Fact Book 2006- 2007
The Insurance Information Institute IN T E R N AT I O N A L INSURANCE FACT BOOK 2006- 2007 To the Reader In response to the globalization of the insurance business and the need for readily available data on world insurance, the Insurance Information Institute has developed a Fact Book for interna- tional insurance statistics. We could not have undertaken this project without help from many organizations that collect international insurance data. We are especially grateful for the generous assistance of Axco Insurance Information Services (http://www.axcoinfo.com), a London-based insurance information service, and Swiss Re (http://www.swissre.com), which publishes the international research jour- nal, sigma. The information included, which covers some 90 countries, comes from a variety of other sources as well. We have attempted to standardize the information as much as possible. The updated book is presented each year at the annual meeting of the International Insurance Society (http://www.iisonline.org). We hope you find this Fact Book useful. Gordon Stewart, President Insurance Information Institute 110 William Street New York, NY 10038 212-346-5500 http://www.iii.org I.I.I. International Insurance Fact Book 2006-07 www.internationalinsurance.org World Overview WORLD LIFE AND NONLIFE INSURANCE PREMIUMS, 1995-2004 (Direct premiums written, U.S. $ millions) Year Nonlife1 Life Total 1995 $906,781 $1,236,627 $2,143,408 1996 909,100 1,196,736 2,105,838 1997 896,873 1,231,798 2,128,671 1998 891,352 1,275,053 2,166,405 1999 912,749 1,424,203 2,336,952 2000 926,503 1,518,401 2,444,904 2001 969,945 1,445,776 2,415,720 2002 1,098,412 1,534,061 2,632,473 2003 1,275,616 1,682,743 2,958,359 2004 1,395,218 1,848,688 3,243,906 1Includes accident and health insurance.
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