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Sánchez, L., Ågren, J., Huang, J., Wang, Y M., Mäkinen, J. et al. (2021) Strategy for the realisation of the International Reference (IHRS) Journal of Geodesy, 95: 33 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-021-01481-0

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Permanent link to this version: http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-35326 Journal of Geodesy (2021) 95:33 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-021-01481-0


Strategy for the realisation of the International Height Reference System (IHRS)

Laura Sánchez1 · Jonas Ågren2,3,4 · Jianliang Huang5 · Yan Ming Wang6 · Jaakko Mäkinen7 · Roland Pail8 · Riccardo Barzaghi9 · Georgios S. Vergos10 · Kevin Ahlgren6 · Qing Liu1

Received: 30 May 2020 / Accepted: 17 January 2021 © The Author(s) 2021

Abstract In 2015, the International Association of Geodesy defned the International Height Reference System (IHRS) as the con- ventional gravity feld-related global height system. The IHRS is a reference system co-rotating with the Earth. Coordinates of points or objects close to or on the Earth’s surface are given by geopotential numbers C(P) referring to an 2 −2 equipotential surface defned by the conventional value W0 = 62,636,853.4 m s , and geocentric Cartesian coordinates X referring to the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS). Current eforts concentrate on an accurate, consistent, and well-defned realisation of the IHRS to provide an international standard for the precise determination of physical coor- dinates worldwide. Accordingly, this study focuses on the strategy for the realisation of the IHRS; i.e. the establishment of the International Height Reference Frame (IHRF). Four main aspects are considered: (1) methods for the determination of IHRF physical coordinates; (2) standards and conventions needed to ensure consistency between the defnition and the reali- sation of the reference system; (3) criteria for the IHRF reference network design and station selection; and (4) operational infrastructure to guarantee a reliable and long-term sustainability of the IHRF. A highlight of this work is the evaluation of diferent approaches for the determination and accuracy assessment of IHRF coordinates based on the existing resources, namely (1) global gravity models of high resolution, (2) precise regional gravity feld modelling, and (3) unifcation of the local height into the IHRF. After a detailed discussion of the advantages, current limitations, and possibilities of improvement in the coordinate determination using these options, we defne a strategy for the establishment of the IHRF including data requirements, a set of minimum standards/conventions for the determination of potential coordi- nates, a frst IHRF reference network confguration, and a proposal to create a component of the International Gravity Field Service (IGFS) dedicated to the maintenance and servicing of the IHRS/IHRF.

Keywords International Height Reference System (IHRS) · International Height Reference Frame (IHRF) · World height system · Global unifed vertical reference system · Geopotential height datum · Permanent tide · Tide systems · The Colorado experiment

* Laura Sánchez 6 National Geodetic Survey, 1315 East‑West Highway, [email protected] Silver Spring, MD 20910‑3282, USA 7 Finnish Geospatial Research Institute, Geodeetinrinne 2, 1 Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI‑TUM), 02430 Masala, Finland Technical University of Munich, Arcisstr. 21, 80333 Munich, Germany 8 Institute of Astronomical and , Technical University of Munich, Arcisstr. 21, 80333 Munich, Germany 2 Department of Computer and Geospatial Sciences, University of Gävle, 80176 Gävle, Sweden 9 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico Di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 3 Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration 20133 Milano, MI, Italy Authority, 80182 Gävle, Sweden 10 Department of Geodesy and Surveying, Laboratory 4 KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, 10044 Stockholm, of Gravity Field Research and Applications, Aristotle Sweden University of Thessaloniki, University Box 440, 5 Canadian Geodetic Survey, Surveyor General Branch, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece Natural Resources Canada, 588 Booth Street, Ottawa, ON K1A 0Y7, Canada

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1 Introduction a reference system physically by a solid materialisation of points or observing instruments, and mathematically A current main objective of Geodesy is the implementa- by the determination of coordinates referring to that ref- tion of an integrated global geodetic reference system that erence system (Drewes 2009), this study considers four simultaneously supports the consistent determination and main aspects: (1) methods for the determination of IHRF monitoring of the Earth’s geometry, rotation, and gravity physical coordinates (e.g. geopotential numbers referring feld changes with high accuracy worldwide (IAG 2017). to the conventional reference W0 value); (2) standards and This objective is in accordance with the resolution adopted conventions needed to ensure consistency between the by the United Nations General Assembly on a Global Geo- defnition and the realisation of the reference system; (3) detic Reference Frame (GGRF-UN) for Sustainable Devel- station selection for the IHRF reference network; and (4) opment (A/RES/69/266) on February 26, 2015. During Operational infrastructure to guarantee a reliable and long- the last decades, a huge progress in the realisation of the term sustainability of the IHRS/IHRF. International Celestial Reference System (ICRS, Ma and Accordingly, Sect. 2 summarises the defnition of the Feissel 1997) and the International Terrestrial Reference IHRS. Sections 3–5 concentrate on the determination and System (ITRS, Petit and Luzum 2010) has been achieved. accuracy assessment of IHRF coordinates based on the The defnition, realisation, and maintenance of these two existing resources: global gravity models of high resolu- systems guarantee a globally unifed geometric reference tion (GGM-HR in Sect. 3), regional gravity feld modelling frame with reliability at the centimetre level. An equiva- (Sect. 4), and existing physical height systems (Sect. 5). lent high-precision gravity feld-related global height sys- These sections also provide a description of current limi- tem is missing. Most countries today use regional or local tations and possibilities of improvement in the coordinate height systems, which have been implemented individu- determination using each method. The outcome of this anal- ally, applying in general diverse procedures. At present, ysis is presented in two parts: Sect. 6 proposes the standards there are some hundred local and regional physical height and conventions identifed as the minimum requirements for systems in use. They refer to local sea surface levels, are the determination of IHRF coordinates. It includes a stand- usually stationary (do not consider variations in ), ardised strategy for the treatment of the permanent tide in and realise diferent physical height types (orthometric or the determination of IHRF coordinates in the mean-tide normal ), and their combination in a global frame system. Section 7 recommends the strategy for the imple- presents uncertainties at the level. The geodetic data mentation of the IHRF, which covers (1) the determination depending on them (e.g. physical heights, gravity anoma- and evaluation of IHRF coordinates depending on the data lies, models, digital models, etc.) are usable availability; (2) improvement of the input data required for in limited geographical areas only, and their global com- the determination of IHRF coordinates; (3) the criteria for bination or with satellite-based data (especially Global the IHRF station selection; and (4) the usability and long- Navigation Satellite Systems’ (GNSS) positioning) shows term sustainability of the IHRF. The paper fnishes with an discrepancies with magnitudes much higher than the accu- outlook about the activities to be faced in the near future. racy required today. An accurate, consistent and well-defned global vertical reference system that is in accordance with the increased 2 International height reference system: precision of modern observational techniques and is capa- IHRS ble of supporting the present needs of science and soci- ety regarding geo-referenced data of high resolution has The defnition of the IHRS is based on the following fun- yet to be established as an international standard (IAG damental conventions (see IAG Resolution No. 1 (2015) in 2017). The International Association of Geodesy (IAG), Drewes et al. 2016; Ihde et al. 2017): as the organisation responsible for the advancement of the science of Geodesy, introduced in 2015 the International (a) The vertical reference level is an equipotential surface Height Reference System (IHRS) as the conventional grav- of the Earth’s gravity feld with the geopotential value 2 −2 ity feld-related global height system (see IAG Resolu- W0 = 62,636,853.4 m s . W0 is understood to be the tion No. 1 (2015) in Drewes et al. 2016). The potential of the geoid or the geoidal potential foundations for the defnition of the IHRS are described value. in Ihde et al. (2017). Based on this work, this study con- (b) The vertical potential coordinate is the difference centrates on the strategy for the realisation of the IHRS; −ΔW(P) between the potential W(P) of the Earth’s i.e. the implementation of the International Height Refer- gravity feld at a point P, and the geoidal potential value ence Frame (IHRF). Given that a reference frame realises W0. This potential diference ‐ΔW(P) is also designated as the geopotential number C(P):

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governed by fuids within the System Earth. For instance, C(P) = −ΔW(P) = W0 − W(P) (1) the change monitoring is performed in the mean- (c) The spatial reference of the position P for the poten- tide system, because removing the direct or indirect efects tial W(P) = W(XP) is given by the coordinate vector of the permanent tide misrepresents the real water motion XP = X(P) in the ITRS. and does not allow a reliable quantifcation and modelling of (d) Parameters, observations, and data should be related to the sea level change. This occurs not only in oceanographic the mean tidal system/mean crust. applications, but also in hydrographic and geophysical fuid (e) The unit of length is the metre and the unit of time is studies. In other words, the global change occurs in the the second of the International System of Units (SI). mean-tide system and the IHRF should provide a consist- ent reference in monitoring it. Convention (d) means that Convention (a) defnes the one of the infnite number of equi- parameters, observations, and data relate to the mean tidal potential surfaces to which the vertical coordinate −ΔW(P) system/mean crust. However, given that gravity feld mod- or C(P) refers; i.e. it defnes the global vertical datum. As elling is not possible in the mean-tide system (because the the reference value W0 is conventionally adopted (i.e. it is gravity potential would not be a harmonic function), it is known) and it is assumed to be stationary (Sánchez et al. agreed that the data processing is performed in the tide-free 2016), the potential value W(P) is considered as a primary or zero-tide system, and then, at the very end of the process, coordinate of the IHRF. Since only potential diferences can the IHRF coordinates are converted to the mean-tide system be measured and not the potential itself, the determination (see Sect. 6.2). Input data and intermediate products should of absolute potential values W(P) from observational data continue primarily referring to the tide system in which they is only possible after introducing adequate constraints. The are given. main constraint is that the gravitational potential V must According to Ihde et al. (2017), the accuracy of the IHRF vanish at infnity; i.e. V∞ = 0. Consequently, this so-called potential numbers (Eq. 1) should ideally be at the same level regularity condition is also a basic convention for the defni- of accuracy as the coordinates X. Currently, the target accu- tion and realisation of the IHRS. racy is ± 3 mm in the vertical station positions and ± 0.3 mm −1 Convention (c) W(P) = W(XP) makes evident that the ­a in the vertical station velocities. This would correspond IHRS is founded on the combination of a geometric com- to about ± 3 × 10−2 m2 s−2 and ± 3 × 10−3 m2 s−2a−1 for the ponent given by X and a physical component given by the potential coordinates W(P) and Ẇ(P), respectively. These determination of W at X. Coordinates of a point attached values seem to be unrealistic under the available resources to the solid surface of the Earth include station positions (see next sections). Therefore, for the moment, we concen- X(P), W(P) (or C(P)) and their variation with time, i.e. Ẋ(P), trate on determining static potential values (without consid- Ẇ(P) (or Ċ(P)). The station positions are regularised in the ering time variations) and evaluating the possibility of reach- sense that high-frequency time variations are removed by ing an accuracy around ± 0.1 m2 s−2 (equivalent to ± 1 cm conventional corrections and they represent a quasi-static in height). In this study, we consider three options for the state. The coordinate time-derivatives Ẋ(P), Ẇ(P), Ċ(P) usu- determination of potential diferences referring to the IHRS: ally describe secular (linear) changes and they are known (1) using global gravity models of high resolution (GGM- as station velocities. X is to be defned in the ITRS, and it HR); (2) using regional gravity feld (geoid or quasi-geoid) follows the standards, conventions, and procedures outlined models; and (3) the unifcation (transformation) of the exist- by the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems’ ing physical height systems into the IHRS. Service IERS (Petit and Luzum 2010) for the computation of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF). The determination of ITRF coordinates is well described in 3 Determination of IHRF‑related potential the existing literature (e.g. Altamimi et al. 2016; Seitz et al. diferences using global gravity models 2016), and it is not further considered in this paper. For prac- of high resolution tical purposes, coordinates X can be converted to ellipsoidal coordinates latitude (φ), longitude (λ), and ellipsoidal height The most pragmatic way to solve Eq. (1) would be a direct (h) and the geopotential numbers C(P) may be converted to computation of W(P) by introducing the ITRF coordinates a physical height (dynamic, orthometric, or normal height). of any point into the harmonic expansion equation represent- In this paper, we use normal heights (H*) when metric units ing a GGM-HR. The advances in the satellite gravimetry, are needed. The is the GRS80 (Moritz especially GRACE (Tapley et al. 2004) and GOCE (Drink- 2000). It is utilised to infer any quantity requiring ellipsoid water et al. 2003), allow accuracies of about ± 0.2 m2 s−2 parameters or a normal gravity feld. (corresponding to a vertical position accuracy of ± 2 cm) at Convention (d) introduces the mean-tide system to sup- long (up to degree 70) and medium (up to degree 200) grav- port the geodetic monitoring of geophysical phenomena ity signal wavelengths; i.e. at a maximum spatial resolution

