Terms of Reference

Baseline Study

Contribute to the stabilization of border communities in the regions of Tillabéri and in . & Human Rights and Access to Justice in Tillabery, Tahoua and

Search for Common Ground | Niger ​

Terms of Reference | Combined Baseline Study | Contributing to the Stabilization of Border Municipalities in the Regions of Tillabéri and Tahoua in Niger and Human Rights Access to Justice in Tillabéry, Tahoua and Diffa

1. Context

About Search for Common Ground Search for Common Ground (Search) is an international nonprofit organization that promotes conflict transformation, based on the idea that conflicts are neutral, normal and natural. Headquartered in Washington DC and Brussels and active since 1982, Search's mission is to transform the way individuals, organizations and governments deal with conflict - by moving away from an adversarial approach and toward collaborative approaches. Search seeks to help parties in conflict understand their differences and act on their commonalities. For more information, ​visit www.sfcg.org​.

In the Sahel and Lake Chad In the Sahel, Search's interventions aim to contribute to sustainable peace and promote the use of conflict transformation approaches. Search launched its activities in Niger in 2011 with a central office in and two sub-offices in Diffa and Tillabéri. Search uses an integrated approach to analyze conflict dynamics, influence changing perceptions and bring groups in conflict closer together by reducing tensions between groups and communities.

About the projects

Located in southwestern Niger, the regions of Tillabéri and neighboring Tahoua have been strongly destabilized by the crises in neighboring Mali and . Attacks perpetrated by non-state armed groups (GANE), which are not always claimed, have increased over the last two years in the communes located on the border strip with Mali and Burkina Faso. Increasingly deadly attacks against the positions of the Niger Armed Forces (FAN) of Inatès (December 2019), Chinagoder (January 2020) and more recently against the camp of the Niger National Guard (GNN) in Ayorou (March 2020) raise fears of a rise in power of the Islamic State in the Great Sahara (EIGS) in the area. Targeting above all the defense and security forces (FDS), the GANE are also attacking traditional and religious leaders who have been subject to kidnappings and targeted assassinations since mid-2019. In addition, communities are regularly 1 subjected to extortion, particularly nomadic pastoralists who are required to pay a tax (zakat) ,​ while 2 ​ ​ ​ schools have been burned and infrastructure looted or destroyed in the past year .​ The Nigerien state's ​ response is primarily aimed at preserving territorial integrity and containing the spillover of conflicts affecting neighboring states. Although the government takes into consideration local dynamics that contribute to instability, including through the action of the High Authority for Peacebuilding (HACP), its security strategy runs the risk of being counterproductive by fuelling the frustrations and vulnerability of the population to the calls of violent extremist groups. These elements, combined with the weak presence of the state, population displacements, and the existence of conflicts that pre-date the current crisis, create fertile ground for violent extremism, especially among young people who lack prospects and are often excluded from decision-making spheres.

It is in response to these factors contributing to the structural violence affecting the populations of Niger that Search implements an 18-month project, Contributing to the stabilization of border communities ​ in the regions of Tillabéri and Tahoua in Niger, funded by the European Union. ​

This project aims to lay the foundations for the long-term stabilization of the border municipalities of ​ North Tillabéri and Tahoua. It will last 18 months and is financed by the European Union Commission ​ ​

1François Grünewald and Ibrahim Niandou, Humanitarian access in the Tillabéri region, Niger: challenges, options, Groupe URD, December ​ ​ 2019, link 2 ​ OCHA, Overview of Humanitarian Needs Niger, Humanitarian Program Cycle 2020, January 2020,link ​ ​ ​

Search for Common Ground | Niger ​

Terms of Reference | Combined Baseline Study | Contributing to the Stabilization of Border Municipalities in the Regions of Tillabéri and Tahoua in Niger and Human Rights Access to Justice in Tillabéry, Tahoua and Diffa through the Instrument for Stability and Peace (IcSP). This objective is broken down into three specific objectives:

● OS.1. Strengthen trust between defense and security forces, authorities and populations ​ ● OS.2. Strengthen vertical cohesion between civil authorities, customary authorities and populations ● OS.3. Strengthen horizontal inter- and intra-community cohesion ​

The Theory of Change of the project is as follows:

IF security as perceived by the population is improved through a process of confidence building and ​ collaboration between community leadership and defense and security forces;

