Lemond Still Confident Morrison Campaign to Get Them to Democrats Will Unite After the Withdrawal of Soviet Troops from East German Ter Nominee for Governor
What’s News Expanded Comics and TV Sections Start Today! Monday LOCAL NEWS INSIDE ■ Area town delegates supported Gibes. Page 7. iHanf IjfHtpr Mml^i | ■ Elderly complex facing town PZC tonight. Page 7, Monday, July 16, 1990 ■ Landfill fee hike Manchester, Conn. - A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents angers business. Page 7. Former Whaler to Manchester goes big I, pralh Gorby OKs NATO MOSCOW (AP) — West German Chancellor coach East hockey Helmut Kohl said today that President Mikhail S. for underdog Cibes Gorbachev has removed his objection to a united Germany belonging to NATO. The Soviet objection had been a major obstacle to full German unifica Several of Manchester’s sup Cibes will carry over to rank and file tion. By ALEX GIRELLI i Manchester Herald porters said the fact that Democrats. — see page 41 Kohl spoke at a jo'mt news conference with Gor Manchester’s Democratic state Cibes said the party will be TS bachev in southern Russia that was broadcast live representatives John W. Thompson unified after the primary, and he on West German television. HARTFORD — The Manchester delegation to the Democratic State and James McCavanagh backed said he will support the nominee of He said he and the Soviet president had agreed Cibes was a major factor in their the party. “I believe that nominee that a unified Germany will be free to choose which Convention contributed heavily Saturday to the delegate vote count decision to back him in opposition will be me,” he said. alliance it will belong to, and Kohl had told Gor r « 4 i^ to Morrison, the front runner. Democratic Town Chairman bachev that Germany wanted to stay in NATO. of 454 for William Cibes, which paves the way for a primary election Some also pointed out that there Theodore R. Cummings, a Cibes Kohl also announced agreement on several other had been no strong effort by the supporter, also insisted the major issues, including a timetable for the Sept. 11 to choose the Democratic LeMond still confident Morrison campaign to get them to Democrats will unite after the withdrawal of Soviet troops from East German ter nominee for governor. By SALVATORE ZANCA Twenty-one of the town’s 26 switch allegiance. primary and he cited unification ritory and the size of the armed forces for a united ,.n' after past party primaries as ex The Associated Press Germany. delegates cast their ballots for Cibes, State Sen. Michael Meotti of Glastonbury, who represents amples. Kohl said that Soviet Ucops should be withdrawn with five voting for Bruce Momson, Manchester, is a Morrison sup Cummings said he believes many VILLARD DE LANS, France — With the Alps now from East German territory three to four years after the man who became the convention porter. He said he feels a voters now feel it it time for a can at their backs, the 170 cyclists sUll left m the T o ^ de Germany is united. The Soviets now have about endorsed candidate after wining the France enjoyed an off day Friday as two-time winner support of 992 delegates. Democratic primary will be helpful didate who supports an income tax, 380,000 troops in East Germany. coupled with more responsible Greg LeMo^nd remained confident he can make a During the same period, the armed forces of a The only delegation giving more the party,because the candidates votes to Cibes was Middletown, need to become better known. management of state spending. united Germany will be r^uced to 370,000 men. The Associated Press He said there is a perception that “ "r’SS; is far from over,” said LeMond who is in Kohl said. The combined suength of the East and which cast all 23 of its delegate “I think Bruce will win handily,” fourth place, more than 7 minutes behind Iwdcr Claudio West German armed forces is now about 600,000, QUAKE PANIC — Panic-stricken workers votes for the New London state Meotti predicted, saying he does not ClSpucci of Italy. “There are still another 10 ^ y s to go. representative. think the late surge of support for Please see CIBES, page 6, with West Germany providing 480,000 men. flee a building in Manila Monday as an Seven minutes arc easily lo^ m the pp^cce Kohl said the ri^ ts of the four World War II vic earthquake measuring 7.7 on the richter Two relative unknowns, Chiappucci and Ronan Penscc torious powers will cease immediately after unifica of France, head the standings follow,^ by the favornes tion, but that their troops could stay in Berlin as scale struck Luzon Island. Initial reports