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Anime and Manga As Japanese Cultural Diplomacy Towards Indonesia (2012-2016)

Anime and Manga As Japanese Cultural Diplomacy Towards Indonesia (2012-2016)


By ANDI RACHMAN ID no. 016201300167

A thesis presented to the Faculty of Humanities President University In partial fulfilment of the requirements for Bachelor Degree in International Relations Concentration Diplomacy Studies


This thesis entitled “The Role of Culture in Diplomacy: Anime and Manga as Japanese Cultural Diplomacy towards Indonesia (2012- 2016)” prepared and submitted by Andi Rachman in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in International Relations from the Faculty of Humanities has been reviewed and found to have satisfied the requirements for a thesis fit to be examined. I therefore recommend this thesis for Oral Defense.

Cikarang, Indonesia, January 25th 2017

Drs. Teuku Rezasyah, M.A., Ph.D.


I declare this thesis, entitled “The role of Culture in Diplomacy: Anime and Manga as Japanese Cultural Diplomacy towards Indonesia (2012-2016)” is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, an original piece of work that has not been submitted, either in whole or in part, to another university to obtain a degree.

Cikarang, Indonesia, January 25th 2017

Andi Rachman



The Panel of Examiner declare the thesis entitled “The Role of Culture in Diplomacy: Anime and Manga as Japanese Cultural Diplomacy towards Indonesia (2012-2016)” that was submitted by Andi Rachman majoring in International Relations from Faculty of Humanities was assessed and approved to have passed the Oral Examination on March 6th, 2017.

Drs. Teuku Rezasyah, M.A., Ph.D. Chair – Panel of Examiner

Hendra Manurung, MA Examiner

Isyana Adriani, BA, M.Si. Thesis Adviser


Title: The Role of Culture in Diplomacy: Anime and Manga as Japanese Cultural Diplomacy towards Indonesia (2012-2016)

This research aims to discuss the influence of Anime and Manga as Japanese cultural diplomacy in cultural and bilateral relations between and Indonesia that limited in the period of 2012-2016. This research used qualitative method which is explained descriptively the effort of Japanese government in using Anime and Manga as cultural diplomacy through cultural activities with other country and also Indonesia. Anime and Manga used to promote other Japanese culture both popular and traditional. The researcher found out the support from Japanese government as well as from the creator and artist in promoting Japanese culture through Anime and Manga. As Japanese government foreign policy to export culture in purpose of building relations with other country, especially Indonesia. The development of Anime and Manga in Indonesia is surprisingly increased, it can be seen through many forums, clubs and groups of Anime and Manga fans in Indonesia. Japan also keep supporting as their agent of culture which sometimes do film screenings of Anime and Manga. Japanese Festival or Matsuri is also held annualy in Indonesia, with help from Japan’s ambassador in Indonesia. Japanese products are getting famous day by day in Indonesia, the use of Anime and Manga as Japanese cultural diplomacy is reach the target. Culture is one of Japanese government program whether to build or improve the relations between countries, in this case Japan and Indonesia.

Keywords: Anime and Manga, popular culture, cultural diplomacy, Japan Foundation Jakarta


Title: The Role of Culture in Diplomacy: Anime and Manga as Japanese Cultural Diplomacy towards Indonesia (2012-2016)

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas pengaruh Jepang Anime dan Manga sebagai diplomasi budaya dalam hubungan budaya dan bilateral antara Jepang dan Indonesia yang terbatas dalam periode 2012-2016. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang secara deskriptif menjelaskan upaya pemerintah Jepang dalam menggunakan Anime dan Manga sebagai diplomasi budaya melalui kegiatan budaya dengan negara lain dan juga Indonesia. Anime dan Manga digunakan untuk mempromosikan budaya Jepang baik populer dan tradisional. Peneliti menemukan dukungan dari pemerintah Jepang maupun dari pencipta dan seniman dalam mempromosikan budaya Jepang melalui Anime dan Manga. Sebagai kebijakan luar negeri pemerintah Jepang untuk mengekspor budaya dengan tujuan membangun hubungan dengan negara lain, terutama Indonesia. Perkembangan Anime dan Manga di Indonesia secara mengejutkan meningkat, dapat dilihat melalui berbagai forum, klub dan kelompok penggemar Anime dan Manga di Indonesia. Jepang Juga tetap mendukung Japan Foundation Jakarta sebagai agen budaya mereka yang terkadang melakukan pemutaran film Anime dan Manga. Festival Jepang atau Matsuri juga diadakan setiap tahunnya di Indonesia, dengan bantuan dari Duta Besar Jepang di Indonesia. Produk-produk dari jepang semankin terkenal hari demi hari di Indonesia, penggunaan Anime dan Manga sebagai diplomasi kebudayaan Jepang mencapai target. Budaya adalah salah satu program pemerintah Jepang Baik untuk membangun atau meningkatkan hubungan antar negara, dalam hal ini Jepang dan Indonesia.

Kata Kunci: Anime dan Manga, budaya populer, diplomasi budaya, Japan Foundation Jakarta


I would like to thanks to Allah S.W.T. by His grace and His blessing to help the writer finish this thesis. I might not have completed my thesis without Your permission and thank you for giving me strength and ease my way to finish this thesis.

I would also give my gratitude to my happy family who always give me good advice about thesis, to always remind me to be patience and not forget to pray. Dad, mom, and my little sister thank you very much for all the pray and for the good wishes.

This thesis would not complete without guidance from my advisor Mr. Teuku Rezasyah Ph.D. and Ms. Isyana Adriani M.Si. thank you for being good to me and thank you for being patience in guide me to complete my thesis.

I would like to say thank you for my friends Luki Juniansyah, Danar Wardhana, Hervian Putra, Richard Mattoali, Jonathan Damanik, and Andrianto Arief who always support me. Thank you for all your praise and kindness to me during completing this thesis. Thank you all, hope we all could pass together and meet again with our degree.

The last is big thank to beloved IR friends especially in Mr. Teuku Rezasyah’s group of thesis who always remind and support each other. Thank you for the support and thank you for giving many important information which help me to complete my study.

Bekasi, January 25th 2017

Andi Rachman


AFAID : Indonesia ASEAN : Association Nations CGI : Computer Generated Imaginary CJCC : Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center CJF : Fund : Costume Play FDI : Foreign Direct Investment FTA : Free Trade Area GDP : Growth Domestic Product IJEP : Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership PM : Prime Minister IMMG : International Media Marketing Group JCC : Japan Creative Culture JENESYS : Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths JPF : Japan Foundation JTA : Japanese Tourism Agency METI : Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry MILT : Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism MOFA : Minister of Foreign Affairs ODA : Official Development Assistance U.S. : UNSC : United Nations WWII : World War



CHAPTERS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...... 1 I.1. Background of studies ...... 1 I.2. Problem Identification ...... 5 I.3. Statement of Problem ...... 8 I.4. Research Objectives ...... 8 I.5. Significance of the Study...... 8 I.6. Theoretical Framework...... 9 I.6.1. Soft Power ...... 9 I.6.2. Cosmopolitan Constructivism ...... 11 I.7. Literature Review ...... 13 I.8. Research Methodology ...... 17 I.8.1. Research Time and Place...... 18 I.8.2 Research Instrument ...... 19 I.9. Scope and Limitations of the Study...... 19 I.10. Definition of Terms ...... 20 I.10.1. Soft Power ...... 20 I.10.2. Cultural Diplomacy ...... 20 I.11. Thesis Structure ...... 21 CHAPTER II Japanese Waves and Cultural Diplomacy ...... 23 II.1. Japanese National Interest...... 23 II.1.1. Japanese National Interest in Tourism ...... 25 II.1.2. Japanese National Interest in Popular Culture...... 28 II.2. Japanese Cultural Diplomacy...... 31 CHAPTER III The Development of in Southeast Asia...... 37

ix III.1. Japanese Cultural Influence in Southeast Asia ...... 37 III.1.1. Japanese Culture Take Part in Southeast Asian Society ...... 37 III.1.2. The Development of Anime and Manga in Southeast Asia...... 42 III.2. Anime and Manga as Japanese Culture Agent in Southeast Asia...... 47 CHAPTER IV The Development of Anime and Manga as Japanese Cultural Diplomacy towards Indonesia (2012-2016) ...... 58 IV.I. Japan-Indonesia Cultural Relations...... 58 IV.II. The Influence of Anime and Manga in Indonesia as Japanese Cultural Diplomacy (2012-2016)...... 62 IV.III. The Impact of Japanese Cultural Diplomacy through Anime and Manga in Indonesia...... 70 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION...... 76 BIBLIOGRAPHY...... 80



I.1. Background of studies

International Relations (IR) scholars are aware with the term of diplomacy which is often used in every IR phenomenon. The definition of diplomacy itself is various, it depends on the perspectives of people. Jan Melissen stated on his book, diplomacy are about stressed its main purpose (the art of resolving international difficulties), its principal agents (the conduct of relations between sovereign states through the medium of accredited representatives) or its chief function (the management of international relations by negotiation).1 Diplomacy might be perceived as a method of political interaction at the international level and the techniques used to carry out political relations across international boundaries.2 There are many kinds of diplomacy in international arena, diplomacy transform into various kinds and uses. Modern diplomacy is the most useful in globalization era, to increase the rate of interest to people and to expand the country’s name in international society. It is also pursue some national interest as well as a sustainability progress and may lead to expansion of national brand throughout a country.

People are aware with the branding system for instance Republic of with their K-Pop, with their Bollywood movies, and Japan with their anime. Globalization is a crucial factor of branding system, it helps those brands travel all the world, often through people whether from social media or mouth-to-mouth.3 IR perceived that system as part of soft power which is using the persuasion as the

1 Melissen, Jan. The New Public Diplomacy: Soft Power in International Relations (2005) Palgrave Macmillan: New York. P.5 2 Robert Leguey Feilleux, Jean. The Dynamic of Diplomacy: The Meaning of Diplomacy as an Issue (2009) Lynne Reinner Publisher: United States; quoted in Meyditya Yuswandari, The Role of Culture in Diplomacy: Bollywood as Indian Cultural Diplomacy towards Indonesia (1998-2013). (President University, Cikarang, Bekasi: 2016), 1. 3 Szondi, Gyorgy. Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding: Conceptual Similarities and Differences (2008) Desiree Davide: Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’. P.27-28

1 main weapon. Soft power is a common knowledge in diplomacy strategies, it is a persuasive way to make others do what one’s desire want instead of coercive way.4 It is also a perfect way to pursue national interest as well as promoting nations in international arena.

Public diplomacy could be categorized as soft power, this diplomacy is meant to target people in other countries. According to Mark Leonard, British scientist and book author, on his book Public Diplomacy (2002):

“Public diplomacy based on the premise that the image and reputation of a country are public goods which can create either an enabling or disabling environment for individual transactions. Work on particular issues will feed off the general image of the country and reflect back on to it – in both positive and negative directions5.” The goals of public diplomacy is to attract people’s mindset to love by foreign products. There are many ways to do public diplomacy, it might through student exchange/culture exchange, movies, music, television programs, and sports and so on. The implementation of public diplomacy through culture is known as cultural diplomacy.6

Popular culture or pop culture are the most acceptable among teenagers these days, because they are still dazed and easily approached by foreign culture.7 Popular culture need to have rapid grow of commodity culture in order to attract people and turned into culture instead of consumptive things.8 The essence of popular culture is to persuade people to love what other country serve as well as to carry some national agenda. Popular culture could be called mass culture, because this particular culture are loved by the people of one country as well as people in other country.9 The measurement of succeed in popular culture is by the people

4 S. Nye, Joseph. Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics (2004) Public Affairs: United States. 5 Leonard, Mark. Public Diplomacy (2002) The Foreign Policy Centre: . P.9 6 J. Waller, Michael. Cultural Diplomacy, Political Influence, and Integrated Strategy, in Strategic Influence: Public Diplomacy, Counterpropaganda, and Political Warfare (2009) Institute of World Politics Press: Washington, DC. p74. 7 Agustino Saputra, Alvino. Ancaman Budaya Pop Korea Terhadap Eksistensi Budaya Lokal di Indonesia (2014) Journal. University of Indonesia. P.2 8 Fiske, John. Understanding Popular Culture (1989) Routledge: United Kingdom. 9 Kato, Hidetoshi. Handbook of Japanese Popular Culture (1989) Greenwood Press: The University of Michigan.

2 interest, the more interest the more popular culture succeed in specific country. Cultural diplomacy is all about framing and showing the popular culture (dance, music, lifestyle/fashion, etc.) to merge some stereotypes in a country. Each country have their own predominance in promoting popular culture, some countries are showing their national custom as well as the originality.

Japan is one of the famous country with their strong popular culture spread out of the world. The first thing in mind about Japan is anime obviously, almost everybody know and admit the fact. According to Hidetoshi Kato, anime and manga could be categorized as one of Japanese cultural diplomacy because of many of anime and manga had been produced and succeed outside Japan.10 Anime is an animation form that is cel based, uses various time and labor saving devices that give it a lower cel count, and has a strong tendency toward the development of complex human relationships, stories and worlds.11 According to Hayao Miyazaki one of famous artist from Studio Ghibli, anime as a "limited-animation" style popularized by Japanese studios and only for television broadcast.12 Anime started from manga which is a drawing of pictures that have dialogues and printed into a book while anime is the moving-manga. 13Anime and give the audience a daily activity or some fantasy life time that could bring imagination along with a good story. Anime and manga is only few things of Japanese popular culture, there are J- pop; Idols; Nintendo; and Hobby.

Hobby is not only about sports, in Japan, hobby is about figurised person or anime character or could be the equipment appeared in anime and manga. The figure size depends on the developer or the company who produce the figure as well as the material for figure. There are a lot of hobby place in Japan, not only sell some figure but also other tools and its complement. Figure is not only character or things in anime and manag, it also could be a real life person who have such inspiring story

10 Kato, Hidetoshi. Handbook of Japanese Popular Culture (1989) Greenwood Press: The University of Michigan. 11 Yokota, Masao. Japanese Animation: East Asian Perspectives (2013) Sec. 1 A Bipolar Approach to Understanding the History of Japanese Animation (Nobuyuki Tsugata). University Press of Mississippi. 12 Ibid. 13 Ibid.

3 or the famous living person in time. The most famous idol in Japan, AKB48 also have their own figure sell in japan and the kung-fu legend from , Bruce Lee is not missed from figure. are proud about their figure products, they also collect all the figure series. People are eager to buy such large amount of figure and willing to pay expensive price in order to complete their collection. The hype of hobby cannot be controlled by anyone even the government of Japan itself, people might express their feelings to what they love instead of doing such crime or other negative act.

Mobile-Suit , one of the most favorite anime in Japan which have a lot of series and become the 10 biggest franchise until 2016 using the same strategy to expand their franchise through hobby.14 Yoshiyuki Tomino is the first creator of Mobile-Suit Gundam, not only Gundam the creator also involved in the making of other famous anime such as Tetsuwan Atomu (Astro Boy). Doraemon followed the popularity of Gundam in anime world, this anime turned into television series and first aired in Indonesia since 1974.15 The most memorable and created toys for the anime is Dash! Yonkuro which is broadcasted in Indonesia since 1880s, back on the day the popularity of 4WD mini racing car increase because there are no car toys using machine on that year. Most of anime have their own replicate in toys or in model kit form, this meant to spread out the hype of anime as well as the popularity of Japan as anime country. Anime did help the government’s program to support internationalization to the world.16

The government supported all the innovation that originally created in Japan, not only the anime but also the other sector especially culture. Japanese government also wanted to bring back the good perception to the world, to show

14 Anime News Network. The Internet’s most Trusted Anime News Source. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/lexicon.php?id=45. 14 November 2016. 15 Akihiko. Konsulat Jenderal Jepang di Makassar. Cinta dan Cita-Cita. http://www.denpasar.id.emb-japan.go.jp/indonesia/konnichiwa%2013/konnichiwa13_20.html. 15 November 2016. 16 Ogura, Kazuo. Japan’s Cultural Diplomacy, Past and Present (2009) Aoyama Gakuin University: FFTokyo. http://www.jripec.aoyama.ac.jp/english/publication/more/more0004.html. 15 November 2016.

4 that Japan is kind and friendly through their cultural diplomacy.17 The speech from minister of foreign affairs Japan 2006, Taro Aso emphasized the fact that Japan did do use popular culture as a tool of diplomacy in purpose of gaining ally for diplomacy. He said:

“The diplomacy on the national level strongly depended on the public opinion and “that is exactly why we want pop culture, which is so effective in penetrating throughout the general public, to be our ally in diplomacy”18 The speech deliver directly from MOFA showed that Japanese government agree about the status quo of anime and manga as their strong soft power. Taro Aso represented all the regulations and policies of Japanese mission in Diplomatic Bluebook 2005 about soft power and pop culture especially anime and manga.

I.2. Problem Identification

Anime turned into Japanese popular culture, even became their branding in the world. People like anime in many ways, there are people who like the storyline or the excitement of particular anime (like robots, high-tech, futuristic environment) even the girls character. People outside Japan still believed that anime is same as the cartoon in common, just like American product, so mostly the audience of anime outside Japan are children. Actually, anime have its own genre and category, some people are not just aware about this differentiation. Teenagers and adults also have their own genre in anime, there are some genre that have contain mature background such as war anime that may contain blood and violence.

Anime is not only strong in every story and character, but also the music background that produced during the show, original soundtrack (OST) are helping

17 Ogura, Kazuo. Japan’s Cultural Diplomacy, Past and Present (2009) Aoyama Gakuin University: FFTokyo. http://www.jripec.aoyama.ac.jp/english/publication/more/more0004.html. 15 November 2016. 18 Taro Aso speech, the minister of foreign affairs Japan on April 18th, 2006 “A New Look at Cultural Diplomacy: A Call to Japan’s Cultural”; quoted in Elizaveta Semeneko. Japan’s Cultural Diplomacy: How to Conquer the World through Pop Culture (2012) http://japanstudies.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=183&Itemid=63. 16 November 2016.

5 the musician to raise and expand their market. The musician that have OST in anime were invited to one of the most prestigious event called Anime Festival Asia Indonesia (AFAID) 2015 in Indonesia in collaboration with Japanese government.19 The event was held annually in Indonesia, the idea is to combine two different pop culture into one and become a perfect place for the Japanese pop culture lovers. People love music, people also love anime, people also love to be a Cosplayer (Costume Player) Japanese matsuri is the best place to express and to share people’s favorite. There are many matsuri that had been held in Indonesia, mostly are become annual event such as Sakura Matsuri (annual), Puri Bankasai: Cosplay Competition & Fans Meet and Greet (2016), Popcon Asia (annual), Jak-Japan Matsuri (annual) and many more. The phenomenon showed that Japanese pop culture have an influential aspect to Indonesian people especially youth generation and also marked the cultural diplomacy had successfully instill Indonesian people.

One anime might contain many aspects that can promote and bring whether the pop culture or the Japanese culture itself. Doraemon for instance, contain the morale of life as well as the daily habit of Japan people. The anime showed the morale value that every children should have, such as respect the elderly or not lie even a small things. The other example is Mobile-Suit Gundam anime which brings culture as well as creator’s idea is through the plot where people finally have an access to more sophisticated technology. Gundam Reconguista in G showed that earth is dying because of human’s act, Tomino wanted to deliver a message that people need to find another source of energy.20 Anime is not always about to promote culture, sometimes anime also give the audience a true story/event that really happened in real life. Fate/Stay Night or One Piece are the examples of anime that have real events and characters in their episodes.

