorders Odelia Jovita Jusuf Fantoni1*, Inda Astri Aryani1, Yuli Kurniawati1, Raden Pamudji1

1Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Faculty of Medicine , Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia

A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Keywords: Tuberculoid granulomas consist of epithelioid histiocytes, Langhans giant cells Histopathology and rarely foreign bodies with lymphocytes, plasma cells and caseous necrosis. The granulomatous reaction pattern is defined as a typical inflammatory pattern Granulomatous that is characterized by granulomas. Various etiologies can lead to Tuberculoid Granuloma granulomatous reactions. The histopathological features of cutaneous disorders with tuberculoid granuloma include cutaneous , tuberculids, Morbus Cutaneous Disorders Hansen, and rosacea. There are various clinical manifestations of tuberculoid granuloma with similar appearances which makes it difficult to *Corresponding author: establish a definitive diagnosis. The histopathological features of cutaneous tuberculoid granuloma disorders can support the diagnosis. There fore, the Odelia Jovita Jusuf Fantoni clinician can determine the appropriate treatment with the right diagnosis.

E-mail address: . [email protected]

All authors have reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript.

1. Introduction

A granulomatous reaction pattern is defined as a syphilis (1.5%). Tuberculoid granulomas are more typical inflammatory pattern characterized by common in women (52.7%) and mostly develop in the granuloma.1 Granuloma is a collection of histiocytes second to third decades of life.4 or epithelioid histiocytes with multinuclear giant ce lls Histopathological examination is the gold standar d and other inflammatory cells such as lymphocytes, for the definitive diagnosis of various granulomatous plasma cells, and macrophages in the dermis.2,3 The skin lesions.5 A definitive diagnosis is important to studies of Kumbar et al. and Chakrabarti et al. determine the proper treatment. Tissue culture showed that tuberculoid granuloma is the most examination and histopathological examination with common granulomatous reaction.4,5 special stains can also help identify the causative Various etiologies may underlie the tuberculoid organism.2,5 Determining the definitive diagnosis of granuloma reaction.5 In some countries, up to 90% of cutaneous disorders with granulomatous reactions granulomas are caused by chronic infection.3 The aims to prevent complications such as tissue damage most frequent cutaneous disorders often found with that may cause atrophy, fibrosis, and scarring.3,6 granulomatous reactions are Morbus Hansen (66.4%), In daily practice, various clinical manifestations of (8%), (5.1%), and cutaneous disorder with tuberculoid granuloma

797 infection troubled clinicians in determining a macrophages are mainly for phagocytosis, elimination diagnosis according to the histopathological features. of microorganisms, and presentation of antigens.9,11 This literature review aims to determine the clinical Macrophages also play a role in the induction and manifestations of cutaneous disorders that are production of cytokines, chemokines, and lipid histologically characterized by tuberculoid chemotaxis.6,11 granulomas, including etiology, clinical manifestations In an inflammatory reaction, macrophages interact and histopathological features. closely with complement to recognize and phagocytose antigens. Cell membrane receptors such as toll-like Definition and classification receptors (TLRs) and cytoplasmic receptors such as