said — Eric Breukink of the Netherlands, LeMond and 1988 long as the Soviet troops arc in East Germany. more than 40 people were killed. winner Pedro Delgado of S{»in. , ,. , , .. “The Tour is always decided m the third week, said LeMond, who should know. He has gone into the 1 ^ 8th District meets twice in that period and last year waited until the last MANCHESTER — The new Board of Directors seconds of last year’s Tour in the thrilling final day ume of the Eighth Utilities District will meet for the first 51 killed trial to edge Laurent Fignon. , , ^ n time today, and the appointment of a district rate Right now, Chiappucci has a lead of 1 “ maker and of four district commissioners is one of seconds over Penscc, 6:55 over Breukink and 7:27 on the first matters it will consider. LeMond. ^ _ The rate maker post is now held by Teresa The Italian was 81st last year m the Tour de France- Machell. in quake But in 1990 he was named the best climber in the Tour ot Director Joseph Tripp is fire commission and Italy, although he finished low in the standings. Director Thomas H. Ferguson is public works com By ROBERT H. REID Penscc was best known as LcMond’s teammate on the missioner. The posts of administrative commis The Associated Press French ’Z’ team. sioner and insurance commissioner are vacant. Two flat stages and then the Pyrenees come at the start They were held by directors who are no longer on MANILA, Philippines — A major earthquake rock of the final week. the board. ed Manila and surrounding Luzon island today, inflict Fignon is gone now, having exited in the fifth ^ g e as The new district president is former director ing serious damage. Officials reported at least 51 he succumbed to a variety of problems, both physical and Samuel Longest, who was elected without opposi people killed, most when a six-story college building emotional. tion after the former president Thomas E. L^ders north of Manila collapsed. LeMond, too, had his physical woes as he was slow to dropped out the race. Scores more were believed trapped under the rubhle i get into shape as publicity demands over the winter and a Directors new to the board arc Angela Chirico of crumbled buildings, including 150 reportedly virus in the spring limited his training. In the Tour of and Mary Jane Summa, who was elcct^ to replace trapped in the Hyatt Hotel in the mountain resort of Italy, he was almost three hours behind. Longest as a director. Baguio. Now he is leaving behind nearly all those who left him Gordon Lassow, a long time director, and a The U.S. Geological Survey in Golden, Colo, behind. ^ fomicr president, will begin a new term. registered the quake at 7.7 on the Richter scale. Chiappucci and Pensec were part of a group ot tom There were scores of aftershocks. that broke away from the pack in the first stage and Japan repays loan The Office of Civil Defense said the Philippine gained a 10-minute gap on the field. Christian College collapsed in the provincial capiuil of Chiappucci’s hold on the yellow jersey of the leader is TOKYO (AP) — Japan, which has moved from Cabanatuan City. The city of more than 80,000 is 60 tenuous, like Steve Bauer and Penscc before him. the second-largest World Bank loan debtor to the miles north of Manila and was near tlie epicenter. world’s largest creditor nation, repaid its last World Bauer held the top spot for the first nine days unUl the The office said at least 41 people were killed in the Reginald Pinto/Manchester Herald t.. ■- race entered the mountains. Then he quickly dropped out Bank loan today. city and outlying area. Officials in Cahanatuan said of sight, losing 21 minutes in the I’Alpe d’Huez stage The last $7 million installment on a 25-year, $75 hundreds of students were unaccounted for, but it was IN CAUCUS — The Manchester delegation caucuses before a vote at Saturday's Democratic million loan to the Japan Highway Public Corp. after giving up the lead. uncertain how many were in tlic building when it col State Convention in Hartford. Pcnsac took over on his 27th birthday. At 27 and two was paid, said World Bank spokeswoman Keiko lapsed. days, he was in second place, grateful for an off day after Sato. In Baguio, 110 miles to the north, portions of Between 1953 and 1966, Japan borrowed $862.9 a 49lh in the individual time trial. several luxury hotels collapsed. The Manila radio sta Now it is Chiappucci’s turn for the others to key on. million from the World Bank to finance 31 projects. tion DZRH said 150 people were trapped in the Hyatt Only India borrowed more money from the World Morrison: No negativism Especially LeMond. Hotel.
