SOUTHWEST COLLECTIOI'( Ter.~ Tee' L' '-r~~t;{ 1 LUb- - '• - ST. LOUIS. MO., NOVEMBER, 1881. $J...OO l?er Year. .-. 0 R. tine lands and cbeap-prioecllanll8, the Htate of Texas and colleges in tbe Union. During the last ft'W yea .... , ~chools ('an, JH.'rhnp-.;, beat the world 'rhe land is situated in have been springing up In all part~ of the State, and the people acountry well civilin·d, with fine cities and numerous are w~ing effOrts to build up ftr-;t-cla!-ls schools. 'l'he lnw~ of the • nulwap•. The past :rear ha!:l bet-u one uoled for rapifJ and State are liberal toward the poor man, and no new country ever r-t•xlen,o.;in railway CO!l!-!trut:tion in that stute, and the roads held out such inducements a-s can be found in 'l'exa'> at the i han· ptont'lratt·d a l'Ounlry ne,~er l>dore madejllCCCI"!Sible for present day. The time to mo,•e to Texn~ i:-4 during the winter, 'i. !o;t!ltltc>nwnL 'l'ltt' Text.L.~ & Ptll'lfic ltailroad ha."i mnde rapid lobe ready for work early in Februa•·y rt must not be forgotten. ~tri1lh tow:.1.nl El Pu ... o, travt-r~ing"u va.<;l country we!:ll from I"orl tbat •rexas is very early in lbc year with its spring months. '1.\~0XH' TK'III'I.E A:-;1> Ol'F.HA 1-IOU:SE, !HJI-;lt'l \N, TF.XAS. \Yorth. 'l'hi"' rm11l will n·al'il El Pn-.o during lhe present month of ~oveuii.. H:r, l.Jut will pmhaiJiy nnt be ready for Uusioe~l:l bf:'fore .Jnnunry hit, 1~:!; but for th(• purpOSl'~ of ~t.>ttlt-lllenl along the line the railwny i~ now in full operation. For buodred!:i Of milt·>~ W(· ... t from Fort \\'orth, and in cuuntie!:J adjacenllo Fort \Vorth, the prillC't.>ly land grant owned by the Texas & P1wific is found. 'l'hi;.~ !anti is >iiluated in tlw ridtest RJ,{riculturul districts of the "Late, and <.·an Ue purl'IHI-.;cd t1l price!'! nnd on terms that will gi..-.<.• any muu an opportunity to pay for a home. Perl:lons iuteudin.L{ to eu1il!rate to u new country will uct wisely to pros­ ped the tountry in 'f~xu~ in whif'11 the 'I'exm~ & Pa1·iHc lands ure found. "'itl1 such a vast l.mdy of land us tbi!i tompauy has NOR'l'H TEXAS f.'W~rA LE ('OL-LJo:c;£1 !-'!II ERMA~, 'I'F.XAS. for -.;:de, there ('Uil ~~~little doubt of good !o'leledions Of flue farms at low pric~. 'l'he land grant contnill!i over 4,/sOO,OOO acres of Another great consideration of no litllc llllport:.uH•t• is the !anti. heallll of'l'exns. It has a high ultitnrle,nu(\ situatt>1l between the Gulf and mountains of Colorado and Xt>w l\I<•Xil'?, a mingling 'l'he ~<:hnnl fund of Texas i'i ""~Oillt'thing enormou.!4, and ifi of these breezes always gives pure air. It is slllgulnrly free this re!'lpect the ~tate should have the tine~t public free schools from~all rnalariul disease!'!, for n. new l JUntry ~- 2 ')_' HE G-RE4T SOUTH-"WEST. Te~as forests in that part of the Slate with an .easy route nut.l direct line to the rich tbe!rstately trees, shl·ouU ed with grey moss, agrwulturallands of Northern and Ce ntral 'Yhlch ha-;ags from every limb stalactite­ 'l'exas. The completion of the New Or­ lik ~. Ent1re forests thus appear, ooly Jeans Pacific will open up tile rich laud in reli e ~ •ed oow and tlleu by the bright gre~n northwestern aud central J,ouisiaun to tbe "--------' 1 of mistletoe or the magnoiia tree wit.b its se ttl ~r, and home-seekers will iioU in tbis AN ILLUSTRA TEO MON THL Y. beautiful leaves aud flowers. p o_ rt~o n of the 'outh Jar1:1e bodie8 of ft:rlile w.--a-KERNS:-----~it~;;~~~ SOli tor .sale at Vtl'Y low lJri ces. Jl: I S evident tlw.t tbe recent rapid builcl- TEii'Ms=o~ PER ANNUM, POSTAGE FREE. m g of rail ways in rrexus !J us given Ll.iat SAN ANTONIO AND SUR· In conae~ tbls paper, we are prepared Stute a. pu ~b forward in progre&iou never ~ ~~s~~~~iu~t~f!. wood eng raving nud d esigning before experie nced by nuy new State. It ROUNDINCS. beA~~~~e"i,.