Acla Agrophysica, 2002, 67, 15-23 ZOOGEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS OF THE BYELORUSSIAN POLESYE BEETLE FAUNA (INSECTA, COLEOPTERA) l 2 o.R. Aleksandrowicz , SA Kap/sil/h IDepartment of Ecology and Environmental Protection, Universily ofWarmia and Mazuria Żo łnierska str. J4, 10-561 , Olsztyn, Poland,
[email protected] 2Maxim Tank Byelorussian Stale Pedagogieal University, Oepartment ofZoology Sovietskaya sIr. 18, 220050 Minsk, Byelonlss ia, sergey _1975 @mail,ru A b s t r a c t. UnIi I the present limes the Byeloru5sian Polesye therc arc 2 J 07 species belonging to 87 families one or which 219 species are can be found only herc. The bectle fauna oflhe Polesie is of a mixed origin, with the predominance ors pecies descending from the Ancient Mediterranean Di strict (65,4 %). The speci es from the East-European Sorcal District are less numerOlI S (33,2 %). The beetle fauna can be llsed to allocatc the Polesie as an independent zoogeographical region ofthe East European Province or the European-Ob $ubarea ar the European-Siberian Area ar the Pa laearctic Subkingdom ofthe Holarctic Kingdom . K e y w o r d s: Coleoptera, zoogeography , Byelorussi an Polesye INTRODUCTION The speeies diversity and the num ber of the speeimens made beetles the main group among animals. This group oeeupies all bioeenosis and takes part in the funetioning of water and ground eeosystems. Until the present times in the terri tory of the Byelorussian Polesye 2107 speeies belonging to 87 famili es out of whieh 2 19 speeies are found out only are known [I]. MATERlAL AND METHODS This researeh is an investigation of fauna (1975-2000 years), earried out in the territory of Byelorussia and the Bryansk distriet of Russia.