Tuberculoid granuloma is characterized by NOD (nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain) -like epithelioid histiocytes (especially Langhans giant ce ll) receptors are the main roles of innate immunity which 6,11 (Figure 1) and giant cells surrounded by lymphocyte s, acted as microbial recognition proteins. The plasma cells, and central caseous necrosis.3 Langhans inflammatory cascade is triggered by the release of giant cells are more dominant although foreign body proinflammatory cytokines resulting in the activation giant cells can also be identified.5,6 It is also commonly of neutrophils, macrophages, and dendritic cells. seen in the form of a horseshoe shape.6,7 Macrophages secrete cytokines and chemokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF) or interleukin-1 (IL-1) In general, tuberculoid granulomas are caused by and interleukin-12 (IL-12). 4,6,9 chronic infection.3,8 The histopathological features also depend on the stage of the disease and previous These inflammatory mediators stimulate the treatment history.3 Tuberculoid granulomas occurred response of T helper 1 (Th1) cells which have strong in cutaneous tuberculosis, tuberculid, , late- microbicidal activity. Macrophages are activated by stage syphilis, rosacea, leishmaniasis, perioral cytokines, such as interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) and TNF- dermatitis, lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei, and α, which lead to positive feedback loops that often lead Crohn's disease.3,6 The most common causes of to chronic inflammation. In this way, macrophages tuberculoid granulomas are cutaneous tuberculosis, interact with lymphocytes to form granulomas (Figure 4,9,10 leprosy, late-stage syphilis and tuberculid.4 2) and ultimately lead to fibrosis. Granuloma can be palpated as a solid mass under the surface of the Histopathological examination with special stains skin (dermal infiltrates).3,12 can also help identify the causative organism. Some of the stains that are often used are Ziehl-Neelsen and Various infectious diseases may cause tuberculoid Fite-Faraco staining, which are used to examine granuloma reactions, though only the inflammatory tuberculosis.2,5,7 Meanwhile, Warthin- reaction displayed without a granuloma feature. This Starry staining can identify the organism Treponema depends on the stage of the disease and the pallidum.5 When an organism is difficult to identify in individual's immune status. This reaction is formed 10,12 staining, a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) when the immune system eliminates pathogens. examination can be performed to identify Granulomas usually cause damage to existing Mycobacterium.3,8 tissues, specifically the elastic fibers and collagen, causing atrophy, fibrosis, and scar tissue. Tissue damage results in necrobiosis or fibrinoids, caseous Pathogenesis of tuberculoid granuloma necrosis, or liquefaction and forms or The pathogenesis of cutaneous disorders with fibrohystiocytic infiltrates and fibrosis.3,6 granulomatous reactions is still incomprehensible.

Granulomas are organized collections of histiocytes. There are two groups of histiocytes, namely dendritic Disease associated with tuberculoid granuloma cells and macrophages. The main roles of tissue formation

798 Cutaneous tuberculoid granuloma disorders were infected, then multiple reddish-blue nodules including cutaneous tuberculosis, tuberculid, leprosy, appeared and partially confluent.8 Then it will and late-stage syphilis. gradually soften, resulting in a supple and tender

consistency (cold ). Scrofuloderma may evolve Cutaneous tuberculosis into ulcers or sinuses with indurations around it and red-black discoloration.3,12,13 The sites of predilection Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the causative agent are usually areas with many superficial lymph node s, in cutaneous tuberculosis (TB). Skin manifestations of the most common being the neck, submandibular, mycobacterial infection are seen in the inoculation of axilla, and occasionally the thigh.1,8,12 The primary tuberculosis (tuberculous ), histopathological features of scrofuloderma include tuberculosis verrucosa cutis, scrofuloderma, epidermal atrophy with underlying abscess or caseous cutaneous , tuberculosis cutis necrosis to significant fibrosis involving the dermis orificialis, and lupus vulgaris.10 Scrofuloderma is the and subcutis (Figure 4). At the border of the necrotic most common cutaneous tuberculosis. The differences tissue, there are fewer tuberculoid granulomas and of some cutaneous tuberculosis are displayed in Table lymphocytes than the chancre, indicating a weak ce ll - 1. Acid-and alcohol-fast bacilli (AAFB) can be found in mediated immune response. Acid-fast bacilli are special staining (Ziehl Neelsen: ZN and Fite -Faraco). 2 usually identified on the blood smear.6,13 If the organism is not identified by this method, culture or molecular examination is needed to confirm the diagnosis.12,13 Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis

Infection in tuberculosis verrucosa cutis occurs Primary cutaneous tuberculosis (chancre) exogenously. Mycobacterium tuberculosis penetrates directly into the skin, thus the lower limbs and feet The clinical symptoms of primary tuberculosis may that are often traumatized are the sites of predilection be in the form of papules, pustules with indurations (Figure 5a). The typical clinical manifestation of on the margins that evolve into indolent ulcers with tuberculosis verrucosa cutis is a crescent-shaped erosions and undermined edge. Lesions are forme d 1- lesion due to its serpiginous distribution.3,12 The rash 3 weeks after penetration of the organism. Regional consists of lenticular papules on erythematous skin is common in chancre.12,14 that evolve into verrucous plaques and scars may be Histopathological examination of early chancre present.3,13 Histologically, it is characterized by revealed inflammatory cells such as neutrophils, hyperkeratosis, epidermal hyperplasia, acanthosis, lymphocytes and plasma cells, followed by superficial mainly papillomatosis and occasionally necrosis and ulcers. After a few weeks, a distinctive pseudoepitheliomatosis. In addition, there is a tuberculoid granuloma formed and occasionally caseous granuloma in the mid dermis (Figure 5b). formation of caseous necrosis (Figure 3).8,13 Acid-fast Acid-fast bacilli are usually found in deep layers of the bacilli (AFB) can be found in dermis.8 skin.13,14

