centennial Convocation spring 2016 june 9 & 10 Dear Graduand,

Your graduation began long before this day.

It began when you made the choice to study that extra hour, dedicate yourself more deeply, and strive to reach for the degree you had chosen to fully commit your life to pursuing.

Many of the people that helped you arrive here today are seated beside you—friends, family, classmates— while others are thinking of you from afar.

We are honoured to have given you a place to discover, inspire others and be challenged beyond what you thought was possible.

We hope you know, we will always be that place for you.



The Graduation Journey 2 Lists of Spring 2016 Graduating Students Graduation Traditions 6 Thursday, June 9, 2016 11:00 a.m. 21 Chancellor’s Welcome 8 1:30 p.m. 24 President’s Welcome 10 4:00 p.m. 27 Syilx Welcome 12

Friday, June 10, 2016 Okanagan Song 13 8:30 a.m. 31 11:00 a.m. 35 The Board of Governors 14

Acknowledgements 40 UBC Okanagan Senate 15 O Canada 40 Alumni Welcome 41 2016 Honorary Degree Recipients 16

Award for Teaching Excellence 17 A General Reception will follow each and Innovation Ceremony in the Courtyard.

Heads of Graduating Class 18

Schedule of Spring 2016 Ceremonies 19


2 CENTENNIAL CONVOCATION 2016 In UBC’s first annual, published 100 years ago in 1916, President Frank F. Wesbrook wrote: “Ours is the task of helping to adjust the rights of the individual to the needs of all, of the obligations of each to the other and to the world. Today’s chosen people are those in training for such tasks. A glorious heritage is ours.”

Wesbrook’s aspiration for UBC students is surprisingly still relevant. Our learning environment encourages global citizenship and it is our hope that the graduands of today, having made UBC ‘theirs,’ go on to use their education to change the world for the better.

UBC graduands have, with the support of classmates, family and friends, collectively built our shared heritage since 1916. We hope you know how proud we are of your contribution to what we’ve become, and who we will be, for the next 100 years.


“As we move into our second century, please stay in touch. Whichever path you choose to follow, you will always be welcome at UBC, and we hope that you will continue to play a part in the life of this great university. Tuum est! It is yours!”


1916 1920s 1940s One of the first graduating classes was The student-led Great Trek to UBC’s Point The forties were an era of tremendous the Arts Class of 1916 pictured here at a Grey established the university’s first change at the university as both students party at the home of Mary Wilons. In campus. The Alma Mater Society (AMS) and faculty embraced the war effort. UBC’s first year, there were only three incorporated as a non-profit society and In 1943, new President Norman faculties: Arts, Applied Science and the university began awarding its first MacKenzie began in earnest to expand the Agriculture with 379 registered students graduate degrees to students. In the university and new departments were and 34 faculty members. Ubyssey, published in September 23, 1925, formed along with new buildings to house students described the new campus with a them including Brock Hall and the first sense of wonder: “We are dazed with the student union building. By the 1950s, UBC appearance of architectural cleanliness had established itself as a comprehensive and bewildered by our lineal freedom.” university and top choice for students in BC and beyond.

4 CENTENNIAL CONVOCATION 2016 1960s 1980s 2000s Student numbers continued to escalate With over 34,000 students registered at The demand for increased access to alongside the scholarly activities the beginning of the eighties, UBC began post-secondary education led to the official that began to define UBC as a leader in attracting scholars from all over the world. opening of UBC’s Okanagan campus in research. The campus was alive with Engineering students were in the news 2005. Student learning opportunities sixties counterculture and a sixth frequently for their pranks, which included multiplied as UBC expanded to include two president of UBC was elected by the the famous Ladner Clock Tower stunt in major campuses—the Vancouver Campus name of Dr. Walter Gage. New student which students pulled off hoisting a white and the Okanagan Campus. residences were created to respond Volkswagen Bug onto the top of the tower. to the expanding student body as well as Dr. Martha Piper was elected President in a new student union building. Students 1997 and ushered in an era of international 2016 gained influence at the university and engagement that saw UBC step onto Close to 13,000 students will become were elected to the University Board of the world stage as an educator and global the Class of 2016. They will go on to Governors for the first time. centre for research excellence. join over 310,000 alumni who have successfully graduated from UBC and continue their journey as treasured members of the UBC community.


6 CENTENNIAL CONVOCATION 2016 The University Mace is a symbol of the authority of the Chancellor. It is displayed on ceremonial occasions, most notably during the convocation ceremonies but also during the Installation of a President or Chancellor.

THE UNIVERSITY MACE The Mace also features a number of REGALIA COLOURS university symbols, including the UBC The Mace is carried by the ‘Macebearer’ The hoods, gowns and hats worn Okanagan logo, the University coat of arms who leads the Platform Party, which by graduates are lined with colours to and the UBC motto Tuum Est – It’s Yours. In includes the Chancellor, the President and indicate the degree to be conferred, a addition, the back of the Mace displays the other dignitaries, onto the stage for the tradition dating back to the Middle Ages word Suknaqinx, which is of the Nsyilxcen Convocation ceremonies. when the first universities were founded. language, spoken by the Okanagan’s Created by First Nations artist Sheldon original people. Roughly translated, it Louis of the Okanagan Indian Band, the means “the ones who stand on the hill and THE CHANCELLOR’S OKANAGAN CHAIR University Mace is carved from a single are seen and heard from far away.” piece of alder wood, and combines In 2007, UBC’s Okanagan campus The University Mace, which was carved in Okanagan Nation traditions with commissioned the creation of a new the shape of a paddle, representing the university customs. The main artwork on Chancellor’s chair for use in Okanagan importance of Okanagan Lake to the the Mace features three symbolic spirit Convocation ceremonies. Handcrafted by region’s people, is also inlaid with silver, icons—a mother bear with her two cubs, master furniture maker Dennis Weidman applied by First Nations silversmith artist the image of the mountains, and water— of Lake Country, BC, the chair was Justin Terbasket of the Lower Similkameen given to UBC Okanagan in 2005 by the fashioned from cherry wood, a species Indian Band. The Mace was used for the first Okanagan Nation elders. The spirit icon selected for its significance in the time at the 2009 Convocation Ceremonies. gifts were selected by a group of First Okanagan’s long history as a fruit–growing Nation elders, led by Andrew McGinnis, region. THE PROCESSION an Okanagan Traditional Medicine Keeper from the Penticton Indian Band, and Victor Chancellor Lindsay Gordon shakes the The chair’s front panel features UBC’s Antoine, an elder of the Okanagan Indian hand of every student that crosses the motto, Tuum Est, the UBC logo laser Band. Each spirit icon was chosen carefully stage—that’s over 10,000 students each engraved in the headrest panel, and UBC’s for its special significance to the region, year. This handshake signifies the coat of arms on each side panel. reflecting local Okanagan Nation tradition, transition between student and graduate. culture and knowledge.


Here it is at last—your graduation day, and with the added distinction of it occurring at a historic milestone for your university.

Exactly 100 years ago UBC held its first invariably encounter new circumstances, Congregation ceremony, at which it and you may well be tempted to pursue an granted degrees to the first 40 graduates. entirely new direction and destiny tomorrow than those you may be They graduated during a turbulent time in contemplating today. The message is human history with a terrible war raging, simply this: remain curious, open-minded but our challenges are no less significant: and flexible as the journey unfolds. climate change, human rights, a mounting refugee crisis, inequality, poverty, food At the same time, ensure that you play security…and yes…conflict, but a very your part in helping to build a diverse, different kind of conflict to that inclusive and better community. experienced by our first graduation class. Understand the obligations that we make to one another in a civilized society, and You therefore may share similar hopes not only to our neighbours at home but to and fears of members of the Class of 1916. strangers from afar. Above all, seek truth Like them, you too are probably and compassion over bitter opinion and preoccupied with the future. misplaced fear. Had I been Chancellor back in 1916 my One final thought—graduation should message to those 40 graduates would be never mean goodbye. As UBC alumni, I the same that I offer to the graduates sincerely hope you will remain connected of today: irrespective of what pursuits you in some way to your university. Please undertake, ensure they are activities in take advantage of the many opportunities which you can maintain a passionate to be active and engaged members of interest. At the same time, however, our alumni community, which has grown remain sharply aware of the inevitable and from those 40 inaugural graduates of perpetual changes in the world around 1916, to over 310,000 today. you, and in yourselves. On behalf of all of them, I extend my very That does not mean that circumstances best wishes and warmest congratulations. have not changed in the past century. The spectrum of knowledge and — lindsay gordon, ba’73, mba’76 influencers of change—social, cultural, economic and technological—are as complex as ever, meaning that you will


My warmest congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2016!

You are members of a very special class: What President Wesbrook did recognize, Now it is time to turn your hard-earned you are graduating exactly 100 years after however, was that with the birth of his tiny expertise and knowledge to good use, UBC’s first degree ceremony, held university in a remote province on to become involved with your society, downtown at the Hotel Vancouver and Canada’s distant west coast, something and to offer your ideas with the confidence presided over by UBC’s first President, significant had taken place: something that you will be heard and respected. Dr. Frank Wesbrook. with enormous promise. In the student People will look to you for solutions to the yearbook for 1916, he wrote: “To us has social, economic, and environmental The first graduating class of 1915-16 come the opportunity of making our problems that afflict us. Like the comprised only 40 people. Canada was at Province, our Dominion, our Empire, and generations of UBC graduates who came war, and many UBC students were away our world, a better place in which to live.” before you, you will provide the leadership serving their country. The UBC campus in and vision that every society needs to Fairview was little more than a collection The world has changed in many ways prosper. of temporary buildings—the “Fairview since Dr. Wesbrook penned those words. shacks,” as they were called. Many classes Canada is no longer a dominion, nor part As we move into our second century, were given in church basements and of an empire. But his vision of UBC’s role, please stay in touch. Whichever path you professors’ homes. Hardly an auspicious his belief in its potential greatness and the choose to follow, you will always be beginning for a university that President importance of its future contributions— welcome at UBC, and we hope that you Wesbrook hoped would turn into “the those have been amply justified. UBC is will continue to play a part in the life of Cambridge of the Pacific.” indeed a great university, in size, in this great university through membership achievement, in the significant role it has in alumni UBC. Tuum est! It is yours! I wonder what he would think about played and continues to play on the the changes that have occurred over the — martha c. piper , oc obc lld’07 national and the international scene as a past century. He could not possibly major centre of learning and research. have foreseen that his university would grow from a student body of less than As graduates of UBC, you have benefited 400 to one that now exceeds 60,000; from guidance and instruction by some of that the number of living alumni would the best scholars and teachers in this be 310,000 and counting; that UBC country, and enjoyed the kind of social, would produce some of Canada’s top academic, and sporting opportunities scientists and scholars, writers and that only a great university can provide. artists, public servants—including three At every level of your UBC education, prime ministers of Canada—and leaders you have been exposed to the rigours of in every profession. critical thinking, to the complexities of problem-solving, and to the need for risk-taking and imagination in the creation of new ideas. Your studies have provided you with strong communication skills in a variety of media, and taught you the value of teamwork and collaboration.