Prime minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe fully support all of program that promoting Japan culture in order to bring Japan economy back that had been countered by Republic of Korea and People’s Republic of . The establishment

19 Riantrisnanto, Ruly. Liputan 6. Anime festival Asia 2015 di Indonesia Bertabur Musisi Top Jepang. http://showbiz.liputan6.com/read/2226763/anime-festival-asia-2015-di-indonesia- bertabur-musisi-top-jepang. 16 November 2016. 20 Ibid.

6 of promoting popular culture started when Japanese government make a slogan called “Cool Japan” since 2004 which is also become a government program to do diplomacy. The soft power development program were succeed as seen on the percentages from BBC World via Globe Scan around 85% Indonesian people give positive rate towards Japan influence.21 Another case of the success of cultural diplomacy as soft power seen through Machiko Manga School which established since October 2002 in South Jakarta (Machiko Maeyama as the founder) and gained legal certificate from Ministry of Education and Culture, the school also invite some famous comics from Japan on their events up until now.22 Cosplay phenomena in Indonesia marked that cultural diplomacy of anime got positive feedback from Indonesian people as the event been supported by of DKI Jakarta.23 Cosplay itself is come from kasou (仮想) which means to virtualize or to use imagination, because of the word sound strange, it turned into Cosplay or Costume Play and recognized by Japanese people.24

The initiation of soft power through cultural diplomacy using anime and manga have finally taken its toll. Indonesia and Japan relations is not going well all the year, both countries have experience the dark days in the past. Japan did not want to let Indonesia become their enemy although the policy “free and active”. Music, fashion, foods and now anime is one of the most favorite culture in Indonesia, because now this culture touched every age. Shinzo Abe spending some ¥90 billion ($883m) to boost Japan’s creative industries abroad, he also stated the strategy called “”. Tomomi Inada, a minister whose job it is to press ahead with “Cool Japan”, is working hard for this program to help government as well Japan develop and grow bigger through culture.25 The program of Cool Japan

21 Survey on positive influence towards various countries held in 2013. http://www.globescan.com/news_archives/bbc06-3/. 16 November 2016; quoted in Ranny Rastati. From Japanese Soft Power to Hijab Cosplay (2015) Pusat Penelitian Kemasyarakatan dan Kebudayaan. 22 Machiko Manga School. Official Website: http://machikomangaschool.tumblr.com/. 16 November 2016. 23 Rastati, Ranny. From Japanese Soft Power to Hijab Cosplay (2015) Pusat Penelitian Kemasyarakatan dan Kebudayaan. 24 Ibid. 25 The Economist. Japan’s Soft Power: Squaring The Cool (2014) http://www.economist.com/blogs/banyan/2014/06/japans-soft-power. 17 November 2016.

7 will keep running to provide people abroad the knowledge of trending culture in Japan, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry believe this program will suffice the huge consumer of Japan culture in other country.26

I.3. Statement of Problem

This research is about determining the role of culture in diplomacy. In this research, anime and its character have strong influences in doing cultural diplomacy from Indonesian perspective. How did anime and manga as one of Japanese cultural diplomacy, help to promote Japanese culture towards Indonesia in cultural relations?

I.4. Research Objectives

According to the statement of the problem, the research objective of this thesis is to prove the extent of improvement in cultural relations between Indonesia and Japan. The following are the main objectives of this thesis:

 To analyze the positive impact of cultural diplomacy using pop culture between Japan and Indonesia  To find the use of pop culture, in this case anime and manga to influence Indonesia people about Japanese good image  To analyze the strategy in cultural diplomacy using anime as well as manga and its character in improving cultural relations, especially Japan-Indonesia

I.5. Significance of the Study

26 Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry of Japan (METI). Video Publications on Youtube via official channel of METI Japan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ez4lUHzooc&feature=youtu.be. 17 November 2016.

8 This research is significant because it means to explore the advantages of cultural diplomacy and this research will increase our knowledge about the other side of anime as well as manga and its character that also turned into a pop culture in Japan which is used as the tool of Japanese cultural diplomacy.

I.6. Theoretical Framework

This research uses two theories of International Relations that might provide exact and clear explanation about anime as well as manga and its character in Japanese cultural diplomacy towards Indonesia. They are Soft Power theory and Cosmopolitan Constructivism theory.

I.6.1. Soft Power

Power is refers to the ability to persuade as well as influence the others to do one’s desire it might be in coercive or in persuasive way, scholars often use the term of “stick and carrot”.27 Defense and military are not always a tool in politics, to impress other or to influence are more powerful nowadays. According to Joseph S. Nye, there are three ways to influence others; coerce them with threats, induce them with payments and attract or co-opt with them.28 Globalization era made soft power more powerful than hard power, people are easily attracted by persuasive agenda such as student exchange; cultural exchange; festival/Matsuri and many others. Soft power will make others follow what others want without any harm or force.

Although soft power seems useful in the globalization era and use less cost rather than hard power but soft power have its own limit. Joseph S. Nye said that

27 Petrović, Jelena. Stick And Carrot: All You Wanted To Know About The Policy of Conditionality But Didn't Dare To Ask (2007) part of Western Balkans Security Observer – English Edition, issue 4 / 2007. P. 54-61 28 S. Nye, Joseph. The Benefits of Soft Power (2004) taken from Harvard Business School. http://hbswk.hbs.edu/archive/4290.html. 17 November 2016.

9 the crucial resources of soft power are outside the control of governments and their effect depends heavily on acceptance by receiving the audiences and soft power sometimes take years to produce the desired outcomes.29 Culture is one of the most powerful tool in supporting both cultural and public diplomacy as well as a tremendous soft power. Shinzo Abe as the also aware about the development of culture as his speech:

“Japan acting as a bridge between Asia and the world in the flow of people, goods, money, culture and information, and thereby achieving growth together. As part of this Initiative, we will also formulate "The Japanese Cultural Industry Strategy," which will enhance the competitiveness of areas that represent the good traits and uniqueness of Japan, such as animated film, music and Japanese food, and present them to the world30.” He emphasized that culture might be a good strategy in supporting potential growth in Japan as well as promoting Japan to the world. The seriousness of this statement are seen in recent years after re-elected on 2012 and now he continue to promote culture in order to be one of Japan soft power.

As prior explanation, Japan government have intensified their influence through culture since 2004 with slogan “Cool Japan” as their campaign for Japanese culture and yet become their public diplomacy31. Public Diplomacy Department had been established under Minister’s Secretariat on the same year as public diplomacy slogan. The department is aimed to do cultural exchange and public relations in a more systematic way, and provides a structure that enables cooperation between the public and private sectors.32 The awareness of their soft power through culture grow bigger until now, only take 10 years, Japanese pop culture brings back the image of Japan as well as their diplomacy through culture. Southeast Asia and their nearest neighbor are the new target to strengthen the relations whether in culture and economy. Cool Japan Fund (CJF), founded in

29 Yuswandari, Meyditya. The Role of Culture in Diplomacy: Bollywood as Indian Cultural Diplomacy towards Indonesia (1998-2013). President University: Bekasi. 30 Shinzo Abe’s in his Policy Speech (2007) Policy Speech by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to the 166th Session of the Diet. Speeches and statements by Prime Minister. http://japan.kantei.go.jp/abespeech/2007/01/26speech_e.html. 17 November 2016. 31 Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI), Diplomatic Bluebook 2005. 32 MOFA Japan. Diplomatic Bluebook 2005. http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/other/bluebook/2005/index.html. 17 November 2016.

10 November 2013 is a public-private fund to help government by promoting Japanese culture throughout the world as well as to supporting Cool Japan program, CFJ is also part of government project.33 Shinzo Abe, after re-elected as Prime Minister on 2012, said:

“Japan's strengths in content, fashion, and culture and tradition are also attracting attention from the world. As we work to ensure that the boom in anime and other content does not end as a temporary fad, besides promoting Japan as a tourism-oriented country that attracts people from around the world, let us also make "Cool Japan" into a world-class business34.” The speech showed that every government parts are supporting and agree to use popular culture, in this case anime as well as manga as one of favorite pop culture in the world.

I.6.2. Cosmopolitan Constructivism

The normative view of cultural diplomacy in terms of promoting mutual understanding and cultural-cooperation through intercultural dialogue and cultural exchange is propagated within the framework of cosmopolitan constructivism.35 Cesar Villanueva (2007) stated on his article:

“Cosmopolitan constructivism is a theory which based on multilateral diplomacy, formulated by people who interested in peace, understanding, and friendly relations among nations.36 The bottom line of this theory is about people, cultures, and state matters, and cultural and public diplomacies collaborate in the inter-subjective construction of ideas, norms, and identities towards cooperation, welfare and understanding. The theory celebrates cultural difference, cultural

33 Cool Japan Fund. What is Cool Japan Fund. Official Website: https://www.cj- fund.co.jp/en/about/cjfund.html. 17 November 2016. 34 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Policy Speech to the 183rd Session of the Diet held on February 28, 2013. Speeches and Statements by the Prime Minister. http://japan.kantei.go.jp/96_abe/statement/201302/28siseuhousin_e.html. 17 November 2016. 35 Villanueva, Cesar. Cosmopolitan Constructivism: Mapping a Road to the Future of Cultural and Public Diplomacy (2007); direct quote from Hyungseok Kang. Reframing Cultural Diplomacy: International Cultural Politics of Soft Power and The Creative Economy (King’s College , 2013).

11 exchanges and face-to-face encounters in the struggle to foster common understanding.”37 The cosmopolitan constructivism theory explained that cultural diplomacy will imply the long term foreign policy objectives, where every country needs process to make common understanding and cultural exchanges with other societies and trying to encourage other societies to join the process.

According to Cesar (2007), there are six programs that cultural diplomacy can do under the cosmopolitan constructivism framework38:

 Making the creation of peace and friendly relation with other nations  Investing in international educational exchanges targeting groups in foreign societies which have talent but may not have resources to study abroad  Creating a solid infrastructure for international cooperation, in which money and human resources can flow together and address important and urgent common topics with other nations  Establishing institutions abroad as a platform for sharing knowledge and engaging foreign publics, also discuss domestic issues that may be relevant for the two parties such as human rights, life conditions of children, or popular culture  Building the necessary channels to communicate with foreign public to listen to their concern and to create mutual ways involvement  Educating young people in school programs related to international solidarity, mutual understanding and sensitivity do diversity and multiculturalism.

Those points have been implemented by Japan government, as they established many exchange such as JENESYS (Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths) since 2007. Former Foreign Minister, Taro Aso established the annual event called “The International Manga Award” since 2007 and still

37 Villanueva, Cesar. Cosmopolitan Constructivism: Mapping a Road to the Future of Cultural and Public Diplomacy (2007); direct quote from Hyungseok Kang. Reframing Cultural Diplomacy: International Cultural Politics of Soft Power and The Creative Economy (King’s College London, 2013). 38 Ibid.

12 continue until now. He wanted to promote Japan as the originator of Manga to the world and eager to do beneficial relations and associate with Japanese government for the winner.39

The culture center of Japan have been established in some countries especially Southeast Asia. , supported by the Foreign Minister Makoto Yamanaka, built JCC (Japan Creative Culture) in purpose of promoting and sharing Japanese pop culture to Singaporean youth.40 The other country, Japan government developed “The Japan Foundation” (JPF) same as JCC in Singapore, JPF is meant to promote as well as educate people about Japan and the culture.41 Indonesia have already became partner since 1979 up until now, JPF helped people in education; culture; language as well as to bring back good image of Japan.

Globalization era is a modern era where people spreading friendly environment to others. Japanese government are aware that culture is one of the most powerful agent of diplomacy that might build a good relations with every countries in the world. Culture can influence people, change their perception and easily invite people to have the same goal. Anime might be have the biggest impression to people all around the world, again people would say anime when they heard about Japan. The nation branding principle showed that through culture Japan can induce people with their visions through anime, inspired people so they brand Japan with the country of anime. The reality might help Japan in building as well as maintaining good relations with other countries.

I.7. Literature Review

The writer used various book and thesis in order to find out theories from experts especially in cultural diplomacy, as well as the phenomena that happened

39 Former Foreign Minister Taro Aso (2007-2009) in his speech during the first opening of The International Manga Award held annualy in , Japan since 2007. 40 Ambassador Makoto Yamanaka’s speech “At the Frontline of Public Diplomacy: Singapore and Japan Creative Centre” presented at University on June 24, 2011. Summary in Media and Society Vol. 4, 2012, Graduate School of Languages and Cultures at . 41 Japan Foundation. About Us. http://www.jpf.go.jp/e/about/index.html. 18 November 2016.

13 related to cultural diplomacy in the world. The detail of books and thesis would be like following list:

The New Public Diplomacy: Soft Power in International Relations, this book have many eleven chapters from public diplomacy experts that divided into three parts. Jan Melissen as the editor of this book as well as Senior Research Fellow at Netherlands Institute of International elaborate a good explanation and divided it into chapters that could help the reader find out what he/she needs. The book is not only explain about public diplomacy in modern era but also the branches of public diplomacy itself. People might not aware that nation branding is also part of cultural diplomacy that need some set up in order to reach the perspectives and persuade other people.

The book is start with introduction and brief explanation by Jan Melissen himself, theories and practices as well as. Second chapter is about the implementation that happened in real situation in some locations. This chapter also contain information about the practices of cultural diplomacy, whether it failed or become a new tools in diplomatic relations. Negative perception or labelling from other country to specific country is explained clearly in this chapter. The terrorist perception for instance which is a burden for country to do diplomatic relations or other diplomacy activity.

The last chapter elaborate the further implementation and practices in doing public diplomacy such as nation branding or promoting culture. This book took an example from United States and to show their extended public diplomacy towards the world. The writers explain it clearly, such as France that struggling to promote their national brand throughout the world. Public diplomacy could turn into a flexible diplomacy according to this book which means could be done by advertisement, events, and also culture. Theories and basic understanding in this book are useful for this thesis.

The second resource is a thesis from Meyditya Yuswandari about The Role of Culture in Diplomacy: Bollywood as Indian Cultural Diplomacy (1998- 2013). The writer elaborate a good explanation from soft power to cultural diplomacy which is also part of public diplomacy. Liberalism perspective applied

14 in this thesis as the writer argued that cultural diplomacy might boost the relations between two countries, the writer took India as the research. The arguments are strong and supported by surveys to the people and interviews with experts.

Cultural diplomacy is not always about people to people, there are also involvement from government as well as private company in purpose of helping the culture spread worldwide. The writer start explanation from broad phenomenon, Bollywood in the world to the development of Bollywood in Indonesia. This thesis stressed how culture might be so powerful even in different generation. The reality also show that cultural diplomacy need long preparation in order to make it succeed and also to instill the perception of other country to specific country. The information from this thesis are valuable for the writer to finish this thesis, moreover the explanation about how powerful culture in international arena were being proofed. The proof of cultural diplomacy influence in Southeast Asian people especially Indonesia, become a precious information for this thesis.

The third resource is a book from Kazuo Ogura with title Japan’s Asian Diplomacy: A Legacy of Two Millenia. Ogura was became Japanese ambassador for Viet Nam, , and France. After his retirement, he trusted to lead Japan Foundation by Japanese government. The book’s background is understanding the real situation of Japan towards their neighborhood country and also about Japan’s strategy to other Asian country. The writer argued that the attention is important for Japan’s politics and power struggle in Asia as their foreign policy to build relations. The constructions of policy to Asia is elaborated in this book especially with China and South Korea as their relations seems unstable since those countries have their own internal conflict.

Ogura shown the influence of Japan in some areas is purposed for maintaining prestige, mutuality and equality as well as diplomatic relations. In the chapter two, ‘The Interaction of Domestic and Foreign Policy’, he did mentioned the strategy of Japan to be a leader of economy in Asia. Apologizing and influential actions should be taken by Japanese government to reach the goals of economy leader and existence in Asia. Although this book explain more about Japan and their

15 relations with neighbor country, but the writer put the recent strategy of Japanese government towards Asia.

As people might knew that Japan presence in Asia were side to side with South Korea and China in various field. Japan have their lead in culture and relations with Asian country especially Southeast Asia region. This book told about Japanese foreign policy towards some Southeast Asia country, in order to maintain presence and to share interests. The last chapter of this book explain about Japan towards other Asian country such as , United States and so on. The behavior of Japanese government in their foreign policy is a useful information for development of this thesis.

The next is a book titled Searching for A Cultural Diplomacy edited by Jessica C. E. Gienow-Hecht and Mark C. Donfried. The book is perceived cultural diplomacy as a long way to create what to be happen in recent days. Cultural diplomacy is started from the cold war era in order to gain diplomatic activity using soft power instead of hard power. This book defined that political issues or national interest might be easy to perceive by others through cultural diplomacy. Perception is a hard things to be dealt in international arena especially to gain national interest, but through cultural diplomacy it might take a long period of time but it will also have a great outcomes.

The book consist of eight chapters and divided into four parts, the introduction part is explain about the origin of cultural diplomacy. Cultural diplomacy as an agent of state that bring perceptions and perspectives of one country to another country. It is valuable for a country with national interest or a will to create diplomatic relations to other country. Power is not only topics in this part, civilization also alluded in this part which an important actor in cultural diplomacy. Part I until part IV is elaborate about the practices of cultural diplomacy in Eastern , Russia, Middle East, and Japan. The book wanted to make the reader to see how cultural diplomacy might be easily implemented by countries in the world, although it took long preparations but instead of war or framing, culture gave us a new option to gain national interest.

16 The fifth resource is a thesis from Yolana Wulansuci with title Budaya Populer Manga dan Anime sebagai Soft Power Jepang from University of Indonesia. The writer started with broad explanation about soft diplomacy and the effectiveness of it post WWII. The focus of explanation is Japan which is suffer huge loss in WWII and need to bring back their country. A way to rebuild their country, Japan decided to use the only one thing that remain from their country, culture. Japan have a lot of culture, whether traditional and pop culture, besides it will cost less than using hard power with coerce. The writer also emphasized that Japan are aware with their traditional and pop culture existence in the world since they use culture as a diplomacy tool.

Study case of this thesis is using the mascot and the proud of Japan’s people in anime and manga, Doraemon. The influence of this character in Indonesia is big, not only children but also all part of family could enjoy this anime. Doraemon produced in animation and comic (manga) in Indonesia, the series are still broadcasted and the comic still produce in Indonesia. This particular character also became the ambassador of Japan’s anime and manga in the world. Japanese government is being serious about their culture, as they finally agrred to support all culture activity outside Japan. The influence and study case are very usefel for this thesis, looking the enthusiasm of Indonesian people about anime and manga and also Japanese strategy to put anime and manga as their tool of diplomacy to some countries especially Indonesia.

I.8. Research Methodology

The research method that will help the writer to develop this thesis is Qualitative Research. Qualitative research is aim to discovering the underlying motives and desires, using in depth interviews for the purpose.42 The methods will help to analyze the various factors which motivate people to behave in a particular

42 C.R. Kothari, Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques 2nd edition (2004) New Age International Limited Publisher: New . P.3

17 manner or which make people like or dislike particular thing.43 Qualitative research will support the purpose of this thesis, which is to find the influence of anime as well as manga and the character in Indonesia-Japan relations through document analysis and case study.44

The writer also used field research to support the thesis, which is done by interviewing fans of manga series as well as its hobby. Interviews help the writer to know about attitude and opinion of people towards phenomenon. Library research also help the writer in arguing the development and the real phenomena that ever happened related to anime and their characters.

I.8.1. Research Time and Place

Place of Research:

 Adam Kurniawan Library, President University, Bekasi  Perpustakaan Nasional, Jakarta  Japan Foundation, Jakarta

Time of Research:

The research taken from 1st (first) November 2016 – 25th (twenty five) December 2016 while the interviews are on first week of December 2016. The writer also did do some surveys during events to people that related to the thesis which taken at J-AniCo Fest 2016 (19th – 20th November 2016) on BSD City, and Colony Collection Market (3rd - 4th December 2016) on Jakarta Convention Center Hall B, Jakarta. Surveys done to some forums of Gundam through social media as well as forums that writer joined and some close friends.

