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May 15, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H2779 wreck and receive half of the value of the re- [Mr. SMITH of Michigan addressed the families that need it the most, to covered treasures. Sea Search Armada dis- the House. His remarks will appear working middle class families, to small covered the San Jose wreck in 1983. hereafter in the Extensions of Re- businesses, to small farmers. We will Unfortunately, the past 14 years have wit- marks. fight to make sure this budget protects nessed an extraordinary effort by the Govern- f and preserves the Medicare program, ment of Colombia to claim exclusive owner- and we will fight to make sure that DEMOCRATS GETTING READY TO ship of the treasure of the sunken galleon. In this budget provides for education and STAND UP AND FIGHT AGAIN clear disregard of accepted law, the govern- for health care for our kids. ment enacted retroactive changes in its sal- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a We have stood up and we have fought vage law that would have reduced the share previous order of the House, the gentle- before for our children, for our seniors of the treasure payable to the American com- woman from Connecticut [Ms. and for the working families of Amer- pany from the accepted 50 percent to a tax- DELAURO] is recognized for 5 minutes. ica, and we will stand up and fight once able 5 percent. Thankfully, the Colombian Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, I rise again. Constitutional Court declared the order uncon- today to remind my colleagues what f stitutional. we can accomplish when we stand up The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a In an August 1996 letter to International Re- together and fight for what we believe previous order of the House, the gen- in. lations Committee Chairman Ben Gilman, the tleman from Utah [Mr. HANSEN] is rec- Columbia government stated that a ruled had Last year the congressional majority ognized for 5 minutes. not yet been uttered by the Superior Court of attempted to cut the school lunch pro- [Mr. HANSEN addressed the House. Barranquilla and that the Government ``will not gram, and we stood up and said that it His remarks will appear in the Exten- make any decisions until after a verdict'' is is wrong, simply wrong to take food sions of Remarks.] out of the mouths of our children, and made by this judicial court. The decision of the f we stood up for our nation's kids, and Magistrates of the Superior of BarranquillaÐ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a like all previous court decisionsÐwas in Sea we won that fight. Then the congressional majority at- previous order of the House, the gen- Search Armada's favor and recognized its tleman from California [Mr. claim to 50 percent of the treasure of the San tempted to cut billions of dollars out of the Medicare program, and once again CUNNINGHAM] is recognized for 5 min- Jose. Regrettably, the Colombian govern- utes. ment's attorney general will now be appealing Democrats stood up and said it is wrong, simply wrong, to take health [Mr. CUNNINGHAM addressed the the decision once again. House. His remarks will appear here- This case has gone on too long. It is high care away from our nation's seniors. We stood up for our nation's seniors, after in the Extensions of Remarks.] time that the Government of Colombia end its f decade-long litigation against the Sea Search and we won that fight. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Armada company and resolve this matter. Last month the congressional major- previous order of the House, the gen- We are faced with a situation in which the ity showed that they have not learned tleman from Michigan [Mr. UPTON] is legitimate property rights of an American com- from their mistakes. Republicans on recognized for 5 minutes. pany have been expropriated in disregard to the House Committee on Appropria- [Mr. UPTON addressed the House. the recognized rights of ownership under Co- tions led the charge and voted over- Hers remarks will appear hereafter in lombian and international law. When deprived whelming to underfund the Women, In- the Extensions of Remarks.] of property in defiance of international law, fants and Children program by $38 mil- American citizens should expect their govern- lion. Their actions would have forced f ment to ensure that preferential treatment is 180,000 pregnant women, infants and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a not given to the delinquent party, as this body children off of the WIC program. Once previous order of the House, the gentle- has done in the past. again we stood up and said it is wrong, woman from Connecticut [Mrs. JOHN- Mr. Speaker, the rulings from every Colom- simply wrong, to take milk, to take ce- SON] is recognized for 5 minutes. bian court and from experts panels have de- real, to take formula off of the break- [Mrs. JOHNSON of Connecticut ad- fined the rights of the discovering party. Fol- fast tables. We stood up for women, for dressed the House. Her remarks will lowing the decision by the Superior Court, the infants and for children, and we won appear hereafter in the Extensions of Colombian government has been provided that fight. Remarks.] with an important opportunity to demonstrate And as we head into this budget proc- f ess, we should not be afraid to continue its commitment to abide by the rule of law. I WHAT ARE THEY HIDING? believe that Colombia's recognition of the judi- to stand up and fight for what we be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a cial ruling will send a reassuring message to lieve in because every time we have, we previous order of the House, the gen- potential American investors and will assure have won the fight. tleman from California [Mr. HORN] is that the cooperation between our nation and We all agreed, Democrats and Repub- recognized for 5 minutes. Colombia improves in the future. licans, about the need to balance the federal budget. But we need to stand up Mr. HORN. Mr. Speaker, this morn- f and make sure that any budget agree- ing I discussed 6 individuals that were The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a ment includes a budget that is bal- involved in the activities of the 1996 previous order of the House, the gen- anced in a way that is consistent with campaign in raising money for the tleman from California [Mr. DREIER] is our priorities and our values as a Na- Democratic National Committee. As a recognized for 5 minutes. tion. We do not have a lot of details yet member of the Committee on Govern- [Mr. DREIER addressed the House. about the specifics of this budget ment Reform and Oversight, we have His remarks will appear hereafter in agreement, but looking at the GOP tax been looking at the activities of Web- the Extensions of Remarks.] cut plan makes me think: Get ready, ster Hubbell, John Huang, Charlie Trie, f guys, we are going to be forced to stand James Riady, and Mark Middleton, as The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a up and to fight once again, for the GOP well as Pauline Kachanalak. previous order of the House, the gentle- tax cut plan mostly helps the wealthy. The White House has stated on a number of occasions that it is fully co- woman from Florida [Mr. BROWN] is In fact, over 50 percent of the benefits recognized for 5 minutes. go to the top 5 percent of wage earners. operating with our committee subpoe- This is not the kind of a tax cut that nas, but that is simply not true. The [Ms. BROWN of Florida addressed the the working families of America are White House has given us some docu- House. Her remarks will appear here- looking for. Democrats are going to ments, but they consist mostly of high- after in the Extensions of Remarks.] stand up and fight for the folks who are ly censored items; the fancy word is re- f not making the 6 figure salaries and in- dacted. It means they have blackened The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a comes, the families who could really out everything on the page but perhaps previous order of the House, the gen- use some tax relief. one word, and we have dozens of copies tleman from Michigan [Mr. SMITH] is We will fight, fight to make sure that of that, maybe hundreds. We asked for recognized for 5 minutes. the tax cuts in this budget deal go to copies of correspondence involving H2780 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE May 15, 1997 these people. We get back newspaper kansas bank. James Riady cemented The names of these heroes are in- clippings, blank pieces of paper and his friendship in the 1992 Presidential scribed on the wall of the National Law other irrelevancies. elections by giving at least $700,000 to Enforcement Officers Memorial located Mr. Speaker, the White House claims the Democratic National Committee, just blocks from this Capitol. Two hun- that it needs more time to comply, but its State affiliates, the inaugural com- dred fifty-four new names were added our first subpoenas with served on mittee and other soft money venues. this week in a candlelight vigil, rep- March 4; that is over 2 months ago. b 2145 resenting 116 police officers killed in Moreover, the first request for docu- the line of duty in 1996 and 138 others ments pertaining to one key player, After the 1992 election, James Riady who sacrificed their lives in other John Huang, were made by former returned to Indonesia, but kept up his years.