Carabidae (Insecta: Coleoptera): Catalogue

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Carabidae (Insecta: Coleoptera): Catalogue INVERTEBRATE SYSTEMATICS ADVISORY GROUP REPRESENTATIVES OF LANDCARE RESEARCH Dr D.R. Penman Landcare Research Lincoln Agriculture & Science Centre P.O. Box 69, Lincoln, New Zealand Dr T.K. Crosby and Dr M.-C. Larivière Landcare Research Mount Albert Research Centre Private Bag 92170, Auckland, New Zealand REPRESENTATIVE OF UNIVERSITIES Dr R.M. Emberson Ecology and Entomology Group Soil, Plant, and Ecological Sciences Division P.O. Box 84, Lincoln University, New Zealand REPRESENTATIVE OF MUSEUMS Mr R.L. Palma Natural Environment Department Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa P.O. Box 467, Wellington, New Zealand REPRESENTATIVE OF OVERSEAS INSTITUTIONS Dr J.F. Lawrence CSIRO Division of Entomology G.P.O. Box 1700, Canberra City A.C.T. 2601, Australia * * * SERIES EDITOR Dr T. K. Crosby Landcare Research Mount Albert Research Centre Private Bag 92170, Auckland, New Zealand Fauna of New Zealand Ko te Aitanga Pepeke o Aotearoa Number / Nama 43 Carabidae (Insecta: Coleoptera): catalogue A. Larochelle and M.-C. Larivière Landcare Research, Private Bag 92170, Auckland, New Zealand [email protected] [email protected] Manaaki W h e n u a PRESS Lincoln, Canterbury, New Zealand 2001 4 Larochelle & Larivière (2001): Carabidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) catalogue Copyright © Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd 2001 No part of this work covered by copyright may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means (graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping information retrieval systems, or otherwise) without the written permission of the publisher. Cataloguing in publication LAROCHELLE, André, 1940– Carabidae (Insecta: Coleoptera): catalogue / A. Larochelle and M.-C. Larivière – Lincoln, Canterbury, N.Z. : Manaaki Whenua Press, 2001. (Fauna of New Zealand, ISSN 0111–5383 ; no. 43). ISBN 0-478-09342-X I. Larivière, Marie-Claude II. Title III. Series UDC 595.762.12(931) Prepared for publication by the series editor and authors using computer-based text processing, layout, scanning, and printing at Landcare Research, Mt Albert Research Centre, Private Bag 92170, Auckland, New Zealand. Frontispiece digital image prepared by Dr B. E. Rhode using a 3-CCD colour video camera, the software Auto-Montage® to increase depth-of-field, and the photoprocessing software PhotoShop®. M~ori text by H. Jacob, Huatau Consultants, Levin. Published by Manaaki Whenua Press, Landcare Research, P.O. Box 40, Lincoln, Canterbury, N.Z. Website: Printed by PrintLink Ltd, Wellington Front cover: Maoripamborus fairburni Brookes, 1944 (Illustrator: D. W. Helmore). Publication of the Fauna of New Zealand series is the result of a research investment by the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology under contract number C09X0002. Fauna of New Zealand 43 5 POPULAR SUMMARY HE WHAKARAPOPOTOTANGA Class Insecta Order Coleoptera Family Carabidae Ground beetles Illustration / Whakaahua: Cicindela tuberculata Fabricius, 1775 (Illustrator / Kaiwhakaahua: D. W. Helmore). The family Carabidae (ground beetles, including tiger beetles) is composed of 25 000 to 50 000 species world- Ng~ p§tara noho papa wide, but probably at least twice as many taxa remain to be described. The world fauna is divided into 6 subfamilies I roto i te wh~nau Carabidae (ng~ p§tara noho papa, tae and 85 tribes. Compared with larger or warmer regions atu ki ng~ p~papa) kei waenga i te 25,000 me te 100,000 of the world, the New Zealand fauna may appear rela- ng~ momo e mÇhiotia ana huri i te ao, otir~, ka whakareatia tively small (5 subfamilies, 20 tribes, 78 genera, 424 spe- t‘nei ki te rua, koir~ k‘ pea te nui o ng~ momo k~ore anÇ cies), but New Zealand, with Australia, is a special place i tautuhia noa. Ko ng~ Carabidae katoa o te ao, ka noho ki where the tribes Amarotypini, Broscini, Mecyclothoracini, ‘tahi wh~nau iti e 6, me ‘tahi iwi e 85. Ina whakatairitea Meonini, Migadopini, Pamborini, Tropopterini, and Zolini ki ng~ takiw~ mahana ake o te ao, t‘r~ ka whakaarohia he appear to have achieved their greatest taxonomic diver- wh~iti tonu te hunga noho ki Aotearoa (e 5 ng~ momo iti, sity. Once described, the New Zealand fauna will likely e 20 ng~ iwi, e 78 ng~ puninga, e 424 ng~ momo). Engari reach 600 species. Endemism is high with 92% (391) of he k~inga ahurei tonu a Aotearoa me Ahitereiria, ~, kua species and 58% (46) of genera currently recognised as kaha tonu te tupu me te rea o ng~ iwi Amarotypini, occurring only in this country. Faunal affinities are great- Broscini, Mecyclothoracini, Meonini, Migadopini, est with eastern Australia (16 native genera and 4 native Pamborini, Tropopterini, me Zolini ki konei. Ina oti katoa species are shared). te tautuhi, ka eke pea ki te 600 ng~ momo o Aotearoa. Ko ‘ ~ ‘ ~ While it is easy to recognise a carabid as such, it is t tahi 92% (e 391) o ng momo, ko t tahi 58% o ng ~ ‘ rather difficult to identify it at the species level. Ground puninga (e 46) k ore e kitea i whenua k . Heoi, he ~ ~ beetles show a relatively high degree of morphological torokaha tonu te hono ki te r whiti o Ahitereiria (16 ng ~ ~ uniformity, a marked diversity of taxa, and striking eco- puninga, e 4 ng momo, ka kitea i ng whenua e rua). logical preferences, which make them especially suitable Ahakoa ka mÇhio noa koe ki te carabid, ka uaua ake for studying the ecological and physical adaptations re- te tautuhi i ia momo. He kaha tonu te Çrite o tÇ r~tou quired to cope with environmental demands. Carabids are hanga, engari in~ te tini o ng~ momo, ~, mÇ te w~hi ki Ç generally abundant and demonstrate a flexible set of re- r~tou k~inga noho, he rerek‘ t~ t‘n~, t~ t‘n~ i pai ai. N~ sponses to environmental factors. Because of these fea- konei i pai ai ‘nei mea mÇ te rangahau i ng~ urutaunga tures, the relative ease with which their populations may taha k~inga, taha tinana e hiahiatia ana e tau ai te noho. be sampled by reliable quantitative methods (e.g., Ka m~totoru tonu te noho a ng~ carabid ki te mata o te pittrapping), and their potential use as bioindicators and whenua, ~, ka t~wariwari tonu t~ r~tou aro atu ki ng~ biocontrol agents, these beetles increasingly attract the ~huatanga t‘r~ ka p~. N~ ‘nei ~huatanga, n~ te m~m~ attention of world scientists. Biologists investigating evo- hoki o te t§pako i a r~tou hei ine i te tokomaha (hei tauira, lutionary and ecological hypotheses particularly favour ki te kÇpiha) me tÇ r~tou pai hei waitohu koiora, hei this group. In New Zealand, conservation biologists have kaipatu koiora hoki, kei te tahuri mai te ao pãtaiao wh~nui already listed many, often large-sized carabid species, as tonu ki a r~tou. Kei te aro nuitia hoki e ng~ tohunga koiora rare or threatened and worthy of protection. e whakam~tau ana i ng~ whakapae e p~ ana ki te kunenga (continued overleaf) (haere tonu) 6 Larochelle & Larivière (2001): Carabidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) catalogue As a result, ground beetles are among the best repre- me te taupuhi kaiao. I Aotearoa, ar~ ‘tahi momo carabid sented insect groups in New Zealand entomological mu- maha tonu (tae atu ki ‘tahi mea rahi), e k§ ana ng~ tohunga seums and collections. But despite such high interest, no whakapãmau koiora kua onge, kua mÇrearea r~nei te noho, catalogue or checklist has been produced since 1934, al- ~, me tiaki ka tika. though numerous name changes and new species have N~ konei anÇ i nohoia nuitia ai ng~ whare rokiroki been published since then. pepeke me ng~ kohinga pepeke o Aoteroa e ng~ p§tara In general, carabids are hygrophilous (moisture-lov- noho papa, ina whakaritea ki ‘r~ atu o ng~ aitanga pepeke. ing) species living at ground surface, but a number of Engari ahakoa e wh~ia nuitia ana t‘nei wh~nau, nÇ te tau species also live deep in the soil, in caves, or on plants 1934 te whakararangitanga whakamutunga o Çna hu~nga and trees, and several species occur in association with katoa (otir~, kua t~ia he kÇrero e whakaatu ana i ng~ ingoa the loose bark of trees or in rotten branches. The two hou, me ng~ momo hou i roto i te w~). New Zealand native habitats that harbour the greatest Noho ai te nuinga o ng~ carabid ki te mata tonu o number of species are forests and tussock grasslands. Papatuanuku, ~, he pai ki a r~tou te m~kã. Heoi anÇ, ar~ While some species live almost exclusively along coastal ‘tahi ka noho rawa ki tÇna poho, ki ng~ ana, ki runga lowlands, the majority of New Zealand species are found r~nei i ng~ tipu me ng~ r~kau. Ar~ anÇ ‘tahi ka noho tahi from the lowlands to higher elevations below the subalpine ki te hiako tangatanga, ki ng~ peka pirau r~nei. Ko ng~ zone. Very few described carabids appear to be restricted k~inga noho m~ori e rua o Aotearoa e kitea ai te tokomaha to subalpine or alpine environments, but many new spe- o ng~ momo carabid, ko te ngahere me ng~ whenua p~t§t§. cies remain to be described from such habitats. Most Ko ‘tahi momo ka noho ki ng~ whenua p~t§t§ o te indigenous carabids occur naturally within the confines tahamoana anake, engari ko te nuinga, ka kitea mai i te of native habitats, although a number of them can survive tahatika, piki atu ki ng~ whenua ~hua teitei tonu. He tino in modified environments. About 10 adventive species tokoiti ng~ momo ka noho ki ng~ maunga teitei anake, live around human dwellings.
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