Cobalamins and Nitrous Oxide: a Review

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Cobalamins and Nitrous Oxide: a Review

J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.33.10.909 on 1 October 1980. Downloaded from

J Clin Pathol 1980;33:909-916

Cobalamins and : a review

I CHANARIN From the Department of Haematology, MRC Clinical Research Centre, Harrow, Middlesex, UK

The anaesthetic , nitrous oxide (N20), once is not more rapid if B12 is supplied, suggesting that regarded as chemically inert, oxidises some forms of new apoenzyme needs to be synthesised. B12. It does this both when used clinically and in the test tube, and the action is remarkably Clinical observations selective. As far as we know, no other pathway or substance is affected except as a result of damage to The first clinical report of toxicity that could be vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 that has been oxidised in ascribed to N20 was that of Lassen et al. in 1956,3 this way no longer functions as a coenzyme. Thus who used a 50% N20/oxygen mixture as well as other the effect of N20 presents the biochemist and agents to control the spasms in patients with tetanus. haematologist with a remarkable tool with which Treatment was continued for up to six days. Two of to explore the mode of action of vitamin B12. the patients died, and pancytopenias appeared in It presents the neurologist and neuropathologist most of the patients accompanied by megaloblastic with a new probe into the mechanism of vitamin B12 haemopoiesis demonstrated by marrow aspiration. neuropathy, and finally it is a new tool with which The marrow, indeed, was indistinguishable from that to explore the complex field of vitamin B12- in untreated pernicious anaemia. A similar experi- interrelations. ence was reported in a further case from Australia.4 The purpose of this review is to discuss current Amess et al.,5 in studying the effects of N20 copyright. work in these fields. No attempt is made to discuss during and after open heart surgery, found that the N20 from the viewpoint of an anaesthetic agent, marrow was megaloblastic and, by use of the andthereviewdeals onlywith theeffect on vitaminB12. deoxyuridine suppression test, they showed that the pattern of behaviour was similar to that of marrow Chemistry in untreated pernicious anaemia where there is some return towards normality in the test by the addition

In vitro a relationship between vitamin B12 and N20 of vitamin B12. There was a greater improvement on was demonstrated by Banks et al.l and others.2 the addition of folate. Vitamin B12 is one of a group of transition-metal At about the same time reports of a neuropathy in complexes having a metallic ion linked directly to those exposed to excess amounts of N20 began to an organic compound. These are able to activate appear in the medical literature. By far the largest N20, releasing free nitrogen and oxygen. The B12 group were dentists who had developed some itself is changed rapidly from the reduced addiction to N20 inhalation, but a dentist and his cob(I)alamin or B12. form to the oxidised assistant, who were exposed to N20 from a leak in cob(III)alamin or Bl2a form, a change accompanied defective anaesthetic equipment, were both affected, on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected by rapid conversion of the grey-green colour of as was a young lady who obtained her N20 from cob(I)alamin to a reddish-brown colour due to a capsules designed to produce whipped cream in the mixture of cob(II) and cob(III)alamin. The latter is home.6-9 inactive in such pathways as synthetase, The commonest early symptom was numbness and which require cobalt in the fully reduced state. tingling in the hands or feet. A few noticed loss of dexterity of the fingers, poor balance, or leg weakness. Cob(I)alamin + N20-- Cob(III)alamin + H20 + N2 -+ One patient first noticed continuous twitching of Cob(III)alamin + cob(I)alamin 2 cob(II)alamin two toes on one foot. At first the numbness tended In the intact animal it is likely that the as to be patchy but symmetrical. Eventually numbness well as the coenzyme (B12) is damaged, presumably of the legs was present in all the patients, and in most secondary to damage to the B12, because recovery the hands were also affected. Many became unsteady from N20 exposure takes several days, and recovery because of sensory loss and about half were unable to walk unassisted. Neck flexion produced a shock Received for publication 31 March 1980 sensation radiating down to the legs or, in one case, 909 J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.33.10.909 on 1 October 1980. Downloaded from