The Okanagan Nation Alliance welcomes the University of British Columbia’s new Graduates, their families and friends to the 2016 Spring Convocation.

Elders, Chiefs, Board of Governors, The honouring of one’s intellect and Okanagan Nation Alliance Dignitaries, Okanagan faculty, staff, acquiring of knowledge are integral to Chiefs Executive Council family, friends, visitors, students and Syilx culture. The Syilx traditions and Grand Chief Stewart Phillip graduates, on behalf of the Okanagan ceremonies acknowledged and awarded Chief Keith Crow Nation Chiefs and our member achievement no matter how big or small. Chief Harvey McLeod communities we welcome you to our Announcements were made in the Nation Chief Clarence Louie beautiful territory and to UBC Okanagan's that “this is a day of significance to this Chief Jonathan Kruger Spring Convocation 2016. The Syilx people person, (family and/or community) and Chief Byron Louis are also proud to join in the recognition you are all welcome to share in this Chief Rick Holmes and celebration of UBC Okanagan’s tenth celebration”. The Okanagan have always Chief Robert Louie anniversary and the UBC Centennial. UBC shared their land, their teaching, and their Okanagan opened this campus in 2005 culture with others. It is our responsibility with the official Knaqs npi’lsmist and duty to use these gifts and serve our ceremony. UBC acknowledged Syilx community. Now as graduates, you too territory, Peoples, customs and will have this opportunity to share your contributions to the Okanagan region. education with the community. Your Today, it is with honour that we, in turn, educational achievement will serve you recognize this milestone in the life of the and your community well. We encourage University. you to serve your community!

We are pleased to extend our The Okanagan Nation Alliance and UBC congratulations to all the new Okanagan have forged a new path of partnership and graduates of UBC. We are honoured to be inclusion so that we can all learn to part of your convocation ceremony and embrace, strengthen and celebrate our recognition of achievement, and the diversity. The pursuit of academic meaning inherent in special events like excellence will continue to advance and this one have always been an integral part transform our societies. Okanagan of Syilx culture, customs and community participation in today’s convocation life. Learning is valued in our communities. ceremony and within the life of this It is fundamental to the well-being and University bodes well for our future and survival of all people. our communities.

lim limt


We are beautiful / Because we are Okanagan / Because our land is beautiful.

The Okanagan Song is based on a traditional song style called skəlmxquin. Skəlmxqin songs belong to the Okanagan/Syilx people collectively. Songs of this style can be sung by any Okanagan/Syilx person using their own phrasing and their own emotion while maintaining the formal rhythm and structure. This song has been called the “Okanagan Song” or the “Okanagan Nation Anthem” because the phrasing and meaning were constructed to celebrate pride in being Okanagan.

Translation of suknaquinx skəlmxquinx Note: the word aɬi translates three separate ways in this song.

Aɬi kʷu swi wi numtax (given that we are good-looking/vibrant/ strong)

Aɬi kʷu suknaqinx (due to being Okanagan)

Aɬi axaʔ iʔ tmxʷulaʔxʷ (because of this land)

Literation/meaning We are beautiful Because we are Okanagan Because our land is beautiful

Herman Edwards, Jeannette Armstrong and Delphine Armstrong-Derickson August 22, 2005 Choke cherry moon,


UBC’s 21-member Board of Governors comprises the chancellor, the president, eleven persons appointed by the lieutenant-governor, three faculty members elected by faculty, three full-time students elected by students and two people elected by and from the full-time employees of the university who are not faculty members.

By legislation, the board is responsible for the management, administration and control of the property, revenue, business and affairs of the university including the appointment of senior officials and faculty on the recommendation of the president. The governors represent diverse backgrounds, which provide valuable input during board deliberations.

Ex-Officio Elected by Students The Chancellor Lindsay Gordon, B.A. (Br.Col.), Aaron Bailey, B.Sc. (Br.Col.) M.B.A. (Br.Col.) Veronica Knott The President Terry Zhang Martha Piper, O.C., O.B.C., B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., LL.D. (Br.Col)

Elected by Faculty Appointed by the Lieutenant Governor Richard Johnston, Ph.D. (Stanford) in Council Darrin Lehman, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Stuart Belkin (Chair), B.Phil. (Br.Col.) Michael Treschow, Ph.D. (Tor.) Sandra Cawley, B.Com. (Br.Col.)

Celeste Haldane, B.A. (Br.Col.), Elected by and from full-time LL.B. (Br.Col.), LL.M employees of the University who are not members of the Faculty Michael Korenberg, B.A., J.D. Shannon Dunn, B.Com. Graham Lee, B.Com. (Br.Col.) Darran Fernandez, M.Ed. (Br.Col.) Fiona MacFarlane, B.A., B.Com., LL.B, LL.M, Hon. CA

Lane Merrifield, B.A.

Beverlee Park, B.Com., M.B.A., CA

Alan Shuster

David Sidoo, B.A. (Br.Col.)

Kevin Smith, B.Sc. (Br.Col.), CA


The Chancellor Creative and Critical Studies Elected by the Students at-large Lindsay Gordon, B.A. (Br.Col.), J. Castricano, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Br.Col.) Vacant M.B.A. (Br.Col.) A. Fleming, B.A., M.F.A. (Br.Col.) Vacant Vacant The President, Chair Education Vacant Martha Piper, O.C., O.B.C., B.Sc., M.Sc., R. Campbell, B.A., B.Ed., M.A., Ph.D. Vacant Ph.D., LL.D. (Br.Col.) G. Wetterstrand, B.Ed., B.F.A., M.Ed., Ph.D. Vacant Academic Vice-President Health and Social Development Deborah Buszard, B.Sc. Ph.D. J. Jakobi, B.H.K, M.Sc., Ph.D. (W.Ont.) Elected by Convocation J. Vinek, R.N., B.Sc.N., M.H.Sc.N. C. Comben, B.A. (Br.Col.) Provost and Vice-Principal, Academic J. McEwan, M.A. (Br.Col) Cynthia Mathieson, B.A., M.A., B.A. Management (Hon.), M.Sc., Ph.D. D. Koslowsky, B.Sc., M.B.A., Ph.D. Secretary D. Walker, B.Com., M.Sc. (Br.Col.), Ph.D. Director of Continuing Education or Associate Vice-President, Enrolment (Br.Col.) Designate Services and Registrar: Kate Ross, B.A., Ian Cull, M.A., M.B.A. M.A., Ed.D. Elected by a Joint Meeting of the University Librarian or Designate Faculties Heather Berringer, B.A., M.L.I.S. L. Allan, B.A., M.A. P. Arthur, B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D. (Br.Col.) Vice-Principal, Research L. Berg, B.A., M.A., D.Phil. Philip Barker, B.Sc., Ph.D. (Alta.) D. Carter, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. J. Corbett, B.A. (Hon.), M.Sc., Ph.D. The Deans M. Evans, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Dean of Applied Science J. Johnson, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Marc Parlange, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. D. Keyes, B.A. (Hon.), M.A., Ph.D. Dean of Arts and Sciences C. Labun, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Wisdom Tettey, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. R. Lawrence, B.C.Sc., Ph.D. S. Lawrence, B.A. (Hon.), M.A., Ph.D. Dean of the College of Graduate Studies (Br.Col.) Miriam Grant, BA (Hon.), B.Ed., M.A., M. Legault, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Br.Col.) Ph.D. V. Magnat, B.A., Lic., Maitrise, D.E.A., Dean of Creative and Critical Studies Ph.D. (pro tem.) S. McNeil, B.Sc. (Br.Col.), Ph.D. (Br.Col.) Robert Eggleston, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Qu.) J. Stites Mor, B.A. (Hon.), M.A., Ph.D. P. Wylie, B.Sc., M.A., Ph.D. Dean of Education (pro tem.) Gordon Binsted, B.H.K (Br.Col.), M.Sc., Representatives of the Student Body Ph.D. S. Sneg, Faculty of Arts and Science Dean of Health and Social Development Vacant, Faculty of Management Gordon Binsted, B.H.K (Br.Col.), M.Sc., Vacant, Faculty of Education Ph.D. K. Trapara, Graduate Students Vacant, Faculty of Health and Social Dean of Management Development Roger Sugden, B.A., M.A., D.B.A. J. Lammers, Faculty of Applied Science Vacant, Faculty of Creative and Critical Elected by the Faculties Studies Applied Science S. O’Leary, B.A.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Tor.), P.Eng. R. Sadiq, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., P.Eng.

Arts and Sciences R. Lalonde, B.Sc. (Hon.), M.Sc., Ph.D. Y. Lucet, M.Sc., Ph.D.


