Review Article Female Genital Tract Cysts Harun Toy, Fatma Yazıcı Konya University, Meram Medical Faculty, Abstract Department of Obstetric and Gynacology, Konya, Turkey Cystic diseases in the female pelvis are common. Cysts of the female genital tract comprise a large number of physiologic and pathologic Eur J Gen Med 2012;9 (Suppl 1):21-26 cysts. The majority of cystic pelvic masses originate in the ovary, and Received: 27.12.2011 they can range from simple, functional cysts to malignant ovarian tumors. Non-ovarian cysts of female genital system are appeared at Accepted: 12.01.2012 least as often as ovarian cysts. In this review, we aimed to discuss the most common cystic lesions the female genital system. Key words: Female, genital tract, cyst Kadın Genital Sistem Kistleri Özet Kadınlarda pelvik kistik hastalıklar sık gözlenmektedir. Kadın genital sistem kistleri çok sayıda patolojik ve fizyolojik kistten oluşmaktadır. Pelvik kistlerin büyük çoğunluğu over kaynaklı olup, basit ve fonksi- yonel kistten malign over tumörlerine kadar değişebilmektedir. Over kaynaklı olmayan genital sistem kistleri ise en az over kistleri kadar sık karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Biz bu derlememizde, kadın genital sisteminde en sık karşılaşabileceğimiz kistik lezyonları tartışmayı amaçladık. Anahtar kelimeler: Kadın, genital sistem, kist Correspondence: Dr. Harun Toy Harun Toy, MD, Konya University, Meram Medical Faculty, Department of Obstetric and Gynacology, 42060 Konya, Turkey. Tel:+903322237863 E-mail:
[email protected] European Journal of General Medicine Female genital tract cysts FEMALE GENITAL TRACT CYSTS II. CERVIX UTERI Lesions of the female reproductive system comprise a A. Benign Diseases large number of physiologic and pathologic cysts (Table 1.