910 Chanarin the arms (Lhermitte sign). Impotence, difficulty General remarks with micturition, and constipation were common. Half the patients were depressed with impaired Vitamin B12 functions as a coenzyme. Ten enzy- memory and had difficulty in thinking clearly. Ten matic reactions have been identified requiring out of 15 patients had to stop work as a result of adenosylcobalamin but only one, methylmalonyl- their neuropathy.6 CoA mutase, occurs in mammals including man." Examination in the early stages showed only Several reactions require a second B12 analogue, reduced knee and ankle jerks and slight loss of methylcobalamin, but only one of these pathways, touch and vibration sense in the extremities. methionine synthetase, has been found in mammals. Subsequently, the tendon reflexes became brisk Either independently of these reactions, or through with a positive Babinski sign. This was accompanied their agency, vitamin B12 is necessary for the normal by severe loss of sensation affecting limbs and trunk, functioning of the folate coenzymes. Thus N20 positive Romberg sign, and a wide-based ataxic gait. affects not only the B12 coenzymes but also the folate Electromyography showed denervation, and motor coenzymes. nerve conduction tests reduced conduction velocity Diseases due to B12 deficiency occur in man and in all patients tested. Sensory nerve testing showed a in ruminants grazed on cobalt-deficient pastures. reduced amplitude or increased latency of evoked Neither has proved to be an ideal model for study, potentials in five out of six cases. man because therapy rapidly reverses the picture Examination of was generally and because, for ethical reasons, tissues such as normal (one patient had increased ). The liver are not normally available, and ruminants serum vitamin B12 level was normal in seven cases because their size makes them too awkward to but was 170 and 185 pg/ml in two others. Absorption manage, although valuable studies have been carried of vitamin B12 was normal. One patient had hyper- out on sheep in Australia.1213 Dietary depletion can segmented neutrophils in the blood film. produce partial B12 deficiency in rats, and a clean A large survey has been carried out in the USA fruit leads to B12 neuropathy in fruit bats.14 among dentists who use N20 for anaesthesia as Man alone, however, develops a megaloblastic compared to those who do not. In male dentists anaemia after B12 deficiency, and ultimately we will copyright. using N20 there was a 75 % increase in liver disease, have to look to human data to resolve this problem. a 70% increase in neurological disease, and a 55 % At the time of writing, the effects of N20 are being increase in spontaneous abortion in their wives as studied to a variable extent in man, monkey, rat, compared to the control group.10 Among female mouse, fruit bat, and some bacteria. dental assistants exposed to N20 there was, in addition, a 155 % increase in the abortion rate, an EFFECTS OF N20 ON VITAMIN B12 MEDIATED

80 % increase in congenital malformations, and even PATHWAYS a 90 % increase in cancer as compared to controls. These reports have stimulated considerable interest Methionine synthetase and even some activity. An understanding of the In this reaction takes up a methyl effect of N20 may be important for several reasons: group to form methionine. The source of the methyl 1 N20, if it could be used safely, is a valuable and is usually either the al-carbon of or the potent analgesic, particularly in severely injured o-carbon of . The carbon unit is taken up by patients, after major surgery, and in child birth. folate to form 5,10-methylenetetrahydropteroyl- Is there some way in which the toxic effects of pentaglutamate. Thereafter the methylene (-CH2-) on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected prolonged use can be prevented? is reduced to methyl (CH3-) to give 5-methyl- 2 What are the consequences of exposure to low tetrahydropteroylpentaglutamate, the methyl is then levels of N20 over relatively long periods of time, transferred to cob(I)alamin to give methylcobalamin, as may occur among staff working in operating and this is the final methyl donor. theatres in both general surgery and dentistry? Direct assay of enzyme activity in the liver of 3 What are the biochemical consequences of Sprague-Dawley rats exposed to a 50% N20/oxygen B12 inactivation in man and the experimental mixture showed a substantial fall after 30 minutes' animal, and does it offer a model in which to exposure, and after 6 hours methionine synthetase study the effects of B12 deficiency, including the activity was at a virtually zero level.'5 16 The levels changes in the nervous system and the effects on remain virtually undetectable for as long as exposure folate ? to N20 is continued, this particular study being 4 Are the analgesic and para-anaesthetic effects terminated after 15 days. Recovery of activity after influenced by the same or different pathways withdrawal of N20 is relatively slow, there being a from those that affect B12 ? steady restoration over not less than four days. J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.33.10.909 on 1 October 1980. Downloaded from