DAVID SCHINDLER, O.C., F.R.S.C., F.R.S. After earning his doctorate he took a Doctor of Science, honoris causa position as Assistant Professor at Trent Dr. David William Schindler is a scientist University in Peterborough, Ontario. In known internationally as a leader in 1968, he was made founding project protecting freshwater resources here in leader of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada and around the world. Canada’s Experimental Lakes Project and began innovative large-scale experiments His research on the environmental effects that would reveal serious changes taking of pollutants and climate change have place in Canada’s lakes. shaped freshwater management policies, including the regulation of nutrients and Dr. Schindler has received numerous addressing acid rain in North America and prestigious international awards including Europe. the first Stockholm Water Prize, the Volvo International Environmental Dr. Schindler earned a degree in zoology Distinction for Innovation in Science and Prize, the Tyler Prize for Environmental from North Dakota State University in the Killam Prize from the Canada Council Achievement, and the G.E. Hutchinson 1962 then studied aquatic ecology at for the Arts. Medal of the American Society of Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar. Limnology and Oceanography. He is an Officer of the Order of Canada, Working under Charles Sutherland a Fellow of the Royal Societies of Elton—one of the founders of ecology and He has also received several national founder of Oxford University’s Bureau of awards, including Canada’s highest Canada and London, a foreign fellow of Animal Population—Dr. Schindler began honour for Science and Engineering, the the Swedish Academy of Engineering formulating an interdisciplinary ecosystem Gerhard Herzberg Gold Medal of Science Sciences, and a member of the U. S. approach to limnology and ecology. and Engineering, the Manning Award of National Academy of Sciences.

ROBERTA LYNN BONDAR, O.C., medicine. For more than a decade she F.R.C.P.C., F.R.S.C. headed an international research team Doctor of Science, honoris causa studying the effects on astronauts of As an astronaut aboard NASA’s Space spaceflight and re-adaptation back to Shuttle Discovery in 1992, Dr. Roberta Earth’s gravity. Lynn Bondar orbited Earth 129 times in One of the most academically eight days and travelled more than 4.7 distinguished astronauts to have flown million kilometers. During that mission, in space, Dr. Bondar is also an acclaimed she conducted over 40 investigations from photographer of the environment whose 13 countries, including Space Physiology in-flight role as part of NASA’s Earth Experiments from UBC, and made history Observation Team included photographing as the first Canadian female astronaut and planet Earth. the world’s first neurologist in space. She is the author of three best-selling experimental pathology at the University Dr. Bondar has inspired generations photo essay books featuring her of Western Ontario before earning a of future scientists, doctors, teachers photography of the surface of Earth, and Ph.D. in neurobiology from the University and people who dare to dream, train her photographic works are in private, of Toronto, and an M.D. from McMaster and achieve great things. She is a corporate and institutional collections in University. creative thinker, physician and scientist, Canada, the United States and England. photographer and author, environmental She co-founded The Roberta Bondar An Officer of the Order of Canada and interpreter, an educator and pioneering Foundation, a not-for-profit charitable holder of the NASA Space Medal, Dr. astronaut, and a truly “passionate organization, to reconnect us to the Bondar was inducted into the International Earthling.” natural environment. Women’s Forum Hall of Fame and A Canadian board-certified neurologist Dr. Bondar was born in Sault Sainte Canadian Medical Hall of Fame for her with a subspecialty in neuro- Marie, Ontario, and studied zoology and research. She is also a fellow of both the ophthalmology, Dr. Bondar has made agriculture at the University of Guelph. Royal Society of Canada and the Royal ground-breaking discoveries in space She completed a Master of Science in College of Physicians and Surgeons.


The Teaching Excellence and Innovation Awards recognize outstanding faculty members for their achievements in innovation, engagement and dedication to teaching excellence.

The successful award winners are exemplary role models who have had, and will continue to have, a significant impact on the culture of teaching and learning on the Okanagan campus and beyond.

Dr. Zachary Walsh Dr. Mary Ann Murphy Associate Professor, Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Associate Professor of Sociology in the Irving K. Barber School of Dr. Zachary Walsh receives outstanding evaluations from peers Arts and Sciences and Social Work in the Faculty of Health and and students, and is known as an innovator in teaching and Social Development learning who promotes student-centred experiential learning Dr. Mary Ann Murphy is an innovator of curriculum and opportunities both in coursework and in his role as a mentor. community engagement focused on the mutual benefits of community partners and students. Indeed, she is a pioneer He is one of the primary mentors and supervisors for clinical for this campus, developing one of the first UBC Okanagan psychology graduate students, and supervises a variety of community service learning projects in 2006—and in the decade practica placements in the community. since then, she has gone on to supervise another 35 projects. The connections he has established—through what one She created and taught the first aging specialization in a colleague described as “frankly, tireless effort”—have created Canadian school of social work. Her teaching emphasizes critical opportunities for students to gain real-world experience with thinking and inquiry-based learning. From this, a novel social many organizations and programs including: School District 23, change curriculum has emerged in sociology, which places an the RCMP, the Canadian Mental Health Association, the Bridge emphasis on human rights, global aging and global citizenship. Family Centre, Elizabeth Fry Society, the Kelowna Community Justice Project, the Prostitution Offender Project, and the John Students praise her dedication, organization and commitment Howard Restorative Justice Program. to creating inter-generational classroom experiences in which 17-year-olds and people in their 80s learn together and from one A researcher with extensive experience in a variety of fields, Dr. another. Walsh is a mentor in the Canadian Institutes for Health Research IMPART fellowship for interdisciplinary addictions research She now teaches Sociology 480 – Aging, Diversity and Inequality, training, and created the increasingly popular third-year Drugs with an approach that embraces UBC’s commitment to fostering and Behaviour course. global awareness for students, faculty and our local and wider communities. A respected teacher, an inspiring mentor, a connecting force and an innovator in his field, Dr. Walsh consistently demonstrates the Dr. Muphy’s deep commitment to students young and old—and strengths recognized by this award. her commitment to multiple communities in and outside the university—are recognized through this award.


Recipients of medals are notified in writing HEADS OF GRADUATING CLASS by the Student Financial Assistance and Governor-General’s Gold Medal Awards office concerning procedures for Abu Hena Billah receipt of medals. University of B.C. Medal in Arts Jessica Bella

University of B.C. Medal in Education Mark Wells University of B.C. Medal in Engineering Logan Terry

University of B.C. Medal in Fine Arts Emily MacMillen

University of B.C. Medal in Human Kinetics Kailey Owens

University of B.C. Medal in Management Enyuan Chen

University of B.C. Medal in Nursing Kathryn Reese

University of B.C. Medal in Science Brett Lukens



11:00 a.m. Health and Social Development Ph.D., M.A., M.Sc., M.S.N., M.S.W., B.H.K., B.S.N. The Processions and Program of Ceremony (see page 20) Graduating Students (see page 21)

1:30 p.m. Education M.A., M.Ed., B.Ed. (Elementary Program), B.Ed. (Secondary Program) Management M.A., B.Mgt. The Processions and Program of Ceremony (see page 23) Graduating Students (see page 24)

4:00 p.m. Creative and Critical Studies Ph.D., M.A., M.F.A., B.A., B.F.A. Applied Sciences (School of Engineering) Ph.D., M.A.Sc., M.Eng., M.Sc., B.A.Sc. Honorary Degree Recipient: Roberta Bondar The Processions and Program of Ceremony (see page 26) Graduating Students (see page 27)

FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 2016

8:30 a.m. Arts and Sciences (Sciences) Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Sc. Honorary Degree Recipient: David Schindler The Processions and Program of Ceremony (see page 30) Graduating Students (see page 31)

11:00 a.m. Arts and Sciences (Arts) Ph.D., M.A., B.A. The Processions and Program of Ceremony (see page 34) Graduating Students (see page 35)


THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2016 11:00 AM

THE PROCESSIONS THE PROGRAM Graduation lists as shown in this program were prepared two weeks before Graduation and may therefore not be completely correct—the names of University Marshal O Canada some graduates may be missing. Nancy Hermiston, O.C. Professor, Opera Okanagan Song

Procession of Graduating Students Moment of Reflection (Ph.D.) Address Procession of Graduating Students Lindsay Gordon Chancellor Senior Marshal Suzanne Nazareno, B.G.S., M.Ed. (Br.Col.) Remarks Manager, Conference Operations Martha C. Piper, O.C., O.B.C. Head Marshal President and Vice-Chancellor Jessie Ravnsborg, B.A. (Br.Col.) Development and Alumni Engagement Deborah Buszard Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal Marshals Derek Como Mark Williamson Associate Advisor, Academic Advising Member, Graduating Class

Anthony Dodds, B.A. (Br.Col.) Presentation of the Advisor, Student Recruitment Award for Teaching and Advising Excellence and Innovation to Mary Ann Murphy Procession of Faculty

Marshal Conferring of Degrees in Course Greg Wetterstrand, B.Ed., B.F.A., The Chancellor M.Ed., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Education Closing Remarks Deborah Buszard Chancellor’s Procession and Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal Chancellor’s Party Reception Following the Ceremony Acting Registrar Fred Vogt, B.Sc. Deputy Registrar

Macebearer and Marshal Carole Robinson, B.Sc., B.S.N., M.S.N. (Br.Col.), Ph.D. Professor, School of Nursing

Alumni Representatives Randall Fairey, B.Sc., M.D. Roz Huber, B.H.K.


