Manchester City Council Item 11 Executive 13 February 2015

Manchester City Council Report for Resolution

Report to: Executive – 13 February 2015 Finance Scrutiny – 23 February 2015

Subject: Capital Programme (Budget 2015/16 – 2017/18)

Report of: The City Treasurer


The purpose of the report is to present the 2015/16 capital programme and forward commitments.


The Executive is requested to:

1. Note that the latest estimate of capital outturn for 2014/15 is £226.1m.

2. Recommend the City Council to approve the capital programme as presented in Appendix 1 (for £240.5m in 2015/16, £113.4m in 2016/17 and £117.2m in 2017/18) which will require prudential borrowing of £134.0m to fund non-HRA schemes over the three year period for which provision has been made in the revenue budget for the associated financing costs (within limits previously agreed).

3. To note that the capital programme will continue to be reviewed and any recommendations will be reported back to Executive.

4. Approve and recommend Council to delegate authority to:

a) The Deputy Chief Executive (Growth & Neighbourhoods) in consultation with the Executive Member for Environment for the approval of the list of schemes to be undertaken under the Highways capital programme.

b) The Deputy Chief Executive (Growth & Neighbourhoods) to implement these schemes in accordance with the Capital Gateway process and after consultation with the Executive Member for Environment on the final details and estimated costs.

c) The City Treasurer in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and Human Resources to add qualifying spend to save projects to the capital budget accordingly up to a maximum of £5m in 2015/16 and then £5m per year thereafter.

d) The City Treasurer in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and Human Resources is authorised to increase the capital budget by up to £0.5m per scheme, subject to 100% external funding being available.

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e) The City Treasurer, in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and Human Resources to accelerate spend from later years when necessary within the programme subject to resource availability.

f) The City Treasurer in consultation with Executive Member for Finance and Human Resources to agree and approve where appropriate: i. The programme of schemes for the delivery of the corporate asset management programme; and ii. Proposals relating to Corporate Compulsory Purchase Orders

g) The City Treasurer in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and Human Resources to make alterations to the schedules for the capital programme 2015/16 to 2017/18 prior to their submission to Council for approval, subject to no changes being made to the overall estimated total cost of each individual project.

Wards Affected: All

Community Strategy Spine Summary of the contribution to the strategy

Performance of the economy The capital programme contributes to various areas of the region and sub region of the economy including investment in public and private sector housing, education and children’s social care, transport infrastructure, major regeneration activities, environmental, cultural and leisure services.

Reaching full potential in The capital programme includes substantial education and employment investment in education and also provides opportunities for the construction industry to bid for schemes that could provide employment opportunities at least for the duration of contracts.

Individual and collective self The capital programme includes investment in adult esteem – mutual respect and children’s social care, education, housing and the environment, cultural and leisure services, all of which contribute towards this community strategy.

Neighbourhoods of Choice Investment in all areas of the capital programme contributes towards the community strategy, notably investment in sustainable and affordable housing, building schools for the future, transport, environmental and major regeneration programmes.

Full details are in the body of the report, along with any implications for:

• Equal Opportunities Policy

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• Risk Management • Legal Considerations

Financial Consequences – Revenue

The capital programme report as presented will require £134.0m (all non-HRA) of prudential borrowing over the three year period and provision is being made in the revenue budget for the associated financing costs, and for the revenue contributions to capital outlay (RCCO) from the general fund and HRA required.

Financial Consequences – Capital

The latest forecast spend for 2014/15 is £226.1m.

The proposals contained in this report would create a capital programme of £240.5m in 2015/16, £113.4m in 2016/17 and £117.2m in 2017/18.

Contact Officers:

Name: Richard Paver Position: City Treasurer Telephone: 234 3564 E-mail: [email protected]

Name: Carol Culley Position: Deputy City Treasurer Telephone: 234 3406 E-mail: [email protected]

Name: Tim Seagrave Position: Finance Lead – Capital & Treasury Management Telephone: 234 3445 E-mail: [email protected]


Appendix 1: Detailed Three Year Capital Programme

Background documents (available for public inspection):

The following documents disclose important facts on which the report is based and have been relied upon in preparing the report. Copies of the background documents are available up to 4 years after the date of the meeting. If you would like a copy please contact one of the contact officers above.

Report to the Executive 12 February 2014 Capital Programme (Budget 2014/15 – 2015/16) Report to Council 7 March 2014 Capital Programme (Budget 2014/15 – 2015/16) Report to the Executive 13 February 2015 (Capital Monitoring – Q3)

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1.0 Introduction

1.1 The purpose of the report is to present the capital strategy and capital programme for 2015/16 and future years and to confirm that there are adequate levels of resources available to finance the capital programme.

2.0 Strategic Context

2.1 Manchester is an ambitious city with a strong track record of delivery through partnerships and effective strategic leadership, improving the quality of life for the residents and delivering a vision of making Manchester a world class city. Today our vision is still for Manchester to be in the top flight of world cities. A city: • that stands out as enterprising, creative and industrious; • with highly skilled and motivated people; • living in successful neighbourhoods; and • where all our residents can meet their full potential and have ready access to the benefits and opportunities that a successful city creates.

To be internationally competitive Manchester has grasped the need to: • deliver on meeting the need to reduce dependency and improve the productivity outcomes for our residents; • embrace the need to be a low carbon exemplar; • invest in, and strengthen, our existing economic and infrastructure asset base; and • support our cultural and sporting offer.

2.2 The strategy adopted over the past three years of ensuring decisions are based on the priorities for the City needs to be continued. This requires a clear framework for making spending decisions and maximising the resources that remain. The 'Budget 2015/16 - A Strategic Response' elsewhere on the agenda, sets out the framework. This is drawn from the overall aims for Greater Manchester which are set out in the Greater Manchester Strategy (GMS) and the Community Strategy. This and the updated budget principles for: the Corporate Core; Leadership of Place; Targeted and Specialist Services; and Universal Services have informed the revenue and capital budget proposals which are being put forward. Given current economic pressures the ambition for the Council is to deliver a capital programme with the optimum combination of projects that represent the key priorities of the City Council and maximise the funding resources that are available.

