Joseph F. Glidden Homestead & Historical Center
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Joseph F. Glidden Homestead & Historical Center Minutes of the Board Meeting March 11, 2013; Glidden Homestead, DeKalb, Illinois Present: Phil Bennett, Lu Bortolin, Sarah DeMink, Jan Devore, Cindy Ditzler, Svetlana Henrikson, Kepp Johnson, Jeff Marshall, Marcia Wilson. Absent: Richard Glidden, Kenda Jeske, Jim Morel, Kathy Siebrasse. President Svetlana Henrikson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Jeff moved and Phil seconded approval of agenda as submitted. Motion carried. Minutes. The January 14, 2013 minutes were reviewed. Jan motioned and Phil seconded to approve the minutes as amended. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer’s Reports were distributed by Kenda via email. Kenda could not attend the meeting so questions were tabled until next meeting. Svetlana will ask Kenda if she would give a brief oral report each meeting to help us better understand our financial health. Marcia stated that DCCF sent notice of $922 interest available in the endowment and asked if we wanted it put in our account or left with DCCF. The decision was made to withdraw the interest and move it to the general fund. Kepp motioned to receive the report with a second by Jeff. Motion carried. President’s Report. Svetlana remarked that the board is made up of a good group of people. Executive Director’s Report. Marcia distributed her report via email. She reported that the Archives Committee would like the ceiling fixed and shades installed in the southeast bedroom. Also they are looking for a solution for the storage of the art work. The Sycamore Historical Museum hands theirs on peg boards attached to the wall. Members discussed a free standing alternative unit rather than one attached directly to the wall. Marcia will investigate further. The old radio that was donated will be moved into Jessie’s Bedroom and will play old 1940s radio programs. The radio does not work but Marcia has access to someone who will give us copies of the programs. We will need an Ipod or other device that will run the programs on a loop. Marcia will check with her contact and see what media device we will need to play the programs. It was suggested that a wish list be put on Facebook or our website that lists the device we need. Committee Reports. Membership. Jan reported that we have 132 members with 3 new members in January/February, which were due to the e-blast that was sent. The board discussed the cold call idea. An instruction sheet for the volunteers and a list of people to call will be created. Marcia will be sending out another reminder to renew, which will include information on the members only events. Jan suggested adding benefits to the membership such as $1.00 coupon to other museums, 10% off gift shop purchases, and making a Give a Gift coupons available in the gift shop Fundraising. Svetlana stated we need donations for the Divas Dish silent auction. She is looking for a variety of items and asked Lu and Jeff if it is possible for them to make items to donation. Kathy asked Svetlana to tell us to sell tickets and be available on April 20th. Gardens & Grounds. Jeff reminded us that every year he asks Chemlawn to apply two applications to the lawn. Svetlana motioned and Lu seconded the motion to give Jeff permission to ask Chemlawn to go ahead with the two applications at the cost of $260. Motion carried. The snow removal company charges us $30 for each visit. Property. Kepp distributed a $875 estimate from Bill Schermerhorn from Ornamental Plasterwork Service for the southeast bedroom ceiling plaster repairs. He is not aware of another person in the area that does this specialized work and Bill has done work for the Ellwood House. We will need to make our decision quickly as Mr. Schermerhorn’s business will be picking up in spring.and he will not be available. Kepp reported that the ceiling repair on the small bedroom that was done by another person cost $1468 plus $260 for travel five years ago. //$130 x 2 days -Marcia// Sarah motioned and Jeff seconded that we approve $875 to have the southeast bedroom ceiling plaster repair done. Marcia added that $7500 from the Johnson bequest has been designated by us for home repair so the expense is covered. Sarah asked for a status report on the front porch overhang. Jim has the quotes for that project as well as painting and will get it completed when weather permits. Furnishings/Exhibits. Cindy reported that the Exhibits Committee is working hard on the new label panels for the second floor bedrooms, on the hanging of the Josiah Glidden portrait and the creation of the family corner, and on the Joseph Glidden exhibit in the basement. She thanked everyone for their help in moving the exhibit cases on Saturday. Marcia asked for permission to use nails to hang the five small frames in the wall where the Josiah Glidden family corner will be on display on the first floor. This was approved only if using the wire hangings and the 3M products do not work. We were instructed to have starter holes drilled before nails are used so we do not damage the walls. Publicity/Newsletter. No Report. Gift Shop. No Report. Events. The Divas Dish timeline will be available at the April board meeting. NIU Cares is the same day as Divas Dish so will need volunteers to help supervise the students in the morning as well as volunteers in the evening for Divas Dish. Old Business. Oak Crest Tea. Sarah reported the plan for the Oak Crest Tea is to recognize members that can’t come to the Homestead for a visit and to touch base with the group that live at the facility. Sarah, Janet Glidden, and Jean Bjorn are working on the event. Marcia requested that she be allowed to speak and give a PowerPoint presentation, which will include bequeath information. Sarah is checking with Oak Crest about catering the event or furnishing the refreshments ourselves. Ideas include a hat fashion show or a wedding picture display. Marcia talked with Brian Reis from Ellwood House. They will be de-accessioning a Glidden Family member’s wedding dress, Joseph’s desk, and some blacksmith tools to the Glidden Homestead. QR Code Project with NIU Digital Initiatives. Marcia, Brian Reis from the Ellwood House, and Drew VandeCreek from NIU Digital Initiatives met to continue discussion of the joint QR Code Project. Drew felt that the two museums would work well with the project. The QR Code will be outside, perhaps on the historical marker, which will be moved closer to the Homestead. Decision ensued as to the security issue of having people wander the grounds when the Homestead is not open if we put the Codes on the blacksmith shop and the barn. One solution was putting movable Codes in the back and a permanent in the front. Rescheduling Planning Session. Svetlana has asked Alicia Schatteman, Asst. Professor from NIU and her doctorate student to lead the session. Schatteman’s student works for a strategic planning and fundraising firm. Svetlana will email the board for approval of the May 5th meeting from 1 to 4:30. New Business. Member Event. Marcia reported that an invitation-only event will be held on Saturday, May 18th, the day before Open House/Open Barn. It will feature unveiling of the new signage and new exhibits, with refreshments served. She will send out postcards to the members, donors, volunteers, and companies that have given us financial assistance so they feel valued and included in the Homestead’s workings. Bylaws. Svetlana reported that the 2009 bylaws that we have been operating under were never ratified. The 2009 bylaws will be reviewed before being ratified. Sarah, Jan, and Kepp will serve as the committee. Marcia has notes that she will pass onto the committee stating some of the problems that need to be addressed. Examples are: the maximum number of family board members, at-large board members, and terms of board members. Events/Programs. Marcia will have the docent sign-up sheet at the next meeting. Jeff, his brother-in-law Bill, and Rich DeMink will work on the June Railroad program and possible model train display. Motion to adjourn by Phil and seconded by Kepp. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned by Svetlana at 8:35 p.m. Next meeting: April 8, 2013, 7 AM at the Glidden Homestead. Respectively submitted, Cindy Ditzler, Board Secretary .