The Electroshock Quotationary®
The Electroshock Quotationary® Leonard Roy Frank, Editor Publication date: June 2006 Copyright © 2006 by Leonard Roy Frank. All Rights Reserved. Dedicated to everyone committed to ending the use of electroshock everywhere and forever The Campaign for the Abolition of Electroshock in Texas (CAEST) was founded in Austin during the summer of 2005. The Electroshock Quotationary (ECTQ) was created to support the organization’s opposition to electroshock by informing the public, through CAEST’s website, about the nature of electroshock, its history, why and how it’s used, its effects on people, and the efforts to promote and stop its use. The editor plans to regularly update ECTQ with suitable materials when he finds them or when they are brought to his attention. In this regard he invites readers to submit original and/or published materials for consideration (e-mail address: CONTENTS Acknowledgements Introduction: The Essentials (7 pages) Text: Chronologically Arranged Quotations (146 pages) About the Editor ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS For their many kindnesses, contributions and suggestions to The Electroshock Quotationary, I am most grateful to Linda Andre, Ronald Bassman, Margo Bouer, John Breeding, Doug Cameron, Ted Chabasinski, Lee Coleman, Alan Davisson, Dorothy Washburn Dundas, Sherry Everett, John Friedberg, Janet Gotkin, Ben Hansen, Wade Hudson, Juli Lawrence, Peter Lehmann, Diann’a Loper, Rosalie Maggio, Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, Carla McKague, Jim Moore, Bob Morgan, David Oaks, Una Parker, Marc Rufer, Sherri Schultz, Eileen Walkenstein, Ann Weinstock, Don Weitz, and Rich Winkel. INTRODUCTION: THE ESSENTIALS I. THE CONTROVERSY Electroshock (also known as shock therapy, electroconvulsive treatment, convulsive therapy, ECT, EST, and ECS) is a psychiatric procedure involving the induction of a grand mal seizure, or convulsion, by passing electricity through the brain.
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