2.3 The Greater Manchester Strategy sets out the Vision for the future “By 2020 the Manchester City region will have pioneered a new model for sustainable economic growth based around a more connected, talented and greener city region where the prosperity secured is enjoyed by the many and not by the few”. Manchester has come out of the economic recession better placed than most other cities in the UK. The Devolution Agreement places Greater Manchester in a better position than anywhere in the country to deliver on the key requirements for economic growth. The key for the city of Manchester is to enable local people to contribute to and benefit from that growth. The Council

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will maximise the opportunities created through the devolution agreement alongside the City’s capital programme to connect residents with skills and employment opportunities and supporting the investment in transport and highways infrastructure.

2.4 The challenge for the future is to drive transformation, to define Manchester as an attractive place to live and further improve the quality of life for all residents and increase their overall social and economic prospects, and enable them to participate fully in the life of the city. Important to the delivery of the aspirations of the City will be: ••• to support, promote and drive the role and continuing growth of the city centre as a major regional, national and international economic driver; as the main focus for employment growth through a strengthening and diversification of its economic base and through the efficient use of land. This will be complemented by driving growth through for example, the Airport City Enterprise Zone, the Siemens Princess Road Campus and at the in East Manchester.

• to support investment in transport infrastructure the City Centre will now see more than £1 billion of investment in projects between now and 2017 which will lay the foundations for continuing success by ‘future proofing’ the city’s transport infrastructure including; the Second City Crossing, The Northern Hub, Cross City, Bus Corridor and the redevelopment of Victoria Station.

• to provide an expanded, diverse, high quality housing offer that is attractive to and helps retain economically active residents in the city, ensuring that the growth is in sustainable locations supported by local services and the public transport infrastructure. This will include maximising the opportunities through Manchester Place and the Housing Investment Fund and to be able to react flexibly to deliver an attractive housing offer for the City.

• the delivery of a Schools Capital Programme to support high quality facilities for a growing population.

• support businesses and residents to create thriving district centres with appropriate retail, amenities and public service offer.

• continuing to seek investment in the cultural offer and universal services such as parks, leisure facilities and libraries within the City.

3.0 Capital Programme

3.1 The development of the Capital Programme stems from the priorities outlined in the Strategic Response Budget Report elsewhere on the agenda, the Budget Principles and the approach to the Capital Strategy outlined above. Together these frame the balance between the investment priorities for the Council and the level of resources available. Given the constraints on the level of resources available the aim is to maximise the use of external funding and

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receipts where available and to limit increasing the borrowing requirement.

3.2 The capital programme uses the most up to date forecast of outturn figures for 2014/15 of £226.1m as the base point for its calculation. The structure of the budget has also been updated, to reflect the Council’s corporate priorities. The detail provided in Appendix 1 shows the revised structure.

3.3 The current three year capital programme 2014/15 to 2016/17 originally approved by the Executive in February 2014 is being implemented and has been updated for the amendments and additions approved by the Executive and Council throughout the year.

3.4 A review of the Capital Programme has been completed. The review has focused on: • confirming priorities and contractual commitments • reviewing resource availability • considering strategic spatial priorities

3.5 In reviewing resource availability, there has been particular focus on maximising flexibility around external funding and how it is applied, for example whether it has specific ring fence conditions or it can be used more generally to support the capital programme.

4.0 Current Commitments

4.1 The capital programme 2015/16 to 2017/18 comprises the continuation of the current three year programme and new proposals approved by the Gateway 1 Capital Review Board. The figures relating to the programme continuation are based on estimates compiled as at January 2015. It has been calculated on the expectation that the current year outturn will be £226.1m.

4.2 The carry forward of committed schemes from the current programme into future years, based on the latest monitoring report for 2014/15, and the addition of new schemes detailed below gives a proposed new capital programme of: • 2015/16 – £240.5m • 2016/17 – £109.9m • 2017/18 – £113.8m

4.3 The current programme does not include central Government grant settlements for Children’s Services Basic Needs and Schools Maintenance for 2017/18, as the Government has not yet announced these figures. Once the grant allocations are known they will be reported to the Executive as part of the regular reports on proposed increases to the capital programme.

4.4 The programme will need to be reviewed if the resource position changes from the indicative level. The funding resources available to the City Council are invested so that they focus on the key priorities for the Council and take a holistic view of all planned investment in a locality. Priority will be given to key recurring programmes and strategic investments. Projects that will secure

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100% external funding can be added to the programme if they fit strategically.

5.0 2015/16 Capital Programme, New Bids and Recurring Programmes

5.1 The existing capital programme has been reviewed, and where the capital gateway process has identified new schemes that fit strategically with the Council’s objectives that have been included in this report. Most of the new bids come with external funding and where there is a requirement for Council resources it has previously been reserved, is already in the budget, or has been released from other projects following the reduction in prudential borrowing requirements identified during the Capital Programme review. There is therefore no additional call on Council borrowing.

5.2 Further details of the proposed programme, including current commitments, are given in the paragraphs below, and are summarised in the table below:

2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 forecast Total budget budget budget outturn £m £m £m £m £m Highways 16.7 32.5 12.1 3.4 64.7 Growth & 99.3 92.5 28.0 74.0 293.8 Neighbourhoods Housing – GF 16.4 17.9 14.5 5.3 54.1 Housing – HRA 29.9 28.4 33.1 33.3 124.7 Children’s Services 44.8 58.2 21.5 0.0 124.5 ICT 17.4 6.8 0.0 0.0 24.2 Corporate Services 1.6 4.2 4.2 1.2 11.2 TOTAL 226.1 240.5 113.4 117.2 697.2

5.3 Please note that the figures in the table above, and the tables elsewhere in the report, may not sum due to roundings.

6.0 Highways

6.1 The Highways capital programme is forecast to be £48.0m between 2015/16 and 2017/18, as shown in the table below, and the primary schemes within the programme are also detailed below:

2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 forecast Total budget budget budget outturn £m £m £m £m £m Highways 16.7 32.5 12.1 3.4 64.7

6.2 Planned Highways maintenance works (£10.9m over the three year forecast period) comprise carriageway and footway planned maintenance schemes to improve the condition of the highway network. All roads and footways across the City are inspected on a regular basis, and the work packages have been

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prioritised to target the worst condition roads and footways.

6.3 The project widening A57 Hyde Rd (£3.1m) involves increasing the span of a disused railway bridge to allow removal of a pinch point, which currently reduces the number of traffic lanes from four to two. Heavy traffic congestion, particularly at peak times and journey times will both be reduced.

