
SOUTHWEST COLLECTIOI'( Ter.~ Tee' L' '-r~~t;{ 1 LUb- - '• -

ST. LOUIS. MO., NOVEMBER, 1881. $J...OO l?er Year.

.-. 0 R. tine lands and cbeap-prioecllanll8, the Htate of Texas and colleges in tbe Union. During the last ft'W yea .... , ~chools ('an, JH.'rhnp-.;, beat the world 'rhe land is situated in have been springing up In all part~ of the State, and the people acountry well civilin·d, with fine cities and numerous are w~ing effOrts to build up ftr-;t-cla!-ls schools. 'l'he lnw~ of the • nulwap•. The past :rear ha!:l bet-u one uoled for rapifJ and State are liberal toward the poor man, and no new country ever r-t•xlen,o.;in railway CO!l!-!trut:tion in that stute, and the roads held out such inducements a-s can be found in 'l'exa'> at the i · ptont'lratt·d a l'Ounlry ne,~er l>dore madejllCCCI"!Sible for present day. The time to mo,• to Texn~ i:-4 during the winter, 'i. !o;t!ltltc>nwnL 'l'ltt' Text.L.~ & Ptll'lfic ltailroad ha."i mnde rapid lobe ready for work early in Februa•·y rt must not be forgotten. ~tri1lh tow:.1.nl El Pu ... o, travt-r~ing"u va.<;l country we!:ll from I"orl tbat •rexas is very early in lbc year with its spring months.

'1.\~0XH' TK'III'I.E A:-;1> Ol'F.HA 1-IOU:SE, !HJI-;lt'l \N, TF.XAS. \Yorth. 'l'hi"' rm11l will n·al'il El Pn-.o during lhe present month of ~oveuii.. H:r, l.Jut will pmhaiJiy nnt be ready for Uusioe~l:l bf:'fore .Jnnunry hit, 1~:!; but for th(• purpOSl'~ of ~t.>ttlt-lllenl along the line the railwny i~ now in full operation. For buodred!:i Of milt·>~ W(· ... t from Fort \\'orth, and in cuuntie!:J adjacenllo Fort \Vorth, the prillC't.>ly land grant owned by the Texas & P1wific is found. 'l'hi;.~ !anti is >iiluated in tlw ridtest RJ,{riculturul districts of the "Late, and <.·an Ue purl'IHI-.;cd t1l price!'! nnd on terms that will gi..-.<.• any muu an opportunity to pay for a home. Perl:lons iuteudin.L{ to eu1il!rate to u new country will uct wisely to pros­ ped the tountry in 'f~~ in whif'11 the 'I'exm~ & Pa1·iHc lands ure found. "'itl1 such a vast l.mdy of land us tbi!i tompauy has NOR'l'H TEXAS f.'W~rA LE ('OL-LJo:c;£1 !-'!II ERMA~, 'I'F.XAS. for -.;:de, there ('Uil ~~~little doubt of good !o'leledions Of flue farms at low pric~. 'l'he land grant contnill!i over 4,/sOO,OOO acres of Another great consideration of no litllc llllport:.uH•t• is the !anti. heallll of'l'exns. It has a high ultitnrle,nu(\ situatt>1l between the Gulf and mountains of Colorado and Xt>w l\I<•Xil'?, a mingling 'l'he ~<:hnnl fund of Texas i'i ""~Oillt'thing enormou.!4, and ifi of these breezes always gives pure air. It is slllgulnrly free this re!'lpect the ~tate should have the tine~t public free schools from~all rnalariul disease!'!, for n. new l JUntry ~- 2 ')_' HE G-RE4T SOUTH-"WEST.

Te~as forests in that part of the Slate with an .easy route nut.l direct line to the rich tbe!rstately trees, shl·ouU ed with grey moss, agrwulturallands of Northern and Ce ntral 'Yhlch ha-;ags from every limb stalactite­ 'l'exas. The completion of the New Or­ lik ~. Ent1re forests thus appear, ooly Jeans Pacific will open up tile rich laud in reli e ~ •ed oow and tlleu by the bright gre~n northwestern aud central J,ouisiaun to tbe "------' 1 of mistletoe or the magnoiia tree wit.b its se ttl ~r, and home-seekers will iioU in tbis AN ILLUSTRA TEO MON THL Y. beautiful leaves aud flowers. p o_ rt~o n of the 'outh Jar1:1e bodie8 of ft:rlile w.--a-KERNS:-----~it~;;~~~ SOli tor .sale at Vtl'Y low lJri ces. Jl: I S evident tlw.t tbe recent rapid builcl- TEii'Ms=o~ PER ANNUM, POSTAGE FREE. m g of rail ways in rrexus !J us given Ll.iat SAN ANTONIO AND SUR· In conae~ tbls paper, we are prepared Stute a. pu ~b forward in progre&iou never ~ ~~s~~~~iu~t~f!. wood eng raving nud d esigning before experie nced by nuy new State. It ROUNDINCS. beA~~~~e"i,.~~s~~e~t.ers and communlco.ttons should bas made acces.sible millions of acres o( w. B. KERNS, choice farming Jaod.:i of 'l'exas, and the ~I e asur e and He alth Seek e rs Finding a McLean's Building, St. Louis, Mo. good work still continues. If a million Para dise to Live In During the W inter. ====o======[immigrants s hould luud iu '1\LXU!i! iu one lJr HllO_DG ~ to Galveston, di1ect from St. day, they could be so scJ..Lle red throughout. Lou1s, without breaking trains, is an- the State ,that in a moutll tllere would In l:illn1mer the in valid seeks tbe cold other evidnceofthe c~O Llv eu i ence afforded be no uoticeable difference in tbe popu­ ruountaiu breezt'S of tolorado, but in the the public by the Collsolidation of railroads. lation, so vast is the unoccupied territory. winter the healLll gain ed in summer is Ooe through train leaves St. Louis every The 'l'exas & Pacific bas passed through tas ked to keep its advance. In Soutbwest.­ morning over tile St. L ouis, Iron l\Iouutain over 400 miles of T exas west of Fort er!l and W es tern Texas the continuous & SouLhero Railway, and runs tbrou..,.h 'N th th· Gulf Lree;-.:es, mingled with mountain air

Little Rock, capital of Arkansas, throu~h byo r a ra~~\%:;~ · n~;;r ~~{~;u~tn~;~f~~ from tbe western wilds1 form a health-in­ Malvern, where connection is made for extended tile branches of the l\I K vigora~ing atmosphere which fills the sys­ Rot Springs, 2-5 miles distant. through & 'r . in Texas from Denison s~ut b ~ tem w1tb pure breath. '!'hili purity con­ 'l'exarkana, and thence over tb~ •rexas & wes~ and southeast t hrough 300 miles of tinues the year around, and it forms of San P.a.citic Divisiou through Marshall toLoog· territory i the International extended VIeW, and thence over the International so~thwest rrom San Antonio about 200 Antonio and the surrounding couotry a. greatsaui tarium. '!'be reason that in \•a lids Division through Pa.lestiue, and direct 00 miles, malung accessible to imn:lig-ra.tion a ~Houston and Gah•eston without break- la~ge ar~a of country on either sid e of the seek San Antonio during the winter mg trains. 'J' llis is the first time in the railway 1n south-western Texas· nod otber ruootlls is because they cannot find another history of rail roadi ng that solid trains were railways in Texas h ave op~ned large place so gen ial tbe winter t.brough. 'l'be run ~b r?ugh lo Galveston from St. L ouis, !J~i~o~f tg~~ve ~~~~~~a~~e ~e;;~~~~n i~tfl~ 1 climate is a!l that can Ue desired, free from ~b ~~~i~~~}~'to ~g: ~1i!~~eur~o~~~~fJ~gra~J ~ land made desirable for immigrants, i t is malaria, with a senli-tropicul nature. '!'he way system. Tourists going to Texas can proposed to co ustruct a railway direct large lawns, filled with tropical plants und take the Iron Mountuin route, and return norLbwest from Fort Worth through the by \'_'ay of.t.he Iodiuo rr erritory and .Mi :o:~ - rich Pau-Hanclle region to Denver Color· nower.:o, the oro\nge :tnd lemon trees bang­ ing full of tine fruit, make the stranger or •. ~~cU:!t.,P!~f:~ .. ~~1u;~;' 1 ,~'i!~. ;~~~.~:,!}~~~ r~~·ou~~ ~~~ i~a7;~it~~l ~f c~o~rt;~d ~~:~~~ feel t~al be is securing a glimpse of the to make a tour in the State for bealth or ir:i.' sett le~ eu't:- No m'O~e "' C:ppofl'tui&'l\ '}~-g U!9Qili:!ed l~nd. All t.hese muny attrac·tioos pleWJure. could be selected by _persons desiring new to per.sons with weaK'Ilm~s. .t'Wvrr.u..r.... .-~ ------h omes in the Great Southwest country change is not so severe as in tbe removal OUSE servants are needed to such au than the present to immigrate into 'l'exaa. of an ill\'alid to Colorado, but it is regular extent in 1'exas, that societies are organ- '!'be new territory of land open eel suddenly and co nstantly pure and dry. For this reason persons will recover o.t ban Antonio iziog throughout the State to secure them ~~x;~~Htrsa l~~-o!~t:~~~ r:rg~ai!~~¥~p~~ when death would ensue if they went to from the E1\St, and sl.lip them to 'l'exas. In market for sale that tbe settler can now other parts furtber north. 'L' bis portion or tbe vicinity of \Vaco, such a society is or- name his own price. This will not last, Texas is not only ~;~, place for in\'nlids, but it. is a great place for pleasure seekers, and ganized, and they propose to insure tbe ~~~~'::·wJU 8 ~~lea ~~;~i~~~~nJ~hoeg~al~~nc~ a wedding tour to Sau Antonio will ut no girls good wages. Labor of all kinds is will be in creased in va!ue. Prices are low, distant day be as popular as a visit to Long scarce in 'I' exus, a.nd the d mand is co o- and now is the time to take ad\'fwtag of Bmncb. in tbe summer. Nothiogc!oulcl be stantly increa~iug. Farmers generally se- tills sLate of a !fairs Select a home near cure more grouuJ than they cau farm one of the new lines of railway and it soon ;fao;e l_~l:~~r~ia~~lr\~~n rb~·ec~\~l~t~rtriPr·~ alone, or with their immediate help, and as can be paid for. A little reasoning on the poetic st..'\te of the honeymoon, and th e farmers are constantly lllOving to Texas, part of any mao will tell hiru ti.Hl.L this is poetic and romantic sLu-roundiogs of San ibe demand for labor increases in tbe same tbe truth, and if he desil·es to better his Antonio, would be in oerfect barmouy. ratio. Texus never bad sufficient laboring con<.li tioo , now is the time to take mens­ I t would be at.ld ing paradjse to the luxury men to save her own crops, und t he prota· ures to do so. of tb~ honeymoon. bili ties are that this lack wi!i continue to S.1.\.N .ANTONIO. exist unLU a H!igbty streu,m of immigration 0 'l'he history of this ci ty i s the most inter­ sets it. At present. many t.hou>~ands ofrn en are aiding iu railway building, but when I ~r:~~li~; t~ t;:l~~l~;: ~~l.~it;;r~~~:c~edd ~~: esting and sucrtd to t.he memory of Texas this i" completed labor of that cb aracler Francisco from St. Louis by tbe Missouri of any in tbe great '>O utbwest country. It will go elsewhere to work in the same was tbe scene of the bloodiest battles fought Pacific Railway system, upon the comple­ for tbe independence of Texas, and W1l.S bnsiness, and tbis wil l not help tbe case. tion of tbe Texas & Pacific to El Paso, 'l'bere is always room for plenty of laboring made famous by tbe fall of the Alamo, men in 'l'exas. another Paci fi c route is opened by this i\[arch 6, 1836, and the heroic deaths of connection, which will be of vast import­ Travis, Crockett and their companions. It is a ci ty of 21,000 inhabitants, nearly all Q ALVE-31'0~ is one of the fin es t cities in ance to tbe South . 'l'ho New Orleans races and nation1dities being •·epresented • tbe Soutb. 'l'he winters there are pleas­ Pacifi c, running from Marshall, 'l'exas1 to -a city of stone, substantial pavements, ant, and add to this the Gulf breeze con­ Shreveport, Louisiana, is rapidly nearing interesting autiqnities; a city of three stantly and gently blowing, and you have completion to New Orleans, and by Jan. 1, plazas, beautiful stremns, tlowing waters; 1882, wilt be finished. Tbe N ew Orleans a city of pleasant surroundings, of lofty air fit for any lungs. 'l'be vicinity of Hous­ Pacific is a division of the l\'[issouri Pacifi c und massive churches, g ray witb time, ton is also very clesiro.ble, but in Galveston Railway system, and with the connection and possessing Sun Pedro f::;prings Park , you hav-e the advantage of the most mag­ it mnkes at ~Ja.rslla.ll, Texas, with the tbe finest pleasure resort in Texas; the nificent sea beach in the United States. Texas & Pacifi c cUvision, it affords a city of tbe Old -r.lission, the second most tbrougb line from ew Orleans to San desperate defense and most horrible butch­ '!'be entire south-west portion of'l'exas, in­ Francisco, over t.be ~ii sso uri Pacific system ery of history. '!'he San Antouio R iver , cluding the beautiful cities of San Antouio to El Paso, and tbeu.ce over the Southern San Pedro Creek, and numerous dykes of and Austin , is a regiou of surpassing beau­ Pacif\c tbrougb Arizona and Southern Cali­ swift-flowing pure wuter, tr:.lVerse the town, t.v during the wint.er months. A feeling foro io. to San li' rancisoo. 'I'b is wi l 1 not crossed by mauy bridges. 'l'be city iH built of admiration with awe, fills the person only a.flbrd the people of the SontiJ a direct almost eutirely of limestone rock, found in when he fir:0;t gains a glimpse of the vasL outlet to the Pacific coast, !Jut it will make the vicin ity, a.ud iu inexhaustible quanti- --.. ..,.... __ _ f


