Ж.И. Текова Russian Loanwords in Modern English Many Languages
ies one may confi dently state that there are signifi cant infl uences of Egyptian culture on the developing unique monotheistic culture of ancient Israel. Библиографический список: 1. Astapova O.R. The sacred realm and royal priesthood in religious and politi- cal traditions of the Ancient Near East: Egypt, Mesopotamia, Israel: dissertation [Svyashchennoe tsarstvo i tsarstvennoe svyashchenstvo v religiozno-politiches- koitraditsii Drevnego Blizhnego Vostoka: Egipet, Mesopotamiya, Izrail’: diss. k. istor. n.], M., 2009. 364 p. 2. Korostovtsev M.A. Ancient Egypt and the cosmogony of ancient Jews [“Drev- nii Egipet i kosmogoniya drevnikh iudeev”] // Palestinskii sbornik. 1974. No. 25(88), pp. 20-31. 3. Brugsh G. All about Egypt [Vse o Egipte], Zolotoi vek, M., 2000. 672 p. 4. Sinilo G.V. The ancient literature of the Middle East and the world of Tanach [Drevnie literatury Blizhnego Vostoka i mir Tanakha], Flinta, MPSI, Moscow, 2000. 848 p. Ж.И. Текова 3 курс, Высшая школа политического управления и инновационного менеджмента науч. рук. доц. М.В. Крат Russian Loanwords in Modern English Many languages, including English, contain words most likely bor- rowed from the Russian language. Not all the words are of truly Russian or Slavic origin. Some of them co-exist in other Slavic languages and it is diffi cult to decide whether they made English from Russian or, say, from Bul- garian. Some other words are borrowed or constructed from the classical an- cient languages, such as Latin or Greek. Still others are themselves borrowed from indigenous peoples that Russians have come into contact with in the Russian or Soviet territory.
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