6.4 The project at Velocity is a £20m project across Greater Manchester with £7m of work in Manchester, £6.3m of which is budgeted for the forecast period. The Greater Manchester Combined Authority was awarded a grant from the Department for Transport’s “Cycling City Ambition Grant” to be spent on cycling schemes over the next two years to August 2015.

6.5 The bus priority measures and traffic improvements(£23.6m) will remove the current sources of delay and open up new routes, creating: • Cross city connections; • Reduced running times and better schedules; • Improved punctuality and reliability; • More reliable journey times; • Reduced duration of waiting times at stops; • Buses being a real alternative to the car; and • Increase use of public transport.

6.6 There is also a programme of works (£0.7m), using Section 106 and 278 agreements funding, to provide mitigation measures to ensure that problems with extra activity around the Etihad Stadium due to the expansion works there are minimised.

7.0 Growth & Neighbourhoods

7.1 The Growth & Neighbourhoods capital programme is forecast to be £194.5m between 2015/16 and 2017/18, as shown in the table below, and the primary schemes within the programme are also detailed below:

2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Total forecast outturn budget budget budget £m £m £m £m £m Environment & 2.8 12.5 11.3 8.9 35.5 Operations Leisure 17.6 20.7 0.0 0.0 38.3 Culture 16.3 0.7 0.0 0.0 17.0 Libraries 0.8 0.3 0.0 0.0 1.1 Corporate Property 26.1 24.9 13.2 5.1 69.3 Development 35.7 33.4 3.5 60.0 132.6 Total Growth & 99.3 92.5 28.0 74.0 293.8 Neighbourhoods

Environment & Operations

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7.2 The waste collection project (£1.8m) will deliver changes to the waste and recycling collection service in Manchester, following a successful bid to Government for grant support.

7.3 The Street Lighting PFI project (£30.3m) will deliver the procurement and installation of modern, state of the art, low energy LED street lighting technology. Once operational the scheme is planned to provide revenue savings due to reduced energy charges, and lower maintenance costs for the Council’s street lighting.


7.4 Two leisure centres form a significant part of the programme. The Hough End Leisure Centre (£1.7m) will deliver a new facility with good transport links, and Levenshulme Leisure Centre (£6.1m) will deliver a swimming pool alongside an improved library, creating a single shared service centre which will help reduce running costs.

7.5 The development of a National Taekwondo Centre at Eastlands (£2.5m) will provide facilities for both elite athletes and the local community.

7.6 The facility being developed at Belle Vue (£9.3m) will provide high quality sports facilities, in particular new playing pitches and multi-use indoor provision used for unique elite sports facilities covering a range of sports, and will include a National speedway. The facility will also deliver additional community benefits through sport such as performance pathways linked to elite sport, develop new community sports clubs and contribute to the sustainability of existing clubs.


7.7 The First Street Cultural Facility (£0.2m) will bring together the Library Theatre and the to form a new cultural organisation. The new building will incorporate up to 5 Cinemas, 600m squared of gallery space, 500 seat theatre, smaller studio space, learning and participation spaces, large café and technical back office space.


7.8 Funding provided through the Wolfson Award (£0.1m) is to be use to fit out Central Library’s Great Hall Reading Room and Media Lounge.

Corporate Property

7.9 The Asset Management Programme (£19.6m) will ensure that the Council’s assets, including its elite assets, are well-maintained. It includes provision for the demolition of the existing building at Daisy Mill, and for feasibility works for the Town Hall.

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7.10 The Strategic Acquisitions budget (£21.1m) will provide funding for the Council to acquire key sites throughout the city, provided they become available, which can further the aims and objectives of the corporate plan.

7.11 The ongoing St. Peter’s Square project (£2.4m) has created an open space of international significance. With the relocation of the cenotaph complete, the latter part of the project is focused on the works required for the realignment of the square for Metrolink’s second city crossing.


7.12 The New Smithfield Market project (£4.5m) involves the delivery of a new fish market hall at Smithfield Market to replace the current hall to ensure future compliance with food safety legislation, as well as refurbishment of the current market. This project aims to secure the long term sustainability and viability of the wholesale market.

7.13 The projects in Beswick (£14.2m) comprise the Beswick Leisure Centre, Connell Sixth Form College, the Manchester Institute of Health & Performance as well as a local retail offer. The scheme is supported by highways and urban realm improvements including remodelling of Gray Mare lane and Alan Turning Way junction.

7.14 The NOMA public realm project (£5.6m) is the creation of high quality public realm and infrastructure which is critical to the on going development of a new business quarter to the northern edge of the City Centre. Phase 1 of the project has been completed, and phase 2 is due to get underway shortly.

7.15 Project Catalyst (£4.3m) provides finance to fund the construction of a hotel as part of the University of Manchester programme for refurbishment of Manchester Business School. The project is delivered through the Combined Authority’s Growing Places leverage model.

7.16 The London Road project involves the redevelopment of London Road fire station to bring it back into use, dependent on the outcome of the ongoing compulsory purchase order (CPO). Should the CPO be successful, the intention would be to support an improved hotel offer for a key location in the city centre and generate new employment opportunities.

7.17 The Airport Power Infrastructure scheme (£5.9m) involves the construction of new electricity distribution infrastructure to serve development within the City Enterprise Zone. This will be funded through DCLG grant funding, which has been awarded under its Building the Foundations for Growth programme.

8.0 Housing – General Fund

8.1 The Housing – General Fund capital programme is forecast to be £37.7m between 2015/16 and 2017/18, as shown in the table below, and the primary schemes are also detailed below:

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2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Total forecast outturn budget budget budget £m £m £m £m £m Housing – General 16.4 17.9 14.5 5.3 54.1 Fund

8.2 Funding has been set aside within the programme for commercial and residential acquisitions (£12.7m) which will support the existing Brunswick and Miles Platting PFI schemes. Similarly funding is available for the acquisition of properties relating to regeneration in West Gorton (£2.9m), and for potential commitments from historical CPOs.

8.3 Provision is also made regarding the ongoing Redrow development programme (£6.9m), which represents the cost of new builds. This will be funded by the ongoing sale of properties over current and future years.

8.4 Major adaptations funding is available (£10.4m) to assist in works to make social rented properties suitable for disabled residents.