1 1 •••rll~• • .,ot It u•r p alaL&blf. T b~ bootb1, •peel&llf Uo• lime~ toom~r E l Paso, making direct connection with ~\~d· ~0~~~~ ~tJc~~·~!~~f.u~t~:~~(~;~:~ ~ri~~ef~~ ~~~:t·~:.~~~~ :::.·:.:·~·:i.. ~ ·:::~:. b&~:~~"!!~~·.. o:::.~· ::.~~~~rl::! the Soutllern Pat"iti(' for all point!oi in Ari­ rurut.blftC tb.Jybcatt, oulpbur aad oobor ..,t.. ~r-.1 woun, u wall u part an air ot atlrtlclive novelty. 'I' here is """'oft~obwaoor•pttop,bUitb•r•,. •ll tOCtotllallfortHt.l.biii(I>UtpoH'O. :~..oua, Southern Coliforuiu, anti r~;>achiog tb~ \arratftlleor :1• ..;p lenditl :sd of waterwork,., the ~t reet s rellouper ,..,.. ,.,.., San Francisco by the most interesting are brilliantly lighted with f.:'IH at night, route to the Pacific Con'it •••"'•'••••...... uu toaurtyiiOO••l*'•ao niH I few citic-1 ol the Houth olli!r beltt:r ad­ lm"' aftl ~••- ""'boa.. a•d ol.ber c•ou Dt'f"'~""" ... den ce~. The plt':l....;urt: bl't:ker t'tlll h ere fimJ 1 ~ 1 P aso forml:l an important epod1 in the :~~·r.:~;:J: ~i:~~.. :r.~:~..:~.:' ~~~~. ~7.~~;'i.'~:..:: :;:~ C\•erytl.ling; of intt"r~~t, and the relic hunter ·o:=.; history of 'rexlL... Jt mnkes the L one Star would never Ue out of employ ment. lo ~~!.~. bi': ~;;,"~~; .:;~,:~~ :,~':!i~~::. ~~~~~:: ·:~.~~"~~~~ State a public hig hway for throug h tr1wel atlclitiou to the San Pedro Hpr i ng-~, w !Ji ch ~r: :,·... ~b::~~~":. ~:.~~:;~r T·~~~~. "!t;:;..::t:~i ~"~.::::~~":!... ~~ from the Atlautic to the Pacitic Oceans. taDut wrlt~s mountains, a short d istantc from Sao from S t . Louis to Fort Worth , 'J' he Knnsns City und Prairie Catlle Com- Marco:-~ , a station on tile fnterna· tiona! di\'i~lon of Missouri Pacilic T e~:~·t ~~ :='na ~:il~;~~r!'a , panics now own over so,ooo bend of ca lll e, sy~:~ t em,3 l mil e:o;~out b of Au::~tiu,and. miles a nd s a n Fran- with $3,000,000 yel to itwest. Lee & Scott north of Sun Antonio. It 11:1 u dear, cold cisco . come to the front with 30,000 bead. Bates Rt rcam, nod ~atu rated with chemical prop­ ertiei'l, ab>~trudctl from minerals through wbicb it Hower! in ils mountain bed. Near where the futernational Hailway crosses So~~b;:r:~~~;ryrni:ttt~. r:ml:l:ti~.~·~~ r~~:~E::~~~:~~d~~t};~~~:ll~:::~! the 'f exa.s & Pacific division of the Mis- tht: stream , a tine view of the waters can be 8 1 hall The ronny colored Jl owt:r.s, plant" souri Pacific Railway system from Fort ~0 f0~~~~e;a:~~~·.ld ~~r~r•~:~~~~~~~~~\! :~·~ and stone"' on tile hottom, give out from its Worth to E l Paso. 'l'bis will occur during number of H. W. Creswell's stoc•k, i.Jul we trystal depths all the varyio~ hues of the thi~ month-November. 'l'be connection do know that be stands near the !wad and thu'l made forms nnotber through line ~~~~~~~f~·~oe:; ~~~~~n~~~~~ ~:~~re~~2~ .. ~'~o~:~g~~ owns one of the fine:o:~t herds in the Pan from St. Louis to San Frauci~co, and gives tarlv d ea r that the fi sherman and fi sh a re H a ndle. Nick Eaton, who a few years ped t>t·tly \'i<~ ibl e to ench otb~r. anti it con­ was tainHnum erous tine ti~:~h. I GI depth is sel­ ~!; e x,~~~·i~~\:h~.~~~skf{ : :~~r~ l ~~~~~~ o~aa~[ ago punching I.Ju ll !i for a li viug, by

Amoo,Lbtiii&DfDo\\oprhoo,rorb•llbndrl-..ur~.loTuu O'Kenu where direct coune<: ti on iMmade wealthiest landl or d ~o~ in freland, besidt>!i he for Rnveudeu Springs, which hnve lately arolbOMoll.•OJII>U&O,olluaWiftl.&mpuso •'-'UIII),aObot141.o,.ftoe owns large interests In tho Uuil(;'d ~tate~. aortb<~l4u•lla,tho"'""<•:IL&I. IAot.otorlll•·lllleta&Uo!l&I•Oral bec·ome celf'brated fo r their wonderful '•·r\tiOnt Uoo, ~f lbo Wt->ut1 l'adGo SJolotlll, ot O""'•trUWfulaUoo au<1 npcu. &I •• early tlato through Malvern where dire<'t communi­ t\{'rt-s. r.JI...J ..,,.,... ,..,.,,.,.1111 boUr. '·•'Y"'"'" &ftJ ~1. !.llh>etl 1 1..,.1 .-rt ol T••a., Tbo •1•tlft~O ~bleb an beol kn<>•G 10 lbtt••biiO.o,..fur Ia nects with the Toxns & Pacific division of counties of Bri8coe, I •' l oy~ l , ArmHtrong a nd :;-:···.;~~·::...~.~~~~~· .. ·~::.·~~.~:a;'.. ~~~:!~·~~~.~·{~~.:..,, ~~~:~ the l\(i~aouri Pucificaystem. Leaving 'rex­ Donley. It is euclosed on the west by a T.,.llno(a "'' u-1. 11 I rrom lh lemp

River will bt-nr <:ompari..,on I u product­ i\'ene!-.S of cerettl crops it cannot be imr­ pn.ssed by any portion or Ohio or P ~ nn !:ly l· vania H s wheat is 111 0r~ weil-(hly und its oat.scommaud the higbe~t pril'e in the ~ew Orleanl;j m arket. There is "'t'ttr<.'P an acre o r land in the couu t.r whi<:h is not arnhle nnd adapted to a bigbly dh·er..,ificd ngri­ culture lt~a nJ~uo.l ~ hip mtnt or <:ott.nu lit­ t e~Ul lt.s adaptability to the produtlton or thts ~rent staple or COill ll J€rt·e. The \nulls ure t'llher lligh hla,.k·wnxy, rollmg .-a nd y prairie, ? r a loa.my po-.t·oak ~:-~oi l , vt'ry rith nod eo.-,ll.r cult,,·nted. The populntton is ' ::;~,'~: c~.·~n)o~~< ~~ ~~t~Sr\?~;1 11 ~~;~~~~:~f""tt.·r~ l1usbandmen ure thrirty, pro.. puou", and generally out or debt I t~ arm i1:1 !l'-0 square mi!(·R ancl i !>) cupa· ble of S U !l. t.ainin ~ a \'t.•ry l::tr ~e populution.

A l'STIN COL LEO F. SHER.MAN1 1'EXAS. SHERMAN, TEXAS. brick busines~ houses, five fl ouring mills, an icc factory making twenty t on~ or ice per day, a ca rria~ e factory, a g rain t- levator Ita Situation, the Surrounding Ri ch A g­ and one or the Jar~est cotton co mpr C"-'-~e5 in ricultural Country. the State. There are also gos works and t1. street railrond in succeqqfu l operntion, n Illustrations of a Number of Buildings larg(' foundry and two planing mills. The of the C ity Exhibiting its Archi­ lumber l.JU!-~iness of Sherman is large, there tectural Beauty. ng immense yards in the city, a nd la rl{e quantities of lumber are consta ntly sh ip· Past, P resent and Future, with a ped to the \V ~t . Brief Review of Its Promine nt Rhcrman Is eight miles ~ou th or Denison, Citize ns. where the 1\f.. K & T Di"i~ion of the ) fi !"souri Pucific ~ys t em brunches in two She-rmnn, tho t•onntv J.\'i, 1TX.\~. son, it cros~es the 'frnns·Coutinental ea!'i t or Sherman at Bell s, on itR route to !\lineola, 'l'he pr oduc t <~ a re "ht"nl. oat!'!, c.·orn, milh:t, Troupe, Pr.le;..tioe, H oustoo , Gnh·eston, cotton , broom (•orn nLhl vegetublt:-; Jn the Sao Antonio nod Auo;tin. Al Denison malter of fruit~ i t i~o. ~un·l·-. .. ful in JWtu· ~, npplt-.;, J:rape!-1, plum!-~ nntl ~Ira\~ berries ~~~~~~~~i~~~~~ Idirec·t& •.r. and co nntheectio 1[ n& i~'I' madeC Railwu.v witb the~ for 1\f !Sher-. K. 8evernl lnr~e p<·ach or<·ha rd" nnd ;..lruw· man. lt is !-Cen by this that Sherman i"' bern• farm'! nrt found in llw l'nuuty. The not lack ing in railway facilltie~. ~ul·cf.~~ nttendunt upon the culture of th<"~e ~ two vnrictie~ of fruit it~ remurl;:aLle and Ott A Yso::-.· COUNT\' the shipments to nurl hern und en.<~l_un Of which gucrmau i!ol tbe county seat, iRan lllarket"' h8\'t' p~onm qu it e n•munuatJn•. old ... eltled nnd tbe most populous county of 'l'hi~ rouuty h~ ~lluatt:ll on tlw north l~o~llt-r the Hwte, htwing a populution of 3 ,10 .. , of Texn~. ha~ a IHr~t> urea of Hed rn~er In aJ{ riru lturul advantage~ no anm or lhe IJo~tom hwd, \\ bi1 hi~ or a <· lw~adf·r to 111· same "ll"'l extent ca'

ami iH the point at whieb the 1'run~·Conti· ueut.al ])lvi~ioll or the 'l't>xas and Pul'ific Railway l'fl)ol·W~ tlw H ou..,tnn & 'J'exn" Ceo· I lral Railway Thiioi ir~ one of the mo~t im· port...'l.nt conuuerl'ial citil·s of Texa"', nnd ''" in the wldst or on~: or the lint"'t ug ricultu·l raJ region io the L·ntire -.nutbwl·"'t It h tt" 6 population or llhout 1:!,01)0, UtHI I'~ 1-lliiJ· ~ ta nliully built with hund ... ollll' ~tone nnd l•rtrk lm~:~iuc.,.s block.,. l t ha.s n htuHI-.ome ~:~tone anti brick court hOUl

fldence in the men of money. During the year past SheriUan ex­ ported 30,000 bales of cotton, 50,000 pounds of ~~i~~ ~~dooge~i~~~~~ 000 bushelr; of small gro.ins, 2,000 heads of cattle, sheep and hogs, and the aggregate value of its m.inor productB ex­ ported was $10,000. Of the percenlaF!:e of these exports New York re­ ceived 20, St. Louis 40, Chicago JO, New Or­ leans 15 and other points lh. There are in :::)berman mills ami manufnctorie&- to the value of $2.50,000 . The ~~[:5 6~ti~~~~s f~~ ~~; year were ~~O:~si,0 ~ats and milli of 6 T HE GREAT SOUTH-"W"EST .