THE DEGREE OF THE DEGREE OF Optland, Claire Elizabeth, B.S.W., Goundar, Ashwini, Surrey, BC Westbank, BC DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY MASTER OF SCIENCE IN Greczmiel, Karly, Richmond, BC Ridley, Naomi Patricia Laura, B.Sc. (Hons), Gregoraschuk, Mackenzie, Calgary, AB NURSING Victoria, BC Acting Dean Thomas Heilke Grewal, Didar, Surrey, BC Rogers, Courtney, B.S.W., Kelowna, BC College of Graduate Studies Acting Dean Thomas Heilke Gula, Alexander, Oakville, ON Rosal, Assunta Maria, B.A., B.S.W., College of Graduate Studies Lake Country, BC Hackett, Heather, Castlegar, BC Dean Gordon Binsted Russell, Terri-Lynn, B.S.W., Kelowna, BC Halls-Springob, Orson, Naramata, BC Faculty of Health and Social Dean Gordon Binsted Sidhu, Harjot Kaur, B.A., Abbotsford, BC Hayman, Rebecca, Brentwood Bay, BC Development Faculty of Health and Social Stickle, Gabrielle Lauren, B.Sc., Henderson, Wesley, Salmon Arm, BC Development Lacombe, AB Herd, Courtney, Salmon Arm, BC Reader: Paul van Donkelaar, Director Thompson, Suzanne, B.A., M.P.H., Hindley, Kennedy, Vancouver, BC Shahram, Sana, B.A., B.Sc., M.P.H., In Reader: Manuela Reekie, Instructor Kelowna, BC Interdisciplinary Studies Hoeller, Rocco, Kelowna, BC Cresswell, Martha Arlene, B.S.N., Verenca, Oliver James, B.A. (Hons), Hoogveld, Matthew, Richmond, BC Smirl, Jonathan David, B.Sc., M.Sc., Kelowna, BC Kamloops, BC Kelowna, BC, In Interdisciplinary Studies Howes, Paige, Kelowna, BC Dyck, Clara, B.Sc.N., Armstrong, BC Walsh, Justin Lyle, B.S.W. Smith, Kurt Jason, M.Sc., Lethbridge, AB, Folk, Kristy Lee Patricia, B.S.N., Hrynyk, Brianne, Okanagan Falls, BC In Interdisciplinary Studies Wilkinson, Marissa, B.H.Sc. Kelowna, BC Hsieh, Shirley, Kelowna, BC Riggs, Stormee Dawn, B.S.N., Kelowna, BC Huang, Yu Hua, Salmon Arm, BC THE DEGREE OF Snook, Sky, B.S.N., Lumby, BC THE DEGREE OF Hulstein, Katya MASTER OF ARTS Wensink, Lisa Rachel, B.Sc.N., BACHELOR OF HUMAN Hunerfauth, Katelyn, Calgary, AB Kelowna, BC KINETICS Hutchison, Kristie, Kelowna, BC Acting Dean Thomas Heilke Zerr, Janelle Renee, B.Sc.N., Kelowna, BC Jones, Kailin, Kelowna, BC College of Graduate Studies Dean Gordon Binsted Judas, Clayton, Surrey, BC THE DEGREE OF Faculty of Health and Social Kaczmarek, Juliet, Kelowna, BC Dean Gordon Binsted MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK Development Kadin, Jill, Kelowna, BC Faculty of Health and Social Reader: Paul van Donkelaar, Director Kamela, Martyna Dorota, Surrey, BC Development Acting Dean Thomas Heilke Kannan, Keeland, Kelowna, BC Amyotte-McCutcheon, Kennedy, Reader: Paul van Donkelaar, Director College of Graduate Studies Calgary, AB Kearns, Hannah Keen, Lauren, Kelowna, BC Cote-Marcil, Camille, B.B.A., Vancouver, Arcalean, Alexandra, Whistler, BC BC, In Interdisciplinary Studies Dean Gordon Binsted Bahia, Prabhchaten, Calgary, AB Kennedy, Anna, Saskatoon, SK Faculty of Health and Social Bateman, Jessica Khakh, Balraj, Williams Lake, BC Development THE DEGREE OF Baxter, Brianna, Kelowna, BC Komarynsky, Kara, Edmonton, AB Beamish, Brianna Kouwenhoven, Jeffrey Thomas, MASTER OF SCIENCE Reader: Judy Gillespie, Director pro tem Kelowna, BC Bergen, Aleksandr Barnhart, Leslie Cailyn, B.H.K., Calgary, AB Kuzyk, Samantha Lauren, Calgary, AB Acting Dean Thomas Heilke Biggs, Samuel, Calgary, AB Bateman, Selena, B.A. (Hons), B.S.W., Lam, Jordan, Chilliwack, BC Ottawa, ON Blackburne, Michelle, West Kelowna, BC College of Graduate Studies Lau, Timothy, Burnaby, BC Bauer, Kimberley Clara, B.S.W., Bland, Kolby, Calgary, AB Laurie, Megan, Kelowna, BC Dean Gordon Binsted Kelowna, BC Blennerhassett, Corbie, Kelowna, BC Lindsey, Claire, Whitehorse, YT Faculty of Health and Social Bergeron, Vanessa Dawn, B.S.W., Blettinger, Markus Regina, SK Lloyd, Amybelle, Kelowna, BC Development Boudreau, Robyn, Salmon Arm, BC Brkich, Mandy, B.A., Calgary, AB Louie, Jonathan, Burnaby, BC Bouliane, Kevin, Surrey, BC Carino, Leandra, B.Soc.Sc. (Hons), Lowing, Andrea, Yellowknife, NT Reader: Paul van Donkelaar, Director Boyer, Justine, Kelowna, BC Ottawa, ON Lundy, Jasmin, Salt Spring Island, BC Arefin, Sharmin, M.B.B.S., Kelowna, BC, In Brown, Courtney Victoria, Oakville, ON Interdisciplinary Studies Chu, Jane MacKenzie, Jaydyn, Kelowna, BC Brown, Holly, Winnipeg, MB Bourns, Karen, B.Sc. (Hons), In Church, Susannah Elizabeth, B.A., Mak, Grace, Richmond, BC Interdisciplinary Studies Toronto, ON Bryant, Katelyn, Victoria, BC Mann, Emilie, Fernie, BC Cheyne, William Spencer, B.H.K., Chursinoff, Louise Rose, B.S.N. Buat, Aaron, Kelowna, BC Martyna, Brett, Kelowna, BC Kelowna, BC, In Interdisciplinary Studies Ciolli, Michelle Nicole, B.S.W., Butterfield, Sarah, Delta, BC Marzinzik, Paige, Kelowna, BC Gabelhouse, Jacqueline, B.Sc., Kelowna, Westbank, BC Calder, Nathaniel, Waterloo, ON Mayer, Kiara, Kelowna, BC BC, In Interdisciplinary Studies Clarkson, Jazmin Hope, B.A. (Hons), Candelario, Taylor, Honolulu, Harper, Megan Ivy Michelle, B.H.K., Bolton, ON United States McCuaig, Sarah Brittany, Coquitlam, BC Kelowna, BC, In Interdisciplinary Studies Davison, Tracy Suzanne, B.S.W., Canones, Jesse Lail, Surrey, BC McLeod, Maggie, Kamloops, BC Kamloops, BC Hoiland, Ryan Leo, B.H.K., Kelowna, BC, In Carvalho, Daniel, Surrey, BC McNulty, Jonathan, West Kelowna, BC Interdisciplinary Studies Elliott, Alysia Nicole, B.A., Charlton, Madison, Langley, BC Menin, Chantelle, Trail, BC Larocque, Kaylee Agnes, B.H.K., Lumby, West Kelowna, BC BC, In Interdisciplinary Studies Enders, Mine, B.Sc., M.Sc., Kelowna, BC Cheema, Tejinder, Merritt, BC Missellbrook, Kieran, Prince George, BC Lizu, Afruna, M.B.B.S., Dhaka, Bangladesh, Guy, Nancy Rita, B.A. (Hons), B.S.W., Cheyne, Jordan, Belleville, ON Morey, Tyler, Delta, BC In Interdisciplinary Studies Corner Brook, NL Choi, HyunSik, Vancouver, BC Morris, Mariah, Robson, BC Robinson, Emily Rebecca, B.Sc., B.Ph.Ed., Handelsman, Leanne Helene, B.A. (Hons), Clark, Courtney, Kelowna, BC Mosdell, Haley, Nelson, BC Kelowna, BC, In Interdisciplinary Studies Delta, BC Collins, Kascha, Prince George, BC Nijjar, Rajvinder Simpson, Carey Lynn, B.H.K., Kelowna, BC, Hiebert, Tannis Marie, B.A., B.S.W., Cooper, Cody, Vernon, BC Nilson, Kent, Yellowknife, NT In Interdisciplinary Studies Summerland, BC Cotter, Charlotte, Nepean, ON Nosek, Lisa, Mississauga, ON Tremblay, Joshua, B.Sc., Kanata, ON, In Kathuria, Parul, Kelowna, BC Interdisciplinary Studies Delorme, Eric, Peterborough, ON O’Malley, Trevor, Vancouver, BC King, Nicola Kathleen, B.S.W., Kelowna, Tymko, Michael, B.Sc., Calgary, AB, In BC Ellis, Logan, Calgary, AB Ohama, Emiko, Kamloops, BC Interdisciplinary Studies Kraft, Amanda Marie, B.A.H., Kelowna, BC Elphick, Brooke, Delta, BC Oswald, Jon, Winfield, BC Voth, Elizabeth Christine, B.Ph.Ed. (Hons), Lawrance, Kristen Jane, B.Kin., Yorkton, Erickson, Jacqueline, Coldstream, BC Oud, Christopher, Lacombe, AB Eden, ON, In Interdisciplinary Studies SK Evans-Atkinson, Emma, Vancouver, BC Owens, Kailey, Regina, SK Yacyshyn, Alexandra, B.Sc., In Lukianiuk, Tania Danielle, B.A., Vernon, BC Interdisciplinary Studies Ferreira, Rebecca, Calgary, AB Papadopoulos, Kaitlin, Ancaster, ON Mlynczak, Colleen Frances, B.A., Geertsma, Kyler, Telkwa, BC Pelton, Rockford, Dorchester, ON Calgary, AB Gionet, Alison Pretorius, Marissa, Penticton, BC Morin, Cathie, B.Sc. Goddard, Nicole, Port Coquitlam, BC Purpur, Jason, Kamloops, BC