Im a Believer: My Life of Monkees, Music, and Madness Free
FREE IM A BELIEVER: MY LIFE OF MONKEES, MUSIC, AND MADNESS PDF Micky Dolenz,Mark Bego | 272 pages | 01 Jun 2004 | Cooper Square Publishers Inc.,U.S. | 9780815412847 | English | Lanham, United States Should You Take the Monkees Seriously? | Music Aficionado Starring Davy Jones, Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork and Michael Nesmith, The Monkees was a TV show about a struggling rock group that featured early incarnations of music videos and plenty of family-friendly psychedelic vibes. Following its to run, the series gained new generations of fans through marathon airings on MTV and Nickelodeon in the s. As a cast member of the Broadway musical Oliver! But probably the craziest part of this story was how the year-old Brit was completely oblivious to who John, Paul, George and Ringo were. He only Im a Believer: My Life of Monkees interest in what they were doing because he wanted to figure out how to make girls scream too. So the ad they took out in the September 8, edition of Variety had to reflect the attitudes of the burgeoning youth culture. In JuneThe Monkees headed off to Paris for a season two episode that would ostensibly show them being mobbed by French fans. Toward and Madness end of the second and final season, Peter Tork and Micky Dolenz were Music the opportunity to direct an episode. Tork, using his full name in the credits—Peter H. The Monkees would officially be canceled later that year. Once atthen again at Yes, you read that correctly. Inthe year of Sgt. Probably because neither British band had a hit TV show on its hands.
This publicaion has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publicaion are the sole responsibility of ATR Consuling and can in no way be taken to relect the views of the European Union. CONTENTs Execuive Summary 1 Acronyms 2 Acknowledgements 5 Background and 6 Context Concept and 7 Background of the Heart of Asia Building r Commitment 8 States to the Heart of Asia Process Among Membe Map 1: 9 Heart of Asia Member States Exising Studies 10 on the Heart of Asia Process Approach and 11 Methodology Approach 11 Research Quesions 11 Methodology 12 Findings 13 Security Cooperaion’ Looking Beyond the Tradiional Deiniion of ‘ 13 Security Threats 14 in the Region Security Cooperaion 17 Mechanisms in the Region Obstacles to 22 Efecive Security Cooperaion in the Region Opportuniies for 23 Intensiied Security Cooperaion Incenives for 25 Intensiied Security Cooperaion Policy Opions 26 for the Heart of Asia Conclusion 29 Appendix I: 31 Afghanistan Most Relevant 32 Security Threats to Afghanistan Exising Security 32 Cooperaion Mechanisms Obstacles to 35 Efecive Security Cooperaion Opportuniies aion and 38 Incenives for Intensiied Security Cooper Promising Policy 40 Opions for the Heart of Asia Process Map 2: 40 Proposed Route of TAPI Gas Pipeline Project Appendix II: 42 Azerbaijan Most Relevant 43 Security Threats Exising Security 44 Cooperaion Mechanisms Obstacles to Efecive Security Cooperaion 45 Opportuniies and Incenives for Intensiied Security Cooperaion 46 Promising Policy Opions for the Heart of Asia Process
New Visions for Public Affairs, Volume 11, Spring 2019 || 1
New Visions for Public Affairs, Volume 11, Spring 2019 || 1 VOLUME 11, SPRING 2019 Contents Rising to Meet the Central Challenge of Our Time ........................................................................... 8 Vice President Joe Biden.................................................................................................................... 8 2018 Seoul Case Study Experience ................................................................................................. 10 Eileen Young ................................................................................................................................ 10 Hardening Soft Targets .................................................................................................................. 14 Daniel Henne ............................................................................................................................... 14 A Critical Review of Emergency and Disaster Management in the United Arab Emirates .............. 23 Abdulhadi A. Al Ruwaithi............................................................................................................. 23 Civic Hackathons as Deliberative Democracy: Reflections from Participation in the 2018 Delaware Open Data Challenge ..................................................................................................................... 36 Eli Turkel, Elizabeth Suchanic, and Randy Neil ................................................................................ 36 The Syrian Crisis: Failed Mediation
