THE REAL CRISIS in Mental Health Today

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THE REAL CRISIS in Mental Health Today THE REAL CRISIS In Mental Health Today CONTENTS Introduction: Psychiatry’s Lack of Science ................................. 2 Chapter One: The Drugging of Our Children ......... 5 Chapter Two: Harmful Psychiatric Labeling ......................... 11 Chapter Three: Coercive ‘Care’ in Psychiatry.......................... 15 Chapter Four: Psychiatry’s Destructive ‘Treatments’ ................ 21 Chapter Five: Better Solutions .............................. 29 Recommendations .......................... 31 Citizens Commission on Human Rights International ........... 32 ® INTRODUCTION Psychiatry’s Lack of Science ow concerned should we be Professor Edward Shorter, author of about reports that mental illness A History of Psychiatry, stated, “Rather than has become an epidemic striking heading off into the brave new world of science, one out of every four people in DSM-IV-style psychiatry seemed in some ways the world today? According to the to be heading out into the desert.”2 Hsource of these alarming reports — the psychiatric We formulated this report and its recommen- industry — mental illness threatens to engulf dations for those with responsibility in deciding us all and can only be checked by immediate the funding and fate of mental health programs and massive increases in funding. They warn and insurance coverage, including legislators and of the disastrous effects of withheld appropria- other decision makers charged with the task of ROHIT ADI, M.D.: MARY JO PAGEL, M.D.: Dr. Adi is a diplomate of the Dr. Pagel graduated from the American Board of Internal University of Texas Medical Branch Medicine. He has been with honors in cardiology. She is a practicing emergency medicine specialist in internal medicine and since 1993 and now serves as the preventative and industrial medicine, assistant director of a trauma cen- and is medical director of a medi- ter that handles 72,000 patients cal clinic. She is a member of the a year. medical advisory board of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. tions. What the psychiatrists never warn of is protecting the health, well-being and safety of that the very diagnostic system used to derive their citizens. the alarming statistic — their own Diagnostic The results of the widespread reliance by and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV psychiatrists on the DSM, with its ever-expanding (DSM-IV) and its equivalent, the mental disor- list of illnesses for each of which a psychiatric ders section of the International Classification of drug can be legally prescribed, include these Diseases (ICD-10) — are under attack for their staggering statistics: lack of scientific authority and veracity and Twenty million schoolchildren worldwide their almost singular emphasis on psychotropic have now been diagnosed with mental disorders drug treatment. and prescribed cocaine-like stimulants and Professor Herb Kutchins from California powerful antidepressants as treatment. State University, Sacramento, and Professor Psychiatric drug use and abuse is surging Stuart A. Kirk from the University of New York, worldwide: More than 100 million prescriptions authors of several books describing the flaws of for antidepressants alone were written in 2002 at the DSM, warn, “There are indeed many illu- a cost of $19.5 billion (?15.9 billion).3 sions about DSM and very strong needs among One in seven prescriptions in France its developers to believe that their dreams includes a psychotropic drug and more than of scientific excellence and utility have 50% of the unemployed — 1.8 million — take come true. …”1 psychotropic drugs.4 The “bitter medicine” is that DSM has Meanwhile, driven by DSM-derived mental “unsuccessfully attempted to medicalize too illness statistics, the international mental health many human troubles.” budget has skyrocketed in the last 10 years. In the United States, the mental health same applies to programs such as the screen- budget soared from $33 billion (?29.7 billion) ing for mental disorders of young children in in 1994 to more than $80 billion (?72 billion) schools. today. The claim that only increased funding will Switzerland’s spending on mental health cure the problems of psychiatry has lost its ring increased from $73.5 million (?65 million) in of truth. Fields of expertise that are built on 1988 to over $184.8 million (?165 million) over a scientific claims are routinely called upon to 10-year period. deliver empirical proof to support their theories. Germany currently spends more than $2.6 When the Centers for Disease Control receives billion (?2.34 billion) a year on “mental health.” funds to combat a dangerous disease, the funding JULIAN WHITAKER, M.D.: ANTHONY P. URBANEK, M.D. Dr. Whitaker is the founder of Dr. Urbanek has a prior fellowship with