
/••.'. ".„ it'1' '**' l ••' . • !.' \ ' A.. ! •" .rF *it' .'U ' ll '1 "" '*

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rs 9 6 . (j, !! ss. Mo. G-/O96*


"33 >•:**]£* 1<

Au:;;i..il I'.if'iMiniiii Ir i;i ! lipw.inls. Full limiulii Policy f>r .('l.iiin 1m- ,';-t,

ANKUAL, INCOME - - £2130.000

FIJNOL; U: HAND - - - £320.000 CAi'i'i'AL S'ULLV SUBSCIUIJED - £1.000,000 COMPENSATION PAID - £3,600,000

64, CORNHILL, , A. V! \\. • • .'• GRASS S FOR

A special, combinafcion of Grasses fop producing a sward .adapted for this fashionable game. IT/6 ;p€*jt» Bushel,


A. Mixture of fine Grasses and Glovers for producin beautiful close green turf. Price 3/8 per Gallon; 25/- per Bushel.

iH Genuine only direct from SUTFON SONS. READiHu,

A -J •


S MIS cL-.i.inus Liqueur is made from an old recipe, and pr«-p:ii-i-il with the very greatest care and supervision, only tin: v.-ry best materials being used. It is THE mosi l.-islii'in ihli and popular Liqueur, being absolutely purr. IV!:(.1CSIMIH' n;i

To be obtained of the Sole Proprietors, ES HAWKER & Co.,

PLYMOUTH. of all IKfiiie 1896.



Coli'i'dl Milp •.".7/7/ / V.'.V/7/'//;V Mi,:!!'

itl/i/ 11 Old (illliir.

l'liblishocl iiL Ui(i Ofiliso of >-THK KiELD. (• 1





ii! iiiiiiitiliiiliiSlifBS* |||g|j|i^|l||||||||^^ PREFACE.

.°YN addition to the Coloured Map, descriptive; matter has been added, givinp; the most needed informa- tion in connection with the principal HnyhVh, Welsh a.nd Irish Golf Clubs. In the hope that, it will IK- found still more acceptable fur the rec|uirements of (iolfers. E. j. WOODWARD, B.Se.

rs.SN"ii:i;v LAM-1. SAII; DKI-OSIT,

(>'„ GlIAN'fllM'.V LAN !•:, \:',.C cl H ofe JX,» x xx JL JLa x uG w \J * ^ 'Ladies Tailors, 128, MANSFIELD ROAD, NOTTINGHAM,


. ••''•s/s'^A •<.'•••>.x Gowns for Golfing, Gowns for Cycling. t" C Gowns for Boating, A \ Gowns for Walking.

: 1 '•U: Wraps & Coats for Driving,

In CU o'Atinv: ;•.•; skui

•&• l'l.iln Cloiti. .ill Slr.icli;s.

I'crFecL Cut and Kir j>iiar:inlfcd without j)'.:rr;on:>l Patterns «ml original designs with bcir-i form post free. Tournaments, 1896.

AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP Will take, place on the Links of the St. George's Go;f Club, Sandwich, Tuesday, May .igth, and following clays.

QPEN_CH AM PIOJtt SHIP To he held tit Muirliekl (otli mid j.ith ul |nnc:.

LADIES' AMATEUR^CHAMPIONSHIP Will be I'll.'iye.tl over tin-.- .Link;; of (.lie K'oynl Livorpuol. (.iu'.f CUJI'J, Moyl.'ikf:, on the i.'.lh (1.1 i jlh of May.

CHAMPIONSHIP OF WALES Will be decider! the last week in August, ;il Iv'liyll.


Will be playe.d for, May i^lli. :iL Sandwieli. THE GOLFER'S BEVERAGE.


X)lT.TvEATHLl' is a Mineral WaLrr possessing exceptional, qualities, admirably adapted to tbo requirements of those engaged in all. kinds of out-door sport?, wanliw on latigue and imparting f.,rcn an(\ vigour to the frmiie. Makes Whisky Soft and Mellow.

" WHfutlily IH an excellent T.iMu Water, dilfcriiifr from wuM, mincnu mifcere, which hnv

" Anioi.pt JtH other Koo.l qualities. 1'ir.ki-atlil.v HOftonK wliiBkv«inl hriujfs ...it its best attributes."—AV,iv,/ «,„/ Miiimn/ <;,r.<-tte. " A very plc-sisaut and wliolesoine '1'ihlo Wiiter.'' '/•//,• hnurt.

Tu bo J.jul in l!,,tt]1.K1 Jlalf-Hutll.-H m,,l (.Jiwi-ter-JJcttles nl nil l.he I..inoivjj IOIHIS. JfiiiLwuy Jt.-r.-e^lituei.t JJ,.r«. Wu-iniKls. (in.ccis. u,ul Wine AAlcrchaiiLs

Or .Direct from The Pitkeathly Table & Mineral Water Co.


1. 'The dame, of-Golf is played by two or more sides, each playing its own li;i.ll. A side may consist of one of more persons. 2. Tin; game consists in each side playing a ball from a, tee into a hole by successive strokes, and the hole is won by the side holing its hall in the fewest strokes, except as otherwise provided for in the rules. If two sides hole out in tlii- same number of strokes, the hole is halved. •\. The teeing ground shall be indicated by two marks placed in a line at right angles to the course, and (he player shall not tee in front of, nor on either side of, these marks, nor more than two club lengths behind them. A. hall pinycil from outnide the limits of the teeing ground, as thus defined, may Lit: recalled by the opposite side. The hole shall he .|.-[- inches in diameter, and at least 4 inches deep. 4. Tin; ball must be fairly struck at, and not pushed, scraped, or spooned, under penalty of the loss of the hole. Any movement of the club which is intended to strike the hall is a stroke. 5. The jLf.-utie commences by each side playing a ball from the first teeing ground. In a match with two or more on a side, the partners shall strike off alternately from tin; Ices, and. shall strike alternately during the play of the hole. The pla\ers who an: t» strike against each other shall be named at starting1, and shall continue in the .same order during the match. The player who shall play first on each side shall he named by his own side. lu case of failure lo agree, it shall be settled by lot or toss which side shall have the option of leading. MONTROSE, JO,

/"V"\ONTROSE, on East Coast of Scotland, within \ 2. hours of :' London, and '5 hours of -Edinburgh, oilers 111any aiLrnci 1011:-. lo ! 1 'KM.! !•:;••:.-;, and to visitors generally on the outlook for desirable Summer | (_>U;LI'I or-;.'

THE SPLENDID GOLF COURSE, (iS hole-.-.) ivhid, is (.,i.: <,l LIJC i.iidr-M. in the, Kingdom, and declared by the etnineni ^iiilinj; aulhority, ML-. 11nr.icf Hutchtnson, to be "one of the, three best in Sr.ii.l;nu!." is of l,'ir.!.M: fMi'iu (3^ miles) and stretches along- the Links in close. ph'\imily LO tin: sea.. The course is capitally laid out and kept in f^ond order, while EIH.- well devised hazards, in which the natural advantages of the Links and ilfits have been taken advantage of, adds to the intnesl. ol the frame. The ('.liiirsi.1, which is not overcrowded, is open to all without i-hai'^c

A LADIES' GOLF COURSE of 18 holes, also free: lo all visitors, has been l.-i.id out on the Links, anil is of a very interesting < h.'iradfir.

SIS A BATHING.—The extensive and beautifully clean Sands provide H're.-Li; im. ihtiea for Sea J::iatbing, which have been tfikrii ;(d\-.inia«-f- t.if by Lhe (lorpuiattou to provide a safe and commodious; Uathinj.;1 Station, with conches and other appliances.

THE FINE SPACIOUS LINKS, close to the ;;ea and far reaching- ; Hcac.b allonl opportunity for recreation of a most desirable and health- • i 1 j.;'i\'in,!.. |- naiuri :.

'J'hr* TIMVU is healthy and well kept; with jfood Waier Supply, and ;i|)piuvf:d Drainage System.

M011L1u.se .'il.io forms a conveuiftnt centre for excursions lo nf.-iijli couutiy of ^reat natural beauty and interest. ft. [f x player shall play when his partner should rin.ve done so, his side .chilli liwe the hole, except in the case of the tee shot, when the stroke may he recalled a.i. the option of the opponents. 7. The side winning a hole shall lead in starting for the next hole, and may recall tlie opponent's stroke should he play out of order. This privilege is called the "honour." On starting for a new match, the winner of the lony match in the previous round is entitled to the "honour." Should the first match have been halved, the winner of the last hole pained is I'M titled to the " honour." N. One round of the Links—generally 18 holes—-is a match, unless otherwise agreed upon. The match is won by the side which pets more holes ;ihe;id than there remain holes to be played, or bv the side winning" tlie la.it hole when die match was all even at the second last hole. If both sides have won the same number it w a halved match. i). Alter the balls are struck from the tee, the ball furthest (10111 tlie hole t'i which the parlies are playing shall be played first, except as otherwise provided tor. in the rules. Should tlie wrong side play first, the opponent may recall the stroke before his side has played. 10. (Unless with the opponent's consent, a ball struck: from the tee shall nui lie ch;inge.i!, touched, or moved before the hole, is played out, under the penally of one stroke, except as otherwise provided for in the rules. 11. In playing through the green, all loose impediments, within a chili length of a ball which is not lying in or touching a hazard, may be- ri'iiiovcd, but loose impediments which art; more than a club length from the ball shall not be removed under the penally of one stroke. 1:. Before striking at the ball, the player shall not move, bend, or break anyiJiing fixed or growing near the ball, except in the act of placing his. feet on the ground for tin: purpose of addressing the ball, and in soling his club to address the ball, under the penalty of the loss of the hole, except, as provided lor in Rule f.X. 13. A ball stuck fast in wet ground, or sand may be taken out and. replaced loosely in the hole- which it has ma.de With Dunlop Both Lady's and Pneumatic jjyres Gentleman's Cycles with Cushion Tyres

TO '•••:/v FROM £5 10 0

1'iiy tlirfd from /lit- ('OIII/VIHV sirring iii/rniudiatc fivufits

&.*r A REMARKABLE OFFER III! j-c['(:i|il, "I I'.'I.O. ui' it-nil iitn; ill' diir I'vclcs I'.'IIIUI.^I- |i;iiil lii illIV Slnl.ion in I'iii^liiinl or Si-oLhitul II|IIIII A)i|ii'ii\ nl. If iml siiiisfiii'lury \vi; p;iy |.| i<- n'liirn c•;11• i-i;i,•_• <• iiinl I'cl'iniil Uic niifiii-y in full. 11, woulil llnis I"1 I'uniif.li Ui piii'i'luiK.1 u. <.'y\<: lu'l'iui' c:-.;1111s11iiI

S, Collingvsrood Street, N EWCASTLE-U PON-TYN E.

Nn con lift-linn with IVIc ;;:•>[-.•:. Annvilronc, Milchtt! C. Cn,, or any firm ci' simil.'LL- ni»nie. 14. When a ball lies in or touches a hazard, the club shall not touch the ground, nor shrill, anything be touched or moved before the player .strikes at the ball, except iluit the player may place his feet firmly on the ground for tlu: purpose of addressing' the ball, under the penalty of the loss of the hole. (5. A. " hazard " shall be any bunker of whatever nature :—wafer, sand, loose earth, mole hills, paths, roads, or railways, whins, bushes, rushes, rabbit scrapes, fences, ditches, or anything which is not the ordinary careen of file course, except sand blown on to the grass by wind, or sprinkled on Ljrass for the preservation of the Links, or snow or ice, or bare patches on the course. 16, A player or player's caddie shall not [tress down or remove any im:ij,i.iUritii.'.s of surface near the ball, except at the Teeing Clmund, imdtr tin.' penalty ol the loss of the hole. 17. IT any vessel, wheel-barrow, tool, roller, grass-cutter, box, or other similar obstruction has been placed upon the course, such obstruction may be removed. A ball lying on or touching such: obstruction, or on clothe,, nr nets, or on ground under repair or temporarily covered up or opened, may bo lil't-d and dropped at the nearest point of the course, but a hall Iilied in a. hazard sha.ll be dropped in (he. hazard. A ball lyiu;.; in a. ^olf holt: or Ha;.'; hole, may be lifted and dropped not mure than a club length behind such hole. i.S. When a. ball is completely coveted with lo;.;1, bent whins, ifcc, only so much thereof shall be set aside as that the player shall have a view of his ball before lie plays, whether in a line with the hole or otherwise. 19. When a ball is to lie dropped, the player shall drop it. lie shall front, the. hole, stand erect behind the. hazard, keep the spot from which the ball was lilted (or in the ease of running; water, tin- spot at which it entered) in a line between him and the hole, and drop the ball behind him from Im head, standing as far behind the hazard as he may please. i'o. When the balls in play lie within six inches ol. each other—- measured I mm their nearest [joints the ball nearer the hole .-ih.il I be lilied until the oilier is played, and shall then be replaced as nearly as possible in 19 Prize

I'.I.H MM ;"IM-I !!• •.'••'iii1-

I'.IMI i:ii ii'ii.i :ii ;::I:K • i .

BILLIAUD TABLE Manufacturers, Merchants k Sliippers. THE LARGEST SHOW ROOMS A "IM _[_> Stock of Billiard Tables 1 1M THE WORLD


a;i\. I.I I'IJ-.I n: --,:ir lAiii :ii: nit- v::i!ii«. 2\ WESTM1N5TKK BltlDGE ROAD. LONDON. S.E.

uv-.-. !•••.! i:..i:..ii Sh..«- H'-.ci,,:.- •/. mn STREET. RFfiENT STREET. W. its original position. Should the ball further from the hole, be accidentally moved in so doing, it shall be replaced. Should the lie of the lifted ball be altered by the opponent in playing, it may be placed in a lie near to and as nearly as possible similar to that from which it wan lifted. 21. If the ball lie or be Lost in water, the player may drop a ball under the penalty of one stroke. 22. Whatever happens by accident to a ball in motion, such a.s its being deflected or stopped by any agency outside the match, or by the forecaddie, is a "nih of the green," and the ball shall be played from where it lies. Should a ball lodge in anything moving, such ball, or if it cannot be recovered, another ball, shall be chopped as nearly as possible at the spot where the object was when the ball lodged in. it. But if a ball at re-si; be replaced by any agency outside the match, the player shall drop it or another ball as nearly as possible at the spot where it lay. On the Putting Green the ball may be replaced by hand. 23. If the player's ball strike, or be accidental!/ moved by an opponent or an opponent's caddie or clubs, the opponent loses l.he hole. i'4. If the player's 11; 111 strike, or he stopped b_y himself or his partner, or either ol their c;iiii!ie.; or clubs, or if, while in the act of playing', the player strike the hail twice, his side, loses the hole. 25. If the. phiyer when not making a. stroke, or his partner or either; ot their caddies touch their side's hall, except at the tee, so as to move it, or by touching anylliin;:1 cause it two move, the: penalty i.s one .stroke. 26. A ball is 'oiisidered to have been moved if it leave its original position in the h :i t degree and stop in another, hut if a player touch his ball and thereby cinise it to oscillate without causing it to leave its original position it is not ni'-ved in the sense ol Rule 25. 27. A player'- 'I'.: lo'.es a stroke if he piny the oppon.->t's ball, unless (1) the opponent the.: piay the player's ball, whereby the penalty is cancelled and thi:: hole inns' •».• phiyed out with the balls thus eMchanyed, or (2) the mistake occur tin •••r-.:\ wrong information given by the uppoii/jiir., in which case the mistake.. \ discovered before the opponent lias played, must be rectified by placii • •; ball as nearly as possible where the opponent's ball lay,


Highest and Only Award, Forestry Exhibition, 1893. Only Gold Medal Awarded, International Horticultural Exhibition, 1892.


TESTIMONIAL. T'rniii Hi? Ciijilniit nf the Luri/rui Uulf (Huh, f.iirinui, February JOtli, 1S9~I.—" The, " Puiwinnte. hnirii Muirar ijiut suiiplie.il ».< with itaiiti' ii.n nlnnllm ii;/n, lots been in ilia tin

" oiir'fiarci'iL'i i>.i:tir uliuu:. II. htf:> (jirt'li compli'tti Riiti.ii'ruilinii, not only an. account of it'. " e.uttimj jioirirs, Inil u/.m J'nr it* iiiiiijilir.il 1/ nnd slrewilh of make.. I. consider U uiipt'riiii ",Io muj nlln'e mnchine. for iitC 11 pun (Inlf (Ireciix ut 'I't'nnii Cnnrls."

BANSOMES" LAWN MOWERS iirnducf .1 fine, iwon 'itirfnco 011 tlin .rutting Cirnenr;, and urrs in usi: on the lifsvt'rliiv, licmtiiiilfju, I'luxliill, 1'KHV«IOH, liri^htoM, (Jnniier, lU:w;!bur^', (Jo. Diiwn, Krlix-Unvu, (ii'i'rnirliUK'l, tslfi of Wijiht LiulioK, I:y;i.l nnil Amtitnl Hi;. .'Vinli-nw:;, .Koyul MppiMi; forctit, Iloy;i.t Coimliy Poi'lt'iisli, Itichiuiiticl, Kyi:, Hi. '.M.'lo, Suiiton (Jurnw, FihoriiiKlinnt. K11IL011 (Joldfiold, Wuwt Itcrtu, Wootlfunl, \Vulliiri!:oy, WilricniDKac, :iml oLhcr Iiiiiksi, j,'iviiif» lliu grualusl iinlihfuctLon. All Machines Sfiiit Carriage Paid, and a Month's Free Trial Allowed. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE BY POST,

an Api'r.io.i'rros TO RAN50MES, SIMS & JEFFERIES, LTD,, IPSWICH, If it be discovered before either side has struck off at the tee that one side has played out the previous hole with the ball of a party not etij.pi.yeJ in Lin; match, that side loses that hole. 28. If a ball be lost, the player's side loses the hole. A ball shall, be held as lost if it be not found within five minutes after the search is begun. 29. A ball must be played wherever it lies or the hole be given up, except as otherwise provided for in the rules. 30. The term " Putting Green " shall mean, the ground within. 20 yards of: the hole, excepting hazards. 31. All loose impediments may be removed from the Pi.iU.inf;- Green, except the opponent's ball when at a greater distance from the player's tiia.11 six inches. T,::. In a match of" three or more sides, a ball in any decree him- between l.he player and Lhe hole must be lifted, or, if on the Putting Green, holed out. 3;;. When the ball is on tin: Putting Green, 110 mark shall be placed, nor line drawn a.s a. guide. The line to the hole may be pointed nut, but the person doing so may not touch the ground with the hand or club. The player may have his own or his partner's caddie to .stand a.t the Imle, but none ol" f IK.- players or their caddies may move so as lo shield the ball from, or uxpose it to, the wind. The penalty for any brua.ch of this rule is the loss of the hole. 34. The player or his caddie may remove (but not press down) sand, la.il.h, worm casts or .-.now lying around the holt: or 011 the.1 line of his put. This shall he dune by finishing lightly with the hand only across the put am! not. along it. i.'img may bu removed to a side by an iron club, but the club [iiu.it not In- laid with more than its own weight upon the.1 ground., The'putting line'must not bi: touched by club, hand, or foot, \- xcept as above authorised, or immediately in. front ol: the ball in the a.cf of. addressing it under the penalty of the loss of the hole.

li a ASiMAliD, S1;.^IO? & MSNASDS, Ltd., lttanuf;uhims,


Jti{;h(i,ii, AV;:I.I'(!H Vv'hdri'v.'.M1 EdnbiUul. L:i.l,'3:it, Sncersjbcs. Gilvf'i1 i'/LGil:il, Oiiiiy «!iow, XSJlil. Silver Moiiiil, AniiituHnm, 1S9I5,

f •!•.•."