43 C.R. Kothari, Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques 2nd edition (2004) New Age International Limited Publisher: New Delhi. P.3 44 Brecher, Michael and P. Harvey, Frank. Millennial Reflections on International Studies (2009) University of Michigan Press. P.432-433

18 Submission of the thesis will be on 27th January 2016 and defense will held on second week of 6 March 2016.

I.8.2 Research Instrument

Internet: As the globalization era, the use of internet is really helpful in purpose of finding resources and books. Internet is more effective and efficient as the use of it could be anywhere. The writer use as primary website because it contain reliable article from experts.

Book and Journals: Books and journals also the most important instrument in making thesis. It helps the writer to find theories that are written by experts which related to thesis topic.

Online Publications/Report Publications: Both of Indonesia and Japan Embassy are published every event that held in Indonesia or Japan. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan always post the recent event held in Indonesia as well as Indonesia. The most posted events are about culture or related to culture such as student exchange, festival or in Japanese language called matsuri and other culture event.

Interviews: The subject of interview are the people who have interest and passion in anime as well as manga and familiar with the character whether its movie or the hobby. People who joined forums also become the subject of interview.

I.9. Scope and Limitations of the Study

The scope and limitations of this research are in line with the problem that will be analyzed. The first is about the time frame which is limit in period of 2012- 2016. The reason is that during the time Indonesia people have such high awareness to the development of anime, and a significant change occurred within that period. The second would be level of analysis that use state behavior as the point of analysis, regulations and policies taken by Japanese government towards Indonesia

19 in terms of pop culture. The third is theme about this thesis which is aimed to find the cultural relations and a little explanation about politics and economy that become the impact of influence through culture. As rational actors, Japan also took part of expanding economy as well as their politics to other country, in this case Indonesia as their target for cultural diplomacy. This thesis will explain the outcomes of cultural diplomacy which is cultural relations and less about economy and also politics.

I.10. Definition of Terms

I.10.1. Soft Power

The term of soft power was explained by American political experts, Joseph S. Nye in his book titled Soft Power: The Means to Success in the World Politics.

“Soft power is more than just persuasion or the ability to move people by argument. It is also the ability to attract, and attraction often leads to acquiescence. Soft power resources are the assets that produce such attraction. Soft power uses a different type of currency (not force, not money) to engender cooperation – an attraction to shared values and the justness and duty of contributing to the achievement of those values45. The resources of soft power can come from many things around us. It needs to be attractive to make people easily aware of its resources. Culture could be the resources of soft power. Soft power can be done through every actor in international relations, such as government and so individual.

I.10.2. Cultural Diplomacy

45 S. Nye, Joseph. “The Changing Nature of Power.” Introduction. Soft Power: The Means to Success in the World Politics (2004) Public Affairs: United States. P6-7

20 Cultural diplomacy is a way to promote one’s country in international arena, it is simply explained. According to a dictionary of diplomacy:

“The promotion abroad of a state’s cultural achievement, for example the case of France and Britain notably their languages. The special importance of cultural diplomacy is to promote links between parallel institutions at home and abroad, for example between domestic and foreign universities46.” Cultural diplomacy is the extent of soft power, it is include films; music; art; fashion; lifestyle and many more. All components that connected to culture, no matter it is a student exchange, are about national strategy to perceive soft power.

I.11. Thesis Structure

This thesis consist of five chapters, it starts from Introduction and continue to Japanese’s Cultural Interest towards the world; Development of Anime as Cultural Diplomacy in Southeast Asia; Development of Mobile-Suit Gundam anime franchise and hobby as Japanese Cultural Diplomacy towards Indonesia (2014-2016) and the last Conclusion. The detail of every chapter will be discussed below.

Chapter I: Introduction

This chapter will further discuss the background of culture’s role in diplomacy. Problem identification will discuss about the general influence of anime in the world. The other essential information such as theoretical framework, research question, research objectives, significance of study and definition of terms are written in this chapter. The purpose of this thesis is to introduce the basic writing of the thesis and become the hook that may trigger the reader to have further reading in this thesis.

46 Berridge, G.R. and James, Alan. A Dictionary of Diplomacy (2001) Palgrave Macmillan: New York.

21 Chapter II: Japanese Waves and Cultural Diplomacy

This chapter will discuss about the national interest of Japan to the world in terms of culture. It will also explain the Japanese cultural diplomacy and its instruments to achieve the cultural interest.

Chapter III: The Development of Japanese Popular Culture in Southeast Asia

This chapter will explain the brief history of anime and the hype of it whether its movie and hobby. The support from government as well as private companies in promoting anime as cultural diplomacy to the world.

Chapter IV: Development of Anime as Japanese Cultural Diplomacy towards Indonesia (2012-2016)

This chapter will explain the cultural relations between Indonesia and Japan, followed by the development of anime and the enthusiasm in Indonesia. Then, it will discuss about the role of anime as one of Japanese cultural diplomacy in improving Indonesia-Japan relations.

Chapter V: Conclusions

The last chapter is about the outcomes of anime as cultural diplomacy in improving Indonesia-Japan relations such as economy sector and also cultural relations.


Japanese Waves and Cultural Diplomacy

II.1. Japanese National Interest

Culture is unique and could use to interact people, for Japan, culture is an important thing to increase the fans of Japan in other country.47 Cuisine, music, dance, even traditional lifestyle are parts of Japanese culture and useful to help Japan famous in many countries. Japan as developed country have a good percentage in GDP (Growth Domestic Product) 0.3%, it is significantly increase since 2013 which is the year of Cool Japan slogan been implemented as whole.48 The government aware about the situation in Japan and keep supporting the culture as their weapon to spread Japan to the world. Moreover, Japan is one of productive country in manufacture but they have problem with natural disaster which is threatening the factories. Japan need to struggle to get back on their feet on 2014 which is year of natural disaster and so effecting their GDP on that year.49 Therefore, Japan succeed to back on its track and could face their neighbor competitor, People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Republic of Korea (South Korea). Japan’s trade freedom percentage surpass Korea as Japan 82.6% while Korea 74.6%.50 Trade freedom is a measurement of export and import of a country, since 2013 Japan percentage keep going up.

Japan export activity is about technology, people recognized the high sophisticated technology is often come from Japan. Famous brands of technology such as Panasonic, Sharp, EPSON, Casio, Honda, Canon, and many other

47 MOFA. Diplomatic Bluebook 2013. Chapter 4, Japan’s Diplomacy Open to the Public. Column: Professionals Supporting Japan’s Diplomacy, Chefs for Ambassador. P. 37 48 Harding, Robin and his team. Financial Times. The Japanese Economy at a Glance (2016) https://ig.ft.com/sites/numbers/economies/japan. 20 November 2016. 49 Recent Natural Disasters. Natural Disasters in Japan 2014. http://www.disaster-report.com/2014/10/natural-disasters-in-japan-2014.html. 20 November 2016. 50 2016 Index of Economic Freedom. Comparison between South Korea and Japan. http://www.heritage.org/index/visualize?cnts=japan|southkorea&src=country. 20 November 2016.

23 technology brand are from Japan. Technology industry is not develop in Japan, but also in various host countries in the world. Japan leads the export as well as the labor productivity which is better than its neighbor South Korea.51 Japan gained high surplus on 2014 in terms of their export technology up to $22 billion which is very big amount of surplus.52 The success of Japan in export activity is because well-organized strategy and the use of sophisticated technology, according to Fingleton (2014) an economic and finance expert based in Japan said that robots also had big role in helping Japan’s industry.53

Sovereignty of the people are the number one priority concern for Japanese government, it can be seen through the regulations, quick response, and prevention of any threat. Japanese defense policy is about balancing the defense power in Asia region and also strengthen naval forces because of Japanese territory where nearby ocean is quite susceptive.54 Although Japan have high tension with their neighbor China, still Japan manage to do defense cooperation. Japan applied military reform as well as nuclear development with South Korea, Indonesia, United States, India and Russia.55 Japan’s quick action in terms of security had been tested when their Ministry of Defense hacked on September 2016.56 Their cyber security almost hacked by some irresponsible group, Japan speculated that it might be their neighborhood country. The quick response also showed when Japanese attacked by natural disaster such as earthquake or other incident such as a big sinkhole in the middle on the Fukuoka street on November 8, 2016. The incident was very famous

51 2016 Index of Economic Freedom. Comparison between South Korea and Japan. http://www.heritage.org/index/visualize?cnts=japan|southkorea&src=country. 20 November 2016. 52 Fingleton, Eamonn. Forbes Asia. It is Japan, not the U.S.,That Leads in Serious Technology, Says Top Reagan Technology Advisor. http://www.forbes.com/sites/eamonnfingleton/2015/11/22/it- is-japan-not-the-u-s-that-leads-in-serious-technology-says-top-reagan-technology- advisor/#4ed79ea25ce7. 20 November 2016. 53 Ibid. 54 Ministry of Defense. Publications. Defense of japan 2016. http://www.mod.go.jp/e/publ/w_paper/2016.html. 21 November 2016. 55 Ministry of Defense. Publications. Defense of japan 2016. http://www.mod.go.jp/e/publ/w_paper/2016.html. 21 November 2016. 56 The Japan Times. Defense Ministry, SDF Network Hacked; State Actor Suspected. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/11/28/national/politics-diplomacy/defense-ministry- hit-cyberattack-info-may-accessed/#.WGPLu1V9600. 21 November 2016.

24 because of their action to repair the street is quick, it only takes two hours since the accident.57

Japan’ presence in the world is not only through their exports or defense issue, but also through Official Development Assistance (ODA) in other words aid. ODA is a strategy to keep a good relations whether with allies or with non-allies in order to raise Japan’s existence. Hidden agenda of ODA is real, for instance when Japan agreed to help Bangladesh on 2014 to improve their infrastructure about 600 billion yen for 4-5 years as the return Japan earned seat on UNSC.58 Southeast Asia become the major target of ODA in purpose of expanding business and commercial in that country. Socialist Republic of Viet Nam (Viet Nam) is one of the biggest ODA receiver, in return Japan offer business prospect to Viet Nam and agree to accept Japan commercial in their country.59 ODA is meant to be Japan’s goodwill in the world, but then again to carry national interest which is partnership and economy especially towards Southeast Asia.60 Economic integration and trade activity through ODA also intense in East Asia, this meant to ensure the Japan existence as their mission to prosper Japan.61

II.1.1. Japanese National Interest in Tourism

Japan have big potential in their tourism spot and yet have four seasons in a year which make Japan more attractive for tourists. The most awaited event from Japan is when Sakura blooming because Sakura is Japan’s national flower and it is became one of Japan’s identity in the world. Significance increase shown every

57 The Guardian. Blink and You’ll Miss it: Japanese Sinkhole Repaired at Speed. https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2016/nov/15/japanese-workers-repair-road-48- hours-after-sinkhole-appears-video. 21 November 2016. 58 Purnendra Jain, National Interest and Japan’s Foreign Aid Policy (2014) Kokusai Mondai (International Affairs), No.637. 59 Ibid. 60 Lam Peng Er (ed.). Japan’s Relations with Southeast Asia: The Fukuda Doctrine and Beyond (2013) London: Routledge; quoted in Purnendra Jain, National Interest and Japan’s Foreign Aid Policy (2014) Kokusai Mondai (International Affairs), No.637. 61 Sunaga, Kazuo. The Reshaping of Japan’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) Charter (2004) FASID Discussion Paper on Development Assistance, No.3.

25 year Japan succeed to attract tourist to come and help Japan’s national income, as the graphic below:

Chart 1: Japanese Statistic in Total of Foreign Tourist Spending to Visit Japan per Year.62

The statistic clearly showed that Japan as one of the most attractive country in terms of tourism especially in Asia. Advertisement had succeed to help Japan to attract tourists, make tourist more enthusiast to witness themselves the beauty of Japan. The other strategy to attract tourist is by reducing visa to Japan, this meant to target middle class visitor in some country and yet the strategy was succeed.63 Although have a competition with their neighbor, it is not effecting the tourism sector. Japanese Tourism Agency (JTA) reported that almost 22% visitors are from China (281,200) followed by (279,300) and South Korea (250,600) did tourism activity to Japan on 2013.64 The data was surprised the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism (MILT) because it was significantly increased compare to 2012.

62 The chart was made by (JTA) which is an organization to control tourism activity in Japan and it is under Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism (MLIT) http://www.mlit.go.jp/kankocho/en/ (official website). 63 Kodera, Atsushi. The japan Times. Tourism Emerges as New Economic Driver for Japan. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2014/08/25/reference/tourism-emerges-new-economic- driver-japan/#.WGR4r1V9600. 22 November 2016. 64 Ibid.

26 Japan is improving their services for the tourists, unlike other country that maintain tourists by advertisement and campaign, Japan improve their facilities through tourist’s complaints. Tourists are complaining about internet access in Japan, for some country it is not a big problem but Japan improved their services through 150,000 Wi-Fi access points across Japan in collaboration with NTT Docomo Inc., on of Japanese private company.65 Road access is the next project for Japan as they become host for Olympic 2020, opening a new station for train in order to make fast access, again with private company. Japan is worth for the award and all the praise, because of their services in tourism sector. U.S. travel magazine, Travel+Leisure announced that is number one city in the world as tourist destination.66

The consistence of Japan in improving their sector which might help their national income should be followed by other Asian country. Collaboration between government and private sector should be synergized in order to gain mutual benefit for both parties. Japan have several sub-organization that control the tourism activity, this meant to maximize the development of tourism sector. Their slogan for tourism is “Japan, Endless Discovery” has meaning that Japan is worth to discover, on their official website they put all interesting destination with good view as well as food.67 All of Japan’s programs, mostly well-organized whether the private sector or the government itself. The key success of Japan in supporting their national interest is because the support from government, as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2016 said:

“Last year, the surplus in the tourism balance of payments surpassed 1 trillion yen for the first time in history. The number of foreign tourists more than doubled in three years, and is expected to easily surpass 20 million this year for the highest total in history. Next, we will make bold

65 Kodera, Atsushi. The japan Times. Tourism Emerges as New Economic Driver for Japan. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2014/08/25/reference/tourism-emerges-new-economic- driver-japan/#.WGR4r1V9600. 22 November 2016. 66 Ibid. 67 The official website of Japan tourism which targeted to international territory such as Europe, the website provide all information about tourism in Japan including the estimated price for some days in Japan. This organization is collaborate with the government to gain the same goal which might benefit both of parties. Official website: http://www.seejapan.co.uk/jnto_consumer/index

27 investments in the tourism sector, taking aim at achieving 40 million tourists annually68.” All elements of country bonded as one to make their own territory sufficient and get better than before, this is the proof that good collaboration between government and people made great feedback. Shinzo Abe also said that Tourism is an important pillar of Japan growth strategy, and a trump card for regional revitalization as well as a machine to boost growth to achieve the 600 trillion yen GDP goal.69

II.1.2. Japanese National Interest in Popular Culture

Tourism sector of Japan might be famous in the world especially Asian and some European countries because the system is well-organized. The potential of Japan is not only their tourism sector, but also their popular culture/pop culture. Japanese pop culture are famous especially in Asian country as they targeted to do massive export of culture. The Japanese strategy of exporting culture is sustainable up until now, as prior explanation the government did do campaign about Japanese pop culture through Cool Japan program. The detail objective of the program is to actively promote Japanese attractive goods and services on a worldwide scale and become a driving force for Japan’s economic growth.70 Japan showed their seriousness in deepening their potential income which might look as small chance for other country. Japan strategy is worth the wait as they improving their services for tourism sector and also the popular culture export strategy. Popular culture is something that every country had with specific uniqueness, the problem is culture cannot turn into an attractive form unless it combined with other aspects.

68 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe speech to the 192th Session of the Diet (September 26, 2016) taken from Prime Minister of Japan and His . http://japan.kantei.go.jp/97_abe/statement/201609/1219316_11015.html. 23 November 2016. 69 Murai, Shusuke. The Japan Times. Japan Doubles Overseas Tourist Target for 2020. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/03/30/national/japan-doubles-overseas-tourist-target- 2020/#.WGUWHFV9600. 23 November 2016. 70 Cool Japan Initiatives, July 2015. Creative Industries Division. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) taken from online publication of METI. http://www.meti.go.jp/policy/mono_info_service/mono/creative/#hMenu. 23 November 2016.

28 Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) need to find a way to attract pop culture and turned it into some business. The strategy is to make people think different using pop culture as well as exporting Japanese pop culture to host country. The solution of this matter is to expand the Japanese pop culture through commercial and Japanese products, even METI agreed to give funding in terms of popular culture.71 The funding has gone to all pop culture that have Japan branding on it, for instance Pokemon, harajuku and lolita, ramen and many more. The public diplomacy of Japan had succeed to make people do branding to Japan which is help Cool Japan program as cultural diplomacy to instill other country with pop culture. The status quo of Japan as one of the most creative country in the world is a milestone for Japan to work hard and more serious in creative industry.72 As people knew, creative industry is include pop culture at the most and it showed that the existence of Japanese pop culture are acceptable to the people in the world.

Commercial and advertisement is not enough to spread pop culture, Japan established “Channel Japan” a television program in purpose to do promotion about Japan in other countries.73 The channel contain many kinds of theme such as business, entertainment, food, culture and travel. Channel Japan has aired in different continents from Africa to North America mostly start in 2013.74 All of the promoting activity needs budget, and yet the government gave big amount of budgeting in this sector. The government agreed to fund US$155 million or about 15,500 million yen to support all the program related to Cool Japan.75 Those amount of money is huge only to enhance and develop pop culture abroad Japan, although they have strong presence in industrial and machinery but reality showed Japan is concerned about their own cultural diplomacy. As people might see that Japan is everywhere in terms of pop culture, in fact they are the second biggest producer of

71 Cool Japan Initiatives, July 2015. Creative Industries Division. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) taken from online publication of METI. http://www.meti.go.jp/policy/mono_info_service/mono/creative/#hMenu. 23 November 2016. 72 Cool Japan Initiatives, July 2014. Creative Industries Division. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) taken from online publication of METI. http://www.meti.go.jp/policy/mono_info_service/mono/creative/file/1406CoolJapanInitiative.p df. 23 November 2016. 73 Ibid. 74 Ibid. 75 Ibid.

29 cultural content and surely help their economic growth.76 The growth of pop culture also unpredictable as big difference towards Japan manufacture, moreover when Japan experienced recession-stricken economy.77

Japanese stereotype in terms of pop culture often anime and manga, beside of that there are some potential pop culture that growing other than anime. Fashion is one of the famous pop culture aspects, especially in China and Indonesia. There are some boundaries that delay fashion development in some country. According to Saeko Tani, chief administrator of Creative Industry Division, there are still lack of capital and finances in small and middle size firm. The situation forced that firms to let the opportunity gone, there are many firms in Japan that still not registered yet on Cool Japan budgeting, it is because funding program still new and only took chances on potential firms. Tani said that Japanese women fashion magazines are famous in China but only few designers and apparel makers could enter China market, again it is about budgeting.

