ASSURING EFFECTIVE IAEA VERIFICATION OF THE IRAN - P5+1 AGREEMENT1 JULY 2015 Thomas E Shea, PhD Prepared with support from SEARCH FOR COMMON GROUND and THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PROGRAM ON SCIENCE AND GLOBAL SECURITY 1 An article entitled: “The Verification Challenge: Iran and the IAEA” based on this report was published in the June 2015 issue of Arms Control Today. ABout THE AutHor 3 ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr Thomas E Shea served for 24 years in the IAEA Department of Safeguards, helping to design the safeguards system, develop implementation arrangements for enrichment plants and research/isotope production reactors, reactor fuel manufacturing plants, reprocessing plants and power reactors employing HEU and plutonium fuels. Shea supervised inspections at facilities in Japan, China, India, Indonesia and other countries. After retiring from the IAEA, Shea served as Sector Head, Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Programs at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. He is now an independent consultant. Dr Shea received an AEC Special Fellowship and an AEC Laboratory Fellowship. He received his PhD in nuclear science and engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He was awarded the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Distinguished Service Award and is an Emeritus Fellow of that Institute. Dr. Thomas E. Shea Görgengasse 10/25, A-1190 Vienna, Austria Tel: +43 1 922 5610 Email:
[email protected] ASSURING EFFECTIVE IAEA VERIFICATION 4 OF THE IRAN - P5+1 AGREEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS ABOUT THE AUTHOR 3 FOREWORD 5 PREFACE 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 Verification by the IAEA 7 Detection of Clandestine Facilities 8 Possible Military Dimensions 8 Conclusion 9 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 10 CHAPTER 1.