.•'•// ' ..;-:r^^:

Jmprui.il l...,,ii I" I1,,,-!' ll.i'i ., .'.'.I. lO.i. c! II.. inn : -i II. .•.••in. i ,i i in.i ;•• iir; in ,i. •;i it, 0 •••,"., '),!! ill il II,,,,. I.] I'i... .IL<-Ml","'lllu !,,l,l|. T."

I'in lint in I !i' ••..•>,'. I r1 ';'.,• £» !.". l)( I'll..!' I v i ••', "i ' ' • :;.i-!i':!'ii!'':>,r..Ki|Mt!^-!:i:i;i^W • • t ' •',

i;-,:l :•, .! I .'.".• ':'. Htrnniily-iiiiMTi' f'/cl,. II,.-, < . limi; ••[ .-:. '.I", ( J \'.'illl flll'Vlll Lunf lii liill ,'fit,'1. [ nil. liin. ,viilci HII. I,IIII; .III. IIL.II ... XI 5 II ! (1 II.. lour ltl.-,vi|,- i', l'l.l. ii . •"•', I.i II ) i',.iri.i!;n •I [,. „ ii fl. lii i. ,, fill. E5 i.) i; 1 Unmilcii'ia |,an-li I .', l.'i (I | 1'ni.l. d I.I i II. ,,. tilltl . , £7 II] 00 (" i•: I>>". i'-.M.

:FrU"a:.Xj xrijXiu.-..' L1 VI A.1:1 '•', n < i A.i.L'.A.x.,oi'.j-'ii.iii n.:i .A...'.FM:,.LO ATIOJST

N ORFOL, K .(RO N WO RKS--N O RWICH. 35- Kiiher s'nU: is entitled to have the flag-stick removed when .approach- 'ni!.>; I ho hole. If Liu: hall rest against the flag-stick when in tin-: hole, the playrr sha.il hi: entitled to remove the stick, and if the ball fall in, it shall he. considered ;is hirlcd out in the previous stroke. ••;(•>. A. player shall not play until the opponent's ball shall have rea..-,ed U> mil, under llie penally of one stroke. Should the player's hall knock in the opponents hall, the latter shall he counted as holed out in the piwimis stroke. If, in playing, the player's ball displace the opponent1:; ball, the oppt.nie.rit r,liall have the option of re-placing it. 37. A player shall not ask for advice, nor be knowingly advi•••;•(I ;ibo.:ii

the gnme liy word, look, or gesture from any one except his own endi!:e; or his partner ur piirtner1:; caddie, under the penalty of the loss of the 'iol.-. 30. .11" ;i. ball split iiito several, pieces, another hall may be. pi.it iln-.vn ivhi'iv: tin: I.-i'"5;'c-st pori.ioi! lies, or if two pieces ace apparently of t:i|u;il :-!/e. it ru;.! v be put where either piece lies, at the option of the player. If a. !.-;i!l crack or hectiuie nuphiyalile, ihe [il;i.jcr rri.iy cliange i;,, on intimating to iiis opponent ii:-: inti'lition to ilo so. ;•;<). A |ii.-ual:y sl.i'oki.: :-iiiiil no;, he counted the stroke of a pkiye1.', tL; 1 •-1 shall not 'i.iieet ihe ruULiiin of play. .1.0. .SIIOLIIII any dispute ari.se on any point, the players have the ri-ht <;!' (lel.enniniii:.; ihe parly or parlies Ui WITHII tin:


1. in Clnh C(.ii.ii[.n.:i.i!.ions, the eonipelil.01" doiiig i.iie .stipulated course in fewest strokes shall be tin: winner. 2. If the lowest score be ina.de by' two or more competitor.';,, the lies shall be decided by another round to be played either on the same or on any olher day as the Captain, or, in his absence, the Secretary, shall direct. UJ-^^Pfi^ x^

Host eiieenve in Iceeping1 up a* .= both Nerve and Strensrth." 3- New holes shall be made for the Medal Round, and thereafter no i member shall play any stroke on a Putting Green before competing, i 4; The scores shall be kept by a special marker, or by the competitors noting each other's scores. The scores marked shall be checked at the t finish of each hole. On completion of the course, the score of the players ( shall be signed by the person keeping the score and handed to the Secretary. \ 5. If a ball be lost, the .player shall return, as nearly'as possible to the ; spot where the ball was struck, tee another ball, and lose a stroke. If the ; lost ball be found before he has struck the other ball, the first shall continue ; I|; in play. ; r|; 6. If the player's ball strike himself, or his clubs or caddie, or if, in the act f| act of playing, the player strike the ball twice, the penalty shall be one stroke. |f 7. If a competitor's ball strike the other player, or his clubs or caddie, § it is a " rub of the green," and the ball shall be played from where it lies. \ I 8, A ball may, under a penalty of two strokes, be lifted out of a I difficulty of any description, and be teed behind same. 9. All balls shall be holed out, and when play is on the Putting Green, the flag shall be removed, and the competitor whose ball is nearest ttir: hole shall have the option of holing out first, or of lifting his ball, if it be in such . a position that it might, if left, give an advantage to the other competitor. \ Throughout the green a competitor can have the other competitor's ball lifted, if lie find that it interferes with his stroke. : TO. A competitor may not play with a professional, and he may not receive advice from anyone, but his caddie. :' A forecaddie may be employed. ' ix. Competitors may not discontirie play because of bad weather, 12, The penalty for a breach of any rule shall be disqualification. ;i [3. Any dispute regarding the play shall be determined by the Green Committee. •..•-•• •; . 14. The ordinary Rules of Golf, so far as they are not at variance with these special rules, shall apply to medal play, WATER SUPPLY TO



Merry weather't) ? HIM...:. Dmiki y, aiul Gar.-L aif.cintj Pump. '• K UU ''"'liiii^l ISIIII.K. I: l'mi.p. l'\>v Will or Supply or Kue Muffino* LARGEST MAKERS of HIGH-CLASS HOSE in the WORLD, A specially durable RED Hose supplied for GOLF LINKS and CRICKET GROUNDS—as used at Lords. JO^ Years. 66 GoW Medals & "Fi.".si. A.v./;i,>'ils.

1 a LfyitjymiwiittiLt Muf:y vvr.iLh'.1! 's Gcartd F111cliuf, Wflie;t'. M.iisual Furct1 I'ump, ttii driven and bored. l l' Road "WATER SUPPLY TO MANSIONS."-"The Times" culls it a Prcictiiji.il Pamphlet. WELLS bored and sunk and existing" wells deepened, site? inspected, and water supplies tested, geological opinion;1. an<: surveys. Old wells tested for purity and analysis Furnished. MERRYWEATHER & SONS, LTD., 63, LONG ACRE, W.G., of write GREENWICH ROAD, LONDON, SE, and 39 & 40, Areacle Chambers, St. Mary's Gate, lYJiuichcsrot'. ETIQUETTE OF GOLF.

The following customs belong to the established Etiquette of Golf and should be observed by all Golfers. 1. No player, ca.driie, or onlooker should move or talk during a stroke. 2. No player should play from the tee until the party in front have played their second strokes and are out of range, nor play to the Putting' Green till the party in front have holed out and moved away. 3. The player who leads from the tee should be allowed to play before his opponent tees his ball. 4. Players who have holed out should not try their puts over again when other players are following them. 5. Players looking for a lost ball must allow any other match corning up to pass them. 6. A party playing three or more balls must allow a two ball match to pass them. 7. A patty playing a shorter round must allow a two ball match playing the whole round to pass them, S. A player should not put at the hole when the flag is in. it. 9. The reckoning of the strokes is kept by the terms " the odd," " two more," "three more," &c, and "one off three," "one off two," "the like." The reckoning of the holes is kept by the terms-—so many "holes up"—or " all even "—and—so many " to play." ro. Turf cut or displaced by a stroke in playing should be at once replaced. : it. A party playing without caddies must allow a, two ball match with caddies to pass. I1TDEX,

The Italics refer to Bulcs for Modal Hay. , . , Rule. Advice ,, ,, ., o, a, Mine: ...... ,, ., .. ". '' "/,', liall, uricidtiiitly tnovud by opponent et«. ., ,. ., ,, „;; ,, (Hivdi'nil by f(i((, heat, whiiin, filu, .. .. ,, .. f^ ,, (Ifillcottid or stopped, by any agency outside the match ., ., •,•..> i, displacing opponent'^ ,» .. ,. ,, ,, tt -^ ,, fiu'tibuafc from, hole .. .. ,, .. ,, ,, <) n faitimj DM ...... ,, i| ,, -flow to iin dropped ,,, ,. ,. ,, ., . _ ji| ,, in ;>(ill hol« ...... ,. ., .. .. 17 ,, in or tmichini.; 11 hayiitni .. .. ,, ., .11,17

n inwbiiiM ,, .. .. *, . * it ,, •;[ ,, knocUud in b,y opponent's .. .. ,. ,, ., -^ >i H.flill'J •• .. • . -...... s ,, lifting partner's .. ,...... , .. i) M Ut'titi^ in Uitvc! hfi.ll tnfitah ,. ., .. ,. ,, v-i „ lodging in nnytluug luuviiig ...... ,, ,. —i ,, low; ...... , .. .. M ,, 'us« ...... ••; ,, inovoj liy playei', paitiioi', «to...... , ,. '.).-, ,, muni h, ,, t'OKtiiii.; ayainat lliiy Htifik .. ., ., .. .. :',,-, ,, I'olliiisj ...... ,. ., ;ii; j, MliiuULiuf^ Ft'om QV nxpo^'m^ t*'i wind t, ,. ,, ,. ;):; ,, split, (icaukfid, ot bucominp; unplayiiblo ,, ,. .. ,. ;;.-{ ,, Htuok fust ...... , l:i ,, RtL'ikinj.( opponent, etc. .. .. ,...... '^;i ,, ttt.rikin•] ,, within nix. iuchcH of anotht!).' ...... "_*i* 'I'nueh o/' ruit'.s ...... I1.! ti(inw: . , .. •...... I PifipiitiilK , . . , ...... , 'ID PisHUUut ., ...... , . . . . . , l.'i t'lingi how to bo removed . • .. ., ...... -M Earth lying around hole ...... , ,, .. 34 Fixed obstacles -, ., ., .. , „ ., ^ 1$ Flag stick ...... , .. ., ,, 85 Flat) stick to be remaned .. .. ,. ,. ... ,, <> Forn-aifltlie ...... ,, .. .. ,. 10 - Game, of what it consists ., .. ,. .. ., ,. 2 „ how commences ...... ,. .. ., fi Golf lioie, ball in ,...... ,. .. ,, 17 Ground under repair, or temporarily covered up .. ,, ., 17 Growing obstacles .. •...... • .. .. 12 Hazard, definition of ...... ;I5 Hole, flag stick in ...... , .. 32 ,, sand, earth, worm casts, or snow lying around .. .. ., 34 ,, size of ...... ,. ,. ,, ., 3 Boles, new ...... ,, ,. -y Soling out ,. .. ,...... , ,, 9 Honour . • .. • • . • .. .. ., ., 7 Irregularities of surface may not be pressed down .. ,, ,. 16 Loose impediments in playing through green .. .. ,, .. 11 ,, „ on .Putting green ...... , ., Bl Match, ot'-what it consists .. .. ,, ,. ,, .. 2 Markers .. . • ...... ,, „. 4 Medal Round, new holcn for .. ,. ., ,, ., ., 3 „ Plat/, hi'iitah of rules .. ,, .. ., ,, ,. 12 Medal Piaij, ordiiun'ij rules (t,pj)llco,ble .. ... m, ,u .„ Xi Mode of playing game .. .. ,, .. ., ., I Nefca, ball on ...... , ,, 17 • Obstacles, fixed or growing ., .. ., .. ., ,,, ;| 2 Obstruction on course .. .. ., ,, ., ,, 17 Penalty stroke .. .. ., .. .« „, ,, %$' Flaying out of tarn .. .. ,...... ,. , (J Professional, competitors mtiy not play wiih .. .. ., .. i(> Putting green, definition of .. .. ., ,. ., ., gl) ,, loose impediments on. ., ., ., ,, jjj ,, no mark or line to be placed on .. ,. ,, gp, •Putting Green,-play on .< .. ., ... ,. •»•,-••, !|:... ,, playing on before competing ,. ... ., ., , g ,, three or more, bull match, on .. ., ,, 33: BecaUing stroke .. ., .. ,. • ,, ,, ., (j Bub of the green ...... , ., .. .82 Rub oj the green ...... ,, ,, 7 Bstod lyind around hole ;. * ...... ,. .. 34 Soow ,, ,, ., .. •. .. ,, ,, .. ;J4 Stroke, definition of.. ,...... , ., ,, 4 Seeing Groand ...... ' ...... ,, gB. Three or more ball match ...... , ,, 8*2 •Ties •• .. •. ,, .. .. ,. , % ^ater, ball in ...... , ... ,21 Weather hud ..' .. .. ,. ,. ., ,. ;|;\: 'Wind, Shielding ball from of exposing to .. ,, .. ,. 33 Worm casts lying around hole : ...... , ,. S4 LIST OF ENGLISH CLUBS.

ABERGAVENNY,—G0LI'' CLITB, Nearest station, Abergavenny, G-.W.Ry., 168 m. I'adclington, Fare*— 80/8 1st, 18/10 3rd; iw. 50/6 1st, Secretary—N, B. DAM FT., KKI|. Subscription, £1 1 0.

. ALDEBLI RGH.—&OLP CLUB, . S-OM™,K. • Nearest station, Aldebnrgh, G-.E.Ry., 99 in, Liverpool Stroei;. Fares —18/6 1st, 8/5 3rd. Cheap returns issued. 1 Secretary—I , BBiuin:, "ILSIJ, Subscription, £11 0, Entrance, £3 S 0,

G0LF ALDERSHOT.— CLUB, LINKS, .RUSHMOOB BOTTOM, HANTS. Nearest station, Aklershot, L. & B.W.By., 85 in. Waterloo. Jj'n.i-fs— C/6 1st, 2/9 3rd. Cheap returns 'issued. Secretary—SECBETABY DrvtsrosAL GOLL- Cr.rru. Subscription, 5s.

G0LF ALFRETON.— CLUB, LWKS. SHIRLAND LOD&S FARM, I)i:;ui;v. Noareat station, Alfreton, M.Ey. .185 m. St. PanoxaH. .U'ai.'o;-.— 17/11 1st, 111- 3rd. Secretary—L. S. STIUIVAW, \:,V\. Subscription, £i 1 0.

ALN MOUTH.—GOLF CLUB, NOETHUMBBRLAMD. Nearest station, Alnmouth, M.Ry. 310 m. St. Pancras, Via .Ncnvcastle. Fares—42/8 1st, 25/6 3rd. Secretary—J. de 0. PAINT™, .Lisq. Subscription 10s. Entrance, £2 0 0. Visitors, 2/6 weekly. Contains the full nourishing propertit-a nf the Comn Buan, ABSOLUTELY ono of the most sustaining and invigorating oF Nature's PURE, products. It is invaluable for imparting strength and THEREFORE staying power, an<1 promoting physical endurarioe. BEST.

_ ABKHGAYENNY. WITHIN 14 MILES OF THE MONMOUTHSHIRE, GOLF CLUB- Excellent private Salmon and Trout Fishing for Visitors to Hotel, good Hunting" centre, Charming Scenery and Drives, Table d'Hote, Billiards, Posting and Job Horses kept. JOHN PRICHARD, Proprietor. T


(As Played with by Mr. J. H. TAYLOR and other well-known Professionals) ARE PRE-EMINENT, Apply for List and Particulars to the MAKERS :— THE HIDE IMPERIAL ROBBER CO., Ltd., Woodley, . ALTRINCHAM. TEm'.flRLKY GOLF CLUB, CHKS LlNJiia, 0KC.UA.11D (lllISKN, Nearest station, Mtruicham, 186 ra., via Mantslmstov, from T'1, vis ton or St. Panoras. Fares—25/5 1st, 15/11 3rd. Secretary—S. THO.HISON', Esq. Subseription, £1 1 0. Entrance, .-£3 3 0.

ASCOT.— ROYAL ASCOT GOLF CLUB, LENKH, A^OT T.IRATLE, 1,V, IJIKI'I. Subscription, £2 2 0. Entrance, .-£3 3 0. ASHDOWN FOREST & TUNBRIDGE WELLS CLUB, LINKS, ASHDOWN foREST, HWHSKX. Neatest station, Forest Bow, 84 m. Victoria, a.nd Tinnilnn Briilu' .Pares—-6/5 1st, 2/9 3rd; BT. 11/2 1st, 5/4 3rd, avn.ilii.lilo 8 rtn.y.s. Secretary—It. ('IIIGM:;..L, Eaq. Subscription, £2 2 0. Entrance. .£5 5 0.

ASHTON-UNQER-LYNE & STALYBRIDGE. -GOLF CLUB, LINKS, IlAzr/inEiuaST LA.NC.:S. Nearest station, Ashton-mider-Lyne, L. & N.W.Iiy., 183 ui. Eusfcrni. Fares—24/2 1st, 15/2 Orel. Secretary -II. 10, ITAI.I,, V,sq. Subseription, £1 1 0.

BARHAM DOWNS.-GOLF CLUB, Nearest station, Bishopsbonriie, B.lfl.Ey., 70 m. Olnirins; Cros.-s via Canterbury. Fares—10/- 1st, 5/8 3rd; BT. 24/- Ist, 10/9 ih-d. Secretary—F. W. llouni^, Ex

LINKS, WAI.NKV ISLAND, LASCS. Nearest station, Barrow, 20o iu. .l-.!n.ai,oH or St. Paucmsj FIIVOK— 89/5 1st, 22/- 3rd; BT. 76/5 .1 at. Secretary—F, DOIG, 1L'M\- Subscription, £1 t 0. B A RTO N - U N D ER - N E E D WO Q D -GOLF CLUB. Lraica, BABTON, STAFFS. Nearest station, Barton and Walton, M.By., 124 m. St. Panoras. i Fares—16/9 1st, 9/11 3rd Secretary—A, H, PALMEB, Esq. Subscription, £1 1 0. Entrance, £1 1 0.

BATH.—GOLF CLUB, LINKS, HAMPTON DOWNS, SOMEBSET. Nearest station, Bath, G. W.lly., 107 m. Pacldingfcon. Fares—18/9 1st, 8/11 3rd ; KT. 32/6. Secretary—COLONEL M. KKJICETTS. Subscription, £1 1 0. Entrance, ,£1 1 0.

BEDFORD.-GOLF CLUB. Nearest station, Bedford, M.By,, 50 m. St. Pancras. Fares—6/7 1st, 8/11 8rcl. Secretary—H. E. TBEDCBOJTT, Esq. Subscription, £.1 1 0. Entrance, £1 1 0.

BERWICK-ON-TWEED.—GOLF 0LUB, LINKS, GOSWIOK, Nearest station, "Windmill, G-.H.By., 889 in. King's Cross,. Pares- 47/- 1st, 28/3 3rd, Secretary—ALEX. DABIJNS, Esq. Subsenptlon, 15/-, Entrance, 10/6.

BEVERLEY & EAST RIDING-GOLF CLUB. LINKS, WBSTVTOOD, YOEKS. Nearest station, Beverley, G.N.Tiy., 176 m. King's Gross. Fares- 26/11 1st, 14/8 3rd. Secretary-—G. EOBINSON, Esq. Subscription, £i 1 0. Entranee, £1 1 0.