Major High-rise Fires 1970 — 1 New York Plaza is a 50-story skyscraper in New York City that suffered a severe fire and explosion on August 5, 1970. The fire started around 6:00 PM on the 33rd and 34th floors and burned for more than six hours. It caused shear connections to fail and beams to drop onto girder flanges, resulting th in a partial collapse of the 34 floor. The rest of the steel structure remained standing. See http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/analysis/compare/fires.html and https://www.wpi.edu/Pubs/ETD/Available/etd-050406- 105306/unrestricted/rnacewicz.pdf 1975 — World Trade Center North Tower, otherwise known as WTC 1, was still a 110-story skyscraper when its 11th floor suffered a fire from an unknown cause on February 13, 1975. The fire started shortly before midnight in a furnished office on the 11th floor and spread through some 65% of the floor (the core plus half the office area). By the time firefighters arrived, flames were also spreading vertically via telephone cable openings in the floor slab, causing subsidiary fires from the 9th to the 19th floors. The fire lasted more than three hours and did an estimated $2 million worth of damage. Cleaning and service personnel were evacuated without any fatalities. However, of the 150 firefighters at the scene, 28 sustained injuries from the intense heat and smoke. According to Captain Harold Kull of Engine Co. 6, "It was like fighting a blow torch. Flames could be seen pouring out of 11th floor windows on the east side of the building." The structural steel trusses, undamaged, did not need to be replaced.
5/18/2021 9-11 Research: Other Skyscraper Fires .com <^> 9 - 1 1 R e s e a r c h .wtc7.net Home Background Attack Aftermath Evidence Misinformation Analysis Memorial Analysis New York City collapsing buildings Other Skyscraper Fires other high-rise fires other collapses WTC 1, 2 collapses Fires Have Never Caused Skyscrapers to Collapse design parameters role of fires fire severity Excepting the three 9-11 collapses, no fire, however severe, has ever caused a steel-framed high-rise building effects on steel collapse features to collapse. Following are examples of high-rise fires that were far more severe than those in WTC 1 and 2, explosive events and Building 7. In these precedents, the fires consumed multiple floors, produced extensive window demolition squibs frame shattering breakage, exhibited large areas of emergent flames, and went on for several hours. The fires in the WTC concrete pulverization towers did none of these things. dust volume steel shredding LINK symmetry mushrooming The One Meridian Plaza Fire speed of fall demolition proofs speed of fall One Meridian Plaza is a 38-floor skyscraper in Philadelphia that suffered a severe fire on February 23, 1991. volume of dust The fire started on the 22nd floor and raged for 18 hours, gutting eight floors and causing an estimated $100 breakup of top 1 2 3 collapse theories million in direct property loss. It was later described by Philadelphia officials as "the most The One Meridian Plaza fire column failure theory truss theory significant fire in this century". demolition theories basement bombs 4 nuclear devices The fire caused window breakage, cracking of granite, and failures of spandrel panel connections.
Egress As Part of Fire Safety in High-Rise Buildings
MASTER EGRESS AS PART OF FIRE SAFETY IN THESIS HIGH-RISE BUILDINGS Redesign of Koningin Julianaplein Yang Sun | EGRESS AS PART OF FIRE SAFETY IN HIGH-RISE BUILDINGS MASTER OF SCIENCE THESIS Yang Sun January, 2013 The work described in this thesis was cooperated with DGMR Bouw B.V., their support was gratefully acknowledged. Egress as Part of Fire Safety in High-rise Buildings 1 Author: Yang Sun Student No.: 4121988 Place, date: Delft, January 2013 Graduation Committee: Committee chair Prof. Ir. Rob Nijsse TU Delft, Building Engineering External supervisor Bj rn Peters DGMR Bouw B.V., the Hague ö Supervisor Ir. Roel Schipper TU Delft, Building Engineering Supervisor Prof. Dr. Ir. Serge Hoogendoorn TU Delft, Transport and Planning Master Program of Building Engineering Building Technology and Physics Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences Delft University of Technology DGMR Bouw B.V. Department of Fire Safety The Hague, the Netherlands 2 Abstract Egress as Part of Fire Safety in High-rise Buildings 3 ABSTRACT The process of evacuating some large high-rise buildings may take upwards of several hours. One question that needs to be asked, however, is whether it is feasible and desirable to completely evacuate the high-rise building in fires. This research seeks to remedy this problem by proposing one or more efficient egress plan(s) for high-rise buildings. Investigation into a number of Dutch projects, international fire codes and state-of-the-art literature laid the foundation for this study. Four egress plans have been presented from a worldwide perspective for a specific certain building: Koningin Julianaplein in The Hague, the Netherlands.