Reilander, Sarah, Calgary, AB THE DEGREE OF Lazzarotto, Lia, New Hazelton, BC Worsfold, Jasmine, Kelowna, BC Rittinger, Makayla, North Vancouver, BC BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Lee, Joanne, Okanagan Falls, BC Wright, Tessa, Weyburn, SK Roberts, Meghan, Squamish, BC NURSING Lee, Sewon, Busan, Korea, South Zaporzan, Montana, Kelowna, BC Rutherford, Ellen, Summerland, BC Lindsey, Emma, Caledon, ON Sawatzky, Amadew Dean Gordon Binsted Lisson-Smith, Holly, Rock Creek, BC Schock, Gunnar Faculty of Health and Social Long, Robin Elizabeth, Coldstream, BC Schoenherr, Cheyenne, Kelowna, BC Development Macauley, Mara, North Vancouver, BC Seitz, Emilie Morgan, Calgary, AB Macdonald, Shannon, Whistler, BC Shank, Jena, Calgary, AB Reader: Manuela Reekie, Instructor Maddaford, Laura, Kelowna, BC Shrimpton, Harrison, Whistler, BC Agar, Jordan, Kelowna, BC Mann, Sandev, Osoyoos, BC Smith, Sarah Desirae, Kelowna, BC Albrecht, Marlee, Kelowna, BC Martin, Julia, West Vancouver, BC Soor, Tanbir, Vancouver, BC Arduini, Bailey, Kamloops, BC May, Laura, Vancouver, BC Sparrow, Scott Barg, Michelle, Kelowna, BC McCarthy, Kyle, Calgary, AB Stadnyk, Chelsea, Salmon Arm, BC Bencsik, Elizabeth, West Kelowna , BC McCutchan, Chelsea, Penticton, BC Stewart, Serene, Houston, BC Bergen, Jessica, White Rock, BC McDonald, Kelsey, White Rock, BC Tatchell, Michael, Kelowna, BC Booth, Kristin, Streamstown, AB McLaren, Jocelyn, Winnipeg, MB Tavares, Jazzmin, Kelowna, BC Boulter, Jamie, Kelowna, BC McLeod, Patricia, Dawson City, YT Torontow, Alexa, Edmonton, AB Bourque, Morgan, Delta, BC Menzies, Yeiko, Salmon Arm, BC Toxopeus, Renee, Vancouver, BC Buchsbaum, Sarah Alexandra, Muss, Hayley, Kelowna, BC Richmond, BC Tozzi, Giuseppe, Vancouver, BC Mutschmann, Anna, Kelowna, BC Bunbury, Paige, Sechelt, BC Tran, Karen, Calgary, AB Nadeau, Jessica, Surrey, BC Campbell, Laura, West Kelowna, BC Underwood, Lisa, Invermere, BC Nash, Alexandra Champagne, Veronica, Kelowna, BC van den Brink, Austin Neal, Chilliwack, BC Noiles, Michelle, Kelowna, BC Cianfagna, Mark, Fergus, ON Webber, Jaquelyn, Kamloops, BC Nurkowski, Michelle, Calgary, AB Clayton, Sean, B.Sc., Comox, BC Welykholowa, Kaylie, Calgary, AB Ogloff, Sanaya, Yellowhead County, AB Cluett, Victoria, Calgary, AB Wentzel, Annelies, Kelowna, BC Ollivier, Rachel, Calgary, AB Collier, Amanda, Kelowna, BC Wiemer, Maria, Kelowna, BC Pankow, Courtney, Kelowna, BC Dalgleish, Dana, Kelowna, BC Williams, Graham, Coldstream, BC Park, Na Young, Burnaby, BC Daviduck, Emilee, Kelowna, BC Wilson, Ian, Kelowna, BC Parr, Hailey, Vernon, BC De Alba, Maritza, Kelowna, BC Yap, Victor, Kelowna, BC Phemister, Madison, Surrey, BC Deslippe, Janeva, Calgary, AB Yeates, Sophie, Victoria, BC Potts, Kirsten, Kelowna, BC Desrochers, Lauren, North Vancouver, BC Yelland, Michelle, West Kelowna, BC Reese, Kathryn, B.A., Kelowna, BC Dhaliwal, Harjot, Surrey, BC Yiu, Samuel Retzer, Adam, Kelowna, BC Dick, Rachel, Abbotsford, BC Riddell, Jean BACHELOR OF HUMAN KINETICS Dykstra, Jillian Alexis, Kelowna, BC Russo, Eric, Kelowna, BC MINOR IN ARTS Elliott, Nicole, Kelowna, BC Sand, Alyssa, McLaughlin, AB Blair, Alyssa, Salmon Arm, BC Estrada, Alyssa, Burnaby, BC Schon, Myrte, Langley, BC Blanchard, Dannielle, Lloydminster, AB Flores, Russell, Vancouver, BC Semeschuk, Keyara, Prince Rupert, BC Chang, Ifan, North Vancouver, BC Ford, Taylor, Penticton, BC Shannon, Melanie, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC Davidson, Amy, Trail, BC Fraser, Talia Celine, Victoria, BC Sharma, Priya, Kelowna, BC Drinnan, Jaimie, Kelowna, BC Fu-Sun, Stephanie, San Francisco, United Sian, Priya, Surrey, BC Fox, Ameilia Isadora, Kelowna, BC States Siewert, Julianne, Rock Creek, BC Graham, Emma, Merritt, BC Girard, Jacklynne, Oakville, ON Smith, Jessica, West Vancouver, BC Ing, Darren Mark K, Calgary, AB Gollner, Kayla, Langley, BC Soon, Nathalie, B.A., Kelowna, BC Johnstone, Dylan, Kelowna, BC Gomes, Noella, Kelowna, BC Sousa, Camilla Kuresh, Rebecca, Calgary, AB Gordon, Cheryl, Vernon, BC Stancec, Megan, Westbank, BC McCallum, Brandon, Yorkton, SK Hameluck, Melanie, Coquitlam, BC Standcumbe, Amy, Kelowna, BC Parrill, Sophia, Vancouver, BC Hillier, Stephanie, Kelowna, BC Stewart, Matthew, Kelowna, BC Peters, Anita Hillman, Dawn, Cloverdale , BC Stickley, Tannille Dawn, Kelowna, BC Price, Ryley, Burnaby, BC Hogan, Just, B.Min., Kelowna, BC Strother, Haley, Kelowna, BC, Gitxsan Thibert, Ali, Westbank, BC Hol, Dionne, Summerland, BC First Nation Trotman, Megan, Delta, BC Holyk, Melissa, Vancouver, BC Swaisland, Megan, Kelowna, BC Wylie, Evan, Vernon, BC Hooley, Lana, Surrey, BC Swaney, Kimberley, Penticton, BC Horth, Mairi, Ladysmith, BC BACHELOR OF HUMAN KINETICS Swanson, Brittany, Edmonton, AB Hubbard, Russell, Kelowna, BC MINOR IN SCIENCE Tam, Victoria, Burnaby, BC Illerbrun, Sydney D’Amato, Teagan Melissa, Tapay, Gillian, Abbotsford, BC Irwin, Katharine, Calgary, AB West Kelowna, BC Tearoe, Judy, Kelowna, BC Jaswal, Harjeevan, Coldstream, BC Thur, Gurpreet, West Kelowna, BC Johaneson, Jasmine, Vernon, BC Towert, Jamie, Roberts Creek, BC Johnson, Carolyn Aleen, Penticton, BC Townsend, Stephanie, Castlegar, BC Jonas, Rayane, Kelowna, BC Uppal, Mandeep, Abbotsford, BC Jones, Abigail, Vernon, BC Van Sickle, Jillian, Simcoe, ON Kandola, Akamdeep, Kelowna, BC Watt, Brooklyn, Kelowna, BC Kirschner, Micayla, Kelowna, BC Welch, Lisa Kovacs, Sarah, Kelowna, BC Werkema, Cassandra Danielle, Lai, Sherry, Kelowna, BC Woodstock, ON Laskey, Christina, Whitby, ON Williamson, Mark, Kelowna, BC


THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2016 1:30 PM

THE PROCESSIONS THE PROGRAM Graduation lists as shown in this program were prepared two weeks before Graduation and may therefore not be completely correct—the names of University Marshal O Canada some graduates may be missing. Nancy Hermiston, O.C. Professor, Opera Moment of Reflection

Procession of Graduating Students Address Lindsay Gordon Senior Marshal Chancellor Anthony Dodds, B.A. (Br.Col.) Advisor, Student Recruitment Remarks and Advising Martha C. Piper, O.C., O.B.C. Head Marshal President and Vice-Chancellor Debbie Harding, M.Ed. (Br.Col.) Conference Sales and Services Manager Deborah Buszard Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal Marshals Michelle Lowton, B.S.W. (Br.Col.), Brandon Novak M.S.W. (Br.Col.) Member, Graduating Class Director, Student Development and Advising

Conferring of Degrees in Course Sherry Petkau The Chancellor Executive Assistant, AVP Students

Closing Remarks Procession of Faculty Deborah Buszard Marshal Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal Greg Wetterstrand, B.Ed., B.F.A., M.Ed., Ph.D. Reception Following the Ceremony Associate Professor of Education

Chancellor’s Procession and Chancellor’s Party

Registrar Kate Ross, B.A., M.A., Ed.D. Associate Vice-President and Registrar

Macebearer and Marshal Margaret Latta, B.Ed., M.A., Ph.D. Director of Graduate Programs and Director of The Centre for Mindful Engagement

Alumni Representatives William Dunsmore, M.Ed. Daniel Daniluck, B.Sc., M.M., B.Ed.


