Institut für Ethnologie und Afrikastudien Department of Anthropology and African Studies Arbeitspapiere / Working Papers Nr. 56 Sophia Thubauville Maale Material Objects in Their Social and Ritual Context 2005 The Working Papers are edited by Institut für Ethnologie und Afrikastudien, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Forum 6, D-55099 Mainz, Germany. Tel. +49-6131-392.3720, Email:
[email protected]; Geschäftsführender Herausgeber/ Managing Editor: Nikolaus Schareika (
[email protected]) Maale Material Objects in Their Social and Ritual Context by Sophia Thubauville Mainz, April 2004 Table of Contents List of Maps, Figures and Pictures IV Acknowledgements VI I. Introduction 1 1. Minimalism and Ethnography – Exploring the Aesthetics 1 of Order, Measure, Proportion and Harmony 2. On Materiality – the Fascination of Axes, Coats and Wheat 4 3. The Organization of the Text 6 4. Publications about Maale 9 II. Field Research in Maale 11 1. How I Came to Study Maale Culture 11 2. Places and Friends 12 3. Problems in the Field 15 4. Methods of Research 17 III. Basic Features of Maale Culture 19 1. The Habitat and the People 19 2. Language 24 3. History 25 4. Social Organization 27 5. Economy 29 6. Political Institutions 31 7. Religion 32 IV. Houses and Their Material Contents 35 1. Houses – Variations in Vernacular Architecture 35 1.1. Building a House 35 1.1.1. In the Highlands 35 1.1.2. In the Lowlands 38 1.2. Different Houses for Different Purposes 41 1.2.1. Ket’so – a Woman’s Domain 41 1.2.2.