1 3 33 Page 4 of 33 L. Sánchez et al. of 100 km (Rummel et al. 2002). At this resolution, the in well-surveyed regions, and about ± 20 cm to ± 40 cm mean global omission error of the GGMs is estimated to with extreme cases of ± 1 m in sparsely surveyed regions. be ± 30 cm to ± 40 cm. Therefore, the GGM satellite-only Five years later, based on reprocessed GOCE data, longer component has necessarily to be extended or be refned with GRACE data series, and GNSS/levelling data of better qual- surface (terrestrial/marine/airborne/satellite altimetry) grav- ity, Gruber and Willberg (2019) demonstrate that recent ity data. The Earth Gravitational Model 2008 (EGM2008) GGM-HR may reach an accuracy around ± 2 cm in well- was the frst model providing spherical harmonic degree developed regions with smooth (like Germany). and order up to 2159, and additional coefcients extend- In sparsely surveyed regions or areas with strong topogra- ing to degree 2190 and order 2159; see Pavlis et al. (2012, phy gradients, the uncertainty of about ± 20 cm to ± 40 cm 2013). This model was released before the availability of remains (see as example the analysis for Brazil in Gruber GOCE data and including only four years of GRACE data. and Willberg 2019). However, it has been the basis for the computation of the Figure 1a–c compares the normal heights inferred from high degrees (> 360) in recent GGM-HRs like EIGEN-6C4 the models EIGEN-6C4 (degree 2190), GECO (degree (spherical degree 2190, Förste et al. 2015), GECO (spheri- 2190), and SGG-UGM-1 (degree 2159) at a set of 162 ITRF cal degree 2190, Gilardoni et al. 2016), and SGG-UGM-1 stations distributed worldwide. We compute the potential (spherical degree 2159, Liang et al. 2018). Current eforts values pointwise using the three models, we subtract the concentrate on improving the surface gravity data set in reference potential W0 (see item (a) in Sect. 2), and we con- order to release a new EGM (labelled as EGM2020) includ- vert the potential diferences to normal heights using the ing also complete sets of GRACE and GOCE data (Barnes GRS80 normal gravity feld. Then, we compare the normal 2019). In addition, ongoing studies explore the combina- height values with respect to the arithmetic mean of the three tion of the usual gravity observables (satellite and surface models. While all terrestrial and altimetry data contained gravity) with synthetic gravity data inferred from detailed in GECO and SGG-UGM-1 are identical to EGM2008, topographic models to increase the GGM-HR resolution. EIGEN-6C4 contains updated altimetry data over the oceans For instance, the model XGM2019e (Zingerle et al. 2019) (DTU10 altimetry, Andersen 2010) and EGM2008 data on provides a resolution up to degrees 5399 and 5540 in the the continents. Additionally, the satellite-only component ellipsoidal and the spherical spectrum, respectively. of SGG-UGM-1 considers exclusively GOCE data, GECO The reliability of the GGMs is usually assessed by com- combines the satellite-only component of EGM2008 with parison of geoid heights inferred from the GGMs and from GOCE-TIM5 (Brockmann et al. 2014), and EIGEN-6C4 levelling points co-located with GNSS positioning; see e.g. includes 10 years of GRACE data (GRGS-RL03-v2, Bruin- Gruber et al. (2011), Fecher et al. (2017), and Gruber and sma et al. 2010), GOCE-DIR5 (Bruinsma et al. 2013), and Willberg (2019). To account for systematic efects (biases 25 years of satellite laser ranging observations to LAGEOS. or tilts) in the levelling data, the mean diference between As the high-degree components of the three models are both geoid data sets is removed and a planar correction based on the EGM2008, we could expect similar omis- surface is applied to the GNSS/levelling-based geoid. The sion error values. In this way, the discrepancies shown in root-mean-square (RMS) error of the remaining diferences Fig. 1a–c are mainly caused by the diferent satellite data indicates how well the GGM-based geoid fts to the GNSS/ included in each model and the diferent strategies applied levelling-based geoid. These RMS values refect a combi- in the data processing and spectral combination for the esti- nation of levelling errors, GNSS ellipsoidal height errors, mation of the harmonic coefcients. The standard devia- GGM commission error, and GGM omission error. As it tions values (STDs) vary from ± 2.8 cm to ± 3.8 cm and the is very difcult to separate these error components, ascer- pointwise diferences reach up to 28 cm. With this experi- taining the real uncertainty of the GGM-HR seems to be ment, we cannot state which model is better or worse. We not feasible yet. However, if the same GNSS/levelling data are only showing that depending on the model, the vertical set is used for evaluating diferent GGMs, it is possible to coordinate at the same point can diverge up to ± 10 cm in assess the improvement of the GGMs with respect to each North America and Europe and more than ± 30 cm in areas other. As an example, Gruber and Willberg (2019) demon- with strong topography gradients and few terrestrial gravity strate that 80% of the diferences between the EGM2008 and data like in the western part of South America. recent GGM-HRs refect the contribution of GOCE data to The ultra-high-resolution model XGM2019e (Zingerle the determination of the geoid medium wavelengths. They et al. 2019) combines the satellite-only model GOCO06S also conclude that the availability of new surface gravity (degree 300, Kvas et al. 2019) with DTU13 altimetry- data sets is responsible for about 20% of the diferences of derived gravity data (Andersen et al. 2015), an improved the recent GGM-HRs with respect to EGM2008 in a global data set of 15′ × 15′ mean surface gravity anomalies, and average. Rummel et al. (2014) found that the expected accu- synthetic gravity data based on the Earth2014 model (Hirt racy of a GGM-HR-based geoid was about ± 4 cm to ± 6 cm and Rexer 2015). The mean surface gravity anomalies are

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Fig. 1 Comparison of the global −180˚ −120˚ −60˚ 0˚ 60˚ 120˚ 180˚ gravity models (a) EIGEN- 6C4 (degree 2190), (b) GECO (degree 2190), and (c) SGG- 45˚ 45˚ UGM-1 (degree 2159) in terms of normal heights with respect to the mean model. Potential values are obtained pointwise using the three models, the 0˚ 0˚ reference potential W0 is sub- tracted, the potential diferences are converted to normal heights, and normal height diferences with respect to the arithmetic −45˚ −45˚ mean of the three models are computed

−180˚ −120˚ −60˚ 0˚ 60˚ 120˚ 180˚ [cm] −35−30 −25−20 −15−10 −5 0510 15 20 25 30 35 (a) Mean: −0.4 cm, STD: ± 3.4 cm,Min: −16.8 cm, Max: 15.9 cm

−180˚ −120˚ −60˚ 0˚ 60˚ 120˚ 180˚

45˚ 45˚

0˚ 0˚

−45˚ −45˚

−180˚ −120˚ −60˚ 0˚ 60˚ 120˚ 180˚ [cm] −35−30 −25−20 −15−10 −5 0510 15 20 25 30 35

(b) Mean: 0.4cm, STD: ± 3.8 cm,Min: −9.3 cm, Max: 28.1 cm

−180˚ −120˚ −60˚ 0˚ 60˚ 120˚ 180˚

45˚ 45˚

0˚ 0˚

−45˚ −45˚

−180˚ −120˚ −60˚ 0˚ 60˚ 120˚ 180˚ [cm] −35−30 −25−20 −15−10 −5 0510 15 20 25 30 35 (c) Mean: 0.0cm, STD: ± 2.7 cm,Min: −16.3 cm, Max: 7.0 cm

1 3 33 Page 6 of 33 L. Sánchez et al. provided by the United States National Geospatial-Intelli- gravity feld modelling: higher resolution, more observa- gence Agency (NGA) and contain signifcant improvements tions, better approaches (or models) for the removal or cor- in the land gravity data distribution and quality, especially rection of systematic efects in the measurements, homog- in South America, Africa, Asia, and Antarctica. A descrip- enisation of processing standards, improved combination tion of these data can be found in Fecher et al. (2017) or and error analysis strategies, redundancy in the data analy- Pail et al. (2018). The contribution of the new surface grav- sis, powerful computation facilities to handle large datasets, ity data is evident in Fig. 2, which compares the normal etc. A consequence of these improvements is for instance heights inferred from XGM2019e up to degree 5540 with the frequent release of new satellite-only GGMs based on the arithmetic mean of the three models mentioned previ- updated reprocessed GRACE and GOCE data combined ously (see Fig. 1). The smallest diferences (less than ± 1 cm) with kinematic orbits of satellite missions launched for pur- are located in those regions with well-distributed terrestrial poses diferent from gravimetry, like satellite laser ranging gravity data sets included in EGM2008 (see Pavlis et al. or satellite radar altimetry. Indeed, since the launch of the 2012, 2013), while the largest diferences (from ± 20 cm frst GRACE mission in 2002, about 70 satellite-only grav- to ± 30 cm) occur in remote islands, the Andes, and in the ity models (up to degree 300) have been released (see Ince South Atlantic, close to Antarctica. et al. 2019). While new satellite measurements, standards Table 1 summarises the statistics of XGM2019e (degree and processing strategies can be assimilated very quickly to 5540) compared to EGM2008 (degree 2190), EIGEN-6C4 produce improved satellite-based gravity models, the assimi- (degree 2190), GECO (degree 2190), SGG-UGM-1 (degree lation of new surface gravity data poses still a big challenge. 2159), and XGM2016 (degree 719) in terms of normal A frst milestone in the determination of GGMs with high heights at the 162 ITRF stations used in this work. These degrees was the model EGM96 up to degree 360 (Lemoine diferences largely refect the advancements in the global et al. 1998). The following high-degree model (EGM2008)

Fig. 2 Comparison of normal −180˚ −120˚ −60˚ 0˚ 60˚ 120˚ 180˚ heights inferred from the global gravity model XGM2019e (degree 5540) with the mean value of the normal heights 45˚ 45˚ obtained from EIGEN-6C4 (degree 2190), GECO (degree 2190), and SGG-UGM-1 (degree 2159). These difer- ences are mainly attributable to the contribution of surface grav- 0˚ 0˚ ity data posterior to EGM2008 and the gravity synthetic efects inferred from the Earth2014 topography model. (Mean value: 0.5 cm, STD: ± 8.2 cm, Min: − 30.5 cm, Max: 31.0 cm) −45˚ −45˚

−180˚ −120˚ −60˚ 0˚ 60˚ 120˚ 180˚ [cm] −35 −30 −25 −20−15 −10−50 5101520253035

Table 1 Statistics of XGM2019e (degree 5540) compared to EGM2008 (degree 2190), EIGEN-6C4 (degree 2190), GECO (degree 2190), SGG- UGM-1 (degree 2159), and XGM2016 (degree 719) in terms of normal heights at 162 ITRF stations globally distributed Diferences of XGM2019e to EGM2008 EIGEN-6C4 GECO SGG-UGM-1 XGM2016

Mean (cm) − 1.2 − 0.9 − 0.2 − 0.5 0.1 Standard deviation (cm) ± 11.1 ± 8.9 ± 9.0 ± 8.6 ± 3.4 Min (cm) − 37.2 − 36.1 − 28.4 − 34.9 − 24.3 Max (cm) 52.9 30.5 39.5 35.6 26.8 Range (cm) 90.1 66.6 68.0 70.5 51.1

1 3 Page 7 of 33 33 Strategy for the realisation of the International Height Reference System (IHRS) was released 12 years later in 2008 (Pavlis et al. 2012, One possibility of improving the reliability of the verti- 2013). After this, six models representing a modifcation of cal coordinate is the combination of GGMs with surface EGM2008 have been published that make use of improved gravity data of high resolution following the remove–com- satellite data from GRACE and GOCE, but include the high pute–restore (RCR) procedure (Tscherning 1986; Schwarz degrees of EGM2008. Quite recently, in 2017, it was pos- et al. 1990). In the RCR procedure, the short (topography) sible to compute the upgraded GGM GOCO05c (degree and long (GGM) wavelengths are removed from the obser- 720, Fecher et al. 2017), which considers NGA’s 15′ × 15′ vations, then the residual quantities are used for the grav- mean gravity anomalies inferred from new and improved ity feld modelling (e.g. determination of the disturbing terrestrial gravity data posterior to EGM2008. This model potential), and at the very end of the process, the short and is understood as the predecessor of XGM2016 (Pail et al. long wavelength contributions are restored again in terms 2018) and XGM2019e (Zingerle et al. 2019), which are of potential values. While the satellite-only component of based on exactly the same set of surface gravity anoma- the GGMs ensures the realisation of a common reference lies. The next expected GGM-HR is the EGM2020 (Barnes level for all regions/countries around the world, the local/ 2019), which should include in addition to the latest GRACE regional surface gravity measurements increase the resolu- and GOCE data releases, an updated and improved data set tion provided by the GGMs and contribute to coming closer of 5′ × 5′ mean surface gravity anomalies. to the accuracy goal in the computation of the W(P) values. The GGMs available at the IAG International Centre In the following, we call this combination regional grav- for Global Earth Models (ICGEM, Ince et al. 2019) make ity feld modelling of high resolution and it is based on the evident that while satellite-only GGMs are released with procedures applied for the determination of regional geoid an averaged frequency of three months, the surface gravity or quasi-geoid models. dataset included in GGM-HRs can be updated more or less every 10 years (only three from 1996 to 2017). The assimilation of surface gravity data in the computation of 4 Determination of IHRF‑related potential GGM-HRs is not a question of data processing abilities or diferences based on regional gravity feld capabilities. It is a consequence of the restricted accessibil- modelling of high resolution ity to existing gravity and the high costs associ- ated with gravimetric surveys, which are usually carried out The fundamental approach for the regional gravity feld over long time-consuming feld campaigns with big modelling is the geodetic boundary value problem (GBVP). eforts, leaving large data gaps especially in areas of limited It may be formulated in diferent ways depending on the access like high mountains, deserts, swamps, or jungles. An unknowns (potential and boundary surface) and the grav- efective alternative to increase quality and data distribu- ity feld observables available to specify the boundary con- tion is the airborne gravity as it is being done in the USA ditions. The mostly used formulations are the scalar-free within the project GRAV-D (Gravity for the Redefnition of GBVP (potential and vertical position of the boundary the American Vertical Datum, https​://www.ngs.noaa.gov/ surface unknown, horizontal position of the observables GRAV-D/index​.shtml​). A main objective of GRAV-D is to available) and the fxed GBVP (potential unknown, bound- increase the availability of airborne-based surface gravity ary surface known, coordinate vectors X of the observa- data towards the determination of a 1-cm geoid in the US bles available); see e.g. Koch and Pope (1972), Sacerdote main land and territories. For that matter, the correspond- and Sansò (1986), Heck (1989, 2011), Sansò (1995). The ing US agencies have been performing airborne gravimetric usual boundary condition is the magnitude of the gravity surveys during the last decade systematically. The estimated vector obtained from gravimetry, which is converted to grav- costs reach 39 million US dollars, showing that this tech- ity disturbances for solving the fxed GBVP, or to gravity nique is very expensive and may not be massively applied anomalies for solving the scalar-free GBVP. Nonetheless, in less developed regions, where terrestrial data are of very additional observables like geopotential numbers, gravity bad quality or not available. Exactly those regions beneft potential gradients, or defections of the vertical may be at maximum from the satellite gravity missions, since these included. As the existing gravity databases mainly contain are the only data source able to provide new gravity feld gravity anomalies with latitude and longitude values, the information. This beneft may be further extended with the scalar-free GBVP is the formulation most applied presently. use of synthetic gravity signal inferred from topographic However, the intensive use of GNSS opens today the pos- models as proposed by Zingerle et al. (2019). Nonetheless, sibility of a direct application of the fxed GBVP. A main the GGM-HR medium and short wavelengths (about degree limitation is that, while recent gravimetric surveys provide 250–2000) in such areas are fll-in data predicted from topo- gravity values with ITRF positions, big eforts are necessary graphic models with a nominal mass density value and they for the reliable transformation of the historical terrestrial do not necessarily represent the actual gravity signal. gravity anomalies to gravity disturbances due to missing