9.0 Housing – HRA

9.1 The Housing – HRA capital programme is forecast to be £94.8m between 2015/16 and 2017/18, as shown in the table below, and the main schemes are also detailed below:

2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Total forecast outturn budget budget budget £m £m £m £m £m Housing – HRA 29.9 28.4 33.1 33.3 124.7

9.2 The programme includes funding for the ongoing regeneration works in Collyhurst, including the demolition of obsolete maisonettes, improvements to the infrastructure of the Village, and potential compensation for tenants involved in demolition projects.

9.3 Provision for acquisitions (£5.0m) is included within the programme, in particular in relation to the Council’s existing PFI schemes.

9.4 The programme contains funding to achieve or maintain the Decent Homes Standard. This includes Charlestown, Victoria Avenue multi-storey blocks, the re-roofing of Moston Mill timber framed properties, and external works to properties across various estates in Crumpsall, Harpurhey, Higher Blackley, Moston and .

9.5 Works are also planned on homelessness hostels. These include bringing some properties back into use and conversions of existing properties where they are unsuitable.

9.6 Provision is also made in the budget to reflect the delivery of new works in

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future years that will support the ongoing 30-year HRA asset management plan (£52.2m). The funds will be used to maintain the Decent Homes Standard within Manchester’s housing stock and, in addition, will support innovative climate change investment; essential health and safety works; public realm environmental works; and, where appropriate, it will support estate regeneration and re-modelling.

10.0 Children’s Services

10.1 The Children’s Services capital programme is forecast to be £79.7m between 2015/16 and 2017/18, as shown in the table below, and the main schemes are also detailed below:

2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Total forecast outturn budget budget budget £m £m £m £m £m Children’s Services 44.8 58.2 21.5 0.0 124.5

10.2 The scheme at Daisy Mill (£23.2m) will deliver a new 8 form of entry school in Ardwick, providing 1,200 secondary school places for the city.

10.3 Works at Wilbraham Primary (£2.8m) will expand the school through an extension to the current buildings, and similarly Mauldeth Rd Primary (£1.5m) will be remodelled to expand the school, including a nursery.

10.4 The project at Gorton Mount (£5.7m) will replace the existing school provision and provide suitable accommodation for 3 forms of entry.

10.5 Benchill (£1.3m) will be extended to provide an additional 105 primary places. Cavendish Community School (£3.4m) and Ashbury Meadow (£2.2m) will both be developed to provide permanent suitable accommodation for their pupils.

10.6 Claremont Primary (£3.1m) will be partially demolished and then rebuilt to provide suitable accommodation for all 3 forms of entry at the school.

10.7 The project at Manchester Communication Academy (£4.1m) in Harpurhey will create a new 2 form of entry school for the city, providing 420 primary and 52 nursery places.

10.8 As noted above, grant allocations for 2017/18 have not been announced by central Government. Once these are made available, a revised capital programme including the grant funding will be reported to Executive as part of the regular reports on proposed increases to the capital programme.

11.0 ICT

11.1 The ICT capital programme is forecast to be £6.8m between 2015/16 and 2017/18, as shown in the table below, and the main schemes are also detailed below:

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2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Total forecast outturn budget budget budget £m £m £m £m £m ICT 17.4 6.8 0.0 0.0 24.2

11.2 The ICT capital budget provides for the delivery of the three main infrastructure projects to ensure full PSN compliance, support the exit of the data centre from Daisy Mill into a more appropriate arrangement and the roll out of the Digital Workplace Strategy.

11.3 The broadband schemes are aimed at making Manchester a digital city. Projects include small grants towards helping small and medium enterprises upgrade to ultra-fast broadband (the broadband vouchers scheme), increasing the number of fixed line ultra-fast connections in targeted locations (the Wi-Fi in Public Buildings scheme) and upgrades to extend wireless network coverage in the city centre.

11.4 The profile of spend across the ICT programme is currently being reviewed, which may require further changes to the budget shown above. Any proposed changes will be reported to members at the earliest opportunity.

12.0 Corporate Services

12.1 The Corporate Services capital programme is forecast to be £9.6m between 2015/16 and 2017/18, as shown in the table below, and the main schemes are also detailed below:

2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Total forecast outturn budget budget budget £m £m £m £m £m Corporate Services 1.6 4.2 4.2 1.2 11.2

12.2 The Greater Manchester Loans Fund (£9.6m) is a public/private partnership to address the short fall in the capital finance sector which is adversely affecting businesses in the city region, especially small and medium enterprises. By supporting these businesses the aim is to improve jobs and growth in the city region. The loans issued by the Council are guaranteed by all Greater Manchester authorities, including Manchester.

13.0 Treatment of Resources

13.1 In addition further “spend to save” investment opportunities may arise and in order to deliver these types of projects delegated authority is given to the City Treasurer, in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and Human Resources to increase the capital budget accordingly. The extent of this delegation is currently limited to an annual limit of £5,000,000. This is on the understanding that the costs of borrowing (interest and principal) of any such additions to the capital budget are financed in full by additional income, revenue budget savings, or cost avoidance.

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13.2 Prudential borrowing of £134.0m will be needed to support existing schemes in line with previous planning and profile approval. The breakdown over years is: 2015/16 – £47.5m; 2016/17 – £16.5m; 2017/18 – £70.0m.

a. The Housing HRA programme will not require prudential borrowing. b. The Corporate programme requires £134.1m which includes: i. £30.3m for Street Lighting PFI; ii. £1.2m for Hough End and Levenshulme Leisure Centre schemes; iii. £1.7m for the National Taekwondo Centre; iv. £9.1m for Belle Vue Sports Village; v. £2.4m for St. Peter’s Square redevelopment; vi. £7.2m for Beswick Village; vii. £2.9m for NOMA Public Realm works; viii. £4.3m for Project Catalyst; ix. £9.6m for the Greater Manchester Loans Fund; x. £60.0m is reserved for the redevelopment of London Road, subject to the outcome of the CPO process; and xi. The remainder £5.3m is required for smaller schemes.

13.3 The estimated funding profile for the financial year 2015/16 is as follows:

Fund Housing Programmes Other Total HRA Non-HRA Programmes £m £m £m £m Borrowing 0.4 47.1 47.5 Capital Fund 1.1 1.1 Capital Receipts 0.1 13.9 17.1 31.1 Contributions 0.1 0.6 26.1 26.8 Grant 3.0 82.0 85.0 Revenue Contribution to 28.2 20.8 49.0 Capital Outlay Grand Total 28.4 17.9 194.2 240.5

13.4 Work will continue to confirm the position for the three years from 2015/16 to 2017/18 and the final capital budget will be reported to Council in March. This will include confirmation of Government funding and the effect of any changes in the delivery of the current three year programme in 2014/15. Any such changes should simply require a re-profiling of the programme between financial years, with no overall change to the estimated total City Council funding requirement.

