Coronado National Memorial Plant List
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BROOMRAPE POPPY PINE NIGHTSHADE VERBENA GRAPE CORONADO NATIONAL FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY SOLANACEAE OROBANCHACEAE PAPAVERÁCEAS PINACEAE VERBENACEAE VITACEAE MEMORIAL PLANT LIST Santa Catalina SW Prickly Silverleaf Mexican Prairie Verbena/ Canyon Indian Poppy/ Nightshade/ Pinyon Pine Dakota Vervain Grape Paintbrush Chicalote Trompillo AMARANTH CASHEW MILKWEED Castillejo Argemone Pin us Solanum Glandularia vial FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY tenuiflora oleiacantha cembroides elaeagnifolium bipinnatifida arizonica AMARANTHACEAE ANACARDIACEAE ASCLEPIADACEAE Tufted Globe Evergreen Antelope Horn Amaranth Sumac Milkweed Gomphrena Rhus Asclepias caespitosa virens asperula Deep-rooting plant Has lightly hairy Ripe grapes are Hemiparasitic Leaves, stems, Bushy evergreen commonly stems, and blooms edible, though tart. plant: siphons and fruit covered with edible seeds considered a weed. continuously Young leaves can nutrients from in spines. Also that are favored by Toxic to humans through spring also be eaten, and the roots of called 'Cowboy's packrats. Have 2-3 and livestock alike. and summer. used to wrap food. nearby plants. fried Kggs.' needles per cluster. Relatively rare in Only female Food source for PLANTAIN FAMILY (PLANTAGINACEAE) the US: confined to plants produce Monarch butterfly flowers and fruit. caterpillars. Firecracker Parry's Woolly Notes/Observations: AZ, NM, and TX. Penstemon Penstemon Plantain ASPARAGUS FAMILY (ASPARAGACEAE) Penstemon Penstemon Plantago Palmer's Huachuca Schotfs ea ton i i parryi patagónica Agave Agave Yucca Agave A. parryi var. Yucca oalmeri huachucensis schottii Penstemon are very attractive plants to hummingbirds, due to the ease of eating from their tube-like flower corollas. Plantain leaves, chewed and applied to bug bites or stings are known to diminish itching and promote skin healing. BUCK SANDAL COFFEE THORN WOOD FAMILY FAMILY RUBIACEAE FAMILY RHAMNACEAE SANTALÁCEAS Desert Firecracker Cory's/ SW Oak Beargrass/ Ceanothus/ Bush/ Scarlet Common Sotol/ Mistletoe Bluedicks Mtn. Buckbrush Bouvardia Desert Spoon Sacahuista Ceanothus Bouvardia Phoradendron Dasylirion Dichelostemma Nolina wheeleri capitatum microcarpa greggii ternifolia coryae Many plants on this list have extensive records of medicinal, comestible, artistic, and ritualistic uses by native people. This list is by no means comprehensive - of species or of uses - but is rather a selection of common and/or noteworthy species found within the park, on roadsides or trails. National Park Service Has very fragrant The Spanish name, A hemiparasitic U.S. Department of the Interior white flowers. trompetilla, or plant typically Mule deer browse 'little trumpet,' found on oaks. One refers to the Coronado National Memorial leaves, and quails of 8 mistle-toes in Hereford, Arizona eat the seeds. tubular flowers. the SW. ASPARAGUS FAMILY {CONTINUED) CACTUS FAMILY {CONTINUED) PEA FAMILY (FABACEAE) Agaves leaves have sharp spines along the leaves, whereas Claretcup/ Chihuahua Prickly Prairie/ White- Huachuca Mtn. Rattlebox yucca leaves are spineless and tend to be longer. Agaves flower Kingcup Pineapple Pear ball Acacia Milkvetch once and then die, whereas yucca can flower yearly. Both plants' Echinocereus Echinomastus Opuntia Acacia Astragalus Crotalaria leaves have traditionally been dried and used as fiber. Soap can triqlochidiatus intertextus engelmannii anoustissima hypoxylus