Scrofuloderma Lupus vulgaris Scrofuloderma results from contiguous extension The spread of the disease occurs directly from the of organs under the skin that is infected by mucous membrane that has been infected with M. Mycobacterium, mostly from the lymph nodes, joints tuberculosis and by lymphatic spread. Lesions are and bones.3 The clinical manifestations of typically solitary and more than 90% arise on the scrofuloderma vary depending on the duration of the head and neck area, which are small, well-defined, disease. In the early stage, only a few lymph nodes red-brown papules with a gelatinous consistency

799 (apple-jelly nodules) and slowly extend peripherally Mycobacteria are not visible and cannot be cultured into large plaques with atrophy at the center.3,8 on biopsy.13.14 Histologically, it is characterized by tuberculoid granulomas with lymphocytes in the dermis and Papulonecrotic tuberculid multinuclear giant cells, while caseous necrosis is Papulonecrotic tuberculid is a symmetrical rare or absent. A moderate amount of Langhans cells eruption of necrotic papules, which is a paucibacillary is present in granulomas. Atrophy or hyperplasia may form of tuberculosis that spreads hematogenously, occur in the epidermis, but pseudoepitheliomatous often affects children and young adults with active hyperplasia is rare. When a lesion appeared especially tuberculosis. 8,13,14 The primary lesions consist of on the face, it is necessary to consider granulomatous dark erythematous papules with a size of 1-5 mm rosacea. AFB is usually rare and difficult to find on which will form pustules, ulcers with crusts, and staining.8,13 necrosis.8,14 The sites of predilection are

predominantly extensor areas of the extremities in a Tuberculid symmetrical distribution.13,14 Histologically, it reveals Tuberculid is a group of cutaneous disorders the involvement of granulomas, inflammatory cells resulting from a response to tuberculosis infection such as lymphocytes, and typical vascular damage elsewhere in the body. This is caused by (obliterative vasculitis) that can lead to thrombosis hematogenous spread to people with moderate or high and occlusion of the blood vessels. Subsequently, immunity and allergies to M. tuberculosis. Organisms there is a distinctive wedge-shaped necrotic area in are not present in skin lesions but M. tuberculosis the upper dermis extending into the epidermis.3,14 DNA can be detected by polymerase chain reaction

(PCR) in some cases. Lichen scrofulorosum, (nodular vasculitis) papulonecrotic tuberculids and erythema induratum Clinically, erythema induratum has a painless (nodular vasculitis) are the cutaneous disorders bluish erythematous plaque or nodule with a soft included in this group.3 consistency and it often recurs. Ulceration often causes scarring. The most common sites are the calf and anterolateral part of the foot, thighs and rarely on Lichen scrofulosorum is a lichenoid eruption the arms and face.3,14 The histopathological features associated with hair follicles and sweat glands cause d including lobular and mixed panniculitis. In the initial by the hematogenous spread of mycobacteria due to lesion, fatty lobules contain aggregates of M. tuberculosis. It is associated with chronic inflammatory cells dominated with neutrophils. tuberculosis of the lymph nodes and bones.6,13,14 The Adipocyte necrosis occurs and yield foamy lesion is usually confined to the trunk and often occur macrophages.3 The collection of epithelioid histiocytes, in children and adolescents with active tuberculosis. multinucleated giant cells, and lymphocytes produce It may appear as pink or yellowish papules, 0.5–3 mm the appearance of tuberculoid granulomas in the in size, sometimes with fine and hard scales, and lesion.16 Vascular damage is followed by extensive asymptomatic on follicular and perifollicular.3,8 caseous necrosis. The overlying dermis may be Lesions persist for months, but will spontaneously involved in the caseous necrosis resulting in resolve without leaving scar tissue.6,12,13 ulceration. 1,8,12 Histopathological examination reveals non-caseous tuberculoid granulomas associated with hair follicles Leprosy in the upper dermis and tuberculoid granulomas are Leprosy is still frequently found in Asian countries, formed around hair follicles and eccrine glands.

