CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1745 HON
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September 11, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1745 House accounts of the meeting are full of TRIBUTE TO ANGENETTE MARTIN managed California-based child safety and stonewalls and half-truths. If Mr. Clinton educational reform campaigns and ran a agreed then to raise money by means he rec- multiyear attempt to strengthen community ognized as illegal, he would be party to a HON. NANCY PELOSI leadership for the American Association of criminal conspiracy. This is what we need an OF CALIFORNIA Retired Persons. independent counsel to investigate. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES She was born Nov. 8, 1946, in Hartford, Conn. In 1968, she graduated from Wells Col- Under the Independent Counsel Statute, Thursday, September 11, 1997 lege in Aurora, N.Y., with a bachelor's de- the Attorney General's 30-day review is fol- Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in gree in sociology. After college, she spent lowed by a ``preliminary investigation'' of up two years as a VISTA volunteer. to 90 days, after which Ms. Reno could peti- honor of Angenette ``Angie'' Martin who died August 31 after a courageous battle with can- Ms. Martin is survived by her husband, Eu- tion a special judicial panel for a counsel if gene Eidenberg; her mother, Angenette Vail there are ``reasonable grounds.'' The Attor- cer. This past Saturday, September 6, in San Martin, of Hartford, Conn.; brothers Erie ney General plays a large role in defining the Anselmo, CA, her family and friends gathered Martin, Jr., of Albany, Ga., and Steve T. independent counsel's prosecutorial jurisdic- together to celebrate her life. She was remem- Martin of Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.; and her tion. Whether Justice can somehow maintain bered with tears and laughter, and I was hon- stepchildren, Elizabeth Eidenberg of Los An- a bright line between Al Gore and Bill Clin- ored to speak at this memorial on behalf of geles and Danielle Eidenberg Noppe of Se- ton here is open to much doubt. What both many of my colleagues in both the House and attle. men appear to share is John Huang and his Senate who knew Angie. A memorial service will be conducted at 3 enterprises. Angie Martin's entire professional career p.m. Saturday at the home of Gina Glantz. Thanks to Senator Fred Thompson's hear- was reflected in her profound commitment to f ings, we know Mr. Huang was the key mover citizen action and participation in advocating TRIBUTE TO CUSTOMS SENIOR IN- in the Hsi Lai Temple event, just one exam- for progressive social issues and candidates. SPECTOR VIRGINIA C. ple of the deeds carried out on Mr. Clinton's Her incredible energy and passion for her RODRIGUEZ behalf. The temple scam began around March work are what set her apart and made Angie 15, 1996, when Mr. Huang and fund-raiser the best of the best. Maria Hsia escorted the temple head, Vener- My thoughts and prayers are with her hus- HON. SOLOMON P. ORTIZ able Master Hsing Yun, to a 10-minute meet- OF TEXAS ing with Mr. Gore. Mr. Huang followed up band, Gene Eidenberg, and daughters, with an April 11 memo discussing a ``fund Danielle and Elizabeth. I know my colleagues IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES raising lunch.'' Meanwhile, a National Secu- join with me in tribute to this remarkable Thursday, September 11, 1997 rity Council aide had warned Mr. Gore's dep- woman who showed so many of us how to uty chief of staff to take ``great caution'' live well and with dignity. Mr. ORTIZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay with the event, presumably because of Chi- The obituary which follows describes many tribute to a very special law enforcement nese sensitivities to Vice Presidential utter- of Angie's achievements and her important agent, who, by virtue of her quick-thinking and ances before the Taiwan-based organization. contributions on behalf of social issues con- intuition, captured one of the most-wanted rob- When the fund-raiser came up $55,000 short of fronting our society. bers in the United States and recovered a por- its goal, the Buddhist nuns testified last tion of the biggest heist in U.S. history. week, Mr. Huang initiated what clearly ap- [From the San Franciso Chronicle, Sept. 2, As a former law enforcement officer myself, 1997] pears to be the laundering of 11 checks for I have a unique understanding of the difficul- $5,000 each through temple adherents. ANGENETTE MARTIN ties facing peace officers. I also know how im- Meanwhile, even as more dots get con- Angenette ``Angie'' Martin, a founding portant it is for law enforcement officers to fol- nected, elements of the media have under- partner in the Mill Valley-based Martin & low their instincts. On August 30, 1997, cus- taken to exonerate China. ``No smoking Glantz, a social issues organizing and media strategies firm, died Sunday in Sausalito. toms senior inspector, Virginia C. Rodriguez, gun'' to show a Chinese connection has be- Ms. Martin, 50, had been battling breast can- was spot checking passengers coming across come not a ``shred of evidence,'' according to cer for more than five years. the border, and her intuition told her that David Rosenbaum of the New York Times. She pioneered grass-roots organizing tech- something just wasn't right about passenger John Judis in the September 22 New Repub- niques in the early 1970s when she ran field Phillip Johnson traveling from Matamoros, lic called Mr. Thompson's inquiry into a operations for the Connecticut Citizens Ac- China connection ``a disastrous blunder.'' Mexico, to Brownsville, TX. tion Group, Ralph Nader's first statewide or- Upon closer questioning, Johnson remained But mounds of pretty compelling cir- ganizing effort. There she created the first calm, but this law enforcement officer just felt ever ``citizens lobby.'' The CCAG, which in- cumstantial evidence now exist that China like something was not right about this guy. connections played a role. Presidential fluenced many environmental and consumer money pal Charlie Trie has fled to Beijing. issues, quickly became a model for grass- So she went through his luggage and came His patron, Macau-based Ng Lap Seng, has roots and political campaigns nationwide. across $10,000 and several fake identification been linked by the FBI to some $900,000 in During the 1970s and early '80s, she was in cards with various aliases. The agents at the funds wired to Mr. Trie from abroad; Mr. Ng tremendous demand as a political organizer, port of entry soon realized that the quick work has significant business interests in China strategist and campaign manager. She and level head of Ms. Rodriguez had snagged and is a member of one of its rubber stamp worked to improve conditions for migrant the man who pulled off the biggest robbery in provincial advisory boards. workers in New York state and ran several U.S. history. successful congressional and gubernatorial The Riadys' Lippo Group, former employ- campaigns. She ran several states for Sen- Phillip should have stayed in Mexico. Ms. ers of John Huang and longtime allies of the ator Edward Kennedy's 1980 presidential Rodriguez, a former Border Patrol agent, rep- Clintons, have extensive interests in China, campaign, as well as the campaign's conven- resents the very finest in the law enforcement with a piece of that pie in the hands of Ar- tion activities. tradition. She used all her skills, including the kansas' Joseph Giroir. While Mr. Giroir was In 1981, she was named director of can- most important, intuition, to go above and be- attempting to broker business deals for didate services for the Democratic National yond the call of duty. Lippo in China and the U.S., his Arkansas as- Committee. In 1982, she became political di- I ask my colleagues to join me in commend- sociate, former White House aide Mark Mid- rector for Walter Mondale's political action ing and thanking this outstanding law enforce- committee and a year later, field director for dleton, was in Taipei, allegedly shaking ment agent who lives in Harlingen, TX. down public officials for campaign donations his presidential campaign. f as tensions with China mounted and the Sev- With a reputation as one of the nation's enth Fleet steamed for the Taiwan Strait. Of most innovative and sophisticated organiz- ers, in 1985 she founded Martin & Glantz with FOXBORO SUMMER PROGRAM course, everybody has now been lawyered up, DOES FIRST RATE JOB issued denials and fled to the Fifth Amend- Gina Glantz. In addition to their Mill Valley ment. headquarters, the firm also has an office in Arlington, Va. HON. BARNEY FRANK Whatever Al Gore's legal exposure in this As a partner at Martin & Glantz, she OF MASSACHUSETTS affair, he shouldn't be left to take the fall for shaped campaigns on a variety of social is- someone else. We don't for a minute believe sues, including organizing the highly suc- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES all this stuff was born in the office of the cessful 1986 ``Hands Across America'' event Thursday, September 11, 1997 Vice President. Janet Reno shouldn't be al- that raised national consciousness of hunger lowed to pursue an independent counsel in- and homelessness. She created effective Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, vestigation that ignores the possibility of a grass-roots communications programs for during the congressional recess I visited a conspiracy directed out of the Oval Office. the National Cable Television Association, work site in the town of Foxboro MA where.