Fashion is not the only one, Japanese craft as well as anime experienced the same thing whether it is because of budgeting or it is hard to find partners in host country to do cooperation.78 Popularity of a pop culture also be a burden for culture to export, people from some country cannot enjoy thousands of anime and manga from Japan. They knew it only from websites of comic or video streaming for instance but there are not yet production in their country. Cool Japan program is still in its way to suffice the demand, and the government have strong confidence in doing investment and hope that could cover all the firms abroad to help promote Japan especially in creative industries.79

76 Otmazgin, N. K. Contesting soft power: Japanese popular culture in East and Southeast Asia (2007) International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 8: 73-101 77 Machiyama, T. “Mondo Tokyo: Otaku,” (2004) quoted in; Macias, Patric and Machiyama, Tomohiro. Cruising the Anime City: An Otaku Guide to Neo Tokyo (2004). Berkeley: Stone Bridge Press: P.13–15. 78 Nagata, Kazuaki. The Japan times. Exporting Culture via “Cool Japan”. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2012/05/15/reference/exporting-culture-via-cool- japan/#.WGYvu1V9600. 23 November 2016. 79 Nagata, Kazuaki. The Japan times. Exporting Culture via “Cool Japan”. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2012/05/15/reference/exporting-culture-via-cool- japan/#.WGYvu1V9600. 23 November 2016.

30 II.2. Japanese Cultural Diplomacy

Japan’s existence in the world is growing every year, seen by the percentage of their annual report and also survey from some agencies in other countries. Massive changes for a country like Japan since 1970s which is tend to fear to join international event, on globalization era they realize those skeptical behavior should be gone.80 Japan is famous with their cautions nature especially for foreign people but all the stereotype of skepticism is not eliminated by the policy Japan’s government made. The shocking movement of cultural diplomacy shown when the closing ceremony of Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro 2016. People who watched the entire show would be amazed by the appearance of the one and only Japanese prime minister, Shinzo Abe. He appeared with the most iconic custom in the world as well as came from Japan, Super Mario.

The appearance of Japan prime minister as the most famous character Mario made people amused about the action of prime minister. The closing in Rio 2016 was meant to promote the next spot of Olympic Games in 2020 which is Tokyo, Japan. The promotion started when the stage turned into red color and slowly white color surrounded to make Japan’s national flag. Other country will show their talented dancer or performance in doing show but Japan did it differently. As the stage started to make Japan’s national flag, the performer is not came from athlete or closing team group but from robots. Japan used their robots to escort white flag into the stage.81 People argued that the robots appearance is to show how Japan leading the technology in the world. According to Sandra Collins, a specialist in Japanese Olympic history said that Japan wanted to send a message that war is over, they have no intention in war.82 Collins also add that Japan wanted to spread the agenda of peace in the world through technology and safety. Yuriko Koike, Tokyo

80 S. Nye, Joseph. Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power (1990) basic Book inc: New York. P.167 81 Jozuka, Emiko. CNN. Goodbye Rio, Hello robots: Expect High-Tech Cool at 2020 Tokyo Olympics. http://edition.cnn.com/2016/08/21/asia/tokyo-olympics-2020/. 27 November 2016. 82 Ibid.

31 governor, came into the closing ceremony to retrieve the Olympic Games flag but still Shinzo Abe appearance is surprised the audience.83

An outstanding performance of Japanese prime minister clearly showed Japan’s interest in spreading culture, as prior a video of Olympic promotion emphasized the strength of Japan in pop culture. The promotion video is a combination between real-time as well as CGI (computer-generated imagery) which using all Japanese branding such as Mario, Sonic, PacMan, even the old anime Captain Tsubasa. Japan dare to embrace their culture strategy in international event and somehow their culture reach private sector both in Japan and other countries using laissez-faire manner in order to give freedom of creativity.84 The strength of Japanese pop culture are reflected from the positive feedback all around the world in social media, which also refer to Chua Beng Huat (2008) statement:

“Japanese-made media productions have additionally served as an example and a model for media-collaborated productions in East Asia, providing an alternative to American models. In East Asia of today, many of the music, television, comic books, and animation products might incorporate a mix of locally drawn motifs and languages, while the format they are shaped in is Japanese85.” As prior explanation, even though Japan have disharmonious relation with their own neighbor but still the percentages showed China and South Korea are the substantial consumer of Japanese culture. The statement also proved that not only Asian country being possessed by Japanese pop culture, even America as leading culture take part in Japanese waves of culture.86

Roland Kelts, the author of book Japanamerica said that Japanese culture is not only effect the trending thing in America but also the social life

83 BBC. Sport Olympic. Rio Olympic 2016: Spectacular Closing Ceremony as Olympic Flag goes to Tokyo. http://www.bbc.com/sport/olympics/37150572. 27 November 2016. 84 Easton, Yukari. The Diplomat: Read the Diplomat, Know the Asia-Pacific. Tokyo 2020 and Japan’s Soft Power. http://thediplomat.com/2016/08/tokyo-2020-and-japans-soft-power/. 27 November 2016. 85 Chua Beng Huat dan Koichi Iwabuchi. East Asian Pop Culture: Analyzing the Korean Wave (2008) Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press. P.509 86 Kelts, Roland. Japanamerica: How Japanese Pop Culture has Invaded the U.S. (2006) Palgrave Macmillan: England

32 of American citizens.87 He argued that Japanese pop culture have its uniqueness and very Japan that is why their pop culture is acceptable, moreover after the success story of Pokemon and Mario in America. The hype of Japan was successfully got American citizens. Nowadays, in technology era Japan and America still did some projects whether in games or movies. Thousands of game are made in collaboration with Japan and America such as Metal Gear Solid franchise, Pokemon Go, and Final Fantasy franchise. There are a lot more games and most of them are enjoyable for the teenagers especially abroad Japan because it should be translated to English version.

Japanese popular culture is many even the art of arranging flowers also part of Japanese pop culture. Some people might know that is originally from Japan, it is an art to arrange flower to its finest.88 Ikebana can be used as a gift for special person or just a display in house. The founder, Ikenobo Senkei a Buddhist priest created this art since 15th century and now divided into several schools of ikebana. Paper also have art, as same as ikebana, Japan own the art of origami. The art of origami is popular in Japan, it is about crafting things using paper as media. Many form of things can be made through origami, the paper usually colored to add beauty and to add effect in origami art. Origami became one of Japanese pop culture since its popularity spread in Asian countries. Asian people might knew about origami because this art usually been taught by teachers in elementary level. The influence of origami succeed to touch European and American continent as they held an event called World Origami Days located in Washington DC in October 2016.89 The event occurred almost a month and have good appreciation from the tourists as well as other people from the world.

87 Kelts, Roland. Japanamerica: How Japanese Pop Culture has Invaded the U.S. (2006) Palgrave Macmillan: England 88 Japan Zone, Ikebana, Flower Arranging. https://www.japan-zone.com/culture/ikebana.shtml. 27 November 2016. 89 A big event that invited all origami lovers in the world which held a competition and showcase of origami in collaboration with JICC (Embassy of Japan, Japan information and Culture Center). The official website of event: https://origamiusa.org/wod_events. 28 November 2016.

33 The phenomenon waves of culture by Japan is happening and it is a real event of international activity. Pop culture could travel all over the world, across the sea without any burden. People could access pop culture easily moreover in globalization era where internet is a powerful tool to explore the world. Renato Rivera (2014) said that the secret behind the global success of Japanese popular culture, its anime; fashion; and entertainment has always been the “careful balance (between) foreign and Japanese sensibilities.90 He argued that Japanese government had blended important things for Japan, creative and industrial. The event that happening in the world is true, Japan spreading cultural diplomacy through possible media and opportunity. Closing Rio 2016, the development of games, collaboration with some private company in the world are enough to be the proof of Japan power in culture. Although it seen as pop culture in the first place but people will starting to have interest in learning other culture from Japan which means the cultural diplomacy gave such huge impact for Japan and worth budgeting as well as their policy in strengthening culture.

Games industry often make a movie for the game they had been made, for instance Persona 4 which got good rating from gamer abroad Japan and America. The game was made in collaboration of Japanese game industry Atlus Co. Ltd as the developer and also publisher with as the game console. The publishing team also involved Square Enix and Ubisoft for European and Australian region. The game itself divided into 3 sequel and animation was aired on Japanese television on 2013. The reality of Japanese games which is also part of their pop culture made their popularity as a country good game creator increasing, even more Hideo Kojima the most famous game creator is now in cooperation with Sony Entertainment to build his new project.91 This collaboration happened after Kojima being fired from

90 Renato Rivera Rusca, a lecturer of Kyoto Seika University and an assistant professor of University Japan during his speech as keynote speaker for pop culture delegates of Jenesys 2.0 in “Transition and Present Situation of Japanese Pop Culture” at Meiji University Japan (2014) 91 Stuart, Keith. The Guardian. Hideo Kojima Announces Surreal New Game, Death Stranding. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/jun/14/hideo-kojima-announces-surreal-new- game-death-stranding. 29 November 2016.

34 Konami one of big company game, this showed how American game company interested in making project with one of game maker legends. People might see, especially for Kojima’s fans that American game company believed in investing to Japanese game maker in order to make profit.

The other pop culture that Japan brings into international arena through America is movie. There are many Hollywood movie project and animation that involved Japan’s company and vice versa. Pokemon is one of the success animation that interact people in the world, originally from animation and then turned into the most hype game of 2016, Pokemon Go which in collaboration with Niantic an American mobile-game company. The other most awaited project is a movie called “Ghost in the Shell” which is adaptation from anime. This is the first time that adapt anime into one of Hollywood production, the house production of this project is Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks Pictures which is not a small enterprises. Paramount Pictures announced on their official channel that the advertisement campaign got 12.3 million views, and Paramount hopes that it will benefit the company in making this movie.92

Culture is a good tool in projecting a country, it might represented the nature and manner of specific country. Culture brings out the value of life to share with other people in different area. Culture also could bring national interest of one country in purpose of campaign for tourism sector for instance or for national income as well as profitable for the citizen.93 According to Richard Ardnt in his book American Cultural Diplomacy (2005) he said that cultural diplomacy is effective and good outcomes for a country especially in strengthening ties with other country.94 Japan already proof that culture have big power and loveable by people in different country, Japan showed that

92 Movie News Guide. Ghost In The Shell And Mr. Robot Connection; Paramount Pictures Speaks Up! http://www.movienewsguide.com/ghost-in-the-shell-and-mr-robot-connection/289859. 28 November 2016. 93 Belanger, Louis. Redefining Cultural Diplomacy: Cultural Security and Foreign Policy in (1999) Political Psychology, Vol. 20, No. 4. P. 677-699 94 T. Arndt, Richard. The First Resort of Kings: American Cultural Diplomacy in the Twentieth Century (2005) Potomac Books: Washington D.C.

35 culture could support the peace all over the world. Japanese government effort in cultural diplomacy is a new strategy to counter national income issues and to supporting local company to grow in international level. The interest of Japanese pop culture will keep increasing as long as the government are intense in doing campaign, moreover the slogan Cool Japan must done.


The Development of Japanese Popular Culture in Southeast Asia

III.1. Japanese Cultural Influence in Southeast Asia

The rapid grow of Japanese popular culture is real, as the prior explanation Japanese culture are strong and powerful in getting people’s attention in international arena. Positive impression shown through the people interest about Japanese popular culture, even people are eager to know more about Japan. The phenomenon of international attraction is an advantage for Japan, as their mission to promote culture whether pop culture and/ traditional culture. Japanese MOFA, annually reported all the activity and development of Japan’s government to country and each report are based on continental territory. Japan use culture not only to promote their national interest but also to fix their negative bond with some country such as America. Prime Minister Abe came to U.S. in purpose of state visit on April to May 2015 to emphasize that their relations deepening economic, culture, and educational fields.95 The second visit might have an agenda to fix their relations in order to maximize Japanese culture influence.

III.1.1. Japanese Culture Take Part in Southeast Asian Society

Japan is interested in Southeast Asia country as the percentages of their future economy prediction will surpass EU in terms of export and import.96 Southeast Asia showed the potential growth economy as well the rapid raise of purchasing power which might benefit Japan. Huge demand for infrastructure and massive purchasing power of middle class people could help affluence and vitality

95 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s vVisit to the United States of America. Online Publications: http://www.mofa.go.jp/na/na1/us/page3e_000341.html. 2 December 2016. 96 Diplomatic Bluebook 2016. Chapter 2, Japan’s Foreign Policy that Takes Panoramic Perspective of the World Map. Section 1: Asia and Oceania. P. 22

37 for Japan.97 The government of japan realize the big potential of Southeast Asia but yet not being known by other country, through this momentum of good prospect Japan ready to do partnership with Southeast Asia region. According to their Diplomatic Bluebook 2016, Japanese government are ready to support infrastructure and investment of Japanese companies in Southeast Asia region.98 Southeast Asia have a promising future for Japan’s economy and also because the hype of Japan is not an issue for Southeast Asian people as their love to Japanese pop culture are huge and massive.

Japanese existence in Southeast Asia region is shown by their ODA as mentioned in previous chapter, this activity is meant to do investment to Southeast Asia region as they are mentioned in Diplomatic Bluebook. The other strategy to maintain their presence in Southeast Asia is through Japan Foundation (JPF). As mentioned on previous chapter, JPF is an organization based on Japanese MOFA which established in October 1972.99 The organization approximately get endowment from Japanese government annually, investment revenue, and donations from private sector about 78 billion yen. Those amount of money is to support JPF activity in every Asia country to run their purposes. As people might realize, there are many Japanese events held in a year especially in Southeast Asia region. The events are based on JPF plan as their purposes to maintain Japan’s presence through culture. JPF are spread almost in all Southeast Asia country including Kingdom of Cambodia (Cambodia), Republic of the Union of (Myanmar), and Federation of (Malaysia).

Japan and Southeast Asia region relations is not merely new but established since 1973 when Japan did partnership and collaboration with ASEAN as additional member (ASEAN+1). The relations of both parties started with economy purpose through FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) as well as peace, stability and prosperity

97 Diplomatic Bluebook 2016. Chapter 2, Japan’s Foreign Policy that Takes Panoramic Perspective of the World Map. Section 1: Asia and Oceania. P. 22 98 Ibid. 99 Japan Foundation. About Us. http://www.jpf.go.jp/e/about/index.html. 2 December 2016.

38 in Asia.100 The relations are growing stronger because of the presence of JPF in ASEAN countries, not only to promote pop and traditional culture but also to help Japan’s good image. There are a lot of activity given by JPF all over the years, such as travel exhibition, cooking lecture, book fair, international speech contest and many more. The most consistent program by JPF is film screening where famous films will be played with different venues every event. The Japanese film screening is played up to 4 times every year, it depends on the JPF in each country in Southeast Asia. Malaysia, Viet Nam, the , India and Indonesia have experienced the event.101 Indonesia held the film screening event at Kota Kasablanka in November 3, 2016 which played 3 different films. The other exciting event is exhibition of where people can find information about development of Japanese martial arts. India, , and Malaysia have ever experienced the events on 2012, 2013, and 2014.102

JPF not only giving events in a year but also a useful activity that might benefit the participants. JPF Indonesia for instance, will hold a singing competition free for all and open for all. The song must be in Japanese language and only for Indonesian people, the audition open from December 29, 2016 to January 26, 2017.103 The prize is a free travel plus allowance to Japan, this activity must attract many Japan lovers especially who love to sing. Last three years, music event held by JPF, Tsugaru Shamisen performed in Cambodia, Myanmar, and Laos and also to introduce Japanese classical music instrument. February to March 2013, the band did concert in three countries performed Japanese traditional music theme. Uniquely, the band deliver all songs in each country language and Japanese

100 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. 40th Year of ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation. Online Publications, official website: http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia- paci/asean/relation/ja40/index.html. 2 December 2016. 101 Japan Foundation. Japanese Film Screening Overseas. http://www.jpf.go.jp/e/project/culture/media/oversea/index.html. 2 December 2016. 102 Japan Foundation. Past Exhibition Schedule: The Spirit of Budô: The ’s Martial Arts. http://www.jpf.go.jp/e/project/culture/exhibit/traveling/history/budo_past.html. 3 December 2016. 102 http://www.wochikochi.jp/english/foreign/2013/05/hougaku-cambodia.php. 3 December 2016. 103 Japan Foundation Jakarta. Events. JF Kara OK Compe 2017. www.jpf.or.id. 3 December 2016. Wochi Kochi Magazine. Spreading the Charm of Traditional Japanese Music in Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos: Learning What Our Ancestors Saw and Felt through Traditional Music. An interview with the leader of band, Sho Asano.

39 language for the chorus. The event was held by CJCC and also to celebrate their relation that almost 60th years. Although people might see this event as ordinary music event but actually this event is a music exchange program that supported by Japanese government. Sho Asano during his interview in this event said that Asian people should know about Japanese folk songs and the message of peace and people.104

Culture is a good way to know other country conditions, as the media of soft power culture is more attractive and easily make a cooperation with other country.105 Culture also part of globalization era, through media and news people could easily accessed and find out about foreign country culture. Joseph S. Nye said during his lecture at House of Academy:

“Today we are seeing two big shifts in how power is used in international politics and world affairs. These shifts, which are the result of the information revolution and globalization, are power transition among states and power diffusion from states to no state actors106.” According to him as the expert in soft power, globalization and information have turned into a powerful media to deliver power in international arena, in this case soft power. Modern era have brought the new stage of building and maintaining relations with other country, the strategy also change depends on the suitable situation. Culture for instance, a good way to maintain as well as improving relations with other country. Both public and cultural diplomacy as soft power, cost less than hard power although have some long period to success the influence but still the result worth waiting. The emergence of free promotion is the real outcomes that Japan wanted in the future.

Foreign Affairs Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida showed his support about culture related as Japanese tool of diplomacy especially in Southeast Asia region.

104 Japan Foundation. Showcasing Traditional Japanese Music in Cambodia, Myanmar, and Laos “Sho Asano & Ensemble” Tour in Southeast Asia New Age of Japanese Music ~Tradition & Challenge. http://www.jpf.go.jp/e/project/culture/archive/information/1302/02-03.html. 3 December 2016. 105 S. Nye, Joseph. The Future of Power (2011) Public Affairs: New York. 106 Joseph S. Nye during his lecturer at House of the Academy in February 16, 2011 attended 1967th Stated Meeting and the launching of his new book “The Future of Power”

40 He did campaign culture when doing state visit in some Southeast Asia country for instance Indonesia and Singapore. Kishida also respect the diversity of culture in Southeast Asia and his own culture as people know Japanese holds their own history and culture proudly.107 Foreign Affairs Minister Kishida (2016):

“We held the second of such Pwe Taw in February this year, and as many as 17,000 Myanmar people came to the venue to enjoy Japanese culture through pop music, Japanese taiko drum performances, food stalls and company exhibition booths. We feel that knowing each other’s cultures deepens our mutual understanding. I hope you will all take part in the next Pwe Taw108.” He mentioned about culture and expressed his proud about the enthusiasm of Myanmar people in attending an event of Japanese culture. The number of participants clearly marks the power of Japanese culture are interesting, and yet catchy for people in Southeast Asia.

JPF in Southeast Asia, like another branches, open a language class for public and public library that could be accessed by people. The language class is open in different venue depends on JPF in each country but mostly held in JPF building. The interest of people in learning Japanese language are increasing every year, it was measured by the test in a year.109 Approximately, Southeast Asia region have almost 120,000 participants in continuing their Japanese lesson. The phenomenon happened because the use of Japanese language somehow attract youth people by the influence of manga and anime.110 As prior explanation, Shinzo Abe did support Japanese pop culture development abroad moreover the mission of Cool Japan especially in Southeast Asia. The amount of interest people in

107 Foreign Minister of Japan Mr. Fumio Kishida expressed his proud of history and culture which is reflecting the Japanese government ethics in international arena, he do believe through history and culture could make any relations whether bilateral or multilateral well-turned. A Keynote Address by Fumio Kishida, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Japan uploaded by German Marshall Fund as the event organizer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KK4QiZdlwR8 accessed 3 December 2016. 108 The Republic of The Union of Myanmar, Ministry of Information. Interview of H.E. Fumio Kishida, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan (2016). http://www.moi.gov.mm/moi:eng/?q=news/2/05/2016/id-6899. 3 December 2016. 109 Japan Foundation. JF Standard for Japanese Language Education. The website is in Japanese language: http://jfstandard.jp/top/ja/render.do. 3 December 2016. 110 Japan Foundation. JF Standard for Japanese Language Education. The website is in Japanese language: http://jfstandard.jp/top/ja/render.do. 3 December 2016.