14.0 Contributing to the Community Strategy

(a) Performance of the economy of the region and sub region The capital programme will deliver a number of projects that will offer permanent jobs. In addition it is likely to create temporary employment opportunities within the construction industry for the duration of contract work.

(b) Neighbourhoods of Choice

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Many projects in the capital programme are concerned with creating a healthy and safe environment for users of Council facilities and employees. Investment in energy conservation and improvement to the highway network helps to improve the environment.

15.0 Key Polices and Considerations

(a) Equal Opportunities By investing in building adaptations, access for people with mobility difficulties is made easier.

(b) Risk Management As a result of the national economic downturn the amount of usable capital receipts included in the resources calculation for the original capital budget is no longer achievable. In response to these circumstances the City Treasurer instigated a review of the whole capital programme in order to establish the most efficient and effective way to fund the programme. The review will be ongoing.

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Appendix 1 – Capital Programme 2015/16 to 2017/18

Project Name Current 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2014/15 Proposed Proposed Proposed Forecast Budget Budget Budget £000s £000's £000's £000's Highway Programme Highways Planned Maintenance Programme Section 278 51 0 0 0 Planned Highways Maintenance Programme 14/15 4,516 106 90 0 Planned Highways Maintenance Programme 15/16 0 3,803 0 0 Planned Highways Maintenance Programme 16/17 0 0 3,486 0 Planned Highways Maintenance Programme 17/18 0 0 0 3,381 Highways Stand Alone Projects Programme Wythenshawe Bus Station 300 708 0 0 Southway Housing Trust Environmental -38 0 0 0 Improvements Ardwick Grove Village Parking 0 23 0 0 Access to Regional Centre Cycle Centres 249 39 0 0 Inner Relief Route Interventions 16 0 0 0 Birley Fields S106 Residents Parking 242 0 0 0 Christies Residents Parking 50 105 0 0 Rusholme Parking Improvements 6 4 0 0 Hulme Street Pedestrianisation 11 0 0 0 Didsbury Village Tram Stop Traffic Mitig 3 18 0 0 North Manchester Hospital Residents Parking 101 36 0 0 Upgrade to kerbs at bus stops 57 0 0 0 Old Market Street traffic calming 13 30 0 0 Section 106 Highways work around Metrolink 228 0 0 0 Hyde Road (A57) Pinch Point Widening 167 3,114 0 0 Whalley Range High Road Safety Measures 0 1 0 0 New Islington Free School Road 151 134 0 0 University of Mcr Hospital Signage 0 1 0 0 Stockport Branch Canal Cycle Route 6 4 0 0 20mph Speed Limits 158 6 0 0 Proposed Cycling Stop Lines 21 0 0 0 Withington High School Highways Work 49 6 0 0 Armitage School Parking Issues 5 25 0 0 Delamere Road One Way Order 20 0 0 0 Barlow Moor Road 29 0 0 0 Birley Fields Campus highways work 125 155 0 0 Etihad Expansion - Public Realm 60 401 0 0 Etihad Expansion - S278 32 290 0 0 Wilmslow Rd / Wilbraham Rd Cycle Routes (Cycle 70 1 0 0 Casualty Reduction) Velocity 1,400 6,295 0 0 Congestion Target Performance 10 244 0 0 Burton Road Traffic Management 0 11 0 0 Road Safety for Older People 0 1 0 0 Piccadilly Undercroft Gating 10 0 0 0 20mph Zones (Phase 2) 163 437 0 0 Blocked Gullies 166 634 0 0 Gully Cleaning Vehicle 0 90 0 0

964 Manchester City Council Appendix 1 - Item 11 Executive 13 February 2015

Project Name Current 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2014/15 Proposed Proposed Proposed Forecast Budget Budget Budget £000s £000's £000's £000's Levenshulme Parking Signage 20 0 0 0 ITB Minor Works 10 290 0 0 Great Ancoat St/Pollard St S106 0 127 0 0 QBC SEMMS 6 0 0 0 Flood Risk Management - Hidden Watercourses 30 56 0 0 Flood Risk Management - Calve Croft Flood Risk 25 0 0 0 Flood Risk Management - Higher Blackley Flood 69 68 0 0 Risk Manchester/Salford Inner Relief Road (MSIRR) 150 150 0 0 SEMMMS PROGRAMME Ringway Road Highway Imp Scheme 1,573 0 0 0 SEMMMs A6 to Manchester Airport 30 0 0 0 Bus Priority Package Programme Bus Priority Package - Rochdale Road 1,759 294 0 0 Bus Priority Package - Oxford Road 395 8,958 4,785 0 Bus Priority Package - Princess Street/Brook 448 1,930 0 0 Street Bus Priority Package - Regional Centre 564 3,595 6 0 Bus Priority - Complementary Measures 3,148 353 0 0 Bus Priority - Unallocated 0 0 3,695 0 Total Highways Programme 16,674 32,543 12,062 3,381

Environment Programme Waste - Weekly Collection Support Scheme 0 1,783 0 0 City Centre Litter Bins 253 240 0 0 Manchester Wheel Remediation 90 10 0 0 Street Lighting PFI 2,500 10,048 11,317 8,885 Leisure Services Programme Parks Improvement Programme New Multi Sports Area 0 75 0 0 New Tennis Courts 0 46 0 0 Parks Pathways Refurbishemnt 0 61 0 0 Parks Security Infrastructure, CCTV 0 3 0 0 Skateboarding/BMX in Parks 0 98 0 0 Broadhurst Park 15 0 0 0 Crumpsall Park 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 0 Heaton Hall & Park Improvements 200 0 0 0 Hollyhedge Park Draninage IMPS 0 17 0 0 Alex Park Heritage Refurb 2,635 0 0 0 Heaton Park 300 300 0 0 Chorlton Park Into Play 18 0 0 0 Wythenshawe Park Tennis 44 0 0 0 Heaton Park Pay & Display 5 375 0 0 Boggart Hole Clough - 95 0 0 0 Boggart Hole Clough - Sports Facility 110 0 0 0 Harpurhey Park 2 36 0 0 Leisure & Sports Facilities Hough End Leisure Centre 7,076 1,686 0 0