,BEXHILL.—GOLF CLUB., '::'•;• Nearest station, Bexhill, L.B. & S.O.By., 71 m. London BrlEge, : Fstres—IB/6 1st, 4/11 3rd; ET. 21/. 1st. ! • •_ Seoreta/ry-'-W. 0. BEEOHI:K0-, Esq. ; Subscription, £1 i 0. Entranee, £1 1 0, BIRKDALE.—GOLF CLUB, LxvaAaaim. Rt stationtti , BBiikdalei , M.Ey., 212 m. Si:, Pimoriis. Fares- 1st, 17/7 3rd; M. 57/0 1st, 84/10 3rd. Secretary W. Su-mvEM",, Esq. • Subscription, £1 1 0. Entrance, £1 1 0..:«}:::||||l|i||l|l

BLACKPOOL.—GOLF CLUB, LANOS. ' •-:'mMmli8gi§ .. fewest station, Blackpool, L. & N.W.By., 227 m, EnsfciiiiiiiH • .dO/6 1st, 18/11 3rd; BT. 59/- 1st, 37/5 3rd. '' ' /^MWMM '•'-.. Secretary—-H. Hiwoiwllillljillli :-'•;;.. Subscription, £1 1 0, Entrance, £2 S'O* "WMSWmilJM #:ODM[N.~BOYAL GOLF CLUB, ' ^^mffSt/i '••••' ' _ LINKS, BODMIN RACE OOUBSB, ' ' •.:''v:;S#«S|iliii||S ^Nearest station, Bodmin, G.W.Ry., 272 m. Paddingfenj"-ll§fil .. ::V:-;f2/6 1st, 21/3 3rd; ET. 81/- 1st. / •. :;:?iillllil .••'. ~t '" ' ' • Secretary—N. JAi[iBSowi*|i||||;l(| :' ':-•'[ Subscription, £1 0 0.. Entrance, £1; 0 ;0;;-;.v&SXilffli •B0GMOR.—GOLF CLUB, SDBHHX. ' . ''r^X&ff§X •• '^Nearest station, Bdguor, L.B. & S.C.By., 66 m. LpirdopSiSili , Fares—18/2 1st, 5'7 3rd ; BT. 21/0 1st, JO/4 3rd. ': ^^MliXlM ...... Secretary—P. OAMKBi§i£i''fe|||iS|| &»-:'••• Subscription, £1 1 0. .Eritranee, ^i^W^KWSk

?Bb'IJTON.-G'OLF CLUB, LASOS., LINKS, DKH^QCRB^IIIIIIIB '^::;:..M*f*est station, Bolton, L. & H.W.Ry., 196 -m/ iiusiSBlfSllliili 0;::;;26/6 1st, 10/2 3rd; BT. 52/-1st. ^ ' ; ' : ^'WWlmSSXii. '-iii^- ' . Secretary-^Wi-SA?S0S|^||||||li

I® ;i;.;:,,..;..'. . Subscription, £1 1 0. • .Entp^pfrr^l^l/Ot/iifelilli^^B BOURNEMOUTH.-MEYEICK PAEK GOLF CLUB. Noiivost shikii.n, Boumomimtli, L. ,fe H.W.ilv., 107 m. Wa Fares—22/- J si;, <)/- 3rd ; HT. 3fi/Yi ltit, 10/- 3rd:' Secretary-• Clr, BO.NII, !Rsq. Subscription, £! I 0. Entrance, .-fit 1 0. Visitors, 5/- Monthly. BQU.RNE,,MQ.UTH'

Patronised by H.R.H. DUKE Oi' CONMAUGHP, December, 1892 and June, 1893, CLOSE TO T EC E LINKS.«^ •g-ler/tdcitce of^is.^T. rgl)e (Sm.prer.i-, of Jjlur.trta, Jlpvif, 1888. CENTRAL HOTHL.-Bournemouth. m S 1=3


cd |

••'<& THI-^GEMTRA-L' ,1 ISO LUTE LA' centra,!, overlook-in" fcho I'IUIIHUI'O (isii'iltnm, mid eloao A tlin lJior iiiul Gfiiei'ui I'oKfc Ufliot1. 1'lvory comfort, with uioderafco I'-liai'goa. Fil'fcy rotunti. VVitliiu five miuutus of (lull.' Jjinks. DACRE & WALDEW, Proprietors. BOURNEMOUTH HYDROFATHicT" "ft DRLtaHTli'Or, LTIRASCJIUI', uml HMAJJTH •UKSOtri1, in the liniiHt jiosiliou OK "•'^ tlie Hoa i'Voiit, (Wuiil, (Jlil'f), and nu-M tlic VVINTI'S'U CiAUDKNS ainl nuar GOLF LINKS (18 Holes.) La.i'

BQWDEN.—GOLF CLUB, CHESHIRE, LINKS, DUNHAM, .MAKHICV. Nearest station, Bowderi, 180 m. King's Grows, Eustmi or St. L'ancriis, via'Manchester. Fares—'25/5 1st, 15/11 3rd. Secretary—IS. GIU.KTT, Krii[.

,..:,.. Subscription, £2 2 0. Entrance, £5 5 0.

IOXMOOR.—GOLF CLUB, HERTS. .Nearest Station, Boxmoor, L. & N.W.Ey., 25 m. L'liislon l^ur* •>-.••- 3/10 1st, 2/- 3rd; iw. 6/8 1st, 8/7 3rd. Secretary—F. CWN'\VI-:I,I., .Ksq. Subscription,. £3 3 0. Entrance, £2 2 0.

BRADFORD.—ST. ANDBEWS GOLF CLUB, Ymn.-s. LINKS, BAILDON MOOK, Nearest station, Baildon, M .By., 207 m. St. Fan eras. Fares--^7 2 ! .sr, 16/1 3rd. Secretary—P. IIBBK UMKSNHY, KSI J . Subscription, £1 11 6. Entrance, £2 2 0.

BRIGHTON &-HOVE-GOLF CLUB, SOSS«. LINKS, HANGLIMON DOWNS. Nearest station, Tlie Dyke, (Brighton) L.B. & S.O.Ky., 5i> m. LDUIII Bridge. Fares -10/- 1st, 4/8 3rd ; BT. 15/- 1st, 7/6 teL Secretary—G. 0. W.u.Knii, i'/Hi|. l Subscriptions, £2 2 0. Entrance, £5 5 0.

BURNHAM'—G0LF CLUB, S Neare&t fciuwdou, Bumliam, L. &. S.W.Ey., 146 in., WaLerloo. l''u.t:<-K- 2G/10 1st, 12/3 3rd; BT. 45/- 1st, Secretary*—T. HOI.T, I'mj. Subscription,• £1 1 0. Entrance, £2 2 0. BRIGHTON. # TOT If TQ) IOI /T\\ KP W TC


CELEBRATED COACHING HOUSE.. PATRONISED BY SPORTSMEN A True Specimen of English. Comforts and Habits. LIGHTED BY ELECTBICITY. LADIES' COFFEE ROOM. WITHIN EASY DISTANCE OF THE LINKS, ft BACON & CO., Ltd.., Proprietors. ROBERT HUNT, Manager. ROYAL CLARENCE HOTEL, Somerset, THE LEADING HOTEL IN BURNHAM. Ib faces the 8<>a, tnui is the waren't to the Golf Links. • Reduced Tariff quoted for Visitors subscribing to and playing on THE LINK3 <• 6001) SV/fBMJWi /IJSID JW)*tjSK

Proprietor, C. T. PITCHER. The C1STLET0WN GOLF LINKS HOTEL, FORT ISLAND, CASTLETOWN (lo ACHES OF PRIVATE GROUNDS SURROUNDBD BY THE SEA:) HEAD-QUARTERS OF CASTLETOWN GOLF CLOB. rriHLS Hamlaome, First-ojasa, and fully licensed Hotel has just been erected on the _i_ OuBLlutown Links lot' the couveniaaoe of CiolCect aiid tlwaa wanting a <|ui(:!. Holiday. The situation of the Hotel Is unique, every bedroom having a sea and mountain view.. Accommodation for 60 ^ueiiita. For Bathing, Boattriff, Fishing, an'i Rock Scenery, Fort IEIUUI.:!, Derbyhiiven, rr.! Lang'netjH arc un^Drpaassd. , The Links, coiriprising. IS holes, are equal to. any in the kingdom fop stood spotting pla ., muguificent scenery, arid sea air. Veeirly hem "residents ssttb^u,ripdan to cue Ciuw iOs. iti.~ Daily and weekly Tickets may be lutj in the: Hotel. The Hotel is one mile from Castlufown Station, and hasi been entirely fseotisitfucU ! duriritt the pant year. The Hotel "bus moctn nil trains, Telephone to Post and Telegrafi OrRce. TAiilFK from ti», Od. per Day inchinlve,.. Special arrangements for parties. Postal Address :" Golf Links Hotel, Fort Island, Castletowm" Qam If Whit A Teleffi-ams : -co DJJCI, Cqstlctown, Man," bOjlIlli- Vj51116,

0 '£ BRIGHTON,—KKMP TOWN Col/I.' ci.CIi, |,,Nkv, ]{,„ !i,r.r. D.>WS. Noarcfifc station, .Brighton. Hnci'oLiii'y O.IN1. J'I;I:.N.M:H O'J'!:-:irj.v.

Subscription, j>l I 0, Eiittam'.c, £2 2 0.

BRAINTREE.-GOTJ? own, JW.X. I.IMM. (!ir.u-i-.:. KMSII. Nearest station, Braintroe, < i .ll.li'y,, -[!i in. I .mTiio:il Slin-i. [:'iin s— H/« lHt, :vio ;;:i:d; RT. .12/1.) (M.. Mnureliiry II. .1. (II'-NNINHIIAM, I1',.-,!-;,

Subscription, =GI I 0.

BRANCASTER.--UOYAL wi;tST JNOKKOI'.K (IOLF CLUB. Noat'CHli station, Hnnsfcimlnn, (i.'M.l.ty,, 1JH in. J.ivurjioo] Slroot, ifnveH—lH!• 1st, !)/5 3rd; RT. :-il)/H lh|.,'j.s I. Jird.

iSiscrolitry \V. KIVMS .LIRKVK, P.S'[.

Subscription, £1 I 0. Entrance, .-£6 5 0.

BRIDGNORTH. GOLF I:U;I:, H.U.OI., LINKS, HOOK LV.UH. Nenrest Htntion, Britlgaorth. (i.W.lty., lnoui. I'iidiliii'fton. L'nres-- iirt/7 1st. 12/1 ftnl; RX. 42/- 1st. Hconitiii'y I .ri'.rr.-Ooi.. Owns JUNT.S.

Subscription, £1 I 0. Enti-anco, £1 I 0.

BR!DPORT, WKS'i' DOB-SI'1,'!' c;O.LI'' 0.1,1:1".. J.ISKS, WEST J'.AV Nciifnat station, Briclporb, (i.W.liv., liiA in. l'iiddiiif;hni. 'IALVCS 2i)/l Ifat, 12/2 Hi-cl : ire. 4S/- 1st Sy -('. KANTIS. ['i:iij.

Subscription, £1. Family, .-Jil 10 0.

.BIRKENSHAW & DI8TRICT.--f|«T.-L- ci.uji, v.-^s. .Nearest station, Bickenshiiw, G.N.Hy., tHfi m. iun.^'n C'n.-ss. I('arc^ 25/';! 1st, lC/(i Si'c'l. SV—11. CisofT, Kmi-

Subscription, M 1 0. Entrance, £1 1 0. & CLIFTON.—GOLF CLUB, GLOUCESTER. LINKS, FAILANP, NEAR BRISTOL. Nearest Station, Clifton Bridge, G-.W.Bv., 124 m. Padding-ton. Fares— 20/10 1st, 0/11 3rd; RT. 86/- 1st. Secretary—CAPT. H. BROKE, Subscription, £1 1 0. Entrance, £1 1 0.

BROMLEY & BIQKLEY-GOLF CLUB, KBNT. LINKS, THE EA.CE COURSE. .Nearest station, Bickley, L.0, & D.By., 14 m. Cannon Street, Fares- 2/6 1st, Ocl. 8rcl; 3/6" 1st. Secretary—HORATIO YOLLAND, Esq. Subscription, £2 2 0. Entrance, £1 1 0,

BUDE.—NOttTH CORNWALL'GOLF CLUB. LINKS, tiuMMBiiLEAZis DOWNS. Nearest station, Holsworthy, L&1 S.W..By., 218 m. Waterloo. Furos- 48/8 1st, 18/a 3rd; RT. OB/6 lat. S .REV. E. hlEBBLWIBWAlTIS Subscription, £1 1 (L Entrance, £1. 1 0.

BUNGAY. -VVAVENEY VALLEY GOLF CLUB, Nearesc Station, Baugay, G;.10,By., 113 ni.'Liverpool Street. Faros— 21/1 1st, 9/6 8rd; MT. 81/10 Isfc. Secretary—L. MG.DONNBI,IJ, Ksq. Subscription, £1 0 0. ' Entrance, i0/8.

B.UBY,---CK)LF OLTJB, LAKCS., LINKS, EBDVAI/ES. Sparest sbation; ilnrv, L, dfc N.VV. JRy., 195 in, Jijustoii. Farea — 26/- 1st, 16/8d 8rd. " Secretary—BEV. BKBKSEOBD KKOX. Subscription, £2 2 0. Entrance, £l i 0. SHEY.^'WEBT HEETS GOLF, CLUB. : ! : Nearetit statio.il, .Btisliey, L. «fc N.W.By-, 1,0 rn. ISuston. '"Fares 2Ai 1st, 1/4 Brd; M. if/10 1st, 2/2 !-)rci. B—E. HAHLBY, Esq. Subscription, £3 3 0. Entrance, £5 5 0. BUXTON & HIGH PEAK, GOI.I-1 fi.rii, DKUHV. LINKS, D'AIBFIEIJD ('IIJIJIUX. Nearest station, Buxton, L. & N.W.Kv., !(>:•! m. Kitstou Fiircs- ai/8 1st, 18/7 3rd.. SKCIIKTAIIV- A. A1I:HLAN. lisq, Subscription, £i 1 0. Entranuo, £2 2 0.

GOLli'CLIIB, LINKS, Cm,im,\u OtiHiios. Neariasii atatuni, Oatabrklge, G.E.Ry., f>H m. l.ivuqx.iul St.rviU. I'av,-.^ —8/0 1st, it/8 8fd ; BT, 15/10 1st ' Secrehiry • \V. 'I'. J.i.ssiai.i,, ]v-ii[, Subscription, £i 10. Kntranco, :£1 I 0.

'CANTERBURY.—'GOLF can). KKXT, I.INKS, OI... .P.U;K. Neai'est, stafkai, Garilorbtiry, S.K.1I, . JHHI h.L'.D.Uy., 0'2 in. tlnllMrn Yiactuofc. Fares—I 5/- lafc, P/2 8wl ; HT. -iii/i; bll Bei'.ri^.iii'y -A. MAI'I..\.IIHXK, l;.rfi(. Subscription, £1 1 0. Eiitriinco, -Cl i 0,

'CARLISLE,—GOLF CLUB, GtfWBEfH.AM.. LINKS, DAI'.STON. Nearest sliiitioo. Daltitou, L. & N.W.Kv.. Dill in. Kiiston. I.''.iri:s- - 41/. Isti, a-l/6 8nl. Scm'ctary -11. Toiin, Jisi(. Subscription, sBl 1 0,

OBEADLE—GHM'ir GLUB, OEES Nearest etafcioo, Gbeadle Hulme, L. \ N.W.Iiy., l.7i> in. i-ust FareB—24/2 1st, 15/1 «nl. Socrohnry—G. 1*. jVfii.xH, l'i-:i|. Subscription, M :1 0. Entranc.o, £1 ! 0.

CHELMSFORQ—GOL*1 GLIJB, E*«S. Ncftresb station, Ghelmsl'ord, G.B.'By., :K) m. Livor|moL JSireot. Fa •H/& 1st, 2/7 8«i; BT. 8/6 1st. . Ht'<;|-f)l.iU-.V • J. GoiM.ANI), \h>\ .Subscription, Si 1 0. Entrance, ,£2 2 0. CHELTENHAM.—G0LF (ILUB> GXO LINKS, GLEEVE HILL. Nearest station, Cheltenham, ChW.By., 121 m. Paddington. Pares— 20/- 1st, 9/6 3rd; KT. 81/- 1st. Secretary—F. B. WALLACE, Eaq_» Subscription, £1 11 6.

CHESTER.—GOLF CLUB, CHESHIRE, LINKS, SEALAND MABSH.- Nearest station, Hawarclen Bridge, Chester, 185 m, Huston* L. & N.W.Ey. Fares—80/9 1st, 14/11 3rd; .BT. 57/- 1st. Secretary —J. M. .FROST, Esq. Subscription, £1 1 0, Entrance, £2 2 0.

1 CHIPPING NORTON.—GOM CLUB, Nearest station, Chipping Norton, CLW.By., 85 m. Paddington. —15/9 1st, 7/11 8rd ; BT, 26/3 1st. Secretary—T. PEI'TIEHISK, Bscf... Subscription, 10/-

CHURSTON.-GOLF OLUB, DBVOM. Nearest station, Churstoxt, (K'W.By., 220 m. Paddingfcon. FJU-CH— 41/4 1st, 16/11 8rd; BT. 65/9 1st. Secretary—-COL. H. SIMPHON. Subscription, M2 2 0. Entrance, £1 1 0. "CIRENCESTER.---SAPFIBTON PAKE GOLF CLUB, G^OSTI™. Neweat: efesfcion, GIi'ent«isfc(jiir, (i.W.By.,1 96 in. Paddington. Faros Ml/8 lsi, 7/11 H&; BK. 29/- 1st. ' . Secretary'—E. ANDERSON, 13sc^ Suba.erip.tion, £1 1 0.

OLACTON-0N-SEA.—»OLF CLUB, ESSBX.. Nearest station, Glaeton, Gh.El".By., 1.0 m. Liverpool Street. Faros— IS/3 1st, 6/- 3rd. Otteap- returns issued. Secretary—OAPI1. F.rtA.\"i.risrG.

Subscription, #11 0# < Eatranee, £i 1 0, Visitoris, 12/6 Per Month. COPTHORNE.—GO^'1 CLUB, K™S>«. Noiii'CKfc Ht:i.l.inn, L! iwfanfc, fj.R. & S.O.Hv., J5I m. I i'trnlon Uri-i• •.-» l(1areK—fi/8 1st, 2/fi Jtnl ; UT. 0/10 Lafi, -I/O Hr.l. Mooretury (•. \V. XI\,EH.|. Subscription, £i 0 0, Entrance, 5'-.

COVENTRY- -CiOLb1 OLIK!, WAitwrcumtniK. JjfNKH, WlUTLKY (JllililflN. r'j_" NoaruKli Hfciitioii, OovoiiLry, lj. & N.W.ily,, 04 in. I'lii.-.iin.i. l'':ii-c-; u/i) 1st, 7/io ftrd; UT ai/r, 1st. KoornliHi'V II. SMITH, !;jr:<|. Bubscilption =fil t 0. Entrance, £! I 0 CROMER.—-W-^'A-1' CUOMKli (}OLb' (ir,lTJ!, N.IIM-OI.K. IjlNlCH, I /KHI'liKHF^K I'llhLH. NcafoKli station, (ii'onuT,


Ndat'OKt Kltition, l)ii.Uilii!l,, h..tK.W.L!y., U!) tu. Wiiln-lud. l;;i",-- fi/SJ 1st, 1/1) Kfd. Heorotnty- -A. iLcn.nmh (IUWKII. K-, i.

Subscription, £i i 0.

,N<™i,"n!Hl, sLiitiou, Dual, S. 111. By., H-l in, Clifi.rn.'.; (..'I'I.).-^. I-". ,— U-! Hi/10 1st, (i/LO Stnl. CClietil p fo i Si!<;rrl.'ii'y, il. Ilisns, Ivq. Subscription, e£3 3 0. Entrance, ,-u& r> (.'. IF

SCTCJATrCJ") ON TlliC FACft Or THE CLIFFS. hc celebrated Links of tlie Royal Cromer GoLf Club are within a few minutes' walk, of the Hotels. PASSENGER LIFT" TO ~ALL~FLOORS. JAB. CLAKKE, Manager.



BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED HOTEL. UP Horse Break wifeh Special Service to Town and

Vvo. llj. do la BLA3ST0HESTAIS, PafopM. BALLATER - LOIRSTON HOUSE, JTILlWL'H, "VlHIl'OItH, svnil Ij'AMJIiti'lH will (iml ihe, ;i,bow rcpltsto with cvury Jdcnuu Ooml'iii'l. • EXCELLENT GOLF COURSE * Within two nihuittjri1 walk. i\fagni(i«uti(j Mniiiitain Hauiiui'y- Uraciug Olunato.

igrams -"ilMOND," BALLATER. GEORGE T. LAiVO^fD, Froprlstor, i^p^ DKar.YHiiuu/i cohK (iLim, i^n-,. o-,,•...,,,•, i-,,;,. ^STcjiU'fitif, stiiUon, Durby, 'M.Jiy., ilil) nt. St. PHIKT,-,.-.-. Hire.:, •,'. - I-;. 1O/7 :-inl.

oub.'iBriptinii, Ai 1 0, Entrance, -a.I i 0.

EEVVSB'JRY. --(i'MiK (ir.ini, ^OUKS, IKNK^ I^.^, M-.. •Nonrnsil. Mtiiiion, Atifiiuld, (i,N. Tly., 3flA in. Kiii''.-. fro.,:,. Fn [•.;•-. ii-.l/2 1st, 10/" iinl- Hioorolavv < i, Si -.^i-n-,, i-',.-.|. ."•Jubscviptiou, ,-fii I 0, Entftiticf). ••.',< i 0,

I O QBURY,--fi'lfjl1' ('fj'Jr5, li^'iH., IHNKH, Scn.-ui, !,\-:i- I^.M-M. JSToiUVfit hl-nUnji, JJiilKlilliy, i\J(d. Ji'y., 181 111. fit, I'mu I1:-.-1. 1=":; I-:-:-- •- S /

ion.^i 11 C. EaU'anco, 2 2 0. Viiiloi.':,, r..-

I S LEY.-41'11'1'1 cfiini, OnKHKiitw. i^ntu'di.t iiiiiliidii. l>i,-ii"y, 11. & N W'.ItV-, 1'i'i MI. I'.H i-'ii. i',I .•,•••:••• HH/7 I:'.!,, I t/'i iU-d ; iiT.'-l7/i Int. Kv-—I.1. VV. l!i r!•.>••., Kf.i|.

ns, £1 10 0. Entrance, £2 2 0, Visil.oiv;. IU1- Montlii.v.

DON0A8TER,"-(1[)1'11' ULUIS, YUKUM, LINK*, CK-IKS II-II.-M;, -IM oai'Orft btnLioii, I)oiiciia(iCi", Cl.N.Ity., CO ni. JK.i11•_•'•: C.'L'O:;;;. (''uri-h • 28/- lnt, ID/- 3I'd. " ;' < Hbiu'y—ii. ).IHSI.: ^'•' [- SullworipUori, ,-Bi I 0, Eatmncc, .-SiI i 0,

tll)Jjl! O OVER,- ' oiiUJ.'., K.ISN'1'. ISTeat'ifHli .shition, L»o\'o)', S.lC.Jfy., 77 ut. flburii!,", '.Vn.-..:... nr >>i ui, XJ.O. itD.lly, ii'at'OH—18/(1 iat/ft/l-! 'iivd, VAn:u\: njl.nrm i^.i.-'il. HOL'J'ni-iU'y- -C-o,,. MIJ|.;I;I-;,

Sulbsorlptioi.1,^1 JO 0. Entrance, 10/-- Visitors, Li,'(j Vv'tiokly, WttCtSW'-1-S'Miif™~at; fC •

(Separatcfl from the Gnlf Links by its boundary fence only.)

Stands in ils own grounds of 7 acres, niul is inirh'all'id mi lln> Kasl Coast for ils splendid posilimi, l><'iii<; situated on I IKS Liyhtlionsc Mills, on* of Uic highest (Miiiiu'iicc:!, and commands magnificent, soa and inhuid \icus tnt nulcs round.

It (outain.; aKoul Mo l!cd ;uid Silling

Rrioms, f.'fift'cc, l\f,'i(liii", lH,i\\in;f, .Smok-

L 11 _L •/ and Piilliatd k'oonr;, alsu liii'^o

INCLUSIVE TERMS: Is! to P)kf il 6 ,jj.et Han,

r J I i [N'I \\ nttjfr !H (tr;u\ai i'i'(na (Jin [xii'^sj Ku|ipfy, in lu'i^hi nn*{ :,MI1, and i'enorii'ul

hy tli<- ('milily Auni(\ lei H» HIM".n-pitonally ;;IIIKI, 'I'IIC \\ HID,; uni IIKI.'U, CHI'C- full.y Hcli'clcd amt iiiiidciiLU'ly priefd. 'I'lict'c fire (>\r-i>)!c uli 'IViinii, and (U'<>(|||<>1, 1 liawiiiiin Ihfi ^I'oiindii. iind Ktalilinj. ; I'nr \'inl,iii't,' 1 IHI'M fi, Mtid < \n i'i.ii">c ncciiiiindit- tion, aliio Lloi'Mit'i ,iinl ('.u'l'in^ci! (tiv tfii'i'. PASSENGER LIFT TO ALL FLOORS. HOTEL P111VATE f/i',lfl!lHiH ftil^ClH AU. TIMING.

Good Service of Train;; throughout (he vonf, otnipyiii;; imilcr thir;p Uoura and a hull', will) addilional Fast Trains durini', ih<: rtunniicr. Cla.-'ji Tramn ,-irc also run throuBhciut the yvav frnm Friday to Tiiu.uhiy ai ilir. (UIIMWIIV; latr-o : 'Ml- 1st Class Kiiturn and LO/- 3rd Class Kiliim and r;, day Ti< KI.IK a'l ';li..;liitly reduced rate,

J) H DUFFIELD.—onuviN {-KILII1 oivinn, Nearest filiation, Diillicld, M.Xty., I".;! in, KL l/anorn/, 17/10 kit, 1 I/- :-ird. HfM'i:fi,:u:y—1-f. Mii.n

Subscription, £1 I 0, Entrance, rfii 1 0.

<)0LL|1 DURHAM.— W'UH, TilNKH, P-INKKU |(N0WI,K. JMoarnsf. utiiLiiin, J)iu'li!Uii, fr.M, l?i\f., -,f>(i m, KJH^'K ( M5/10 .tut, «l/2 :Snl, ' K(!eiici|j!bry--Jj

Subscription, 10/6- Enfcranne, ,-Gl I 0.

EASTBOURNE.-t'Oi'AL KA.HTi!f)(iiiNi«i doi.p di.n;, s,,,,;,:v. isloHii'osfc HlaUon, Mit.'ililKiiiriKi, iJ. 1'. & S,('..Uy., OC in. IJOIKIUM ili.-ii!-rr.. Fiiros—iy/- l.'il;, '-I/I I :-»ft I „ (!|inii>|i rciiiuiiH IHWIIOII. ftoorolary—Ci, I-',MI,, i^Kq,

Subscription, .£i i 0, Entrance, ivl 3 0, Visitors, fi/- Weekly.

ENFIELD,—f<<)l.ll<' Ci.ldl', MlIlhhIWBS, lilMKH, ()l,i. 1'Ai.M.-. NnafuHt atiitiou, Kufiolil, < i.N.Ky., !) in, I\in;,;'n CL'UHK. J)':i.n::, — I-I j:•;(;, i)d. Hrd, MoofoLary-'-A.. W. "I Pi = -1• i•, Iv-jq.

Subscription, ,-B4 4 0, Entrance, =B2 2 0.

EPPiNG.— nuTjlj1 (JLIJIl, |.',SHK:C. Koavotifc fit-alarm, M[)})in^, (i.M.l.ly1., 17 ID. FilvfrporiL Kti'i1'-!.. !'';i.i'o;- a/11 lfiti, 1/0 «nl ; HT. 4/;', [f,^ a/:1. 3rd, taLy'—II. YL'Hti:in;rni, J'.',.si|.

Sultsoi'lpfcioH, ,-fii 1 0.

..(;O.liF (JLilJIt, Mititiii'iv, TiiMi;:-i, Ei'Mnm DOWNM. oiU'OKfc stiiliou, JtjpHiin'i lliiwiiri, L.I), ft, H.O.iiy., 17 I.I. fjdiiil jfidgo. \'\WH -'-V'' 1HII> ''A'1 :'ir'1-' "T- •'/- 'Hf;- MiH'i'oiitii'y- -I1!. ]ii in..;.,, f-'sq.

Subscription, ;G1 Ji fi. Ki\trance, .-£S 5 0, EXMOUTH.—GOLF CLUB, , Nearest station, Exmoufcli, L. & S.W.By,, 183 ro. Waterloo. Fares—- 80/- 1st, 15/2 3rd. Cheap .returns issued. Secretary -Bev, C, OUMMINSH, Subscription, £1 1 0. Entranee, £i 1 0.

G0IjF FAKENHAM.— CLUB, NOBFOLK, LINKS, HEMFJCON. ; Nearest station, Fakonhain, G.E.By., Ill) m. Liverpool Street, and by M.liy., St. Pancras. Fares—18/8 1st, 9/6 3rd, Secretary— H. NEWSON, Esq. Subscription, £1.

:: FALMOUTH.—GOLF CLUB, CORNWALL, LINKS, HIGHISB ARGAI,. Nearest station, Falmouth, G-.W.Ry., 807 m, Padclington. .b'uroa— 60/6 1st; 24/2 3rd. Hecretary—W. L, Fox, Liaq. Subscription, £1 1 O.

FELJXSTOWE.-GOLF CLUB, . Ni.:a.rost station, Felixstowo, G.E.Ity., 86 m, Jjivtirpool, Hlroct. l''iii.-(.'>!—15/4 1st, 7/2. 3rd. Cheap returns issued. Secretary-— J. DMIVEM, \<\HI{. Subscription, £1 1 0. Entrance, £5 5 0.

FLEETWQOD.-GOLF CLUB, Naiu-nHt sfcatiou, Fleetwood, L, & N.W.By., 280 m. Euston. If'areH-— iiO/i; 1st, 10/2 3rd. ' • . Secretarj—-S. BCOTT, l'!si|. Subscription, £i 1 0, Entrance. M 1 0.

FOLKESTONE.—GOLF CLUB, , LINKS, BMADMEAB FARM. Nciiriihfc station, Biidniir Burk, S.l'l.Ey., 72 at. Charing GrosH. IJ'aroH ln/i.1 ;itit, G/- jit'd. Client rutiiniH issuod, Secretary—H. BEKCHIKCI, IIIMIJ.

Subscription, £2 2 0. Etotranee, J2 2 0. GRANTHAM,—BELTON PARK GOLF CLUB, L« Nearest Station, Grantharn, G.N.Ky., 106 in, King's Cross. Par . • 15/10 1st, 8/0 3rd. Secretary-—.REV, W. CI;ST. Subscription, £1.

QRIMSBY—GOLF CLUB, LINCOLN. .Nearest station, Oleetliorpes, G.N.Ry., 155 m. King's Gross. Fiims • ' 21/8 1st, 12'11 3rd. Secretary—T. HAWKINS, KK:|. Subscription, £1 1 0. Entrance, 10/6. Visitors, 8/6 Weekly.

GUERNSEY.—ROYAL GUEBNBEY GOLF CLUB, LIN KS , L' AN CUE S BE G O M: M. ON , Nearest station, St. Sampson's, G.W.liy., from Pacldingfcon via. \\ <.:y- inoi.itli, or L. & S.W.By., from Waterloo via SoufcbarapfcoD. l-nron —IMI- 1st, 20/- 3rd; ET. 48/-, 80/-. Secretary—B. BiraumeGE, l''.-;i|. Subseription, £1 1 0. Entrance, £2 2 0.

GU I L DFORD.—GOLF CLUB, SURREY. Neai'dst station, Gniittf'ord, L. & S.W.By,, 81 m. Waterloo. (»/- 1st, 2/6 3rd. Cheap refciirns issued. Secretary-—H. STCTEGESS, Subscription, £2 2 0. Entrance, £5 5 0,

HARBORNE.-GOLf CLUB, WAHWICK, LINKS, Hmm FAUM Bwirest station, Harborne, L. & N.W.Ef., 117 in. Eusbau; —17/10 1st, 9/8 3rd. ' " Secretary— D. HABT, Sulbseriptton. £1 10 6. Entrance, £110.

HARROW.—GOLF CLUB, Nearest station, Harrow-ori-fche-Hill, Met. .By., 10 in. BakoF "Fiux-ti—1/4 1st, 8d. 8rcL ; ET. 2/- 1st., 1/- 8rd". Secretary—H, STIUCIU,AKD, Subscriftion, £2 2 0. Entrance, ,=62 2 0. : JtdL CD X JuaJjxi EIGHTY HANDSOME PUBLIC AMD PRIVATE ROOMS. Table d'hoto Daily Finest Culslno, Winos, and Spirits, and attendance in Folkestone. Splendidly appointed and only first-class. Illustrated Tariff sont on application. 'Busses at Radnor Park and Shoruoilfre 21/- to 25 -. stations. Personal Supervision by Proprietor. NEAREST HOTEL TO GOLF LINKS. Telegrams: "WA1PACH," Folkestone. Telephone,


Adjoining the Promenade and over-looking the Sea, near the RADNOR CLUB G-QLIF LllTKi And. Central Station.

Under the personal superintendence of the 'Proprietor— M. BRGGKS, HARROGATE.-GOLF CLUB, TO*™. Nearest station, Harrogafce, N.E.E'y., 208 m. King's Cross, or by M. By IVOUI Bt. Panotiia. L^arcs—2S/::S 1st, 1.0/li Hrtl. Bocrofcary—T. Trtoir.v;, !'';.:I[,

Subscription, ;fit 1 0. Entrance, £2 2 0.

HASTINGS & ST. LEONARD'S.--^-" O.-.m, Hn*^. NOJU'OSI; station, II-isUngH, .h.i.i. & S (,!.I!y., 7(> HI, Lutiduu JSLMIITI1. n.iiil W.ni.Ry., ('.a m. Oliiu'iiiy Cror-iK. JJ'awH -11/- Jal;, 5/1. Mnl. '' C'-ln-.-ip returns issued. Hi;dietary—M. CIIIIISTHI'IIKIISO.N, iv-;i|.

Subscription, ,-EI 1 0, Entranco, £1 I 0. Visitors, 5/- Wonkl.y.

HAYLING. <'OIJIP CJJIJI!, IIAMTS, TUNKS, ttomu I[AVI,IX(I. NciiU'oHt stiitio1.', Honfcli Ihiyliii", li.lt. & H.O.Uy. B'2 in, JJOIHIOII I'.riili^o. .Fares—14/9 Ist, fi/Ll iiri (Jhnnu -rotni'iiw ii-iHiiwi. Sy—'!'• MoN'rcoJiKnit:, I•".:<((.

Subscription. £2 2 0. Entrance, £5 5 0.

HEXHAM,-—OOLF OJiiJ.I'., NOHTKCJAIUIL-ULANO, LUNKS, TVNM OUIM-:;-:. Mtjitroafc mfcibioti, Ilcxlidin, j\l.L!,y., 2HI. rn. H. I'iiiic.niK, via .Ni:\vc;u;|.U! li'aroa—40/KI laL, 24/1 ;-)nl. Hocrpliiry—-JMAA<; IU'ITY. I'.S(|,

Subscription, 10/-.

11 HUDDERSFIELD.--'^''!- nbfws, VUUKH, .I.IKKK, i.'.xnv. JSniii'DHt stabioii, Lluddcrsficild, (I,N.l.ly., iill in. l\iiii.;'K C'roas. L'II.IV —21/2 lat, lfi/2 »rd. SiicroLai'V- --A. WOOIIIIKAII, I1'.-..1, Subscription, £2 2 0. Enti-anco, .-S3 3 0. ! !l HUNSTANTON. < ^ ' onus, NDUR.I.K. .Nearest wfciU.ion, .llmiHtiaiifcuu, (l.l'l.lly,, I If) 111. .Ijivorjiool HLi'dd,, tnl liv

lSlkl. Illy, i'l'oiu HI. I'iiuoraa. (.i'a'r(ii-i--'iH/- 1st, !l/5 ;il;il. (ihen]) retnrna issued. Hccrctavy-'-O. 'WA-I'SIIN, Ivirj.

Subsci'iptton, £1 I 0. Visitors, 10/- Monthly- NORTH EASTERN HOTEL COMPANY, LTD.

••,•',,' II,', V- '.'I'" '<<• •••• •• '-; •,•'{•.,•; ..,• ., ,-

:;v:;:!"f>;'Mi!.-v „•;•/..* '•;;'••'.:::'•!!;'';

', :. M'. 11 ',!; ''.i.1. ••' •:,«

| 'n

/ii! nearest Hotel to the Station and immediately opposite

Five minutes' walk from the PUMP ROOM BATHS, THEATRE and CONCERT BOOMS.



TABLE D'HOTE SEPARATE TABLES, NIGHT PORTER. te, ITOj Mf.—CH3LF CLUB, DEVON, LINKS, Muii.v-.vit, Nearest station, Ilfraoombo, L. & S.W.Ey., 226 ni. \V;i.l.(. i.-lun. F.-U —48/- 1st, 18/5 3rd ; BT. 71/3 lafc. Secretary—F. Bo.viTiKi/i, KMI, Subscription, 10/6. Entrance, 10/6.

'LKLEY.—GOLF CLUB, Tonics. Nearest station, Ilidey, G.N.By., 211 m. King's Cross. F;in::;--ii7 !i 1st, 10/8 3rd, Secretary—P. M. _P..^i-.t:, E^. Subscription, £2 2 0, Entrance, £3 3 0, Visitors,/>;- Weolcly. 3LE OF WIGHT- BOYA.L ISLE OF WIGHT GOLF CLUB, LINKS, I;KAI.!I;.I><;I.;. .Nearest station, Bembridge, L. & S.W.By., 87 m, Waterloo. l'';iri>H — 1H/G 1st, 8/7 3rd; ra. 82/5'lafc. Secretary-—I). TvNKiirr, V\H>[. Sabseription, £2 2 0, Entrance, £5 5 0.

NEEDLES GOLF CLUB, ISLE OF WIGCST, LINKS, AI.-IW IK.WKS, Nearest station, Freshwater, L.B. & S.U.Ky., 99 m. .1 .oiulim .Li;:ii'i;.;-.'. Faros—21/11 1st, 9/8 8rd. Oheap returns issued. Secretary 1'u. \l.>M;.-.:. Subscription, £1 1 0. Visitors, £1 0 0 Monthly.

VliiNTNOB GOLF CLUB, ISLE OF Nearest station, Ventnor, L.B. & S.O.Ry. from London Bridv-e, oi1 L. & H.'W.By. from Waterloo, via Eyde, 92 m. Fat'CH V.h'li hit, 9/0 3rd. Oheap returns issued. Secretary—OOMMANDKR Bm.1, I.L.N. bscription, £2 2 0. Entrance, £1 1 0. Visitors, 10/- fflontlily. LE OF MAN- GASTLETOWN GOLF CLUB, ISLE OF MAR. Nearest station, Castletown, via Liverpool and Douglas, L. >V. N.W'.fiy, from Euston, Mid. By. from St. Paneras. Fares—85/- IMI., m/~ :\vA. Seerftary-—T. H, Duuu, \'.^[. Subscription^ £i 1 0, BnteaaGej :10/ ' DOUGLAS GOLF CLUB, Isi.u OF MAN, LINKS, HO;WBTKAKE. Nearest station, Douglas, ' Fares—85/- 1st, S'2/- 8rcl. Secretary—W. A. HUTCH INSON, Esq. Subscription, £1 1 0.