1 3 33 Page 8 of 33 L. Sánchez et al. metadata and the use of regional/local horizontal and verti- potential values as IHRF coordinates because (1) regional/ cal datums for geo-referencing the gravity values (see e.g. local geoid modellers have access to surface gravity data Grombein et al. 2015). sets that are not available for the determination of GGM- Given that the boundary conditions (i.e. the gravity feld HR; and (2) new regional/local gravity surveys can be easily observables) depend in a nonlinear way on the unknown assimilated for the computation of updated regional/local gravity potential function, the solution of any GBVP requires (quasi-)geoid models, leading to updated/improved potential the linearisation of the observation equations. This is done values. In this way, we are convinced that national/regional by introducing a known reference potential feld (usually the experts on gravity feld modelling should be involved in the normal gravity feld of a level ellipsoid) and by describing establishment of the IHRF in their regions, as they have the unknowns and gravity observables as relative quantities with best possible data for the computation of the IHRF potential respect to that reference feld. Additionally, in the case of the values. The challenge is, however, to assess the consistency scalar-free GBVP, a reference (or approximation) surface has between the large variety of strategies, methods, and approx- to be adopted. If the Earth’s surface is assumed as bound- imations utilised in the regional (quasi-)geoid computation ary surface, the reference surface is the telluroid (theory of as described above. Thus, it is necessary to fnd a way to Molodensky). If the boundary surface is an equipotential separate how much of the results depend on the method and surface, the reference surface is a level ellipsoid (theory how much they depend on the input data. One possibility of Stokes). In this case, the equipotential surface acting as would be to process all regional gravity sets using the same boundary surface is that equipotential surface with the same strategy, reductions, and approximations. Nevertheless, a potential (W0) as the normal potential (U0) on the ellipsoid: centralised computation of the potential values (as the IERS W = W0 = U0. The unknown potential function is then the does with the ITRF coordinates) is complicated due to the disturbing potential T = W − U. The solution of the GBVP restricted accessibility to surface gravity data. Additionally, in regional gravity modelling is usually given in terms of to set up a unifed/standard procedure may not be suitable, integral formulas. They allow a pointwise determination of since regions with diferent characteristics require particular the disturbing potential and are easily adaptable to the avail- approaches (e.g. modifcation of kernel functions, size of able surface gravity data coverage and quality. The integral integration caps, geophysical reductions for glacial isostatic kernels (acting as weighting functions on the boundary con- adjustment, etc.). The alternative is to standardise as much ditions when being modifed) difer depending on the for- as possible to get as similar and compatible results as pos- mulation of the GBVP; we talk about the Stokes function for sible with the diferent methods. the scalar-free GBVP, and about the Hotine or Koch function To assess the repeatability of the results provided by dif- for the fxed GBVP (for details, see e.g. Hofmann-Wellen- ferent approaches utilised in the solution of the GBVP and hof and Moritz 2005, Chapter 8). Alternative approaches to identify a set of basic standards to ensure a minimum to the integral formulas are the least-squares collocation consistency between them, a computation experiment based (LSC, e.g. Forsberg and Tscherning 1981; Tscherning 1985, on the same input data and diferent processing strategies 1993, 2013), and more recently, spherical radial basis func- was performed over two years (2017–2019). More than 40 tions (SRBF, e.g. Schmidt et al. 2007; Bentel et al. 2013; colleagues grouped in fourteen computation teams sup- Lieb et al. 2015). Independently of the approach applied to ported this initiative and delivered individual solutions solve the GBVP, a common strategy is the RCR procedure obtained following their own computation procedures and (Tscherning, 1986; Schwarz et al. 1990). using their own software. This experiment was called the The practical application of the RCR procedure demands Colorado experiment (Wang et al. 2021) as the input data some modifcations of the GBVP formulations in accordance are distributed over this region. The main objectives were with the available data. Essential aspects are the adaptation (1) the determination of geoid and quasi-geoid models and of the integral kernels (Stokes or Hotine functions) to ensure potential values, and (2) the comparison of the individual the appropriate spectral transfer of the residual gravity feld solutions among each other and with GNSS data co-located signal (see a detailed discussion in e.g. Featherstone 2013; with terrestrial gravity and levelling of high precision. The Hirt 2011), the method to estimate and remove the topo- comparison of the individual contributions among each graphic efects (Forsberg 1984, 1997; Forsberg and Tschern- other allows to identify discrepancies between processing ing 1997), and the selection of the most appropriate inte- strategies, while the comparison with the GNSS/levelling gration radius around the computation point (Forsberg and data permits to assess the reliability of the individual con- Featherstone 1998). This leads to a very large variety of pos- tributions using independent data of high quality. For this sibilities to solve the GBVP, and each possibility produces experiment, the United States National Geodetic Survey diferent results (i.e. diferent disturbing potential values at (NGS) provided terrestrial gravity data, airborne gravity, the same computation point). However, the regional gravity and a digital terrain model covering the area between lati- feld modelling plays a main role in the determination of tudes 35° N–40° N and longitudes 110° W–102° W. The

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e gravity data comprise about 60,000 terrestrial gravity values lin and 48 fight lines with GRAV-D airborne data (Damiani, W const. m 2011) for block MS05 (https​://www.ngs.noaa.gov/GRAV- b line

D/data_ms05.shtml​). The digital terrain model corresponds Normal plumb Plum Level surface to a corrected version of SRTM v4.1 (Jarvis et al. 2008) P Tellur W = W with a spatial resolution of 3″ × 3″. In this corrected version, oid P were fxed for spikes and voids in the Colorado g U = region (Ahlgren et al. 2018). The Colorado data were dis- Normal level surface UQ= W P Q Earth‘s tributed together with a document summarising a minimum surfac Q set of basic requirements (standards) for the computations H e (Sánchez et al. 2018). The GNSS, gravity, and levelling sur- H veys used for the validation of the results were performed H* W h const under the Geoid Slope Validation Survey 2017 (GSVS17, . PO VanWestrum et al. 2021). The GSVS17 profle runs from Geoid W = the East to the West along 350 km over fat areas and moun- W0 g tain regions with strong vertical gradients. It is composed of Quasigeoid O 223 benchmarks with a mean distance of 1.6 km. The level- W c on N st. ling data were adjusted in terms of geopotential numbers Ellipsoid U = under minimum constraint conditions with respect to the U0 Q’O QO fnal 223. These geopotential numbers are fur- ther converted to orthometric heights and normal heights for O the evaluation of gravimetric geoid and quasi-geoid models (see details in VanWestrum et al. 2021). Wang et al. (2021) Fig. 3 Heights and reference surfaces (modifed from Sánchez et al. describe in detail the data provided by NGS for the Colorado 2018) experiment and summarise the comparison of the geoid and quasi-geoid models delivered by the diferent contributing groups. In this work, we concentrate on the determination Earth’s surface. This upward continuation must be consist- and evaluation of the potential diferences with respect to ent with the hypotheses applied to reduce the gravity values the IHRS W­ 0 reference value. This analysis is a main input from the Earth’s surface to the geoid. We prefer, therefore, to defne the strategy for the implementation of the IHRF to start from the quasi-geoid or disturbing potential at the described in Sects. 6 and 7. Earth’s surface and then to infer the potential values W(P). If the preference of the regional gravity feld modelling experts 4.1 Recovering potential values from (quasi‑)geoid is to compute the geoid frst, we recommend to transform models geoid undulations (N) to height anomalies ( ) and then to infer the potential values W(P). The transformation from N The determination of station potential values W(P) is to must also be consistent with the hypotheses applied for straightforward if the disturbing potential T(P) is known: the geoid computation. The usual term based on the Bouguer W(P) = U(P) + T(P). anomaly (see Eqs. 8–115 in Hofmann-Wellenhof and Moritz (2) 2005) is not sufciently accurate. Refned approximations U(P) is the normal potential of the reference ellipsoid. like those proposed by Flury and Rummel (2009) or Sjӧberg For the realisation of the IHRS, the potential values W(P) (2010) are needed to decrease the degradation of achievable must be determined at the reference stations; i.e. at the precision introduced by this transformation (see Sect. 4.4). Earth’s surface and not at the geoid. Consequently, consist- Potential values W(P) can be recovered from a solution ency with the approach used for the estimation of the dis- of the fxed or scalar-free GBVP after Molodensky using: turbing potential should be ensured. By applying the fxed ∞ , GBVP or the scalar-free GBVP following Molodensky’s W(P) = U(P) + T(P) = U(P) + T0 + Tn(P) (3) theory, the disturbing potential is determined at the point P n=2   on the Earth’s surface (Fig. 3) and the estimation of W(P) is straightforward. When Stokes’ theory is followed, the dis- or turbing potential is determined at the point P­ on the geoid ⋅ . 0 W(P) = U(P) + (P) γ+ΔW0 (4) (inside the Earth’s topographic masses, see Fig. 3) and an upward continuation is necessary to estimate W(P) on the

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U(P) and γ are the GRS80 normal potential and gravity solving the GBVP; (2) as corrections to be added to the value, respectively, and ζ is the height anomaly. The sum estimated disturbing potential after solving the GBVP; (3) of terms in parenthesis in Eq. (3) represents the disturbing by modifying the integral kernels contained in the GBVP potential in a linear, spherical, and constant radius approxi- formulation; or (4) by the combination of (1), (2) and (3). mation, which for a point with the geocentric co-latitude θ The way to remove these efects is a part of the processing and longitude λ is given by (Hofmann-Wellenhof and Moritz strategy and it is usually up to the gravity feld modellers. A 2005, Eq. 2–328): special case is the handling of the permanent tide efects. To ∞ solve the GBVP, masses outside the boundary surface have , , , . usually to be removed; i.e. the input data have to be given in T( ) = T0 + T1( ) + Tn( ) (5) n=2 the non-tidal (tide-free) or the zero-tide system. However, to be consistent with the IHRS defnition, the IHRF geo- T ( , ) = 0 1 , since the first-degree coefficients potential number must be given in the mean-tide system. C C S ( 1 = 11 = 11 = 0) are assumed to be zero to align the Consequently, we recommend to calculate the geopotential Earth’s centre of masses with the origin of the geometric in the tide-free or zero-tide system and then to transform it T coordinate system (ITRS/ITRF). The zero-degree term 0 to the mean-tide at the end of the computation procedure includes the diference between the values employed by (see Sect. 6.2). This keeps the computations consistent with the GGM and reference ellipsoid for the geocentric gravi- the gravity/geoid work in the tide-free or zero-tide system tational constant GM (cf. Eqs. 2–330, Hofmann-Wellenhof without introducing an unwanted amount of new transforma- and Moritz 2005): tions or corrections. For the particular case of the Colorado 1 experiment, we use the tide-free system because the grav- T0 = GMGGM − GMGRS80 rP ity data, geometric coordinates, and GNSS/levelling data 1  = 3.986004415 × 1014 m3 s−2 − 3.98600 × 1014 m3 s−2 provided by NGS are in the tide-free system. If everything rP is consistent, this should not infuence the comparison of (6) results. rp is the geocentric radial distance of the computation point 4.2 Comparison of geopotential numbers recovered P. from the (quasi‑)geoid models delivered ΔW in Eq. (4) is the diference between the conventional 0 to the Colorado experiment reference potential value W0 and the potential U0 on the ref- erence ellipsoid: In total, fourteen working groups delivered solutions to W W U 2 −2 Δ 0 = 0 − 0 = 62, 636, 853.4 m s the Colorado experiment (see Wang et al. 2021). From − 62, 636, 860.850 m2 s−2 these fourteen solutions, thirteen include absolute poten- tial values at the benchmarks of the GSVS17 profile. =−7.45 m2 s−2. (7) “Appendix 1” summarises the main characteristics of A rigorous analytical solution in closed form of any the processing strategies utilised in each solution and GBVP demands a harmonic, linear, spherical, and constant provides bibliography for every computation if further radius approximation of the observation equations (see reading is desired. The individual solutions are identifed Eq. (5)). This means: masses outside the boundary surface, with sequence numbers that are used for the comparisons nonlinear terms, ellipsoidal terms, and topographic terms described in this and the next sections. In a very general in the boundary conditions are mathematically removed description, it can be mentioned that solutions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or neglected. With every level of approximation, artifcial 6, 7, 8, and 11 solve the scalar-free GBVP after Moloden- errors are introduced to the boundary conditions (which sky’s theory; solutions 9 and 10 solve the fxed GBVP; are already infuenced by the observation errors) and the and solutions 12 and 13 solve the scalar-free GBVP after accuracy of the estimated values for the unknown poten- Stokes’ theory. For the comparison, the geoid undulations tial degrades. In view of the present accuracy requirements, of models 12 and 13 are converted to height anomalies these efects cannot be neglected in precise gravity feld applying the usual Bouguer anomaly-based term before modelling, and thus, they have to be considered by appro- estimating the potential values with Eq. (4). A refned esti- priate processing strategies or reductions. Consequently, it mation of geopotential values from model 13 including is expected that the disturbing potential values (Eq. 5) are at the terrain correction to take into account the deviation least corrected by atmospheric efects, topographic efects, of the topography from the Bouguer plate is presented and ellipsoidal efects. In a very general classifcation, these in Sect. 4.4. In this study, the comparison between the efects can be considered (1) at the observation level before solutions is performed in terms of IHRS-based geopoten- tial numbers (see Eq. 1); i.e. the reference value W0 is

1 3 Page 11 of 33 33 Strategy for the realisation of the International Height Reference System (IHRS) subtracted from the pointwise potentials. Afterwards, the to + 0.30 m2 s−2 (− 0.030 m to + 0.030 m) except for a few individual geopotential number sets are compared with spikes. each other and with the potential diferences obtained from These results are in agreement with the fndings of Wang levelling in combination with terrestrial gravimetry along et al. (2021), who compare 1′ × 1′ geoid and quasi-geoid the GSVS17 profle. models for the whole Colorado area and pointwise height For the comparison of the solutions, mean geopotential anomalies and geoid undulations at the 223 GSVS17 bench- numbers are computed and removed from the pointwise marks. While the standard deviations of the height anomaly values. Here, we group the solutions according to the main diferences along the GSVS17 profle vary from ± 0.010 m data processing characteristics. One group covers the solu- to ± 0.034 m, the standard deviations of the geoid undula- tions based on the scalar-free GBVP after Molodenky’s tion diferences vary from ± 0.016 m to ± 0.036 m. By com- theory using fast Fourier transform (FFT) integration and a paring the models over the complete area, the quasi-geoid Wong–Gore (or similar) modifcation of the integral kernel diferences with respect to mean model present STD values (solutions 1, 2, 3, and 4; Fig. 4a). A second group considers from ± 0.015 m to ± 0.028 m; the geoid model comparison the solutions based on the scalar-free GBVP after Moloden- presents STD between ± 0.021 m and to ± 0.056 m. ky’s theory with a least-squares modifcation of Stokes’ formula with additive corrections (solutions 5, 6, 7, and 8; 4.3 Comparison of model‑based Fig. 4b). The next group comprises the solutions based on with levelling‑based potential diferences least-squares collocation (solutions 10 and 11) and spherical radial basis functions (solution 9); see Fig. 4c. It should be The comparison described in Sect. 4.2 highlights the difer- noted here that solutions 9 and 10 solve the fxed GBVP and ences between the various data processing strategies applied solution 11 the scalar-free GBVP after Molodenky’s theory. within the Colorado experiment. To assess the reliability The last group contains the solutions based on the scalar-free of the solutions, we compare their potential diferences (in GBVP after Stokes’ theory (solutions 12 and 13; Fig. 4d). the following called model-based potentials Cmod) with the As mentioned, in this case the potential values are inferred potential diferences inferred from high-precise levelling and after converting the geoid undulations to height anomalies. gravity corrections along the GSVS17 profle (in the follow- Table 2 shows the comparison statistics between the indi- ing called levelling-based potentials Clev); see details about vidual geopotential number sets and the mean values. the levelling data processing in VanWestrum et al. (2021). The individual solutions agree within ± 0.09 m2 s−2 For the objective of this study, we compare model-based 2 −2 and ± 0.23 m s (equivalent to ± 0.009 m and ± 0.023 m) (Cmod) and levelling-based (Clev) potential diferences in two in terms of standard deviation with respect to the mean ways: (1) between consecutive benchmarks: value. The solutions 9 and 10, based on the fxed GBVP, ΔC = C − C − C − C , present STD values less than ± 0.10 m2 s−2 (± 0.010 m). i,i+1 mod,i mod,i+1 lev,i lev,i+1 (8) Solutions 3, 4 and 5 agree at the ± 0.13 m2 s−2 (± 0.013 m)   and (2) between all possible baseline lengths (dij) of the STD level. The overall diferences range from − 0.86 m2 s−2 GVSV17 profle: (− 0.088 m) for solution 2 to + 0.77 m2 s−2 (+ 0.079 m) for ; solution 12. Figure 4a–d clearly shows that the divergences ΔCi,j = Cmod,i − Cmod,j − Clev,i − Clev,j (9) between the individual solutions have a high correlation with   the topography. In general, the largest residuals occur at or i and j are the indexes of the GSVS17 benchmarks and dij is near the highest peaks (3292.75 m at benchmark No. 86 and the distance in [km] along the levelling path between each 2843.33 m at benchmark No. 196). As most of the solutions pair of points. The dij values are grouped in 15 class intervals (except solutions 9 and 10) model the terrain efects using varying from 15 to 108 km. The varying length of the class SRTM v.4.1 data, it is evident that these discrepancies are intervals is needed to ensure that at least 2000 benchmark mainly caused by the handling of the topography efects in pairs are available per class. The RMS values of the ΔCij the individual processing strategies. Indeed, the two most diferences (Eq. 9) for each interval indicate the consist- similar solutions (9 and 10 in Fig. 4c) apply the same strat- ency between the model-based and levelling-based poten- egy and the same topographic models dV_ell_Earth2014 tial values as a function of the distance. The comparisons (Rexer et al. 2016) and ERTM2160 (Hirt et al. 2014) for in Eqs. (8) and (9) are also performed using the potential the terrain efects. The pointwise diferences with respect to values inferred from the GGMs considered in Sect. 3. In the mean value between these two models vary from − 0.21 addition to EGM2008, EIGEN-6C4, GECO, SGG-UGM-1, to + 0.09 m2 s−2 (− 0.021 m to 0.009 m). Models 2 (Fig. 4a), XGM2016, and XGM2019, we include the potential val- 8 (Fig. 4b), 12 (Fig. 4d), and 13 (Fig. 4d) present the largest ues obtained after combining XGM2016 up to degree 719 residuals (up to about ± 0.60 m2 s−2 or ± 0.061 m). The other with the topographic model dV_ell_Earth2014 (Rexer et al. models difer from the mean in a narrow band from − 0.30 2016) from degree 720 to degree 2159, and the residual

