Botanical Name: LEAFY PLANT

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Botanical Name: LEAFY PLANT LEAFY PLANT LIST Botanical Name: Common Name: Abelia 'Edward Goucher' Glossy Pink Abelia Abutilon palmeri Indian Mallow Acacia aneura Mulga Acacia constricta White-Thorn Acacia Acacia craspedocarpa Leatherleaf Acacia Acacia farnesiana (smallii) Sweet Acacia Acacia greggii Cat-Claw Acacia Acacia redolens Desert Carpet Acacia Acacia rigidula Blackbrush Acacia Acacia salicina Willow Acacia Acacia species Fern Acacia Acacia willardiana Palo Blanco Acacia Acalpha monostachya Raspberry Fuzzies Agastache pallidaflora Giant Pale Hyssop Ageratum corymbosum Blue Butterfly Mist Ageratum houstonianum Blue Floss Flower Ageratum species Blue Ageratum Aloysia gratissima Bee Bush Aloysia wrightii Wright's Bee Bush Ambrosia deltoidea Bursage Anemopsis californica Yerba Mansa Anisacanthus quadrifidus Flame Bush Anisacanthus thurberi Desert Honeysuckle Antiginon leptopus Queen's Wreath Vine Aquilegia chrysantha Golden Colmbine Aristida purpurea Purple Three Awn Grass Artemisia filifolia Sand Sage Artemisia frigida Fringed Sage Artemisia X 'Powis Castle' Powis Castle Wormwood Asclepias angustifolia Arizona Milkweed Asclepias curassavica Blood Flower Asclepias curassavica X 'Sunshine' Yellow Bloodflower Asclepias linearis Pineleaf Milkweed Asclepias subulata Desert Milkweed Asclepias tuberosa Butterfly Weed Atriplex canescens Four Wing Saltbush Atriplex lentiformis Quailbush Baileya multiradiata Desert Marigold Bauhinia lunarioides Orchid Tree Berlandiera lyrata Chocolate Flower Bignonia capreolata Crossvine Bougainvillea Sp. Bougainvillea Bouteloua gracilis Blue Gramma Grass Buddleia davidii Butterfly Bush Buddleia marrubifolia Wooly Butterfly Bush Buddleia officianalis Arboretum Butterfly Bush Bulbine hybrid Tiny Tangerine Bulbine Buxus microphylla Japanese Boxwood LEAFY PLANT LIST Botanical Name: Common Name: Caesalpinia gillisii Desert Yellow Bird of Paradise Caesalpinia mexicana Mexican Bird of Paradise Caesalpinia pulcherrima Red Bird of Paradise Calamagrostis X acutiflora 'Karl Foerester' Feather Reed Grass CalamagrostisX acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' Karl Foerster Grass Callaeum lilacaena Purple Orchid Vine Calliandra californica Baja Red Fairy Duster Calliandra eriophylla Pink Fairy Duster Callistemon citrinus Lemon Bottlebrush Callistemon citrinus 'Little John' Dwarf Bottlbrush, Little John Bottlebrush Calylophus drummondii Sundrops Calylophus fendleri Fendler's Sundrops Capsicum annum Chiltipine Carex tumulicola Berkeley Sedge Celtis pallida Desert Hackberry Celtis reticulata Canyon Hackberry, Netleaf Hackberry Chilopsis linearis Desert Willow Chilopsis linearis 'Burgundy' Burgundy Desert Willow Chitalpa tashkinensis Chitalpa Tree Chlorophytum comosum 'Variegatum' Spider Plant Chromolaema odorata Siam Weed Chrysactinia mexicana Damianita Daisy Chrysanthemum species Chrysanthemum Cistus incanus Pink Rock Rose Citharexylum berlandieri Berlandier's Fiddlewood Cordia boissieri Texas Wild Olive Cordia parvifolia Little-Leaf Cordia Coreopsis grandiflora Golden Coreopsis Cortaderia selloana 'Pumila' Dwarf Pampas Grass Cotoneaster species Cotoneaster Coursetia glandulosa Baby Bonnets Cuphea