THE BANNER OF SOVEREIGN GRACE TRUTH SPECIAL THEME: Top 15 Books that Shaped the Reformation and Beyond Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan Religious Affections by Jonathan Edwards A Call to Remembrance Praise for Christ’s Birth A PERIODICAL FOR FAMILIES NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2017 l VOL. 25, NO. 6 THE BANNER OF CONTENTS SOVEREIGN GRACE TRUTH NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2017 • Vol . 25, No . 6 Publication Number (ISSN 10726357) MEDITATIONS The Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth is published bimonthly by the Heritage Reformed denomination, 540 Crescent Street A Call to Remembrance | Rev. Bartel Elshout . 227 NE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503. Typeset at Grand Rap- The Birthday of a Perfect King | Rev. Michael Fintelman . 228 ids, Michigan (Gardner Graphics); printed at Grand Rapids, Michigan (Grandville Printing). PRACTICAL CHRISTIANITY | Dr. David Murray Subscription price for six issues per year: $25.00 in the United 8 Ways to Develop Pastoral Antennae . 229 States. $30.00 in Canada, payable in U.S. funds. To foreign EDITORIAL | Dr. Joel R. Beeke countries $35.00 (surface mail) or $65.00 (air mail), payable in U.S. funds. Rates listed are for one year subscriptions. Ten Important Fruits of the Reformation (1) . 230 Dr. Joel R. Beeke, Editor OLD TESTAMENT BIBLE STUDY | Dr. Michael Barrett 2965 Leonard Street NE Praise for Christ’s Birth – Isaiah 12 . 232 Grand Rapids, Michigan 49525 (616) 977-0599; fax (616) 285-3246 NEW TESTAMENT BIBLE STUDY | Dr. Gerald Bilkes e-mail:
[email protected] Studies in John (21): “It Is the Lord” . 234 Rev. Maarten Kuivenhoven, Assistant Editor Rev. David VanBrugge, Assistant Editor SPECIAL THEME: TOP 15 BOOKS THAT SHAPED THE REFORMATION AND BEYOND The Confessions by Augustine of Hippo | Dr.