41 learning Japanese language could also be a measurement of Japanese influence especially in pop culture. People could learn about culture through their language and vice versa, as the high enthusiasm of anime and manga in Southeast Asia which make people more eager to learn Japanese language.111 JPF also offer the opportunity for young people to be the real ambassador with real time schedule.112 The requirement, of course knowing Japanese language, again an attractive point for young people to learn Japanese language.

III.1.2. The Development of Anime and Manga in Southeast Asia

Japan never stops to impress people with their culture, especially for people in Southeast Asia where mostly easy to absorb any foreign culture. Their culture keep exposed by foreign media that help Japan spread culture both pop and traditional. As people might knew that Japan hold to their culture tightly, even the ethics of work also applied in some Japanese firms abroad. Japanese Prime Minister Abe is created a new strategy in economy for better Japan, the strategy called Abenomics. As mentioned in prior chapter, the strategy is originally from PM Abe himself and have three arrows of purposes.113 The first is a bold monetary policy, the second is about flexible fiscal policy, and the third arrow will continue sparking private investment.114 He emphasized the second arrow which flexible fiscal policy could fit with Japanese economy strategy, it might for the disaster countermeasures or to support Cool Japan campaign.

111 T. Hall, Edward. The Silent Language (1959) Anchor Books: United States. (reissue edition on 1973) 112 Dallas- young Ambassadors Program, June 27-July 5 2016. The representatives will act as real ambassador in Japan, on 2013 (press release) Japan also held this event but with wider scope (world) and 8 months period and the job title were given by JPF for each country. Press Release 2016 113 Prime Minister of japan and His Cabinet, Speeches and Statements by the Prime Minister. A New Vision from a New Japan, World Economic Forum 2014 Annual Meeting, Speech by Prime Minister Abe (January 22, 2014). http://japan.kantei.go.jp/96_abe/statement/201401/22speech_e.html. 4 December 2016. 114 Prime Minister of japan and His Cabinet, Speeches and Statements by the Prime Minister. A New Vision from a New Japan, World Economic Forum 2014 Annual Meeting, Speech by Prime Minister Abe (January 22, 2014). http://japan.kantei.go.jp/96_abe/statement/201401/22speech_e.html. 4 December 2016.

42 Cool Japan is established to support Japan creative industry, to be more precise the anime and manga as the popularity throughout the world. She admitted that people abroad are interested in Japanese culture and perceived as something cool. The first establishment of Cool Japan from the idea of Prime Minister (2004) when he did campaign about Japanese popular culture.115 The government realized about pop culture and did improving the slogan Cool Japan as their public diplomacy, and on 2010 changed into a supportive and development of creative industry. According to METI press release, the government new growth strategy and industrial vision 2010 to expect Japan’s cultural industries design, animation, fashion and movies will become a strategic sector that drives the nation’s future economic growth.116 Tomomi during the first minister of Cool Japan after positioned under METI (since 2013) said:

“If we compare the nation-by-nation statistics from 2012, we see that Japan is 33rd in terms of the number of visitors from abroad, just below the UAE, the Czech Republic, and . “I think that considering what Japan has to offer, this is an extremely low ranking117.” Clearly, she wanted to surpass not even Japan’s neighbor country but also other European country with their tourism potential. Cool Japan is contained all of Japanese aspect of culture including tourism but the real mission of Cool Japan is to increase the interest of people abroad about Japanese creative industry.

People in Southeast Asia is not taboo with anime and manga, some called manga as comics but it is still the same. Originally, anime and manga came from Japan and already become their branding since the anime and manga had a lot of stories, kinds, characters, and comics. Doraemon series for instance, created by manga artist Fujiko F. Fujio in 1969 is one of the most memorial character in Southeast Asia. Doraemon enter Southeast Asia country differently, in Malaysia the manga entered first in 1987 while in Indonesia anime hit first in 1988. The

115 MOFA. Diplomatic Bluebook, 2005. P. 207 116 The Japan Times. Promoting Cool Japan (2010) http://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2010/08/15/editorials/promoting-cool- japan/#.WGxqGFV9600. 3 December 2016. 117 Tomomi Inada during her interview on January 13, 2014 in her visit to share about “The Cool Japan Strategy: Sharing the Unique with the World” New York 2014.

43 success of Doraemon in both countries were continued by other Southeast Asia country. People who lived in Southeast Asia would recognized Doraemon as iconic character from Japan especially people from late 1980s to 2000s. The development of Doraemon is great, as in Indonesia this character is become a part of weekly program in RCTI every Sunday morning and have license from Japan to broadcast Doraemon. Singaporean people also have the same interest in Doraemon, they still broadcast the anime up until now with Shogakukan Asia as official partner.

Doraemon case is a small example of anime and manga have that many interest from people. The storyline of this anime is not more than an ordinary elementary kid who had a cat robot that can grant all his wishes with sophisticated equipment. Doraemon also have that phenomena, the story of this anime and manga is not really interested yet amusing the audiences with the idea of solving problem with futuristic equipment. Moreover, the futuristic equipment is representing japan as the leading innovation in technology and also Doraemon contained the daily culture of Japanese people. Japan are protective to their product, it is also applied to anime and manga, every foreign country should have their own license or it will be reported as copyrights violation. The issue of copyrights is not only happened outside Japan but also inside Japan.118 A shinkokuzai or a crime that only been charges if the victim did report is the current situation in Japan until now. The manga and anime creator keep shouting their voice about the infringement of copyrights.

Foreign country also applied copyrights from Japanese government otherwise the Cool Japan strategy will not benefit the manga and anime creator. The popularity of anime and manga had taken its toll, somehow in foreign country the originality of anime and manga knows no rights. Cultural Affairs Agency suspected that piracy of anime and manga which reach at least 560 billion yen in a

118 Anime New Network. The internet’s Most Trusted Anime News Source. Japan Considers Revising Copyright Law Due to Trans-Pacific Partnership (2015) http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2015-11-15/japan-considers-revising-copyright-law- due-to-trans-pacific-partnership/.95418; taken from The Japan Times. Japan to Strengthen Copyrights Protections in Light of TPP (November 2015) accessed in December 4, 2016 (membership required).

44 year, it was by Chinese pirate sites alone.119 Although the issue was a bad news for artist and creator but it shows the passion, the addictiveness of people in consuming manga and anime from Japan. The piracy phenomena also indicated Cool Japan is a succeed program from government to export pop culture, but still METI did not silence about this issue. METI said they will create a scheme so fans can enjoy Japanese works legally and benefit for the anime production companies and publishers.120 According to NHK, one of Japanese television channel announced the joint campaign with government to delete all illegal content and websites then leading the users to the official website. The encounter action from METI is real, until now every single violation of copyrights will be reported and banned by METI, even video content which uploaded in YouTube.

Government never expect a rapid grow of their campaign through Cool Japan especially anime and manga which very popular in Southeast Asia region. The long term program is reached its peak for six years, all the program made by Creative Industries Division called Cool Japan Initiatives smoothly reach the target. Many positive impacts that creative industries as well Japanese’s government got from the promotion of culture. Some anime and manga character cannot be easily forgotten, for some people especially Southeast Asia have their own memories. The major success of comeback was seen in 2014 when the hype of Doraemon suddenly became a trending in Southeast Asia region. As explained before, Doraemon was an old anime from late 1980s and only broadcasted once a week in every Southeast Asia country. People proved that an old anime could still have their own fans, even make young generation passionate in waiting the latest movie and remarkably showed cultural diplomacy is targeted people interests.

The popularity of late 1980s anime and manga in Southeast Asia country is not only Doraemon, but also numerous title like Astro Boy, My Neighbor Totoro,

119 The japan Times. Japan Plans Campaign to Curb Manga, Anime Copyright Violations Abroad. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2014/07/28/national/crime-legal/japan-plans-campaign- curb-manga-anime-copyright-violations-abroad/#.WGy71FV9600. 4 December 2016. 120 The japan Times. Japan Plans Campaign to Curb Manga, Anime Copyright Violations Abroad. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2014/07/28/national/crime-legal/japan-plans-campaign- curb-manga-anime-copyright-violations-abroad/#.WGy71FV9600. 4 December 2016.

45 Dash! Yonkuro, Candy Candy, Ranma ½ and many others.121 Although many predecessor, Doraemon still a reminiscence character it is also because the series still aired in modern era. The era of Doraemon is a turning point of the success anime and manga in Southeast Asia, not only in Indonesia but also Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines.122 The turning point also supported by Japanese bubble economy in the early 1990s which affected the productivity of creator and artist, in order to survive they need to find a way to increase the sales. Scholars believed, because of that issue, 1990s is marked as the booming Japanese anime and manga especially in Southeast Asia where the national income of Japan raised up to 35% which is really helpful for Japan.123 Doraemon had been inaugurated as anime ambassador by Foreign Minister of Japan Komura Masahiko (2008) with duty to spread anime and manga overseas. Komura hoped that Doraemon could introduce Japan to people and to make friends with Japan.124

The decision of Japanese Foreign Minister in 2008 showed that Japan government fully support creative industry in this case anime and manga to be more active. The consistency of Japanese program especially promoting anime and manga did not change, as finally Cool Japan become a real program to help Japan spread their interesting culture. People cannot deny the fact that anime and manga have power to win the society overseas and yet it is Japanese strategy to make friends with other country. The word “friends” might refers to build a good relations whether pursuing survival, power, or wealth from other country.125 As explained before that Japan is interested in future prospect of ASEAN region because the economic growth and the scheme of prosperous people in Asia. Foreign policy of Japanese government is to deepening and maintaining good

121 Raffaelli, Luca. Disney, Warner Bros. and Japanese Animation, in Jayne Pilling. A Reader in Animation Studies (1997, ed) John Libbey: London. P. 124-131 122 Toyoshima, Nobura. Consuming Japan: The Consumption of Japanese Cultural Products in Thailand (2011) A Thesis for Doctor of Philosophy, . 123 Ibid. 124 Cain, Rob. Forbes. Japan's Unlikely Ambassador: A Cartoon Robot Cat from the Future Wins China's Hearts and Minds. http://www.forbes.com/sites/robcain/2015/05/31/japans-unlikely- ambassador-a-cartoon-robot-cat-from-the-future-wins-chinas-hearts-and-minds/#49c208563f69. 4 December 2016. 125 Anne-Marie Slaughter. International Relations, Principal Theories in Wolfrum, R. (Ed.) Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (2011) Oxford University Press: UK.

46 relationship with ASEAN region and to assist in purpose of gaining goals together through ODA Japan. Economy is not always the goals of relations, to gain social trust and cooperation as well as presence is the hidden agenda in Japanese strategy using anime and manga.126

III.2. Anime and Manga as Japanese Culture Agent in Southeast Asia

Conventional diplomacy is often done by government to government and less active in public or people, contrast with public diplomacy that targeting people and society. Japanese public diplomacy, in terms of range and target is different than the other public diplomacy. As mentioned in prior chapter, Japan is setting up the strategy of promotion and establish particular organization as well the supervisor to make sure all according to plan. The achievement of seriousness and well prepared action felt by Japanese government especially creative industry. The other difference of Japanese diplomacy strategy is offer culture to people abroad in their public diplomacy and then using pop culture as the media to deliver the image of Japan. The impact of loveable and unique culture is easily penetrate all society class, and as people might realize that Japanese pop culture, somehow have persuasive element. The persuasive element is trying to make people learn the positive points and eager to share it their relatives, moreover it is from Japan which have “cool” perspective for people overseas.

Japanese fans would know every matsuri event held in their own country, Southeast Asia for instance held many matsuri every year in collaboration of JPF and Foreign Minister. Basically, the event will offer various Japanese culture attribute such as Hakama, Kendama, Model Kits, Okonomiyaki, and many Japan signature. Sakura Matsuri is the annual event that travel all around Indonesia, the venue always change every year to make the event more famous. The idea of matsuri is an event that bring Japan in one area, the relation with manga and anime is because in matsuri there will be such custom parade and sometime cosplay

126 Wendt, Alexander. Social Theory of International Politics (1999) Cambridge Studies of International Relations: 67. Cambridge University Press: UK

47 competition. People could see Japanese drama in stage or attend the seminar of Japanese animation. The branding of anime and manga from Japan will never change, as the attractive part of matsuri is the animation film as well the cosplayer. Custom Player or cosplay have important role in matsuri, sometimes they are the main attraction not only in matsuri but other Japanese event. People easily meet these cosplayer in every Japanese event, they just love and proud to be a character in anime and/manga.

Southeast Asia interest in the phenomena of cosplay is big, on the last world cosplay competition Indonesia won the first place.127 The achievement of team Indonesia in the world by participate and won competition is the first country in Southeast Asia who ever crown as winner. always being dominated by European country, on 2015 the winner is from and year before by Russia. Southeast Asia country always participate in World Cosplay Summit which located in Nagoya, Japan. The interest of people being a coplayer can be the measurement of anime and manga influence. Rationally, Japanese anime and manga will not grow bigger if there are not enough community who love the culture product and there will be no cooperation in copyrights. Anime, manga and their character are part of creative industry which means to be a profitable feedback for the creator. As the definition of creative industry is protected under legal law of copyrights.128 As mentioned before, the Japanese government worked together with Japanese local television station to eradicate the piracy of anime and manga abroad.

Anime and manga have highly imagination which is make them unique, some people love an anime from their storyline and some might be from the role play. People might did not realize that in almost anime and manga bring the essence of Japanese culture. The culture can be the way of greet people or the simple thing how to eat food in Japan’s way. Most people in Southeast Asia have a lot things in common with Japanese language and that is why Japanese culture is fit to Southeast

127 Kertopati, Lesthia. CNN Indonesia. Indonesia jadi Raja di World Cosplay Summit 2016. http://www.cnnindonesia.com/gaya-hidup/20160812210003-277-151091/indonesia-jadi-raja-di- world-cosplay-summit-2016/. 5 December 2016. 128 van Graan, Mike. Towards an Understanding of the Current Nature and Scope of the Creative Industries in the Western Cape (2005) Western Cape Micro-Economic Development Strategies: Department of Economic Development and Tourism in the Western Cape.

48 Asian people. Japanese people use chopsticks as their tool to eat while Southeast Asian people use spoon and fork even though the primary meal have no different. People learn or even know chopsticks through anime, they practice themselves as seen in anime. The beauty of culture is people can communicate and deliver messages through different media, without any forces or charges. Japanese creative industry have a strong characteristic yet brings out the essence of Japanese people whether the daily life or morals which is the attractive points especially for Southeast Asia people.129

According to Michael E. Porter in his book Competitive Advantage part The Competitive Advantage of Nations (1990), there are four attributes in Diamonds of National Advantage that could describe the strength of a country:

1. Factor Conditions 2. Demand Conditions 3. Related and Supporting Industries 4. Firm Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry

Porter argued that these attributes are the most relevant measurement to see one country strategy in survive and maintain the strength in the world. The first is Factor Conditions which means the internal points of a country, in this case Japan. Although Japan have enough natural resources but still cannot meet the demand and lack of productivity.130 Their technology also have a good development, leading such sophisticated technology make Japan famous in electronic things, but still it needs an enhancement. The establishment of Cool Japan committed government to add all aspects and back to culture, as the campaign from PM Abe about pop culture which is shown when the closing of Olympic Games.

The second thing is Demand Conditions where Japan needs an original theme that makes Japan’s Japan. The influence of Western culture is as same as

129 F. Yudoprakoso, Bagus. Cool Japan Analysis in foreign economy and politics Japan 2002-2013 (Analisis Cool Japan dalam Politik dan Ekonomi Luar Negeri Jepang periode 2002-2012) 2013. Department of International Relations. University of Indonesia: Depok, Indonesia. 130 The Japan Times. Liberating Japan’s Resources. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2012/06/25/commentary/japan-commentary/liberating- japans-resources/#.WG-sNFV9600. 4 December 2016.

49 strong Japanese culture, as their pop culture stands out to the world especially through their music. Although the strong waves of Western culture still Japan maintain their culture and that is what make Japanese culture unique. People are eager to explore the uniqueness and that makes Japanese culture more attractive, people will get more excited as people deepening the culture. Porter argued that domestic people have high standard to their goods which is good for boosting their competitiveness in global arena, same as anime and manga in their home. A popular anime and manga in overseas should have a good quality whether the story or character. The creator and artist also brings out the Japanese traditional culture to show that Japanese culture is rich and they are proud with their culture. Related and Supporting Industries means that anime as well as manga have supporting product along with their success, for instance action figure of Goku from Dragonball series that produce by Bandai Co. Ltd. And of course they have license to produce the figure. The merchandise company will also affected by the success of anime and manga, in Southeast Asia the demand of Pokemon raised after emergence of Pokemon GO for example in Malaysia.131 Both Singapore and Indonesia also have experienced the same, many sellers are gained high demand related to Pokemon stuffs.132

The last point is Firm Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry that show the competition as well as market abroad. The establishment of Cool Japan is a proof that pop culture industries have a big potential to become Japan’s agent in promoting traditional culture, as Japanese government wanted to maintain good relations with Southeast Asia country especially in cultural exchange. Japan wanted to build a mutual understanding through culture, in that way Japan will easily get assistance and trust from Southeast Asia country.133 The massive interest and demand from people especially in Southeast Asia pushed Japan to do cultural export

131 FMT News. Netizens Come to Rescue of “Pokemon Soft Toy Uncle”. http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2016/09/20/netizens-come-to-rescue-of- pokemon-soft-toy-uncle/. 6 December 2016. 132 Interview with two different sellers in Singapore and Indonesia that sell merchandise anime and manga including Pokemon, One Piece, and others. Sellers are the writer’s friend and interviewed done by e-mail and Facebook. Thank you for Hardi Tandiono, Kokoh Suwanda, and Anto Poedjiwo as the seller. 133 MOFA. Diplomatic Bluebook 2013. Chapter 3, Japan’s Foreign Policy in Major Diplomatic Field (sec. 4). P.31

50 which is basically their plan. The raise of South Korean pop culture as well China as neighbor country, makes Japan have a good competitors. K-pop is also popular in Southeast Asia especially Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore because those country ever held big events of concert and the tickets were sold out. Chinese culture also strong in Southeast Asia because many descendants of Chinese lived in many country in Southeast Asia.

Japan might have a good and tight competition in exporting culture but Japan have leading step from their nation branding. Although Japan culture influence cannot be seen every day in Southeast Asia, but still people’s interest to anime and manga never go off. Comic store in Southeast Asia is not as many as Japan but they have plenty places that sell comic books even an ordinary bookstore sell comics. Indonesia for instance, the license of comic books held by Elex Media Komputindo as official comic production.134 Japanese plastic model have few store in Southeast Asia, plastic model/model kit is as same as action figure but this kit needs to be assembled according to manual. Most of plastic model are sell by toys store and not have many options, people could find the plastic model through online. Indonesia have their own forum to find seller of plastic model and the demand for it never goes off, even increasing every month. Anime and manga have successfully done their job as culture agent, not only pop culture they brings in but also other Japanese culture. The other supporting company also got advantage because of this phenomena, moreover if the anime and manga have great hype in specific area.