800 especially around India and Pakistan.17,18 Leprosy or present in the neurovascular vicinity, cellular Morbus Hansen is caused by M. leprae, which is an infiltration of the sweat glands and invasion of the AFB that attacks peripheral nerves, skin, and other arrector pili muscles.3,8 The dermal nerves may be organs such as the mucosal surface of the upper absent or enclosed until they are destroyed by a respiratory tract, liver, and bone marrow, but not the collection of inflammatory cells, also there are caseous central nervous system.3,10 necrosis and damage in the basal layer. Acid-fast Histopathological finding is one of the features in bacilli are rare even in peripheral nerves.6,14 Ridley and Jopling’s classification.8 Tuberculoid granuloma can be observed in tuberculoid (TT), Borderline- (BT) borderline-tuberculoid (BT), and borderline-borderline In the clinical manifestations of borderline - 1,3,6 (BB) leprosy. This is thought to be due to the good tuberculoid leprosy (BT), there may be several le sions immune system in these patients as strong in the form of erythematous macules, dry scaly granulomatous response is involved in TT, BT and BB papules or plaques, and hypopigmentation. The leprosy, whereas this reaction is not well-formed in difference between BT leprosy with TT leprosy is that 6,13 . Collection of skin biopsy the border of the lesion in BT is less well-defined than specimens should include the dermis and TT. The number of lesions ranges from one to five with subcutaneous tissue when possible. After the clear anaesthesia. Thickened local peripheral nerves hematoxylin and eosin staining has been performed, can also be found.6,12,17 The histopathological features special stains can be used to increase diagnostic of BT leprosy can be distinguished from TT leprosy by sensitivity, namely Ziehl-Neelsen or Fite-Faraco the presence of subepidermal Grenz zone with 19 stains. On histopathological examination of tuberculoid granulomas, lymphocytes and lesser tuberculoid leprosy, granulomas are seen along the Langhans cells. Little or no AFB are present and nerve fibers, inside and around the sweat glands and neither caseous necrosis nor epidermal damage can musculus arrector pilli, as well as around the be found.3,8,17 superficial vascular plexus. 3,20 Ziehl-Neelsen and Fite-

Faraco staining can show red smears of AFB, mostly Borderline borderline leprosy (BB) in raft or globi form. Bacilli can be found in nerves, The clinical manifestations of BB leprosy comprise Schwann cells, eccrine glands, and vascular an erythematous patch with punched-out lesions, a endothelium.17 slightly rough and shiny surface, and lesions that

have ill-defined borders. The lesions of BB leprosy are Tuberculoid leprosy (TT) fewer in number and less symmetrically distributed The clinical manifestations of TT leprosy include than in lepromatous leprosy (LL). More than one one or more erythematous brown anesthetic plaques thickened peripheral nerves can be found in this type with dry scales and well-defined borders. The number of leprosy.3,8 Histologically, BB leprosy is of lesions ranges from one to five and is accompanied characterized by formation of Grenz zone (Figure 7a), by overt anesthesia. Complaints of dry skin and irregular-shaped tuberculoid granulomas, along with alopecia in the lesion. Thickened local peripheral the presence of epithelioid histiocytes and a few 17 nerves can be found. Histopathological examination lymphocytes that invade nerves (Figure 7b). There is on TT reveals dermal tuberculoid granulomas numerous AFB, while Langhans giant cell is not found consisting of macrophages or epithelioid histiocytes, (Figure 7c).6,17 lymphocytes, Langhans giant cells in the dermis and subcutis, and there was no subepidermal clear zone

(Grenz zone) (Figure 6). Tuberculoid granulomas are


Syphilis tuberculoid granulomas can be found in the dermis

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection with especially in the dermal papillae. Plasma cells are various clinical stages caused by the spirochaete present in almost all cases. The diagnosis must be Treponema pallidum. Acquired syphilis is divided into confirmed by serological examination because the early and late-stage syphilis. Early syphilis consists of organism T. pallidum is seen in only one-third of primary, secondary, and early latent syphilis.2,3 cases, it is typically located in the epidermis, less Histopathological examination is not the main workup often in the dermal vessels.3,16,23 to diagnose syphilis as it can be confirmed by clinical findings, serological tests, and dark-field microscopy Tertiary syphilis when available. However, in unusual cases, a The manifestations of tertiary syphilis appear years 3,21 histopathological examination may be useful. after the initial infection and are rare.16 Syphilitic Tuberculoid granuloma reactions may be seen in late granulomas are generally found in the tertiary stage of 1,3,8 secondary and tertiary syphilis. Various and the disease, although they are uncommon in the occasionally nonspecific results may be found on the secondary phase.22 This infection involves the 1,3 histopathological examination. cardiovascular system, central nervous system, and skeletal system. However, lesions can also occur in Secondary syphilis the testes, lymph nodes, and skin. There are 2 types