IF communities and civil society collaborate with formal and informal local authorities for the ​ implementation of joint infrastructure rehabilitation initiatives in line with certain basic needs of the population in the framework of a transparent and inclusive dialogue process, implemented in a sequenced and coordinated manner with humanitarian and development actors;

IF formal and informal mediation and conflict resolution mechanisms are strengthened to enable ​ authorities and communities to prevent and peacefully manage disputes;

AND IF all actors have access to credible, verified and conflict-sensitive information on the local ​ socio-political and security situation;

THEN horizontal (intra-community) and vertical (state-population) cohesion will be strengthened, thus ​ helping to minimize certain elements of vulnerability of the targeted populations to violent extremism and laying the foundations for a long-term stabilization process in the border areas of the Tillabéri and Tahoua regions.

The different results are expected from the intervention: ● R.1.1 Collaboration between the populations and the defense and security forces for the improvement of security is strengthened; ● A.1.2 A process of behavioral change in the defense and security forces has been initiated; ● R 1.3. Information sharing and coordination between DSFs, authorities and communities are strengthened; ● R.2.1. The capacities of authorities and communities to analyze and respond to conflicts are strengthened; ● R.2.2. Stabilization projects are defined and implemented jointly by the authorities and communities; ● R3.1. Inter and intra-community social cohesion is strengthened; ● R.3.2. The local peace architecture is strengthened

In southern Niger, the security situation has become increasingly volatile since 2012, with the country facing significant spillovers from the Boko Haram insurgency in the eastern region of Diffa and the Malian crisis in the western regions of Tahoua and Tillabéri. Non-state armed groups (NSAGs) operating in these regions have exacerbated the disturbances, stealing livestock and crops, killing and displacing people, and recruiting locals for their alleged self-defense against other armed groups. The resulting insecurity and instability feeds distrust and divisions between and within communities, which are accused

Search for Common Ground | Niger ​

Terms of Reference | Combined Baseline Study | Contributing to the Stabilization of Border Municipalities in the Regions of Tillabéri and Tahoua in Niger and Human Rights Access to Justice in Tillabéry, Tahoua and Diffa of supporting or opposing NSAGs, challenging the entire social fabric. Competition for land, water and fodder, as well as the theft of animals, are key factors in the dynamics of conflict, with many citing the lack of economic opportunities as the main source of insecurity. Instability is exacerbated by the fact that the state does not leave regions without sufficient resources to deal with security problems; in this context, young people are the most vulnerable demographic group. Poverty, weak social and community ties, lack of economic and social development opportunities, and poor governance make young people particularly vulnerable to social marginalization, exclusion, and radicalization. The limited capacity of authorities and communities to effectively engage a growing youth population, coupled with a lack of information and positive "counter-reports", increases the vulnerability of youth to virtual education. In addition, youth are largely excluded from local governance processes and existing community-based conflict mitigation systems, both of which are dominated by traditional leaders and other adult stakeholders. Women and girls are among the most marginalized members of the community. Women and girls are at greater risk of kidnapping, rape, and sexual abuse, and have less access to basic human rights such as food, shelter, education, and basic health care. It is in this context that Search and its partner ABA-ROLI initiated the four-year ​Human Rights Access to Justice in Tillabéry, Tahoua and Diffa p​ roject, funded by Freedom House.

The overall objective of the project is to: ​Reduce vulnerability to extremism by strengthening tools to address the root grievances that fuel extremism in areas of Niger prone to violent extremism.​ This objective is broken down into three sub-objectives or specific objectives:

● OS.1. Improve the capacity of customary conflict mediation and other local mechanisms in the target areas exposed to VE to address grievances and resolve disputes ; ● OS. 2: Empower people in areas of influence of violent extremism to find their way and access the formal justice system to resolve their disputes or assert their rights ; ● OS.3: Increase the capacity of the Government of Niger and civil society organizations to address human rights violations committed by state and non-state actors.

The theory of change of the project is as follows:

IF ​traditional leaders and other local conflict resolution mechanisms in target areas resolve disputes that lead to violent conflict or create a sense of injustice more effectively, fairly, and transparently;

IF ​vulnerable populations in these regions are able to navigate formal and customary mechanisms to assert their rights and resolve conflicts;

and IF the ​Government of Niger and civil society actively address human rights violations committed by state and non-state actors in the target regions ;

THEN, ​the extent of fundamental grievances in the target regions will diminish, and vulnerability to violent extremism in areas of Niger prone to violent extremism will be reduced.