====:~~=====~~~~~~~:=::~~;===~~~~===~,h~e~ot~ty~.~'~>'e~call attention to tbt· t•ngravlng or h\11 tm ... lneo!l hou~oe. A. W. Wllllums &: Co., dru~l!"l"t.s, e tabllshed In 11'1/j; Cnpita\, I.~I,(UI; 1\llDURl blllt'~, .tl••I,I~JU, I b\R hi tt:le ltoi.L!.:~t wlluh:~~~;tle dr.) good~ hOUIStl oorlh or D~lla.o., their lnndlog nwn ,::;:ulnJ( ~'0 milt<~ wt'!'t nod tllmut tjjl miles o'Jt'lt ot :-ho·rman. ~~e en­ gro.,·in,~.;. Mt:rcuant.-.. • & Plnnt('n.' Dank. !'\herman, To:xa ... was lnoorporatHJ 111 Ol'lOlwr, h7~. Tb~: ollie-era are, o.t present; l:. <:. Hlokhy, l~rt>~lllt:'nt; K. A. L'hapwao, VIce Pn·~>hh'ut; Tom RaoctolJJh, (_;asi.J.­ Icr. ,\lr. Hinkley, tht: Pn"llh-nt, h1oueor the old· c»l lms•neolo lllt>n ut ~lwruum, anti Is In ten"'"'' \'('1) h..rg,•ly IU Cll) J)WJt•/ly. Be built tbe Blu~~:leJ Ho,cl, the 1Jrlde of :-;t.wnnan f'le"t' house lu Nurth J tJUu•. H~tvln!!: Uluple eapltul, tluy nre fllwRy:. tht.' 1lr1>t. lu JutrudUl'll tile hllk!ry In tl1at l>l'l' tlon of tilt t•ountry _ Tiley huv"' alwu)'l:i ou huud l\'tr)· muke 01 bu~~:le~. wugout~, ete. Their l.iou"l' 111 lootlt·d on the w~t. ~>hit~ or the I!, ::;c.., engrllvln~e t~lhcwh<• re . Jlle BLukh•y Jl vm•c. Sb(,rrnHu, 'J'e,;11s. b o u e of hl'tit hOtth Ju ih~ 80U\hWtMl, il Will ho! '<('t•U by 1h1:1 lllu~;tnlllou tll:~t II h ont· or the r\nt !lt, 11 unt tbe tlot·~>t, IJulhllu~ lu the dty. Allthl· noom~; are I t'l.tted up lu lht bnlt ol ~l) It•, und the Ut.blt' sup­ pheJ w1th All the mnrkt•t uiJoroJ~. :\lr Joho~t• Ulled rur; lltl!l bN•n cUKUj!:td In the cou­ tro.lnlng CODiiC'fVII.tlvf>, he wll!l ur~:ed l:ly both Judi· l:ltructlou of tbt• 1·. & I'. !rum t> t. \\ tetl welrchlog every r,ue~tlon prel'i&oted, find never lllc Comprt:R"" L'Onlpan) Ul :-ih~rman IK located 1 0 0 OU tbC H. t.\t l . l'. l't •lllroatJ wllh U KWit{'b COU ilt'Cl· }t~a~:r ~}"llt;,aW;~'I ct ~~~~~e poar~! sfr ~:~!:t lug wltllthll Tt>J:!lM ,t t'tlt'lllt• H>1ll rond; Wa"! t·rH·t~:d Ju lb1 Htatu aurl N:>IVll hltn tbl'lr eoun•leoee tHld In 111111 at a. co""t ot ~-ii!,IO•, and 1"" or tll e illy lor patt·ut, of th<' lllrg~:"t .. ,,.,.; hll.l' a full worklol{ r'QWI'r or l,f.iOIJ (..QUill, IIIHt Jm... tUfllt d IHI~ 7ij(J fmJt,. Of t~~~r~y~-x~~.~~~x~~!~~~~J~f::~~~U:~:~:ii?-~~~S cotton in t.ton worKing hour.~. I t I'~ co\ercd hy a l>elnl( uusiJle to en~.:agt· In Boy eharacter of bus!· 11 1 1 ne11•, h1· w('ot to Chapel IIIII, among hi~; relatives ~ fc~t~~::~~~l~ltti k·r.~~· w~~~ {~~·:~. l~t'~?:u~ t· ~~·.~c:~~ 0 llan•llt! cott.oo. lllu .. trntlou of th._. l'(,lluprc ~ t'IHl ~~~dJ{:'i;~~~~~~~;h~~~~~~~~~!~tlJ~·n°t ~:nc,~~~:t·fifti be ~~:cu Ill thtsl"'lut<. llr. Tho. t'vrh•·'l, :-.r., lb one 1 ol tht! prludpnl ownt-r.. or tlw e<~mpr~::'>~~ Rod Is .}:~f~~K ~~'!h~~ :~.. ~:~~t1~~ !~~~:~~~~~~~r!~ Jutllo:~ Onlu to all the vacaucy. Ae wn~ polot.t"d ~~~hoc~t~~~~~~~ui'J~.~~~~ \';~~:~11 \',~ ~~tlh'j~'!j~.:!H u~ l,l7.'ii: out ror thl~ p08lt1on by an eminent. Otuess. hie owns coo!olderauh- otllt·r clly pro~rty, umon~: own quslll'l(' ltiOill IUJ no educutor. a. cbrlsllao wblch 1~ ForiJt:',.· I:JIO<'k, au eu~-:uwluK 01 which 1'1 lA-acher, and tbe ch:~radt r of his wire as A teacher buew!Ul publ111lu·d. ol ln11trumeotat and vocal music. L'nder tbe ad­ In thl countetloo we nu nllon Tllo . Fnrl•f'!'I.Jr., mlollltralloo or Juri 't' On loR, Chapel Bill Femnle wbo, like hill r~t.thl'r, I on., vi tht< ~ nlt·fJHJ.,JDg m~ n C<~lltl(e enjoyt>rl 1\ ht~:h tlt-.;r{'e or pro~perlty. l:ie Of Sherman. \\ l' "1\'l'ill !hill JlRpt't lUI JJ]UHlntl!OD WIUI lull or f~~ollh an<\ n•al, flud lf'Orktd On the loith of hlo.; fl:llld1•nn. of Jl\lw, l"-'11, he rl"'!li;:llt •I the Prt "ldent·y ol Chapel Tht t>nlo{ru\'lo"'" or ~hl'rman In tbl h"ue wNe ~~~t~e!!',~eef:~:~~rep;,~.~~d~?~~ ~~r· ~~~~~~ri~~assa~~ mlulc rrom phnl«KtllphH mwll' <·J:Jlrt'""'l fnr til~ ~~~r~,~~l:~~;;~, ;~\~~~~~~ >~,~[ R~~~!~~-~~~r~~~~~· Mr, m~'~r~:~:~~J;~~y ~~~~~'~r~~~t tT.~!;"·~.e%~~c~e~~ 1 11 1 1 olty whleb b&!'l no UJwrlor In the State. Tbe en~· r~e.~ :.~::~~ :~~' ~ t:~1 ~~.~,.~~~It!~!.',~ r ~.~\ 1 l'ol~· ;~~ .', :d.~ Prt•flldl'nt llDd bls tacllt•rA un• known In every lllK laod detllll. t·tc. s, •., hl>t t~dvt·rthi~Uif'UL else­ part of thl\ ~t•\le, aut! the Nilt·t·m In whleh the) where. df·mon~lmh•d nfl• \will 111 by the ulmDflt uopar&l· Tbl\ .\u~;tln ('olli•ICC', 1\ll l•n~rravlng of whkh 11'1 h•led IIUt·c;·"" of tlw opf'nlnl( of tbt• Colle~:c In bf'l)· here .:h·,.n. I• ou•· of tlw llttrtlt·tlvfl ft'lllllrt'~ of t~·mbpr Ialit. Mnnv of llll'lr Chlll'!t'l l:illl Kludent~ Shermnu. It 1... toolt.lluM'ltul\nu~tlld \\dl p1ltron­ are with tbem AI Slwrman, lind North f exa>~ Jo~e­ lzed. T h•· 8{'ho•)l \" uudt·r tlw ch tr.:(' 01 l'n·"' l•leut male Co lit !{I' 111tmher"' ytmnl( liullt'>t f'rom tbe H. H. Boudt>, H. 0. l'rt~ldt•nt Bnuth- ha" adt.h-d CQuu\les alou~~: thtt ~ablnt• and Golorl\dO, tlH' Gulr g~~~x~~~d't~~~~~~~~~ve;i :~~·1 ~>01t;'~', o~~;~~f! CoUq.:P. J':i4(h- I<~Jourlnt;t :0.1111", ~hermlln, Te:n.a, An t·O· f~~~~"an~I ,~:~~Y~t·l1t,.dh~~~~f~~l f[~~~~o~Rtr~':t~ Therl:' Is au elevator nttut·bed to tlh' mills, with a eapii.C:lt)' ofSOtut huiiiii'IH: ul110 :\ wart•bouMe, wllll room lur lht• stort~"e <1l 11\:'(IY ear11 or llour nod l.lrau. Th• mliiH an• fttlt•l up with the IO.tt'~ttm­ prnvf>ry, lnvlol( ftv<' ruo~ or lllOOt>, two ee~ of rol\11 aud lim,. purll'ler8. L'LIIpal'lty, 21\l bllr· rt•l" P• r ds~·, 1: U. Wapi&~. .t L'O., proprlet.ore ~~~;~~:1~~~~~~ ~~~~·r~r(~o\h~f[~~c:~~!e!~~i~-;:'~~ ~~ J('W"Iry, finE' K~·mt~~, l'!<'.,ln the ~orth, Ry Indus· try lbt y hll\'1'! built up'' l"r~t' lrllde In Tf'xas sud arooo~~: th<' denlr. .. uK ol tlu Indian l't'rrltory, tb('y bsv. a ftnl' hUIIlnl'lt-5. noth I(• utlt'mt'n an• rormerly or lit Lou lA. Tlwy •ne nnot-c11\~~ replllrt'r • Elee wbo·r• llf'e I'IIN:ruvlo~~: ut rt·llldt·Jwe or Jo~. Lloz. In 1'1.2 \V W \\~alkH opened a 7:dl croekery llklrt· In Hlu fiDKD. rt 'tiU lnC'n·~"lng hl8 bll~IU4'!88 tu1 tho· to"' n ~~:r• w, h• now hAll tlw nue~ot t·~tab· li"IIIIH:llll or trnrk .. ry, t'hlt.A.\\tlr~. nod ever,,·tlllo§ I ~~~r'I:J":r ~~~::1! ·:,,T~~~r :Jg;~,~·~~r! ':..'~~~~ t~~1·'~~~. Mr \\'alker IN no~ of Hb, rmuu• .. m0t1t liberal coo­ 'rlbutura lo all euturprlsc& that aru ~oel'lolll.l to 0 . T. LYON'S RESIDENCE, SHERMAN, TEXAS. THE GREAT SOUTH-"WEST. 7