Secondary syphilis usually presents as of skin lesions in tertiary syphilis, namely nodular papulosquamous eruptions and can also affect and chronic ulcers with gumma. Lesions are generally mucous membranes.22,23 The secondary stage is solitary.1,12,23 Extensive areas of gummatous necrosis caused by hematogenous and lymphogenous spread surrounded by tuberculoid granulomas with of treponemes over several weeks or months.9 Rash is superficial or deep dermal infiltrates, plasma cells, a clinical manifestation in almost all cases of Langhans giant cells and epithelioid histiocytes, secondary syphilis. Macular eruptions (roseola accompanied by epidermal atrophy (Figure 8).12,23 syphilitica) are mainly located on the trunk and Treponema pallidum is rarely found on the flexors of the upper limbs followed by palms and sole s histopathological examination.1,3,12 Furthermore, of the feet but rarely on the face.6,14,23 The spirochaetes can be identified using silver-based histopathological features of secondary syphilis are stains. However, these histopathologic features are more dominant with papular lesions and fewer nonspecific and has low sensitivity and specificity, macular lesions.23 There are presence of psoriasiform thus laboratory test should be carried out.24 hyperplasia, parakeratosis, dermal papillary edema and perivascular or periadnexal infiltrates consisting of lymphocytes or histiocytes, and sometimes


a and b c d

Figure 1. Granuloma (a) Histopathologic of granuloma with lymphocytes, histiocytes and multinuclear giant cells forming nodules (b) large enlarged granulomas2 (c) tuberculoid granulomas (blue arrows) with Langhans giant cells (red arrows)3 (d) Langhans giant cells (horseshoe nucleus) 1

Figure 2. Pathogenesis of epithelioid granuloma formation9


Figure 3. Primary cutaneous tuberculosis. Histopathologic of tuberculoid granuloma (red arrow), lymphocytes, and Langhans giant cells (green arrow) 8

Figure 4. Scrofuloderma. Histopathologic of extensive caseous necrosis8


a b

Figure 5. Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis (a) Clinical manifestations of verrucous plaque on the back of the hand13 (b) Histopathologic of hyperkeratosis (green arrow), acanthosis (black arrow), papillomatosis (blue arrow) 8

Table 1. Summary table of cutaneous tuberculosis8

Relationship Infection Depth of Histopathological Presence of Variant with other Route Infection feature AFB tuberculosis Primary Neutrophil abcess, Cutaneous granuloma Inoculation Absent Dermal Present Tuberculosis tuberculoid, (chancre) caseous necrosis Mixed Might be Extends from Active Subcutaneous inflammation, present in Scrofuloderma underlying Infection and dermal granuloma and deep layers infection significant fibrosis of the skin Tuberculosis Previous or Little granuloma, Verrucosa Inoculation current Dermal acanthosis None or little Cutis infection papillomatosis Granuloma with Might be Previous or Inoculation or Superficial slight caseous present in Lupus Vulgaris current hematogenous dermal necrosis, epidermal deep layers infection atrophy of the skin


Figure 6. Tuberculoid leprosy (a) Histopathologic of superficial and deep granuloma (b) lymphocyte infiltration surrounds, attacks and damages skin adnexa such as nerves, musculus arrrector pili (c) or sweat glands 17

Figure 7. Borderline leprosy (a) Clinical Manifestations (b) Histopathologic of tuberculoid granuloma (black arrow) and Grenz zone (blue arrow) (c) inflammatory cells invade nerves (d) AFB and globi 17


a b

Figure 8. Tertiary syphilis (a) Histopathologic of solid lymphocyte infiltrates with orthokeratosis and parakeratosis (b) solid lymphocyte infiltrates1

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