THE DEGREE OF Shore, Jenna Dolores, B.A., B.Ed., Sandhar, Rupinder Kaur, B.A., Kelowna, BC Spare, Danielle Kay, B.A., Vernon, BC Lake Country, BC MASTER OF ARTS Sawyer, Hillary, Penticton, BC Trickey, William, B.A., B.Ed., Vernon, BC Spoklie, Jennifer, Chetwynd, BC Stewart, Alannah Jean, B.A., Fort St John, BC Acting Dean Thomas Heilke Turnbull, Boyd Robert, B.Ed., Osoyoos, BC Sproule, Brianna, B.A., Kelowna, BC Wandeler, Kenneth John, B.Ed. Throop, Rachel Marie, B.A., College of Graduate Studies Summerland, Julie, Westbank, BC Crescent Valley, BC Summers, Morgan, Kelowna, BC Turner, Katelyn, B.A., Salmon Arm, BC Dean pro tem Gordon Binsted THE DEGREE OF Suurallik, Jessica Lauren, B.F.A., Van Dalfsen, Kathleen, B.A., Enderby, BC Faculty of Education BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Canmore, AB Talbot, Laura Patricia, B.A., Kelowna, BC MATH-SCIENCE EDUCATION Reader: Wendy Klassen, Associate Tetrault, Jenelle, Revelstoke, BC SPECIALTY Professor Dean pro tem Gordon Binsted Thind, Anita, Abbotsford, BC Bryant, Janessa Lauralynn, B.Sc., Draper, Rhonda, B.A., Kelowna, BC, In Faculty of Education Kelowna, BC Tribe, Ellen, Penticton, BC Education Gagné, Marc-Antoine Joseph, Reader: Wendy Klassen, Associate Turanski, Amanda, Coldstream, BC Marshall-Peer, Desiree, B.Sc., Salmon Professor Orleans, ON Arm, BC, Cree-Ojibway Metis, In Vautour, Matthew, Kelowna, BC Hampton, Umi, B.Sc., Harrison Hot Education ELEMENTARY TEACHER Wellman, Stephanie Shayne, B.A., Springs, BC EDUCATION West Kelowna, BC Hardy, Danica, B.A., Vernon, BC THE DEGREE OF Archambault, Michael James, Wells, Mark, B.Mus., Westbank, BC Hegadoren, Paige, B.Sc., Penticton, BC Edmonton, AB Whittome, Amy Sue, B.A., Hill, Christian Michael, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC MASTER OF ARTS Lake Country, BC Arpin, Eric, Smithers, BC Hooper, Michael Quinn Roger, Acting Dean Thomas Heilke Bafaro, Margaret, Golden, BC SECONDARY TEACHER Kelowna, BC College of Graduate Studies Barker, Katie, B.A., Armstrong, BC EDUCATION Ilyin, Kyla Rayelle, B.Sc., Vernon, BC Barrett, Kristy, Kelowna, BC Kuchma, Anthony, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC FRENCH EDUCATION SPECIALTY Dean Roger Sugden Bergen, Lisa Emily Joy, B.A., Winfield, BC Kutzner, Katelyn, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC Albright, Kathryn, B.A., Kelowna, BC Faculty of Management Bouman, Curtis, A.A., Kelowna, BC Pistawka, Braeden, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC Boisvert, Marjorie, B.A., Vernon, BC Brett, Karin, Kelowna, BC Reum, Kathryn, B.Sc., Penticton, BC Reader: Barb Marcolin, Associate Brown, Catherine Morgan, B.A., Caron, Bailey Marie, B.A., Kelowna, BC Sandhu, India, B.Sc., Edmonton, AB Professor Kelowna, BC Chaddock, Addie, B.A., Salmon Arm, BC Johnson, Jennifer Ellen, B.A., Kelowna, BC Threatful, Andrea Robyn Doreen, B.A., Khan, Afsana, Kelowna, BC, In Revelstoke, BC Interdisciplinary Studies Chambers, Melissa Ann, B.A., Vernon, BC Mailhot, Kristen, B.A., Terrace, BC Verlinden, Rudi, B.Sc. Yue, Xiao Ping, B.Mgt., Los Angeles, Corbett, Holly, Kelowna, BC Squair, Colleen Jane, B.A., Lumby, BC United States, In Interdisciplinary Studies Derksen, Emily, Kelowna, BC Wilson, Shaylene, B.Sc., 150 Mile House, BC Desai, Chaitali, B.Sc. (Hons), Kelowna, BC HUMANITIES, SOCIALS-ENGLISH EDUCATION SPECIALTY THE DEGREE OF Duperreault, Nicole, West Kelowna, BC MIDDLE SCHOOL EDUCATION Auringer, Joseph, B.A., Westbank, BC SPECIALTY MASTER OF EDUCATION Fode, Sydney, Kelowna, BC Groen, Rachel Elizabeth, B.A., Calgary, AB Balfour, David, B.A. MacLachlan, Eric Jordan, B.A., Coldstream, BC Acting Dean Thomas Heilke Gross, Emily, Kelowna, BC Bass, Jarrett, B.A., Kelowna, BC Bell, Kory Curtis, B.A., Fort St John, BC McLean, Erin, B.A., Trail, BC College of Graduate Studies Harris-Goodall, Alison, Kelowna, BC Benade, Richard Darren, B.A., Myatovic, Nicholas Frank, B.A., Henault, Marley April Joan, B.A., Peachland, BC Dean pro tem Gordon Binsted Kelowna, BC Salmon Arm, BC Betts, Reid, B.A. Faculty of Education Holm, Kristi, Fruitvale, BC TRADES AND TECHNOLOGY Horn, Michelle, Calgary, AB Bond, Chelsie Rae Yvonne, B.A., EDUCATION SPECIALTY Victoria, BC Reader: Wendy Klassen, Associate Hoy, Alisha, Vernon, BC Flegg, Connor Aidan, Calgary, AB Professor Boomer, Tristan Adriel, B.A. Johnston, Kaitlyn, Kelowna, BC Liefke, Kenneth, Vernon, BC Chn, Vania, B.Sc., B.C.S., Kelowna, BC Cail, Ashley Michele, B.A. (Hons), M.A., Keating, Sylvia, Winfield, BC Williams Lake, BC MacFadden, Ryan, Kelowna, BC Clark, Mary Evelyn, B.Sc. (Hons), B.Ed., Krastel, Nicole, Lake Country, BC Morgan, Christopher, Westbank, BC Kelowna, BC Cernak, Tyler, West Kelowna, BC Kyle, Chanel, Kelowna, BC Ross, James Louis, East Gwillumbury, ON Cloutier, Chantalle, B.Ed., Vernon, BC Edwards, Mitchell Harold, Quesnel, BC Mackenzie, Georgia, B.A., Banff, AB Stewart, Keith Braden, Quesnel, BC Detjen, Jennifer Alexis, B.Ed., Okanagan Farrell, David, B.A., Calgary, AB Centre, BC McPhail, Kelsey Marie Ann, B.A., Filipenko, Kathy, B.A., Vernon, BC Underwood, Colin David, Kelowna, BC West Kelowna, BC Driscoll, Shane Edward, B.Sc., B.Ed., Ganzini, Kirsty Robyn, B.A., Trail, BC Mclaughlin, Melissa, B.A., Kelowna, BC Kelowna, BC Golestani, Samantha, B.A., North Dunsmore, Danielle, B.A., B.Ed., Mehrle, Katlen, Cranbrook, BC Vancouver, BC THE DEGREE OF Vernon, BC Mercier, Simone Elizabeth, B.A. Grant, Brennan Ray, B.A., Kelowna, BC BACHELOR OF Fitton, Jeffrey, B.A., Penticton, BC Miller, Ashleigh Rose, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC Haberstock, Jodie, B.A., Vernon, BC MANAGEMENT Godard, Karyn Diann, B.A., B.Ed., Milton, Lara, Sicamous, BC Ihaksi, Jamie Douglas, B.A., Vernon, BC Vernon, BC Monz, Jade, Kelowna, BC Johal, Sonali Dean Roger Sugden Hemingway, Diane, B.A.A., B.Ed., Kelowna, BC Mooney, Brianne, Vernon, BC Luccisano, Michael, B.A. Faculty of Management Lea, Stacey May, B.A., B.Ed., Kelowna, BC Muggli, Nina, Kelowna, BC Luehr, Geoffrey Michael, B.A., Kelowna, BC Reader: Barb Marcolin, Associate Lee, Jonathan Hin Shun, B.A., Delta, BC Mulligan, Christine, B.A. (Hons) Macdonald, Rebecca Joyce, B.A., Professor McIntyre, Kevin James, B.Ed., Vernon, BC Nagy, Agnes, B.A., Kelowna, BC Penticton, BC Acres, Noel, Kelowna, BC McRae, Maynard, B.Sc., B.Ed., Syilx Overholt, Roberta Jane, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC Marchant, Cheyenne Nicole, B.A., Albo, Morgan, Trail, BC Molnar, Breanne, B.A., B.Ed., Trail, BC Summerland, BC Pettifor, Cole Patrick, B.A., Kelowna, BC Almessery, Omar, Cairo, Egypt Peek-Philpott, Jason Matthew, B.A., B.Ed. Mervyn, Tiffany Rita, B.A., Princeton, BC Pettifor, Vanessa Marlene, B.A., Anderson, Megan, Kelowna, BC Pham, Nam, B.A., B.Ed., Penticton, BC Obrenu Yamoah, Yaw, B.A., Kelowna, BC Kelowna, BC Ballingall, Alexander, Kelowna, BC Ragimova, Lala, B.Arch., Moscow, Obrigewitsch, Christian, B.A. Poole, Kathryn, Okanagan Falls, BC Barr, Austin, North Vancouver, BC Russian Federation Rosnau, Lucas, B.A., M.A., Fairmont Hot Powls, Paige, B.A., Vernon, BC Bateman, Stephanie, Kelowna, BC Santucci, Cara, B.Sc., B.Ed., Kelowna, BC Springs, BC Rigby, Samantha, Castlegar, BC Beaton, Paul, Burnaby, BC Scorgie, Ryan James, B.A., B.Ed., Selkirk, Morgan, B.A., Kelowna, BC Robinson, Lindsey, Golden, BC Benedict, Carson, Kelowna, BC Kelowna, BC Soltys, Stephen John Paul, B.A., Setters, Graham, B.A., B.Ed., Penticton, BC Robison, Rebecca, Calgary, AB Burnaby, BC Beuerlein, Scott, Delta, BC Rodger, Evan, B.A.