~~s~~e~t.ers and communlco.ttons should bas made acces.sible millions of acres o( w. B. KERNS, choice farming Jaod.:i of 'l'exas, and the ~I e asur e and He alth Seek e rs Finding a McLean's Building, St. Louis, Mo. good work still continues. If a million Para dise to Live In During the W inter. ====o===========[immigrants s hould luud iu '1\LXU!i! iu one lJr HllO_DG ~ to Galveston, di1ect from St. day, they could be so scJ..Lle red throughout. Lou1s, without breaking trains, is an- the State ,that in a moutll tllere would In l:illn1mer the in valid seeks tbe cold other evidnceofthe c~O Llv eu i ence afforded be no uoticeable difference in tbe popu­ ruountaiu breezt'S of tolorado, but in the the public by the Collsolidation of railroads. lation, so vast is the unoccupied territory. winter the healLll gain ed in summer is Ooe through train leaves St. Louis every The 'l'exas & Pacific bas passed through tas ked to keep its advance. In Soutbwest.­ morning over tile St. L ouis, Iron l\Iouutain over 400 miles of T exas west of Fort er!l and W es tern Texas the continuous & SouLhero Railway, and runs tbrou..,.h 'N th th· Gulf Lree;-.:es, mingled with mountain air Little Rock, capital of Arkansas, throu~h byo r a ra~~\%:;~ · n~;;r ~~{~;u~tn~;~f~~ from tbe western wilds1 form a health-in­ Malvern, where connection is made for extended tile branches of the l\I K vigora~ing atmosphere which fills the sys­ Rot Springs, 2-5 miles distant. through & 'r . in Texas from Denison s~ut b ~ tem w1tb pure breath. '!'hili purity con­ 'l'exarkana, and thence over tb~ •rexas & wes~ and southeast t hrough 300 miles of tinues the year around, and it forms of San P.a.citic Divisiou through Marshall toLoog· territory i the International extended VIeW, and thence over the International so~thwest rrom San Antonio about 200 Antonio and the surrounding couotry a. greatsaui tarium. '!'be reason that in \•a lids Division through Pa.lestiue, and direct 00 miles, malung accessible to imn:lig-ra.tion a ~Houston and Gah•eston without break- la~ge ar~a of country on either sid e of the seek San Antonio during the winter mg trains. 'J' llis is the first time in the railway 1n south-western Texas· nod otber ruootlls is because they cannot find another history of rail roadi ng that solid trains were railways in Texas h ave op~ned large place so gen ial tbe winter t.brough. 'l'be run ~b r?ugh lo Galveston from St. L ouis, !J~i~o~f tg~~ve ~~~~~~a~~e ~e;;~~~~n i~tfl~ 1 climate is a!l that can Ue desired, free from ~b ~~~i~~~}~'to ~g: ~1i!~~eur~o~~~~fJ~gra~J ~ land made desirable for immigrants, i t is malaria, with a senli-tropicul nature. '!'he way system. Tourists going to Texas can proposed to co ustruct a railway direct large lawns, filled with tropical plants und take the Iron Mountuin route, and return norLbwest from Fort Worth through the by \'_'ay of.t.he Iodiuo rr erritory and .Mi :o:~ - rich Pau-Hanclle region to Denver Color· nower.:o, the oro\nge :tnd lemon trees bang­ ing full of tine fruit, make the stranger or •. ~~cU:!t.,P!~f:~ .. ~~1u;~;' 1 ,~'i!~. ;~~~.~:,!}~~~ r~~·ou~~ ~~~ i~a7;~it~~l ~f c~o~rt;~d ~~:~~~ feel t~al be is securing a glimpse of the to make a tour in the State for bealth or ir:i.' sett le~ eu't:- No m'O~e "' C:ppofl'tui&'l\ '}~-g U!9Qili:!ed l~nd. All t.hese muny attrac·tioos pleWJure. could be selected by _persons desiring new to per.sons with weaK'Ilm~s. .t'Wvrr.u..r.... .-~ ---- --- h omes in the Great Southwest country change is not so severe as in tbe removal OUSE servants are needed to such au than the present to immigrate into 'l'exaa. of an ill\'alid to Colorado, but it is regular extent in 1'exas, that societies are organ- '!'be new territory of land open eel suddenly and co nstantly pure and dry. For this JI reason persons will recover o.t ban Antonio iziog throughout the State to secure them ~~x;~~Htrsa l~~-o!~t:~~~ na r:rg~ai!~~¥~p~~ when death would ensue if they went to from the E1\St, and sl.lip them to 'l'exas. In market for sale that tbe settler can now other parts furtber north. 'L' bis portion or tbe vicinity of \Vaco, such a society is or- name his own price. This will not last, Texas is not only ~;~, place for in\'nlids, but it. is a great place for pleasure seekers, and ganized, and they propose to insure tbe ~~~~'::·wJU 8 ~~lea ~~;~i~~~~nJ~hoeg~al~~nc~ a wedding tour to Sau Antonio will ut no girls good wages.
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