Baseline Profile — Southern Agro-Pastoral: Cattle, Camels and Sorghum FOOD SECURITY ANALYSIS UNIT Time Line Map of Livelihood Zone and Population Figures Event Production # 1990 Normal year DHUSA-MAREEB Government Harvest good, BELET WEYNE collapse normal rains, some # stocks XUDUR 1991 Bad year # Fighting between Bad Gu, near normal SDM, USC, SPM Deyr More Information Available: # BAYDHABA Lack of space restricts this profile and SNF - Looting GARBAHAREY # to just some of the details on this 1992 Worst year # JOWHAR baseline. FSAU has further Stocks depleted No harvest, information available on request; Famine, UNTAF no pasture, MOGADISHU contact
[email protected] . intervention no stocks; # MERKA 1993 Normal year BUAALE UNOSOM starts Good harvest, # Region Reg. Pop Reg. LZ total LZ as % of Reg. Pop IDP’s and refugees good pasture; Bakol 212,500 124,720 59% return. increased livestock Bay 600,500 227,345 25% prices and herd sizes; Gedo 385,000 61,450 16% 1994 Good year Hiran 175,500 82,130 47% Fighting in Wajid. Good crops, # KISMAYO L. Juba 295,000 17,500 6% WFP starts FFW good health and programmes. increased livestock L. Shabelle 619,920 37,440 6% prices and herd sizes; M. Juba 240,000 67,000 28% 1995 Normal year M. Shabelle 346,870 118,729 34% Fighting in Wajid Good harvest, Total 2,875,290 736,314 and Hudur. UN and good health and NGOs evacuated. increased livestock Source: POPULATION; UNDOS, 1998 prices herd sizes; 1996 Bad year Fighting SNA and Fields abandoned, local RRA. livestock migrate; Population Description of LZ displaced.