llavea Bat-Face Flower Cupressus arizonica 'Glabra' Arizona Cypress Cupressus dupreziana Saharan Cypress Dalea bicolor 'Monterey Blue' Monterey Blue Dalea Dalea capitata Trailing Gold Dalea Dalea frutescens Black Dalea Dalea lutea Yellow Bush Dalea Dalea pulchra Bush Dalea Datura wrightii Sacred Datura, Moon Flower Dichondra argentea Silver Ponyfoot Dicliptera resupinata Arizona Foldwing Dodonaea purpurea Purple Hopbush Dodonaea viscosa Hop Bush Dovyalis caffra Kei-Apple Duranta repens Sky Flower Ebenopsis ebano Texas Ebony Encelia farinosa Brittle Bush LEAFY PLANT LIST Botanical Name: Common Name: Eremophila carnosa 'Crimson Star' Crimson Star Emu Eremophila decipiens Red Emu Eremophila divaricata X platyclada 'Outback Bluey' Outback Bluey Emu Eremophila glabra Golden Emu Eremophila 'Outback Sunrise' Outback Sunrise Emu Eremophila racemosa Easter Egg Emu Eremophila racemosa 'Valentine' Valentine Emu Eremophilla hygrophana Blue Bells Emu Bush Ericameria laricifolia Turpentine Bush Ericameria nauseosus Rabbitbrush Erigeron divergens Spreading Fleabane Eriogonum fasciculatum Flattop Buckwheat Erythrina flabelliformis Arizona Coral Bean Euonymus japonica Japanese Euonymus Euphorbia rigida (Euphorbia biglandulosa) Gopher Plant, Golden Spurge Euryops pectinatus Euryops Daisy Fallugia paradoxa Apache Plume Feijoa sellowiana Pineapple Guava Ficus carica Fig Ficus repens Creeping Fig Vine Foeniculum vulgare Fennel Fraxinus velutina Arizona Ash Gaillardia pulchella Blanket Flower Galphimia gracilis Golden Thyrallis Gaura lindheimeri Wand Flower Gaura lindheimeri 'Pink Cloud' Pink Cloud Wand Flower Gazania rigens 'Sungold' Sungold Trailing Gazania Gelsemium sempervirens Carolina Jessamine Gossypium harknessii San Marcos Hibiscus Gossypium thurberi Desert Cotton Guardiola platyphylla Apache Plant Gutierrizia sarothrae Snakeweed Hamelia patens Texas Flame Bush Hardenbergia violacea Lilac Vine Hibiscus coulteri Coulter's Hibiscus Hymenoxys acaulis (Tetraneuris acaulis) Angelita Daisy Hyptis emoryi Desert Lavender Iris germanica Bearded Iris Iris species Water Loving Iris Jasminum fruticans Fragrant Jasmine Jasminum humile Fragrant Italian Jasmine Jasminum mesnyi Primrose Jasmine Jasminum sambac Arabian Jasmine Jugulans major Arizona Walnut Juniperus chinensis Green Gem Juniper Juniperus chinensis Blue Rug Juniper Justicia adhatoda Malabar Nut Justicia californica Chuparosa LEAFY PLANT LIST Botanical Name: Common Name: Justicia candicans Red Justicia Justicia species Red Shrimp Plant Justicia spicigera Mexican Honeysuckle Lagerstroemia indica Crepe Myrtle Lantana camara 'Dallas Red' Dallas Red Lantana Lantana camara 'Pink' Pink Lantana Lantana horrida Golden Mound Lantana Lantana motevidensis Purple Trailing Lantana Larrea tridentata Creosote Bush Lavendula multifida Fernleaf Lavender Leucaena retusa Golden Ball Lead Tree Leucophyllum candidum Silver Cloud Rain Sage Leucophyllum frutescens Texas Rain Sage Leucophyllum frutescens Green Cloud Rain Sage Leucophyllum frutescens 'Convent' Convent Rain Sage Leucophyllum frutescens 'Thunder Cloud' White rain Sage Leucophyllum frutescens X Small Leaf Ranger Leucophyllum langmaniae Brave River Rain Sage Leucophyllum langmaniae 'Lynne's Legacy' Lynne's Legacy Rain Sage Leucophyllum