DeKalb Municipal Building Glidden Conference Room 200 S. Fourth St., 2nd Floor DeKalb, IL 60115


Chairman Gable called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


The following members of the Landmark Commission were present: Donna Gable, Amanda Durik, Robert Glover, and Donna Schultz Xidis. Elizabeth Wirsing joined the meeting at 7:05 PM. Members absent were Don Whitmore and Pam Collins. City staff present was Community Development Director Jo Ellen Charlton. Also present were Lakota Group representatives Nick Kalogeresis and Cade Sterling.


Chair Gable requested an amendment to add under New Business “Discussion of Landmark Commission Chair position.” A. Durik moved to approve the agenda as amended, R. Glover seconded the motion, and all approved by voice vote.




1. October 12, 2016

R. Glover motioned to approve the minutes as presented, A. Durik seconded the motion, and all approved by voice vote.


1. Presentation – Draft Report regarding the Central Business District property survey, possible historic district designation, historic preservation project recommendations, and design guideline recommendations.

Nick Kalogeresis and Cade Sterling presented on behalf of the Lakota Group. Mr. Kalogeresis noted that Doug Gilbert helped prepare the draft but was not available to attend this meeting. Landmark Commission May 18, 2017 Page 2 of 6

He reported upon the onsite survey, conducted last fall and completed before Christmas. He stated that since December, Lakota staff has been conducting background research on the properties using a variety of resources. He noted they are working on adding missing data to the property survey forms and anticipated the final report would be ready to present in one month.

Mr. Kalogeresis reported that the survey forms, photos, map can be view online at He stated that the website includes a color- coded map that categorizes contributing and non-contributing properties, based upon architectural elements that qualify them for possible neighborhood nomination to the National Historic Register. He noted that the majority of contributing properties are west of the railroad tracks, except for the old Fargo theater building, and to the north and south of the railroad tracks a few residential properties might qualify as well.

He reported that the Historic Preservation Agency (IHPA) has received copies of the survey forms for feedback, but a response has not yet been received. He said the IHPA can help decide whether applying for a smaller, more concentrated historic district is more likely to succeed or if a larger district with breaks due to the presence of non-contributing properties would be more likely to succeed. He noted a variety of architectural styles exist in in the area west of the railroad tracks, which would should help that area qualify.

He demonstrated how to use the website’s interactive map and property survey forms and distributed copies of the draft report. He said that staff at the Sycamore Library Local History Room and NIU Regional History Center were very helpful. He summarized the sections of the draft report, which he noted includes discussions of the multiple architectural forms and styles in the downtown area.

Director Charlton asked if the survey was performed from the sidewalk level. Mr. Kalogeresis confirmed that was the method. J. Charlton reported that property owners have recently submitted building permits for roofing work and discovered upper level façade damage that would not be noticeable from below. She asked how to address these issues when they arise at that point. Mr. Kalogeresis responded that it is difficult. He added that most of the Queen Anne style buildings appear to be well maintained from the exterior.

Mr. Kalogeresis stated that the Egyptian Theatre and Haish Memorial Library are already listed on the National Register of Historic Places. He reported that four additional buildings could be eligible for individual listing on the National Register, including the Drs. Smith building (263 East Lincoln Highway, currently The House) and the McCabe’s building (323 East Lincoln Highway). In addition, they identified 16 other buildings that may be appropriate for local landmark designation if property owners are interested.

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He reported that a total of 136 properties were inventoried. He stated that he would furnish an electronic copy of the draft report. He invited the Commission to comment upon the draft report and the property forms, ask questions, and provide any additional information they may have. He said additional historical data still must be added, including former businesses and property owners. He added that a context statement will also be crafted.

Mr. Kalogeresis reported he was unable to locate a downtown building inventory he believed occurred in the late ‘80s/early ‘90s. Chair Donna Gable stated that the survey was performed by Commission members. She recalled that the inventory forms had black-and-white photographs attached, which were placed in black binders and stored in City Hall. She reported that a set was also submitted to the IHPA. Mr. Kalogeresis stated he spoke with Darius Bryjka at the IHPA, and he told him the IHPA did not have the documents. Chair Gable recalled visiting the IHPA in the early 2000s and viewing the documents there. Mr. Kalogeresis stated he contact the IHPA again to request further searching. Director Charlton stated she would also search City Hall. Mr. Kalogeresis stated that the survey documents are important because they help fill in the gap between the present and the era just after World War II, which is the most recent period found in their research. Director Charlton added that Fire Station 1, located at Seventh and Pine Streets, has some interesting old photographs on display that could be useful.

Mr. Kalogeresis reported that his team has not yet begun developing Design Guidelines. He requested clarification and guidance for this portion of the project. He recommended removing the current Design Guidelines document in its entirety from the Municipal Code and inserting a reference instead, the arrangement many other communities use, so that minor edits to the Design Guidelines would not prompt an amendment to the Municipal Code. Director Charlton stated she would provide the current Design Guidelines to Lakota Group as a starting point for developing the new guidelines.

Mr. Kalogeresis reported little progress has been made to identify historic downtown properties for potential rehab projects. He asked for assistance for identifying properties and contacting owners. He noted he met with the owners of Gordon Hardware early in the project to discuss their plans to rehab the interior and reopen the storefront.

Ms. Xidis mentioned the owner of Cracker Jax expressed interest in rehabbing her building’s façade.

