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LA-12430-MS C.L +-..— —---- ‘$..—. ..-. F.-.T.-: ‘ . .. .. --—. .—— i:.-:--- - ‘--- Nuclear Weapon Proliferation -... _ ~.--, ., . “* I Indicators and Obsemables 2 ..U - .-. k.-. .— .4. ; ~“, . ------- --- — .“-. ---— .- :- .._-.. z., . m’:~’- - .—. — . ---- ~..—. --- . - ----. ..== .—— ——.— -&_. --- - ~-~:; -+-:__ “- -“’-: ““.’” ..-;. -,?%---- ...—=- —— __ _______ _ DO NOT CIRCULATE ,. %_.,-.. -. ~“-.—==.. —. “- ~~ ....-_..~-— ~__. .—-_ PERMANENT RETENTION ,-7. * .,..,.,,. ... ,.,~ .-— . ~_ . ..=. – —— -=— Los Alamos . r NATIONAL LABORATORY Los Almnos National Laboratory is operated by the University of California for the United Stafes Department of Energy under contracf W-7405-ENG-36. g-.: . Edited by Gerry Edwards, Group IS-11 Composition and Layout byRandiBagley,GroupIS-11 An AJ@nsatiw Acfion/Equal Opportunity Employer This report was prepnred as an account of work sponsored by an agency ofthe United States Government. Neither The Regents o} the University OJCalifornia, the United States Government nor any agency thmof, nor any of their mployem makes my warranty, express or implied, or assutnes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness ofany information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed,or represents lhat its use would not inflinge privately owned rights. Re)erencr herein to any specific connnerrinl product, proms, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, dot’s not necessarily constitute or itnply its endorsement, reco)rrt)zetldatio)l, or fazvring by The R~gents of the University of California, the United States Govermnent, or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or r+’ect those of The Regents of the University ofCalifornia, the United States Government, or any agtincy thereof. LA-12430-MS llc-7oo Issued: December 1992 Nuclear Weapon Proliferation Indicators and Observable Rich-zrd R.
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