IPSWICH—GOLF CLUB, SUFFOLK, LINKS, EUSHMKBK HISATH. Nearest station, Ipswicb, G.E.Ily., 60 m, Liverpool Htreet. Fares---- 13/- 1st, 5/10 8rd. Secretary —A. PEAEOE, Esq. Subscription, £1 1 0. Entrance, £1 1 0.

JERSEY. -'ROYAL JERSEY GOLF' CLUB, LINKS, GBOVTOCM. JMearesr, atauon, G-ronville, 20 minutes ride from St. Heliuf'H, L, & S.W. Uy.. from WtiKi'loo, via B nithai:npt;on, or (}. VV.By., viii Weymoutli. ' Fareti - 88/- 1st, 20/- 8i:d: M. 48/- lad, 80/- 8rd. Secretary—C'apt. T, ROIHN. Subscription, £1 10 0. Entpan.ce, £2 2 0.

KEN DAL.--GOLF CLUB, Wiss Nearest Station, Kendal, L. & N.W.lly. 252 HI. Eiutton, Faros-- Mfi/i 1st, 20/10 8cd. Secretary-—E. H. GBISKHWOOD, J'IH |. Subseription, £1 1 0. Entrance, £1 1 0.

KETTERING.--GOLF CLUB, N Nosirest station, Kettertog, Mid, B/., 72 m, Bt. Paiieras. E'aros—• y/0 lab, 5/11 Brd, Secretary—F, MOBBS, EHCJ.. Subscription, dBl 11 6, E'htraijcie, £1 0 0.

KIDDERMINSTER,—SOLI?' CLUB, WOECKSM-H, Lwrca, Ae.iiuKuv Nearest sfcaii.oxi:, KiddeKoiaster, G.W.By;, 18i m. Padikigton, Ij'.irorf --21/- lat, 10/1 8rct; tra, 85/0, ' •'" B H lf Subscription, £1 i 0. Entrasrje, £t •! 0. •• KING'S N0RTON.—OOLF CLUB, LlNKS, WVCIIIAIIII. Nearest station, King's Norton, Mid. By., 187 m. St. Piiiiui-aa. Faroa IH/2 1st,, 9/5 8rd. Secretary—(T, TOMSOK, Tsaq. Subscription, £1 1 0. Entrance, £1 1 0.

LANCASTER.-GOLF CLUB, LANOS., LINKS, COCKKKJIAM. Nearest [station, Bay Horse, L. k N.W.fty., 287 m. Elision. Fares— 85/- 1st, 19/9 3rd. Secretary -W. STBIVAIIT, Jii.si.[. Subscription, £1 1 0. LEAMINGTON.—NORTH WARWICKSHIRE GQLK CLUB. LINKS, CAMITON HILLK. Nearest Btiition, Ij«fiinniybdiL, \i. & N.W.Ky., 98 m. E[i:->i;oti. 'l.^ureH— 15/8 1st, S/iJ tin] ; m. iiS/8. Bccvetary—F. Ai;r.i:,r., Esq. Subscription, £t 0 0. Entrance, 10/-.

LEEDS,— HEADINGLIiY GOLF CLUB, Yoiucs, LINIW, Moon Ci.it.vN HK Neatest station, Heaclingley, G.N.lty., 187 ui. ICtug'tj CKISH or M. Uy from St. Paucras. Fares—25/9 1st, 15/(5 3rd. Hoorotary—E. I'";MSI,I;Y, Esq. Subseription, £2 2 0. Entrance, £2 2 0. LE1CESTER.—GOLF CLUB, LINKS, EWINCH'ON Fttu,us. Noarest atation, Leioeatef, M.By., 99 m. St. Pancnis. .(.''aros-— i;-i- 1st, 8/- 8rd. Secretary—H. GODDAUU, .KS([. Subscription, £2 2 0. Entrance, £3 3 0. Visitors. 5/- Weekly. LELANT.—WEST CO.ttNWA.LL GOLF CLUB. LINKS, LED ANT TOWANS. Nearest station, Lelanfe, G.W.Ily., Hl(> m Paddinnlon. l'\vi-iM (52/5 lnt, 24/11 8rd ; in. 101/- ".1st. Secretary—.Rev. II. TVACKK. Subscription, £1 1 0, Entrance, £i i 0. Visitors, 15/- Monthly. LIMPSFIELD.—LDflPSPIELD CHA.BT GOLF CLUB, Kirauair. \ Nearest station, Oxtecl, L.B. & B.C.By., 21 m. London Brid"o Fare.' _4/. Isfe, 1/8 3rd ; KT. 0/1.0. * , Seovefcavy -Bev. F. Subscription, £i 10 0, Entrance, £8 3 0.

LINCOLN.— GOLV CLUB, LINCOLN, LINKS, CARHOLMK. Nearest, sLation, Liuootiv G.N.Ey,, 180 m. King's Gross, Fares— 18/10 1st, 10/9 Bed. Secirefcary- W. TOYtn>KK, K sq. Subscription, £1 I 0. Entrance, £81 1 0,

LITTLEHAMPTON.-GOLF CLUB, S™*EX. NeiU'esit sfebtion, Liuleliaurptou, L.li. & B.CBy,, 62 m. London 'Bridgt.J Fares—I'lj- lat, 5/2 3rd. Cheap retrirtiB issued. ) Secretary -.A. COSSTABI.H, Kft\. ) Subscription, £2 2 0. Entrance, £2 2 0. • LITTl_ESTQNE;-GOLF CLTJJ3, £E«. j >. :T.'Bt ataiioii, NewKomuey, S.E.By., Cimriug Gross, 75 in. l''ni'e»i •Ki 0 ls&, 6/4 3rd. Cheap returns issued. Becretai/y —0. WINXMH, l!lsq. Subscription, £1 1 0. Entpanee, £5 S 0.

LIVERPOOL. -R0»L LIVIBBPOOL ;GOLF CLUB. LJIHKB, -HOVXAKB," (jBiSSHtfCIil, \.:i j-.-Bfc etation, lioylake, L. & N.W.By.. 200 in. Enston. Fnfo«, '20 l:;t, lfl/(i 3rd; :IM-. 57/-. • . Secretary—~W. BIDKE B Subsepiption, £3 0 0, Bntpanee, £10 0 0,

LIVERPOOL.-WEST L4MCA.BHIBB GOLF CLUB, LiMs, S.M.I, •BOAB. N.-m-.-Bt station, Hall Boad, L. & N.W.By., 21,2 m. Btiston, via ,1'klgel 11:11. Fares, 80/-1st, 17/-3rd; KT. 58/-. Secretary .J, VV. Fowt.K.is, Es

LYNDHURST.—NEW FOEEST GOLF GLOB, HANTS. ' LINKS, LYNDHURST AND BRAMSH&W, Nearest station, Lyndkursfc, L. & S.'W.Ry., 88 m. Waterloo. Fares--- 17/- 1st, 7/1 3rd. Cheap returns issued. Secretary—E. HARORKAVES, Esq. Subscription, £1 0 0, Entrance, ,-£i 1 0.

LYTHAM & ST. ANNE'S-GOLF CLUB, UNCB. LINKS, ST. ANNB'S-ON-SKA. Nearest station, St. Anue's-on-Sea, L. & N.W.Ey., 225 m. Eusfcoit. Fares—80/6 1st, 13,7 3rd ; RT. 50/- Seoretary—J. TAI.BOT 1"'AIR, ES

MALVERN,"-W0EGES'fEESHiE:E GOLF CLUB. Nearest station, Malvem Wells, G.Vv'.Ity., 128 m. .t'addington. Fai'GS —28/8 1st, 10/8 3rd Cheap returns issued. Secretary -W. 1'ATJSKSON, ESCJ, •'.Subscription,£2. 2 0. Entrance, £2 2 0. Visitors, 5/-Weekly.

MACCLESFIELD.—GOLF CLUB, CHESHIJRU, LINKS, .Nearest station, Maoclesfleld, L. &N.W.J:i>v., 160 in. I'liiston, Faros— 24/2 1st, 13/9 3rd : RT. 46/3. Secretary—A. CK GRAY, EBC|. Subscripton. £2 2 0. Entrance, £2 2 0. MANCHESTER.—OLD MANCHESTER GOLF OLUB. LINKS, BBOTJOHTON PAEK. 'Neaxest station, Manchester, 185 m. M.Tiy., Bt. i'amiras, or L, & N.W.Ry., Euston. Fares, 24/0 1st, 15/6 Hrd. :; • Secretary'—-M. BI


HE above house, erected and established by the late Dr. Wilson, is pleasantly ;mi*i centrally situated, commanding extensive views of the surrounding country, wlthlii T tuu iiiinutes' walk ot the Post Office and Bailway .Station, and close to tliei IVioi'y Cliut'cli and AHaoinltly llooma. It contains good Public Dining, Drawing mid Hmolcu llmiuiK. The I'rivate Booms are arranged in suites for invalids who wish to avoid this fati^'iio of (Hairs. The house is well supplied with hot and csoid water, and n^ileto wiUi every oonvenUiiici!, and acknowledged to be one of the most comfortable in the MidUimtH, and uuiiL' tu '.rolf Linka. S. E. MATTHEWS, Proprietress, ST. ANNES HOTEL, St. Annes-on-the-Sea. This Hotel, prettily situated between Blackpool and Lyfchanij uuder the Management of

is tlie Headquarters of the LYTHAM AND ST. ANf4ES GOLF CLUB. Members and Gentlemen playing upon the Links, will find every agoominoclation at the Hotel, and the ixse Of a Large Club Boom. There is a Splendid Bawling Green, A Goad StaWini attaeiied to tk Hotel, G0LF MANCHESTER— CLUB, LINKS, MAMJSV PAUK. Nearest station, CLiorlton-eum-Hardy, M. Ey., 187 m. St. Panci-as. Secretary—B, MACLUKK, Ewj. Subscription, £\ 1 0. Entrance, £2 2 0.

VIINCHINHAMPTON.—GOLF CLUB, , Nearest station, Nailsworth, M.Ey,, 115 m, St. PRUOVHS. PareK- 18/- 1st, 8 0 8rd ; BT. SI/. Secretary—A. Pr.AtNK, .!•!•«[. Subscription, £1 11 6.

MOREOAMBE & HEY8HA.M~GOLF CLUB, LANCS. LINKS, HEYSHAM. Nearest station, Morecambe, 286 va. IVI.Ry., St. Pancras, or L. & N,W,Ey.,from Enston. .Fares—84/6 1st, 19/5 8rcl. Secretary—B. COOKSON, IVSI|. SibsePiption, £1 1 0. Entrance. 1 1 0.

SVI1NEHEAD & WEST SOMERSET-GOL*1 CLDB. LINKS, THIS WAKREN. Nearest station, Mineliead, G.W.Ry., 184 m. Parldingfcon. .KnruH — SS/10 1st, 15,8 3rd ; BT. 50 9. Secretary—Bev. T. 'J'oi>n. Sulbscription, £1 1 0. Entrance, £1 1 0. Visitors, 10/- Monthly.

NEW 'BRIGHTON.—GOLF OLDB, OHES Nearest statiou, Wallasey, Wit'tal Ry.i or by boat from Liverpool. • • • Secretary—J/MONTOOMEUV, E;;q. Jiilbsepiption, £1 11 6. Entrance, £2 2 0, Visitors, 7/6 Weekly.

Nf'EWBIGQIN-BY-THE-SEA-—<*OLF CLUB, NOIITHOMUKI...*NI.. Nearest station, Newbiggui, G.N.Ry., 288 m. King's Gross, via New- castle. No through fares. Secretary—J. TATIS, \<)SI\. Subscription, 10/-.' Entrance, 10/-. MINEHEAD. '"Plume of HOTEL.


Within easy distance of the

and the only Hotel in Minehead facing South. SPECIAL TERMS GIVEN FOR VISITORS USING THE GOLF LINKS, GEORGE THRjSTLE, Proprietor, NEW B RIG H T O N (C h eghj re).


^.B^ HIS tl.ot^l stands in ita own grounds at a bracing' elevation and commands extremely fine J,J-11- KI_';I iind. river vieWB, while Liverpool centre being; reached within thirty minutes by ettUtir t'iiil or no.'it irendera the situation most convenient for visitors* The appointments are perfect in each ;ifttxv'ei'tt, which compria^a spacious Coffee, Drawing;, Reading, Stitokingf atud Bl'lUacci • RobfiiK.,. also'suites of Roamss, Private Sitting Rooms, am d "upwards of Fifty Bedrooms," TABLE D'HOTE AT SEPARATE TABLES, PRIVATE DINNERS, LUNCHEONS, ETC. Cliu.i'i;i.jsi MocU;vaf.i:. with u^tiunul inclius.ive terms from Three Guineas per week-r—eJcctllent CuiriLin.- £Uid Chuicc WiiiijH. bull 'I'.-triff and p^rtictdars on application to MISS RODENHURST. Postal Address: New Brighton, Liverpool. National Telephone;r—N:0,1510 Telcgiuius :•- Victoria, New Brighton, -•—^- LINKS, New Brighton, Wallasey, and Leasowe; also Hoylake. N EWCASTLE-ON-TYN E,-GOLF CLUB, Nowm,..™..:.:..^-... LINKS, TOWN MOOR. Nearest station, Newcastle, G.N.Ey., 272 ni. King's CruH.-i. lj';irc:-i• . 88/8 1st, 22/8 3rd. Secretary—B. I!\TKS, KS<[. Subscription, £1 1 0. Entrance, £2 2 0.

•NEWHAVEN.—-G0LF CLUB, Simiix. LINKS, CASTLK HILL. Nearest station, Newhaven Wharf, L..B. & S.C.Kv., fiii MI. r.midim Bridge. Fares—11/3 1st, 4/9 3rd. Cheap returns issued. Secretary— S. STUM-., K.-q. Subscription, £1 1 0.

NAZEING COMMON.-GOLF CLUB, HK«. Nearest station, Broxbourne, G-.fi.Ry., 17 ni. Liverpool Sifcr-L f-'.ifo-s 8/3 1st, 1/6 3rd. Subscription, £1 1 0, Visitors, 2/6 Weekly.

M0RTHAMPTON/-^GOLF CLUB, LINKS, AMNGTON. Nearest station, Northampton, IVLRy., 60 m. St. Paiu.i'jis. Viwi-.-i 9/4 1st, 5/4 3rd. Secretary— W. f IOCSJ;-. V.ai\. Subsepiption, £2 2 0. Entrance, £3 3 0.

NORTH WOOD.—GOLF CLUB, MIBDLESISX. Nearest station, Norfclrwood, 14 m. Baker street, i'arc; • i • Ki.. i Mrd ; BT. 8/- and 1/6. Secrttnry—H, (IHIIM1, l-i:-<|. Subscription, £4< 4 0. Entrance, £8 8 0,

NORWICH.—R0YA.L NORWICH GOLF CLUB,' N..I;I.-,>I.'-.. LINKS, RABBITS HILL, llEiiLKsnos. Nearest station, HeLlesdon, (15 minntes from Notwicti).(l.l-..l!y., i lii m. Liverpool Street. Fates—20/6 1st, 9/6 3rd; KT. 81/10. Secretary—(3. STK\VUM>, KS.|. Subseription, £1 11 6. Entrance, £t 11 6. NOTTINGHAM—GOLF CLUB,. LINKH, BCJI.WET.C FOREST. Nearest station, Bui well Foreafc, G.N.By., 1«°>1 m. King's Cross, or by M.liy. St. Pancraa. Faros—10/8 1st, 10/6 8rd. Secretary—E. Courts, Esq. Subscription, £1 1 0. Entrance, £1 1 0.

OAKHAM.—GOLF CLUB, Rcr'ixANf., Lwics, OAruiAivi: PAOTUKKM. Nearest station, Oak ham, M.Ey., !M m. St. Pancras. Fares—12/0 1st, 7/0 8rd. Secretary—L, GRIST, Esq. Subscription, £1 1 0, Entrance, £A 1 0,

OLD HAM.—GOLF CLUB, LAMOS., LINKS, Lisiaa. Nearest station, Lees, L. & N.W.Ry., 190 m. Euaton, or by M.Ey. from St. Pancras. Fares—25/2 1st, 15/0 3rd. Secretary-—-I. ATKINS, Esq. Subscription, £2 2 0. Entrance, £2 2 0.

OXFORD.—UNIVEBSITY CHILE CLUB. Nearest station, Oxford, GKW.Ey., (14 m. Padding'tou. Faves—11/- Isii, 5/4 3rd; IMP. 18/6. Secretary—-E. MITOHMI'X, Esq. Subscription, £1 1 0, Entrance, ,-fil 1 0.

PENRITH.— INGLE WOOD GOLF CLUB, Noaresfc station, Penritli, L. & N.'W.Ey., 282 m. Eustori. Fares— 38/8 1st, 22/7 3rd. Secretary—E. NKVILLK, ESCJ[. Subserlption, £i i 0.

PORTS MOUTH.—UNITED SEE-VICE GOLIJ1 CLUB, HANTH. LINKS, IIAHLAB. Nearest station, Stokes Bay, L. & S.W.Ey., 87 HI. Waterloo. Faros. —15/a 1st, 0/0 3rd; :UT. 20/0 and 11/8. Secretary—OOIIMANOISU E. PAYN.K. Subscription, £1 O 0. PRESTON.--UOLE' CLUB, LAXCS, LINKS, .rii.Ki-.u.-.ir.s. Nearest station, Pruston, L. & iN.W.Ky., 201) m. Eiiston. Fin-on 20/0 1st, 17/5 rircl; in.1. 57/0. Secretary—W. KUKCSTDN, T'.sq. Subscription, £1 i 0. Entrance, £i 1 0.

REDOAR. -CLliVELfVND GOLF ClIYUB, YORKB, LINUS CHATHAM. Nearest station, liedear, N.K.Ily,, 2.1.7 miles from Kind's Cms*, rj'aren -—84/10 lat, a0/7 Brd. Seorefcaiy—.)'. KYM?, l:.i;=';. Subscription, £[ 1 0. Entrance, £1 1 0. Visitors, 5/- Monthly.

1 ' REIGATE.—filiSDIICLL & it-GIGA'Clil G'rOLli OLUii, KITUUKY. Noarost ntatioti, Earlswoofl, Ii.B, & S.CJ.By., 2iim, liondon. liridtjo. —Fares 4/- lafc, 1/8 3rd; iu\ 0/- and 2/0. ! Booretary—0. TRKV.MM1 JI K\. .ll nq. Subscription, £10 0. Entrance, £Z 3 0. Visitors, 5;- Weakly.

ROCH DALE.—-t'OW GLUO, LANOH, LINKS, Lom.iiN ^ Kixn's E»AD. Nearest afcation, Itoolidnle, L. & N.W.Hy., 190 in. Eiinfon. IMII-OH 20/5 1st, 10/1 U.fd. Secretfuy—'J. LmiAniiUNT, E&|. Subscription, £2 2 0. Entrance £2 2 0.