Cobalamins and nitrous oxide: a review 911 Brain methionine synthetase is depressed to an equal N20, implying a reduced cobalt derivative in the degree, and this too persists throughout the period adenosylcobalamin.2' It does not occur in mammals. of exposure to N20.17 There is no accompanying homocysteinuria. Kondo et al.18 preceded exposure EFFECTS OF N20 ON FOLATE AND FOLATE to N20 with an injection of 57Co-B12. Chromato- COENZYMES graphy was used to separate labelled B12 on the hepatic mutase and synthetase. With N20 exposure Hepatic uptake of injectedfolate there was a steady fall in labelled B12 in the position Using mice, McGing et al.22 showed that 3H-labelled of methionine synthetase. pteroylglutamic acid (3H-PteGlu), given intraperi- The long recovery period after withdrawal of N20 toneally, was taken up poorly by liver after N20 suggests that the apoenzyme is degraded after loss of inhalation. The uptake after N20 was reduced to B12, and the delay in recovery is due to synthesis of only 40% of the amount taken up by controls. The new apoenzymes. hepatic uptake of physiological folate analogues is also impaired after N20 inhalation.23 The results in Methylmalonyl-CoA-mutase Table 1 show that 21 % of tetrahydropteroyl- The conversion of methylmalonic acid (MMA) to (H4PteGlu) was taken up by liver as succinic acid requires adenosylcobalamin as compared to the uptake in a control animal. The coenzyme. MMA arises from metabolism of normal transport form of folate is 5-methyltetra- propionic acid, , , and . It hydrofolic acid (5-CH3-H4PteGlu) and, following may be excreted in the urine in B12 deficiency, N20, its hepatic uptake was reduced to 38 % of the particularly if a precursor substance has been given. uptake in an untreated animal. The formylfolates MMA was not detected other than in trace amounts are less affected, values ranging from 56 to 69% of in the urine of rats exposed to N20 even after an that in controls. injection of propionic acid, whereas a group of rats on a B12-deficient diet increased their excretion from Table 1 Uptake of labelledfolate analogues, given 0O1 mg to 36 mg in 24 hours.15 It was concluded that intraperitoneally to rats, by liver and their conversion the form of B12 in this reaction was not susceptible into folatepolyglutamate23 copyright. to the oxidative action of N20.This could be because Folate IP % IP folate in liver % IP folate as the reaction did not require a reduced cobalamin. polyglutamate methionine is a cytosol enzyme Although synthetase 001 J.mol Control N2O- C/N20% Control Treated and the mutase a mitochondrial one, this is probably treated not a likely explanation for the difference in behav- H4PteGlu 3-7 0 78 (21) 55 0 iour as N20 readily penetrates cell organelles such as 5CHH4PteGlu 4-2 1-6 (38) 42 0 mitochondria. Kondo et al.18 confirmed that in liver 5CHOH3PteGlu 5-3 2-96 (56) 52 49 10CHOH4PteG1u 6-7 4-63 (69) 52 46 from an animal given 57Co-B12 the radioactivity on 5,1OCHH4PteGlu 5 06 3-47 (69) 55 59 the mutase remained intact, unlike that on the synthetase. A report that there is an increased excretion of MMA in mice receiving 80%N20 has been withdrawn.'9 Synthesis offolatepolyglutamate The active form of folate functioning as a coenzyme levels is a polyglutamate, that is, it has additional glutamic Vitamin B12 coenzyme on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected The loss of methylcobalamin in rat liver and the acid residues, usually four, to form a pentaglutamate. maintenance of B12 on the mutase, presumably The glutamic acid chain serves to attach the adenosylcobalamin, demonstrated by Kondo et al.18 coenzyme to the apoenzyme. The enzyme adding on has been mentioned. Patients developing neuropathy glutamic acid units, folatepolyglutamate synthetase due to N20 inhalation generally have normal serum or ligase, is present in all cells. After N20 McGing B12 levels.7 Linnell et al.20 exposed human lympho- et al.22 found a decline in polyglutamate formation in cytes, which had been incubated with phytohaemag- the livers of mice given the oxidised PteGlu, and the glutinin and 57Co-B12 for 72 hours, to 60 seconds' results in rats, again with physiological analogues, N20. This was followed by a decline in the amount are shown in Table 1. There was no detectable of methylcobalamin in the cell while the level of polyglutamate formation with either H4PteGlu or adenosylcobalamin was maintained. 5-CH3-H4PteGlu as substrates. However, folate polyglutamate formation was entirely normal when ammonia-lyase formyltetrahydrofolate (CHO-H4PteGlu) was given. This clostridial enzyme converts ethanolamine to The data indicate that polyglutamate formation . It too is inactivated by exposure to itself is unaffected by inactivation of B12, and the 1** J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.33.10.909 on 1 October 1980. Downloaded from