Bhatia, Harvey, Kelowna, BC Miranda, Brendan, Waimea, United States MINOR IN ECONOMICS Bolshakova, Anna Mohseni, Parastou, North Vancouver, BC Bui, Linh, Hanoi, Viet Nam Bryant, Ryan, Calgary, AB Monkman, Paige Chan, Hoi Ieng, Macao Brydges, Tanner, Drayton Valley , AB Montgomery, Emily, Cochrane, AB Chan, Kevin Budwal, Gurjot Singh, Surrey, BC Mukhambetzhanov, Anuar Chan, Thomas Guan Wen, Vancouver, BC Cavalieri, Angelique, North Vancouver, BC Murphy, Kevin, Kelowna, BC Chi, Jiaqi, Vancouver, BC Charlton, Nicole, North Vancouver, BC Ndumu, Joe Chiang, Kuan-Lun, Kelowna, BC Chen, Enyuan, Guangzhou, China Nickel, Danielle, Kelowna, BC Ekaputra, Mohammad Mahardhika, Chew, Cameron, West Kelowna, BC Nordman, Sonja, Vancouver, BC Kelowna, BC Comerford, Andrea, Terrace, BC Novak, Brandon, Coquitlam, BC Huang, Xiaofan Corkill, Thomas Noy, Keren, Edmonton, AB Jones, Courtney, Kelowna, BC Curtiss, Bradley, North Vancouver, BC Orobko, Colby, Vernon, BC Li, Fanxi, Xiamen, China Dapavo, Julia, North Vancouver, BC Pallas, Anika, Kelowna, BC Lu, Yixin De Muszka, Jean-Christophe, Pandit, Snigdha Luo, Fanglin, Shanghai, China Montreal, QC Paulsen, Erik, Vernon, BC Luu, Ngoc Anh, Hanoi, Viet Nam Deering, Cassidy Percy, Matthew, Vancouver, BC Mutiso, Michael Dodds, Kirsten, Vernon, BC Petersohn, Karl, Sechelt, BC Nagpal, Anjali, Surrey, BC Doppelmayer, Skyler, Mililani, United Popova, Lolita, Moscow, Russian Ning, Nan, Vancouver, BC States Federation Patrick, Tyler, Vernon, BC Dover, Saskia, Edmonton, AB Pospiech, Jennifer, North Vancouver, BC Raza, Muhammad, Surrey, BC Downs, John, Salmon Arm, BC Qian, Yun Cheng Rekab, Samuel, Vancouver, BC Eisner, Maxwell, Kelowna, BC Ragual, Kei Nikka, Kelowna, BC Wang, Wenhao, Vancouver, BC Evans, Logan, Calgary, AB Reading, Meghan, Calgary, AB Wenas, Shira, Kelowna, BC Fiander, Darcy Ronald, Mark, Calgary, AB Wu, Yinxuan, Beijing, China Fitzpatrick, Dylan, Grand Forks, BC Rowe-Widney, Kelsey, Penticton, BC Yates, Davis, Kelowna, BC Fortier, Jessica, Hamilton, ON Russo, Dario Zhang, Yuxuan Frison, Trevor, Port Moody, BC Siddiqui, Aneeq Ahmed, Karachi, Pakistan Zhou, Xiaohan Fujimoto, Kazuya Sahota, Gurshon, Coquitlam, BC MINOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Gao, Shu Yuan Sai, Aung Win, Yangon, Myanmar Burns, Kevin, Winnipeg, MB Gaudet, Justin, Lake Country, BC Sangha, Nevin, West Vancouver, BC Dejonge, Tia, Kelowna, BC George, Kayla Schroeder, Clayton Denny, Brittany, Williams Lake, BC Ghose, Tarun, Pemberton, BC Scott, Kari, Halfmoon Bay, BC Ehteshami, Ardavan, West Vancouver, BC Gira, Emma Amelia Carol, Kelowna, BC Sentissi, Fatima-Zahra, Rabat, Morocco Fulcher, Jodie, Chilliwack, BC Gonzalez Garcia, Regina, SK Skrine, Ty, Kelowna, BC Gill, Sonia, Singapore Goswami, Aditya, Delta, BC Sohal, Balraj, Winfield, BC Jianto, Carolina, Jakarta, Indonesia Guan, Stephen, Vancouver, BC Sprague, Brendan McDonald, Taylor, Langley, BC Handy, Molly, Calgary, AB Stechyshyn, John, Calgary, AB Puchinger, Mika Hsu, Raphael, Vancouver, BC Steele, Griffin Ramage, Katelyn Huang, Po-Yu Stevenson, Colleen, Thunder Bay, ON Robertson, Rachel, North Vancouver, BC Hutchings, Matthew, Calgary, AB Sutanto, Claresta, Jakarta, Indonesia Schilles, Leonore, Kelowna, BC Kambhampati, Krishna Sindhuja, Sutherland, Colin, Dartmouth, NS Scott, Alexandra, Edmonton, AB Kenward, Kerri, Vernon, BC Taillefer, Patrick, Whistler, BC Snyder, Jennifer Khan, Sanjida Tan, Siqi, Shanghai, China Sun, Peng, Qingdao, China Ko, Ashley, North Vancouver, BC Tompkins, Matthew, Delta, BC Zhang, Fengyuan, Calgary, AB Kuhn, David, Kelowna, BC Van Tonder, Wian, Vancouver, BC Kuhn, Diana, Kelowna, BC Wambold, Tomas, Coldstream, BC Kuzemski, Jaclyn, Penticton, BC Wang, Min Hua, Vancouver, BC Larkin, Daniel, Kelowna, BC Wells, Courtney, Kelowna, BC Lee, Hsu Zen, Kelowna, BC Whicker, Thomas, Grand Cayman, Leung, Janice Hei Tung Cayman Islands Li, Gina, Vancouver, BC Wong, Aaron, Coquitlam, BC Li, Kira Wong, Mackenzie, Vancouver, BC Little, Alexander, North Vancouver, BC Xiao, Min Liu, Chang, Calgary, AB Xu, Lucas, Vancouver, BC Loring, Candice, Gitwangak Xu, Shaojie MacKichan, David, Calgary, AB Yau, Aaron, Richmond, BC Martin, John, Fort McMurray, AB Yen, Shih Jung, North Vancouver, BC Martinez Garcia, Daniel, Kelowna, BC Yip, Clarice, Hong Kong Matushewski, Connor, Saskatoon, SK Zeng, Zhaoyu, Vancouver, BC Maw, Jessica, Kelowna, BC Zhang, Qian, Beijing, China McCaffrey, Elizabeth, Coldstream, BC Zhang, Shizhe McCarthy, Jason, Stony Plain, AB Zhang, Zhi, Richmond, BC McDougall, Kira, North Vancouver, BC Zhong, WeiJie, Qiqihar, China McFarland, Andrew Jeffrey, Naramata, BC CO-OPERATIVE EDUCATION McIver, Nicholas, Quesnel, BC PROGRAM Mehrabkhani, Carmel, Kelowna, BC Andrews, Daniel, Kelowna, BC Miller, Michelle, Calgary, AB Rossi, Mark, Calgary, AB


THURSDAY JUNE 9, 2016 4:00 PM

THE PROCESSIONS THE PROGRAM Graduation lists as shown in this program were prepared two weeks before Graduation and may therefore not be completely correct—the names of University Marshal O Canada some graduates may be missing. Nancy Hermiston, O.C. Professor, Opera Moment of Reflection

Procession of Graduating Students Address (Ph.D.) Lindsay Gordon Chancellor Procession of Graduating Students Conferring of Honorary Senior Marshal Degree by the Chancellor Jessie Ravnsborg, B.A., (Br.Col.) The Degree Doctor of Science Development and Alumni Engagement Roberta Bondar, O.C., F.R.C.P.C., F.R.S.C. Head Marshal Anthony Dodds, B.A. (Br.Col.) Remarks Advisor, Student Recruitment Martha C. Piper, O.C., O.B.C. and Advising President and Vice-Chancellor

Marshals Deborah Buszard Debbie Harding, M.Ed. (Br.Col.) Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal Conference Sales and Services Manager

Alyssa Penner Michelle Lowton, B.S.W., M.S.W. Member, Graduating Class Director, Student Development and Advising Conferring of Degrees in Course The Chancellor Procession of Faculty

Marshal Presentation of the Greg Wetterstrand, B.Ed., B.F.A., M.Ed., Governor General’s Gold Medal Ph.D. Abu Hena Billah Associate Professor of Education Closing Remarks Chancellor’s Procession and Deborah Buszard Chancellor’s Party Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal

Registrar Reception Following the Ceremony Kate Ross, B.A., M.A., Ed.D. Associate Vice-President and Registrar

Macebearer and Marshal Yang Cao, B.Sc., M.A.Sc. (Br.Col.), Ph.D. (Br.Col.) Senior Instructor, Associate Director (Undergraduate Study)

Alumni Representatives Melissa McHugh, B.F.A. Dan Toolsie, B.Sc.