revolutum 'Houdini' Houdini Rain Sage Leucophyllum zygophyllum Blue Ranger Linum lewisii Blue Flax Lobelia laxiflora Mexican Cardinal Flower Lonicera japonica purpurea Purple Leaf Honeysuckle Lonicera japonica X 'Pam's Pink' Pam's Pink Honeysuckle Lonicera sempervirens Red Trumpet Honeysuckle Lotus berthelotii Parrot's Beak Lotus Lycium brevipes Mexican Wolfberry Lycium exsertum Desert Thornbush Macfadyena unguis-cati Cat Claw Vine Machaeranthera tephrodes Santa Cruz Blue Aster Maclura pomifera Osage Orange Malvaviscus arboreus Turks Cap Mascagnia macroptera (Callaeum macroptera) Yellow Orchid Vine Maurandyia antirrhinifolia Red Snapdragon Vine Melampodium leucanthum Blackfoot Daisy Menodora scabra Rough Menadora Mentha longifolia Habek Mint Mentha piperita 'Chocolate' Chocolate Mint Mentha spicata Spearment Mimosa dysocarpa Slender Pod Mimosa Monarda fistulosa Beebalm Muhlenbergia capillaris Regal Mist Grass Muhlenbergia dubia Pine Muhly Grass Muhlenbergia dumosa Bamboo Muhly Muhlenbergia emersleyi 'El Toro' Bull Grass Muhlenbergia lindheimeri Autumn Glow Grass Muhlenbergia reverchonii Seep Muhly LEAFY PLANT LIST Botanical Name: Common Name: Muhlenbergia rigens Deer Grass Muhlenbergia rigida Nashville Muhly Muhlenbergia X 'Pink Flamingo' Pink Flamingo Grass Myoporum parvifolium Trailing Myoporum Myrtus communis 'Boetica' Twisted Myrtle, Stiff-Leaf Myrtle Myrtus communis compacta Compact Myrtle Nandina domestica Heavenly Bamboo Nepeta X faassenii Catmint Nicotiana glauca Tree Tobacco Oenothera caespitosa Tuffted Evening Primrose Oenothera speciosa Mexican Evening Primrose Oenothera stubbei Chihuahuan Primrose Olea europaea variety Fruitless Olive Olneya tesota Desert Ironwood Origanum laevigatum cv. Hopley's Purple Oregano Origanum onites Pot Marjorum Origanum syriacum Bible Hyssop Osteospermum fruticosum Yellow Trailing African Daisy Parkinsonia floridum Blue Palo Verde Parkinsonia microphyllum Foothill Palo Verde Parthenocissus sp. Hacienda Creeper Vine Pavonia hastata Pink Pavonia Pennisetum setaceum cupreum Purple Fountain Grass Penstemon baccharifolius Red Bush Penstemon Penstemon commarhensis Dusty Penstemon Penstemon eatonii Firecracker Penstemon Penstemon parryi Desert Penstemon, Parry's Penstemon Penstemon pseudospectabilis Canyon Penstemon Penstemon strictus Rocky Mt. Penstemon Penstemon superbus Superb Penstemon Penstemon triflorus Hill Country Penstemon Perovskia atriplicifolia Russian Sage Phlomis fruticans Jerusalem Sage Pinus edulis Pinyon Pine Pinus halepensis Mondel Pine Plumbago auriculata Cape Plumbago Plumbago scandens White Plumbago Poliomintha maderensis Mexican Oregano Prosopis pubescens Screwbean Mesquite Prosopis velutina Velvet Mesquite, Arizona Honey Mesquite Prunus cerasifera Ornamental Plum Psilostrophe tagtina Woolly Paper Flower Psorothamnus spinosa Smoke Tree Punica granatum 'Bauer's Papershell' Bauer's Papershell Pomegranate Punica granatun 'Wonderful' Wonderful Pomegranate Quercus buckleyi Texas Red Oak Raphiolepis indica Indian Hawthorne Ratibida columnifera Mexican Hat Flower LEAFY PLANT LIST Botanical Name: Common Name: Rhaphiolepis indica Indian Hawthorn Rhus lanceolata Flame-Leaf Sumac Rhus trilobata Three Leaf
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