In speaking of the de· sirable western lands in the State, we can refer to r,urtbern and northwestern Kansas as being l he only locality where large bodies of government land can be found to select a home from. This portion of Kao­ sn<~ received little advertising, because ~!~I ~oaJ'a~~~~a~~~~ section. It is true the Central Branch rail­ way did own a land grant, which extend­ ed west from At<:bisoo about 70 miles, and still own about an,ooo arres of lbe same grant, but no effort is made to advertise it, as it is closing Out H. W, WILLI.U[S & CO., WHOLESAJ.-E DRUGGISTS, ~:riig/;g :~~~ Fteor:: SHER)fAN, n;XAS. purchasing it as fast as they are able., The land offic. e is located at Concordia, 'fhis of itself carries evidence tbat Cloud county, a st.."ltion on the t 'eotral the soil for 100 miles west of Atchi- .Branch, 155 nules from Atchison. son on the Central Branch is extreme- Tbe Northwestern Land Dbtrict em~ 1 ly fertile, and it continues the same braces all of Cheyenne, .Rawlins, Decatur, :MERORANTS AND PLANTERS' BANK, along the entire length of Central Norton, Phillips, Smith and Osbornecoun- SHERMAN, TEXAS. con!'ltderRbly to the prostreR' of the Institution Th~ r,~~~~~6SP':::£i~ow~~t [b~~ i ~!c~sis~~t i~~~~~h S~~~d~:,joQ r~~~~ 'ofR~~:;ma~oJ !line~ he htl.S had control, which occurred in 11:1713. One or H1e prtoC'Ip'll fo: tture'l or Sberman Is tbe 1 1 erection of a m'l~nltlcenr. :'-1asoulc tP.ropte and ~~ir~k!~Jei~ :~e; ~rt~: ~a;~ cb~u~'~~Ya ~~~\~~ ~,c;:;~n:r~f 5~~~~J a~~:~ !~wG~v~~~~~~st ~~~[a~~~.se,;.0 !'ettfeu ~~~~~~e~L-~n~~!!,l1~~~oo T~~: ing village or town, and awaiting the com- land in this di!:!trict, lying principally upon building will be C, a nouring mill now known that they scarcely need mention, l~~rge:a~~ ~~~~~d t~~~%ht~~ ~rl~sg<~c:~~u~~ in course of erection, one pottery manufac­ as the name '' Kansa"'' i>J synonymous sion or emigrant ticket over the 1\fis;~ourl tory, one bunk, a t-10.0110 sehool house, ancl with thntof progre5s nod education, by vir- Pacific Railway which will grant, if a land four fine church build in~;~. Clyde hM a tue of their coo;~tant compn,uioMhip in b!~~.~~~nF;~~kkef~rta~113'£~i~~toa.~l 1 ~1t:~~~~~ ~~~~r\;o~:J~il~:f~Io;~~~~~~~l:J~u~~~~!o~Pri~!r,~~ print. tral Branch up rapidly, and the !-iigns of prosperity, Some portinnr; of Kan.!la." are rl1ore de!'lir- 'J'he Republican Land District lies In the growth and advan<•emcut are vi;~ible on able than other-1 on a('(•ount of t.he !'!oil, northern part of the State and embracer; the every hand. Of the business men of the climate and people; for it mm~t be remem- counti~ of \Vasbington, () lay, Cloud and city, they are sucb t\!'1 have had ~:xperience be red that Kansas i'"l a very large State. It Republic, with portions of Jewell, Mitchell, in other parts, and are now reaping the is also true that the Pru;tern portion of the Lincoln, Ottawa, Rile.v, Pottawntomie and fruits thereof. The .Methodist, Presbyte- State, and the heaviest timbenid regions of Mar!:lbo.ll. There are about 90,000 acres of 0 Kansas a re a.lreacly taken up, and no gov- public lands untakeo in this Ulstrict. All f,i:,?e ~~~!~~t oat~!o;:i;i';,ol~~d ~~~n~~~:~~~: ernment land can be found in those local- a re valuable for grazing purpose~ :1od over attendance is large. 'l'he school budding I ties, although land for sale may be secured. J 60 per cent. are good agricultural lands. is a larg:e, handsome brick structure, con· taining six roomg, with no average daily upland is not inferior, as iL yields with the t-o $-5 per acre, and that within :Jo mile; of attendance of 300 people. Clyde bas all same productiveness. There is probably no Topeka, the !:)tate capital of K•.t.mm<~. '!'his the fraternal societied, and a hospitable region in the West where fruit· raising is as land will soon he 8old, and now is the lime population, who will extend a helping successful as in this Valley. Kansas took for iruwlgrant..~ to select and purchase and buu~ to the Immigrant or business mao the first premium at the Centennial for the wove out in the spring, or mO\'e at once if look JUg for a location. Clyde was the first prepart!d to build immediately. On all county seat, and court was held here, and ~?~~~\!~>II~~ ~~~i~it~~~t!~~ng;~:t;egs~! C..'l.S h ~ales :!0 per cent. discount i>l allowed all tbe county offices were located bere. Valley. 'rER~IS OF SALio~ ON 'J'DrF.. CONCORDIA Another leading feature of the Neosho Valley is her adaptability to the raising of One-fourth down at time of pun•ha~e. Is the county seat of Cloud County, and is No pa.yment for two y~nr:~ afterw:trd~. ex­ 8 located 011 tb.e edge of tile Republican ~~~~~1~~ !~;~~·of!~~~~er~ a~~l~~~~~~h~~ cept iot ere~t nt i per cent.; no intere!-lt in Valley, 153 Ollles we-t of Atchison The ped out of the valley to market, as also are ad~·nnt•e ;_ one-f_ourth e\•ery year aftt>r, until city contains, by the last cen~us, 1,850 •mmense quantities of wool fn fact the pa1d, whtch wrll run tlnel' yt:ar.. -muking inhabitant~J, which will now exceed 2,000. rapidity with which the growing of wool the time from the date of tlw firdt pttyment H i!i handsomely laid out, and well built has increased within the last two years is five. yeaN. Any ~ne bas the privilege of with brick and stone; the streets are most remarkable. Tbe soil nod climate pay10g up at any trme. broad, and C\Ten in the busine~s center of seem peculiarly adapted to wool culture, _For a banks, and ous climate, proximity to market, railroad fac iliti ~. abum.Jance of timber, coal, stone, c a n be f ound atth e Famous Hot two good hotels; they al~o have n good nod educatiOnal advantages; notwith­ Spri n gs of Ark ansas. water-power flouring mill, which turns out standing the natural and acquired wealth no excellent quality of Hour. 'J'aken all in of this valley, lbe religious nod social ad­ all, there are few belter or more thrifty Hot pring"', Arkan!'IO...'l, with a world­ vantages of old and sub~tantial settle­ wide fume, is 11'-'"1Uilling the airJol of the old towns io the count~y thao Concordia; her ments, there are thousands of acres of as IJusi ness men are II ve and e nergetic. She good land as any in the Valley still unoc­ health re-;orts in Europe. Wbile it may bas great natural resources, which will ul­ cupied, which can be bought at extremely not rank in wealth and sty le with Baden­ tiriliJ.tely make it a town of prominence and low prices. Unimproved lauds are selling commercial importance. t::)be has a build­ Baden, Germany, or Uatb, England, it is at from $1.26 to $5 per acre. Certainly thi~ beconuog- famous for pleasure et-eker!-1 as ing boom this season, no less than a score is cheaper than to go where there is not a of brick, &tone and frame houses are now tithe of the ad\·antages here offered, and set­ well a..-; healtb seekeril. The re<·eot ~ettle­ f::~! "t~~k;'~~d ~~r;:nbtl~e 8~t~~~e:nda[b~ tle UJ? land even though it can be had for ment of all dil:!putes of Litle to property by profeAsiooal men have nice offices and nolh1ng. the United ~tates Government hns made a plenty of busioess. THE RAlLWAY LANDS. remarkable change in the way of iwprove­ It is here the first Government Land The best route to the valley is by way of meuts iu Hot Springs. It will not only be Oflice is located which the traveler arrives St. Louis or Hannibal, at either of which a city for health, but the plen~ure tourist at by going over the Central Branch. Land places you take the Missouri Pacific and axcurtJioo ticket.a ca.o be purl'bnsed io St. l{Ma through Sedalia, .Mo., to Parsons, ~Ili~ I ~;~~~ ~ t~ i ~~~u~;-~~.\ nc~ty p~~t t; t~~~l ~~1~~~ Louis over the j)fi~souri Pacillc to all points 1 1 pt!.ns~t a~a~~~~p~~!n~;!!boo\?~?:~y pg:: roJUiliHit' surrouud•ug;;. l'oun~t"l will lind al~n~ the Central Branch, allowing the the fiot:sl livery rig~ and hor~~ in the laud vision of the Mi~<10uri Pacific Railway run~ at ~he Springs. The ~fountain Valley ~~r;~~~Poerr~~J\~~~~~ia~~t~~~~~i~~!.w-f~~! due north along the Neo!'Jbo river to Junc- Spr10g~, tweh•e miles d1~tunt, ha\•e a tH:kt!l.'i are round trtps and are sold at re­ 8 1 fame for the cure of dyspep~ia, Diabetes duced rates. ~!.:te~~t}'{all~:S~~!r it b~f:<\f~n !~ er~~~~~~ and Bri~ht'1:1, null the Pota.l a variE>Iy of nmu-.iog pas­ perous Parts of K ansas. ~rg;~i ;a~~~k'e ~o~ef:c~i~~~n the more in tel- time<~. It j.,. true that two or thrct! tbou­ 1 l'and \'i!-litON may be -.~eu in Hot Spring~ Some of the cheap land!3 in the large;t at tht: Ojarue time, but mauy of lht-'!ie are 'rhe Neo~bo Valley, Kansas, nestle8 bodies can be found in Chase, Greenwood, not invalids_ 'rLH!}' ha\"e found thnt the along the sparkling Neosho River, running Woodson, Waubaunsee and Coffey, with Uot Hpriug-.i have all the attribul~.-·s of a north and soutll through the eastern por­ scattered land in other couotie:i in the valley. tion of the State. It conlains numerous w~~~b~~:~~~~~te~u·~1 ~~:g~rre{~;.~~~ytop~~~~ Cba..'4e county has ouwerou~ streams, may contain impurities iu tlwir blood, noll thriving citie~ like Pnr.-,~ous, Chanute, with high bluft~ along the bank!'! In many when on u. trip to the Hpring-~ the ... t' im­ It Humboldt, Burlington, Ern poria, Council places. is a rolling county throughout, puritil:!~ cnn bl:' removt't.l before they be­ Orove and Junction City. l:)urrounding and has numerous fine spring~J wbicb ex­ come St!llh:d in the sy;dt:m ceedingly adapt this county for ~tock rals- tht!.'4e l•itiel'! is a.•'l floe a farmiug ~ountry n.s A WISE PIW\"ISlOX can he found in any part of tht: west. The ln~.reenwood county adjacent to Chase Wao.; made hy tbe gonrnmt!nt when it thriftoftbe farmer~ attc~ts this fact. Plenty count.v, and situated in the heart of the o,;~;:ttled the lund trouble;.~ at tht! Hprings valley, bas a larger area of bottom lunds about two yt!a~ ago. The bath houst.>S, of timb~r and coal can .be had in tbe Valley than Chase. Considerable timber; coal is >~ome of whid1 cost from $2o,ono to Ho,ono, at uorn1ual figure:-~. It ''~ al>~o a g reat Valley found, plenty of fine building stone and a are uot ullowed to charge o\•er :10 cent... , for school:~ and cburchc/:4. J<.:;mporia is espe• cially noted for it." school!:! a nd churches, splendid water supply. 'I' he county is high and they mnge from that pril'l:' (]own to 5 ba\•ing located there the Stale Normal t•ent"' t:al'h- A coun~e of twt'nly-one baths Sc·hool, a magnificent building, with au ~~~~~F~8rR\~!~ss:~d~~efrit~~t~~~o~~r1:~b~: at ouy of the llr"'t l'ltl.."s bou~tffl may bt:! secured for li. 'fhertJ i:i alwtt.Y"~ an attend­ attt·~dance of 300 '!tudent~- This conveys taries. It is considered one of the fine"t 8tock counties in the StattJ, and ha" anum­ nut with cad1 bather, who hy lo("O\"t:rnment the Hlt.:~ at once tl.J1H the people of tbe \'al­ ley are Intelligent and enterprising. ber of fine herds and uumerou~ Oocks of order is not allowl.!d to churgl:! o\"cr ~I per ':!beep of the best grades Lan~ brin.L,~ the prit'e of batlung THE SOIL 01-' TifF. V.ALI,EY from til t-5 to $5 per acre. within the Jimit ~ of tlle nw•o~t moderate JfnM been t~-;te1l for y~ur>1 past, both as to ~!orris county, in the north part of the purr~e, for <•t-rtain ly uo one can ohject to fl\nlllng aud Mtot'k-ro.Jl·nng. The crops have valier, is considered a very superior stoek 1:1Uch pnce:-~. clru:~Sed among the best lu the tale and farrmng county. It is well watered with The nt!xt que.ltion of impnrtanl·e with the Neosho river and i~ tributaries, and the vi1-1itor i~ the price of board. The ~~~~. ~tr~~euc~C~o~~ some of the beat land in the State ~·au be hotels nre of the l>~t in the htllll Board dcrful crops of corn and wbeal1 while the found in this county ror .sale al from $1.40 can be bad at the b&.Jt froru $1:!.50 to $17.50 THE GREAT SOUTH-"WEST. 9 per week, rw<'ording to loca.lion of room. oughly advertised ubroad immi g run~ will fi cin! e fl t:d;.~. 'Vithout going mto detail~ ~ides tlte<.Jetbere will be found numerous inv~tigale tbem. regarding the etrel'l of the water a ud how boarUing buu"!es ranging in price all the CHEAP LAND~ FOR SA LJ.~. to U'le it, we wi~b to spea.k about the cu r e~ way from $~ to $12 per week. It will be it e fl ~l'L'l. Chronic uterine troubles, db­ 'I' he Iron Mountain Hail way Lta~ a large ea..•.;e!-1 of the bladder, urethral track and Sl.!e n by this that a man can nccommodate body of laud for s:tle at price,; to !-m it. Thi" bim<;elf according to his purse. kidney~, incipient ~ n a l trouble~. many land i ~ situat~d in ~outheMtern ~lis.;ouri No one ~ bould attempt to take the bot and Arkansas. '!'he !nod grant i"' a large di!'lease~ of the ~kin and a lcohol trouble"! bath" without lir::!t coosultin.ct the best are treat~d wilb ~ p eedy success 'J'he usc o ne and purcha 'ier:-~ cun ~ec ure lmrg:ains phy~ician, wb()jo<,c rbarges at the highest of thi~ water willcreutc a di~ta."'tP for whi!o!­ urc not over $.5. 'fhe water must be on a along this liue of railway Bix nnvi1-{ai.Jle ky and tobacco. P eNons going to the slreant'l of wal~r cross the latlfl grant, temperature to I'Orresponcl with whnt tlw 11 1 be~ id e" lheir num e rou~ tribut:tncs. bather's ;;ysteru cnn stand, and !\"! it come.-; ~X~~~~;>4 aZ ~t~~d s~ ~:i~i ~·~ ~~ ~r~c~~i~~~~~ it:~ \ visit to Lilt It' Hock, Arkan'~as, nnd a out of the g-round ~calding bot it must be water look over the >~late will couv1n1·e the redu('ed. Hot Spring~ is not an e:cpen~ive Xumerou~ cu rl'::l of infhunmatory rheu­ place, nod yet the most fastidiou'l can find intendt-d settler that the bargain<~ there are matism , chronic rheulllnthnn wilh C'omp li- all they desin: and pay out all the cash they but little known by the public ut large. 1 1 3 ~~~o~:~·r~V!l1~~'lec:!~~~\lilJt~~:~:!-ll ~.~~~I i ~~~e~''}~~ ~!~1 I h~~ sal"e r~(trr~~;~alit~:S~ll~~o~fe~~a~~~ HOT SPRINCS, ARKANSAS. monthH have heen perrnu.nen lly curccl. country; he will lind the best !:lociety in t>urnly~i~ where the pMieut wns conl\n ed the \V ~t; magnilicent r~idences, fine to a chuir, dy"lpep-1ia c•ompli1·ated with The Creat H ealth R esort of the United 1 "omeafll!<'lion of the liver, neuralgil' gout, n~it:~~. Je~~\~;~ ~~tl~~~e hp~~~~·r~ ~~ :vvei~1t States for Curi n g Numerou s D iseases. to the SprinJ,~ \\' bile on the other band ~~=~~~~t'~~sa~~~~~ ' ~f~;~~~~:lt i~~~~f~~: ~ ~~ r:~'! the man of moderate means cu.o <~ecure in a llth e~e ca..:es C'fin be given bu t they are just the same bathing fo.cilitie-:~, just the rrhe history of the H ot Spri ng"l, Arkan­ needles'l where the fame of SJ? I' in ~-,rs are !-IO same attention from physicbu o.nd attend­ ga.q, is so well known lhttt it takei the front well known a.s the Jlot S prlllg'i. Other eatju~t ant.,, and M healthy food nod ex­ ro.ok a"! a henlth g-ivi ng r e:-~ort without a d i ~ea~c~ h u.ve been l'Un~d, such as gout, all hnu!-lt less of his wealth tbao rich pleru~ure glandular llhu.~nse~. tborea, acute aaHI c> l1ron­ seek eN. thoug ht of cla'l.., ifying it otherwi'le. Other ic, by"teri:t, neuml ,l.(' in. , nen·ouSJ h eaduche, The <·ure!'l e ll~c t ~d l>y the intelligtot use plnc•es may for a moment sp rin ~ into ac· all di ..,earo is mt> l with. from St. L ouis. 'l'hc mo~t desirable route Uere u. moist or dry atmo~phere, high or to reach the spri o~-1 is hy ,-,.ay of St Louis. low nlt itutle, or a l'e:-.idente nmoug the ARKANSAS FOR CHEAP H ere the Iron )fountain Line of the ~ ( i:i­ pi.n ~~ can bt: eujoyt'd souri Pacific Ruilwlly run ~ elegunt t·na<'he~ A free pamphlet d es<·riptive or tlll•:-~e HOMES. an_d through sleeper direct to :\[alveru .. ~5 wattoN will be ~ent to any uddres!ol. nules from Hot 8 prm g~. where l'Olllll'dlon On the Iron :\lount.nln di vi~io o of the i~ nu:ul e witb tbe H ot Spring"l rnilw:l_, .. :\Ji ..,~ouri PaC'ific two tminH daily a re nnw A F i n e Climate and Country for H ealth We may ~ay that the city of I rot SJH'ing.. , run ht-tween St. L ouis aud Hot Spring~, - Wit h Rich Soli at Low Prices. wbicb now contain~ a populnti on of 5,000 leaving the nrand l "niou Depot m orning souls, receh•ed ili prog re~ s in l'e the war and evening ,,·ith sleeping car, Ht. L olli~ nud iL>J greatel'lt iuc·ren!-le o<·cu rrc! l ~in1·t: lSiO. to ) (ulvt'rrl. Pa'~senger" lt•aviog Ht. L oui"! 'l'he State of .\rkanflns i .:~ situated in the It ha"llarge and commodiolh hotel~. twel-,.c on the morning truiu arrive at lint ~pr in gs happy latitude of the much coveted r ndiao IJntb hou ;;~€!'ol, i"IOme nf them costing from enrl.Y next morning; pnt Tbo )1\ ..omr! r ... I~4,:Jt.l.oolo.l"'n Vountal<> a :io<>lborn lal\•uy. should at leu'it have a wealth of bottom viewed for mil eceed~ euc· h other. gt reurH"' nf water eralJie fine rolliog prairie landl4. choice f'ocni•~UtfoJ.IIIWraoUoool.ltll•ootSortbcriiRollway,, n, e•o• wind their way through rul!ged raviru.. ~ Po'" •:utJ,to·CR.oltUu••n&tb (rnrltmore•pecUrtb-.o .,,,, timber lands anti everytbin~ to give a man 1 ril'b valley!-! null >~O mbre fine fnn· .. t ~. while Tnb•nllroOJOI•"" fla~...: - 8.0011 mUco f ra.UW&J aud to l~:o... .Hil.a...... ,L< lltouo, arc the great '-l!tuitnrium"'l of the world, we oreoKolh IDd(oQTorri\OTJ&D4troo •••• )1\totrt o I or thl THE W.\.n:lt A:\'D I TS (TRJ.:S. may 'lay. For i~ it not here amidst the ,;,,.an'lto!Oo .rTou.o Th•••••tc utro!•r,... po·!at of lo 1•1 111 mo::ot ru)tl-{td of nature, the fnmou!ol cele­ 'l' he (•hnnge t> f •wuso n prmllu·~'l nn ma­ \&oll\l,l.t>o(o, •h« t•<>molalloadl ..d at any WKSTP.RS POI~H!i FROlol fiT. !.OlliS. Tlolll...,arl!'k\lkRo!l•oyd!rtol<>a