The expected results of the intervention are:

● B.I 1.1: Traditional leaders resolve community-specific conflicts in the three regions more effectively, transparently, and equitably; ● R.I.1.2: Local conventions and other community conflict mediation systems are amplified and used to resolve more conflicts in the target regions ;

Search for Common Ground | Niger ​

Terms of Reference | Combined Baseline Study | Contributing to the Stabilization of Border Municipalities in the Regions of Tillabéri and Tahoua in Niger and Human Rights Access to Justice in Tillabéry, Tahoua and Diffa

● R.I.1.3: Improvement of the link between Traditional Chiefs and the actors of the formal judicial system to ensure greater transparency and efficiency in the resolution of disputes and the treatment of grievances in an appropriate framework; ● R.I.2.1: Citizens in the target regions are more aware of their legal rights, which range from due process rights to dispute resolution options in the formal justice system; ● R.I.2.2: Citizens in the target areas have better access to resources and assistance to familiarize themselves with the judicial system ; ● R.I.2.3: The formal justice system has increased its presence or representation in the target regions to deal with specific litigation; ● R.I.2.4: The formal judicial system has improved the capacity to resolve cases in the target regions; ● R.I.3.1: Better knowledge of human rights violations related to violent extremism and of the needs for justice in the target regions; ● R.I.3.2: Improved capacity of CSOs to conduct document-based advocacy for justice, accountability and redress for environment-related human rights violations in targeted regions; ● R.I.3.3: Improving the capacity of the CNDH to investigate complaints of human rights violations related to extremist violence; ● R.I.3.4: Provision of reparations to victims of human rights violations in the target regions; ● R.I.3.5: Increased awareness of citizens in the target regions of their fundamental rights and the means to obtain redress in case of violation.

2. Objectives of the study

The objective of the baseline study is to establish the baseline situation of the two projects and to provide information on the relevance of the approach to the context. Specifically, it is a question of :

● Inform Search on the relevance of the proposed approaches based on an analysis of the context, with a view to adapting the programming if necessary; ● Inform Search on the baseline level of project indicators; ● Conduct a risk analysis to be taken into account in order to avoid damaging the context and exacerbating existing conflicts.

3. Lines of Inquiry

Relevance of the approach and analysis of the context

● What are the conflict dynamics in the areas of intervention that are relevant to each of the two projects? ● How will gender inequality and social exclusion impact the program and its intended results? How can the program challenge existing inequalities and foster Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) ? How the program could provide context-appropriate approaches to address gender inequality and reduce the vulnerability of marginalized groups? ● Are the objectives of both projects relevant to the context? ● Are the Theories of Change of both projects context-relevant and adapted to reach our expected results?

Search for Common Ground | Niger ​

Terms of Reference | Combined Baseline Study | Contributing to the Stabilization of Border Municipalities in the Regions of Tillabéri and Tahoua in Niger and Human Rights Access to Justice in Tillabéry, Tahoua and Diffa

● How to ens​ure Reach, Resonance and Response of our media program in the areas of interventions of both projects? ● For HRSM: In which 10 communes should the HRSM project be implemented within the regions of Tillabery (4 communes), Tahoua (2) and Diffa (4) to have a significant impact? The selection should be made according to the following criteria: o VE prone target commune (significantly affected or at risk) o Challenging access to formal and/or informal justice o Consider both urban and rural communes to test the approach during the pilot phase o Search and ABA Roli (implementing partner) can access the pilot communes to implement the project, without military escort In addition, during this communes mapping, the baseline consultant should analyze: o Are they other programs of Search or partners intervening in PVE and/or justice access in these communes? Are they complementary and could it be relevant to build on these projects to reach impact? o Among those 10 communes where this project is relevant, which should be the pilot communities the project should focus on during the first year. Which should be the scale up communes for the following 24 months? o NB: Locations do not need to be the same as for the IcSP project, if they do not meet the above criteria.

