Community Profile 3
CommunityCompiled by the Community Development Profile Department When you consider DeKalb, Illinois, as your next business location, you 200 S. Fourth St., DeKalb, Illinois 60115 are considering a community which absolutely has it all! Founded as an 815-748-2000 │ agricultural community in 1837, DeKalb is 60 miles west of downtown Chicago. We’re known as the home of Northern Illinois University and the birthplace of barbed wire, which changed farming methods throughout the world. We like to say we’ve gone from barbed wire, to fully wired. Working with NIU, the City boasts an 80-gig fiber network bridging the distance to Chicago, the region, and the world. DeKalb is a regional hub, with easy access to the I-88 and I-39 corridors. Within the City, State Routes 38 and 23 make travel to the University, area shopping centers, and dining quick and convenient. DeKalb is a city of 44,030 residents who live in 15,594 homes. The City of DeKalb represents more than a third of the population of DeKalb County, with families earning an annual median income of $59,671 and owning homes with a median value of $165,500. (Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 2005-2009 American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau, 2010). Employers in DeKalb provide more than 15,000 jobs, and commuters to Quick Facts classes at NIU further boost our daytime population and buying power. Geographic location: Located in DeKalb County Excellent educational partnership offerings between Kishwaukee College, Area: 16.28 square miles Northern Illinois University, and DeKalb High School provide a full range of Date of incorporation: 1856 career readiness initiatives for our youth, allowing degrees to be earned Value of construction in 2014: $54,359,021 at an accelerated pace.
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