G0[ 1 ROCHESTER,— 'D CLUB, KHNT, LIMKS, OAh-i,i.:u:ii. Nearest wtatiou, Hiyjham, B.E.Ry., '29 m. Oltariug C.'rosn. I.'iti.-ovs 4/0 lat, 2/8 3rd ; tw\ (i/0 and 8/7. Secretary-—Gh ASDKIWDN, EKC|. Subscription, £2 2 0. Entrance, £3 S 0. :: ROMFORD.-ooDLi' Nearest station, Kornford, (l.E.Ey,, Frequent soi'vici! of trains from Liverpool Strenfc, at reduced, fares for members-—18-iiolf: course l''nr i'urtiier partionlars apply to 'W. H. Bosw, Hon. Sec, lioml'iml, 'Rssfx. Subscription, £2 2 0 Entrance, £4 4 0. ROYSTON.—G0LF CLUB, HEBTS. Nearest Station, Boyston, G.N.Ry. 49 m. King's Gross. Fares- (i/11 1st, 8/9 3rd. Secretary—'W. EOWIEY, Esq. Subscription, £1 1 0. Entrance, £i 1 0.

R YE.—GOLF CLUB, HEBTS. Nearest station, Bye, S.B.Ry., 72 in. Charing Cross. Pares— 15/- 1st, 6/- 3K1» RT- 24/-and 10/6. Secretary—Eov, G. BATES. Subscription, £1 1 0. Entrance, £1 1 0.

RYTON.—TYNBSIDE GOLF CLUB, DUBHAM. Hearesfc station, Eyton, G.N.Ey., 274 m. King's Cross. No through lares. Secretary—'G. CHABLTON, Esq. Subscription, £110 Entrance, £2 2 0. Visitors, 2/6 Weekly. SAf'RON WALDEN.—OHESTEEFOED PARK GOLF 0LUJ1, . Nearest station, Great Chesterfield, M.Ey., 48 :m, S. Paneras, Q.l<).liy. Liverpool Street. Fares—8/8 1st, 8/11 3rd; RT. 18/-. Secretary—Mrs. 0iwr,[i?ifE. SubseFiption, 10/-.

SAL'ISBURY.—HOMINGTON DOWN GOLF CLUB, WILTS. Nearest station-, Salisbury, L. & S.W.By., 84 in. Waterloo, Faros • .[?/§ 1st;, 6/11 3rd. Cheap returns issued. .;•',= Secretary-—D. MMIDCWAKD, BSC;|. : Subscription, 5/-.

BAU|BURN.—-Goii- OLTO, TOBKS. M'gaiesti station, Saltburn,. G.N.Ey., 252 xn. Kind's Gross, ii'arcs • mfS:M, 20/11 3rd. r:\--,...•-;.. Secretary—T. MILLEB, ESQ. Siitbseriptioii, £i 1 0. Visitors, 3-/6 Weekly, SALTERTON (BUDLEIGH)—•fiOLi.p GLUT;,, I>I;V,N-. NoareHt shiifcioa, ExnioaUi, L. * H.W.iiy., 182 m. Wiiiriino. Farnri Wi/- lab, ijr;/2 Bnl. Soorctai'y—W. ICHOAUK-I, .l:j;;q.

Subscription, £1 1 0.

1 1 SANDWICH.—y- - - tiKonciM'H GOLF GLUT., KI-.NT. Neai'Ortt Hli:i,fcion, Hiuii'lwich, H.Jij.Ity., 87 m. Ohm/ii];.; (.'•ni:;:;. FiiL'i:1; 1.0/- lafc, 0/0 yrd. Ch(j;i[i uufctit'tiH isHiiod. Sncu'ofcary —W. Jii nii-.m-'ijiMi, E!H

Subscription, £3 3 0. Entranoe, i315 lr> 0.

ST. NEOT'S.^cl(-)]jU' GLTJB, HUNTS., IJINKS, TKK CUMMIN, Noavosfc Htiifcion, St. 'Nuot/s, G..N.Ry,, 5i ra. lung's .-..^.. .L'';u.\-i-— (i T. 1st, 4/4 Hwl. Secretary— A. 'M'CAISII, Ksq.

Subscription, £11 0.

SCARBOROUGH, -wc/i? or,t;n, YOK,H, DC;,;, n,-,,•,,. Ndiircist station, (riniLoii, iS.li.LJy., via York, I.B1I in. IVnm St. ["rnuii'iis ni' Kiug'a CL'OHH. .IJ'HI'QH- ;J7/- l'nt, J.fi/y «rd. Secretary —I'". l'r.i>wi:i.r., T',';i[.

Subscription, £1 i 0.

SEAFORD.—ciOL? CLUB, SUBHKX. Noru'OHt ataLion, Soalonl, L.'I.S. & B.O.By., 58 in. Imiidoit Jjrid^o. Fin-OS.—11/10 Ink, 4/11 Hfd. Olioap L'otiu'UH insnoil. Hecfctai'y—Tim?;, tiii.i'.nv, \'h<[.

Subscription, £2 2 0. Entrance, £5 5 0. Visitors, 10,'- Weoldy,

8EASCALE,—-('i()L'•'" tJLlf•'« G Noftrost utatioii, Woitsoalu, fi. & N.W.By., 201 in. Kmiiun. '[•'cirus- 44/- 1st, 25/- 3til. Secretary—(i. 11 M;iii:.i>N, K-sq, Subscription, £i 1 0. Visitors, 15/- Monthly. SALTBURN-BY-THE-SEA. |HIS magnificent Hotel, overloooMng the Sea, is delightfully situated on the *; Cliff, Within ten minutes walk of the picturesque and excellent I --*-*-»•* GOLF' LINKS +**^~~ $yeriooking the Sea) of the Saltburn Club. GOLF. BRINE BATHS. SEA-BATHING. Carriages, Billiards, Experienced Chef. Prospectus on Application,


N( SEA. flad BROWN TBOTJT PISSING- in Eivers Away, Douglas, and the Kiiihitlodli (a tidal watei'). Beautilul Soenary,

in all its branches ; Episcopal GJint'eh tbtea rrimutes from Hotel; •• ;• • Oomlouts.; Moderate Charges. Cot|-rse 'lfia vei'y Peasant one, within five minutes' wall; °^ ^e Hotel, commanding fine view of Inveraray Oastle, TiQchfyal, etc, etc, B. B. BANTOGK, Proprietor, [ SEATON CAREW.—GOM1 CLUB, DCUHA.M. i Nearest station, Seaton Carew, M.Ey., 245 m. St. l.';ui<:r;H. Pare.-!— 34/6 1st, 20/5 3rd. Secretary— (.'. ]!II.VTISU, .Ksq, Subscription, £2 2 0. Entrance, £3 3 0.

SEATON.—AXE CLIFF G-OLF CLUB, DEVON. Nearest station, Seaton, L. & S.W.Ry., 152 ui. Wiilidno. Vrircs 80/7 1st, 12/8 8t&. Secretary—Bov. II. ]IK:\H;KSIIMCV. Subscription, £1 1 0, Entrance, £1 i 0.

SHAWFORD.—GOLF CLUB, HANTS. . Nearest station, Shawford, L. & S.W.Ey., 70 :m. Wiiti-doo. lravos—- 14/8 1st, 5/9 3rd. Secretary- -(h:\. (I. LM.CHTON, Subscription, £1 i 0. Entrance, £1 1 0.

SHEFFIELD—GOLF CLUB, YOBKS, LINKS, I'.IXI.UH-K V.MKHS. Nearest station., Shiroaks, G.N.Ry., 149 m. IvincV (Ji'os.-i. FiU'i.-f! 20/6 1st, 12/4 3rd. Seeretaty—). |{t>si;ni.i'.v, K&[, Subscription, £2 2 0. Entpanee, £2 2 0. Visitors, 10/6 Monthly.

8-HERINGHIM—GOLF CLUB, NOBFOLK. Nearest station, Slieringham, G.N.Ry,, 161 m. 'K'in.f^-: (JHIKR. Ffifcf:— 22/1 1st, 10/5 3rd. i Secretary —W. or.Mr"n-:i.:., ] )nt\. SubscPiption, sEl 1 0. Entrance, £2 2 0.

'SHREWSBURY—GOLF CLUB, SHBOPSHIKB. Nearest station, Shrewsbury, L. & N.W.By., Kili m., Kutiton, via Stafford.—Fares—25/8 1st, 18/- 3rd; BT. 47/3. Secretary—(!. I'IAUKU, 1<)X<{. Subscription, £i 1 0, Entrance. £1 i 0. Visitors, a,- Monthly. fjJDCUP—GOLF CLUB, KENT, LINKS, SIDGOT HIM. : Nearest station, Sidcup, S.E.Ry., 12 m. Charing Gross. Fares—* • 2/2 1st, lid. 3rd. Cheap returns issued. .• • Secretary—DR. J. CBOMBIE. Subscription, £2 2 0. Entrance, £1 1 0.

SIDMOUTH.—GOLF CLUB, DEVON. Nearest station, Sidmoutk. L, & S.W.Ry., 168 m. Waterloo. Fares—» 88/8 1st, 14/- 3rd. Cheap returns issued. Secretary—W. HASTINGS, Esq. Subscription, £1 1 0, Entrance, £1 1 0.

3ILLOTH.—GOLF CLUB, OtJMBiiBiAND, LINKS, BLITTBBCKBS BANK. Nearest station, Silloth, 821 m, from St. Paneras or Euston. Ho through fares. Secretary—1). JDIXON, Esq. &1fil3«r;ption, 7/6. Visitors, 2/6 Monthly,

3KEGNE8S.—G0LF OLUB, LINCOLN. Nearest station, Skegness, G-.N.Ey., 181 in. King's Cross. Fares- 18/6 1st, 10/11 8rd. Secretary—Eev. C. *D.ISBBOW.E. Subscription, £1 1 0. Entpan.ee, £1 1 0.

3OLIHULL.—AKDEN G-OLF CLUB. . Nearest station, Soliliul, G.W.By., 122 m, Paddina;iion., Faros- 17/4 1st, 0/5 8rd. Subsopiptlon, £2 2 0. Entrance, £2 2 0. iOUTHEND-ON-SEA".—GOLF OLUB, ESSBX. Nearest station, Bouthond, 6r.IS.Ey,, 42 m. Liverpool Street. B'aroa- 4/d 1st;, 2/2 tird. Glioap retams issued. Secretary—H. WAKLOW, Esq. Subscription, £i 1 0. Entrance, £1 1 0. SOUTH PORT.—GOLF CLUB, LMOS., LINKS, MOSS GJIKT.S. Newest station, Southporfc, L. & N.W.Ey., 212 in. Euston, or "M'.Ily, from St. Panorag. Pares—29/6 1st, 17/7 3rd. Secretary---W. I!r,A>;i>, Ksq. .Subscription, £1 1 0. Entrance, £3 3 0. Visitors, 5/- Weekly.

SOUTH WOLD.—GOLF CLUB, STJJWOHC. Nearest station, Southvrold, (r.E.By., 110 m. Liverpool ftk'cijl,, .Fares —20/4 1st, 9/8 3rd. Cheap returns issued. Secretary— 1). GOOI/IMCI, T'sq. Subscription, £1 I 0. Entrance, 10/6.

STAFFORD.—STAFFORDSHIRE G0LP CLHS. Nearest station, Stafford Common, L, & N.W.Tty., I 'i>\. ni. Eastern. Fares—20/9 1st, 11/2 3rd. Secretary—(!. MONO AN, .l^q. Subsertption, -fit U 6, Entianee, £1 I 0.

STAINES,—GOLF OLUB, MioDhEaKX, LINKS, hSrioimvoon Cojnrcx. Nearest station, Stiiincs Junction, L, & B.W.L'y., 20 m. 'Waiwloc Fares, 8/8 1st, 1/7 Hrd. Cheap rctuniti tsmioil. Secretary—(1. HTiniTiiKit, Ksrj, Subscription, £2 2 0.

STAMFORD.—liLTRGHLEY TAHK GOLF 0\M\S, I^COLM. NeareKt station, Stamford, G.N.JLly., 5)3 m. Iving's Crops. b'livoH 12/6 1st, C/ll 3rd. Soorotaiy—IT. EnMirNns, lisq, Subscription, £1 1 0.

STAN MORE.—GOLF CLUB, Nearest fitafcion, Stanmore, L. & N.VV.Ey., 11 in. KiiHton. .FH-IT 1/9 1st, lid. Orel. ; BT. 8/- 1st, 1/4 3rd'. Secretary—C. ADAMS, [''s Subscription, £& 5 0. Entrance, £5 5 0. STINCHCOMB HILL.-GOLF CLUB, GLOU^ST™. Ki;iii'i!sfc station, .Diu'slcy, M.lly., 145 ra. St. I'auoras, via Birmingham and Gloucester. No through hiWH. '; Secretary—II. GOCDINGHA.W, Esq. \ Subscription, £1 1 0. Entrance, 10/6. j

STOW - ON - THE - WOLD.—CJOTBWOLIJ GOLF OLUB, ; G-UTOOEHTUK, Ll.NK.ti, CoTHWOI.D. I N'oii.fi:st station, Stow-ou-the-Wold, CLW.lly., 8t) tu. J:\iddiiigfcon, via ! Chipping Moitou. i'urcM—.1.0/9 lwb, 7/5 Nril; JIT. 2H/-. , Bocretury—H. Rosn, Esq. 1 Subscription, £1 1 0.

oorjl11 SLJNDERLAND.— , DIJIUIAJVL'. Nt.Tii-i;ab Htabiuii, Gnx Cri-oou. NJ^.Ity., via Yot-lc, Cr.N.Ey., 201 in. i O 1'itvos— B7/d l»fc, aI./1O Jlrd. Seorofcafy—J. SI'AUKB, Eaq. Subsei-lption, £i 10 0.

.—-^0*^' CLUB, HHHHKY. Htation, liaiiHliead, Ii.B. & SXJ.By., If5 in. .Tjondou Bridge. iii-orf—- Si/- Lsfc l/L:-lfd; BT. a/!>. Bcoi'ufciiry—I1'. IIICIJAIUIMON, Esq. Subscription, £1 1 0. Entrance, ;fil 1 0.

SUTTON COLDFIELD.-Gut'V C!Lu:B- WAISWIOIC, IJINKH, MTRIf.KTr.Y. No;ii'i;sfc si.afciini, StruoLly, M.Liy.,'117 m. fcjfc. i'ancrfiH. 1'iu'os- 17/rf 1st, 0/7 l-inl. Socrotafy—I'. BOUKKR, Eaq. Subscription, £1 1 0. Entrance, £3 3 0.

oljl 1 SWANAGE---'^'^ ruiuiKOK oohi' CLUB, DOKHK*. Nf.'jiL'i!,-.!.- shi.linn. Swittiago, L. & t-i.WJly.. IMiJ m, Waturloo. Faros— !i7/- IKII. I I/- -inl.. (Jliaap rot urns Issutsd, Wcoi'otavy—G. WUIOUT, Eaq. Subscription, £1 1 0. TAP LOW.—GOLF ^TJTTR "RUCKS, LINKS, WABCK J'MIM. Nearest afcnlion, Taplow, (i.W.Ey., 2H m. Padcliii^loii. Furc; --!/- IHI-, 1/10 3rd. Cheap returns issued. Secretary—.\1. T.vvi.oit, E;;.-|. Subscription, £2 2 0.

TAVISTOCK.—GOLF CLUB, DEVON, LINKS, \Vj<.WNK. Nearest station, Tavistoclc, L. & S.W.By., 214 .in. W.i.Ui.'loo. I<\m:a — 42/11 let, 17/8 3rd ; M. 68/1.

Subscription, 10/6. Entrance, 10/6.

TONBRIDGE.—GOLF CLUB, KENT, LINKS, Tin-: TUK.-MI. Nearest station, Tonbridge, S.B.Ry., 80 m. Clliiii'iii'/ C'rofiK. 7/- 1st, 2/7 3rd; BT. 11/6. Seci'otary—(I. l.;Vi:i i: Subscription, .-SI 1 0. Entrance, £1 1 0.

TINTAGEL WHARNECLIFFE—GOLF CI/IM;. (U,V.MMA.. "Nearest station, Oamclford, L. & S.W.Ry., SMI in. Waterloo. I^iinifi- — 47/9 1st, lO/'J 8rrl. Secretary — R. JSuNTr.Kv, Iviij. Subscription, £1 1 0. 'Visitors, 6/- Weekly.

1 TORQUAY & ST. MARY .CHURCH.-™ ™ or.r'i;, D.VON. LINKS, BABBACOMDK. Nearest station, Torre, ChW.By., 215 tn. Padding'..cm. 1'Vircn—--!()/- 1st, 16/5 3rd ; KT. G2/6. Secretary—H. Cmiinxo, Euq, Subscription, £1 1 0. Entrance, £1 1 0.

WAKEFIELD"-GOL:BI CLUB, Nearest station, Sandal, M.Ey., 174 rn. St. .L'anet'iuj, vi:i CuclworcL. Fares—23/9 1st, 14/6 3rd. Secretary— Dit, MIIUMA*. Sulbacription, £1 1 0. Entrance, £1 1 0. WALLASEY—GOLF CLUB, Ci Nc;u:ost station, Wallasey, Wirral Ey., from Liverpool. Secretary—W. BOUG-IITON, Esq. Subscription, £3 3 0. Entrance, £10 10 0.

WALTHAM CROSS-—NAZING- COMMON GOLF CLUB, Esaisx. JSoiii'ast station, Broxbourne, G.'E.Ey,, 18 in. Liverpool Street. Faros. i'.;'J Ifit, 1/C Sfd. Client) returns issued. Secretary—T. GODDAKD, Esq.

WARKWORTH.—GOLF CLUB, N Nearest station, Wadtwortl: M.Ey., 30.-'! m, St. Pancraa. Faros •1.2/1 1st, 2C/4 8rcl. Soorekuy—EKT. W. EOORRSON. Subscription, 10/6. Entrance, £1 1 0,

WARMINSTER.—GOLF CJLUB, N-j'tvest utiition, Warininstoi', G.W.Ey,, 105 in. Paddingfcou. Fares 20,0 1st, 8/.1.0 ;-ird. Secretary—-REV, II, HtoittN. Subscription., 10/6. Entrance, 10/6.

WELL! NG BOROUGH.—GOLF GLUT;, NOUXHAMP-KIN. XllNKS, W.HST FAItM. Ki::i.i:esfc Htation, Welliugborougli, M.Ey., 0-1 m, St. PsiiiioHis. Faros n/ii 1st, nji 3rd. Bocrettu-y—W. ItoumsoN, Esq. Subscription, 10/6. Entrance, 10/-.

WARWICK.^•WAEW:iC!KSLFTEIi! GOLF CLUB. N(:iirosti HtaLion, Warwiolc, G.W.Ey., 108 m. I'addirip;toi.i. Fares- •|r,/c; lat, &/H yrcl; K,T. 28/0. Beercfcary—IL BI^IK, ,1'lsq, Suliseription, £1 0 0. Entrance, £2 0 0, Visitors, 5/- Weekly 1 WESTGATE-ON-SEA.-fiW'O ohun, n-AV. NoiU'uBt nL'ifcifm, Wi'sfc^alo, L.C. & D.Ry., 7'-> m. ll./.borii "Viaduct. FiifOK—3C/- lfifc, (>/- 3rd; m>. 22/0 and id.-. Scoi'i'inry A. J.UUIINI.;, .E.-;q.

Subscription, *2 2 0, Entrance, £1 1 0, Vi;;iLoi% 31/- Monthly.


—I.iKi.-i'.-diii,. VVISTKI::-:C.\I..U.

sciiptiiii), 10/8, Eutfanco, £10 10 0. Vl'-iii-.v.^:, 10.'- Wrekiy.

WESTON-8UP£R-MARE.-«OLF oi.iiiv r,,,,:,,,,,. Nfiiu'ofifc sfcdifiion, V/nfldoi'i-Hnpoi'-iVlaro, Cf.W. !;••'., I-IO in. .1..* r 1 v i •/"_ f i 5 ;.•• t-1 > 21. Ii'ai'ou—2-1/7 lat, 11/0 3rd; KT. 41/-. Boi'i'.'l.i'.i'v—('•. CIICJCL-II, TiH'.\.