0 tonlb.wut,c1'08111ac the H." T. C.u Beo.ruo, pa,ulnc tbrou;b Anotln, f:'~~o~n~~:'~~~~~~!'~"Ti;,!u":'C:~~ ~~.'!~~r:! "ft.o"!~~ 1~ ~:.~~iu 1~ U.ooaphotortbcotate,wtlhfr.abet.ullrulourroundlll(l&Ud.ll<>~OilD(throusb SatiAIILODLO..-hbltoblotorlco\I'I!HCiond romnlte put ~::~:~)f.\'.~~: .·:o~.r:·~~ 'r~ Jol.;~: r~~·· ~~u::.~::,·~.. ~.~~~:.~:~~~~~ to tnt~r~•ttht ~n.rclcr, u1d ll"'lnllol 011, niH ooutbwelt, to J.ol"tdo, on S~ollm Wonow&S<>ulhernRraucb aw tb~Kio0rander1hru ll""i<:o.D bOrder. J.tLu..to,wllloblhoewlllbe ton Bro.ncn runolu~ complcteUri PaciOcJt.!lwaJ, wlI\ ovcry ot~l••oort t'..e\6• SJ•tem of RaU"'•J•, oro. W.Koulu, AN't Geu'\ t'u•oo&o•A&e•n,St.--- Loailo.------AURORA SPRINCS.

L ocated in a P ictu resque Portion of M iller Count y . Mo.

Q uick Work i n Buildin g up a C ity. The ELDON HOUSE, AURORA SPRINGS. A ctiv e Bus iness M e n . of Tu'lcumbln and .f mU~s S. W. of Pleasant Mt. They are most easli)' aeces;:lble from California, the \Veil known ttulvlng town on tile i\lo. Paclfte Hundr eds of Persons V isitin g t h e Resort, R'y, In wlll.cb t truth or wblch Is vouclled or by re· spark \In~ cold wn.t..er. Jle f:n.mp\e(} Lllem and liable dlsllngulsbed persons. reference to u. lew of found tbem good and tinctured by a sLrong miner· whlcb cure11 appear below In tbls article will wcl~h nl t..a.'!IC. From his reporl.sln regard to llle toning· ~~~gt~~t: r~~er~~t!~~nhr:~~gtetll~~u 1\~~~~~~~~f~: up lnl1ucnecs of tbe water11 many persons In tho analyslt-t ffnwevcl' n.n analysts of tbe waters will neighborhood used tbem and IL soon became soon l)e taken for Lhe benefit of the scientific elMS· known thn.t lbey were not only beneficial to bnt es. There Is sulphur, tron, pot.nsslum, soda, mag­ nesia and various nlkalolds In the wRter. 'l'he corntlve or ncute SOI'e eyes and rheumatism. rocky rormll.lloo about the sprlnJ.:sls mn g ne ~:~ln nod Lan~e numbers of person" trequeut.e the sun had (\lspcrsed ttJe snow and frost of winter, poople be­ ~n prepl\rlng t.o brlogtlJclr nftllcted friends 10 tbe sprln~ts. [n March, lbSl, Jonu Tl.Jompson aud G. ,;\I. Bandy, A:Ontlemeu resldlu,.: In the nel,::-bbor· hocnt con~truoted near the Aprlugs a one story bulldlnK ltlxl6 feet io dlroenMIOUP, In wl:liob ill:! L mnuy as 2!) men lodged n.t nigh L so rapid W"!&S the i~~~~~ t!!,~~)i ~~f~~Ff·uu~f~~o~ 11:fu ~~::~P8~~[~~~da:y In Au~uemPaclllclot ennanont population of 600, and a iloatlog one of ,no\ •lllallocr>oae.:t r,000 per~ous. L'adOchuluiO bod\01 A pol!t otnce WQS looated there on August lilh ol roll.,.a} \u4• La W~•tera Tc~u fur ult oa UOOJ "'rnu. THP. I~Tt;ltSATIOSAL 01\"I!UOS. nod the name "EI,lon 'given It, as tbere ll'lanother po~t omce In l'ollssour1 koowo All "Aurorfl.," ... u~:to~1~~':.'~r.~~~~~~!.~""~!~,~~·';!~~ ·:,~~~'.!~a:t.~~1~~·'tl.'~ Tb~ springs nre located ou lnud formerly owned Su.te or Ton..o At Tnut>OI.hb Uno J~ Ill~ ij\ont>Ol& BM&oell or ttoe by I. S. Moon and at the bead of So. line creek, a lll"''IUtl I'KoUo from Dnlloon I<> L'•I .. Lloo. Tblo L• on~ afUio bcu lb•o• Ia We o\&le nd b&J Ill ex&n.melr f~rtllc OOUOU"J' O~ aml p rom e n adei, 8£'1"11· 00 w l•b ru'itl t· llt'tl!J a u d PT•"•e r \ l u~: tne r lcb sbad e or uln JJ•c. cl rn , h ick ory, oak a ud walnut pla utNI b.) til t• \lmlg•lty. Tot ~ pn 11: h 11. f\vurlte resort or tbc t• nurc popuhltton. .\oo ther tiC JLUlrC In the no rth part 0 1 t tle town Is l>~• l ng- heaut t t1 t•d as r apid­ ly a s 1>0"-" IIJ ie \ II to tilt' llH'Oi a l nod m oral J"'b 'l'lf''l of the to w n, lh t·~ nn· aood . E:tcl'llen t ord er 111 preH·nN.l o n U•c ~ tr t:t• l s. .\ 1· b o r ch bo lldi1Ht '"I n p rOCP'-S of t· r ectlon o n a lot 1l onah•d by o n e o f l ht• to wn • • ulld N~. IUHI fo r the prc~e nt tncre I~ prCIIC lllnl( ~> v e r y S uudny and almn-; t ('\'cry n ight I n tlw park b y fl. D)' lt lne r­ n nt dl,. pe n 'n d to Hs cavt•rn '4 hns yet been d l ~R I ;."(.' J P AL S P R I XOS OF AUH.OH. A,' rock 11 tmeks o r IJeru~ts a n d m f'n , ' Vhen tbe t r ac ll: ~ rrnm w h lth t ho'le n o w pd rlftt·d t rails were m ade· 1 o ld baldbeadf'd Time w1u1 doubllt~!! a you t h ~~~J; ~~~~~~~e ~t~~~e~ ~:e e~~~~~?ntf '~~~t;::~~ from the roof o f the ca.ve d i.• pe nd bea.Ullful stalac­ w ithin tbt' cnve a dnocto.: floor, howling alleys, ~~~~~:~E~r~:~~:~:!rsfi~!~~~;]~~~l~;~~~:·~~~~r!ro tites a n d at. various pol o t" Mr e .st rikin g 1'1Cl' D e8 or bllllord ll , lli:btl alon g lt'l vn r 10u~ cave r ow and pro-­ barrolx c tpaclty, whence It IN cnrrled to lh•· b·\ltt beauty and o f g loomy ~o:ruodne"'-'1 T be cave 111 v ide nmple means of amu!lt·ment for the t hrongs 1 1 o wo('(l by a compaoycoo)pn,ed o f J . L-C um mlna~. o f v iAlt.ora who •Ja ll y frequent. tlll1 gra nd natura l ~C:O~~~·at ~ h~~~~~ :l·n~en!·,~~~~!·tf:.'~ \~~Ft:w: teif~~ a n l• nterprl.,lng youol'!' nu:rcluUl l or Tu~curnbta; or cold Wlt tt'r liatbll from J,'i W :t5 et:lll'l, elec­ J o bo 8r O<" km o~. o , a live buoc\no·,s m an fo1·mcr ly of c ur to~tty THE B ATH nou•u:'l trlo 7.) cent~. and hotalr o r vapor SI.::S. 1 he rooms l,il'L'r­ volr wlill'h furohlllt :,:entlc· nu~n. and lti't hQuse a (u.vorltc one uf n·1ort

Til•: PltO)If:o;ENT BtJIU,.-f:~"l ll!"lol" of lb•· town are thE~ following: Stovt•r ,j: 'dan11ell, Jawycr11 nnd r(•Aiclft•~tl' dealers. The ilrm lx com- ~~~~~r0t~;g~·1A ~i s~i~l'{r·{'·~·l. ~·~o~,'·~ 1 ~;·:~~~~e~.:i J~Jf.lblc> gt'nlknum. has loog bctu n )Hi bile ctuu-nc­ lN. lltl wr~s a priYnte In tile 2orl, ('o.ptaln In lhtl IOlb, ' la.Jor In tile IO!ltb, and f:ol. In tbe lllllb Pcnu- "t~'tro'~': vR 1e11 ~~~~f;:e~'t;~n~l~b~::,it c;j\~1t''r1t~'t ~~ 1 0 8 ~;~,',\fftr,:~. ·~~: ~~ ;. ~~~~~ :; ~~ ta~:. a ~~o ,, : trr,'~ b~ ~;~\~ uoruluel· for Lieut. Uovt-rnor, wblh• lhut pnrty ~::::;~~t!!!~fll~.owJe O:t"~o~6~: •;:.~~:~ ~~;·•~r:~,t~~ Spring!!. Tbeotlu•r merubNaorthe nrman•Mird>le, ag:,:re~~Jvo: busln• -~ men. Tbe ll.rtn bas already 1'111141 l.iOO town lot. J.tll< ~l." who m~v cnll upon h1m J . \V. 8roc·Kma.u, r• a\ e>Jtalt• deuiPf lot~ In Jomphrey·s, l"hnmp .. no·s. l'onnt·r" Dowulug· .. Moon'"· Crtldwt·ll'K, Brumit•) 'M tHld Yulkt•rM()n ' .... and In Brockman 11 mldltlnn~ to the towu. U o IU!.H altooO \'.rdua.blt· fKrmlul( lnncJ~ In "II· \Pr, ~·ol•• H.ud ~I!Lrlel counties,"" wt•ll lUI tlullll'r, COH-1, II'IUI and I roo lanu ... for t~alc_ He huy111 aut! """' tot11oU comi•N\,t:ln, I!! an aeeomodtHiug,'lhn•wd, tru~t-wurth~· hU!>ftne~s mao and will Jli'OI))ptly ·~n~wer all 1·orn•'lpondence and gl\·p 1~11 time\ nNe~ tJntrtlNtl·d lo hlrn h iMlmm('(llo.tc lllh•nllon. R&:\!AitKAJlt.E C'U itl!:..'i h 1vo n l r~"uly b<'f"n encct&d hy the 11'14' of llw \II ora ~ 1 1rln~:~ W•~ter~. A monK tlwrn lht· f,,JJnw­ •n;: whlf'h otr•· vcnwht-tl for by n~ ro•llllblu nwn ll/01 th"n art• in _\tJ\1'-•r t'tJUuty, llft' lb•• mn~l lttrll>lng t·:ll Black~o;lou, wuo~e po"t olllcc I l·.Jtl'~blur, \ IOfl.:<\11 coun1y, ~ l n., wbo w:~~ :~llllctc


