&RQWHQWV ♦ Þûñòýóíúõò BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ¢¡ 6\VWHPDWLF *HRJUDSK\ Belomesyatseva D.B. The fungi in the consortium of common juniper in Belarus...............................................................................4 £¥¤§¦©¨© ! #" $%'& ((*),+.-/$102(*3 456#798'5#:; <,=?>#@A.B C D1E2F*GIH G,J'E K#L9M/F,E2N O9P/Q.R/SIT UWVYX[Z]\ ^ _`bac adcfehg ikj9`#lnm*g#o/pnob`*qrlnsutvwvyx#`v]z*suob{!z2v}|wz*pno~`*q cucumber: a mycological aspect]....................................................17 Yurchenko E.O. Non-poroid aphyllophoraceous fungi proposed to the third edition of the Red Data Book of Belarus......................31 )ORULVWL 1RWHV Yurchenko E.O., Vynaev G.V. A rare polypore Grifola frondosa in Minsk City ...................................................................69 1HZV /#,././,#1 * ,!, 14- u*,2 #99 [The 14th Congress of European Mycologists]...................................75 Non-poroid aphyllophoraceous fungi proposed to the third edition of the Red Data Book of Belarus © E.O. Yurchenko Laboratory of Mycology, V.F. Kuprevich Institute of Experimental Botany, Akademichnaya str. 27, BY-220072, Minsk, Belarus e-mail:
[email protected] ¢¡¤£¦¥ §¨£©£¦ £¦£ £¦¥ ¨ ¦£© "!£¦£# %$ &('¨)+* ,'.-'./ 021#3¦-451'.-'./ 021#3¦-43¦6 78/5'./ )3¦* , 0 9#:¦;9¦<:=:9¦>@?¦=BACD:¦>EAF¨G The history of state protection of organic world in Belarus includes two editions of the National Red Data Book. The first edition (Red Data Book..., 1981) lacked fungal organisms, the second, last edition includes 17 species of fungi, among they three non-poroid aphyllophoraceous ones (Golovko, Serzhanina, 1993). They were arranged in accordance with former IUCN conservation categories used in Soviet literature (Red Data Book…, 1984: 7–8; Dorofeev et al., 1993): Clavariadelphus pis- tillaris in III category (rare), and two species in II category (declining) — Hericium coralloides under the name H.