Subscription, £1 i 0. Entrance, £2 2 0. Vision, 15/- Monthly.

WEYMOUTH.—CKT!lT!' CILirB, Unuawr, Li%,-.s UAKror.,;. No.'ti'esL HtidLion, WoytuonUi, L. & S.W.Tly.. Mil m. VViLi^ii-lno, [•'rites —29/G I'M,, 1 l/Jl Or'd, Ohoap roiucnn isRiu-f). fii.'sii'siiiiry—\V*. .li.ii.viv, 1'JSIJ.

Civhscripticm, £>i it C. Visitcv;:, :(/- V:iil,y.

( |(J[jir WHlTBY.-- - CLUJ-l, YORKII, NoiU'ost attitioii, CloaLhlaad, G.N.Ky., 1'35 in. Kingn Gra,;-:.::, via Xcu' ullortou. No tliroLigh lares, tiuT' -Ll. JOSIN^JTIINK, I'lsq

Noai'oafc station, WiuUoy, N.E.Ey,, 10 m. KCIVCSLSLIU. NO tlu'onof 1'arcB, SooreLiu:y--J. \l.\actAfva, llsij.

Subscription, 10/6. Entraacu, £2 2 0. Overlooking the County Links. GOLFERS SPECIALLY CATERED FOR-

I'lii-'- i-.w«e Mansion is r.ituaU'U in it,a own oxtcivoivu '^vuumV,',. Ttiiwiis avwl Gi:c«(i.U',f.. fiiii'^f I.'ulilic liooniR. Cmiti'iilly Hitmiti'd for visiting iCnnihvoi'Lli OIIHMO, (i-uy'fi Olili'1, i, within n I'uw miiiutan' walk of thy Oastlo. Ti'ams to Luaminytoii, Boafd and Besiclenee from 22s. Weekly, and by the Day. Address : PROP EIETRESS,

1 331: ID :eo le o IR, :D ., Finest, Best, and only Hotel with uninterrupted Views.

()V!uir.ooraNO- mvjan TOiuuntriii AND oriD juiiDriM. BNLAIUiKD. HEX'1 ITXiN 1H(I!i!I>• BVTiUY C(>ML<'UU'J\ POSTING, COACHING, HUNTING, GOLFING, FISHING, Two mid a Halt' Miles horn the LINKS, Breaks to and from every Hour, WRITE FOR TARIFF AND BOARDING TERMS. Central for Westward Ho., Oloveliy, fiartland, and Elide.

'The hcaltiest, most bracing Watering-Place in. the "World." r^^^^^.^^-^^-^^-.,^-^.^ l'"('d,a report, Jja;fi-col. THE GRAND ATLANTIC HOTEL "Y'TTACliS tli« Sea., Klaiuis in tout sieros ot ontatuontnl i-',vonnil:4, with Vivn '.L'ui\nia Oonrtu; ' contiiii'is upmu'da ot OIKI Hundred and Twenty Kninphi'.iusiiy ajij.ioinli

WINCHESTER.—G0LF OLUB, HANTS, LINK-. U,ui.i,.u,i« HIM,. Nearest station, Winchester, L. & S.'W.By., 67 m. WiiUduo. FstivM- 18/9 1st, 5/8 Svd. Cheap returns issued. Secretsv\ -\V. (itim, .I'V;'|,

WINCHFIELD.-HAETLEY WINTNET GOI ••• ClA-V,, U.^TA, Nearest station, Win oilfield, L. & S.'W.By., 80 m. Wiilui-loo. Lai-n:, • 8/2 1st, 8/8 3rd, Cheap returns issued.

Secretary—E. I'. IMI.-IXI-OOT, E-V.J. Subscription, £1 1 0. G0LF WINDERMERE.~ OLIJB, WES • Nearest station, Windermere, L. & N.W.Ry., 2(!n •.. Ku.stou, oril.Tty, ' from St. Panoras. Pares—87/- 1st, 21/6 8rd ; =•. 7:-1.,'-

Seoretai'} II. IIAWHON, II'.-IJ.

Subscription, £110, Entrance, £>' '•• '),

WOLVERHAMPTQN.-BOUTH STAFFC-I.-I.^UJLM.-; COLL- OLUB, .LINKS, PJJSNN COMMON. Nearest station, WolTerhaBiptoti, M.By., 125 m. '•<•. I'IUICIVUI, or I.,-& N.'W.Ey., Etiston. Fares—19/8 1st, iO/S 3rd ; •;. ::?,:!. Secretary—T- .'•.'••. II^KIIOCHI:. V.-.-,I\. Subscription, £1 1 0. Entrance, ;-" ": 0.

WORLINGTON & NEWMARKET -GO].:-1 ^i-iiii, i^w.-.n^ Nearest station, Mildenhall, G.E.Ey., 77 m. Lh ^-il Street. I'ure. —12/8 1st, 6/5 3rd ; BT. 21/8 1st* Seetefcat; . UUKTON, .1:',:.IJ.

Subscription, £2 2 0, Visitors, 15/- "; • ••;i!i!y . YARMOUTH.—GREAT YABMOUTH GOLF CLUB, NORFOLK. Nearest station, Groat Yarmouth, G.E.Ry., 121 m, Liverpool Street. Faros—22/1 1st, 10/1 3rd. Cheap returns issued. Secretary—0. HOPE, Esq. Subscription, £1 10 0. Entrance, £5 5 0.

—GOLF CLUB, YORKSHIRE, LINKS, KNAYESMIEK. Nearest station, York, G.N.By., 189 m. King's Gross, or M.Ey. from St. Pancras. Fares—27/- 1st, 15/8 3rd. Secretary—G. GIBB, Esq. Subscription, £1 1 0,

Every Golfer should Wear the "GRQSYJBgOR" , in." GOLF GLOVES AX -...ij'i' -"•' •——— ~r==== V i As supplied by us to Hon. R. 0. GROSVENOR. ij I A Perfect Glove for (loli'ing and Cycling1. OIVCM P'inu (ii'iy. Ccntlumc vr--. •-: Prevents Blisters nuft (Jvorhoutiiiy of Htuid, 1'ont h'tim 3/2 °f l-§i WB JK PILE, QutWev, ' tlaL. 22, PHILPOT LANE, Fenehurch Street, London, E.C. WELSH GOLF

ABERDOVEY.—ABEED0VEY GOLIT CLUB. Nearest station, Abeixiovey, G.W.By., 28S m,, via, Khn-.v/rilmry fi'nra Pacldlngfcon, Another route, L. & 'N.W.By., from Kiistun. Faros— 87/8 1st, 18/11 8rcl; M. 67/5 1st. Available OM,> niinit.li. Secretary—-\\'. V.'I'HOM^, I'jtiq. Subscription, £1 1 0. Visitors, 5/- Wcokl.y. BARMOUTH.™MEEIO.NBTHS1:IIEE GOLF i'-(AU). LINKS, BABMQTITH. Nearest station, Barmoutli, L. & N.W.Ey., ii-ll F,UK((PM. Fare:-;- 88/11 1st, 19/7 3rd ; :RT. 70/2 1st. Seo£etftiy-.\h.mii T. JJI:ST. Subscription, £i 1 0. Entrance, £i 1 0. ViRixnra, 5/-

G0LF BORTH.— CLUB, (JAKDIGANSHIBE. Neatest sfcatioa, Ynyslas, G.W.Ey., 285 m. Pafliliu.^ton. P;i.i'os—fifi/- 1st, 19/2 8rd; M. 68/2. Secretary .i. (iAUKIHK, \ii><[. Subscription, 10/8. Visitors, 5/-- CQ N VVAY.—CAENAEVONSHIEE G0L¥ CL1J.I:. LINKS, OONWAV, IVIOIIPIV. Nearest station, Oonway, 225 in. Easton. 'Earn-, liS-'O lut, .18,!) fii-d; BT. 55/-. Secretary—("i. II. I.IKAI.MP, Ksi|.

Subscription, £i 10 0. Entrance, £2 2 0. ' VisiLorR, 7,0 Wuekly,


Subseription, 10/6. Entranee, 10/8. Vi:iito;>3, S,'- Weekly. LLANDUDNO.-^OBTH WALES GOLI1 OLCIS. •Nearest station, Liandiidno, L. & M.W.Ey., 227 in. Kusfcmi. li'iu'cs 86/2 1st, 18/11 3rd. ' • , SiSOKI5TAIW--~T. D. (.'iJMMINS, EMIJ. Subscription, £1 1 0. Entrance, £1 1 0. Visitors, 5/6 Weekly. BARMOUTH, NORTH WALES.


T'lllt* tixceptianully High-class Private Boarding .Establishment has recently been if opened fur the reception of Visitors. It is situated in the most healthy and jj iiMvmiient part of Bannouth, close to the Church, Station, and Sands; and com- 1 lifutdii JiiiiHuiriwuit views of the Bay and the Cader range. It possesses Seventeen Ij itolfooius, tuiil I/our Titirge Reception .Booms, including ft comfortable Smoking jj loom; it has ti.Uo the best private Lawn Tennis Ground in Barmoiith. It is f| vifcliiu ten niii]uU'..s' of the Merionethshire Golf Club Links, for which visitors can |1 ibtotin weekly tickets at; 5/- per week. The Hands offer mii«niHce:nt Sea*Bathing, 1 mil Yatching, Hoiitiiig, Hea and .Eiver Fishing, can also be enjoyed by Visitors. | l'Vo»ii ik-i central (.losition, J:>iinnonth offers exceptional advantages to Bunnner Ooiiehnw riin daily to the many places of intei'eHfc within easy reach, such tsOwinbycli.au LaUo, Tal-y-ilyn, Tyn-y-groos, and the Precipice and Torrent Walks tt Uolgcllfiy. MochrsiM Island, celebrated for its exquisite shells, is within fifteen. niuutuH' by rail. Did^cliey, the headquarters of the Merionethshire HoekeyCh.il>, met [iOKM).wiri# HIKO ntio of chq leading Cricket Clubs in North Wales, in addition: ,n its umgnilicent sccnecy, is within thirty minutes. '['n (idi(c)'K liiii'iuontli is espticially ciidvantiigeotis, as not only are the n£cfcrtres-> jucly sitmitwd Linkrf of the Merionethshire Golif Otrib close at hand, but the MJBM'IOWIV IjinliH can bo reached in fortv niinutf!:-;' railwav journey, and St. Diivicl's iiill' (,'lub .1 links, u,t Hii.i,'lech--one of the iinent in Wales—are within fifteen nimites' by rail,


For Ternis, Vfos/n'ctus, and, all in formation, a/ft ply SECRETARY, ORIELTON HALL, BARMQUFK. HARLECH.—ST. DAYJLD\S OOLV GLUT., MKUK.NIVIH.

Nearest station, Htirkeh, Li. (t .N.W.Ely., 25ii u\. I'lu.-.l.ou. t'suiTi- 40/si 1st, 20/fi Hi'd; JIT. 72/0. Secretary W. Mom-.. Ksi).

Subscription, £1 1 0. Entrance, £1 1 0. Visitors, 5'-.

PENARTH. - -G-LAMOliGANSHlER (rOLF ('LIB. Nearest Hi-.iifcioii, Poruu'fch, (i.W.lty., 100 m. huldiinjinu. li'iuw.-• 2(1/- 1st, l;-i/,s 8nl; UT. 48/. 8

Subscription, £1 1 0. Eutvauoe, £2 2 0. Viaitora, 2/6 Weekly.

PORTHCAWL-—(H)LP OLHD, GLAMOIUIAN, LINKS, ],C.CUS Coar.uo.v. Nofii'ONli Htufciou, 1'ofthoawl, (l,\V.I.{y,, 104 m. I'liildiit^ton. l''iins-- 8-1/10 1st, Ki/HHtd; HT. fi7/U. Stiill'V —\V. VlVI.\N, l:is«|.

Subscription, £1 1 0. Visitors, 10/6 Monthly.

PWLLHELI.—^UTH HE AIM GOLF CUT.. <\\ii.v,invo>:Hiuiii.:. Neat-ost HCii,tioii, Pwlllicli, L. & N.W.Iiy., 270 in. I'liiskm. Lan/s 48/2 1st, 2a/;-l Hix'l ; iiT. 7(1/7- KeotoUiry—M. .IOSF.S, [\^<{. Subscription, £1 1.

01'^11 CLUB, i'l.tNi'. Neiii-eat Htdtion, Itliyl, L. & N.W.lty., 2C)i) in. Enslmi. JAnvs- H8/2 1st, 17/0 rtrd ; in: 00/i). B'V. .KKHVK JUIINHDN, .Esq.

Subscription, £1 1 0- Entrance, £2 2 0. Victors, 5- Weekly.

.' OMIT,, PB Nom-esb .s-tiibidij, 'i'enby, (r.W.Uy., 20;-! ui. ('iiadin-jdun, FIU-CM— 41'./'- lufc, 21/7 8fd: IIT. 70/». Hecriitiiiv --L. Wouu, Jinf|. Subscript.cr, £1 1 0. Batoi.oe, 10/6. Visitors, 5/- Muutluy. * NORTH WALES.

First Class Hotel. Commanding Grand Scenery. SHOOTING, FISHING, BOATING, ETC., ETC. ST. DflVlD'S GOLip (18 HOLES.) (Weekly Tickets for Visitors.) TIIK FINEST LINKS IN "ArALES.

HOT AND COLD BATHS. BILLIARDS. ~*-<~~- (:f O O D CIJIS11ST TO - Tenus front, October ho April.


(•'nriviilled Hil.nal.ion in f,l • I ••• 'n. i siii'i . i n«.iii-i.i. ••• ll--.i|., L'ouLii.n in I .;.i| •. •!••: • : •• !'..• I -i.-i >|-- ...

Private Apartments lor Wedding RGCCPUOIKS. Diuiiors, &c

TABLE D'HOTE FP.OM ti.liO TO 8.!5 P.M.

Tariff' on a[-/)ii'-tt ;/<>ii .'" •'',.•> . )li:ni

. > -•—~#o»v.*»aW^~"

-GOIiV CLUB. nation, Btilmiiw. JJ.H. A B.C.By., 8 m, London Bridf :|^sZ.l/8 lafc. 7d, 3rd; HI\ Si/- amd 1,.-.

: subscription, SB 3 0, Entrance, iBS 3 0.

Bl ACKHFATH. N,.!LI^I. "iiiLioii," (iljtiililMHil.li Hill, 1-.''. ^ 1KI!)., 7 tu. Vi.-!<»i'in ..r r,,'i,,.'i"l(i ilill l''iin<«- -Hil. Is!,, 'lil. "-nl ; lir, I ,:nnl I'.tl, K.'iTclm1} W . l'.Aii%t',s. K i.t|.

Subscription, •£:*. 3 0. fiuU-anoi!, £5 ", ().


Ncan^l. sliiUmi, Wo.idtti.l.', S.K.IIy., 1! m. Tli:.,. in;.; !',!,,;•, huv;i 1 ii 1st. 10.1. Ki'il : \n\ :2 <'• ".mi I ;i- Ni-i'lVii! l'\ I' ('ni.l.Ur,, !'.-••'(.

Subscription, .£3 :f 0. En(ra,nt;ti. iia f> 0,

CHISWICK -<»>M(< t'l'i"1- NfiiiThL -.LiUiitn, (!bi,W»vi<;k, I.. .<- S,\\'.li\,, H in. V\;il

tiubWH'ipfcioii, •£'.} !! 0. Viiutrmv., SOU lVI

CLAPHAM COMMON, '^"'i'1 (1^'- Nii;i.l'ii:;l. iJibllnu, lllitjiliiLiLi .1 liitci-U'it, l.,l>. A M.l'.Hv., t Hi. VIHUH'I faro.-i- CMI. 1HI,, :(rl. :tn|. Si'.crrl ;u'y I1.. 11 > :, c, Iv.q,

iiitiuu, K>/-. EiiLnuiiju, 10 -. lUiitiii

Siii-rfi.;ii-_y-- -.1. KM,,-.,,.,

EALING."••(iOI.K UI.UI1, l.m.s, TWVI-'.M.'I. AM!K\. 1 N(!;irciil, :;l.:i.l.iii|., I•',i1.1 i11Lf, (I.U'.liy., (1 i/i. I. ;LIIIINIIL;I.OII. 'id. f!rd; HT. i li. f.-,i.

Sfi-iviiiry A. Mi (!.-\i'!.. •SiiliHuripl.ion, t!4 4 0.

ELTHAM. ---COM-1 cix'ii.

1,'JO Isi. illd. :tfil ; i.-r. :i i) nn.l ! '"/.

>AMii.iK, Siil)si:nfiLioji. £5 i'> 0.


iircliii-y ••'!'. I'1. CAI.UW


^^^^ :

NciiTuLiiry- A. I'UMIIS, |:::;(|. n, £3 3 0. EntriMinc, £5 5 0. MiTCHAM. iM11N('i.;ITTJOM.' cwn\.

l.''i l.sl., !M. :-;.-d; i:r. 'J (i. •'" \\iH.(M-loo. l-'a,•,;«.

! S.icn.liu-y. .K. ( iix. i^(Ji

;G4 4 0. "EHLI-UUCI!, £C, 6 0. : 1 1 ;. r;i: i - i -.iiili"! , .Sf.-tsMi-ii, Mel. ily.. vi;i I \i\\a-v ;-il.rei-l. l/iiri-:-.—I • I Hi 7,1. ;•:!•., , ,:'•, 1/C, iiii'l I Id. Si'crciiii'v- --'I'. ('i.ri'i'our), Iv-nj.

;-.;iil)acri|il;ioU. -66 fi 0. EIIUTIIICO, £10 if) 0.

N0RBURY.~-'->' t>l-l'i1'- Ni.nri-.ii. siiiiinn, Nmlmry, l..li. it S.O.h'y., H in. l.oiiflon I'.i-iil^c. l'\i,rt:n- . •! :•! h,l. Mil. :-ird .; iri'. - • and I . Sl'iilX'l-iH'V A. :\I UVUtl.WK, |-'.1|J. Subscription. .£2 2 0. Entrance, £2 2 0.

RANELAGH.- «n>I.!•' ci-ri!. I..M,-,, |!«1S K..,,-,. Nfiin.^.r hi.ii.Liun, iJiiriwH. 1,. ,<;. S.W.Ity., \V;U.i'rl.n>. I-'M i-tsr,—i)«l. Int.. (lil. "inI ; IST. 1 ,'• iirul Hil. Sonrcliiii'y ('APT. \V. UKAI;. Subscription, £10 [0 0.

RICHMOND. (ioijK ('•i.fi'., i.iNhs. SuuiiiKiiih I'AHK. Ni'iiL-i;:iL siiitiiiii, .Uii'liiiioml. li.it K.W.lly., 1() in. W'.-itcrlou. 1'ii.res • I.';: lril, Oil. iinl, UT. 2 - mill I :•'.. Sccictury- S. I liciii.ss, I-JMJ. Subscription, £S 5 0. Entrance, .£10 If) 0.


Suliscrijition, 5/-.

1 TOOTING BEG. -(^--i' ci.iiii, L^K-,, I-'.:I!/,.:I.I,«.N. NlifirciiL lilillKill, 'I'doiillR -llllicl.iull, li.li. ,V S.C.ltv., H m. J.,01u1(»U .Dridgi:. I;'ui-(!S. 1-1 ].-;t. Mil. fird ; itT.il/-imd I ••.

iSeeivtiiry • -I. M.WI'IIKVV, hlsi). iubsciiption, .£3 3 0. EntiMiice, .£15 15 0. Visitors, 2/- Daily. J|§|||§^ IliilllfiiilllfeslSlisWigW

1 WILLESDEN.- -fi"^. CLUIS, LI.NKS, OM) OU;- «'„•.,«.,,',•.

Nfiiru.-i sutidii, \\'il](>;rlf.ii -Jinif.t.ioii, T.. •<•. N \V |;v ;-, ,,, i.-,,.. i-ar,, iU. 1st, .Vl.Jlnl :,«!-.-]/. ,,.,,,1 8.1. ' °" ""i \V.