Starting situation ● What is the current level of performance indicators for each project? For HRSM: % of the population who show an improvement in satisfaction levels related to the way their legal problems are solved, disaggregated by gender, age, location and type of solution (informal/formal system); # of conflicts or disputes settled peacefully; % of customary and other local actors in conflict mediation who feel accountable to citizens; % of the population who believe that decision making in local conflict mediation is inclusive and responsive; % of Traditional Leaders and other community mediators who feel they are better equipped to resolve conflicts in their community; % of the population that demonstrates knowledge of local conventions in communities where they exist as a tool for resolving disputes; % of U.S. government-assisted organizations (USG) whose performance has improved; % of the population in the target communities who listen to the project's media program; ​ % of the population who demonstrate an increased knowledge of community-based conflict mediation systems as a dispute resolution tool; % of Traditional Leaders and Informal Justice Systems who report having a better understanding of each other's roles and responsibilities and collaborating with others; % of the population who are satisfied with formal justice services and are aware of the time it takes to receive a response; % of the population who demonstrate a better knowledge of their legal rights; % of the population who demonstrate increased knowledge of their rights and how to obtain redress.

For IcSP: % ​of the ​population in the areas targeted by the project reporting increased collaboration between population, SDS and authority in security management;

Search for Common Ground | Niger ​

Terms of Reference | Combined Baseline Study | Contributing to the Stabilization of Border Municipalities in the Regions of Tillabéri and Tahoua in Niger and Human Rights Access to Justice in Tillabéry, Tahoua and Diffa

% of the population in the targeted areas who consider the lack of security to be the most serious problem they face; % of the population in the targeted areas who are satisfied with the relevant services (e.g. protection) offered by the SDS; % of the population in the targeted areas who consider that their concerns have been or are taken into account % of the population stating that their municipality has micro-projects/initiatives (e.g. socio-cultural, etc.) that promote collaboration between them and the authorities % of youth and women supported by IGAs who report being able to support themselves and their families (M/F)

Risk analysis

● What risks need to be considered to ensure that projects do not harm the context and exacerbate existing conflicts? ● Who are the stakeholders that are necessary to engage in order to move project objectives forward and what are the potential dynamics between those individuals/institutions and others in the community? ● What are possible ways of mitigating these risks (including the role of these stakeholders)?

4. Geographic Areas of the Study

to be confirmed , IcSP: ​The action will target 6 communes among those listed above (​ )​ ​ l​ ocated in the regions of Tillabéri and Tahoua. The communes will be selected in consultation with the Delegation of the European Union in Niger, Expertise France, Enabel and the High Authority for Peacebuilding (HACP), on the basis of an analysis of risks and conflict dynamics that will be carried out by Enabel prior to the Action and updated by Search. But the targeted areas are :

Commune Department Region Inatès Ayorou Tillabéri Ayorou Ayorou Tillabéri Banibangou Tillabéri Bankilare Tillabéri Tera/Bangaré Tera Tillabéri Abala Abala Tillabéri Tahoua Tahoua Tillia Tahoua Tassara Tahoua

HRSM: The Activity will include approximately 10 communes, including 4 communes in Diffa (2 in Pilot Phase; 4 in Scale Phase); 4 communes in Tillaberi (2 in Pilot Phase; 4 in Scale Phase); and 2 communes in Tahoua (1 in Pilot Phase; 2 in Scale Phase). The baseline communes will be determined during initial workshops, supported by Search and facilitated by the baseline consultant, according to above drafted criteria. HRSM project communes should only be the same as IcSP’s ​if ​they meet these criteria, confirmed by our partners and community consultations, and if both projects can build on each other in these communes, favoring projects’ efficiency and impact. The HRSM project communes should be determined following the baseline, and confirmed with USAID, the GoN and the consortium.

Search for Common Ground | Niger ​

Terms of Reference | Combined Baseline Study | Contributing to the Stabilization of Border Municipalities in the Regions of Tillabéri and Tahoua in Niger and Human Rights Access to Justice in Tillabéry, Tahoua and Diffa

5. Data Collection Methodology and Tools

The consultant will develop the methodological approach for this study in order to achieve the desired objectives and meet the established lines of inquiry. The applications submitted must clearly explain why the proposed methodology is the most appropriate to achieve the study objectives; they must also clarify the different tools that will be used and how each of these tools contributes to meeting the established lines of inquiry.

Deliverables During the consulting period, the firm or consultant must provide the following information: ● A methodology or inception report detailing the research methodology, tools and timeline for conducting this baseline study; ● Planning for the training of interviewers; ● The databases of the baseline study; ● A summary of the preliminary results specific to each project of 5 pages maximum in French; ● A PowerPoint presentation of the key results of the study in French for each project; ● A final report in English and French of 35 pages max (without appendices) for each project (IcSP and HRSM), including the following items: ○ Table of contents ○ Abbreviations ○ Executive Summary (containing: key findings of the baseline study and recommendations) ○ Background ○ Methodology: including the objectives of the baseline study, data collection methods and their limitations. ○ Results of the baseline study: analysis, with presentation of associated data (structured around the main objectives/evaluation criteria and should cover all indicators) ○ Recommendations ○ A table of indicators with updated data ○ Appendices, which include detailed finding aids, list of interviewees, terms of reference and a brief biography of the evaluator(s).