Japanese government succeed in processing culture into a great opportunity to strengthen economy, building relations, and of course gaining trust from other country. Japan also deepening their relations especially to Southeast Asia from their student exchange, again in order to help promoting culture. Japan have succeed to keep culture as country assets, culture is aggregation of beauty, sensibility, and ethics that could lure people overseas.135 Those might be the reason why Japan

134 Elex Media Komputindo. Publishing Company in Indonesia under Gramedia Book Store. http://elexmedia.id/beranda. 6 December 2016. 135 Fukukawa, Shinji. The Japan Times. Post-‘Abenomics’ Reform. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2014/12/08/commentary/japan-commentary/post- abenomics-reforms/#.WHDe41V9602. 6 December 2016.

51 government put all their investment and trust culture as tool of promotion especially anime and manga. A great development of culture industry especially animation, creating a good image yet attractive to other country, this also contribute in Japanese economic growth.136 Uniqlo, one of Japanese clothing brands, is starting to be famous in Southeast Asia. As the income of the store extremely increase in Singapore, people are looking for it because not only cheap but it is also from Japan.137 This phenomenon showed the effect of Japanese pop culture especially anime and manga are substantial in Southeast Asia. Clothing, merchandise, tools, equipment and any Japanese signature are also being popular in Southeast Asia.

Anime and manga are both brought the creators idea, as Japanese foreign policy is to stop nuclear weapons in the world. As creative industry which receive endowment from government, anime and manga often brings the idea of peace. Although many anime and manga have fighting or war genre but in the end they will realize that peace is the best situations. PM Abe shown his sorrow when attending the memorial sites of nuclear bombing 70 years ago in Nagasaki. He said that this kind of event cannot be repeated in the future, Japanese government is now applied pacifist constitution same as prior cabinet which means peace is the priority.138 The solidarity and supporting of nuclear free campaign by PM Abe shown by the citizens, as the kids are gathered in memorial sites and did role-play about the atomic bombing happened long time ago.139 The campaign is not only part of Japanese foreign policy but also a challenge for creator and artist to spread the message of peace into their work. As explained before, culture is about gaining trust and good relations which can be done by spreading peace to people

136 Fukukawa, Shinji. The Japan Times. Post-‘Abenomics’ Reform. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2014/12/08/commentary/japan-commentary/post- abenomics-reforms/#.WHDe41V9602. 6 December 2016. 137 The Japan Times. Giant Singapore Store A Symbol of Uniqlo’s Push into Southeast Asia. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/09/01/business/corporate-business/giant-singapore- store-symbol-uniqlos-push-southeast-asia/#.WHDe1FV9603. 6 December 2016. 138 Al-Jazeera America. At Nagasaki, Abe Renews Pledge to Keep Japan Free of Nuclear Weapons. http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2015/8/9/abe-calls-for-nuclear-free-japan-at- nagasaki.html. 6 December 2016. 139 A video that show kids and teenagers in Japan where they did role-play about the attacks 70 years ago in Hiroshima at Hiroshima memorial sites. The video are provided by The Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/japans-abe-calls-for-a-world-without-nuclear- weapons-on-hiroshima-anniversary/2015/08/05/95eecffe-3c13-4924-aa2d- 814c873d20a8_story.html?utm_term=.3825695f714c accessed 6 December 2016.

52 abroad especially Southeast Asian people who famous by their kindness and peacefully neighborhood. Mobile Suit Gundam franchise, is one of the example of anime and manga that still exist until now in promoting peace to the world.

Indonesia, is one of Southeast Asia country that also have a good relations with Japan until recent days. The relationship between Japan and Indonesia was started after the Japanese ended occupation era in Indonesia because of total loss in World War II. Japan and Indonesia agreed to make peace treaty for the past events of colonialism era by Japan in 1958, to be precise January 20, 1958 marked the peace treaty as well as bilateral relations. According to the text of treaty, Japan need to support Indonesia in rebuilding government system and infrastructure all the loss will be Japan’s responsible.140 Both country were agreed to help each other in terms of services, supplying even labor to boost the development of both countries after WWII. The treaty shows that Indonesia and Japan need each other to establish their country, and that relationship keep going on until recent days. Japan became one of the biggest foreign aids to Indonesia since late 1960s it is known as ODA (Official Development Assistance) Japan.141 The help from Japan is a sustainable aid provided by their government, as the peace treaty mentioned about helping Indonesia to rebuild the country. The help was about financing the construction of power station, renovation, railways system, water filtration and many more.142

Japan collaborated with ASEAN to reach the same goal, prosperity and economy for citizen as well as peace in 1973. The involvement of Japan in Indonesia in terms of politics, economy, and social started since that year. As Japan’s mission to suffice Asia region and to assist Asian countries for better

140 Peace Treaty between Japan and Indonesia after the end of colonialism era, the treaty done by both country through Foreign Minister at that time 1958 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The treaty was meant to mend the broken relations between two countries as well as to strengthen relations in various field such as economy, politics, and social in both country. The data provided by Indonesia Foreign Affairs through online publications, Preparations Agreement between Japan and The Republic of Indonesia: http://treaty.kemlu.go.id/uploads-pub/1499_JPN-1958-0007.pdf. accessed on December 15, 2016. 141 Soesastro, Hadi. Sustaining East Asia’s Economic Dynamism: The Role of Aid (2004) PRI-OECD Research Project. CSIS Indonesia. 142 MOFA Japan. Official Development Assistance (ODA). History of ODA. http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/oda/summary/1994/1.html. 15 December 2016.

53 development in international arena.143 The 1970s marked the success of Japan and known as “boom Japan” because the rapid grow in their national income. Their success in economic growth made Japan more confident in doing ODA to Asian country especially in Southeast Asia. Foreign investment (FDI) were many in Indonesia done by Japan, various brand and industry entered Indonesia. The FDI was also a way to boost economic growth in Indonesia as the government policy of Indonesia. Japanese presence at that time were considered as a thief, because most of industries were owned by Japan and also the export import activity. People of Indonesia urged to stop the FDI activity especially for Japan in order to make local business and industry earn profit. The request from citizen was ignored by Indonesian government and finally one of Indonesian darkest hour happened, known as Malari 1974.

Malapetaka 15 Januari (Malari 1974) was the first biggest demonstration followed by riot in capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta.144 The demonstration was organized by college student from University of Indonesia and other university in Jakarta. They were upset with the government at that time where the main priority was to boost economy but the equity of country did not develop well. The plan of demonstration started a year before, and the visit of Japanese Foreign Minister Tanaka Kakuei from January 12 until 17, 1974 made people angry with the government. The demonstration happened for two days from January 14 to 15, 1974 and ended up with riot. The demand of demonstration were succeeded to resist FDI especially from Japan and Tanaka went back to Japan accompanied by Indonesian president. All activity of FDI especially from Japan were restrained for some time, and after two days of demonstration Indonesian president sent the defendant of demonstration to the court and maintained the peace situation in Indonesia.

The relations between Japan and Indonesia were slightly disintegrated because of Malari 1974 in Indonesia. FDI in Indonesia still there and stopped all the activities, Indonesian government also revitalized the situation and damaged

143 MOFA Japan. Official Development Assistance (ODA). History of ODA. http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/oda/summary/1994/1.html. 15 December 2016. 144 Ali, Ausof. Kompasiana. 15 Januari 1974, Sebuah Tragedi. http://www.kompasiana.com/ausofali/15-januari-1974-sebuah- tragedi_550d5b8a8133114322b1e422. 15 December 2016.

54 infrastructure. Two years after Malari 1974, the Japanese prime minister came to Indonesia. Takeo Fukuda was PM for Japan at that time visited Indonesia, his visit became the sequence of fixing the relations between ASEAN countries since the event of 1974 because the campaign of anti-Japan is happened in other countries. PM Fukuda became famous after his campaign that called Fukuda Doctrine since August 18, 1977 which also when his tour to ASEAN countries ended.145 The campaign was meant to make a good image for Japan as well as to offer bilateral relations. Fukuda Doctrine was applied to many places, the first is campaign for Southeast Asian country; second is for ASEAN Joint Statement; the third is for Indonesia. The phenomena of Fukuda Doctrine clearly showed that diplomacy through other aspect besides politics or military are important especially to create bilateral relations, as the campaign is to accentuate culture.146

Japanese government wanted to take back the relations that ever happened between Southeast Asia country especially Indonesia. Fukuda Doctrine is one of their solution to spread the goodness of Japan, moreover to Indonesia because at that time Indonesia was keen in boosting economic growth and also many Japanese FDI.147 The content of Fukuda Doctrine for Southeast Asia is148:

1. Japan as a country with trade relations, resist the use of military power and fully committed to give a role in peace and prosperity in Southeast Asia region as well as the world 2. Japan as a good friend for Southeast Asian countries will try the best to gain trust from each country which is based from heart to heart understanding with Southeast Asia countries, especially ASEAN in all aspects not only politics and economy but also social

145 J. Pang Lay Kim. Fukuda Doctrine: A View of Business, Analysis Vol. VI No. 10 (1997) P.8 (Doktrin Fukuda: Suatu Pandangan Bisnis, Analisa) 146 Warsito, Tulus. Cultural Diplomacy: A Concept and Relevant For Developing Country, Study Case Indonesia (2007) Ombak: Indonesia. (Diplomasi Kebudayaan: Konsep dan Relevansi Bagi Negara Berkembang, Studi Kasus Indonesia) 147 Bambang, Cipto. International Relations in Southeast Asia (2007) Pustaka Pelajar: Indonesia. P.184-185 (Hubungan Internasional di Asia Tenggara) 148 Relations Indonesia-Japan in Takeo Fukuda era. Research Report LIPI Jakarta, Indonesia. P.47; quoted in thesis from Iyul Yanti. Diplomasi Kebudayaan Jepang di Indonesia Melalui The Japan Foundation Period 2003-2011 (2012). International Relations Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

55 3. Japan will be a partner of ASEAN and together strengthen solidarity and defense with other countries outside ASEAN, while also developing any precious goals with Indonesia and then take a part in peace and prosperity in Southeast Asia.

The statement bolsters Japanese government’s strategy to spread peace by using culture for the tools of diplomacy, since Japan experienced big loss after WWII and need to find a way to rebuild the country. They have nothing left even military power were weaken after the nuclear attack, so culture and peace is the best way for Japan.149

Fukuda Doctrine was not enough to return Japan’s good image, so the government established The Japan Foundation in 1979. The first country was Indonesia because Indonesia is one of the founder of ASEAN and also to help Japan’s FDI in Indonesia to start production as before the anti-Japan campaign. As prior explanation, Japan Foundation (JPF) is an organization that bring missions to promote as well as give understanding about Japan to people abroad. JPF founded in 1972 and under supervisor of Public Information and Cultural Affairs Bureau of Japan. JPF Indonesia have three division, the first one is culture division; language division; Japan study and intellectual exchange with same target to build a harmony in relations and mutual understanding towards Japan.150 JPF Jakarta often create Japanese events, starting from movie screening; cooking demonstration; cosplay event; Japanese music competition and many more. As people knew that Indonesia have such big interest to anime and manga, there are many kinds of series that had been broadcasted in Indonesia. The success story of JPF in Indonesia when Japanese drama Oshin became popular in society in the 1980s.151

In Southeast Asia especially Indonesia, the cultural promotion may considered success. The hype of Japan influence returned to Indonesia, after Oshin

149 Yanti, Iyul Diplomasi Kebudayaan Jepang di Indonesia Melalui The Japan Foundation Period 2003-2011 (2012). International Relations Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. 150 Official Group of Japan Foundation Jakarta on Facebook (with JPF staff as admin). Page About. https://www.facebook.com/pg/JFJakarta/about/?ref=page_internal. 15 December 2016. 151 Interview with Diana S. Nugroho as Senior Program Officer Art & Culture Division in charge of Publications & International Culture Exchange Programs The Japan Foundation Jakarta. 20 December 2016.

56 there are more anime and manga came to Indonesia, Doraemon, Mobile-Suit Gundam and Captain Tsubasa are included. People started to create their own forum and group of fans, there are many kinds of groups it might be for trading or for having monthly meetings and sharing sessions. The good relations and influence of culture keep growing and tend to getting strong, JPF also agreed that Indonesian people are addicted to anime and manga. Most of teenagers in Indonesia known about Japanese tradition through anime and manga, this is the way of delivering messages as mission of cultural diplomacy. Japanese government wanted to create a favorable climate and encourage people by giving them more excitement through culture.152

The relationship of Indonesia and Japan reach the condition which both country realized to revitalize. Revitalization in many sectors but the most important is economy in purpose of people’s prosperity. Japan and Indonesia agreed to do export-import agreement since 2007 where both country gained high profit.153 Indonesia also got help from japan through ODA as explained before, there are a lot of things that helped by ODA Japan from the beginning of peace treaty.154 Most of funding were allocated for city projects such as railways, hospitals, education, as well as natural disaster precautions. The relations of both country getting deeper as they signed an FTA called Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership (IJEP) in July 2008 which eliminates tariffs of trade.155 The growth of economy for both country keep increasing since the FTA, until 2011 when Japan suffered natural disaster.

152 P. Schneider, Cynthia. Culture Communicates: US Diplomacy that Works in the book of: The New Public Diplomacy: Soft Power in International Relations by Jan Mellisen (2005) Palgrave Macmillan: New York. 153 Kedutaan Besar Jepang di Indonesia. Hubungan Bilateral Indonesia-Jepang. http://www.id.emb-japan.go.jp/birel_id.html#2. 15 December 2016. 154 Kedutaan Besar Jepang di Indonesia. Kemitraan Setengah Abad, Bantuan ODA Jepang di Indonesia. http://www.id.emb-japan.go.jp/oda/id/provinces/odaprojects_map_jkt.htm. 15 December 2016. 155 Oxford Business. Indonesia’s Trade Ties with Japan have expanded in Recent Years. https://www.oxfordbusinessgroup.com/analysis/indonesias-trade-ties-japan-have-expanded- recent-years. 15 December 2016.


The Development of Anime and Manga as Japanese Cultural Diplomacy towards Indonesia (2012-2016)

Chapter four will explain more specific about anime as well as manga and its character as Japanese cultural diplomacy to Indonesia in building relationships. First, this chapter will explain about the relations between Japan and Indonesia from the first bilateral relations and develop to cultural relations. Next, the explanation of how anime as well as manga become a strong influence in Indonesian pop culture and tools for cultural diplomacy. The last is about the impact of anime and manga as Japanese cultural diplomacy in Indonesia in terms of pop culture such as television program, lifestyle, video games and many more.

IV.I. Japan-Indonesia Cultural Relations

As explained in prior chapter, Indonesia and Japan relations started since the peace treaty and continued to help revitalize each country together by supporting each other. Japan using their ODA since 1960s to help Indonesia and did many projects, most of them are for the infrastructure and still active until 2016.156 The relations of both countries are not only from bilateral relations such as aid, export- import and infrastructure but also in cultural relations. Japan have strong influence in Indonesia as mentioned before, the strong culture influence is turned into a cultural diplomacy which is good for maintaining and improving the Japanese presence in Indonesia through JPF Jakarta.157 The cultural diplomacy is meant to share the mutual understanding to people in order to gain peace and prosperity, as mentioned before Japan also interested in Southeast Asia region and also

156 Japan Official Development Assistance, Kedutaan Besar Jepang di Indonesia. Kemitraan Setengah Abad Bantuan ODA Jepang di Indonesia. http://www.id.emb- japan.go.jp/oda/id/odaprojects_loan.htm. 15 December 2016. 157 Diplomatic Bluebook 2015, Chapter 3. Section 4: Efforts to Promote Understanding of and Trust in Japan. Cultural Diplomacy p. 306-308.

58 Indonesia.158 Indonesia is effected by Japanese culture waves not only because the promotion and strategy from Japanese government but also the role of JPF Jakarta in campaigning Japanese culture to Indonesian people. JPF Jakarta is support all Japanese content especially in popular culture such as anime and manga as they help to manage the Jak-Japan Matsuri and movie screening.159

Film and movie screening done by JPF Jakarta is an annual event which is also consistent every year started from 2012 to 2016.160 The screening event is aimed to promote the Japanese culture through film especially the most famous genre anime.161 JPF Jakarta aware about the strong influence of Japan through anime and manga as these genre popularity in Indonesia are great seen by the achievement of winning the international cosplay in Japan as mentioned in prior chapter. According to Ms. Diana Nugroho as Senior Program Officer Art & Culture Division in charge of Publications & International Culture Exchange Programs The Japan Foundation Jakarta the popularity of anime and manga become a door of another Japanese culture such as music, food and, lifestyle because most Indonesian people know Japan from anime and manga.162 Indonesian people got enthusiast to Japanese culture because from their childhood, most of them seen anime or read manga which is available in Indonesia as Ms. Diana statement. As explained in prior chapter, Indonesia built relations in license and broadcast anime and manga with Japan.

The cultural relations between Japan and Indonesia were established since JPF built in Jakarta, until recent days the number of Indonesian people who interested in Japan’s culture keep increasing especially because of the popularity of

158 Diplomatic Bluebook 2015, Chapter 3. Section 4: Efforts to Promote Understanding of and Trust in Japan. Cultural Diplomacy p. 306-308. 159 Japan Foundation. Japanese Film Screening Overseas. http://www.jpf.go.jp/e/project/culture/media/oversea/index.html. 18 December 2016. 160 Japan Foundation. Japanese Film Screening Overseas. http://www.jpf.go.jp/e/project/culture/media/oversea/index.html. 18 December 2016. 161 Interview with Diana S. Nugroho as Senior Program Officer Art & Culture Division in charge of Publications & International Culture Exchange Programs The Japan Foundation Jakarta. 20 December 2016. 162 Interview with Diana S. Nugroho as Senior Program Officer Art & Culture Division in charge of Publications & International Culture Exchange Programs The Japan Foundation Jakarta. 20 December 2016.

59 movie, music, anime and manga.163 The influence of anime and manga is real for Indonesian people which means the mission of Cool Japan to Indonesia is a big success. Japanese cultural diplomacy are important to Indonesia, not only because the strong influence of anime and manga but also to maintain and improve the presence of Japan as well as make Japan’s image more positive.164 As mentioned before, Japan was established JPF in Jakarta in order to help their culture to be promoted in Indonesia. The goals is to make Indonesian people think that Japan is good and friendly country to Indonesia, then Japan did partnership to ASEAN which is shown that Japan wanted to keep their cultural influence. The modern era make anime and manga spreading fast in Indonesia, partial scene of anime in YouTube make Indonesian people more interested to watch anime and also read manga.

JPF Jakarta done many events and projects of cultural exchanges, from people-to-people exchanges to film and movie exchanges.165 Japanese events held by JPF Jakarta are inviting Japanese officials, they often invite Japanese Ambassador Yasuaki Tanizaki to their events. Cooking demo, music competition, and Japanese expo are various culture programs that organized by JPF Jakarta in collaboration with Japanese Embassy, Japanese officials, local forums and groups in Indonesia.166 Apart from other culture promotion and programs by JPF Jakarta, Indonesian people who wanted to know more about Japanese are also in high amount of people. As mentioned before, even the Japanese officials such as Yasuaki Tanizaki and JPF Jakarta admitted the enthusiasm of Indonesian people in find out more about Japan. The good cultural exchanges happened between this two countries have done through JENESYS program as mentioned in prior chapter, plus it become an attractive appeal for Indonesian people who want to learn Japanese language. According to Atsushi Sasaki (2013), Chief of Representative of the JICA (Japanese International Cooperation Agency) Indonesia Office said that Indonesia

163 Venus, A and Helmi, L Budaya Populer Jepang di Indonesia: Catatan Studi Fenomenologis Tentang Konsep Diri Anggota Cosplay Party Bandung (2010) Yogyakarta: ASPIKOM 164 Diplomatic Bluebook 2015, Chapter 3. Section 4: Efforts to Promote Understanding of and Trust in Japan. Cultural Diplomacy p. 306-308. 165 Japan Foundation Jakarta. Events. Cultural Exchanges. www.jpf.or.id. 18 December 2016. 166 Japan Foundation Jakarta. Events. Cultural Exchanges. www.jpf.or.id. 18 December 2016.