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Fig. 4 Geopotential number 0.9 3300 diferences with respect to the Sol1 Sol2 Sol3 Sol4 Elevaon mean value (model-mean) at 0.6 3050 ]

the 223 GSVS17 benchmarks. 2 /s

Solutions are grouped according 2

to the main data processing [m 0.3 2800 ce

approach [m ]

0.0 2550 differen Elevaon -0.3 2300 Poten al -0.6 2050

-0.9 1800 020406080100 120140 160180 200 Index (a) Solutions based on the scalar-free GBVP after Molodenky’s theory using FFT integration and a Wong-Gore (or similar) modification of the integral kernel 0.9 3300 Sol5 Sol6 Sol7 Sol8 Elevaon

0.6 3050 ] 2 /s 2

m 0.3

2800 ] e[ [m

0.0 2550 differenc Elevaon -0.3 2300 Poten al -0.6 2050

-0.9 1800 020406080100 120140 160180 200 Index (b) Solutions based on the scalar-free GBVP after Molodenky’s theory with a least-squares modification of Stokes’ formula with additive corrections

0.9 3300 Sol9 Sol10 Sol11 Elevaon

0.6 3050 ] 2 /s 2

[m 0.3

2800 ] ce [m

0.0 2550 differen Elevaon -0.3 2300 Poten al -0.6 2050

-0.9 1800 020406080100 120140 160180 200 Index (c) Solutions based on least-squares collocation (10 and 11) and spherical radial basis functions (9). Solution 11 is shifted +1.56 m2s−2

1 3 Page 13 of 33 33 Strategy for the realisation of the International Height Reference System (IHRS)

Fig. 4 (continued) 0.9 3300 Sol12 Sol13 Elevaon

0.6 3050 ] 2 /s 2 0.3 [m 2800 ] ce [m

0.0 2550 differen Elevaon -0.3 2300 Poten al -0.6 2050

-0.9 1800 020406080100 120140 160180 200 Index (d) Solutions based on the scalar-free GBVP after Stokes’ theory and converted to the quasi-geoid usingthe Bouguer Anomaly-based term terrain model ERTM2160 (Hirt et al. 2014) from degree Table 3 summarises the statistics obtained from Eq. (8). 2160 to degree ~ 80000 (equivalent to a spatial resolution The results for the GGM-HR are quite homogeneous; the of 250 m). This combination is achieved using the same RMS values are around ± 0.11 m2 s−2 (0.011 m) and the SRBF-based processing strategy applied in solution 9 (see range of the diferences vary from 0.53 m2 s−2 (0.053 m) Liu et al. 2020). for the XGM2016 + dV_ell_Earth2014 + ERTM2160 com- bined model up to 0.76 m2 s−2 (0.076 m) for the models including EGM2008 data for the high-degree harmonics. Table 2 Geopotential number diferences with respect to the mean The consecutive station diferences for the regional solu- 2 −2 2 −2 value (model − mean) at the 223 GSVS17 benchmarks, units ­(m2 s−2) tions vary from − 0.33 m s (− 0.033 m) to + 0.29 m s (+ 0.029 m), except for the models 6, 8, 12, and 13 that Solution Mean STD Min Max Range present diference ranges from 0.86 m2 s−2 (0.088 m) to Solutions based on the scalar-free GBVP after Molodensky’s theory 1.55 m2 s−2 (0.158 m). These values are larger than those using FFT integration and a Wong–Gore modifcation of the obtained from the GGM-HR. The RMS values for the integral kernel regional solutions are in the ± 0.07 m2 s−2 (± 0.007 m) 1 − 0.08 ± 0.19 − 0.40 0.46 0.86 to ± 0.10 m2 s−2 (± 0.010 m) range, except solutions 6 2 − 0.30 ± 0.22 − 0.86 0.10 0.96 and 8, which reach ± 0.16 m2 s−2 (± 0.016 m). It should 3 0.02 ± 0.12 − 0.32 0.26 0.57 be noted that the mean distance between two consecutive 4 − 0.07 ± 0.14 − 0.50 0.28 0.78 Solutions based on the scalar-free GBVP after Molodensky’s theory benchmarks is about 1.6 km, which is close to the grid with a least-squares modifcation of Stokes’ formula with additive spacing (about 1.5 km) of the 1′ × 1′ geoid/quasi-geoid corrections solutions. In other words, these solutions do not contain 5 − 0.04 ± 0.13 − 0.29 0.35 0.64 the geopotential spatial features smaller than the grid 6 − 0.13 ± 0.21 − 0.46 0.46 0.92 spacing. Consequently, it appears that the RMS values in 7 0.01 ± 0.18 − 0.39 0.28 0.67 Table 3 largely refect the combined efect of omission and 8 0.12 ± 0.21 − 0.65 0.75 1.40 commission errors of the regional and GGM-HR models Solutions based on least-squares collocation (sol. 10 and 11) and for this short baseline. The regional models show slightly spherical radial basis functions (sol. 9) smaller scatter than the GGH-HR models due to the rela- 9 0.01 ± 0.09 − 0.31 0.25 0.56 tively higher spatial resolution. 10 0.05 ± 0.09 − 0.24 0.25 0.49 Figure 5 shows the standard deviation of all 13 regional 11 1.56 ± 0.19 − 0.46 0.40 0.86 solutions for each respective (i, i + 1) pair plotted versus the Solutions based on the scalar-free GBVP after Stokes’ theory and ellipsoidal height. The smallest standard deviation values converted to the quasi-geoid using the Bouguer anomaly-based 2 −2 term (± 0.02 to ± 0.04 m s , equivalent to ± 0.002 to ± 0.004 m) occur where the topography is smooth (benchmarks 12 0.12 ± 0.16 − 0.12 0.77 0.90 110–170). They increase with the roughness of topogra- 13 0.28 ± 0.23 − 0.56 0.69 1.25 phy, occurring the largest values (larger than ± 0.15 m2 s−2

1 3 33 Page 14 of 33 L. Sánchez et al.

Table 3 Consecutive Solution RMS Min Max Range GGM-HR RMS Min Max Range benchmark diferences between the model-based ­(Cmod) and the 1 ± 0.09 − 0.33 0.25 0.58 EGM2008 ± 0.11 − 0.41 0.34 0.75 levelling-based geopotential 2 ± 0.09 − 0.23 0.24 0.48 EIGEN-6C4 ± 0.11 − 0.41 0.34 0.75 numbers ­(Clev) along the GSVS17 profle, units ­(m2 s−2) 3 ± 0.08 − 0.22 0.27 0.49 GECO ± 0.11 − 0.41 0.34 0.76 4 ± 0.08 − 0.21 0.28 0.49 SGG-UGM-1 ± 0.11 − 0.42 0.34 0.75 5 ± 0.08 − 0.27 0.25 0.52 XGM2016 ± 0.10 − 0.25 0.45 0.70 6 ± 0.16 − 0.65 0.49 1.14 XGM2019 ± 0.10 − 0.25 0.45 0.69 7 ± 0.07 − 0.21 0.24 0.46 XGM2016+ ± 0.10 − 0.21 0.32 0.53 8 ± 0.16 − 0.92 0.63 1.55 Earth14+ ERTM2160 9 ± 0.08 − 0.18 0.28 0.46 10 ± 0.08 − 0.18 0.29 0.47 11 ± 0.08 − 0.21 0.24 0.45 12 ± 0.10 − 0.59 0.37 0.96 13 ± 0.10 − 0.50 0.36 0.86

Fig. 5 Discrepancies between the model-based (Cmod) and levelling-based (Clev) potential diferences between consecu- tive benchmarks (i, i + 1) along the GSVS17 profle (cf. Eq. 8). Standard deviation of all 13 regional solutions is plotted versus the ellipsoidal height. The largest standard deviation values occur at the strongest topographic gradients

or ± 0.015 m) at the strongest topographic gradients. This ft in a similar way the levelling-based potential diferences shows that the large scatter is associated with the rough between 63 and 202 km, presenting the best RMS values at topography where the omission error tends to be large, and the 122–145 km interval. The large RMS values (around the topography efects are treated quite diferently among 0.60 m2 s−2 or 0.060 m) of these models at distances between the 13 solutions. Consequently, a challenge (or limitation) 15 and 60 km may be a consequence of the low resolution in the determination of model-based geopotential numbers (15′ × 15′) of the mean surface gravity anomalies included in is a better modelling of terrain efects. the determination of the XGM models. These anomalies lack Table 4 and Fig. 6 present the RMS values obtained from gravity information fner than 15′ × 15′, causing an omis- the baseline-length depending comparison (Eq. 9). Italics sion error, which apparently cannot completely be solved in Table 4 highlight the smallest value at every baseline- by the synthetic gravity data inferred from topography mod- length interval. The RMS values for the geopotential dif- els. Remember that EGM2008 contains 5′ × 5′ (or denser) ferences inferred from GGM-HR vary from ± 0.32 m2 s−2 mean surface gravity anomalies, and these anomalies are (± 0.030 m) to ± 0.93 m2 s−2 (± 0.095 m); the EGM2008 transferred to the high degrees of the models EIGEN-6C4, model showing the largest ones. The improvement of the GECO, and SGG-UGM-1. The angled pattern described by EIGEN-6C4, GECO, and SGG-UGM-1 RMS values in com- the RMS values of XGM2016, XGM2019, and the com- parison with EGM2008 can be explained by the contribu- bined XGM2016 + dV_ell_Earth2014 + ERTM2160 model tion of GOCE data to the satellite-only component of these suggests that they ft the levelling-based potential diferences models. The newer XGM2016, XGM2019, and the com- at some frequencies only. For instance, the RMS values at bined XGM2016 + dV_ell_Earth2014 + ERTM2160 models the intervals 63–81 km and 122–145 km are better than the

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Table 4 RMS values obtained of the baseline-length depending comparison between model-based (Cmod) and levelling-based (Clev) potential dif- ferences (see Eq. (9)), units ­(m2 s−2) Baseline length (km) 0–15 15–30 30–46 46–63 63–81 81–101 101–122 122–145 145–172 172–202 202–242 242–350

Number of pairs 2048 2043 2080 2080 2082 2162 2080 2003 2072 2001 2038 2064 Regional models including surface (terrestrial + airborne) gravity data 1 0.18 0.27 0.36 0.44 0.52 0.56 0.56 0.47 0.36 0.29 0.40 0.61 2 0.16 0.27 0.32 0.36 0.37 0.37 0.42 0.49 0.57 0.58 0.55 0.44 3 0.13 0.17 0.21 0.24 0.28 0.29 0.31 0.34 0.38 0.44 0.46 0.41 4 0.17 0.22 0.27 0.27 0.29 0.35 0.38 0.38 0.40 0.42 0.41 0.43 5 0.18 0.28 0.33 0.37 0.42 0.44 0.45 0.43 0.42 0.44 0.54 0.67 6 0.24 0.36 0.48 0.57 0.63 0.67 0.65 0.55 0.42 0.44 0.49 0.60 7 0.12 0.17 0.21 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.32 0.39 0.45 0.50 0.58 0.68 8 0.29 0.37 0.44 0.49 0.53 0.54 0.56 0.58 0.60 0.68 0.65 0.55 9 0.15 0.22 0.30 0.34 0.38 0.41 0.40 0.41 0.46 0.49 0.50 0.55 10 0.14 0.20 0.28 0.33 0.37 0.40 0.42 0.45 0.48 0.48 0.49 0.59 11 0.16 0.26 0.33 0.34 0.37 0.42 0.49 0.53 0.59 0.64 0.66 0.78 12 0.20 0.29 0.36 0.42 0.47 0.52 0.51 0.43 0.31 0.29 0.37 0.53 13 0.21 0.27 0.30 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.30 0.28 0.29 0.29 0.22 0.22 Global gravity models of high resolution EGM2008 0.38 0.46 0.47 0.54 0.61 0.72 0.80 0.90 0.93 0.88 0.78 0.60 EIGEN-6C4 0.37 0.43 0.42 0.45 0.47 0.51 0.55 0.57 0.58 0.52 0.46 0.38 GECO 0.37 0.44 0.44 0.50 0.54 0.61 0.66 0.67 0.66 0.57 0.44 0.32 SGG-UGM-1 0.38 0.44 0.43 0.47 0.50 0.57 0.62 0.65 0.65 0.58 0.49 0.37 XGM2016 0.32 0.58 0.65 0.57 0.52 0.62 0.54 0.49 0.60 0.51 0.77 0.73 XGM2019 0.32 0.59 0.66 0.56 0.53 0.65 0.56 0.49 0.62 0.50 0.74 0.73 XGM2016+ 0.33 0.60 0.69 0.60 0.55 0.64 0.56 0.52 0.61 0.51 0.78 0.72 Earth14+ ERTM2160