St. Louis to Kansas Clty.-Express Trains Nos. l Ood .i ICQ.Vtl :-.t. i..Ollllli 6V· I'Y day 00 the MIS· sour! Yaclltc for K IUS!I..'I l..ll.)', L~:IIV<..'OW-~cph. Day Express No. I. ~~·~r.t11~ ~~~;·~~ .1111,; arrlvt'>llll Jcf!erson (.'lty, 1:11 P.M.; arrives tit Tipton, -~:1:1 J>. ll ; nrrlvt-s ttl At>dt~lht, J::.\1 P. ll ; ~~!:E~~~~!f~~: ;~,~~~n~~~~oi~1~;.;j ~~t~·;:~-~~~~= JUchlson and St. Jose ph .-Duy Expre~' No. I c.ootlnuci \'t·~~~ from K.ttll81VI City, arnvlug at Leavenworth, ll!:tJ P. M , Atchl~on, Jl:~'tl1•. M ; st. Joseph, J2·.jl) A- .1111. Dhnauce troro Sf. Lout~. 351 miles; lime, 1:) boun~ Night Express No. 3. 't;;',i,~'",;i r~~!;rf.;,~;~i~t~:~tii;~~ l'~)~~:~~fr~-r~~~6~ Atchison and St. Jose ph,-No. :J coutloues ~:~t::~r~~:!s~'i'J~r~~~~::~~~r~~tt~~~~l~:~~ oo all trulus beLWl't'u St. LOuis and Kn.n~m.'ll'lty; Pullman ~lel'lpera n...tween ~t. LQulsnudSl.. To8epb; elegant coaches on all tmlos. Coonectloo lfil made nt Knusa11 (.,ty, by botl.1 tmtus, with all trt~lns on the KuuMs t>addo :.ud Santa Fe RallrOAIIS, for Den,•er, Puebto, I..t:advJIJe, and all Colorndo, Nt:w M~xh.'<', Arizona nod South· ern California. points, TEXAS LINE··Indian Territory Route. EXPRESS NO. I .- St. Louis and Hanni· bal to o e nlson,-lltty Lspr.,~ .. h:a\t:S bt~I.II.JI· IJal, OU LU~· M., K. d J., lllH'fY day at IIJ:Oi) :i ~C~~~~~v~sz>at":''~~t>ra·,.:et ~~·~ c~U~C~t:r~1·(~ Dny Expr~s l\o, 1 from St • .L.ouiH, oud ruos soutb on the Kaul>lUI and fexas Ulvl .. lon, arriving nt. hl~:~;t;~~l::~~-· }~~fu~:;:~~1fl:1:~~:f:~ 10:13 A, .u:,: Uent~n. ILitl A, ::w:. of the .!lecond tillY out rrom ~t. Louis. Ulstanc~ from St. Louis, 6!!.! miles; tlroe, ~J hours::_.------AUSTIN & SAN ANTONIO LINE. THE GREAT SOUTH-"W"EST. 13 IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. / ~t. toui: to hris ~n~ ~n~rm~n!

ABBREVIATED TIME NOTES P aris, B onham and She rma n .-UJ"m the I'BO ld nruvni c11 l•.xpr..:~< .. J'ntlns l'lo~ 1 tUHJ .1 at 1"xark­ nna, I rains lt'aveo ou the fmnii·Coullm·ntat IJh·l­ tiiOn ofthi'T('XW:l.t: Paclnc Ex pre~" No. l. urri\·Ju~-: FORT WORTH LINE. ~\. Louis to Arkansas and Texas Poin\1, ill 'ft•xarklilll!. from~!. J~ouls Ml l:!·:!')n 111 .. 11:1\"l·~ at 12·~,u p.m., und arrlve!l nt Clu_rk~\·IJh· at -I.M p. EXPRESS NO . 3. Expreq No. 3 arrhlng o.t­ m.; l ~arh . .'i:-10 p. m.; Hooey (~rnvt·, i:OS p_ 111.; uo:uh"n nt .J.IJJ a.m., dally, from St Louis, leaves St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern ~bC"rmno, 0:35 p. m., of tlH! so:cond d11y nut from In flulld train on the ~outhweH Brnnch, ~~or- St. Lou!~ ~1\~l~f o~.~yg~~e::~~ ~:~~;·)l~~rt\~~;~~.\i:~n!: ;~~ Railway. Cairo to T exas.-Two Expn•s11 train~ lt·..t\"1' At D<·nton cllnngc hi madt• for Dnlla.'l, arriving 'l'exas & Pacific Uailway. L';uro d~:~lly c:>n lllo lron )louutuln, untl rnuucct al ltl~·reat IJ:;!;ia. m. DIRtanct~,~t. Louhto Ft. Worth Poplar Blull with Expre:.s Tr.tln.c 1'.'014 I lind;; 717mllt.c. Tlme31 hour>~. International & Great Northern R'y. from St Lou ill to all .Arkansas 111111 Tt•:xu, polul!il. ot~f~~fst~a~~o~~!n" 1 ~~Pf~u~~dtci 1 m~~~;~~~h~:~: conm•ctlon h made with the Texus .t Pact ft c divis­ H.'M. B Oli:IE ...... OeneralMeneo~er Ion fornll po\ntsalon~ that line In Western Texas. F O.!::IAN DLEU .... Oenerel Pueencer Ao~enl LOUIS AND SOUTHEAST· o. W .RUOOL ES .• .... .•... Aulat.ant Oen'l Pua- Aaeot C al n esvllle Bra nch.-Tn.ln8 leave Denison General Ot!loe, 8l. Loula. ERN LINES. ~·\ cr,)· Uu~· ul :.!:{j.oJ p. •u lO r \\'hllc"'lboro n.nd Oo.l n "'3· ville. urnvlog at iattt'r IX,Int at fd5. Coonectlon 111 mtdt' at . 0 The Central Brauch Line of tbf' .\llo;~ourl Pacnc I o.ntl Jon lbc Iron .lluUlit 1ln rouw, leave St. Louis overy day for Texarkana and points I o TexCts. t~~v~a}~~; '8r\~~~l~~e :t ~~~~i~::~!:.b~~~;::;;\;~~.~~~~~ run~>~ weat from At<:bhon lhrou~~:h tbe Homestead Columlln!l at 7:.'JoJ p.m. ~o . .; leun·" St L••ttl!i J~l and Pr~•·mpt1m area of Northw1·~t Kansa1. Tbe two dAlly tbrouih Exprtn Traina from St. LoulB Express No. I. ~~~ :~,·~~a~.-e~'\iH~xt~~~: r~~nc~:.'\{Sr!~v~~~ o.t Bisruart·k at J:!:IIJ a tn., L'o- arrt\'t' Ill Atchi!>OD In ll huuhl. dil;tance330 miles. e\·ery day; arrlve8 at Mlnerol Point I:SS P- tn., Bis­ marck 2:11 m, Poplar Blul'f7::,Sp, m., where the EXPRESS NO . I ,-L• twlng St. Louis on E•• .. \ HI''~ t\jtJ, 1, at ll;L() a. m,, It nrrlve!'i In Atchison connect.&; arrl\"es at- LILLie Rock l~~n ~~ ~ l r)-~ ~ wrnf:~J~e..;~~ ?~ ~\;cg~~?tiW', ~~;~J~ r~; t\L p. rn vern 6::H o.. m ., of tbe tsecond dny, all point.. along the line, Le:wln.:- ~t Loultt >~t S:.'N 11:21t tlle same day; on the Central 1 Or,mch \1 arrlvlis at Blue Ritptd<~ al 1:22 n. m.; on l.s mnde with Hot Springs rail fJ;e'i?e'li.f~~·r ~"fk~:~~ inm Mobile lbe I>Cl'Oll•l mornln~ 3 8 arr \' ng at H ot Spr lncs at- N:..,._l a. m_ ~onth 8 11 Malvern, Texas, trains arrive at Tl•xnrkana r.~~~\~/·; ~J~~-e~O\\.~~~~~~-~~~:n ~ '~ b~~~~ t'O;&i St. Louis to M e mphis.-Tratu ~ , .. :t·t·~n·j ~~:~.\\~~i }:(;~ 'S·t. 'riu~ALog~~ ,•~· Jts~~~~ Louis. f1111tlluce from St. Lou!. ~·~1 mile,;, time 23 m.; thenc~· ow•r the Moblh• &. Uhto, .trrlving at from Atd!l~~;on :.:•~ muc ... hours and ovo·r the L. & :\ Rullway, nrrlvlog at .Memphh at 1:1~ p. m,,11f thC ~X~ ~ - ~f: ~l~ t ~~,o~ ·~~~r~~.~~nfn ~~ic~~~~ :tt ~~~.~ Re<:On11 ('\·enlog u m. l het\C'l' wc>,t O\·er the Ctonlral Brnnch to Vrt·t·nkaf, nrrh-ln~,: al !r.l5 p. m. lht' 1oecond day. Solid Trains to Galveston ! St Louis to Ne w Orle an • • ·Train ~o.:;, le.,ve.'l l:hn• thlhtrnln abandons. ~~~l' t:~:ii~'~ "O~:~~· ~ Mv~bzl~~~~~~~~h~~tiu~ 1 :."~~:l.r0 i'J~~ U rn n ('h I ln e~ lca\c the Ct•ntro.l Branch upon Houston and Calv es ton, -Expre~s No. 1, L. & N. Rtlllway, urriving- at ~~·w Orh·>~nll th•· Arrt\·aluf l UI~. aL At t.n·t·nh:al, 7miiO;;J8 to \VIUihlngtou, ut Yuma, ;ll 10:02. m l le11 to l.<'lj.(RD; at Jnmt·..,town, :u miles to Burr 1:1•1 p. m.,the lit'COud day out, MnrBhallS:IKI '' m., LouA:vlew u·:.)) p. m ; here It talH''i tht• I nt~:r u a­ St. L o u is to Southe aste rn P oi n ts. l'ntlns Oak; at Hown~>~, 2:; mile.,; 10 Hull Ci ty. tlonal dlvh;lon, and arrh'('ll at Pale!!tl ne !:!e lSa. m., WIH'rl' It rUiliiiOiltb,Arrlvlng Rl B ouo;ton O;IOA. m., NEOSHO VALLEY ROUTES. Galvet~Ulu 11:3-)a.. Ill, tbe tbtrd dAy ot,t T hrou~b ri~~~·:~~~,ri~·~r~~*~·~r~J}r)i~~·;~\:~!fri~~:~t:;:.:;,~~~~: soiJd t rain& from S t. JAn l ~ to Onlt~slon, wltb 1 11 F.ttber or the two Expres-'1 Trnin11 ka,·Jog St. Louis &lecpt'r, day coochea uud b&~:>'l::RI;l' tun on thhl linl' ~-1:1~: Ytr ~~',;~': \· ~ .~~~ S~'b~tiP. 't-~~'s b\! ~~ ~ ~;~id K~: ~~~; or Hunulba\, da!J~·. run dlr('d lo Pnnons-, the time southe.. ~IA·rn point of which I• gzvf!n iu the Texnsllne trains above.