912 Chanarin results imply that B12 is concerned in the provision Total folate of the correct substrate for polyglutamate synthesis. 6- The data further imply that the correct substrate is formyltetrahydrofolate. By implication B12 is con- z 0 cerned in this formulation step. 3 44 0a Serum folate levels 2 2 The serum folate level is usually normal in untreated L.casei °s1 - pernicious anaemia, but in some patients the serum ------P.cerevisiae in rats Lumb level is increased. After N20 inhalation O - et al. (unpublished observations) found a very 0 2 4 6 8 10 marked increase in serum folate level within several Days of N20 exposure hours of exposure, and this level remained elevated Fig. 1 Rats were maintained in a nitrous oxide/oxygen while N20 inhalation was continued. 5-Methyl- (1/1) atmosphere for 10 days, carbon dioxide being tetrahydrofolate undergoes an enterohepatic circula- removed and water vapour monitored. Animals were tion, and the rise in serum methylfolate level appears removed in batches of three, and livers were assayedfor to be due to interruption of the enterohepatic cycle folate content by microbiological assay. The markedfall by the impaired uptake of the methylfolate by liver in hepatic folate throughout the period of exposure is (see Table 1). shown.

Liver folate 5, CH3 H4 Pte Glux The liver is a major site of folate metabolism and 6- holds half or more of the folate in the body. The amount and form of folate in liver following N20 was of interest because it provided an opportunity for testing the 'methylfolate trap hypothesis'.2425 This states that failure of the methionine copyright. hypothesis -k O\f >"-&, Total synthetase reaction, in which the methyl group of 0 ,' \ methylfolate is transferred to homocysteine, leads to ._> 2 - ***.-4 an accumulation of methylfolate and hence to lack I-/ _ Free of other folate analogues. Elevation of serum folate '~- sPolyglutamate may occur in untreated pernicious anaemia and O - --I favours the concept of accumulation of methylfolate 0 1 2 3 but the red cell folate is reduced in two-thirds of patients so that there is no pile-up of methylfolate at Days of N20 exposure this site. It has proved ethically impossible to obtain Fig. 2 Experiment as described in the legend to pretreatment tissues from other sites, such as liver Figure 1. The assay results with P.[cerevisiae have been biopsy material, in untreated pernicious anaemia to subtractedfrom the values obtained with L. casei. In test the hypothesis further. addition, samples have been assayed before (free folate) and after exposure to conjugase enzyme which removes Inactivation of the methionine synthetase path by acid residues in excess of one from folate N20 offered an opportunity to determine if, in fact, glutamic polyglutamate. There is a rise in the level of on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected methylfolate was trapped or whether it was metab- 5-methyltetrahydropteroylpolyglutamate 24 hours after olised by means other than through the homo- N20 exposure but thereafter this declines. There is no -methionine reaction. transient rise in the free folate level. Figure 1 shows that rats maintained in an atmos- phere of 50% N20/50 % oxygen for 10 days lose folate continuously from the liver.26 This loss amounts to 5-methyltetrahydropteroylpolyglutamates at 24 hours 50% of total folate in the first 48 hours and to 75% but no rise of monoglutamates. This rise, however, of folate after 10 days. The rate of loss is greatest disappears at 48 hours. The accumulation of with supporting the growth of Lactobacillus methylpolyglutamate is due to cessation of methion- casei (methyltetrahydrofolate as well as other mono- ine synthetase activity. There is no 'trapping' at the glutamate analogues) and is less rapid with monoglutamate level as postulated in the hypothesis Pediococcus cerevisiae-active folates (reduced folate and hence the reaction cannot be concerned with analogues other than methylfolate). provision of the substrate for folate polyglutamate More detailed analysis of methylfolates over the synthesis. Secondly, the trapping, which not unex- first three days (Fig. 2) shows that there is a rise in pectedly occurs at the polyglutamate or active J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.33.10.909 on 1 October 1980. Downloaded from