Italics highlight the smallest value at every baseline-length interval values for the intervals 81–101 km and 101–122 km. This of the diferent gravity data sources (global models, regional could be produced by un-modelled high frequencies or arte- surface gravity, topography efects). This has to be investi- facts contained in the topography-based synthetic gravity gated in a next iteration of this study. Figure 6 shows that signal. This should be investigated in the near future. the solutions based on the high-resolution gravity modelling Regarding the regional solutions, the RMS values vary ft better the levelling-based potential diferences than the from ± 0.12 to ± 0.78 m2 s−2 (± 0.012 m to ± 0.080 m). While GGM-HR models. Solutions 6 and 8 present worse RMS solutions 3 and 7 (with RMS values less than ± 0.30 m2 s−2 values than the other regional solutions; however, they are or ± 0.030 m) ft best the levelling-based geopotential dif- at the same RMS level of the best-ftting GGM-HRs. ferences up to distances of about 120 km, solution 13 shows a better agreement for the distances from 120 to 350 km. 4.4 Comparison of potential diferences inferred All solutions (except 1, 6, 8, and 12) agree at an RMS level from diferent approximations to convert of ± 0.20 to ± 0.40 m2 s−2 (± 0.020 m to ± 0.040 m) for dis- the geoid to the quasi‑geoid tances varying between 30 and 150 km. At larger distances (from 150 to 350 km), the consistency between all models is In Sect. 4.1, we mentioned that when the potential values W(P) better than ± 0.70 m2 s−2 (± 0.071 m). One could assume that are to be inferred from a geoid model, an upward continuation the decrease in the RMS values with the distance is caused from the point P0 on the geoid to the point P on the Earth’s by the levelling error accumulation and that an unidentifed surface is necessary (see Fig. 3 for the position of P0 and P). tilt in the levelling line misrepresents this comparison. How- We also emphasised that the upward continuation should be ever, solution 13 does not present this behaviour. One possi- consistent with the hypotheses applied for the geoid computa- bility of the diference could be the parametrisation/modif- tion. To explore the infuence of this conversion on the potential cation of the integration kernels for the spectral combination values, we applied two diferent approximations to recover the

1 3 33 Page 16 of 33 L. Sánchez et al.

Fig. 6 Baseline-length depend- (a) 1.0 ing comparison between Sol1 Sol2 Sol3 Sol4 Sol5 Sol6 Sol7 0.9 model-based (Cmod) and Sol8 Sol9 Sol10 Sol11 Sol12 Sol13 levelling-based (Clev) poten- tial diferences (see Eq. (9)). 0.8 a Comparison of the regional 0.7 solutions; b comparison of the

GGM-HRs ] 2 0.6 /s 2 m 0.5 S[

RM 0.4




0.0 0-15 15-3030-46 46-6363-81 81-101 101-122122-145 145-172172-202 202-242242-350 Baselinelength[km] (b) 1.0



0.7 ] 2 0.6 /s 2 m 0.5 S[

RM 0.4 EGM2008 0.3 EIGEN-6C4 GECO 0.2 SGG-UGM-1 XGM2016 0.1 XGM2019 XGM2016+Earth14+ERTM2160 0.0 0-15 15-3030-46 46-6363-81 81-101101-122 122-145145-172 172-202202-242 242-350 Baselinelength[km]

⋅ potential values W(P) from the geoid undulations delivered by W(P) = W0 − (h − N) g with g = g(P) solution 13 (Huang and Véronneau 2013). The frst approxima- + 0.424 × 10−6 ⋅ (h − N) + TC m2 s−2 tion (Eq. 10) corresponds to the usual Bouguer anomaly-based (11) N ζ 2 –2  term for the conversion between and , which is consistent W0 = 62,636,853.4 ­m s . h is the ellipsoidal height with the Helmert orthometric heights (cf. Hofmann-Wellenhof (provided by NGS). N is the geoid undulation interpolated and Moritz 2005, Eq. (4–33)). This approximation is used for from the 1′ × 1′ geoid model at the GSVS17 benchmarks. the comparisons described in the previous sections. The second g(P) is the gravity value at each benchmark (this value is approximation (Eq. 11) takes into account the deviation of the interpolated from the terrestrial gravity data set provided topography from the Bouguer plate around P: by NGS). The factor 0.424 × 10–6 refers to an average ρ −3 W(P) = W0 − (h − N) ⋅ g with g = g(P) density of topographic masses of = 2,670 kg m (see e.g. Hofmann-Wellenhof and Moritz 2005, Eq. (4–31)). + 0.424 × 10−6 ⋅ (h − N) m2 s−2 (10) TC stands for the terrain correction, and it is estimated 

1 3 Page 17 of 33 33 Strategy for the realisation of the International Height Reference System (IHRS) following Sects. 3.4 and 4.3 of Hofmann-Wellenhof and the geoid and topography more accurate, thus increasing Moritz (2005) and using the SRTM v.4.1 model evenly at the agreement between the model-based and the levelling- seven points between the geoid and topography. The poten- based potential diferences (see Fig. 8). A further analysis tial diferences between both approximations present a is needed to compare diferent approaches for the conver- mean value of − 0.16 ­m2 ­s–2 (corresponding to − 0.016 m) sion between N and . and vary from − 0.60 m­ 2 ­s–2 (–0.060 m) to + 0.27 m­ 2 ­s–2 (+ 0.027 m). Figure 7 displays these diferences together with the topographic profle of the GSVS17 test points. It should be noted that the peaks in the comparison of solu- 5 Vertical datum unifcation of existing tion 13 with the mean geopotential numbers (see Fig. 4d) physical height systems into the IHRS are similar to the peaks of the diferences between the two sets of solution 13 geopotential values but with opposite The existing physical height reference frames have been signs. When comparing these two approximations with the established by means of precise levelling referring to local levelling-based potential diferences (Clev) using Eq. (9), vertical datums W0l, usually realised by the mean sea level it is evident that considering the topographic correction determined at arbitrarily selected tide gauges. The local geo- makes the estimation of the potential diferences between potential numbers Cl(P)

Fig. 7 Diferences after recover- 0.9 3300 ing potential values from a Elevaon Potenal difference geoid model using diferent 0.6 3050 approximations for the upward ] 2

continuation of the potential /s 2 from the geoid surface to the 0.3 [m 2800 Earth’s surface ce [m ]

0.0 2550 differen Elevaon -0.3 2300 Poten al -0.6 2050

-0.9 1800 121416181101 121141 161181 201221 Index

Fig. 8 Baseline-length depend- 1.0 ing comparison between BouguerAnomalyapproximaon model-based (Cmod) and BouguerAnomalyapproximaon plus terrain correcon levelling-based (Clev) potential diferences (see Eq. 9). Col- 0.8 oured lines represent the model- based potential values recovered

from solution 13 after using ] 2 0.6 diferent approximations for /s 2 the upward continuation of the m potential from the geoid surface S[

to the Earth’s surface. The light RM 0.4 blue lines represent the other 12 solutions (cf. Fig. 6a)


0.0 0-15 15-3030-46 46-6363-81 81-101 101-122122-145 145-172172-202 202-242242-350 Baselinelength[km]

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et al. (2021)); and the characteristics of the existing height Cl(P) = W0l − W(P) (12) systems (see, e.g.; Sánchez 2012; Angermann et al. 2016, IHRF can be converted to IHRF geopotential numbers C (P), Chapter 4.6), in particular the long-distance accumulation if the diference δW0l between the local W0l and the global of systematic errors in levelling. A possibility to improve W0 reference levels is known: the results is an iterative approach: once a frst estimation of IHRF δW i is available, the height-related observables (geopoten- C (P) = W − W + C (P) 0 0 0l l tial numbers, terrestrial gravity anomalies) are re-computed = W + C (P) with W = W − W . 0l l  0l 0 0l (13) and used to iterate the GBVP solution. This loop should be repeated until sub-mm diferences are obtained between con- An estimation of δW0l is possible by adding it to the secutive iterations. With the fnal values of δW0i, the local observation equations of a GBVP. In this case, the scalar- geopotential numbers can be referred to the global IHRS free GBVP is preferred because the gravity anomalies W0 using Eq. (13). It should be noted that in the usual prac- depend on the level diference between P and Q (for the tice, the δW i values are added to the local (quasi-)geoid P Q 0 Molodensky approach) or between 0 and 0 (for the Stokes models to support the so-called GNSS/levelling technique W approach); see Fig. 3. Thus, the level 0l is implicit in the at national or regional scales. For the transformation of the boundary conditions and it can be handled as an additional local height systems to the IHRF, the δW0i have to be added unknown. As the number of unknowns increases, additional to the local physical heights (or geopotential numbers). The h observations are required. In this case, ellipsoidal heights relative accuracy between the IHRF geopotential numbers determined with GNSS at the levelling points with physical at levelling points will depend on the accuracy of the level- H H* (orthometric or normal ) heights are used to constrain ling itself; it would be very high between consecutive points W h H N the values of δ 0l to the discrepancies between ([ − ]− ) and may sufer from the accumulation of systematic errors h H* ζ or ([ − ]− ). For details about the formulation of the over long distances. The absolute accuracy of the IHRF extended GBVP equation observations, please refer to e.g. geopotential numbers based on the vertical datum unifca- Rummel and Teunissen (1988), Heck and Rummel (1990), tion will depend on the accuracy of the input data consid- Xu and Rummel (1991), Gatti et al. (2012) and Sideris ered for the determination of the δW0i values. According to (2014). Empirical examples can be found in e.g. Rummel Rummel et al. (2014) or Sánchez and Sideris (2017), this et al. (2014), Willberg et al. (2017), Vergos et al. (2018); or accuracy may reach mean values from around ± 0.5 m2 s−2 Sánchez and Sideris (2017). In the frst three examples, the (± 5 cm) in well-surveyed regions up to some decimetres contribution of GOCE data to the height system unifcation (± 4.0 m2 s−2, equivalent to 40 cm) in sparsely surveyed is evaluated. In the latter, the vertical datum unifcation of regions. To improve the reliability of the vertical datum uni- the North American and South American height systems fcation, it is very important to increase the accuracy and into the IHRS is discussed. quality of the input data needed for the determination of It is clear that the estimation of δW0i depends on the δW0i (see Sánchez and Sideris 2017). As the vertical datum combination of levelling-based physical heights, ellipsoi- unifcation is largely discussed in the existing literature, no dal heights, and high-resolution gravity feld modelling further details are presented here. (regional geoid or quasi-geoid models). Therefore, accord- ing to Sánchez and Sideris (2017), to get δW0i values as reliable as possible, the numerical evaluation of the extended GBVP must be performed at geodetic stations of highest 6 Standards and conventions quality that refer to the same ITRF and are connected to the for the determination of IHRF coordinates local vertical datum by means of frst-order precise levelling (in combination with gravity). The scalar-free GBVP after 6.1 Basic standards Molodensky’s theory is preferred to minimise uncertainties caused by discrepancies between the hypotheses introduced One key objective of the Colorado experiment is the iden- to compute gravity anomalies at the geoid. Additionally, the tifcation of standards and conventions to ensure consist- input data should be standardised; for instance, geometric ency between diferent computation methods as far as and physical heights should refer to the same epoch and possible. Although some standardisation issues are still be given in the same tide system used in the determina- open (see Sect. 7.1), we have identifed the following set of tion of the regional (quasi-)geoid. However, the reliability basic standards and conventions (cf. Sánchez et al. 2018): of the vertical datum unifcation depends on the limitations of the regional gravity feld modelling (see the evaluation of the Colorado experiment results in Sect. 4 or in Wang

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6.1.1 Degree‑zero efects, topographic efects, and ellipsoidal efects should be restored. Until now, there was lack of a convention on As long as IAG does not release a new geodetic reference considering atmospheric efects while the topographic and system (GRS), GRS80 should be used for the regional ellipsoidal efects are generally taken into account. (quasi-)geoid computation; i.e. for the computation of grav- ity anomalies, disturbing potential, ellipsoidal coordinates, 6.2 Treatment of the permanent tide geoid heights, height anomalies, etc. A zero-degree correc- in the realisation of the IHRS tion has then to be added to get to the latest GM value and W to the conventional reference value 0 (IAG Resolution 1, The GBVP can be solved with gravity feld observables in 2015). The zero-degree term for the disturbing potential is the tide-free (non-tidal) or zero-tide system. Mean-tide grav- given by Eq. (6). Accordingly, the zero-degree term for the ity cannot be used as it includes the time average of the geoid and the quasi-geoid is: tide-generating potential generated by masses outside the

GMGGM − GMGRS80 ΔW0 boundary surface. These masses must be removed; other- N0 = ⋅ − (14) wise, the disturbing potential T would not be a harmonic rP γQ γQ 0 0  0 function. According to the IAG Resolution No. 16, 1983 (Tscherning 1984), the zero-tide system is to be used for the GMGGM − GMGRS80 ΔW Earth’s gravity feld and crust modelling. (For the crust, the = − 0 0 ⋅ (15) zero-tide and the mean-tide systems are the same.) However, rP γQ  γQ both systems, the tide-free and the zero-tide, are presently

Please see Fig. 3 for the position of P, Q, P0 and Q0, and in use for gravity and crust. For the determination of IHRF Eq. (7) for the value of ΔW0. In this way, to compute the geopotential numbers, we recommend to perform the com- geoid or the quasi-geoid, the GBVP should be solved start- putations in the zero-tide system and, afterwards, to convert ing with degree two and then Eq. (14) or Eq. (15) should be the zero-tide potential coordinates to the mean-tide system. added. In the Colorado experiment, the degree-zero term In agreement with the IERS Conventions (e.g. Luzum and the use of the WGS84 ellipsoid caused large diferences and Petit, 2010), the time average WT of the tide-generating among the frst-iteration of geoid and quasi-geoid solutions. potential is adopted to be: 2 2 These discrepancies were reduced at the second iteration, r 1 � r W (r, ) = A ⋅ ⋅ sin2 − = A ⋅ ⋅ P (sin ) when the computation groups adopted these conventions T a 3 a 2 (Wang et al. 2021). r 2 −   A�� ⋅ ⋅ P sin , = a 2 ( ) 6.1.2 Mass centre convention  (16) A 2.9166 m2 s−2 A� 2 A 1.9444 m2 s−2 with =− , = 3 =− , �� A� 2 −2 ⋅ As mentioned in Eq. (5), the first-degree coefficients A = =−0.86956 m s . P2( ) is the second-degree 5 − (C = C = S = 0) are assumed to be zero to align the ⋅ 1 11 11 Legendre√ polynomial. P2 ( ) is the second-degree fully nor- Earth’s centre of masses with the origin of the geometric malised Legendre polynomial. The scaling parameter coordinate system (ITRS/ITRF). The misalignment between a = 6,378,137m is the GRS80 semi-major axis. r and are the geocentre and the ITRF origin can be considered at the geocentric radius and latitude, respectively. According the millimetre level according to the transformation from to Ihde et al. (2008) and Mäkinen (2021), the factor A in ITRF2014 to ITRF2008 at epoch 2010.0 (see Table 4 in Eq. (16) difers less than 0.0001 m2 s−2 from the correspond- Altamimi et al. 2016). The secular ITRF origin variation rate −1 ing term (known as ­M0S0) in the most recent time-harmonic with respect to the geocentre is believed less than 1 mm ­a . expansions of the tide-generating potential by Hartmann and Thus, this assumption meets the sub-centimetre requirement. Wenzel (1995), Roosbeek (1996) and Kudryavtsev (2004, 2007). 6.1.3 Correction of uncertainties caused WT (r, ) can be written as a function of geodetic latitude by the approximations needed to solve GBVP φ and ellipsoidal height h over the GRS80 ellipsoid (Ihde et al. 2008; Sacher et al. 2009; Mäkinen, 2021): As mentioned in Sect. 4, it is expected that the disturb- − 2h W , h 1 + ⋅ 0.9722 − 2.8841 ⋅ sin2 ing potential values obtained after solving the GBVP in a T ( ) = a harmonic, linear, spherical, and constant radius approxi- − 0.0195 ⋅ sin4 m2s−2 . mation (see Eq. 5) are corrected by the efects removed (17) before the computation. This means, at least, atmospheric  