{PDF EPUB} Gakky Two-Feet by Micky Dolenz Children's Bookshelf Talks with Micky Dolenz
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Gakky Two-Feet by Micky Dolenz Children's Bookshelf Talks with Micky Dolenz. Micky Dolenz was sitting in his Broadway dressing room recently, preparing for another performance as Zoser in the Elton John-Tim Rice production of Aida, when he realized he'd passed a milestone: his run with Aida had surpassed his tenure with The Monkees, the '60s pop culture phenomenon that started out as a TV show about a band and became a band without a TV show. Dolenz, 61, is ready to be known for something else. His first picture book, Gakky Two-Feet , illustrated by David Clark, debuts from Putnam. He envisions a whole series of books about on "anthromythology," the fictionalization of key moments in human evolution. Interviewed from his home in Los Angeles, Dolenz explained that his fascination with the subject had nothing to do with having once been a Monkee himself. Can you explain how Gakky Two-Feet came about? Ever since I was a kid, I've had an enormous interest in the sciences—everything from quantum physics to anthropology. When my Scientific American arrives every month, I read it cover to cover. So the idea for Gakky , about the first quadruped who decided to stand up, came from Scientific American ? It did! I had read an article about hominid evolution and, one night shortly after that, I woke up and the Muse was standing by my bed. She was really cute, and she had a nine-millimeter Glock. She held it at my head and said, 'Write Gakky's story.' Not being one to deny a pretty Muse with a loaded Glock, I got up.
2 Saturday, August 5, 2017 Blaze rips through Dubai’sDubai scene within Torch four minutes of announced tougher Towerrules to islands. anicked residents fled the blaze erupting at 12:45 am minimise fire risks after a series Saudi Arabia’s Kingdom one of the tallest towers (2045 GMT Thursday). of tower blazes in the emirate Holding is building a tower inP glitzy Dubai early yesterday They said residents were mostly due to flammable in Jeddah that is planned to after a fire ripped through it, immediately evacuated and the material used in cladding, a surpass the Burj Khalifa, rising the second blaze to hit the fire put out by 2:58 am without covering or coating used on the more than a kilometre. skyscraper in as many years. any casualties. side of the buildings. Dubai first became a magnet Authorities said no casualties Dubai’s civil defence In November 2015, fire for property investments were reported from the blaze authority said it started on the engulfed three residential when it opened the sector to which erupted in the middle 65th floor of the luxury tower blocks in central Dubai and foreigners in 2002, standing to upper floors of The Torch, block. led to services on a metro line out in a region that largely once the tallest residential In the morning, an AFP being suspended, although no confines freehold ownership to development in the world. correspondent saw torched one was hurt. citizens. The 337-metre (1,105-foot) vehicles in the block’s car park On New Year’s Eve that year, The value of property surged tower was the scene of a 2015 and extensive fire damage to 16 people were injured when at breakneck speed until the inferno that caused extensive the middle and upper storeys a fire broke out in a luxury global financial crisis hit the damage to its luxury flats and of the left side of the building.
