Strood Academy Information Booklet 2018 - 19 2 CONTENTS PAGE 3 Principal’s Letter 4 Senior Staff List 5 Home and Academy: Communication 6 Year 7 Curriculum 7- 8 Timetable 9 Homework 10 Academy calendar 2018 -19 11 Academy Restaurant 12- 14 Frequently Asked Questions 15 Code of Conduct 16-17 Academy Rules 18 Uniform 19 How can I help my child? 20-22 Additional Information including School transport, Music lessons, Assemblies and Charging and Remissions Policy 3 Strood Academy Carnation Road, Strood, Rochester, Kent, ME2 2SX Telephone: 01634 717121 Fax: 01634 735755
[email protected] Principal: Kim Gunn BA (Hons) MBA NPQH Dear Parents and Carers A very warm welcome to Strood Academy. All successful schools have very strong partnerships between parents, students and teachers. Our aim is to start that process by ensuring a smooth transition to secondary school and hope that this booklet proves both helpful and informative. The Academy is divided into three colleges for years 7-11. Each of these is led by a Vice Principal. The fourth college is for the Sixth Form. Teaching is undertaken through seven faculties and Student Services, covering the national curriculum in a way that personalises both learning and the way we monitor and support each child. Expectations for good attitudes for learning are high and every student will be expected to complete homework assignments. With a strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy, students follow a two year Key Stage 3 programme allowing for a three year period leading to GCSE and vocational qualifications. A Sixth Form that will grow to 300 students allows for progression and a broad offer of courses.