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This formula is valid at all points of the terrestrial topog- be restored. The IERS Conventions provide correction raphy. The maximum contribution (e.g. at the highest moun- formulas to be added to the 3-D Cartesian coordinates 2h = 0.31 × 10−6m−1 ⋅ h tains) of the coefcient a to Eq. (17) (see Eq. (7.14a) and Eq. (7.14b), Sect. in Petit and is on the topography of the Earth less than 0.003 ­m2s–2 Luzum 2010). They are given with a precision of 0.1 mm. (equivalent to 0.3 mm in height). Ihde et al. (2008) added a decimal to give the precision Geopotential numbers in the zero-tide system CZT are 0.01 mm. The radial component (positive outwards) is defned by ⋅ ⋅ −120.61 + 0.12 P2(sin ) P2(sin ) [mm], (22) , CZT = W0 − WZT (18)  and the transverse component (positive northwards) is where WZT is the zero-tide potential. The generic defnition ⋅ ⋅ of mean-tide geopotential numbers is −25.21 − 0.06 P2(sin ) sin 2 [mm]. (23) ,  CMT = W0 − WZT + WT = CZT − WT (19) Equations (22) and (23) are the components of the vector NT Δ⃗r to be added to the ITRF tide-free positions (X ) to get  W MT In Eq. (19), the height dependence of T (frst term in mean-tide = zero-tide positions (X ). Eq. (17)), though small, would cause practical and the- Regarding the GGM, the coefcient of second-degree C20 oretical difculties if it were actually incorporated in a dominates the tidal system and defnes in which tide system height system (Mäkinen 2017, 2019, 2021). Therefore, in IHRF the potential is obtained. Some GGMs provide the coef- the defnition of the IHRF geopotential numbers C , the CNT cient C20 in the tide-free (non-tidal) system 20 ; other ZT height dependent WT is conventionally replaced by WT0, C GGMs provide it in the zero-tide system 20 . Their rela- the value of WT at the mean-tide geoid. Thus, tionship is given by  IHRF . 2 C ∶= CZT − WT0 (20) r0 � r0 CZT = CNT + k ⋅ ⋅ A ⋅ 20 20 20 GM a (24) Since the distance between the geoid and the ellipsoid  is maximally around 100 m, WT0 in Eq. (20) can be calcu- where k20 is the conventional Love number (k20 = 0.30190, lated from WT at the GRS80 ellipsoid see Petit and Luzum 2010), GM is the geocentric gravita- − tional constant, and r is the distance scaling factor used in W ⋅ 2 0 T0 ≈ WT ( ,0) = 0.9722 − 2.8841 sin A the generation of the tide-free GGM. The parameters 2’ and 4 2 2 (21) − 0.0195 ⋅ sin m s− . r0 ≈ 1 a refer to Eq. (16). In practice, we can assume a IHRF  with sufcient accuracy.  In this manner, C is obtained from CZT using the As mentioned above, we recommend to transform tide- datum-surface type transformation of Eq. (20) and the IHRF free input quantities (GGM and coordinates) to the zero-tide defnition of C is similar to the mean-tide geopoten- and to solve the GBVP in the zero-tide system. However, tial numbers used in national and continental levelling many analysts prefer to solve the GBVP in the tide-free networks (Mäkinen 2017, 2019, 2021). system. For the purposes of the IHRF, the tide-free GBVP Equations (19) and (20) mean that the strategy to IHRF results are considered intermediate computation products determine IHRF geopotential numbers C is to solve (W ) only. They do not have a conventional IHRF status, the GBVP in the zero-tide system to obtain the zero-tide prov already because they depend on the specifc tide-free reduc- potential WZT, then to calculate the zero-tide geopotential IHRF tions contained in the input quantities. Corrections must be number CZT with Eq. (18), and fnally, to get C from added to W to obtain the zero-tide potential WZT. If eve- the zero-tide geopotential number using Eqs. (20) and prov rything is done correctly, the obtained WZT will be the same (21). Since the height dependence of WT has been elimi- as in an originally zero-tide computation. nated in the defnition of the IHRF geopotential numbers If the potential is calculated with a tide-free GGM, the in Eq. (20), standard methods apply in the calculation of GGM correction ΔW should be added to obtain the zero-tide orthometric heights, normal heights and dynamic heights IHRF potential. In spherical coordinates, this correction is given by: from C (see, e.g.; Hofmann-Wellenhof and Moritz 2 3 2005, Chapter 4). � r0 r0 ΔWGGM(r, ) = k ⋅ A ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ P (sin ), For the solution of the GBVP in the zero-tide system, 20 a r 2 (25) the GGM should be given in the zero-tide system and be  2  MT r0 ≈ 1 evaluated at mean-tide = zero-tide coordinates (X ). where we can again assume a . In ellipsoidal coor- As the ITRF coordinates are given in the conventional r  NT dinates (with 0 = 6,378,136.55 m, IERS Conventions 2010), tide-free system (X ), the mean-tide positions have to this correction corresponds to:

1 3 Page 21 of 33 33 Strategy for the realisation of the International Height Reference System (IHRS)

− GGM 3h solve the GBVP (see Fig. 9), none or only one of the cor- ΔW ( , h) = k ⋅ 1 − ⋅ (0.9722 − 2.8673 20 a rections in Eq. (29) may be required. If both corrections are ⋅sin2 − 0.0690 ⋅ sin4 m2s−2 . needed, they can be combined setting h = 0 and k = 0.30190 (26) 20 (IERS Conventions 2010) in Eq. (26):   If the position of the computation point is given in ITRF − GGM ITRF ITRF 2 tide-free coordinates, the correction ΔW must be added ΔW +ΔW =−0.2966 + 0.8819 ⋅ sin to obtain the potential at the mean-tide = zero-tide position: + 0.0065 ⋅ sin4 m2s−2 . (30) WITRF ⋅ h 0.5901 1.7475 Δ ( ) ≈ −0( ) T ( ) =− +  Finally, the zero-tide geopotential number (Eq. 18) is ⋅ sin2 + 0.0273 ⋅ sin4 m2s−2 ,  (27) computed using WZT from Eq. (29) and the IHRF mean- IHRF   tide geopotential number C is obtained with Eq. (20). γ is the normal gravity at the ellipsoid surface and hT(φ) is 0 More information about the formulas in this section the projection of the vector Δ⃗r (see Eq. 22 and Eq. 23) on and their background can be found in Mäkinen (2021). the ellipsoidal normal (see Ihde et al. 2008; Mäkinen 2021): Reviews about the treatment of the permanent tide in ⋅ 2 ⋅ 4 Geodesy are provided by Ekman (1989, 1996), and Mäki- hT ( ) = 60.34 − 179.01 sin − 1.82 sin [mm]. (28) nen and Ihde (2009), among others. Equation (27) is accurate only to 0.01 m2 s−2, but it can be rescaled using (g/γ0) pointwise to have an accuracy of 0.0001 m2 s−2 (Mäkinen 2021). g is the actual gravity at ITRF the computation point. In spherical coordinates, ΔW can 7 A frst strategy for the establishment be obtained as a correction surface simply by computing of the IHRF the diference between the evaluation of the GGM at the MT mean-tide station positions (X ) [i.e. corrected by Eqs. (22) The establishment of the IHRF demands a reference net- NT and (23)] and at the original tide-free positions (X ); see work and the determination of IHRF geopotential values Mäkinen (2021). at the stations belonging to that reference network. In this The zero-tide geopotential is then obtained by summing section, we concentrate on the action plans needed for the the corrections of Eqs. (26) and (27): computation of suitable IHRF coordinates based on the

− GGM analysis described in Sects. 3–5; the basic criteria for the ITRF WZT = Wprov +ΔW +ΔW (29) IHRF station selection; and a proposal about the organi- sational and operational infrastructure required to ensure Wprov is the intermediate potential product without the the long-term sustainability, availability, and reliability of corrections. Depending on the computation scheme used to the IHRF.

Fig. 9 Scheme for the deter- mination of IHRF geopotential values after solving the GBVP in the zero-tide system or in the tide-free (non-tidal) system. CZT 20 : GGM coefcient of second degree in the zero-tide system; CNT 20 : GGM coefcient of second degree in the tide-free system; NT X : ITRF position in the conventional tide-free system, MT X : ITRF position in the mean-tide = zero-tide system, Wprov: intermediate potential value; WZT: zero-tide potential; CZT: geopotential value in the IHRF zero-tide system; C : IHRF geopotential number (in the − GGM Δ W mean-tideITRF system); and ΔW : corrections to the intermediate potential values to obtain the zero-tide potential (see Eqs. 26, 27, and 30)

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7.1 Strategy for the determination and evaluation (a). Improved GGM-HR can be taken into consideration, of IHRF coordinates depending on the data when a new solution for the IHRF is released (see Sect. 7.3). availability In regions belonging to scenarios (b) and (c), the IHRF coordinates are to be determined using the high-resolution In Sect. 2, we mentioned that the overall target accuracy regional gravity feld modelling; i.e. the solution of a GBVP for the stationary IHRF physical coordinates (geopoten- based on the combination of satellite gravity data (GGM), tial numbers referring to the conventional ­W0 value) surface gravity data, and topographic efects. The essential is ± 3 × 10−2 m2 s−2 (about ± 0.003 m). However, as this diference between these two scenarios is the gravity data accuracy is very optimistic, we concentrate for the moment distribution and quality. While in scenario (c) it is possible to on evaluating the possibility of reaching an accuracy at infer the potential values from precise (quasi-)geoid regional the ± 0.1 m2 s−2 (± 0.010 m) level. According to the experi- models (like in the Colorado experiment), in scenario (b) mental results in this study and other related studies, we can the reliability of the existing (quasi-)geoid models is poor classify the determination of potential values in three main and additional gravity surveys around the IHRF reference scenarios: stations may be performed to increase the accuracy of the geopotential numbers computed at those specifc stations. (a) Regions without (or with very few) surface gravity This is like a pointwise improvement of the regional gravity data, feld modelling. The recommendation is to perform gravity (b) Regions with some surface gravity data, but with poor surveys around the IHRF station(s) with a spatial resolution data coverage or unknown data quality, between 2 and 4 km (depending on the relief) and within a (c) Regions with good surface gravity data coverage and radius between 100 and 200 km. These data are then used quality. to solve a GBVP estimating the disturbing potential at the IHRF station(s). This recommendation is just to improve the The only option to determine potential values in regions accuracy of the potential coordinates at the IHRF stations. with poor or inexistent surface gravity data (scenario (a)) If a (quasi-)geoid model of high resolution is needed; e.g. is the use of GGM-HRs. We can expect mean accuracy val- for practical GNSS/levelling, then the gravity data distribu- ues around the ± 4 m2 s−2 (± 0.4 m) level as this accuracy tion and coverage should be extended to the complete area is guaranteed by the satellite component of the GGM. In of interest and not only around the IHRF stations. In the comparison with EGM2008, it is possible to increase the pointwise determination of potential values, possible trunca- accuracy about 30%, if the GGM-HRs consider GRACE and tion errors caused by the omission of the gravity feld signal GOCE data, as well as new surface data or synthetic grav- outside the 100 km to 200 km radius around the IHRF sta- ity signals inferred from topographic models (see Table 4 tion should be minimised by employing a GGM to model and Fig. 6). Since the new model EGM2020 will include the long wavelengths of the gravity feld. Similarly, special much more new surface gravity data than the GGMs con- care should be given to possible low frequency errors rising sidered in this study, it is expected that the gravity signal from poorly modelled terrain efects; therefore, these efects in previous poorly covered regions would be better repre- should be estimated using a topography model extended by sented, reaching an accuracy level around ± 1 m2 s−2 (± 0.1 at least 40% to 50% of the area covered by the gravity data m). However, this depends on the distribution of the new in all directions. To detect and assess the magnitude of these gravity data sets included in EGM2020, as they contribute possible errors, it is necessary to have supplementary, inde- to improve the GGM accuracy only in the covered regions; pendent data for the evaluation of the potential diferences, i.e. new gravity data sets over Europe or the USA will hardly the best option here being the levelling with gravity reduc- contribute to improving the gravity signal in Africa. For this tions co-located with GNSS positioning. This evaluation improvement, it would be necessary to collect and to include may be done in an absolute and in a relative way. The evalua- in the EGM2020 new gravity data sets in Africa. In any tion of (quasi-)geoid models is based on the discrepancies of way, it should be clear that, if no regional gravity data are absolute heights [h − H − N]. Hence, we call it absolute way available to be included in a GGM-HR or to determine a of comparison. The absolute comparison is infuenced by regional gravity feld model, the best possible accuracy for the diferent reference levels of the existing height systems the IHRF coordinates will be around ± 4 m2 s−2 (± 0.4 m), and the accumulation of systematic errors in levelling over or even worse in regions with strong topography gradients. a long distance, which demand some data manipulations So far, this is what we can get. However, to avoid multiple to obtain reliable comparison results. One way to reduce potential values provided by diferent GGM-HRs at the same this is the comparison of potential diferences inferred from point (see Sect. 3), it is necessary to select one GGM-HR the GBVP-based (or GGM-based) potential values with the as reference model for the computation of the IHRF coor- potential diferences obtained from levelling (corrected by dinates at stations located in regions belonging to scenario gravity efects) at various lengths of baselines; see Tables 3