965 Manchester City Council Appendix 1 - Item 11 Executive 13 February 2015

Project Name Current 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2014/15 Proposed Proposed Proposed Forecast Budget Budget Budget £000s £000's £000's £000's Levenshulme Leisure Centre 2,801 6,065 0 0 Ronald Johnson Redevelopment 1,047 0 0 0 Longsight Cricket Club 102 0 0 0 City Centre Play Area 34 40 0 0 National Taekwondo Centre 124 2,539 0 0 Ten Acres Artificial Grass Pitch 551 12 0 0 Eastlands BMX Track -2 0 0 0 Clayton Vale Mountain Bike Trail 72 0 0 0 Belle Vue Sports Village 2,300 9,318 0 0 Cultural Programme First Street Cultural Facility 15,678 220 0 0 MAG - Gallery of Design Refurbishment 320 0 0 0 MAG Revolving Door 14 0 0 0 Christmas Markets 271 0 0 0 City Lightways 35 450 0 0 Libraries and Info Services Programme Central Library Wolfson Award 45 144 0 0 Hulme Library Relocation 550 0 0 0 Library Refresh 145 141 0 0 Barlow Moor Outreach Library 35 0 0 0 Corporate Property Programme Asset Management Programme 4,470 11,315 8,150 150 Strategic Acquisitions Programme 12,060 11,085 5,000 5,000 Coroners (S2S) 131 0 0 0 On-Street Advertising and Wayfinding 5 160 0 0 Town Hall Complex Transformation Programme 2,351 0 0 0 Development Programme Development Programme - East Manchester The Sharp Project 14 0 0 0 New Islington Public Realm 74 0 0 0 New Islington Footpath Connection 14 71 0 0 Edison St CPO 71 70 0 0 Miles Platting Community Hub 2 8 0 0 One Central Park 1,511 75 0 0 Fujitsu Building - The Space Project 2,838 0 0 0 New Smithfield Market 993 4,524 0 0 Eccleshall Street - Clean City 303 0 0 Beswick Community Hub - Leisure Centre 5,585 0 0 0 Beswick Community Hub - Manchester Institute 4,500 12,721 0 0 Beswick Community Hub - Sixth Form College 3,101 0 0 0 Beswick Community Hub - Highway and Public 4,780 220 0 0 Realm Beswick Community Hub - Retail Shops 6 1,250 0 0 Beswick Community Hub -292 0 0 0 Development Programme - North Manchester Harpurhey Reservoirs Regeneration 23 0 0 0 Moston Brook - Clean City 94 0 0 Cheetham District Centre 7 0 0 0 Irk Valley Improvements 215 85 0 0

966 Manchester City Council Appendix 1 - Item 11 Executive 13 February 2015

Project Name Current 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2014/15 Proposed Proposed Proposed Forecast Budget Budget Budget £000s £000's £000's £000's St Marks Church Yard 29 0 0 0 Queens Road Metrolink Station 541 0 0 0 Irish World Heritage Centre 1,300 0 0 0 Development Programme - South Manchester Maine Rd Centre Spot Artwork 17 0 0 0 Development Programme - City Centre NOMA Group Estate - Highways 250 56 0 0 NOMA Group Estate - Public Realm 2,905 5,603 0 0 Former Royal Eye Hospital 1,214 41 0 0 St Michael's Flags, Angel Meadows 40 0 0 0 Improvements to Whitworth Park 75 0 0 0 The Corridor - Research and Development 1,705 0 0 0 Project Catalyst 400 4,300 0 0 ST Peters Square 7,044 2,400 0 0 London Road Fire Station CPO 350 1,900 0 60,000 Development Programme - Wythenshawe Etrop Court 207 0 0 0 Improvements to Public Realm Heald Grove 28 20 0 0 Manchester Business Park 2,969 0 0 0 Development Programme - Enterprise Zone Airport City Power Infrastructure (EZ) 100 2,400 3,500 0 Development Programme - Stand Alone Projects Land Registry (S2S) 185 0 0 0 Total Growth & Neighbourhoods Programme 99,333 92,458 27,967 74,035

Private Sector Housing Programme PROGRAMME - Brunswick PFI (PSH) Brunswick PFI Land Assembly 2,218 3,967 6,321 0 PROGRAMME - Collyhurst (PSH) Collyhurst PFI Land assembly 100 52 400 0 Collyhurst Environmentals 124 142 34 0 PROGRAMME - Housing Investment Model Site Investigation and Early Works HIF Pilot Sites 56 100 275 0 PROGRAMME - Miles Platting PFI (PSH) Miles Platting PFI Land Assembly 1,720 2,366 0 0 PROGRAMME - Private Hsg Asist Citywide Prog wef11/12 Disabled Facilities Grant 4,155 3,467 3,467 3,467 Energy Efficiency 260 100 0 0 The Way Development (Beswick) 150 0 0 0 Eccleshall Street 100 187 0 0 Kingley Ave (previously l-bowne local ph 60 40 160 200 Toxteth St CPO & environmental works 153 48 192 240 Bell Crescent CPO 0 48 194 240 PROGRAMME - Private Sect Housing Standalone Projects HCA Empty Homes Cluster Funding 1,416 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - Redrow Development

967 Manchester City Council Appendix 1 - Item 11 Executive 13 February 2015

Project Name Current 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2014/15 Proposed Proposed Proposed Forecast Budget Budget Budget £000s £000's £000's £000's Programme Redrow Development Phase 2 onward 5,465 5,500 1,400 0 PROGRAMME - West Gorton (PSH) West Gorton Compensation 100 210 0 0 West Gorton Ph 2A Demolition & Comm Acqu 86 450 1,300 921 PORTFOLIO - Private Sector Housing - Capital Projects PRE 2011 HMRF 35 25 25 0 RRO and Loans 1 22 22 0 Collyhurst Acquisition & Demolition (Overbrook & 150 1,200 708 275 Needwood Close) Total Private Sector Housing Programme 16,349 17,924 14,498 5,343