Pars ons to Junction City , -~l·o~bo Vallt'y fl r I lulu~ , . .,.vln~,: l"'ar~on~ at.,,,, .... m. ~O ' I' I CI '.- 1 COIIlttl (' l (' 'I'IIIH' l ll bl (' 'i lo !-7 ml]('fl. I:IJCt p, m ., next day, llnd runs lhroul{h .o\us!lu and St. Louis to Emporla,-LeavhlJ.: ~t. Louts at­ ~nn An tonio. No. l arrive& at Mnr..,hnll 6:!KJ p, "IIJ ) J w., a.nd coulluuln~,: on tbrou~~:b St>dalla, m., Longview 6::..'0 p. m-, thence over lute~n:tllon- RAPID PROCRESS IN TEXAS. Wnrrf'n~I lo l)o.k tine. \'allt·yTrllln from Par~on ...;toJuul'tlon City. Lea\·· way hn\'l: been cl>mpleted iu l'~xl" within I nil: (.o•rn~·.lhc train arrl\"ell at Emporia at 1:10 p yt>ar~ m: t' >OJ. I'll t>ro\"e, :!:,JO p, m_, and Junction CUy, a year, and that within twu II wlrli· 1.:!-i p 111. J ~l~l>lnce from Holdo·n ttl Junctl('ln City, 0 :!1:! milt'll. 'I bill train. lt>ol\'ina:- Rt Lonl11 at ":10 p. ,~!!~ ', ror' Wor' ~ ~-' Wa!l arn TMJ~! '· tiona! lOW II< of comme"·ial iouporlancc "' ,11rrl' t'~ rll Empmh\ ot·xt r.la.y ut 1:111 p m, anti ~W Wti W Wfi q;) ~iW~ ijfiWti have bt·en rt'~clwd by mil or sprnn~ into 111 :!'IIIIth·~ ~horto•r than ;my nth~>r IOUtt·. DJ~tauet> from !it Louh1 to EmpOria ·-;:1!-1. exi!-!lcuce, tuHl thot the \'t~lue of lht> Shtl''s Express No.3. ~~ka~~~ !!n~~ 1 ;r~~~~ produd-:s have iul'reused fron1 :}.Y; s:!O,III iu MAIN LINE BRANCHES. rn.~:c:ur~'INo 31tttve'l~t.l ..... u 1 ~:~cv;;>rydMyon the 1871:1-i!J to $~l),8BO,~UU in 1.1).,{) "il. Tile Boonvi!le B ranch.-,\t Tipton Nort_ I and :~ Iron :U:ouutulll,arrtv&SatBIRmarckat 120!.!a.m, amount :uul value of the chi1·f Mtapll's of •1 .. 11) r Xt•r ..... , ruut .. uom Sl. Loul!l, oonuel'la with fu1· arL• t wo t r ~tln~>~ dilly from TI 1>Lon to Boonvllh• Dls­ ~~i!'~ ~~~~e:tart\~tJ~ R~~c~~ ~·:·i~r~:·~~.:•:t ~f:J: the ~tate Ihe Jl:l'lt s••ar Cnllou, tanr•· from Tlpt.on to Hoon,·llll' ~ muc,. vern I:IH p m. whereoonneetlon IIJ mo!lt• wltb Hot 1,21)11,217 bale~: value, $;36,ill,ll5; wo11l, :!O,- 0 1 1 9 0 ... 6il,SJrt pounclo;; vuluc, $4, hiul~ fur l..;:·ll:lnf.:t.Qn, Pll"-"·1 1111! tiJrOUI(h Huu"Otonln and Krownavt1t1·, wbere the re~~~.t;nEa:tsft~lf:t ~om~. ~~~!il ~~(·~~~!~n~·~:;.~~ ruule..;, 2.". I j.) heud i value, $1, IUS, j.)O; ~rain I dlviMIOn arriving D.l Mnnsh~~oll nt2::l.5 a. m.,ut l ~on(- 39,fi6'5, car lond:o~; ntluc, *':i,!lll,3n; huu- ~~~·i;~t~~~!:rl;~;t~~~o~~a~~t:•tn~~n~~;:!laSe~ !1fi!n~ 11 t.o·xln~ton, 't'j mile~;. ~~\Dt:t-i~.. ~:s.f;;~ ~~~~~~ ~~~·~r~i/~;:j,;~~~~~ .~?lt~ ber, 2i8,60!J,.:JI2 f~et; value, ~J,,)i:!,l!ll; cot- al'eOnd day rrom St. Loul11; nrrlve11 At Weather- tou ~et:d t•uku Hnd oil, $1,:!·12,:H'); tuil'<<'cl- Warsaw Branch.-TrAint Jc.tv•· Sedalh every \lit) un IIH' ~•·i.l Ilia 4. \V&rtAw Ur,mch for \Vnrl'law, ~r~ t:: 1 f.,i,.mdl~"ti~n~ ~~r,;Jg··1 :~~~~-d r~t!1lg laneou!4 prmlut•l"l, $1,3-ll,i~'i; ~ug:u· und Dbtauc••. J'l miles from !iNiallu. ~prln& 7:1.511 m., of the third dl\Y out from St. molns.-.c~, $.3!Jl,l711. 'l'otnl \'alut', ~!IJ,CifiO,- Carthag e Branch.-Tratu11 lo:ave Knnsaa City ~& ~ Jor LOir~ ,'D~;!J :~% . at 1878-79.' · 14 '.£'HE G-REA..-.£' SOU..-.£'H-"WEST.

NORTH TEXAS FEMALE THE HORSE BUSINESS. TEXAS LAND EXCURSION COLLECE, \V1l1Jin tilH pas t year tbe pri(.'e Of l.J orse­ TICKETS. fl t:>s h hu1; aU,•o.nced about sixty pe r rt-nt iu Located at She rman. tbi~ ~ctliun. Tbe udvance i"' not only due to ti.J e gn·uter rlcmnud for horses anU tlrart B efore moving a family to a new country it is often the de,.,ire or the inttmded emi­ ~herm"n, tht' county se:1t of Ornys011 4'ounl.r, Ia uni nmls in gen eral, bul al-.;o to large ~ bip· grant to ''i:'lil the prop~t-tl ~tate and look at Mlluatcd ut lhl' \olt!r.. ectlou or the H. J.:. 1'. C. nod mL-ut"' nlll'lh. Almo,..t daily, ca r~ ladeu Trdn,.·Coutilwnta.t I.Jraudl oltlw T ,t P. rnllro>UI; tbe i:lUd'i. Per.-.on !:l wi'-~hin~ to visit Tt-xas with J" cxa.., 111ur e~ and ~Ull l e pon i e~ leave ('an IH•n·ha.. o;;e a round trip lallll excursion :I.!'! miles north of Aou~ton nod liS 11111~11 we"t ol for l1..1e !urge citic,... Day bt>fore yesterJliy ti cket O\'cr the i\tis...;ouri l' ac lfi ~ rnilwu.y at '11·:~~:nrkann. Uut. on thu rhlp:e which lorms the tlH~ r e were nine ca r~ shipped to Obio, l.n1L '0\'Rter-ahcd ror the Jlcd Rlvt·r on tb•· nnrth, a.ud n:duced rale.--;. 'L'bt:~c tkkds ur~ good for tlle lu.rge ... t ~h qmt enl~ so far have ht-t>u to forty duys ami art: fil"-t·class. On all1ound tho rrtulty on th(! South, It 111 uut aurprllllog tb:tl 1 1 1 1 ~tathotlcs should 1)()\ot to th\. 1111 one or the mo"t triJ> land excuNion til'kels, 'l'exa.s roads ~~~~~r~ ~iti p~~ 1 .~ r~~l~~11~~~'~ t;~~~~ t(~~iJ~ i ~~ !\llow !-!top---over che(:k'l at ditferentstationM. bNtlthlullocatlons In Tcxn11. TllO cit)' I~< prosper­ o n tht: low~:: t · Hio Urunde, ond are UrougbL 'I' h e following i~ a li~t of tbe prices of the ous. hM nboul M,UOO luh&.bltan\R, and Is lull ofbuteral entf'rprl,.tL The t·utturl' dred by ~ l ex i l•Unl'l. I n coll\'er:.ation with a tickets from points here ,:c:::m-,-,;;!:::.:-o'-;,o::.:o- ,.;:::;-. 1 wt:ll·koowu ) l txil·an h01"-e r!l.i"er, the re­ tl~ ~ e~ :~ aeC~l~~~:~~~- :n~ti~:! I~~~i :1 ~~~~~~z:;,~ M~!~~~~ ~ U;:~ ~ 'rO Stlolllll Ranod l"ber"y I.&D.C, tl•lln·tuR.llmd r«lll(lou"' Improvement, tlw l'.udnt'"' port~r wa!--1 told that if the ;.lock men of his lo. l o. l o. 1 l o. Of !IC('{ ~~~. lhtl freedOm from )()(.'UJ {'•lU'-l'SOI R!cknt'"' tEndua\ tb1· lleaullful !W('ncry nnd delt~;httul cHnHLH•,makt• sedion c.:ou nty 1 coutinue to s hip Botlrd, r~:m o; , aoo. ro:"turo !il l~ Sll !.} ~ ~o -!TIIa.>t-G:i lt u \t'r)' ~Uilllblephlc• for young ladle11 whodc,lrto hor~t:~ as tht-y have llt:en doing for another t>enl !;J II ()5 1kpot. b:cker atHI by the .;btpper. 'L'he reporter '-' '-"""- ---· "-== 13 00_-illiO !'1900 87~ n I!> rurnt&hco.l wllh coal·bll'ntcu and Is llgbtt:d by ~til>. HOARD! SO. ~~l~s~:~l b;~, ,); r~~~~~t~~~~'?~o~~~ ~3~~e ~~~: The Pres'dent's resto.lence 111 hll'paralt'd from lbt· nan. 'fhe animal wa;; raisf'd ou the Judge's cotle~e bulldtu~~: hy ouly a ~>treet. TtH· hou~'-' l~o~ ram·h, in l\It:dina couuty, and is regarded GENERAL LAND OFFICE. cumrort.abh·. aod I" ijUJH'IIled wllb an 1\bundantc as n. beauty by the gentl emen who now own ofgoodcl11tern walt•r. 1-:acb room will bt' furnlsb- and 1 il, they are good j udges of horses. ~~~u;;~~~~d au~~~-:n~~e~,~~ujt' {· ~~:~-f~dtt~~r~-~~~~~~~~ JuUgc NoontlU b as ra ised many fine h orses A. R. COLLI NS & CO., expected to $1uppJy thcm11elveM with tOWt'l!l, >wa. rds or The FACilitY n! Xorth T~Xll" Femnlc <:ollcgo '' pron:>mt'nl in the market, better ro c iliti ~ tJ.etteo;('d to hi:! t>Qual to thot or AllY "chool or t ht· kitH.! In tht' Routh, un•l I~ pn·parnt to J;"lvc ln­ ror~hipmt:ul, ~:tc., n ow rendt' r tbe business 500,000 ACRES .. tructlon to all the hruncbes or a Onl-.lll'd cduct\­ far more profitable than it hus <: ven been io t\oo the past. 'J'here art• scverul_ge utlemeu now Of choice 1-~ll.rmln~;, Gm:tlug, Frull Rnd Mlncrul Tea:t-IH'IOk" are "up wllb the time<~," and e\'<·ry 1t to !:.':tdfor dl.l !'l>rtmcnt le thorou~hly t:\lll:"ht II('Wr•liDK to tbf' here who lH\\'(,' 10lhcir muHIIj purchase n~~-~:S\t~~~l.~: t~~~. ~au~~~~~tr.T~1: h1h t an<.l t.. .. t u11thodH. 1--I>"c\u.\ ntto.•ullon \11 rund11·" !ttHI rai~t· hlondt: loaning money, r.:ln·n to muuuers and morah•. J ht: l'rlnclpl\1 01 huvt· studied over the Jllalter cart:fully, nnd AQENTSO"' th1• Mollie lltpurlnlf'llt Is dl,.tlngulAbe•l as a vocal· IMtanU loHrument·1t perfonncr,nnd tJOI\Mot~ses, In are ol tbe opinion that this ltlu"lt soon be­ lOl' hh,l.lel>! dl·r.:ret•,the art of\Tlllmrtatlon come a great horse-rai..,iug l'Ollnlry. It is Denison & Pacific R. R. Lands, Unlwlng omd 1'alntlu~o~;, In ulll!lylc". ure Ulll~rl.lt hoped their inleutionl:l will not be alum­ bl 1\ lady wllo llaA, ror yearN, d("VOh:d bN~elfloiH·r AND work, t.loned.-[San Ant011io Ecpre~>s. EIOC'Illlon. C,.ropolllt lon and Pcnmnnshlp \1 Ill I'Jll'Ch.ll CITY PROPERTY OF GAINESVILLE TOWN ~0 . rt>ct'lve att~nllnn. J, J. JO:-.c.ES. J o n~ P. ~lU RPHY Tht•currlt·ulum,lM·I(Inolng with ltH.' Prlroury 1\t•• partoH·nt aud extt."ndlug tbrOill!h (;ollt ~e. CIID, wllh Inn~~~~~ e~~.a~$ ,:~~~g~~;: .~(~ ns; r:,)~~[,/':.'e or rcnt cliH~IlP i lllcutlon. be crtmp~ctt·d In tr·n l""''r". Lutln, JONES & MURPHY, lt. will pay to Invest tu UcmiM) n , the greRt H. . or ru:ae of the Modern Langulll(l'"• will bo rcqnlr1·d R. Center of 'ft"XfL.ll. T~·rmlnu" of Four Oraud UN lndl~o~pen<.Rblc to j.!ra.du ... unn Trunk Lines. Macblue Shop11, MIIIM, Compr~~~ . :'l lontbty written (';,;amlo>~tlont, c~;~mbloe<.l with Finest Free School Bullc.JIU £:" In llll" ~tat~J; O rent 1\tandl-ollln dally n c\Latloo11. dt:ll·rmlm· thf' gmdl• REAL ESTATE AGENTS ,,r puplll'>; rmd tron1 tht·~l', n·porl.s uru matlc and ~~~cnh:~~'i~'~r~~~~~~tjo~~o~lt:~ · Schools, J~;~rwnrd\·d to ~belr tlarunU!. AND COLLECTORS, DENISON OFl'lOE 1 124 ll1aln Streot.. ENTON neal .J<:-~hed o n sbort notke. C'llLict'tlOnlil tht!Si.Jit(.',I!IUrrounded l.l.)" the bt· .. t n~ rl cul ­ 1 1 0 lUml\an•l>t In tile St.att•. _\city tlua hli"l !Ar,~·~~~~~ Krr~:~Sl~~dc:•}r~r•~~o\ ~~ 1,~~~ ~1\:"t~~~:~·: C.\N GIVE THE BES'r OF REFERENCE. buill ftrty brick Mtorl• ll OII~f!lll In 3 nll'htd 1( J•n~tato;o ~tamp11 "'"compao~· the lettt·r. monlhll. Qro\1 th UIIPIllll• . Dalhl,.., Denton, t:ollio, Gnt_yson, 'fHrrant, lkutou, Dt•ntoo County, Tt•XA'I. J ohn o;;on, Kaufman, U oekwell and Ellis Jr you wldh to boy ln.nds o r city JlrOP<'_r1y, loau mon(.ly, l.luy a stf)l.'k ranch, hCCu re li bl.stne~~s \o-- Counties, ut $1.00 eacb; All-10 Correct Dal­ c ""''--' · Jtc. Ad1lreAA 0 F ~~ ~1\;._~-;ir~:~~~:-n~;:,~~~w;~~~~~s,:r~-z~ las City Map"l. A. ll.. <.;OI~LINS & CO. t·d !o\11 antl lmJlrnved farm11. J'Nm& liberal. Q(•neral Laud. Agc nlB, cltv W.H. L00)oll8. --::-c::-::==----::-:-= }~~~~~:f'~Jn~~-. &~r~~. ~l:~M~· s~~~~~~)o~~~~-~ Deo\sou or Gn\ne!lvllle, Tl•XM. t>ollclled LOOMIS & SNIVELY, - Oil Tun!.; Station, GREAT SOU'l'U-WESr ~::~~~:~lr:K~!~~i~1I~~~~~~;~f.~~~~r~1~~.. ~t .A SO O•:ALERS IN al\• "do 1 • ll•fn>,.r•U,....S OIAI•OII, i'fieoi\DI"'fa.;IIODd •HIJ RAILROAD AND LUBRICATIN(t OILS. ENCRAVINC 1.· • ,.., la:!IArC. ,,,.,1 tG'--1><''..,,.· COMPANY, 11. 0. lU:ORICll, AgcntJt ror Ml ebh:nn Salt Al'l CIA UOn Sbrmao,Tou.•,IJaJ oCo. snd Wholc'll.\le Oet\1N8 lu COAL, LI~!E , HAm, CEMENT AND ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. RAILROAD TICKET AGENTS. PL.\..SI'El{. All kinds o r en~o:ruvln~: 1m wood dnne In ftNit _c l!l--~8 order. MRchlnery cut!l of 1\ 11 d68crlpttoo ~ w ude. l)eslgnslurnls h t: d on nil c:laiiSI'IJ of wood l•nKrsv• lnK. ::,~eeoc wo rk will be madl' and the vl('wa I-ll. ken ~?~e~~ ~: ~:r~~~~::?'Ou~~~~ce:.pec~~d~~~'~~r work de · OHBA1' sou·rH-WEST ENG il \ V fNO CO., M cLeau'l! Building, St. Loull'l, Mo. THE GREAT SOUTH-'WEST. 15

