Berrymanrebeccam1998mtour.Pdf (13.05Mb)
THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY PROTECTION OF AUTHOR ’S COPYRIGHT This copy has been supplied by the Library of the University of Otago on the understanding that the following conditions will be observed: 1. To comply with s56 of the Copyright Act 1994 [NZ], this thesis copy must only be used for the purposes of research or private study. 2. The author's permission must be obtained before any material in the thesis is reproduced, unless such reproduction falls within the fair dealing guidelines of the Copyright Act 1994. Due acknowledgement must be made to the author in any citation. 3. No further copies may be made without the permission of the Librarian of the University of Otago. August 2010 ==00-== ITY :ANAN Declaration concerning thesis ,(').~ I .... ;:>('C'C Author's full name and year of birth: ~.h.l.k." ,A (for cataloguing purposes) Ti tJ e: \-A q 1",-\ ho\.A s..e:; 0 -~- \'..JQ)..A..J =t, QC. \ (Y-{i ' (;"\.. bv \: (j\n t-- '-\-o'-v \. S ~V) Or () <o...Jtv--i '+"j Degree: • 1 f' y') vy\c\ t:,: \--u Of- 'o~~v \..J ~ " Department: \(?V"Vl) \IV"' I agree that this thesis may be consulted for research and study purposes and that reasonable quotation may be made from it, provided that proper acknowledgement of its use is made. I consent to this thesis being copied in part or in whole for I) all brary ii) an individual at the discretion of the Librarian of the University of Otago. Signature: Note: This is the standard Library declaration form used by the University of Otago for all theses, The conditions set out on the form may only be altered in exceptional circumstances, Any restriction 011 access tu a thesis may be permitted only with the approval of i) the appropriate Assistant Vice-Chancellor in the case of a Master's thesis; ii) the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and International), in consultation with the appropriate Assistant Vice-Chancellor, in the case of a PhD thesis, The form is designed to protect the work of the candidate, by requiring proper acknowledgement of any quotations from it.
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