60 is the friendliest countries to Japan in the world and also have high interest in learning Japanese language about 870,000 people in Indonesia.167 JENESYS program is not only about people-to-people exchanges but also cultural exchanges with this two countries, the participant will experienced about being Japanese people and live side by side with Japanese local people.

The JENESYS program is still active until 2016 started since 2007 in Indonesia and got positive feedback from Indonesian people as well as Indonesian government. Indonesian President, Joko Widodo did mentioned that JENESYS program have strengthen the cultural relations between Japan and Indonesia because of anime and manga influence.168 The president also said that he wanted that the program could keep continue so the cultural relations should not stop in anime and manga, this showed that Indonesia is really welcome with Japanese cultural influence and exchanges, plus the influence of anime and manga is real. JENESYS is done by two countries government Indonesia and Japan, this program is good for Indonesia especially Japan because they could easily share their culture and for Indonesia to strengthen the cultural relations.169 Participants will be stay in Japan for 10 to 14 days in Japan with bunch of agenda that had been prepared including seminar with Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, visiting tourism and historical spot, and of course the introduction to Japanese popular and traditional culture.170

167 Japan International Cooperation Agency is one of Incorporated Administrative Agency under the Act of the Incorporated Administrative Agency-Japan International Cooperation Agency, from Japan in several country including Indonesia. They do have mission such as improving governance; reducing poverty; human security and also help ODA Japan. The statement from Atsushi Sasaki in Indonesia and Japan Walking Together for JICA and the upcoming event of Jak- Japan Matsuri 2013. https://www.jica.go.jp/english/news/opinion/2013/131115.html. 26 December 2016. 168 Joko Widodo mentioned the anime and manga as one of Japanese big influence to Indonesia, he also emphasized that the other relations of cultural relations should be develop too especially student exchange through his speech at 19th ASEAN-Japan Summit 2016. Accessed from: http://www.kemlu.go.id/id/berita/Pages/Soal-Hubungan-Dengan-Jepang,-Presiden-Jokowi- Harap-Manfaatnya-Dirasakan-Masyarakat-ASEAN.aspx. 19 December 2016. 169 Kementerian Luar Negeri Indonesia. Indonesia-Jepang Perkuat Kerjasama Melalui JENESYS. http://www.kemlu.go.id/id/berita/Pages/Indonesia-Jepang-Perkuat-Kerja-Sama-Melalui- JENESYS.aspx. 19 December 2016. 170 Ibid.

61 The JENESYS program in Indonesia have high interest for Indonesian people, especially young generation, because this program got supports from the people and Indonesian government. As the mission of this program not only to strengthen cultural relations but also to build a harmony relations to youth people both Indonesia and Japan as future generation in terms of culture and other relationships.171 Anime and manga are both part of Cool Japan mission in order to promote Japanese culture, JENESYS program also introduces the participant about this popular culture. “Manga-Anime-Cosplay” was the theme from JENESYS program for Indonesian people in March 24, 2014 where most of participant are familiar with anime and manga.172 The program was meant to introduce the participant about one of famous popular culture in Japan not only to learn about Japan’ history. The program shown that Japanese government even maximize their mission in promoting culture through popular culture such as anime and manga as the mission of Cool Japan, because it is also to make participant understand the Japanese nation brand which have interesting point and strong presence about Japan.173

IV.II. The Influence of Anime and Manga in Indonesia as Japanese Cultural Diplomacy (2012-2016)

Anime and manga have long story in Indonesia, started since late 1980s until modern era which is almost three generation. People who born in 1990s would remember about their childhood full of anime and manga. There are many title of anime that had been broadcasted on television in Indonesia, moreover since 1990s from morning until afternoon almost all channels have their own anime program. IMMG (International Media Marketing Group) is one of the official copyrights

171 Kementerian Luar Negeri Indonesia. Indonesia-Jepang Perkuat Kerjasama Melalui JENESYS. http://www.kemlu.go.id/id/berita/Pages/Indonesia-Jepang-Perkuat-Kerja-Sama-Melalui- JENESYS.aspx. 19 December 2016. 172 Kedutaan Besar Jepang di Indonesia. Program JENESYS 2.0 Rombongan Ke-5 Bidang Sejarah & Budaya (Manga, Anime, Cosplay). http://www.id.emb-japan.go.jp/news14_06.html. 19 December 2016. 173 Kedutaan Besar Jepang di Indonesia. Program JENESYS 2.0 Rombongan Ke-5 Bidang Sejarah & Budaya (Manga, Anime, Cosplay). http://www.id.emb-japan.go.jp/news14_06.html. 19 December 2016.

62 holder to do anime broadcast in Indonesia, they owned many famous anime title.174 As prior explanation, Japanese national interest is in tourism sector which attracts society in different country to try and to visit Japan as their mission in doing cultural diplomacy which is also supported by METI Japan. There are various way to promote Japanese culture, one of them is through anime and manga as for Indonesia many youth and adult are attracted to Japan through that media. Various late 1990s anime like Crayon Shin Chan, Chibi Maruko Chan, and are under IMMG license in Indonesia. Card battle game such as Yu-Gi-Oh! also need rights to the production of the cards through IMMG in Indonesia, Japan and anime creator are protecting all elements of anime and manga.175

The copyrights are part of anime and manga, for Japan this is the way to make their mission of Cool Japan succeed. The issue of copyrights is to protect all of the anime and manga content as mentioned before, METI Japan also take serious action in copyrights action in order to protect the originality and of course the income from anime and manga. Piracy could make anime and manga suffer loss in terms of income and originality that have Japan’s originality as well as a disadvantage for the METI mission through Cool Japan.176 Basically, all of creative industries including anime and manga that came from Japan, were meant to change into business and most important thing is to make anime and manga one of culture agent abroad. The seriousness of protecting Japan’s brand of popular especially anime and manga shown by creating a special organization that focused to counter online violations of copyrights and the distribution of all popular culture and creative industry content from Japan called Content Overseas Distribution Association (CODA).177

174 IMMG is an international organization based on Asatsu-DK, Tokyo and the only one advertisement agent in promoting anime and manga inside and outside Japan, IMMG is responsible to Asia region which is located in Indonesia and Singapore. IMMG Official Website. About Us. http://immg.co.id/immg-indo-bahasa/about-us.html. 18 December 2016. 175 IMMG Official Website. About Us. http://immg.co.id/immg-indo-bahasa/about-us.html. 18 December 2016. 176Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Cool Japan/ Creative Industries Policy. http://www.meti.go.jp/english/policy/mono_info_service/creative_industries/creative_industrie s.html. 18 December 2016. 177 Content Overseas Distribution Association. About CODA. http://www.coda- cj.jp/en/about.html. 18 December 2016.

63 CODA were established since 2002 under METI Japan and turn more active since 2013 by strengthening the capability to protect infringement and copyrights violation to Japanese creative industry overseas including Indonesia. Seminar of anti-piracy of Japan’s creative industry have ever held in Indonesia, in order to emphasize the case of infringement especially in anime and manga that might a big loss for Japan.178 CODA also did partnership with Indonesia to counter any infringement of Japanese popular culture with local copyrights organization, Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights (DGIPR).179 The action taken by Japanese government showed that Indonesia also have some issue of infringement as Indonesian people love anime and manga. Japan is confidence to go with anime and manga campaign in Indonesia because it is a true reality that Indonesian people love anime and manga as seen in society.

As prior chapter explained, the piracy of anime and manga had hurt Japan’s government feelings. Intellectual property rights is part of Cool Japan which is including anime and manga, so the Japanese government realty took a serious action with their projects and organizations.180 Although Cool Japan is meant to turn culture into business but the other mission is to gain public awareness especially people abroad. The Japanese sensibility is what Cool Japan wanted to aim for foreign people, just like anime and manga which have the Japanese signature from daily life to moral values.181 Anime and manga have huge popularity especially in Indonesia, as 2012 there are many kinds of Japanese events done by Japanese officials in collaboration with local Indonesian people. JPF also took part in promoting anime and manga in Indonesia because the enthusiasm of people really high, as part of Japanese Cool Japan mission.182 As explained before, anime and

178 Content Overseas Distribution Association. Notice of the Intellectual Event Enlightenment Event “Really? Really! Fair in Indonesia. http://www.coda-cj.jp/news/detail.php?id=59. 19 December 2016. 179 Content Overseas Distribution Association. CODA Seminar Information on "Outline of Copyright Law in Indonesia and Efforts Relating to Infringement Response". http://www.coda-cj.jp/news/detail.php?id=40. 19 December 2016. 180 An official press release that made by Cool Japan Movement Promotion Council and Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry named “Japan Cool Japan Proposal” which contained all of the plan of Cool Japan as well as data that support the famous of Japanese popular culture in the world. 181 Ibid. 182 Ibid.

64 manga are exist in quite long time in Indonesia which influence teenagers and even older people in love with Japanese pop culture. Cool Japan mission to aim Indonesia in order to make relations in culture as well as to promote each other culture are success. MOFA and the Japan Foundation operate various projects to promote positive images of Japan in foreign countries, boost brand images of the entire Japan, enhance the understanding of Japan, and foster pro-Japanese individuals and groups for the future.183

Japan have national interest to ASEAN as they did partnership to ASEAN in order to reach the same goals and also to Indonesia where they managed to fix the relations and established JPF Jakarta since 1979. JPF Jakarta is a proof that Japan wanted to maintain their presence especially in culture, anime and manga is one of the mission overseas in promoting the attractiveness of Japan to Indonesia.184 Japan believe that through the influence of culture could make foreign people like Indonesia eager to know more about Japanese culture and deepen understanding about Japan. Atsushi Sasaki from JICA said that Indonesia is one of the big Japanese learners in Southeast Asia country, it happen because of the mission of Cool Japan itself is to support the emergence of Japanese language learners and support the cultural exchange programs.185 According to Tadashi Ogawa, Director General of JPF Jakarta and Regional Director of JPF Southeast Asia said that Indonesian people are interested in learning Japanese language because of the history, language and the influence of anime and manga.186 He added that Indonesia also have high enthusiasm in anime and manga, he was amazed by cosplay hype in Indonesia, and in the end he asked Indonesian people to learn Japanese language to know more about anime and manga and Japanese culture.187

183 Diplomatic Bluebook 2016. Chapter 3, Japan’s Foreign policy to Promote national and Worldwide Interests. Section 4: Efforts to Promote Understanding of and Trust in Japan. P. 284- 285 184 Ibid. 185 Ibid. 186 A speech from Dr. Tadashi Ogawa in Melting Pot Celebrating Diversity in September, 18 2013 in Jakarta, Indonesia along with his short presentation that explain about cultural influence of Japan in Indonesia. Japan Foundation Jakarta: www.jpf.or.id 187 A speech from Dr. Tadashi Ogawa in Melting Pot Celebrating Diversity in September, 18 2013 in Jakarta, Indonesia along with his short presentation that explain about cultural influence of Japan in Indonesia. Japan Foundation Jakarta: www.jpf.or.id

65 Most of Japanese officials in Indonesia will emphasized the strong influence of anime and manga in Indonesia in every event. As one of Japanese cultural diplomacy, anime and manga really took a serious influence to Indonesian people as Cool Japan mission, this strong influence will benefit Japan and Japan will continue supporting the phenomenon. The cultural diplomacy through anime and manga towards Indonesia is real, Japanese officials are also mentioned the phenomena happened to Indonesian people. Indonesia have many forums and groups of anime and manga fans, this also proof that Cool Japan mission in promoting anime and manga to Indonesia is a big success. Jakarta Cosplay Community (Komunitas Cosplay Jakarta) for instance, a group of Indonesian people that love being a cosplayer and active in cosplay event not only in Indonesia but also World Summit Cosplay (WSC) in Japan. The community always participate in WSC and finally crowned as first winner in 2016, according to group admin Benaya Bonaventura, this community already have 7.200s people.188

KOPAJA or Anime Lover Community Jakarta (Komunitas Pecinta Anime Jakarta) is another example of groups that created in purpose of sharing and gathering among people with the same interest in anime and manga. The group established since July 2012 and gained many members until recent days, the group is not only a community to share among people but also active and did collaboration with Japanese officials for Japanese event in Jakarta.189 KOPAJA have ever held various events in order to attract more people to join as well as promoting Japan’s anime and manga such as, Jpop CVity 2014; KOPA Japan Festival 2014; HiLo Teen Artivity Cosplay Competition 2015 and many more.190 Same as KOPAJA Jakarta, in Bandung there is GBA or Gundam Bandung Advance which is also have same concept and activities which mostly in Bandung. They are active in doing

188 Indonesia was the winner of WSC 2016 in Tokyo, Japan and this community is who participated as the first Indonesian champion. http://manga.tokyo/news/indonesian-team- winners-of-the-world-cosplay-summit-2016/. 19 December 2016. Official group homepage of Jakarta Cosplay Community. https://www.facebook.com/CosplayJKT/. 19 December 2016. 189Komunitas Pecinta Anime Jakarta. Official group homepage: https://www.facebook.com/pg/KomunitasPecintaAnimeJakartakopaja/about/?ref=page_internal . 19 December 2016. 190 Japanese Station. KOPAJA, Komunitas Pecinta Anime yang Unik dari Jakarta. https://japanesestation.com/kopaja-komunitas-pecinta-anime-yang-unik-dari-jakarta/. 19 December 2016.

66 workshop of Gundam model kits in Bandung and in some Japanese events, Jo Chuang is the founder of this group which is also came from Bandung said that the hype of Gundam as anime and also model kit are both high especially in Bandung.191 They have been did workshop in Jakarta such as Newtype Taiketsu 2015 in Mangga Dua, Jakarta where they were invited to do workshop about Gundam model kits.192 Although JPF Jakarta have mission to help promoting anime and manga but the reality showed that Indonesian people are really welcome with anime and manga influence, even they have their own mission to promote any Japanese events in Indonesia.

Anime and manga promotion in Indonesia does not only came from JPF Jakarta but also Japanese events held by the Japanese official itself. Blok M is one of the place that have annual event from Japanese official and considered as Little Tokyo in Indonesia.193 Various event from Japan ever had in this area, Daisei Takeya the chairman of Ennichisai festival committee said that Indonesian people have big interest in anime and manga.194 Takeya saw the attractiveness of Indonesian people in joining the annual event in Blok M, Jakarta which is increasing every year. As explained before, festival or matsuri hold various programs such as cosplay; forum meeting; anime and manga showcase and many more. Japan image to Indonesia cannot be separated from anime and manga, in Indonesia it becomes Japan’s stereotype which means Japan’s anime and manga have succeed to deliver culture as Japan soft diplomacy to Indonesia. There are many big Japanese events held in Indonesia, most of them established since 2012 which is marked the huge enthusiasm of anime and manga fans in Indonesia.

Japanese events in Indonesia keep increasing and most of them are based on the interest of people from anime and manga, because most events especially in collaboration with Japanese officials will have anime and manga expo and some

191 Japanese Station. Gundam Bandung Advance. https://japanesestation.com/local-community- gundam-bandung-advance/. 19 December 2016. 192 Japanese Station. Gundam Bandung Advance. https://japanesestation.com/local-community- gundam-bandung-advance/. 19 December 2016. 193 Jakarta Globe. Blok M Turning Japanese. http://jakartaglobe.id/archive/blok-m-is-turning- japanese/. 19 December 2016. 194 Jakarta Globe. Blok M Turning Japanese. http://jakartaglobe.id/archive/blok-m-is-turning- japanese/. 19 December 2016.

67 have cosplay competition on the spot. AFAID (Anime Festival Asia Indonesia) is an annual festival that held in Jakarta started since 2012, this event is organized by Shawn Chin from Singapore as well as JPF Jakarta, JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) and local organizations. The event successfully attract Indonesian people especially who in love with manga and anime because this event always invited singer from famous anime and of course merchandise expo. Shawn Chin said that Japanese popular culture especially anime and manga are very popular in Indonesia because of the high demand in Jakarta the event became annualy held in Indonesia.195, started from only 40.000 visitors and turned into 60.000 in 2016.196 The data of participants showed that every year the fans of anime and manga are increasing in Indonesia, because AFAID is mostly contain anime and manga, Japanese anime singer (OST singer) and also anime screening.

AFAID is not the only one of huge Japanese event in Jakarta, there are also Popcon Asia and Jak-Japan Matsuri. Both are also huge Japanese events in Jakarta, Indonesia with collaboration done by JPF Jakarta, JICA, JETRO, and Japanese Embassy. Popcon Asia also started since 2012 in Indonesia, this event invited a lot of exhibitors from Indonesia and other Asia country. The success of this event is real and turned into annual event, in Popcon Asia 2014 the visitors reached 89.000 and in 2016 increased to 91.000.197 Jak-Japan Matsuri also experienced the same thing, started since 2009 and now become annual event in Jakarta because of the positive feedback from Indonesian people. This event provided all Japanese content and again the most attractive thing is anime and manga which is also available in most Japanese matsuri in Indonesia including Jak-Japan Matsuri. According to Kazunori Kobayashi as the Leader of Committee Jak-Japan Matsuri this event meant to introduced both culture Japan and Indonesia to society, he also hoped that through this event both country could make cultural exchanges intensively and

195 Shawn Chin interview with Strait Times Singapore November 28, 2016. He is a Singaporean and also the founder of AFA in Southeast Asia as well as event company Sozo. http://www.straitstimes.com/lifestyle/anime-fans-hero. 19 December 2016. 196 Anime Festival Asia Offcial Website: http://animefestival.asia/afa/. 19 December 2016. 197 Popcon Asia. About Popcon Asia. http://popconasia.com/about-popcon-asia. 19 December 2016.

68 strengthen the cultural relations as Indonesia have strong influence in Japanese content especially anime and manga.198

The influence of culture through anime and manga is real, Japan mission of cultural diplomacy to Indonesia is not a gibberish the fact shown in society of Indonesian people. Japan ambassador to Indonesia, Yasuaki Tanizaki emphasized that Japan have many kinds of culture that could be more interesting, not only anime but music; theater; and so on.199 Anime and manga already become a very success example of culture agent in one country to promote another culture of a country, Japan strategy of cultural diplomacy using popular culture. The huge hype of interest towards anime and manga also supported Japan’s official to create a new event of movie screening. JPF Jakarta has already done movie screening frequently, but 2015 the first Japanese film festival established in Indonesia. According to Saiki Koze, Head of Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan said that the event will play many kinds of Japanese movies and also animation that never has been played in Indonesia.200

Ms. Diana Nugroho, also said that anime and manga somehow influencing the lifestyle of Indonesian youth, they not only attracted to the culture but also tend to learn and find more about it. Indonesian president, as mentioned before, also admitted that anime and manga have such big influence to Indonesia and Japan cultural relations. He said that the relationship between Japan and Indonesia should not stop in anime and manga as the second largest manga reader after , but also other people to people cultural exchange.201 Japanese events as mentioned before also the real proof that anime and manga is influencing Indonesian people, according to Eunike Kartini the speaker for Popcon Asia said that in Popcon Asia 2016 there will be a collaboration with other Asian artist including Japan to promote

198 Jakarta Japan Matsuri 2015, opening speech from the Leader of Committee Jak-Japan Matsuri Kazunori Kobayashi. http://www.id.emb-japan.go.jp/matsuri/about.html. 19 December 2016. 199 Cosplay Jakarta. Fukuoka Fair 2016, Memperkenalkan Fukuoka kepada Indonesia. http://cosplayjakarta.com/fukuoka-fair-2016-memperkenalkan-fukuoka-kepada-indonesia/. 19 December 2016. 200 CNN Indonesia. Merayakan Pesta Film Jepang Terbesar di Indonesia. http://www.cnnindonesia.com/hiburan/20151127124917-220-94464/merayakan-pesta-film- jepang-terbesar-di-indonesia/. 19 December 2016. 201 Accessed from: http://www.kemlu.go.id/id/berita/Pages/Soal-Hubungan-Dengan-Jepang,- Presiden-Jokowi-Harap-Manfaatnya-Dirasakan-Masyarakat-ASEAN.aspx. 19 December 2016.