The Commission and Mr. Kalogeresis discussed recommendations for the following: • Selecting properties for rehabilitation projects to increase the likelihood other property owners would be encourage to follow suit; • Prioritizing properties located west of the railroad tracks along Lincoln Highway; Landmark Commission May 18, 2017 Page 4 of 6

• Focusing on store-front rehabilitations and signage; • Deciding different levels of rehabilitation from minor to major; • Ensuring rehabilitation efforts last long term; and • Designating properties in significant need of repair and maintenance.

Director Charlton stated that downtown property owners’ renewed interest in investing in their buildings has led to building permits for improvements. She voiced concern that staff does not have the necessary tool, Historic Property Design Guidelines, to evaluate the proposed improvements to ensure they are using historically appropriate methods and materials.

Mr. Kalogeresis stated his team would provide a memo listing of properties with the most significant maintenance needs. He recommended property owners seek to improve their properties by opening previously closed storefronts to improve sidewalk appeal. He asked the Commission to review the beginning sections of the draft report and each survey form and provide comments and questions.

The Commission discussed deadlines for submitting comments, revisions, and future meeting dates: • June 9th – Deadline to send comments to Director Charlton • Prior to June 23rd – Lakota’s final draft due to City • June 23rd – Agenda distributed with Commission comments on draft report • June 28th – Meeting

Chair Gable recommended contacting the owners of the old Drs. Smith building for possible rehab projects, as they recently sought Landmark Commission advice on repairing or replacing the windows. Director Charlton inquired about cleaning methods to remove the mottling on the building’s façade. Mr. Kalogeresis recommended against damaging pressure washing and chemicals. He said soap and water on a brush can be both gentle and effective and were used on buildings during recent rehabs.

2. Discussion – Donna Schultz Xidis to report upon attendance at recent workshop.

Prior to Ms. Xidis’ presentation, Chair Gable recalled an annual IHPA report, likely due in June, and one of the requirements for the report is training for at least one of the members. Director Charlton stated she would look into the IHPA annual report deadline and requirements.

Ms. Xidis reported she attended the Illinois Association of Historic Preservation Commission (IAHPC) in Princeton on Saturday, May 6th. She distributed copies of the materials she received and her notes. Ms. Xidis summarized the topics covered in the workshop. She noted that a Facebook page called “Remembering Princeton” Landmark Commission May 18, 2017 Page 5 of 6

for Princeton residents to share personal historic photographs. A discussion followed on possible social media venues for historic photographs of DeKalb.

Ms. Xidis reported upon preservation legislation updates. She stated that federal preservation tax credits are available in 40 states, but Illinois is not one of them. However, a bill has recently been proposed to provide smaller tax credits for smaller communities. She also learned that the IHPA may become part of the Department of Natural Resources, which may help with maintaining funding. She said she also learned about other communities’ design guidelines, which could be helpful in developing them for DeKalb. She noted that she included a list of resources in the notes she distributed.

Chair Gable reported that she received only a week’s notice of that workshop, and a conflict in her schedule prevented her from attending. She stated she would contact the IHPA to request communications for events further in advance and with more regularity. She encouraged other Commission members to participate in similar events to learn about historic preservation in other communities.

Ms. Xidis added that she learned that other communities do often separate their design guidelines from their municipal codes and provide references therein instead, as Mr. Kalogeresis recommended earlier.

3. Discussion – Landmark Commission Chair election

Chair Gable reported the chair is appointed annually for a one-year term. She said she has been chair since December 2015 and was willing to remain chair, step down, or work with a co-chair. Director Charlton stated she would report at the next meeting the City’s procedure for chair appointment.

Continued Discussion of Downtown Property History

Director Charlton reported renewed interest in investing in downtown properties, so having design guidelines for historic properties right now is important. She reported upon Cohen Barnes’ plans for renovating the building that was formerly Moxie’s, including dividing the spaces, installing an elevator, and adding windows to the second floor façade. She stated he will be using some of the space for his own tech business and rent out the rest until his business requires more space.

Chair Gable recalled that Malone’s department store occupied the building even earlier, and it had second floor windows. She recommended examining the interior to determine the locations of the old window and placing new windows similarly. Director Charlton reported that building permits have already been obtained and the windows have been cut in.

Director Charlton reported upon recent discussions with downtown property owners and business owners. She noted that part of the Eduardo’s restaurant Landmark Commission May 18, 2017 Page 6 of 6

building has recently been sold. She stated that Jim Hovis, owner of old Elk’s Lodge, discussed options for his property and potential new uses of the spaces. She stated that Omar, owner of Mediterraneo, is still seeking a place to relocate his restaurant to a permanent downtown location that already has facilities. She also stated that The Forge is relocating its operation to the building next to the laundromat on North Sixth Street.




Chair Gable recommended scheduling more regular meetings again. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 28, 2017, at 7:00 PM.

Chair Gable provided an update upon Commissioner Pam Collins, who was not reappointed to the Commission when other members were. She said she is in contact with Ms. Collins regularly, and she enjoys receiving Commission communications but cannot attend meetings currently. Director Charlton said she would confirm when Ms. Collins’ term ended and how she could continue participating.

Chair Gable proposed discussing the meeting schedule at the next meeting, so Don Whitmore may participate. The other Commissioners agreed.

Chair Gable announced the Local Lore series of talks, which take place monthly, mostly at Ellwood House. She commended Commission Rob Glover who spoke on the ongoing Glidden Homestead barn archeological dig. The schedule of dates, locations, and topics can be found on the Ellwood House website.


A. Durik motioned to adjourn the meeting, R. Glover seconded, and all approved by voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Natalie Nelson, Administrative Assistant

Minutes approved by the Landmark Commission on August 29, 2017.