Cobalamins and nitrous oxide: a review 913 coenzyme level, is transient. At 48 hours the methyl- that is, the tubes with 3H-thymidine but without polyglutamate has been metabolised through other deoxyuridine (= 100% value in the test) also pathways, one of which may be the oxidation of the contained whatever other additives had been added methyl group back to methylene via methylene- to the test mixture. Table 2 shows that the addition tetrahydrofolate reductase, a reaction which has of B12 produced no significant improvement, unlike been demonstrated in vitro in relation to the situation in man and monkey,32 and the greatest of biogenic .27-29 improvement followed the addition of formyltetra- This spectacular fall in hepatic folate is in part due hydrofolates. H4PteGlu produced relatively poor to interruption of the enterohepatic circulation of improvement in the methylation of deoxyuridine methyltetrahydrofolate. Liver methylfolate is and methylfolate, and PteGlu no improvement. excreted into bile and thence into small gut where it Thus those folate analogues that overcame the block is reabsorbed and again taken up by the liver. The in folate polyglutamate synthesis in the N20-treated hepatic uptake ofmethylfolate after an intraperitoneal rat were also the most effective in restoring a more injection in an N20-treated rat is reduced to one- normal deoxyuridine utilisation. third of that in control animals. The second factor leading to a fall in hepatic folate after exposure to Table 2 Results of the deoxyuridine suppression test N20 is a virtual cessation of polyglutamate synthesis with marrow cells in control and N20-treated rats and the from methylfolate. effect of addition of hydroxocobalanin and/or folate analogues Folate in other tissues Controls NO-treated The change in folate levels in kidney, brain, and Additive marrow after exposure to N20 follow the pattern of No. Mean SD No. Mean SD liver, although the fall in total folate levels is not as Nil 40 7-3 1-57 21 15-7 2-46 great. OH-Cbl 8 6-8 1 62 8 150 231 PteGlu 4 6-7 1 17 4 14-7 213 H4PteGlu 8 6-5 0-89 8 12-8 2-02 Folate catabolism 5-CH,-H4PteGlu 8 6-3 1-55 8 14 5 2-86 Themassive loss of folate after N20 implies excretion 5-CHO-H4PteGlu 10 7 5 1-66 10 9-2 1-44 copyright. 10-CHO-H4PteGlu 8 6-2 1-22 8 9-4 1*89 and/or catabolism of folate, but as yet no data have OH-Cbl + PteGlu 4 7-2 189 4 13-8 1-55 been published. OH-Cbl + H4PteGlus 8 74 1 33 8 13-5 2-90 OH-Cbl + 5-CH,-H4PteGlu 8 6-6 1-57 8 14-1 156 OH-Cbl + 5-CHO-H4PteGI l 8 7 5 1 80 8 8-9 1 83 Utilisation ofdeoxyuridine by bone marrow OH-Cbl + 10-CHO-H4PteGlu 8 7-4 1-26 8 12-6 2-58 The utilisation of deoxyuridine for thymidine synthesis, a folate-dependent step, is tested in Results are expressed as: counts with deoxyuridine + [3H]thymidine 100