BUSINESS AREA - 1010 - Public Sector Housing PROGRAMME - Northwards Housing Prog w.e.f. 2011/12 Adaptations 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 Delivery Costs 1,915 1,052 62 0 PROGRAMME - Northwards Housing Programme 2012/13 2013/14 Boiler Replacements (RCCO) 55 0 0 0 2013/14 Talgarth/Whitley Rd 8 0 0 0 13/14 Door Replacement 10 0 0 0 13/14 Boiler Replacements - Decent Homes 6 0 0 0 13/14 Crumpsall Blackley Village Est Ext 39 0 0 0 13/14 Higher Blackley Walker Rd Ext 98 0 0 0 13/14 Newton Heath Patrock Wlk Roof Wrks 65 2 0 0 13/14 Decent Homes mop ups phase 4 338 0 0 0 13/14 Decent Homes mop ups phase 5 94 0 0 0 13/14 Ext Cyclical Maint & Imp Wrks Ph1 4,510 125 0 0 13/14 Village Estate Houses & Flats 1,025 0 0 0 13/14 Village Estate Aldbourne Close 151 0 0 0 13/14 Irk Valley Estate Houses 30 0 0 0 13/14 Hamerton Rd/Osbourne Estate Hs&Fl 7 0 0 0 13/14 Smedley Dip Estate Houses & Flats 4 0 0 0 13/14 Ancoats Victoria Sq Struct & Ext 1,189 250 0 0 13/14 Harpurhey Annie Derby Court Lifts 2 0 0 0 13/14 Newton Heath Dobson Crt Lift Rplac 133 0 0 0 13/14 Kingsbridge Court Ext Wall Ins 119 0 0 0 13/14 Pre 1920s misc solid walls ins ph2 11 0 0 0 13/14 Floor ins of remaining bedrooms 5 0 0 0 13/14 Air source heat pump/solar thermal 46 130 0 0 13/14 Com area upgrade low rise blocks 194 361 0 0 13/14 Area panel env wrks in Northwards 111 355 0 0 13/14 Collyhurst Multis Com Area Upgrade 327 0 0 0 13/14 Liverton Court Ext Wall Insulation 26 0 0 0 13/14 Pre 1920's misc solid wall insulat 49 0 0 0 13/14 Decent Homes Kitchen Mop Ups 74 0 0 0

968 Manchester City Council Appendix 1 - Item 11 Executive 13 February 2015

Project Name Current 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2014/15 Proposed Proposed Proposed Forecast Budget Budget Budget £000s £000's £000's £000's 13/14 Collyhurst Multi Storey Blocks 5,715 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - Future Years Housing Programme 2013/16 Northwards Housing Programme 2015/16 0 10,241 0 0 Northwards Housing Programme 2016/17 0 0 20,829 0 Northwards Housing Programme 2017/18 0 0 21,125 PROGRAMME - Northwards Housing Programme 2014/15 Boiler replacement - Phase 3 946 117 0 0 Door replacements - Phase 6 222 12 0 0 Higher Blackley Walker Road - Phase 4 519 0 0 0 Fire precaution - Phase 6 89 3 0 0 Warden Call Replacement 54 0 0 0 Concrete Repairs - Walkup Flat Balconies 106 118 0 0 Low Energy Lighting - Multistorey 628 0 0 0 Riverdale ext & cyclical works phase 1/4 699 731 0 0 Riverdale ext & cyclical works phase 2/4 0 1,703 0 0 Boiler replacement (excl 2/4 blocks) 57 35 0 0 Ground Source Heat Pumps in 2/4 blocks 27 0 0 0 Clifford Lamb Court - heat pump 518 0 0 0 Decent Homes Mop-Ups Phase 6 752 148 0 0 Crumpsall Crescent Road 361 72 0 0 Higher Blackley Rosewood Estate 267 61 0 0 Moston Mill Estate 150 375 0 0 Newton Heath Queensferry Estate 490 105 0 0 New Lightbowne (Walderton Ave) 667 681 0 0 Newton Heath Daisybank Estate 50 588 0 0 Collyhurst Talgarth Roofing Works 83 0 0 0 Higher Blackley Evesham Rd Mansard Props 81 4 0 0 External cyclical works phase 2 (of 5) 33 1,370 0 0 One offs (rewires, boilers, structurals) 300 50 0 0 Edward Grant Court Asbestos Removal 31 0 0 0 Fire Alarm Replacement Retirement Block 0 198 0 0 Lift Replacement/Refurbishment Programme 147 275 0 0 Digital Upgrade to CCTV Systems 100 24 0 0 Duncan Edwards Court Solar Panels 23 0 0 0 Communal area upgrade low rise blocks P2 50 145 0 0 Collyhurst Environmental programme 2,000 3,000 615 0 Northwards Housing 14/15 Unallocated 22 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - Retained Housing Prog w.e.f. 2011/12 Collyhurst Maisonette Compensation & Dem 337 230 1,000 0 STAND ALONE PROJECTS Holt Town & Miscellaneous Transfer Costs 60 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - West Gorton Regeneration Programme West Gorton PH1 Tenant Relocation & Comp 0 0 0 West Gorton PH2A Low & High Rise Demolit 535 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - Future Years Housing

969 Manchester City Council Appendix 1 - Item 11 Executive 13 February 2015

Project Name Current 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2014/15 Proposed Proposed Proposed Forecast Budget Budget Budget £000s £000's £000's £000's Programme 2013/16 Housing Investment Proposals 0 1,250 3,114 10,605 Capital Receipts - Right to Buy 0 40 40 40 Collyhurst Regen - Highways Phase 1 70 500 2,500 877 Collyhurst Regen - Churnett Street 450 615 200 0 Collyhurst Regen - Needwood & Overbrook 20 400 255 110 acquisition / demolition Moxley Road Acquisitions 477 0 0 0 Affordable Housing Programme Grant 0 532 532 Brunswick PFI HRA 1,157 2,000 3,000 0 Total Public Sector Housing (HRA) Programme 29,934 28,366 33,147 33,289

