COMPREHENSIVE. PLAN for BLAIR TOWNSHIP The preparation of the Blair Township Comprehensive Plan was financed in part through a comprehensive planning grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, under the provisions of Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954, as amended and as administered by the Bureau of Planning, Pennsylvania Department of Community Affairs. Contract Nos. 03-00-1113-22 July 77 - June 78 03-11-1092-22 July 76 - June 77 03-26-1083-20 July 75 - June 76 Blair County Planning Commission July, 1978 I i I BIBLIOGRAPHIC- DATA- .- 11* No- 12. 13. Recipient's Accession No. SHEET I BTCP 1303-01-78 I I 4. Title and Subtitle IS. Report Date 4Blair Township Comprehensive Plan U.S. Department of Housing 6 Urban Development Number Two, Allegheny Center Pittsburgh, PA 15212 of proposed development as well as the amount and location. 17. Key Words and Document Analysis. 170. Descriptors 17b. Identifiers/Open-Ended Terms Comprehensive plan Land use plan Centers concept Policies, Goals and Objectives I Environmental Steep slope Flood lain 17c. COSATI E)irld/Group 18. Availability Statement 19. Security Class (This 21. No. of Pages Report) Copies available at the Blair UNCI-ASSIFIED 123 'I County Planning Commission,Highland Hall Annex, 20. Security Class (This 22. Price Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 Page UNCLASSIFIED a-4 c5p USCOMU-OC 14952-Pi FORM NTIS-35 (REV. 3-72) THIS FORM MAY BE REPRODUCED RESOLUTION NO. '7 8 - /O I I?ESOT,UTION OF TIIE BOAR0 OF SUPERVISOI<S OF BLA R TOWNSHIP REGARDING TIIE ADOPTION OF A COMPREHENSIVE PLA --FOR I'LAIR TO\VNSIIIP ; PREPARED TN ACCORDANCE WITli THE PENI,SYJAVAhIA I I\IUNICTPALITIES PLANNTNG CODE : WHEREAS, the E.oard of Supervisors of Blair Township, having ii,structed the I Blair Township Planning Commission to study the present developmerit: trends, I physical attrilmtes (soils, geology, topography, and other 3;'nitat ons), and needs of Rlair Town::hip; and to prepare a comprehensive plan %o gu de future I growth and developmcnt it.
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