Kontor/afdeling Center for Beredskabstilsyn og Rådgivning. Tema/emne Indsats i højhuse (højhuse over 22 meter). Projekts formål Formålet med projektet er at få indsamlet og analyseret viden og forskningsbaserede data fra ind og udland, omkring indsats i forbindelse med brande i højhuse. Materialet skal samskrives i en rapport, der skal kunne indgå i baggrundsmaterialet for udarbejdelse af en teknisk og taktisk vejledning om indsats i højhuse. Spørgsmål/hypoteser, der • Hvilke erfaringer har man fra udlandet omkring indsats i forbindelse med ønskes undersøgt brand i højhuse? • I hvilket omfang dimensioneres redningsberedskabet (hvor mange brandfolk, køretøjer og materiel), i forhold til at det skal kunne indsættes imod brand i højhuse i udlandet? • Er dimensioneringen af beredskabet lovreguleret i forhold til, om der er højhuse i slukningsområdet i udlandet? • Hvorledes dimensioneres der og ud fra hvilke kriterier? • Hvilke sluknings- og redningsprincipper anvendes ved indtrængning og brandslukning i højhuse? Herunder ønskes tillige belyst de sikkerhedsmæssige aspekter af sådanne indsatser. • Er der særlige brandtekniske krav i forbindelse med højhusbyggeri (forebyggende tiltag), der har direkte indflydelse på redningsberedskabets indsatsmuligheder m.v.)? • Udarbejdelse af statistisk materiale på baggrund af indsamlede data og erfaringer fra brande i højhuse i udlandet? Relevante uddannelses- DTU, Lunds universitet eller andre relevante uddannelsesinstitutioner eller eller forskningsinstitutioner forskningsinstitutter som CUD måtte foreslå.
Fire Safety The post fire department I /- 11 Number 42 iVolumePublished in the interest of the personnel at Fort Leonard Wood, Missour Thursday, October 22,1998 has a lot to celebrate. l . ' S e e p ag e 1B " ......"-: .......... ::-.. Volume 11 Number 42 Published in the interest of the personnel at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri Thursday, October 22, 1998 Red Ribbon Week marks ---- Name change ahead for post newspaper U.S. war against drug abuse In recognition of the up- coming mission change of the installation as Q Local activities focus on H.; it transforms /lit from the Engineer Center to efforts to reduce demand the Maneuver Support Cen- ter, the ESSAYONS will for illegal substances :_._. change its name to "Guidon" ° with the first edition printed From the Alcohol and Drug Control Office , :a; D in January. I .1 .. vC l f The name Guidon has his- The death of an agent from the U.S. ..... torical significance here as Drug Enforcement Agency in 1985 has . r' ' the name of the post newspa- made a lasting contribution to America's per before the arrival of the war against drugs. Each year since then, the Engineer School. In addition, nation has observed Red Ribbon { f Week, (j {E t the name will equally repre- stressing the need to stop drug abuse. t : sent the incoming Chemical Fort Leonard Wood has scheduled a l l +.... .k f f,, / and Military Police Schools, variety of events to mark Red Ribbon Week, , lhotuLby Ketun Loiratil along with the Engineer which starts Sunday and runs through Oct.
Fire Safety in High-Rise Residential Building Lee Jun Hou Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
i FIRE SAFETY IN HIGH-RISE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING LEE JUN HOU UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA i i SUPERVISOR’S DECLARATION “I/We* hereby declare that I/We* have read this thesis and in my/our* opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Science (Construction) Signature : Name of Supervisor I : PM. DR. YAHYA BIN MOHAMAD YATIM Date : 10th JUNE 2018 Signature : Name of Supervisor II : Sr. DR. NORAZAM OTHMAN Date : 10th JUNE 2018 * Delete as necessary i FIRE SAFETY IN HIGH-RISE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING LEE JUN HOU A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the awards of the degree of Bachelor of Science (Construction) Faculty of Built Environment Universiti Teknologi Malaysia JUNE 2018 ii DECLARATION I declare that this thesis entitled “Fire Safety in High-Rise Residential Building” is the results of my own research except as cited in the references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in the candidature of any other degree. Signature : Name : LEE JUN HOU Date : 10th JUNE 2018 iii DEDICATION Special thanks to my beloved parents, family members and friends for their support, help, and understanding Thanks for everything iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude goes to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yahya Bin Mohamad Yatim who is my research supervisor for providing the valuable advice, guidance, and comments on this research. His contributions are highly appreciated. Besides that, I also appreciate to building management committee or manager because allow me to enter the building to carry out the observation survey and willing to answer my question.