商標註冊trade Marks Registered
公報編號 Journal No.: 2021/46 公布日期 Publication Date: 23-04-2021 分項名稱 Section Name: 商標註冊 Trade Marks Registered 香港特別行政區政府知識產權署商標註冊處 Trade Marks Registry, Intellectual Property Department The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 商標註冊 根據《商標條例》(第 559 章)第 47(3)條,下列商標已經註冊。 TRADE MARKS REGISTERED The following trade marks have been registered under section 47(3) of the Trade Marks Ordinance (Cap. 559). [111] [511] [442] [151] [730] [740/ 750] 註冊編號: 類別編號: 公布獲接納註 註冊日期: 擁有人姓名/名稱: 擁有人的送達地址: Trade Mark Class No. 冊申請日期: Date of Owner's Name Owner's Address for No. Date of Registration Service Publication of Acceptance for Registration 302302677AB 41 08-01-2021 03-07-2012 Action Asia Oldham, Li & Nie, Events (HK) Ltd Solicitors 5C, 235 Wing Lok 503, St. George's Street Trade Building, Centre, 2 Ice House 235-237 Wing Lok Street, Central, Street, Sheung HONG KONG Wan, HONG KONG 302302703AB 41 08-01-2021 03-07-2012 Action Asia Oldham, Li & Nie, Events (HK) Ltd Solicitors 5C, 235 Wing Lok 503, St. George's Street Trade Building, Centre, 2 Ice House 235-237 Wing Lok Street, Central, Street, Sheung HONG KONG Wan, HONG KONG 304141467 5,29,35 08-01-2021 17-05-2017 東興號 (TUNG HING 智群知識產權事務所 HO) 香港 香港 德輔道西 40-50 號 西區中心大廈 6 樓 604-605 室 1/166 公報編號 Journal No.: 2021/46 公布日期 Publication Date: 23-04-2021 分項名稱 Section Name: 商標註冊 Trade Marks Registered 九龍灣宏光道 8 號 創豪坊 7 樓 706 室 304316698 9,41 08-01-2021 27-10-2017 Paisley Park Oldham, Li & Nie, Enterprises, Inc.
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