…on the sermon preached on 050505 NovNovNov 2012012017201 777

Breaking the Nehushtan Rev Reuben Ng


• Ahaz was one of the worst of kings, who brought idolatry to a new low [2 Kings 16]. When his son, , took over the throne, Hezekiah set things straight and did what was right in God’s eyes. Like David, Hezekiah was a true worshipper of God [2 Kings 18:3].

• By then, the people had been worshipping idols for many years. Hezekiah tore down places of idol worship and destroyed the bronze – the Nehushtan. Hezekiah was able to oppose the popular and prevailing practice, because he chose to trust God [2 Kings 18:5].

• What is the Nehushtan? Back in ’ day, when the people complained against God, God punished them by setting poisonous serpents upon them. Many were bitten to death. When the people pleaded for Moses to intercede, God told Moses to make a bronze serpent. Anyone who was bitten could look upon the bronze serpent and live [Numbers 21:4-9]. However, this gift of mercy from God ended up becoming the subject of the people’s worship. Their focus shifted from God to the Nehushtan.

• What are our Nehushtans? Our jobs? A long-awaited child? Good things can become bad, when we lose sight of our good God, and end up worshipping the gift, rather than the Giver. We need to break our Nehushtans and focus on the one true God, worthy of our worship.


1. What are some examples of idolatry that the Bible warns us against? Discuss the consequences of worshipping something other than God. [Verses to help us go deeper: Psalm 115:4-8, Jeremiah 44:2-6, Romans 1:21-30] [Children’s / Inter-generational Activity: Watch this video (A tale of two treasures) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_zQBmPOiMQ . Discuss - Like Billy, is there anything you love “a little too much”? How can we focus on the Giver who is God, rather than the gift?]

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…on the sermon preached on 050505 NovNovNov 2012012017201 777

2. What do you consider as your prized possessions today? How did you come to have them? Discuss whether we face risks of making these our Nehushtans.

3. What are some ways we can “break the Nehushtan” and keep the focus of our worship on God? [Verses to help us go deeper: Colossians 3:1-7, Matthew 6:20,33; 1 Peter 4:10]


• Thank God for blessing us richly for He is a Giver of good gifts. • Seek His forgiveness for times when we have put too much focus on His gifts to us, rather than on Him. • Ask the Lord for a heart that is always turned towards Him in worship and a life that stewards His gifts.


Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. [Colossians 3:1-2 NAS]


In smaller groups, take turns to give thanks for one thing God has given to you, that you value greatly. Acknowledge Him as the Giver of good things. Pray for one another, to be able to focus our worship on the one true God.

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