69 their own creation of character manga.202 All of Japanese events of anime and manga clearly showed a long way down to cultural relations, in this case as mentioned on their diplomatic bluebook, cultural diplomacy. Japanese government wanted to implement Japan brand including anime (animation) and manga into foreign country like Indonesia in purpose of promoting other culture.203

Japan’s cultural diplomacy meant to improve as well as maintain their presence in specific country, as explained before Indonesia is one of them. MOFA Japan engages in promoting diverse attractiveness of Japan through diplomatic missions overseas and the Japan Foundation.204 Anime and manga are both cultural agent for Japan to Indonesia, as Cool Japan mission to develop business through culture but for Indonesian people it is all about culture.205 The expectation of Japanese government is clear towards Indonesia, as the data showed that Japan wanted to strengthen their relations through culture by doing and supporting all cultural activity to Indonesia and also help their country to increase the income especially for creative industry as the mission of Cool Japan.206 Japanese effort is not only to maintain presence which is benefit for them and make it easier to share another culture but also to make their brand exist in Indonesia.

IV.III. The Impact of Japanese Cultural Diplomacy through Anime and Manga in Indonesia

Indonesian people are mostly aware about the culture waves from Japan to their country, the big influence could be seen through youth generation. The target are teenagers as well as children because of pop culture especially anime and manga

202 Popcon Asia. Archives. Popcon Surabaya: Ayo Jadi Pelopor Inovasi & Kreativitas. http://popconasia.com/archives/259. 20 December 2016. 203 Diplomatic Bluebook 2016. Chapter 3, Japan’s Foreign policy to Promote national and Worldwide Interests. Section 4: Efforts to Promote Understanding of and Trust in Japan. P. 284- 285 204 Ibid. 205 Press release by Cool Japan Initiatives. Creative Industry Division, Commerce and Information Policy Office. METI 2015. 206 Press release by Cool Japan Initiatives. Creative Industry Division, Commerce and Information Policy Office. METI 2015.

70 are easy to accept and yet fascinating. As explained before, the Japanese influence especially in culture through anime and manga make Indonesian people more interested in other Japan’s culture. The number of anime and manga fans are increasing every year and also the enthusiasm of Indonesian people in attending Japanese events.207 The other strategy is to raise Indonesian people interest to know more about Japan from culture in this case anime and manga which is very strong influence in Indonesia.

The influence of anime and manga is really huge in Indonesia, seen through many Japanese events done by Japanese officials and also increasing participants. JPF Jakarta have their own agenda to do film screening, some of the film are anime and in 2015 Japanese Embassy along with JPF Jakarta and Agency of Cultural Affairs of Japan held Japanese Film Festival which is the biggest event of film and movie screening for public. The event located in Grand Indonesia Jakarta and the most played film is animation/Japanese anime, according to Japanese Embassy in Indonesia this event meant to deepen and strengthen cultural relations for both country.208 Kozo Honsei, Japan’s Deputy Chief of Mission said:

“I thought that in the perspective of a bilateral relationship between Indonesia and Japan there was kind of a close relationship between economics and politics. It’s a little bit mellow from the perspective of cultural exchange and technology. From the perspective of Japanese government, we have to widen our view to use this kind of festival.”209 The statement from Japanese official emphasized the use of anime and manga in Indonesia as an agent of culture for other Japanese culture, it is because the strong influence in Indonesia. According to the statement Japanese government is agree to use Japanese events which mostly have anime and manga expo in every Japanese events. The other impact of Japanese influence is an idol group based from Japan’s original, JKT48.

207 Interview with Diana S. Nugroho as Senior Program Officer Art & Culture Division in charge of Publications & International Culture Exchange Programs The Japan Foundation Jakarta. 20 December 2016. 208 Kedutaan Besar Jepang di Indonesia. Japanese Film Festival. http://www.id.emb- japan.go.jp/news15_47.html. 20 December 2016. 209 Kozo Honsei statement during the Japanese Film Festival 2015 in Grand Indonesia Jakarta in interview with Jimmy Roller from The Jakarta Post.

71 JKT48 is another media other than JPF Jakarta, established since 2011 in Indonesia and starting to spread culture as their mission of sister’s group AKB48 in Japan.210 The establishment of this group idol in Indonesia also showed that Japan wanted to push their promotion of pop culture to Indonesia, because idol group is a new thing in Indonesia. Idol group is different with girl band or boy band, it is a form of public figure and also to be and ambassador of Japan’s brand. Various Japanese brand such as cars, electronics, AC, televisions, programs and other things have involved JKT48 to promote it. The interest of people in Indonesia increase since this group established, there are more fans of JKT48 as well as fans of Japanese culture. JKT48 even have their own stage in fX Mall Jakarta which held their own concert and show every week, known as Theater JKT48 (Teater JKT48).211 They are also help promoting Japanese tourism in some occasion when JKT48 have event, like buy their CDs and have a chance to tour with some member to Japan. The collaboration shown how Japanese government maximize the opportunity of any cultural activity.

Live action super hero movie is a common thing in Japan, even it is turned into a genre in japan. is a movie genre that have live action in it and showing some cool super hero complete with their suit. Indonesia have broadcasted several tokusatsu for instance Ultraman, Kamen Rider Ryuuki, and Super Sentai. This genre is a base of cosplay establishment in Indonesia, many people wanted to act like their favorite heroes in tokusatsu and join the international competition of cosplay.212 The interest of tokusatsu in Indonesia is almost same as anime and manga, as the appreciation Japan and Indonesia agreed to make a tokusastu with Indonesian people as the actor in 2013. Ishimori Production Inc and RCTI working together in order to make this project known as Bima Satria Garuda which was the first ever tokusatsu from Indonesia that broadcast on local television.213 This series

210 Widarahesty, Yusy. Japan’s Effort to Maintain Its’ Presence in Indonesia through Popular Culture from 2011-2012. International Journal of East Asian Studies Vol 3 (2013) P.63-72 211 JKT48 Official Website: https://jkt48.com/theater?lang=id. 28 December 2016. 212 Dewi, Kumala and team. Penggunaan Budaya Populer dalam Diplomasi Budaya Jepang melalui World Cosplay Summit (2014) Faculty of Social and Politics Udayana University, indonesia. 213 Tribun News. Film Seri Aksi Bima Sakti Garuda Buatan http://www.tribunnews.com/seleb/2013/05/09/film-seri-aksi-bima-sakti-garuda-buatan-jepang- disiarkan-di-rcti. 28 December 2016.

72 also broadcasted in Japan and without using any voice actor to replace the dialogue. The cultural exchange have occurred through this series, because Bima Satria Garuda also showed Indonesian culture and added JKT48 as the cast.

As prior explanation, every Japanese creative content are protected under METI Japan law which is copyrighted. Indonesia have a long contract with IMMG as the official broadcaster for Japanese anime, in 2013 in collaboration with IMMG established Anibee.tv as the legal website to access anime and manga.214 This website also contain language section, Japan’s latest news and also scholarship program to Japan. Mostly, this website contain all of popular culture from Japan with legal contract from Indonesian and Japan to be accessed by Indonesian people. There is one another legal website that created through collaboration with japan and Indonesia called Mangamon.id, a legal website to access Japanese manga online.215 This website was the one and only in the world that had been worked by Japan and Indonesia, a collaboration from Ebook Japan Initiatives and Elex Media Komputiondo from Indonesia.216 Ebook Japan is registered and part of Cool Japan mission in promoting culture, in this case through manga, no other country have done this partnership but Indonesia which is showed that Japanese government aware about the hype of manga in Indonesia. The website also in Bahasa and people could buy the manga by IDR directly.

Anibee.tv is the legal website of Japan’s content in Indonesia and several Southeast country, the other strategy to suffice the demand to Indonesian people is Waku Waku Japan. A television channel that created by Japanese government to broadcast their TV programs overseas including Indonesia since 2015.217 Different with channel Japan that been aired in Metro TV (Indonesia), this channel is meant to the cable TV users. The channel first established in Indonesia and Myanmar

214 Anibee.tv is an official internet service to provide Japan’s content updated as well as free watch service for anime. People could do subscribe to access some anime and features, Anibee.tv also sell some merchandise legally via online and sometimes conduct an event. Official website: http://anibee.tv/ accessed on December 28, 2016. 215 Mangamon Official Website: https://www.mangamon.id/. 28 December 2016. 216 Ebook Japan Initiatives Official Website: https://corp.ebookjapan.jp/about/history.html. 28 December 2016. 217 Press Release of Waku Waku Japan. Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation. Establishment of Japanese Content Channel Project for Overseas Viewers “WakuWaku Japan Corporation” Announced Cool Japan Fund also to participate as Investor (2015).

73 which is showed that Indonesia is a good market of Japan because of Japanese influence is so strong. Globalization era make everything easy and connected, as the piracy became a problem for creative industry in Japan, Cool Japan Fund decided to support Daisuki.net to broadcast the Japan’s program through electronic media such as You Tube. Cool Japan Fund invested one billion yen to do the project overseas along with Bandai Namco as the biggest rights holder of anime and manga character from Japan.218 Indonesia also has several legal website to do streaming anime and that is where Daisuki.net involving, every publications of anime and/television series from Japan will have Daisuki.net advertisement and supervised by them.

The prior paragraph is showing how big anime and manga influence as Japanese cultural diplomacy is, cultural exchanges are happened in many ways. People who lived in Tangerang city will know about the newest mall around known as AEON Mall. Purple theme is the signature color of this mall, it is not ordinary mall because it is from Japan. Indonesia and Japan cooperated to build this mall, not in collaboration of creating but Japan is exporting their mall to Indonesia. AEON Mall is a mall in Japan that have all entertainment including house properties, toys, and also . Indonesia is one of the export target of this mall, and finished in 2016.219 Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam also have this mall of Japan, Cool Japan Fund agreed and become their working program. AEON Mall is a new place for Indonesian people to find stuff from Japan or looks like Japan, Japanese events are also held there for some time. Indonesian entertainment are now being influenced by Cool Japan since the mall popularity is increasing among society.

Cultural exchange is not only from event done by Japanese officials in Indonesia but also through sister city or in other words a cooperation done by some local city to foreign city in other country. There are some sister city from Indonesia in accordance with Japan for instance Medan city Indonesia with Ichikawa city

218 Press Release from Cool Japan Fund. Investing in the Platform for Internet Streaming and e- Commerce Business for Official Japanese Anime Content (2014) Daisuki.net 219 Press release from Cool Japan Fund. Investing in Consortium of Creating and Distributing Japan-style Entertainment Content throughout Asia (2014) AEON MALL

74 (Chiba ) Japan. Although the relations of sister city have been established since 1984 but the relations is good and now there are more agenda of cultural exchanges for Indonesian people and vice versa.220 Both of cities have been did visit to embassy of each country, travel and stay with locals in both country and also gathering in some special events.221 Tanizaki as the Japan’s ambassador happy by knowing that Japan and Indonesia could have such good relations including sister city project. He emphasized the increasing of Indonesian tourist to Japan and students are increase quoted from Aneka Jepang.222 Japan realize the fact and decided to do free visa for Indonesia using e-passport since January 2014.223 The strategy is to help Indonesian people who interested in Japan could easily visit Japan without worrying about visa as well as the cost for traveling in Japan.

Many of positive impacts through cultural diplomacy, the feedback is for strengthening relations especially in culture. Various aspects can lies behind culture, there are many kinds of things that could be leant from culture. As prior explanation, people are starting to learn language, learn about traditional culture, and learn how to eat in Japanese way and many more. Youth generation of Indonesia is the target of anime and manga but also they gained an advantage to visit or to continue study in Japan easily because of this good cultural relations. Yasuaki Tanizaki also said during Japanese Film Festival that Japanese film festival can spur an increased level of interest in Japan and help the friendly relationship between Japan and Indonesia develop even further.224 As mentioned before METI Japan have Cool Japan mission to promote culture in foreign country through JPF, in Indonesia anime and manga influence are strong even people eager to know more about Japan from that pop culture genre and Japanese officials also admit the fact.

220 Ichikawa Int’l Exchange Association (IIA). Medan city. http://www.iia21.jp/e/medan.html. 28 December 2016. 221 Ichikawa Int’l Exchange Association (IIA). Medan city. http://www.iia21.jp/e/medan.html. 28 December 2016. 222 Yasuaki Tanazaki in his opening remark on Aneka Jepang Magazine that produce in Indonesia as a catalogue of introduction and promotion of Japan to Indonesian people by Japan Ambassador in Indonesia. Aneka Jepang edition 338th 2015. 223 Aneka Jepang edition 338th 2015. 224 Yasuaki Tanizaski statement during the Japanese Film Festival 2015 in Grand Indonesia Jakarta in interview with Jimmy Roller from The Jakarta Post.



Relations between countries are important especially for developing country, to reach a good relations is through diplomacy. Globalization era or modern era make diplomacy activity easier than during war or post war. International relations studies acknowledged two kinds of power that useful in doing diplomacy, soft power and hard power. According to Joseph S. Nye, one of the expert in politics said that hard power is a use of military to gain national interest while soft power is a way to get others to desire what on desires, persuades them to gain national interest. As modern days, the use of soft power of one country is more effective and also cut more cost than hard power.

One of soft power strategy is through public diplomacy, it is a way to introduce to other country about one’s country potential. The potential sector such as tourism spot, culinary and beverages, or fashion can be used to attract other people from other country. Public diplomacy meant to attract foreign people, it might be to make them visit the country or to create a nation branding. There are also cultural diplomacy which is a promotion through pop or traditional culture to share and influence foreign people with an awareness as the result towards another culture. Cultural diplomacy is used by some countries to strengthen in terms of culture and also economy towards another country.

Cultural diplomacy is one of soft power strategy in international arena whether to strengthen or to develop relations between countries. People might realize that K-pop, Bollywood, Ping Pong are kinds of diplomatic tool to reach society in the world. The impact of cultural diplomacy is great compare to less cost of cultural diplomacy activity, culture also have an interesting point that might attract foreign people. Japan is one of cultural diplomacy user, they did aware of their own culture existence in the world. Both traditional and pop culture of Japan are famous, even United States admitted that Japan’s waves of culture are strong. The high interest of Japan’s culture made Japan’s nation branding and stereotype among foreign society which is good for Japan. The Japanese government agreed

76 to establish a special organization for spreading culture both traditional and pop culture. The Japan Foundation is the organization that crated to spread Japanese culture whether traditional and pop culture, created in October 1972 and supervised by Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Japan Foundation or JPF are financed by Japanese government in order to support their activities in the world. JPF have office in foreign country, this was meant to educate local people about Japan as well as creating Japan’s good image in the world. Their activities, mostly are about Japanese culture and they also provide language class for people who want to learn Japanese language. Japanese cultural diplomacy are going every day through JPF, it is an effective diplomatic tools especially to instill the foreign society. Music, cuisine, fashion, lifestyle, art, anime and manga are Japanese pop culture and people overseas love their culture. People are attracted because they thought Japanese pop culture is unique and people tried to find out more about Japanese traditional culture.

Anime and manga are Japanese stereotype in most foreign countries, in Southeast Asia the popularity of both pop sub-cultures are huge. People started to create their own groups of fans for particular anime and manga. JPF also aware about the phenomena of anime and manga, they held some events for anime and manga fans. The events could be film screening or cosplay competition and also introduced other Japanese culture. Anime and manga always brings the essence of Japan as their function to promote Japan, PM Abe acknowledge the existence of anime and manga in the world as one of Japan’s cultural diplomacy. The artist and creator are supported by the government as creative industry that help promoting Japan through their work. Indonesian people are also love anime and manga, there are many forums, groups or club for anime and manga fans.

Although Japan and Indonesia have experienced bad relations in the past, nowadays Japanese culture exists in Indonesia. Their relations, at the first was to build country and develop together with aid and economy. Malari 1974 was the darkest hour of their relations, where Japan was forced to go out from Indonesia. The situation was back to normal after Japan’s PM Fukuda in 1977 spread his doctrine to Indonesia and other Southeast Asia country. Two years after the

77 doctrine, Indonesia and Japan relations back to normal, and marked the establishment of JPF in Indonesia. JPF started to spread Japan’s culture as well as gave an understanding of Japan’s good image to society. The late 1980s, Japan’s existence was felt along with J-drama Oshin which very popular at that time in Indonesia. Old anime such as Doraemon, My Neighbor Totoro, and Sailor Moon were broadcasted in Indonesia following the success of Oshin.

The opportunity of huge interest of anime and manga, for Japan is to promote another culture such as the way to eat food or traditional clothes. The positive feedback of this cultural diplomacy is helping Japan to strengthen their relations towards Indonesia. Japan strategy through culture are successful in Indonesia, there many Japan-Indonesia products that have been established. Idol group JKT48 is one of the example of collaboration Japan-Indonesia in pop culture. Idol group is one of Japanese pop culture which is very popular among teenagers, in Indonesia JKT48 also have huge popularity. Both group idol from Japan (AKB48) and Indonesia (JKT48) are helped their own country with promotion of culture, JKT48 promote Indonesian culture and vice versa. The beauty of cultural diplomacy is happening every day, as one of soft diplomacy, culture is loved by people and easy to accept. Culture also cost less than other traditional diplomacy, the feedback is surprisingly big and benefit for the country.

Indonesia is considered as good friend by Japan, it is because their long period of relationship and again the appreciation of culture. Japanese government are pleased to know that their pop culture are very popular in society. There are many events held by Japanese government, such as Jak-Japan Matsuri in 2016 where Japanese ambassador did opening remarks at the event. Japan also applied “Sister City” to Indonesia, this was meant to help each other in developing their cities. Japanese official even said that Blok M is little Tokyo in Indonesia, because the enthusiasm of Indonesia people in Japan’s event. Cosplay team Indonesia won the World Cosplay Summit in Nagoya which is the biggest cosplay competition in the world. Japan’s toys and model kits are also popular among kids and teenagers even people with age of 30s still buy the model kits.

78 The huge interest of anime and manga in Indonesia is not only help Japan promote their culture but also to help Japan improve their economy. As their policy to export culture to other country including Indonesia as one of Japan’s good friend. Anime and manga is the one of cultural diplomacy tool of Japan to Indonesia, the strategy is to export more culture to Indonesia. Culture is one of powerful tool in diplomacy, not only cost less but also comes with great feedback. Japan’s policy of exporting culture are successful, attracting people and creating image that Japan is cool. AEON Mall is the proved that Japan export their entertainment which is also contain pop culture to Indonesia. Rationally, Japan will not do such thing if their existence is not that big in Indonesia. Collaboration of building AEON Mall was also funded by Japanese government, and nowadays AEON Mall is one of Japanese event spot.

Culture is easy to accept for people, usually they see culture as something cool and new. Anime and manga for instance, it was originally from Japan and yet have big fans particularly in Indonesia. People will start to learn a little of Japanese language by seeing anime or read manga because they think it is cool to know foreign language. After that, they will eager to find other Japanese culture in order to know more about Japan. People interest will keep growing day by day, that is why in Indonesia many forums, groups and clubs are established. Indonesian people know some Japanese traditional culture from anime and manga, for instance how to use chopsticks properly. Culture also strengthening relations between Indonesia and Japan, through JENESYS program cultural exchange happened every year. Culture also help to give both country a mutual understanding to reach the same goal and to understand each other, which might end up with peace between both countries.

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