' t <" ~ . j - ~ t ~ ~ ~ t : ] . ;: . ~ . ' ~• :! ~ ~ -: i • ~ 0 i ' ~• - ~ -t • . • ~ ~ J • 0 :;: ~ ~ 1;; ~ =~ The above s hows an interior view of the P a lace These Cars are warmed by hot air pipes, and have com Reclining Chair Cars which run on both the D ay and modious Toilet and Wash Rooms, and are furnished the Night Express Trains of the in the la test styles. They are FREE to Passengers MISSOURI PACIFIC R A ILWAY. Iholding first-class tickets over the Missouri Pacific R'y. =E=X=C=U=R=S=I=O=N=T=I=C=K=E=T=S=.=;====;Cc;:Oo:;N:=H:CC:=.''1'~IO';:=-~=;-S:=-O:=t':-,=---=-=-=-=-=-=;== SPECIAL FIRST·C LASS RATES The MISSOURI PACI>'IO RAILW.,Y hove now MiSSOUI'i P !lCillc Railway. TO TEXAS. on sale Round Trip Excuro;lon Tl<'kelll to the fOI· ~w~n5af!:~nr..a~i:~~3 i/fc!';~b~rt~~~ 'l: !~o~~~fJ POINT. at varlou points. The Ml ~.sou rl PacLOc Railway 'It- l..oultl, ba.s a\100 arrau~;:e\1 wllh varlou'l lto.lllroada E:lflt or 'L'he ;\[is..,ouri P11ciftc R'y ur~ now !"t?ll ing ~~e :a\ 1~~~~:~rf'T~~~~f }.?~~:~ .. uo~~ r~~ki~o P~~ ~ ll a nnlbal,- ~pecinl hNl-chl'"'-'l lick~l"l to l'cx:tl.ij at th(j Ticket ,\gent nearest to your bomc, nud,lf potiSI· following redm·ed rnle~: 1 ~~~~g.. ~~):~~ ~~r~;yll oT il~ce~rl~i~l~~~ j~~~rt~e ~~n~ way. P atine, llo 6• Loula & !'Can F,..notloCO S'y. .UI)lf HI011 M o l ~e rl)'~ Wabub,Sr Loula&tPa.oUioB':r. llaonli.llll ..,t. Lout~. R fT.J;.r., 0"' .1:' uu.,;. lllgbee, .U o. Chlo.. o &-Alton a a. Denison, Texas. f23.00 l:'OI ~V T S, ~'ROM f'ROll lloO nYII] e, - Jlo. Tl-pt.on- aii.d Veru111011 Bn.nob Sf. LOUIS.. .11.0. U.IIIIIB.I.L, .11.0 Sherman, " 23.50 tMINourtPaoUleR':r. Dnlln11, 24-BG ll•lrll, • T~x . .t lletern S II . I G @l :!.l:S 'ltdalla, .u,. s~:~~~·:~d·:a~o s:-~0.: -~f:~n~ Hearne, 20 30 2U.UU 1 7.~0 •Ttosuo! lllo Pae R'y,aod8edalta Houston, 27.50 do 26. 00 1 7.20 & Wan•• Narrow u•••• n, a \Va.ol, 28.45 ~:~r, "J:!~ r.· :::: AUitlD 30.60 Dtnlton. • Tu. do 37.0iJ :u .:so Tltlhln, Mo 8oonfllll i:- vernmu Bnneh Oe nlon, • Tu:. do 39.UO 37.00 Go.lveaton, •· 28.00 .Mo. PacUI.o R ':r San Antonio" 34.25 l~ u•tge l'IIT, . - Kao, do 21 .00 21 .:!0 III J(JdD~Y III ~,- Jl'IO, ' Chtoaao & Alton ji R. J::ldorado~>t l 1{11, Ark. do 21 -00 :!0 00 1-; 111 •, • - K~n. do 2 1.fl0 2 1.20 Lfxlngton, • .llo ~-~·~-::.-!\~f,U'~~r.!:~ttl.&u:.;~ 'l'be~e th:ket~ Gtorl!'tloo.n, 1tx. do 12 Gl1 -& O.GG LLnelllo l'aellloR':r tmtitle the p:l..,..,euger to u.ll (l rand hlaud, /leb. do 2 1 60 2 1. 10 llolden . ---~o P&<~. HNt-da~s privill'g't'"~, ext·<.•pt lnd ~IH' edtn tt, Kan. do 20,00 1 7 . 20 Short Line or .Mo. R':r.vta tilu.t being lim­ 22. HI) Paot .. and LeroJ' to :Zmporo• and. KlrOfln, - Kan , do 1 9 . 20 .J.metlonCtt:r.~_: ited they are not good for :-;top-oYer- .\Ill­ 116'11'&11,- - Tex. do .. :s.7:s I :J.7G Plea~oantiJILI, -31o. Branob or Atoh••on Topeka & i~ to tlw~e ~an .Antonio, T•'X . do 16.CJ:S II :S:S 0 }lie time allnwcd in whil'h rem·h 'I ICO, T~s. do 43.00 .. 00 ~:~~~:;.~ ~~~ilo~ :r ~:.·~=~:.:. points, if you pUI'C'IH~"it' llii'OIIJ.{h tickets oYer Kauha& l.ltr,- .n o With all Battwa:r• runnlo&" out or Urr.lonDepot. the )fis.'louri Pncitit:: R'y ltt•mcmber that MISSOURI PACIFIC IAa.rtnwortb, Kan lht Jll-.-.;ouri Pal'illch thC'onl) ltt\i h raJ run· niu~ iti owu trnh1' from St. Lout .. null ll a n­ niba.l to Ueui~ou, Tcxa"1, autl runkcs n ;.:-rt'at With Atohlaorr., Topeka k 6anta ~!oJtn:'n (;r(?•co~.~ ~~~ 0 1o~ lbrou;.:-h liuc to J)alla-;, \\ aco, llurutl, ll ou~­ 11 :tv:r·~'B ~f~:br':~ ..x0!~~!t tou, Hah ('-.lou :uul s.m ..iutonto. RATES IN PULLMAN CARS Bra.nob Dlvleton or llolo. Pu. R'y Union Pdtii.O R. B.-Bt Ja.epb & Waa~mDIV. Cheap EXCURSION Rates From St.Louis. From &dalia. To EL DORADO ~PRINOS, and return, over TO THE FOLLOW- the M1 ..ouri Pact tic R1ulwoy. Ollawa,~ er~'K!: yul..' Law reno• & Snuth· lNG P91NTS. 1 From R•l.tl. (loQblt h.ll Doabtt (h•rnttt, - h an K•n~aa CitY, Lawronee & 8oulh· ~t. Loull•. )fo. :!1 00 ...... S.C!o.u• ern Ita" a B llannii.J:.tl," :.l-11•1 "'" Ltror, - Kan. N-bo Valle)' Lint Mo Pao. R'J' \lol.lerly, " Ill oo '"" Honll\tllc," 17.:,:1 Burlington,· Kan K•n•uCtt:r :Bnrii.Dtrton&San.,. Set.lalla ...... 1100 FoR.R ~~·dalla, " HI OU Katum~ ('ltv. ~1o ...... 17 f)!.) KauMaa(.'Hy lto. IW 821-) S l lll) Kr.nw.aCIIJ',Lr.W'J'Oil011&.:8"QUtii: Chaout4', - 1\ an. .Jt"!Ji•r~>on I'Hy, .'Ito...... , IU 00 Leaveuwottb Kan. ""'200 100 I l~l ernlto.n.R B Atcblr;on h.ul. ""2 •• :.! 110 Juu••llon l'lty, J>:ttn ... -...... 1750 Jlumboldt, • Jhn e~·..;:: ~'l: La~ne.• a ll.outh. IS 'j~ St.Joo.€'ph ,\t o, ~ lfl '"'Zt•J 100 LtottVt•U\\Orlb, " _,,.. '"'... "" \lchiNOil, " • :!U 0() Fort Scott Kan. :; UJ 100 ' z•-• 0 :-lt. KP.u. 6uu•. 1 20) I(JO Jo pll, .'llo :.!1 oo Osw~o I OJ SIJO Sb<·rm1m.n,n >•on ...... Tex. '!'ex ·1 "" 11011 aoo ' •. :::,::::C:Of, ::::,~~::;:::~t: :":r~ :.::... Dt:~ k~~r~~~~~\·m~';'.~~:...... ~J ~ Dullru~ ...... Tex. '"' .,, l'arl!Onl - KaP. Nr.M"ow Gu••e :Br•nc.oh orK:ao- 1 600' 1000 I toll '"' ' IU C'IIJ',lr't.lkolt & Oulr R R i~·:~~o;~~u, :: A t~ ~~ott .. ••• 81JO Wortl.L.Tex. Hearne ...... ,.Tex. ""I 131(1 '"'I 50 I 0\tTtfJO, - Kan 81 Loull a San l'ranc.oii<.'O B':r. lh·niiiOil, ft'XJUI. I~ 60 !-o:ul Antunou1'f":J:, 750'., 15••• lll•l (Jtlf· \'illl•,...... :!l:io!l ,.~ ""' i. Stugcs have' lnltn. trl-\lt.. ·kly, :O.Iondtna, \\'tcl- Lea


L. JI. NVTTINO. General Eastern Agent, 417 Broadwuy, N.Y. City. II. FARNU M , EaBWrn Tn:wellug Agent, 117 Brondway, :N.Y. ·"lly, 8 . H . .MILL"i, Southeastern Pa,;Aen­ ger Agent, 1:1! \'1 ne Btre~t. C'lnduno tl, Ohi(• N. K. \\' \.R\\' ICK. Tnvel! o g .\to:ent, l;fl VJo(· St., Clucluua.tl, Ohio. S. H . TlrOliP~ON, Ceutrnl PW!MlU· ~o:er Ag•·nl, Ill Llb~rty !-ltreeL Pittsbur g, 1'" C. \ . \VI.SllrER. Nortbe11-'

og r-epr-e«I.'Dii\Uve~o~ of lbe J•aelJit" RaHway, !tJ Bt a~~:ut'~~~~l{)w~~~ ~;~~nti 1 ~1 6_:']:[~~£~ '-:1..::::::::;;1.~ I F ~~c'.?i~~~t'r:k"l·~~~~ l~l~r~.oot~o~r: write !!i. W . ELI,JO'rT, Ticket Agent, No IJj Kortb Fourtb St., St. LooJ!l, Mo. n. 1.11101, Tl<'ket Agent, Union Ot•pot, St. LouiN, Mo. (). t_'. 1tiORUOU4HJ, PaAANH.!e r Ageot,ll) N. lthSt.,Sl. Lou~Jj, Mo. M . ORIJ'f'J ' · L'lly Pa~"' A~.;'t, 115 ;.l. Fourth ~t.,Fit /,(HliH, llo H . !Ia' . G \RJ.AND. 'We11tern 1~111<~<'0· er .\.gf'ut,11:.!7 :>. 1111n 1:-itrt•(•l, KllDSWI ('Hy, M o. IJ, 1.1 'tiA ULf: Y . 'frnvcllo.l' .\geut KtmH