the deoxyuridine suppression test using bone coJlnts with [3H]thymidine marrow.303' Normal human or rat bone marrow cells will meet more than 90% of their thymidine requirements by methylation of deoxyuridine Utilisation offormate (synthetic path), and less than 10% of 3H-thymidine, Lymphocytes from patients with untreated pernicious added to the marrow cell suspension at a later stage, anaemia fail to synthesise serine from formate and appears in DNA (salvage path). In megaloblastic glycine in a normal manner. These are folate- anaemia there is reduced synthesis of thymidine for dependent reactions. This was improved only after DNA synthesis. Thus the uptake of 3H-thymidine the patient had been treated with vitamin B12.33 4 on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected in megaloblastic anaemia exceeds 10%. Preliminary results with marrow from N20-treated Marrows from patients treated with N20 give an rats showed a marked impairment of this pathway. abnormal deoxyuridine suppression test,5 and in the study of Amess et al. there was a return towards normality on the addition of vitamin B12 to the test VITAMIN B12-FOLATE INTERRELATIONS system. Scott et al.19 reported that bone marrow In a review of intracellular folate metabolism given from rats treated with N20 developed an abnormal at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for deoxyuridine suppression, which, too, was improved Haematology in San Diego, Bertino35 stated that the by addition of B12, PteGlu, and 5-CHOH4PteGlu methylfolate trap was no longer hypothesis, it was but not by the addition of 5-CH3H4PteGlu. fact. As the few new facts that had emerged over the A more detailed examination of the role of folate preceding decade had merely served to cast further analogues in thymidine synthesis in the N20-treated uncertainty around the theory, this was a surprising rat was carried out by Deacon et al.'6 The results statement. The absence of a satisfactory model for (Table 2) were assessed against matched controls, B12 deficiency has made it difficult to explore the J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.33.10.909 on 1 October 1980. Downloaded from 914 Chanarin methylfolate trap hypothesis. The effect of N20, 24 hours' exposure. There was a transient rise in the firstly, as a means of inactivating methionine level of 5-methyltetrahydropteroylpolyglutamate as synthesis and, secondly, blocking the path by which in liver, which then declined, and a fall in total folate, B12 regulates folate metabolism, has provided the the decline being at a slower rate than in liver first convenient opportunity for testing this hypo- (Lumb et al., in preparation). thesis in depth. At the time of writing, the changes in brain are the N20 in the rat causes a transient accumulation of same as the changes in other tissues, and as yet there 5-methyltetrahydropteroylpolyglutamate, and there- is no evidence that B12 neuropathy is based on after either other pathways are induced, which interruption of different pathways from that in liver. brings about further metabolism of methylfolate, or its synthesis is shut off. The latter could occur if HAEMATOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF N20 S-adenosylmethionine, which produces feedback It should be remembered that while folate deficiency inhibition of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, causes megaloblastic anaemia in all species, vitamin were shown to accumulate. This seems unlikely as B12 deficiency causes megaloblastic anaemia only in synthesis of methionine virtually ceases. After this man. Nevertheless the biochemical sequelae of B12 initial stage there is no further evidence of trapping lack are very similar in many species, and these of methylfolate in any tissue. There is a steady include changes in the marrow of the sort measured disappearance of folate from liver, rather than an in the deoxyuridine suppression test. accumulation in any form, and this indicates that Severe neutropenia and thrombocytopenia follow- there is no methylfolate trap. ed the administration of N20 to man over several The effect of N20 is bypassed, as far as folatepoly- days,34 and in the study of Lassen et al., as in that glutamate synthesis and deoxyuridine methylation of Amess et al.,5 it is clear that haemopoiesis had are concerned, by the provision of formyltetra- become megaloblastic. In the study of Amess et al. hydrofolate derivatives. Other folate analogues, and all the patients receiving N20 for 24 hours had particularly unsubstituted tetrahydrofolate, were megaloblastic marrows. Another group received far less effective or not effective at all. Thus the role N20 only during the operation (elsewhere the time is of B12 appears to be in the formulation of tetra- given as less than 10 hours),37 and only three out of copyright. hydrofolate. The source of formate is serine and/or nine had megaloblastic haemopoiesis. One of the glycine, and the formation of serine from 14C-formate patients with neuropathy was noted to have hyper- and glycine was found to be impaired in all 16 segmented neutrophils.7 patients with B12-deficient megaloblastic anaemia Different Ftrains of rat vary in their sensitivity to studied by Tikerpae and Chanarin.34 Further eluci- N20.38 Sprague-Dawley rats develop leucopenia dation of the role of B12 is awaited. within two to three days of exposure to 50% N20. Male LEW/f Mai rats develop marrow hypocellu- NEUROLOGICAL EFFECTS OF N20 larity after three days on 40% N20 but only after The clinical observations indicating that exposure to 14-21 days with 20% N20. There is vacuolation of N20 produces a neuropathy in man have been myeloid precursors. Lymphopenia was an early mentioned earlier in this review. Dinn et al.36 failed feature. Recovery occurred three days after with- to produce neurological changes in rats after eight drawal of N20.39 After about 10 days tolerance to months' exposure to 50% N20. However, they found the effect of 40% N20 developed in the animals. that a monkey, after two months in an N20 atmos- Human marrows collected 24 hours after 50Y% phere, became unsteady and uncoordinated with N20 showed an increased number of cells in the on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected progressive ataxia, and finally the animal was early synthetic phase (S) of DNA synthesis.40 unable to sit up or drink. Histological examination of the spinal cord showed degeneration of both the OTHER EFFECTS OF N20 myelin sheath and axis cylinders in the posterior It is surprising how well rats adjust to 50% N20. columns as well as in the lateral corticospinal and They appear to eat normally and be as lively as spinocerebellar tracts. In several areas of the normal rats. Pope et al.41 exposed Sprague-Dawley posterior columns, entire fibre tracts were replaced rats to 8 hours 50% N20 daily for the 21-day period by groups offatty macrophages giving an appearance of gestation and did not produce fetal loss signifi- of spongy degeneration affecting also the anterior cantly different from that of a control group. There columns. The central grey matter and myelinated was, however, a decrease in average fetal weight tracts bordering it were intact. (common to N20 and other anaesthetic such Biochemically methionine synthetase activity in as and ), and this was rat brain was virtually undetectable 24 hours after accompanied by a decrease in the numbers of 50% N20. It was not measured earlier than after ossification centres in the fetal vertebral columns. J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.33.10.909 on 1 October 1980. Downloaded from