Logistic support The firm or consultant will be responsible for organizing its own logistics and security for data collection (vehicles, fuel and drivers), as well as that of its team of investigators, and this must be integrated into the financial offer for the study. Search will provide support in the organization of logistics. At least one Search staff member will be available to support the data collection and logistics of this study, in areas where Search teams have access.

In addition, Search and its partners will share the following elements with the external consultant: background documents, including the project proposal and logical framework, monitoring and evaluation plan, etc.

6. Timeline Nominations must be submitted on Lever by November, 25th. Submitted applications will be reviewed and the selection process for consultant(s) will be finalized by December 1st. The inception report including literature review, methodology and tools must be sent to Search by December 10th. Search

Search for Common Ground | Niger ​

Terms of Reference | Combined Baseline Study | Contributing to the Stabilization of Border Municipalities in the Regions of Tillabéri and Tahoua in Niger and Human Rights Access to Justice in Tillabéry, Tahoua and Diffa expects to have the first version of the reports by January, 31th 2021 and the final version in English and French with the 2 summaries per project by February 10th at the latest.

7. Budget The total budget available for the baseline study of these two projects is: 45,000 USD. Consultants or consulting firms interested in this call for proposals must provide a detailed budget taking into account: costs related to data collection, logistics, and staff fees involved in the conduct of the study.

8. Consultant Requirement The following skills and experience are expected by Search on the part of the consultant or firm conducting the study: ● Mastery of French and English (written and spoken); ● More than 5 years experience in conducting baseline studies and project evaluations, including data collection through interviews, surveys and focus groups; ● Experience in conflict analysis and working with the justice and civil society sectors; ● Experience working with international organizations ; ● Experience in conducting surveys and quantitative analysis; ● Evaluation Methods and Data Collection Skills; ● Knowledge and experience of the contextual challenges in the geographic location(s) where the study will take place.

In addition, the Consultant is required to adhere to the following ethical principles:

● Comprehensive and systematic investigation: The consultant should make the best use of ​ existing information and the full range of stakeholders available at the time of the review. The Consultant should conduct systematic, data-based surveys. He/she must communicate his/her methods and approaches accurately and in sufficient detail to allow others to understand, interpret, and critique his/her work. He or she must clearly indicate the limitations of the review and its results. ● Competence: The Consultant shall have the appropriate capabilities, skills and experience to ​ undertake the proposed tasks and shall perform within the limits of their training and professional competence. ● Honesty and Integrity: The Consultant shall be transparent to the Contractor/Constituent regarding: any conflict o​ f interest, any changes to the negotiated project plan and the reasons for such changes, any risk that certain procedures or activities may result in misleading review information. ● Respect for Persons: The consultant must respect the safety, dignity and self-worth of the ​ interviewees and program participants. The consultant has a responsibility to be sensitive to and respect differences among participants in terms of culture, religion, gender, disability, age, and ethnicity.

9. Selection Criteria Proposals for consultants will be selected: 1. Relevance of the proposed methodology to the project's goal, objectives and research questions. 2. The quality of the proposed methods, conflict sensitivity approaches and quality control measures. 3. Qualifications of the candidate(s). 4. Proposed budget in relation to the proposed methodology, deliverables and team. 5. Calendar of proposed activities.

Search for Common Ground | Niger ​

Terms of Reference | Combined Baseline Study | Contributing to the Stabilization of Border Municipalities in the Regions of Tillabéri and Tahoua in Niger and Human Rights Access to Justice in Tillabéry, Tahoua and Diffa

10. Applications To apply, interested candidates (individuals or teams) are requested to submit the following two documents: ● Curriculum vitae of the principal consultant (s) ; ● A technical proposal proposing a methodology for the baseline, as well as a financial proposal for the achievement of the above-mentioned deliverables and a short cover letter. Note: Only two documents can be submitted, so technical and financial proposals should be combined, ​ along with a short cover letter.

Search for Common Ground | Niger ​