Sunday, August 6, 2017 Issue No. 7465 200 Fils newsofbahrain 38444680 nob_bh Former Jordan’s king WIN 3 CARS on rare visit AND 300 to Ramallah GOLD COINS! Ramallah minister ordan’s King Abdullah II Tel: 17228888 is to meet tomorrow with PalestinianJ leader Mahmud Abbas on his first visit in five years to the West Bank city of Ramallah, a Palestinian official said. Mohammed Shtayyeh, a slams top official in the Fatah party of Abbas, said yesterday the JO3307_BFC_BAH_BOB_Centenary_Bonanza_Campaign_ad_67x40mm.indd25/05/2017 15:45 1 two leaders would discuss WITH efforts to revive the Israeli- THIS Palestinian peace process, PAPER which has been at a standstill since 2014. Qatar press for It will be the first visit since December 2012 by Abdullah -- whose country is custodian of Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem and which has a 2004 peace treaty with TO DT SUBSCRIBERSExclusive Israel -- to the Palestinian political capital in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Jordan intervened last misquoting month to help resolve a UN investigating mass DT News Network Press, claiming that he called Qatari press falsified his “the solution to the crisis crisis over access to the ultra- graves in northern Mali
[email protected] for dialogue within the GCC statements. should be made within the sensitive Haram al-Sharif without the involvement of Denying that he referred GCC”. mosque compound in the Bamako, Mali Manama foreign parties including to the crisis as a “blockade”, The former official Old City of Israeli-annexed he United Nations said ormer minister Dr.