Childrens Services Programme Primary School Rebuilding Programme Pike Fold 30 0 0 0 Basic Need Programme Broad Oak PS 2,541 0 0 0 Chapel Street 533 0 0 0 Heald Place 544 0 0 0 Oswald Road 3,664 0 0 0 Wilbraham Primary School 592 2,848 0 0 Armitage CofE 2,822 0 0 0 St Chrysostoms 2,169 81 0 0 St Lukes's 24 0 0 0 Ladybarn 1,811 0 0 0 Stanley Grove - contribution to PFI 819 4 0 0 Gorton Mount - New School 1,057 5,695 0 0 St Andrews - Increased capacity 1,500 0 0 0 Mauldeth Road - Increase capacity 414 1,158 336 0 Moston Fields - Increase capacity 245 0 0 0 Cheetham Academy 400 2,857 0 0 Crab Lane - Increase capacity 32 662 0 0 Benchill 558 1,254 24 0 Cavendish Community - Increase capacity 405 3,188 256 0 Ashbury Meadow - Increase capacity 679 2,173 0 0 Christ the King VA - Increase capacity 600 0 0 0 St Annes RC VA - Increase capacity 1,300 0 0 0 Crosslee - Increase capacity 184 953 109 0 St Marys RC VA Levenshulme - Increase capacity 750 0 0 0 The Birches - Increase SEN places 901 0 0 0 Camberwell Park - PSBP New School contribution 10 0 0 0 Plymouth Grove - PSBP New School contribution 15 0 0 0 St Dunstans RC VA - Increase capacity 200 0 0 0 St Richards RC VA - Phase 2 Increase capacity 800 0 0 0 Site Investigation Surveys 150 0 0 0 E-Act Academy - increase capacity 90 531 0 0 Claremont - Increase capacity 1,057 3,082 0 0 St Margarets C of E 35 0 0 0 Manchester Communication Primary Academy 1,537 4,052 0 0

970 Manchester City Council Appendix 1 - Item 11 Executive 13 February 2015

Project Name Current 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2014/15 Proposed Proposed Proposed Forecast Budget Budget Budget £000s £000's £000's £000's Charlestown - Increase accomodation 235 958 164 0 Daisy Mill - New School 850 19,150 4,000 0 Basic need - Confirmed allocation 14-15 1,831 2,306 0 0 (Unallocated) Basic need - Estimated 2015/16 allocation 4,474 0 0 Basic need - Estimated 2016/17 allocation 0 13,990 0 Capital Demographic Growth - Xaverian College 218 0 0 0 Capital Demographic Growth - Northridge High 1,657 0 0 0 Capital Demographic Growth - Northridge High 244 0 0 Additional Grant for School Kitchens - Free School 602 0 0 0 Meals PROGRAMME - Schools Maintenance 11/12 onwards Prog Higher Openshaw - Windows & Externals 199 0 0 0 St Margaret's CE - Window Replacement P4 20 0 0 0 Moston Lane 46 0 0 0 Sandilands 440 0 0 0 Broadhurst Nursery Refurbishment 11 0 0 0 Sandilands - Boiler Replacement 9 0 0 0 Bowker Vale - 3 Class Unit 662 0 0 0 Abbott - Rewire 87 0 0 0 Birchfields - boiler refurbishment 166 0 0 0 Alma Park - Roof 230 0 0 0 Moston Lane - Boiler 51 0 0 0 Broadhurst - Roof & Windows 363 0 0 0 Lily Lane - Rewire 643 0 0 0 Northenden - Roof 250 0 0 0 St Clements - Rewire 164 0 0 0 Sandilands - Ph2 Roof & Windows 264 0 0 0 Button Lane - Roof 246 0 0 0 Chorlton CE - Windows 120 0 0 0 Old Hall Drive - Rewire 405 0 0 0 Old Hall Drive - Roof & Windows 235 0 0 0 - Boiler 127 0 0 0 14-15 Schools Capital Maintenance New 804 0 0 0 Allocation (Unallocated) PROGRAMME - Education Standalone Projects Abraham Moss Centre Redevelopment 608 0 0 0 Newall Green Primary School 41 0 0 0 Collyhurst Nursery School 68 0 0 0 Barlow Moor Playgroup 24 0 0 0 Tiddlywinks (Higher Blackley) 82 0 0 0 Sutton Road Nursery 19 0 0 0 Haveley Hey Community School 19 0 0 0 Early Education for Two Year Olds 222 385 0 0 Building Schools for the Future PROGRAMME - BSF Acadamies BSF Acadamies 112 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - BSF Phase 1 Programme

971 Manchester City Council Appendix 1 - Item 11 Executive 13 February 2015

Project Name Current 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2014/15 Proposed Proposed Proposed Forecast Budget Budget Budget £000s £000's £000's £000's BSF Phase 1 390 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - BSF Phase 2 (Wave 4) BSF Phase 2 (W4) 3,613 2,410 2,595 0 Total Children's Services Programme 44,845 58,221 21,474 0

ICT Capital Programme PROGRAMME - ICT ICT Business Transformation - Unallocated 0 2,312 0 0 ICT Business Transformation - CL Staffing 102 0 0 Flexible & Agile Working 58 0 0 0 Library Management System 172 0 0 0 iBase Phase 2 186 0 0 0 PSN Compliance 1,993 0 0 0 Hybrid Mail 244 56 0 0 Desktop Refresh 1,773 0 0 0 One System Upgrade 125 0 0 0 All Services Hub Upgrade 50 0 0 0 THX & CL Service Transition 458 0 0 0 BMS Remote Access 25 0 0 0 New Electoral Management System 150 0 0 0 SAP BP&C 500 24 0 0 SAP CLM SLC 300 138 0 0 PROGRAMME - ICT Stand Alone Projects Broadband Unallocated 2,200 0 0 Broadband Connection Vouchers (Pilot) 143 0 0 0 Broadband Connection Vouchers (Full) 4,165 1,900 0 0 IDOX Upgrade 0 0 0 0 Wi-Fi in Public Buildings 2,700 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - Applications CRM - Phase 2 110 0 0 0 Information Strategy Project 267 100 0 0 SAP Roll Out -95 0 0 0 ESS/MSS 33 14 0 0 PROGRAMME - Desktop Digital Workplace Strategy 1,513 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - Infrastructure Corporate Digital Telephony 1,191 0 0 0 Data Centre Provisioning 1,026 0 0 0 Wider Area Network Redesign 224 0 0 0 CPD Town Hall Extension ICT Requirements 15 0 0 0 Total ICT Programme 17,428 6,744 0 0

Corporate Capital Programme Capitalisation of Community Equipment 350 0 0 0 Evergreen Loans 25 25 25 25 Greater Manchester Loan Fund 1,200 4,200 4,200 1,150 Total Corporate Capital Programme 1,575 4,225 4,225 1,175 Total CAPITAL PROGRAMME 226,138 240,481 113,373 117,223