oumila be made from yucca root, while agave and sotol hearts can be roasted to make nectar (agave) or alcohol (both). DAISY/SUNFLOWER FAMILY (ASTERACEAE) Yerba de Pasmo Desert Marigold Rose Heatli Baccharis Baileya Chaetopappa pteronioides multiradiata ericoides Native people such as the Tohono O'odham have been The fuzzy look of A low growing Attracts the bella harvesting cacti parts for centuries. Prickly pear fruit ripens the flowers is due plant, it reaches 4 moth, native bees, in August and is eaten raw, concentrated into syrup, or to the stamens cm. in height, and and caterpillars fermented into vinegar. Cholla buds, high in calcium, are (male parts), that spreads to 10 cm. of the cassius gathered in March, and can be either pickled or dehydrated. start white and Pollinated by blue butterfly. Members of the Echinocereus genus of cacti are also known mature to pinkish. native bees. Red tones on back. as 'hedgehog cacti,' and usually have large, showy flowers. Arizona New Mexico Desert BEECH FAMILY (FAGACEAE) Thistle Thistle Broom BINDWEED GOURD CYPRESS Arizona White Emory Oak/ Cirsium Baccharis Shrub Live Oak Cirsium FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY Oak Bellota neomexicanum sarothroides arizonicum CONVULVULACEAE CUCURBITACEAE CUPRESSACEAE Quercus arizonica Quercus emoryi Quercus turbinella Pink-Throated Buffalo/ Wild Alligator Morning Glory Gourd ¡uniper Ipomoea Cucúrbita Juniperus lonqifolia foetidissima deppeana Apache Plant Lacy Tansyaster Prairie Zinnia Guardiola Machaeranthera Zinnia grandiflora One of the largest Has shiny leaves Typically a mid- SW oaks, growing olatyphylla pinnatifida that are brighter elevation shrub, up to 55 feet. Has green than other with toothed leaf Flowers bloom only The green striped Occurs in pine-oak oblong leaves. oaks. Low canyon. margins. once before dying: gourd is inedible, woodlands of AZ, they open in the but native tribes where it can grow OCOTILLO FLAX MALLOW morning, and have historically to 48 ft Named for FAMILY wither by evening. its scale-like bark. FAMILY FAMILY eaten the seeds. FOUQUIER1ACEAE LINACEAE MALVACEAE Narrowleaf/ SPURGE Ocoti.Uo/ Plains/ Yellow The Asteraceae family has the most species of any plant family. HEATH FAMILY Coachwhip Flax Copper Their flower heads (capitula) are actually made up of multiple ERICACEAE FAMILY Globemallow smaller flowers giving the illusion of a single flower. This is EUPHORBIACEAE Fouquieha Linuni Sphaeralcea known as a pseudanthium, or 'false flower.' The word aster from Arizona Pointleaf Ragged splendens puberulum angustifoiia the family name Asteraceae means 'star' in Greek, from the star- Madrone Manzanita Nettlespurge likc appearance of the many-flowered capitula. Arbutus Arctostaphylos Jatropha CACTUS FAMILY (CACTACEAE) arizonica pungens macrorhiza Cane Arizona Arizona Cholla Claretcup Rainbow Cylindropuntia Echinocereus Echinocereus sinposior arizonicus rigidissimus Hardy, tall, and The White Mtn. Differentiated thin plants, Apaches used juice from other ocotillos are often from the berries mallow by their Small tree or large Named for the Blooms after dried and used as for eye medicine. unusually thin shrub whose red- apple-like look of monsoons have fencing. Ocotillos The Keres tribe and wavy leaves. orange fruits are its edible fruit begun, and is very have a long used the flowers to Flowers can be favored by white- (apple in Spanish poisonous, esp. lifespan: some make yellow paint. pink, lavender, nosed coati. is manzana). the seeds. live 60+ years. peach, or orange. .