the Whitaker Wellness Center in the National Institutes of Health and California and a popular speaker is an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. and lecturer. Dr. Whitaker His medical career includes founding is the author of eight books, medical centers, such as the Trelawney including Reversing Heart Disease Outreach Project, in a joint venture and Reversing Diabetes. He is with the Jamaican government to the author of the widely read service 50,000 Jamaicans. He currently newsletter Health and Healing. practices in Nashville. In France, mental health costs have soared, results in the discovery of a biological cause and contributing $400 million (?361 million) to the development of a cure. Biological tests exist to country’s deficit.5 determine the presence or absence of most bodily In spite of record spending, countries now diseases. While people can have serious mental face escalating levels of child abuse, suicide, drug difficulties, psychiatry has no objective, physical abuse, violence and crime — very real problems test to confirm the presence of any mental illness. for which the psychiatric industry can identify Diagnosis is purely subjective. neither causes nor solutions. It is safe to conclude, The many critical challenges facing societies therefore, that a reduction in the funding of today reflect the vital need to strengthen psychiatric programs will not cause a worsening individuals through workable, viable and of mental health. Less funding for harmful psy- humanitarian alternatives to harmful psychiatric chiatric practices will, in fact, improve the state options. We invite you to review for yourself the of mental health. alternatives we have included. We respectfully The evidence presented herein has been offer the information in this report for your drawn from physicians, attorneys, judges, consideration so that you may draw your own psychiatrists, parents and others active in the conclusions about the state of mental health and mental health or related fields. The consensus psychiatry’s ability, or lack thereof, to contribute of these experts is that DSM-based, psychiatric to its resolution. initiatives such as the broadening of involuntary commitment laws and the expansion of so-called Rohit Adi, M.D. Mary Jo Pagel, M.D. community mental health plans are detrimental to society in human and economic terms. The Julian Whitaker, M.D. Anthony P. Urbanek, M.D. IMPORTANT FACTS More than 6 million U.S. children have been put on mind-altering psychiatric drugs for an invented mental disorder called “Attention 1 Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” or “ADHD.” Another 1.5 million children are prescribed antidepressants known to cause suicidal ideation and 2 violent behavior. Australia’s stimulant prescriptions for children increased 34-fold in the past two decades, while in Britain it increased 9,200% between 1992 and 3 6 2000. In Spain, the consumption of meth- ylphenidate (Ritalin) increased 363% over a 9-year period, while in Mexico, sales rose 800% between 1993 and 4 2001. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) reported that neither animals nor humans can 5 differentiate between cocaine, amphetamines and methylphenidate: “[T]hey produce effects that are nearly identical.”7 CHAPTERThe Drugging ONEof Our Children re children being overdrugged? An drug consumption by very young children in the examination of data and statistics last 15 years. such as those summarized on the preceding page reveals the alarm- Community and Government Response ing rate at which children are being In the United States more and more laws are being Amedicated for mental disorders. passed prohibiting schools from coercing parents or In addition to the more than 6 million children expelling a student if his parents refuse to put him on in the United States who have been prescribed mind- a psychiatric drug. altering psychiatric drugs for so-called Attention Deficit A mother in New York fought to preserve this fun- Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), 2 million have been damental right of parents. After school psychologists put on antidepressant and and psychiatrists coerced antipsychotic drugs. Patricia Weathers to drug These soaring num- her 8-year-old son when bers of children interna- “Legislators and the he was diagnosed with tionally being drugged ADHD, the child became parallel the increase in general public should not withdrawn, could not eat the number of mental or sleep and ran away from disorders in the fourth home. edition of the American be hoodwinked. Behaviors Recognizing that these Psychiatric Associa- problems started with tion’s (APA) Diagnostic cannot be diseases.” the ADHD medications, and Statistical Manual Mrs. Weathers gradually of Mental Disorders IV — Jeffrey A. Schaler, withdrew her son from (DSM-IV) and the men- adjunct

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