1 3 Page 23 of 33 33 Strategy for the realisation of the International Height Reference System (IHRS) and 4 and Figs. 5 and 6. In the Colorado experiment, we use and to LSC and SRBF approaches, which, according to the a 350-km-long levelling line, which seems to be appropriate Colorado experiment results, have proved to be suitable for to identify systematic biases of low degree. However, the the precise regional gravity feld modelling. Taking these extension of the levelling line(s) for the evaluation of the arguments into account, a standard in this regard could be gravity feld models may be shorter (or longer) in regions expressed in such a way that the satellite-only GGM should with smoother (or stronger) topography. Of course, if gravity be fully trusted up to certain degree (for instance, 180), surveys are possible and GNSS/levelling co-location points and it should not be trusted at all (approximately) above are available, IHRF stations belonging to scenario (a) can another higher degree (for instance, 250). Complementary, be handled as scenario (b) stations. there should be a gradual transition in between. However, Scenario (c) represents the regions with very good con- the selection of low and high modifcation degrees may vary ditions like those evaluated in the Colorado experiment. from region to region depending not only on the surface Here, not only the input data are of high quality, but also gravity data quality and coverage, but also on the GNSS/ the colleagues processing the data have large experience in levelling data used for the evaluation of the diferent kernel the regional gravity feld modelling. Therefore, the results modifcations. Thus, a standardisation in this regard seems delivered by 13 diferent processing procedures present a to be also unfeasible. Here we mention the use of a satellite- quite good agreement, and they suggest that the ± 0.1 m2 s−2 only GGM to avoid uncertainties produced by possible long- (± 0.010 m) accuracy level could be reachable in the next wavelength systematic biases contained in the surface grav- future. From the analysis described in Sect. 4, we identify ity data employed for the determination of GGM of higher the spectral combination of the input gravity data and the degree. However, a combined GGM could be also used, if modelling of terrain efects as the main sources of discrep- the GGM constrains the low-degree components and the ancy between the Colorado solutions. In this frame, we pre- maximum kernel modifcation degree is chosen so that the sent in the following some considerations aiming at reducing satellite signal dominates the disturbing potential below the possible diferences caused by these two aspects. chosen limit. A signifcant advantage of using a combined Regarding the spectral combination, when surface gravity GGM is reducing edge efects and truncation errors. data are to be combined with a GGM, the very accurate long Ihde et al. (2017) propose to select a certain (conven- wavelength gravity signal provided by satellite gravimetry tional) satellite-only GGM together with a specifed maxi- (GRACE, GOCE) should be retained, and the surface gravity mum degree for the IHRS realisation. The main argument data should mainly contribute to the shorter wavelengths. To for this is of course that the resulting regional models will achieve spectral consistency, the integral kernels needed to become more consistent. An argument against is the fact solve the GBVP have to be accordingly modifed to optimise that satellite-only GGMs are frequently updated (more for the spectral transition from the satellite-only GGM to the data reprocessing matters than for availability of new data, surface gravity anomalies. Otherwise, the results (e.g. the see Sect. 3), and regional/national gravity feld models will disturbing potential) will present long wavelength distor- almost certainly be computed using the best model avail- tions. In the Colorado experiment, diferent strategies are able at the time of computation. An alternative could be to applied to modify the Stokes function, and they deliver dif- update the specifed IHRS satellite-only GGM with specifed ferent results for the same points (see Fig. 4). For instance, maximum degree every now and then. This can be done for solutions based on a Wong–Gore kernel modifcation present every new IHRF release (see Sect. 7.3). pointwise discrepancies up to 1.2 m2 s−2 (0.12 m); solu- Regarding the handling of topographic efects, the most tions based on a least-squares modifcation with additive applied procedure is the residual terrain model (RTM) corrections present discrepancies up to 1 m2 s−2 (0.1 m). A reduction (see e.g. Forsberg 1984; Forsberg and Tscherning standardisation of the spectral transition would defnitely 1981, 1997). It has the advantage that the efects of the short improve the agreement between diferent regional gravity gravity feld wavelengths are to be evaluated up to some feld models. However, this seems to be inappropriate as distance from the computation point, as the efects for zones the choice of the spectral transition depends on the quality at larger distances are assumed to be negligibly small. The of the surface gravity data in the area of study. With sur- efects of the masses between the topographic surface and a face gravity data of low precision, the satellite-only GGM smooth reference surface are usually determined should be utilised up to higher degrees, and vice versa. Thus, using a prism integration of either positive or negative mass the spectral transition should be tuned to the regional/local density, normally 2,670 kg m−3 as agreed in the Colorado situation, and this aspect is lost with a fxed standardisa- experiment. Other mass density values can be also region- tion. On the other hand, to select one kernel modifcation as ally taken into account (see e.g.Denker 2013), especially if standard (for instance, the Wong–Gore modifcation) would synthetic gravity data are used to improve the gravity sig- close the door for other methods like stochastic kernel modi- nal. The results, however, depend on the resolution of the fcations (spectral modifcation, least-squares modifcation) topography model (for the selection of the prism size), the

1 3 33 Page 24 of 33 L. Sánchez et al. resolution of the reference elevation surface, the distance in fat areas). A good possibility to increase the data between the computation point and the prisms, and the so- coverage (especially on the top of the mountains or in called harmonic correction. This correction is necessary for remote areas like jungles or deserts) is airborne gravim- those points below the reference elevation surface (inside etry; however, this technique is very expensive and it the masses), where the potential is not harmonic. Although may not be available everywhere. On the other hand, some approximations exist to estimate this harmonic cor- relative terrestrial gravimetry is very time-consuming, rection, it is still a critical aspect of the RTM procedure and thus, also expensive. and has to be further studied (e.g. Forsberg and Tscherning (c) Homogeneously distributed gravity points around the 1997; Omang et al. 2012; Rexer et al. 2018). In the Colo- IHRF reference stations up to 100–200 km (~ 1°–2°) rado experiment, diferent elevation models (SRTM V4.1 are desired. These gravity data may exist or have to be and Earth2014) and diferent parameters (prism size, refer- observed. If old gravity data sets are used, they should ence topography resolution, harmonic corrections, integra- be checked, especially for systematic errors and quality tion radii, computation approach) have been applied, and for of the height. Considering that the elevation models the moment, we are not able to conclude how much these used to estimate the topographic efects are given in diferences are responsible for the discrepancies between the ITRF, the quality of the gravity points’ horizontal the results provided by the contributing solutions. Thus, the coordinates also plays an important role in areas with handling (and results) of the topographic efects within the strong topographic gradients. In many cases, the old Colorado experiment has to be further analysed. We suspect gravity values refer to local geodetic datums, which that the large variety of options to be considered in the RTM present displacements up to 500 m with respect to the computation will surely prevent us from introducing a stand- ITRF. This may represent a vertical dislocation of sev- ardisation in this regard. Consequently, our recommendation eral hundred between gravity points and terrain is to identify the best RTM confguration by contrasting the model (e.g. the Andes or the Himalaya) and the RTM results with supplementary, independent data, being precise corrections may be misrepresented by large systematic levelling co-located with GNSS the best option. efects. According to Denker (2013), the minimum required accuracies for gravity values and coordinates 7.2 Strategy to improve the input data required should be about ± 0.15 mGal for gravity, 0.3 m for for the determination of IHRF coordinates heights, and 1.0 m for the horizontal coordinates. To minimise systematic errors of low degree in the gravity To achieve everywhere similar accuracy in the determina- data sets, the gravity reference network underlying the tion of IHRF geopotential numbers as that obtained in the regional gravimetry should include or be connected to Colorado experiment, it is necessary to reproduce as much absolute gravity reference stations. as possible the data distribution and quality available for (d) The best and most expensive alternative is of course to that experiment. It is clear that the GGMs cover the com- make new gravity measurements, which should be well plete Earth and are usable worldwide. To assess their reli- connected to a reliable modern gravity reference frame, ability, commission errors may be inferred from the covari- preferably to the new International Gravity Reference ance matrix usually published with the GGM coefcients Frame (IGRF, Wziontek et al. 2021). The positions of (see Ince et al. 2019), and omission errors can be predicted the new gravity data should be determined with GNSS. using the variance model of Tscherning and Rapp (1974) or (e) For the modelling of terrain efects, topographic mod- Kaula (1966). However, as these error estimations are very els should have spatial resolutions of about 100 m (or optimistic, it is recommended to perform some comparisons better) in mountainous areas and about 1000 m (or bet- with levelling of high precision co-located with GNSS. ter) in fat areas. In this regard, if national or regional For the surface gravity data and terrain models, it is nec- topography models of high resolution are not avail- essary to follow the same criteria applied for the determina- able, global models of public domain like SRTM or tion of (quasi-)geoid models of high resolution. The main Earth2014 may be used. However, some evaluations general requirements are: are required to fll data gaps and to check gross errors in the same way that Ahlgren et al. (2018) did for the (a) The most important aspect is to fll gravity data gaps, Colorado area. initially around of the sites selected to be IHRF ref- erence stations, and ideally over the complete region/ 7.3 Strategy for the IHRF station selection country requiring a precise (quasi-)geoid model. (b) The required resolution for the surface gravity data is According to Ihde et al. (2017), the reference frame realising around 2–4 km depending on the relief (in mountain the IHRS should be based on a worldwide homogeneously areas the gravity observations have to be closer than distributed set of reference stations including a core network

1 3 Page 25 of 33 33 Strategy for the realisation of the International Height Reference System (IHRS) and regional/national densifcations. The core network has to space techniques (VLBI, SLR, DORIS and GNSS), and be well materialised and maintained to ensure sustainability GNSS stations belonging to the fducial network of the and long-term stability of the reference frame. The regional International GNSS Service (IGS, Johnston et al. 2017). and national densifcations are to provide local accessibility Afterwards, regional and national experts were asked to to the global frame. The IHRF reference network should be. evaluate whether the preliminary selected sites are suit- able to be included in the IHRF (mainly if gravity data are (a) co-located with fundamental geodetic observatories available or if there are possibilities to survey them), and (Appleby et al. 2015) and reference stations of the to propose additional geodetic sites to improve the density IGRF (Wziontek et al. 2021) to support the connection and distribution of the IHRF stations in their regions/coun- between geometrical (geocentric Cartesian coordinates tries. After the feedback from the regional/national experts, X) and physical (potential W and gravity g) reference the frst approximation to the IHRF reference network is systems, as well as with the time realisation (reference based on about 170 stations (Fig. 10; Sánchez and Barzaghi ); 2020). Currently, this station selection is regularly refned (b) materialised by GNSS continuously operating reference in agreement with changes/updates of other geodetic refer- stations to monitor and detect deformations of the refer- ence frames (ITRF and IGRF and their densifcations). This ence frame; in this case, stations belonging to the ITRF network is the basis for the determination of a preliminary and the regional reference frames like SIRGAS, EPN, IHRF solution as next step in the implementation of the APREF, etc., are preferred; IHRS. Afterwards, regular updates of the IHRF, probably (c) connected with the existing vertical reference frames to synchronised with the release of new ITRF solutions, should facilitate the vertical datum unifcation into the IHRF; be implemented to take account for new stations, coordinate (d) well surveyed with availability of surface gravity data changes with time (Ẋ, Ẇ), and improvements in the estima- around the IHRF reference stations for high-resolution tion of X and W (new observations, better standards, better gravity feld modelling (i.e. precise estimation of W). models, better computation algorithms, etc.). Regional and national densifcations of the global IHRF Based on these criteria, a preliminary station selection for reference network may be established in accordance with the IHRF was performed including primarily the core sta- the particular local needs and the distribution of the GNSS tions of the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS; reference stations. Main requirement is however the avail- Appleby et al. 2015), ITRF sites with at least two co-located ability of surface gravity data of high quality. If regional

−180˚ −120˚ −60˚ 0˚ 60˚ 120˚ 180˚

45˚ 45˚

0˚ 0˚

−45˚ −45˚

THE GENERIC MAPPING TOOLS −180˚ −120˚ −60˚ 0˚ 60˚ 120˚ 180˚

Fig. 10 IHRF reference network (as of October 2020)

1 3 33 Page 26 of 33 L. Sánchez et al.

(quasi-)geoid models of high resolution are available, an transregional applications requiring the consistent connec- IHRF reference station may be installed every 50 km or tion of the local height systems. 100 km. If the region is not well surveyed and additional To ensure the maintenance and availability of the IHRF eforts are necessary to collect surface gravity data, the on a long-term basis, it is necessary to install an operational mean distance between IHRF stations may be increased up and organisational infrastructure, being the IGFS the self- to 500 km. According to Sect. 7.1, the IHRF physical coordi- evident hosting organisation. For instance, one of the main nates should be based on the gravity feld modelling of high lessons learned of the Colorado experiment is the necessity resolution. If it is not possible, the adopted GGM-HR may of assessing the reliability of the IHRF geopotential numbers be used. For higher resolutions and applications requiring estimated by national/regional experts contributing to the accuracies at the millimetre level, high-precise levelling is establishment of the IHRS. This assessment may be per- recommended. In the case, the nearest IHRF station (or sta- formed in diferent ways (see green boxes in Fig. 11): tions) should be used as fducial point to process the level- ling data. In this way, levelling would be utilisable at short (a) By installing auxiliary stations close to the core IHRF distances (up to about 100 km), where the accumulation of stations connected by levelling of high precision to systematic errors is not a critical issue. Large levelling net- have independent data to compare the potential difer- works covering entire countries would not continue being ences obtained with the GBVP solution, in a similar necessary. This option is of course a decision of the national way like the GSVS2017 profle (see Sect. 4.3). agencies responsible for the geodetic reference frame mat- (b) By ensuring redundancy in the computation of IHRF ters. The regional and national IHRF densifcations would geopotential numbers. For this purpose, the IGFS could refer to a specifc IHRF release, including station positions install IHRF analysis centres or associates that are able referring to a certain epoch and station position variations to determine geopotential numbers using input data with time. This is the same procedure used for the release of provided by the national/regional computation centres, updated versions of the ITRF. and then, IGFS and local results can be compared. (c) By calibration of the computation methods used 7.4 Strategy to ensure the usability and long‑term by national/regional experts. For this purpose, the sustainability of the IHRF national/regional experts determine potential values using a certain set of input data and their results are In scientifc applications, the ITRF is the best available plat- compared with results obtained by other processing form for the determination of geometric coordinates (posi- approaches (like in the Colorado experiment). In this tions, trajectories, velocities). It is well accepted and widely case, test input data and results should be managed by used. In practical and non-geodetic applications, the ITRF the IGFS. is automatically accepted and used by everyone employing GNSS techniques and ITRF-based satellite orbits. Regional In addition to the evaluation of the IHRF coordinates, the and national densifcations of the ITRF have been neces- operational infrastructure for the IHRS/IHRF has to take sarily established, because GNSS is today the primary care of (cf. Fig. 11): technique applied for the establishment of geometric refer- ence frames. Discussions about a gravity feld-based world (a) Maintenance of the IHRF reference network in accord- height system or global vertical reference system like the ance with the GGOS Bureau of Networks and Observa- IHRS started 30 years ago, but its realisation became pos- tions (GGOS-BNO), which keeps the updated GGOS sible for the frst time after GRACE and GOCE. However, core site catalogue, and the coordinators of the refer- the accuracy of physical coordinates (geopotential numbers) ence networks for the ITRF, IGRF, and their regional based on the gravity feld modelling (GGM or solution of densifcations, usually kept by the IAG regional sub- the GBVP) is one to two levels worse than in the ITRF. commissions for reference frames and gravity feld In applications requiring high accuracy, geodetic levelling modelling. This activity should be faced by the IHRF continues being the appropriate technique. Consequently, to reference network coordination (see blue boxes in achieve a wide acceptance of the IHRS/IHRF, the accuracy Fig. 11). of IHRF physical coordinates has to be drastically improved. (b) Maintenance of a catalogue with the conventions and In the best case, the IHRF will be involuntarily accepted standards needed for the IHRF. This should consider and used by everyone using GNSS in combination with a a harmonisation with the conventions and standards consistent gravity feld (geopotential) model of high resolu- kept by the GGOS Bureau of Products and Standards tion. Nevertheless, the existing physical height systems will (GGOS-BPO), the IERS Conventions (for the deter- most probably continue in daily use, while the IHRS/IHRF mination of the ITRF), and the standards applied in will be utilisable in global change studies and transnational/ the IGRF and the global gravity feld modelling. This