Sobsoiiption, £2 2 0. Entrance, £3 3 0.

WIMBLEDON.-•I' N SCOTTISH. <;oZ J.INKM, AVlAllir,KO()\ (!o.\IMn.N. -Nfia.reK!, .fhilion, Pnhii'v I' f- v; \\,r t> ,.

»«l.lM.0rl.:^'; ,lr! 1 ^'.ndHd -" '"• y Sntaoription, £2 0 0. Entrance;, ,fi5 5 0. WIMBLEDON - -no VA

N.icreUry -N. I-'OSTKH. Subscription, £3 3 o.'~ Rntramie, £iO 10 0. ,;-.-. ,,,' ;..• iil'i 1! i-'.l-'>- '"..:i-; I.mi <•!' [U<- cmnl if.. .>l' \i,!"lni ,-uui i )> .I-,I->;,LI ii;r. .<•• !;'...... ;.,i... ' i.••!:[.i:-:i!'!.i :••••':•• i'i • ':i'''<' I :>" li'-wi:-; mil .,!' li,,||' l,i,:];-, l.'d;-i.ru.-.ii V / .i;-.. •;,. \i.il'-.'ii. i.i' i > •. -'.' i.' l f:! •••• lu'M' 11;.., : .- fimn-.i ;••; I.HC • j i" |l|.-j ii n.-U- 11 1 11 u f ,,: ,;.,. I j:|.. ',,:.!. wi. id- i'i i.•!.-• I'M i- iin '•''-•: I" 1'' ''-''I ••"I ,!' ••••.villyrlliil I!.-. il!.!-l:n;i, "'",,, . ...,. >-,iii!i • • -iI '•'•: e!:• • u i'(•:".•. "I \iiili-ny i'i"! S1II"-|'II:I.\I-IL Ilii^-.. iii'i' jii'i.i iii;.^ 1 ..,'"., ... v,.., |;,, TI.I ,:• |-| :•••'•:• •''.' ' '"': ll'ill.l'l!'. -\ II il I'l I'l 111 .• i/,'•'I . ci • ;l 11 i (•: I-I ll'!l .-ll-H-.i I! • • , ',. ,, :[,•,•,.;•-.]|i ! I"I" liii-i:' v::-^i'! i.i'1'i ;iii'i iiin.r.iiilii:;' ni if^iUin.ili- li.iZii.ni-- uf ,. j,, I,i,i,;..•;•. ;:u' ill':!. In fi • :• i IL: i •! i i'i li.ivn i-M'i'|ii ln!!:ii :i 11 [•:!••[ ii ,i •:; !':n' liu- , . . r I.. ' i ; i;t,i !.'-; :. '., (L .rVvi -.\ ' \V I i hi I • •' )• V* Ul:\'- \ in I'tM'l I'li::: i, ( I !!.• ' ' ,-|, .\ i-n \ t -1 •) i r : i,'" , , , ,,, ji ,|.|, ].|,,!i. iii:i! i!li. " I';•!•• 'ii i."iil- .->l'i '•• .\fnllliil-- " ni' I'II !iil)i'lilii: ".ci- i'..:jnn'i:til v • _ ;'. i. . ;;i.- li> !' : L • s • •: i! i: ir1. _ ,, . ._. ',,.•,. .,i.,-iiiiiiy Hi' 1,1 ii1 -\il:M!l> !•• • 11 • i • • I" . I1 if' ('iiiii:i.h- in S>i ill Mini- ' ::r.Tilii:;;i;; 1 ; ,, ._ u,: ju \\'T|,'.i-|- I'nin:!) ! -.lily mill I. ' I': I r - 11 nii-l n .••••. i • 11 r > ;• i: !;• [, < -n ?i.i i-.'irli i.f iln- .-.,-!,,; ••: :im|ilf :;!••! n:]n-: i-n , ii'iil i.J• i-••• • ."•:-• : >• t • -•.ii IJIIV.; mid l-i.-i!!' I'm- i li,!'1.-!-,- all Lli--;; ••«• r.i'.iiL-.l. m& MORTHEEl-T COUNTIES RAILWAY HOTEL, Fortrnsh (Giant's Causeway).

C'.ii."- Kiillv.'ii^ >•!::!• i.";'':ni ni. MI'OI'IIS 11t-.-.i cl:i•-:••• iii-cijiiKuhiIimi iii rl'«>uI-I--.Is: viMiiiif,' ,;.;-. (;l;:nl.'s i'.'lll .,••.', ,1\. il ; W < • i I li.:1. l'1;i.tuilir.1- il.l.ll (irlllll'llK'll ',vi:-ll i i!...;1 Lu U'.iilii' ill, lliu .-..•ii.ui'.i1. (.mini I > 11: i! i •-•: li'i'iini. I >rii\\'in;; Hc:i.iiii;;. SumK'-. ;ini| 1'iilliii.nl li'uinn:1, on ;'iift I'l'i'lliiil I*. i(n-. I Tjiw';! !'<•:•• nl' I'-'ti I ;«"cl n •• >t li -:. lltil ELIIII CIIIII S(1!i-\v;iLrii' 1'uilii j .t-:iillh:-llln! lit.i. l,ii\Vll 'I'l-lilll.; (Inlll'lfi. .1 '.(•.: !. (ililC l;illli!i ill I I • - • I'ulllll I'y. lloL'll vrAl i.ililiili il:ii"l i = n 11 > t !.••-11 'I.-'- ••|i!('iniiii \'icvv • • I': • • - -• i ninl i-ci.'inl. ' I '.II;1 ii.l tcmln ;i,ll [r:iili:i.

Ji'iii1 Mirllii'r ini'di'iiiiil.inn n|i|)ly I" Hull:! MmiiijiLT. I'lirLi'Lii'li. The Shortest Sea Pas!.iap;e between GREAT BRITAIN AMD IRELAND, is Via Lame and Slranrnw.

i'n-ilv iSiniiln;.:; t•:.I-I-JJI• •>!I niiil ilnvli^lil. ,-nil'ii:;:1. liy 11 s• - f':i.'i 11f• %-. Mn.il SII-MJIIIT:, " i'l'Litf-i/:.-; MM v'' ,!.iii| " i'nr.fi'ss \' i t*! 11 •• i; i. ' Ti.v'n IMM'\ i • I!II:I|"!IT:I>' ;ii:ii fvt.-nnitp i-fju \y»\" I'-VI-I11, •>''• i-L 11:•-v lii.i'iii" Suinui'.'!' .\1 i.iilli.-1. Sc •! I":i.-.i.• iL.-• • '-:il iiiiinilc.-i, i'urL lo )':<::i li.mr'-.. 'rn;.ii','. L'lL'i ^liin-^iil1- !• M •" i i '(•!• ;i I .;. l.i1;!. ni";U'i' ;i lul ! .n I'm.. rj I n'uii^li In JI i'i. in^S fi'(Hji all ihi1 priiiiMjiii! pl.-K-i'S i:; l'.ii.:r-iii.| ULU! ''rui \MH\ I.H :lir XHI'I'I n( 1 Lil.ti n i.

['i.r fill! ;•'.!•[>>.Ur • :• •• Mi.- Tn'ii: 'I'.-ililf ul l.nii'l.ni ft N..nli W(..;i.i I'H, \li'IUiul, r.,'[|, ilni'im:. JUiii (li i^iil'.' :l l j r{ .--,1-ijl >i Wm'LOI'tl ('nln jinliii':-: ill1 . i J i i i i v !.n

I-, ft SVA Jili ,!. i ("ii'Ti!:;, r;.jnciT.l Mnnii(i(.r. I!, k N. (.'. lly, B.-lfiMit. BUNDORAN.- •<

Hon. fioa.—R, 11. Toim, ]'.»,[. •.Miiiisc,ri|it;i«,n, ,t;i | . Hntnuico, £t 1H. Visitors, 'Jn. fid, wdekly. \« of Member*, T< — H . . ___ 1 COOKSTJWN. Kil.f.YJ-tCKfN1 OOdV CLUB, THNM fil hdl.irf open), !!!•,•. i;i tCillymooti (Jmitli! I'ark, Uli tlie liolfMl A Noi'lluTti Oounlida Jly., I,J- m. from CofikKttiwn, H-l in. ISelfiist.

(ii'dcnki-jopur W. M'xhi.Bit; jlon. 8oc. -.f. DOIAI.H-KIS, Msy. F

liMiti'iplinii, ill. Niimboc of Miimhoi'K, 1.00.

DUBLIN. UOVAf, UUIihlN CUU.V Cf.Ull, I,I.VKH, (W holes), nr(! n(. Ncnli liiill, ( »i. )

(ifeniikofiimr A. ISUOWM ; Hon. Hue.' (i. ('•. Mit, I•'-=«f.

Biilr.ji:ici|il,iciii, ,Cli. I'iiitnuiit'', .CH HH. Virfilori-i weeile gi'iitiii, iiflorv/ai'il'i ~>r\. wrckly. Niimliiii1 (jt Mcmlidi'H, -2(1(1.


(li'cuiikcefifii' •!'. Hiiri'if; JIon. Kuu. • •(!. I'I-MI'IIAMI, l-',:«|.

Siib?!i'.ri}siii'iu, JCI, Muiisburuf iMoiciilii.it'rf, (H).

DUNGANNON. li>»l,l'' OiiUU, IUjtKK (l.'J hoUm opon), nt K:.nfnrl.y I'ml., 1.' mitintcM' I'niiii HtniHiuiiion Ktation, boautifnlly uUunUiil ami oxccllmil. foiii-.-n'.


Hntiri(;ri(il.ioii, X".I In. 1'iUtranci.',, ,Cl I.H. Numbol- of Mmulioi-:;, lull.

;KlLLARNEY. (> < * I J I-'" CliUli, ln.Nhii (

MuliKcrlptidii, 1.0K. ISdnilK.'i'of Muiftbut'8, 7(1. ii'in \w *,l\osl {Ovations 'Pajesiii's S.petuil pc T H E (JOYAL VICTORIA PATRONISED BY H.IUf, THK 1'RINCK OF WALES, H.R.H, THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT, loyal Piiinili'is of I1'mure and Belgium, the Nobility and Gentry of Great iJrilain ;nul hvland, arid leading American Families

limifciN'ri.Y : if.nsit.ocl oo, Lower Lake, facing Iinibfalliiu, Highly riicointufiiidcrl I011 it.s iiupoi'ior conii'oi'fc, -- < i < > i, ;F :L I N iv s **'--• -— iu tlio neighbourhood not Uu1 Jrom HoUiI, JOMN O'LEARY, Proprietor. jP|lH|), SOUTHERN HGTEIa/ llflll^^lift*'-:^ The" targ-est and Best Appoljatfi^ llllMSiSwIl.^,---.^ in the -District, The Orria;tnental Ch-owtt»dfi a£tjffbf¥ . ' GOLF LINKS, Cheap combined Rait way & Maid Ttekett. isaued Ncwismber it» liny ineltitdve*

WK9lSWS^'^r;--•' '•• • Adwfissioti Tickets, Daily artel 'Weefefy^ ||||||t%s^«ijrMgBm^tt, ' may .be oM.ained at the Hfftftl.

:'|i||||i|lH||;iJ|x:B:irsi#B:.^ar8g, HateliTa'piff, andKull pai'tioalaxs ftfte «» : illiiliilii;4{;: :... .. > '• G. .J, CAP8EY, M.iiii.agf»? - LISBURN.- GOLi!1 CLITH, LrMKK (9 hoi.':, upon), at lli« Manui- HOIIKII, Demesne. HiUt-milt) from linlmm Station. lion, Hoe- --J. II. Ii.uiiK>r;r',, Rriij.

Subscription, £1 is. I'lntrnuon, iOs. (Ul. Number of Muiiiliurs, 'Xi,

— _ ____ .

LAHlNGH. flOr_il>' CniJU, Co. CI,ABK, LINKS (18 UOIOH), low minntiT:' from Uliindi s Station, excellent OOIU'MI!. tO m. Iumeriuk. i-pi (rLnmiktmnor -J. MCIKENNA ; Hon. Sue—LI. I'I.IIMMIH, Iviij. I

Hiiimoriptidn, JB1. Rntrnnco, ill. 'Numbfii' of M

LIMERICK. fi()LI.«' CLIIC, TUNKS ('.I IUIIOH open), only pliy-iilil.: in wiut.n-,

I!M.Uinaourraf rtiiln-itn

Subscription, 10s. Kulranou, 'IO«. Nnmbov of McmborH, 7.">.

LLONDERRY. -XOHTU WUST (}ur,F GLUtS, I'/INKH C.J lial.-.! ciimni, ui |j rjisCfiunon ; the turf irf oxoelton

'fiulisci'iplion, £1 Is. Entrance, £1 la. Visitorn, flu. weekly. NUIHIKM- nl Mcinlwrj, 1 HO,

MARYBOROUGH.—QUHRN'S COUNTY HEATH c;orji-' cf.vn, r.iMis (u hoi.=r ,f opou), Bi'e oti the Heath, fl m. froiu Hl:ili,m. (lreenk(!O[t(if—0. COVTNK ; Hon. Sc.r. - (liipLain if. Aii».iri:u.su. >i

Kul)Hci'i|itioii, 7s. I'jiktraniiO, 7a. Nuirili.'i1 of .Almulioi'H, HO.

PORTRUSH.- -IfOYAIj I'OUT RUSH (iOUV CLUB, Ins-it* |1H lull™) iir.i only iwo iiiiUQtox' [fom Station, oxmiHaiit natural huswi'ils, and linu unrluliiliiij.; turf; uivniirili-. Hestsid.! roMnrt. On I-iolfant anil NorUiurn Goumioa JXy., 07 in. BtilfiiHt. (t-i'oonknopnr—A. AITKHN1; Knii. S.L«. J. T\I. ]! i'~si• i.r., l";.-j.

i'intioii, ,C1 Is. Entfiinoo, £5 fis. Visitors!, !!H, fid. ivc'iiIs. No. uf Mijinlimv. !"•>(>. Li THE GOLF -HOTEL, PORTRUSH. • or tile (Slants' Causeway and Jtntrim Coast' Scenery.

HIS First-Class Hotel is Beautifully Situated close to the Sea, adjoining the Railway Station, and overlooking the nks of the ROYAL, COUNTY GOLF


ENGLAND : AND Belfast, and the North of Ireland. :ie Best anil Quickest Route is Via LIVERPOOL and the Direct Service of Ejcpress Steamers—; MAGIC" |Tn in Sotew);, " CALOTIC," " OPTIC," " MYSTIC " (Twin Screw), &c> REGULAR FIXED DAILY SAILINGS (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED),— From LIVERPOOL for BELFAST at 10.30 p.m. In connection with the 5.30 p.m. train from London (JSuaton), : / rom BELFAST for LIVERPOOL at 8.p.m., Saturdays at 10.30 |)?m. l'n*ii'H|{cn! s'iin lii'fivul in Saloon ol ytebiinurs with iiu-ou^ii third class tickets on pay- en' (if 7/iI oiifli ^iimSc. n,ti

( hi liiilfiiiid /mil (,'i/unt) Hinvii liy. (ii'i'(iiiKi'i'|ii')% l>. tt'ri'.vu.N'ii ; linn. Hen. It. M.Miir.i,, l'',..(|.

Hiili",rri|rtii)n, I'A In, Miiti'min', X'I /i.~i. Niiinlici'uf MfimliDi'ii, I'l.iO.

PORTSALON. fy fi'i'i',v uin'l liiuijili iSvully ll (iri't'tilci'i'jiiM- I',

ttulii cii|ilinn, i;t hi, N IIIIIIK'I' (if Mi'iiili"i';i, W),

RAMl-MLSTOWN, HHAIVKH ('AUK fidl.l-1 (!l,lij!. <'n. ANTIIIH, I.I.NH, (isilr.,). Sll'UUM I'jl.lljt^ I'lU'L, f('S\ IMillUfc',', f)"O5ll K(:t,Uuh, 'i'lli' (uvf iH Itlllib'y H11<1 liii/aul'1 vii.rHKt : s'HiulJii 'f'vout tkJiiu;1,, (ii'/'ciil,ci'|ii'r T. HH'\nhi'v; I lull. Hi'•. \V. WtJ'.u, K';i(

Hiilirti'rii'lirni, IOH, .Viiuiln'i' nf Jlcuihw:!, fill,

HOSTRF,VOl-i. <''!• (»"«".', (.r.K-i |!i lmli',1 •v|«',ii), itl, lliill(-yiii

i\i'fU'r,.f MuiJiDIl, \V;M'rl'n^'iiuf. Hon. Hi'C. Dr. 'I'. \ K.-

Mnii'ii-rijiti'iu, fjl l,i, Kiiwiuird. Cl I".. Mumtii'V <>( Mi-mln'r;', I HI.

fUJGC). <'c|M'r I!. T(l

!iu' -ii|.|i 'H, ,i'l Ir., 1'witKun1'1, I,' I I-'. Si inov, !i •. wi'i'Mi-, Nmnlii'i- nf M.'imtiiiiii, (fill, '

WAHREKPOlMT.-^^i'1' <(i-rs'. ''"• ""*•- '^•'"- *'' '""'"•'' "i"""- "ii-.- v.", \\';f I I ,'IJ puil: ( Ml.tlf hitL i in i i .'lit Niirllii'i'n of (riil.iiiil I!y. iiii'"tiU.'i'(n'i' li, Cvi.ii; liiin, Hi'i1. hi. 1". Ill i.l ,

i'il|lil'.'lti|iliiill, l.'l I:-, N blltlluT "if \l"lnl»'l ,, .'"I. R. COLLINS & SON, Golf CfttB anb Ball Hlafters,



FOII SEA, F1HT<], LIFR, AND ANN Hl'flES. Chief Ollict: ItOYAT, J<:.\VIIAN(SI<:, LONDON, !',.<:. fimiw IN HAND _____ £4,000000 ::LAIMH PAID -_ - - - - ,£37,000,000 FIRE. INSUliVNGKH AUK OLIA.NTKI) AdAINSX TiOHS UU 1)AMA<(1S UV I'DlK mi I'rnpiTl.v ill' illlilrisl I'HTV (|.isi:ri|il.iin|, ii.l. liiii(lri;i.lr riLl.i--'.

I-ISIVATK INHMIiANCKS. I'<,li>:i.-,i i.-.ui'il lor Twi. \,-,n-- :i.>t

I. SI'/l'TI-KMl'AT WIldl.K I.I l-"I-i I'DI.ICIMS. l..v whirl, jm ini:.>iiic nf r, ]„.,• 1:..M(. |ii'r :• 111• 11111 i:- .'(iiiir.-iiiliTil I>II ili<; sum iiixuri'il. •_'. I'K.NSIONS Kdli. (il,I) A(iK, i.•iiiniiiiL' ••' II |'""i.iiuiiirf wii.l. inl.ri-,!:,i. :•.. iUMi:ni\Th i.ir'K ASSIIIIANCK WITIIOI.T MKDIC.M, MXAMI\-\TI(*N- I. Ol'TKlN'AI, I-INIIUWMUN'T I'OI ,|C| |.;s. ;",. [,OAN.S ON KUVKItNIONri AVI. I, IKK I NTK Itl-'.STH cai-.'ic.l .ml wiUi .k^v.ilc.li.

Apply fur Inill l>,;vr,'<:tiir u, E. HA.NDOOCK, Secretary. Ji'<. ..,%) •'''• -''' Li jil. '':'.'

i ijlj*.'., il-i