'It'.- /••.'. ".„ it'1' '**' l ••' . • !.' \ ' A.. ! •" .rF *it' .'U ' ll '1 "" '* • •• :..; .. -U rs 9 6 . (j, !! ss. Mo. G-/O96* Of All Kinds, GOLFING, WALKING, RIDING, DRIVING, BOATING, SHOOTING, HUNTING, SKATING, &c. When in the House, or in the Streets, at Work, or at Play, INHUUl'in AGAINST BY THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE CO. 'THIS (JOMI'AXY, WHICH WAS FOIJXDK1) I./ ISM), ]S TUK OLDEST AND LARGEST ING' AXIAINH'i' ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS, "33 >•:**]£* 1< Au:;;i..il I'.if'iMiniiii Ir i;i ! lipw.inls. Full limiulii Policy f>r .('l.iiin 1m- ,';-t, ANKUAL, INCOME - - £2130.000 FIJNOL; U: HAND - - - £320.000 CAi'i'i'AL S'ULLV SUBSCIUIJED - £1.000,000 COMPENSATION PAID - £3,600,000 64, CORNHILL, LONDON, A. V! \\. • • .'• GRASS S FOR A special, combinafcion of Grasses fop producing a sward .adapted for this fashionable game. IT/6 ;p€*jt» Bushel, GRASSES AND Gus: FOR A. Mixture of fine Grasses and Glovers for producin beautiful close green turf. Price 3/8 per Gallon; 25/- per Bushel. iH Genuine only direct from SUTFON SONS. READiHu, A -J • "PEDLAR BRAND" •V; Sup|iii"'l I.. H.R.H. THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH, K.G. S MIS cL-.i.inus Liqueur is made from an old recipe, and pr«-p:ii-i-il with the very greatest care and supervision, only tin: v.-ry best materials being used. It is THE mosi l.-islii'in ihli and popular Liqueur, being absolutely purr. IV!:(.1CSIMIH' n;i<l most palatable. HE LIQUEUR FOR THE GOLF LINKS. To be obtained of the Sole Proprietors, ES HAWKER & Co., PLYMOUTH. of all IKfiiie 1896. GREEKS OF ENGLAND AND WALES. Coli'i'dl Milp •.".7/7/ / V.'.V/7/'//;V Mi,:!!' itl/i/ 11 Old (illliir. l'liblishocl iiL Ui(i Ofiliso of >-THK KiELD. (• 1 ^l^lSjfeH^Ms^fi^is^^ii SOLD BY ALL LEADING JEWELLERS. Wll0]esal l° ] MUS & SHJilPHEIiD, LONDON. TIM' I'ATI'NT E-PIECE" STUDS. ONE-PIECE STUD. ENLARGED VIEW ii! iiiiiiitiliiiliiSlifBS* |||g|j|i^|l||||||||^^ PREFACE. .°YN addition to the Coloured Map, descriptive; matter has been added, givinp; the most needed informa- tion in connection with the principal HnyhVh, Welsh a.nd Irish Golf Clubs. In the hope that, it will IK- found still more acceptable fur the rec|uirements of (iolfers. E. j. WOODWARD, B.Se. rs.SN"ii:i;v LAM-1. SAII; DKI-OSIT, (>'„ GlIAN'fllM'.V LAN !•:, \:',.C cl H ofe JX,» x xx JL JLa x uG w \J * ^ 'Ladies Tailors, 128, MANSFIELD ROAD, NOTTINGHAM, f'^'-l . ••''•s/s'^A •<.'•••>.x Gowns for Golfing, Gowns for Cycling. t" C Gowns for Boating, A \ Gowns for Walking. : 1 '•U: Wraps & Coats for Driving, In CU o'Atinv: ;•.•; skui •&• l'l.iln Cloiti. .ill Slr.icli;s. I'crFecL Cut and Kir j>iiar:inlfcd without j)'.:rr;on:>l Patterns «ml original designs with bcir-i form post free. Tournaments, 1896. AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP Will take, place on the Links of the St. George's Go;f Club, Sandwich, Tuesday, May .igth, and following clays. QPEN_CH AM PIOJtt SHIP To he held tit Muirliekl (otli mid j.ith ul |nnc:. LADIES' AMATEUR^CHAMPIONSHIP Will be I'll.'iye.tl over tin-.- .Link;; of (.lie K'oynl Livorpuol. (.iu'.f CUJI'J, Moyl.'ikf:, on the i.'.lh (1.1 i jlh of May. CHAMPIONSHIP OF WALES Will be decider! the last week in August, ;il Iv'liyll. ST. GEORGE'S CHALLENGE CUP Will be playe.d for, May i^lli. :iL Sandwieli. THE GOLFER'S BEVERAGE. REFRESHING. SUSTAINING. INVIGORATING. X)lT.TvEATHLl' is a Mineral WaLrr possessing exceptional, qualities, admirably adapted to tbo requirements of those engaged in all. kinds of out-door sport?, wanliw on latigue and imparting f.,rcn an(\ vigour to the frmiie. Makes Whisky Soft and Mellow. " WHfutlily IH an excellent T.iMu Water, dilfcriiifr from wuM, mincnu mifcere, which hnv<! ilopi-fssi.iy inlln.Mif-«,ri."-. 77,,- Chm-l .Immuil, " Anioi.pt JtH other Koo.l qualities. 1'ir.ki-atlil.v HOftonK wliiBkv«inl hriujfs ...it its best attributes."—AV,iv,/ «,„/ Miiimn/ <;,r.<-tte. " A very plc-sisaut and wliolesoine '1'ihlo Wiiter.'' '/•//,• hnurt. Tu bo J.jul in l!,,tt]1.K1 Jlalf-Hutll.-H m,,l (.Jiwi-ter-JJcttles nl nil l.he I..inoivjj IOIHIS. JfiiiLwuy Jt.-r.-e^lituei.t JJ,.r«. Wu-iniKls. (in.ccis. u,ul Wine AAlcrchaiiLs Or .Direct from The Pitkeathly Table & Mineral Water Co. 11. .'.1 THE GAME OF GOLF 1. 'The dame, of-Golf is played by two or more sides, each playing its own li;i.ll. A side may consist of one of more persons. 