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Validation of local Input data GGOS-BNO results: (1) redundancy in the compuations, or (2) calibration of GGM Gravity data of high resolution DEM ICGEM BGI + local data centres IDEMS + local models ITRF reference computation method network

IGRF reference IHRF reference IHRF national/regional computation centres network network coordination

IAG regional sub- commissions for reference frames and Products geoid modelling Mean gravity Vertical datum Potential anomalies/ (Quasi)geoid unification values disturbances models GNSS GGOS-BPS parameters values levelling

IHRF conventions IERS conventions IHRF product centre: BGI ISG coordination validation, metadata, outreach

Gravity field specific standards users

Fig. 11 IHRF realisation, maintenance, and servicing within the IGFS

task should be carried out by the IHRF conventions’ 8 Closing remarks coordination (see pink boxes in Fig. 11). (c) The national/regional agencies/entities contributing On the basis of this paper, we realise that the implementa- to the realisation of the IHRF in their regions may be tion of a global reference system for physical heights as the declared as IHRF national/regional computation cen- IHRS is a big challenge and requires the support of a wide tres (dark blue box in Fig. 11). The input data would scientifc community. Thus, the installation of the IHRS/ then be provided by existing IAG gravity feld services IHRF is only possible within a global and well-structured and local data centres; e.g. GGM are provided by organisation like the IAG. A lot of work is required. A ICGEM and surface gravity data are provided by the source of inspiration is the ITRF. If we compare the initial Bureau Gravimétrique International (BGI) and refned/ version of the ITRF (ITRF0; Boucher and Altamimi 1989) complemented with gravity data available at local data with the most recent one (ITRF2014; Altamimi et al. 2016), centres. In a similar way, one can proceed with digital the huge improvement is evident. The ITRF0 included sta- elevation models (see violet box in Fig. 11). tion positions only (station velocities were taken from a (d) In an ideal data fow scheme, the national/regional geological-geophysical plate tectonic model), there were as IHRF computation centres would provide the IGFS many coordinate sets for each station as unsolicited analy- with the following products (cyan box in Fig. 11): sis centres processing that station, the conversion to ellip- potential values at the IHRF reference stations; ver- soidal coordinates used arbitrary values for the ellipsoid tical datum unifcation parameters (to transform the constants (the GRS80 was not always considered), station existing local height systems to the IHRF); mean grav- positions presented a precision from ± 11 to ± 60 mm, etc. ity anomalies or disturbances (without violating data The ITRF2014 is totally diferent: standardised computa- confdentiality but contributing to the determination tion, various processing and combination centres, station of improved GGMs); and regional (quasi-)geoid mod- positions, and motions with accuracy at the millimetre level. els of high resolution. The mean gravity anomalies (or Following this example, we are confdent that once we have disturbances) and the (quasi-)geoid models would be implemented a frst approximation to the IHRF, it can be then managed by BGI and the International Service improved by considering more and more details that at the for the Geoid (ISG), respectively. For the combination beginning may represent unsolvable obstacles. of the regional/national solutions, validation, storage, In the near future, we aim at comparing the Colorado management, and servicing of potential values at IHRF results at diferent stages of the computation. In this study, stations and vertical datum parameters, the IGFS would we compare the potential values inferred from the very have to establish a new element, which could be called fnal (quasi-)geoid models. In the next iteration, we have to IHRF product centre (see magenta boxes in Fig. 11). examine in detail the treatment of input data and especially,

1 3 33 Page 28 of 33 L. Sánchez et al. the processing of the airborne gravity data, the handling tion of the Stokes function. RCR procedure with the of terrain efects, and the relative weighting of GGM, ter- GGM xGEOID17B, terrestrial and airborne gravity, and restrial gravity data, and airborne gravity data. We need to topography reductions based on the SRTM v.4.1 model. quantify how much of the discrepancies between the solu- Solution 4: Computed at the Laboratory of Gravity tions is related to the treatment of the data, and how much is Field Research and Applications, Department of Geod- related to the diferent approaches. The latter is of particular esy and Surveying, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki importance if we go for a worldwide distributed process- (AUTh), Greece. Processing details in Grigoriadis et al. ing of potential data (i.e. national/regional processing cen- (2021). Scalar-free GBVP after Molodensky’s Theory tres computing IHRF physical coordinates). This should be with a 1D-FFT Stokes integration using a Wong–Gore complemented with appropriate strategies for error analy- kernel modifcation based on GNSS/levelling data. RCR sis and validation to infer reliable accuracy values for the procedure with the GGM XGM2016 (up to degree 719), potential coordinates. Simultaneously, we will compute an terrestrial and airborne gravity, and RTM terrain reduc- initial quasi-stationary solution for the IHRF reference net- tions from the model SRTM v.4.1 using the spectral work shown in Fig. 10 following the strategy described in approach proposed in Rexer et al. (2016). Sect. 7.1. Once this quasi-stationary solution is available, Solution 5: Computed at the Chinese Academy of Sur- we have to identify a suitable methodology for the deter- veying and Mapping (CASM), Beijing, China. Process- mination and modelling of the potential coordinate changes ing details in Jiang and Wang (2016). Scalar-free GBVP with time. after Molodensky’s Theory using a least-squares modi- fcation of Stokes’ formula with additive corrections (LSMSA) algorithm (Sjöberg 2003, 2005). RCR pro- Appendix 1. Processing strategies utilised cedure using the GGM GOCO05S (Mayer-Gürr et al. in the Colorado experiment 2015) and terrestrial and airborne gravity. Solution 6: Computed at the Istanbul Technical Uni- In the following, we provide the main characteristics of the versity, Gravity Research Group (ITU), Istanbul, Tur- (quasi-)geoid models contributing to the Colorado experi- key. Processing details in Işık et al. (2021). Scalar-free ment (cf. Wang et al. 2021, Appendix 2). They are identifed GBVP after Molodensky’s Theory using an unbiased with sequence numbers that are used in the comparisons version of least-squares modifcation of Stokes’ formula presented in Sect. 4. with additive corrections (LSMSA) algorithm (Sjöberg 2003). RCR procedure using the GGM XGM2016 (up Solution 1: Computed at the School of Earth and Plan- to degree 719) and terrestrial and airborne gravity. etary Sciences, Curtin University (Curtin), Perth, Aus- Solution 7: Computed at the University of Gävle, Lant- tralia. Processing details in Claessens and Filmer (2020). mäteriet (Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registra- Scalar-free GBVP after Molodenky’s Theory using tion authority) and Royal Institute of Stockholm (KTH), 1D-FFT Stokes integration with deterministically modi- Sweden. Processing details in Ågren et al. (2009). Sca- fed integral kernel based on GNSS/levelling data. RCR lar-free GBVP after Molodensky’s Theory with a least- procedure with the GGM xGEOID17B (Wang et al. squares modifcation of Stokes’ formula with additive 2017), terrestrial and airborne gravity and topography corrections (LSMSA). RCR procedure using the GGM reductions based on the SRTM v.4.1 model. GOCO05S (up to degree 240) and terrestrial and air- Solution 2: Computed at the Technical University of borne gravity. Denmark (DTU), Copenhagen, Denmark. Processing Solution 8: Computed at the New Technologies for the details in Forsberg and Tscherning (1981), Forsberg Information Society, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, (1987), and Forsberg and Featherstone (1998). Scalar-free Czech Republic and the Faculty of Geodesy, University GBVP after Molodenky’s Theory using spherical FFT of Zagreb, Zagreb, Republic of Croatia (NTIS-GEOF). with a Wong–Gore modifed Stokes function for a low- Processing details in Varga et al. (2021). Scalar-free wavelength cut-of transition band at harmonic degrees GBVP after Molodensky’s Theory with a least-squares 180–190. RCR procedure with the GGM XGM2016 (up modifcation of Stokes’ formula with additive corrections to degree 360), terrestrial and airborne gravity, and RTM (LSMSA). RCR procedure using the GGM XGM2016 terrain reductions from an averaged 9″ SRTM digital (up to degree 500) and terrestrial and airborne gravity. elevation model. Solution 9: Computed at the Deutsches Geodätisches Solution 3: Computed at the National Geodetic Sur- Forschungsinstitut, Technical University of Munich vey (NGS), Silver Spring, MD, USA. Processing (DGFI-TUM), Germany. Processing details in Liu et al. details in Wang et al. (2020). Scalar-free GBVP after (2020). Fixed GBVP with spherical radial basis functions Molodensky’s Theory with a Wong–Gore modifca- (SRBF). RCR with the GGM XGM2016, terrestrial and

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airborne gravity, and topography efects from the models sincerely thank the members of these sub-commission and working and dV_ELL_Earth2014 and ERTM2160. study groups for their invaluable support. The authors are especially Solution 10 indebted to the colleagues participating in the Colorado experiment for : Computed at the Institute of Astronomi- submitting their (quasi-)geoid models, which are the basis of the poten- cal and Physical Geodesy (IAPG), Technical University tial values utilised in Sect. 4. The authors also highly appreciate the Munich, Germany. Processing details in Willberg et al. contribution of Marc Véronneau (Canadian Geodetic Survey, Surveyor (2019, 2020). Fixed GBVP with a one-step residual least- General Branch, Natural Resources Canada), who calculated the terrain roughness term for the refned determination of geoid-based potential squares collocation, including full covariance informa- values at the GSVS17 benchmarks (see Sect. 4.4). The co-author QL tion from the GGM. RCR procedure using XGM2018 (a acknowledges the fnancial support from the project ‘Optimally com- slightly modifed version of XGM2016), terrestrial and bined regional geoid models for the realisation of height systems in airborne gravity, and the models dV_ELL_Earth2014 and developing countries’ (Grant No. SCHM 2433/11-1) funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The maps in this paper were ERTM2160 for the topographic induced gravity. compiled using the GMT (Generic Mapping Tools) software package Solution 11: Computed at the Politecnico di Milano (Wessel et al. 2013). The authors thank three anonymous reviewers (Polimi), Italy. Processing details in Grigoriadis et al. for their time, constructive suggestions, and comments, which helped (2021). Scalar-free GBVP after Molodensky’s Theory improving the initial version of this manuscript. using LSC. RCR procedure with the GGM XGM2016 (up Author contributions LS, JÅ, JH, YMW, RP, RB, and GSV devel- to degree 719), terrestrial and airborne gravity, and RTM oped the concept for the realisation of the IHRS. JM developed the terrain reductions from the model SRTM v.4.1 using the concept and the formulas for the treatment of the permanent tide spectral approach proposed in Rexer et al. (2016). within the IHRF (Sect. 6.2). KA compared the model based with Solution 12: Computed at the Geospatial Information the levelling-based potential diferences along the GSVS17 profle (Sect. 4.3). QL computed the combined model XGM2016 + dV_ell_ Authority of Japan (GSI), Tsukuba, Japan. Processing Earth2014 + ERTM2160 and computed the potential coordinates from details in Matsuo and Forsberg (2021). Scalar-free GBVP the GGM-HRs. LS compared the potential values inferred from the after Stokes’ Theory using Helmert’s second method of regional Colorado solutions with each other and with the GGM-HRs, condensation of the topography and the hybrid Meissl- coordinated the station selection for the IHRF reference network, and prepared the frst draft of the paper. All authors contributed to the dis- Molodensky modifed spheroidal Stokes kernel. RCR cussion, review and editing, and approved the fnal manuscript. procedure with the GGM XGM2016 (up to degree 719), terrestrial and airborne gravity, and a RTM correction Funding This research received no external funding. APCs were cov- based on the SRTM v.4.1 model. Transformation from N ered by the German DEAL agreement. to using the Bouguer anomaly-based term. Data availability Solution 13: Computed at the Canadian Geodetic Sur- Global gravity models and global topography mod- els are available at the International Centre for Global Earth Models vey (CGS), Nature Resources Canada, Ottawa, Canada. (ICGEM, http://icgem.gfz-potsd​ am.de/home​ ). Some Colorado (quasi-) Processing details in Huang and Véronneau (2013). geoid models are available at the International Service for the Geoid Scalar-free GBVP after Stokes’ Theory with a modifed (ISG, http://www.isgeo​id.polim​i.it/Geoid​/Ameri​ca/USA/reg_listC​ degree-banded Stokes kernel. Spectral combination of OLORA​DO.html). The airborne gravity data are available at the US National Geodetic Survey (https​://www.ngs.noaa.gov/GRAV-D/data_ the GGM xGEOID17B (up to degree 150 from where ms05.shtml​). it goes into transition with the surface gravity data up to degree 210) and terrestrial and airborne gravity (between Compliance with ethical standards degrees 210 and 790 with smooth transition at each end) with SRTM v4.1 model (to complete the geoid frequen- Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no confict of cies up to degree 10,800). Transformation from N to interest. applying the usual the Bouguer anomaly-based term and Open Access a refned approximation including the terrain correction This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri- bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta- to the Bouguer plate (see Sect. 4.4). tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes Acknowledgements This study was possible thanks to a strong inter- were made. The images or other third party material in this article are national cooperation coordinated within IAG, in particular, the Focus included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated Area Unifed Height System of the Global Geodetic Observing System otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in (GGOS) and its working group 0.1.2: Strategy for the realisation of the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not the IHRS (Sánchez 2019; Sánchez and Barzaghi 2020); the IAG Sub- permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will commission 2.2: Methodology for geoid and physical height systems need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a (Ågren and Ellmann 2019); the joint working group 2.2.2: The 1-cm copy of this licence, visit http://creativeco​ mmons​ .org/licen​ ses/by/4.0/​ . geoid experiment in Colorado (Wang and Forsberg 2019); and the study group 0.15: Regional geoid/quasi-geoid modelling—Theoretical frame- work for the sub-centimetre accuracy of the IAG Inter-Commission Committee on Theory—ICCT (Huang and Wang 2019). The authors

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