Cobalamins and nitrous oxide: a review 915 However, continuous exposure of pregnant rats to its correction by folate analogues. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 1980;93:516-520. N20 (70-80%) for 24 hours on the ninth day of 18 Kondo H, Osborne M, Podell E, Kolhouse JF, Allen RH. gestation resulted in decreased numbers of fetuses Nitrous oxide (N20) has multiple effects on cobalamin and an increase in fetal malformation.4243 (CBL) metabolism. Blood 1979;54: Supplement 1 ;41a. 19 Scott JM, Reed B, McKenna B, McGing P, McCann S, O'Sullivan H, Wilson P, Weir DG. A study of the Conclusion multiple changes induced in vivo in experimental animals by inactivation vitamin B12 using nitrous oxide. In: This survey indicates that N20 is able to shut off Kisliuk RL, Brown GM, eds. Chemistry and Biology major segments of B12 metabolism in both man and ofPteridines. NY: Elsevier, 1979 ;335-40. 20 Linnell JC, Quadros EV, Matthews DM, Jackson B, animals. Whether all the effects are through inacti- Hoffbrand AV. Nitrous oxide and megaloblastosis: vation of methionine synthetase is not certain, but biochemical mechanism. Lancet 1978;2:1372. this seems unlikely. The nature of other pathways 21 Schrauzer GN, Stadlbauer EA. Ethanolamine ammonia- involved is being studied. lyase: Inactivation of the holoenzyme by N20 and the mechanism of action of coenzyme B12. Bioinorg Chem 1975;4:185-98. References 22 McGing P, Reed B, Weir DG, Scott JM. The effect of vitamin B12 inhibition in vivo: impaired folate poly- Banks RGS, Henderson RJ, Pratt JM. Reactions of gases glutamate indicating that 5-methyltetra- in solution. Part III. Some reactions of nitrous oxide hydropteroylglutamate is not its usual substrate. with transition-metal complexes. J Chem Soc (A) 1968; Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1978 ;82:540-6. 2886-9. 23 Perry J, Chanarin I, Deacon R, Lumb M. The substrate 2Blackburn R, Kyaw M. Reaction of cob(I)alamin with for folate polyglutamate biosynthesis in the vitamin B12- nitrous oxide and cob(llI)alamin. J Chem Soc Faraday inactivated rat. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1979;91: Transactions 1977;73:250-5. 678-84. 3 Lassen HCA, Henriksen E, Neukirch F, Kristensen HSK. 24 Herbert V, Zalusky R. Interrelation of vitamin B12 and Treatment of tetanus. Severe bone-marrow depression folic acid metabolism: folic acid clearance studies. after prolonged nitrous-oxide anaesthesia. Lancet 1956; J Clin Invest 1962;41:1263-76. 1:527-30. 25 Noronha JM, Silverman M. On folic acid, vitamin B12, 4Wilson P, Martin FIR, Last PM. Bone-marrow depres- methionine and metabolism.

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