2. Tin; game consists in each side playing a ball from a, tee into a hole by successive strokes, and the hole is won by the side holing its hall in the fewest strokes, except as otherwise provided for in the rules. If two sides hole out in tlii- same number of strokes, the hole is halved. •\. The teeing ground shall be indicated by two marks placed in a line at right angles to the course, and (he player shall not tee in front of, nor on either side of, these marks, nor more than two club lengths behind them. A. hall pinycil from outnide the limits of the teeing ground, as thus defined, may Lit: recalled by the opposite side. The hole shall he .|.-[- inches in diameter, and at least 4 inches deep. 4. Tin; ball must be fairly struck at, and not pushed, scraped, or spooned, under penalty of the loss of the hole. Any movement of the club which is intended to strike the hall is a stroke. 5. The jLf.-utie commences by each side playing a ball from the first teeing ground. In a match with two or more on a side, the partners shall strike off alternately from tin; Ices, and. shall strike alternately during the play of the hole. The pla\ers who an: t» strike against each other shall be named at starting1, and shall continue in the .same order during the match. The player who shall play first on each side shall he named by his own side. lu case of failure lo agree, it shall be settled by lot or toss which side shall have the option of leading. MONTROSE, JO, /"V"\ONTROSE, on East Coast of Scotland, within \ 2. hours of :' London, and '5 hours of -Edinburgh, oilers 111any aiLrnci 1011:-. lo ! 1 'KM.! !•:;••:.-;, and to visitors generally on the outlook for desirable Summer | (_>U;LI'I or-;.' THE SPLENDID GOLF COURSE, (iS hole-.-.) ivhid, is (.,i.: <,l LIJC i.iidr-M. in the, Kingdom, and declared by the etnineni ^iiilinj; aulhority, ML-. 11nr.icf Hutchtnson, to be "one of the, three best in Sr.ii.l;nu!." is of l,'ir.!.M: fMi'iu (3^ miles) and stretches along- the Links in close. ph'\imily LO tin: sea.. The course is capitally laid out and kept in f^ond order, while EIH.- well devised hazards, in which the natural advantages of the Links and ilfits have been taken advantage of, adds to the intnesl. ol the frame. The ('.liiirsi.1, which is not overcrowded, is open to all without i-hai'^c A LADIES' GOLF COURSE of 18 holes, also free: lo all visitors, has been l.-i.id out on the Links, anil is of a very interesting < h.'iradfir. SIS A BATHING.—The extensive and beautifully clean Sands provide H're.-Li; im. ihtiea for Sea J::iatbing, which have been tfikrii ;(d\-.inia«-f- t.if by Lhe (lorpuiattou to provide a safe and commodious; Uathinj.;1 Station, with conches and other appliances. THE FINE SPACIOUS LINKS, close to the ;;ea and far reaching- ; Hcac.b allonl opportunity for recreation of a most desirable and health- • i 1 j.;'i\'in,!.. |- naiuri :. 'J'hr* TIMVU is healthy and well kept; with jfood Waier Supply, and ;i|)piuvf:d Drainage System. M011L1u.se .'il.io forms a conveuiftnt centre for excursions lo nf.-iijli couutiy of ^reat natural beauty and interest. ft. [f x player shall play when his partner should rin.ve done so, his side .chilli liwe the hole, except in the case of the tee shot, when the stroke may he recalled a.i. the option of the opponents. 7. The side winning a hole shall lead in starting for the next hole, and may recall tlie opponent's stroke should he play out of order. This privilege is called the "honour." On starting for a new match, the winner of the lony match in the previous round is entitled to the "honour." Should the first match have been halved, the winner of the last hole pained is I'M titled to the " honour." N. One round of the Links—generally 18 holes—-is a match, unless otherwise agreed upon. The match is won by the side which pets more holes ;ihe;id than there remain holes to be played, or bv the side winning" tlie la.it hole when die match was all even at the second last hole. If both sides have won the same number it w a halved match. i). Alter the balls are struck from the tee, the ball furthest (10111 tlie hole t'i which the parlies are playing shall be played first, except as otherwise provided tor. in the rules. Should tlie wrong side play first, the opponent may recall the stroke before his side has played. 10. (Unless with the opponent's consent, a ball struck: from the tee shall nui lie ch;inge.i!, touched, or moved before the hole, is played out, under the penally of one stroke, except as otherwise provided for in the rules.
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