THE DEGREE OF THE DEGREE OF Karanam, Abhinav, B.E., Kharagpur, West Kadish, David C, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc, Bengal, India, In Mechanical Engineering Kelowna, BC, In Interdisciplinary Studies DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY MASTER OF ARTS Kumar, Vishank, B.Tech., Moradabad, Little, Ashley Johanna, B.F.A., In India, In Mechanical Engineering Interdisciplinary Studies Acting Dean Thomas Heilke Acting Dean Thomas Heilke Mahesh, Nivedita, B.E., Chennai, India, Martens, Rachel, B.F.A., Vernon, BC, College of Graduate Studies College of Graduate Studies In Mechanical Engineering In Interdisciplinary Studies Mohseni, Seyyed Mohammad, B.Sc., Nilsen, Emily Jayne, B.F.A., Nelson, BC, Dean Marc Parlange Dean pro tem Robert Eggleston In Mechanical Engineering In Interdisciplinary Studies Faculty of Applied Science Faculty of Creative and Critical Neykov, Vladimir, M.Sc., Kelowna, BC, Studies In Mechanical Engineering Associate Dean Rehan Sadiq Phillips, Ryan Kelly, B.A.Sc., Kelowna, BC, THE DEGREE OF Faculty of Applied Science Reader: Stephen Foster, Associate Dean In Mechanical Engineering MASTER OF SCIENCE Manuel, Alexa Berlynn, B.A., Merritt, BC, Sultana Mir, Samia, B.Sc., Dhaka, Reader: Mina Hoorfar, Director Syilx/St’at’imc, In English Bangladesh, In Mechanical Engineering Acting Dean Thomas Heilke Billah, Abu Hena, B.Sc., M.Sc., Burnaby, Mitton, Patricia Kelly, B.A., Kelowna, BC, Torres, Juan David, B.A.Sc., Maracaibo, College of Graduate Studies BC, In Civil Engineering In English Venezuela, In Mechanical Engineering Ebrahimi, Shelir , M.Sc., Iran, In Civil Isaac, Jaimie Lyn, M.A.C.M.C., B.A., Verdon, Christopher, B.A.Sc., Kelowna, BC, Dean Marc Parlange Engineering Winnipeg, MB, Anishnaabe First Nation, In Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Applied Science Gheisi, Alireza, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., Shiraz, In Interdisciplinary Studies Zareh Bannad Kouki, Mehrdad, B.Sc., Fars, Iran, In Civil Engineering Karsgaard, Carrie Anne, B.Ed., Kelowna, Fouladshahr, Isfahan, Iran, In Mechanical Engineering Associate Dean Rehan Sadiq Haider, Husnain, Ph.D., Lahore, Pakistan, BC, In Interdisciplinary Studies In Civil Engineering Zarif Mansour, Sepehr, B.Sc., Tehran, Iran, Faculty of Applied Science In Mechanical Engineering Hostland, Craig R, B.Apsc., M.B.A., Reader: Mina Hoorfar, Director Kelowna, BC, In Civil Engineering THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF APPLIED Samanipour, Roya, M.Sc., Kelowna, BC, Islam, Nilufar, M.A.Sc., Rajshahi, THE DEGREE OF In Interdisciplinary Studies Bangladesh, In Civil Engineering SCIENCE MASTER OF ENGINEERING Kabir, Golam, B.Sc., M.Sc., Dhaka, Bangladesh, In Civil Engineering Acting Dean Thomas Heilke THE DEGREE OF Acting Dean Thomas Heilke Moradi, Saber, B.Sc., M.Sc., In Civil College of Graduate Studies BACHELOR OF ARTS Engineering College of Graduate Studies Nunoo, Samuel, B.Sc., M.Sc., Kelowna, BC, Dean Marc Parlange Dean pro tem Robert Eggleston In Civil Engineering Dean Marc Parlange Faculty of Applied Science Faculty of Creative and Critical Schneider, Johannes, Vancouver, BC, Faculty of Applied Science In Civil Engineering Studies Associate Dean Rehan Sadiq Abbasian, Sadegh, In Electrical Associate Dean Rehan Sadiq Engineering Faculty of Applied Science Reader: Marianne Legault, Associate Faculty of Applied Science Dean Ahmed, Rehan, B.Sc., M.Sc., In Electrical Reader: Mina Hoorfar, Director Engineering Reader: Mina Hoorfar, Director COMBINED MAJOR IN ART Yang, Fan, B.Sc., M.Sc., Luoyang, China, Aslam, Hafiz Sohail, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Civil Engineering Arshad, Hasnain, B.Sc., Doha, Qatar, In HISTORY & VISUAL CULTURE & In Electrical Engineering Civil Engineering ENGLISH Yang, Luanxia, M.Sc., Beijing, China, Cella, Monica Angela, B.Sc., Westbank, BC, In Civil Engineering Fang, Liang, B.Eng., Wuhu AnHui, China, Robson, Caitlyn, Kelowna, BC In Electrical Engineering In Civil Engineering Chinraj, Venkatesh Kumar, B.Eng., Salem, VanSickle, Cassandra Paige, Calgary, AB Zaher, Amir, B.Sc., M.Sc., San Francisco, Faruk, Omer, B.Sc., Dhaka, Bangladesh, In United States, In Electrical Engineering India, In Civil Engineering Civil Engineering MAJOR IN ART HISTORY AND Rezaei Nejad, Hojatollah, M.Sc., Shiraz, Goertz, Caleb Andrew, B.A.Sc., Kelowna, BC, In Civil Engineering Jain, Sachin, B.Tech., B.Sc., Surrey, BC, In VISUAL CULTURE Iran, In Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering Islam, Fahmida, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC, Lo, Iris Si-Tsin, Vancouver, BC Rezaei Niya, Seyed Mohammad, B.Sc., Liu, Chenghao, Wuxi, China, In Civil In Civil Engineering McMann, Audrey Sara M.Sc., In Mechanical Engineering Engineering Masoud, Abdul Rahman, B.Sc., Nablus, Zareie Rajani, Hamid Reza, B.Sc., M.Sc., Bhat, Adnan Akiel Ahmad, B.Eng., In MAJOR IN ART HISTORY AND In Mechanical Engineering Palestinian Territory Occ., In Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering VISUAL CULTURE Soltani, Atousa, B.A., M.A., In Moallemi Pour, Sadaf, B.Sc., Bandar Dhillon, Jagjeet Singh, B.Tech., Surrey, BC, MINOR IN HISTORY Interdisciplinary Studies In Electrical Engineering Abbas, Iran, In Civil Engineering Welsh, Shannon Grace, Moghadas Jafari, Ryhane, B.Sc., M.Sc., Gill, Jaspreet Singh, Kelowna, BC, In North Vancouver, BC THE DEGREE OF In Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Mistry, Antriksh Ramnikbhai, B.E., COMBINED MAJOR IN CREATIVE DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Morrison, Ellen Samantha, B.A.Sc., Kelowna, BC, In Civil Engineering Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, In Mechanical WRITING AND ENGLISH Engineering Acting Dean Thomas Heilke Rakhshani, Sassan, B.Sc., M.Sc., Berns, Nicole, Campbell River, BC In Civil Engineering Mohan, Vignesh, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Carter, Trystan Anthony, Vernon, BC College of Graduate Studies India, In Mechanical Engineering Sarkar, Grytan, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC, Dreger, Mark, Kelowna, BC In Civil Engineering Ferguson, Brianna Dawn, Kelowna, BC Dean pro tem Robert Eggleston Shabarchin, Oleg, B.Sc., Ufa, Russian THE DEGREE OF Hiebert, Erin Louise, Saskatoon, SK Faculty of Creative and Critical Federation, In Civil Engineering MASTER OF FINE ARTS Yarrow, Emma, Kelowna, BC Studies Yazdinezhad, Mahdi, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC, In Civil Engineering Acting Dean Thomas Heilke MAJOR IN CREATIVE WRITING Reader: Stephen Foster, Associate Dean Zhang, Qi, B.Eng., In Civil Engineering College of Graduate Studies Curry, Sasha Brianne, New Balfour, Lindsay Anne, B.A., M.A., Patel, Bhavesh Narendrabhai, B.Eng., Westminster, BC In Interdisciplinary Studies Chicago, United States, In Electrical Galan, Kerry, Wiarton, ON Chung, Sae Hoon Stan, M.A., Cranbrook, Engineering Dean pro tem Robert Eggleston BC, In Interdisciplinary Studies Reinholz, Bradley, B.A.Sc., Kelowna, BC, Faculty of Creative and Critical MAJOR IN CREATIVE WRITING Doyle, Kelly Ann, B.A. (Hons), M.A., In Electrical Engineering Studies MAJOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Grate’s Cove, NL, In Interdisciplinary Yu, Yanqi, B.Eng., Vancouver, BC, Marshall, Lauren, East St Paul, MB Studies In Electrical Engineering Reader: Stephen Foster, Associate Dean Eikenaar, Jannik Haruo, B.A., M.A., Lake Zeng, Zhaoquan, B.Eng., In Electrical Corbett, Jon Michael, B.F.A., Kelowna, BC, Country, BC, In Interdisciplinary Studies Engineering In Interdisciplinary Studies


MAJOR IN CREATIVE WRITING MAJOR IN ENGLISH Haley, Edward, Toronto, ON Bakshi, Pranav, Fort McMurray, AB MINOR IN ANTHROPOLOGY MINOR IN INTERDISCIPLINARY Heinrick, Maxwell, Kelowna, BC Barriault, Matthew, Kelowna, BC Shalansky, Brandon Thomas, Kelowna, BC PERFORMANCE Hewlett, Nathan, Clearwater, BC Bernier, Leyland, Williams Lake, BC Marples, Lisa, High Prairie, AB Hostland, Jennifer, Kelowna, BC Bhattacharjee, Shriya, Kelowna, BC MAJOR IN CREATIVE WRITING MINOR IN ENGLISH MAJOR IN ENGLISH Hunter, Steven Brar, Navdeep, Kelowna, BC Basso, Natasha Lee, Kelowna, BC MINOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Huot, Jordan, Kelowna, BC Catton, Ben Kaemmer, Merrickville, ON Graham, Renae Lindsay, Salmon Arm, BC Jelinski, Joel Chidzambwa, Muriel, MAJOR IN CREATIVE WRITING Oon, Lynnette, Selangor, Malaysia Jones, Matthew, Clearwater, BC Clarke, Brian, Montrose, BC MINOR IN PSYCHOLOGY White, Travis John, Edmonton, AB Kennedy, Karsten, Kelowna, BC DeWachter, Mark Mak, Michelle, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Khurana, Saavin Dearing, Sam, Kelowna, BC MAJOR IN ENGLISH Laniak, Gregory Dougherty, Christopher, Prince COMBINED MAJOR IN CULTURAL MINOR IN SOCIOLOGY STUDIES AND ENGLISH Lee, Yongjoon, Vancouver, BC George, BC Walmsley, Jordanna, Cranbrook, BC Drosdovech, Kyle, Kelowna, BC Ashcroft, Brandon Derry, Hay River, NT Lindemann, Benjamin, Kelowna, BC Dube, Levi Dulay, Earl Jaryl Rebugio, Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN FRENCH Markle, Dawson, Kelowna, BC Flanagan, Peter, Calgary, AB Smith, Hailey Anne, Kelowna, BC MINOR IN GEOGRAPHY Matthews, Philip, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC Strukoff, Emily Mayne, Kurtis, Kelowna, BC Gill, Narinder, Summerland, BC MAJOR IN CULTURAL STUDIES McIntyre, Scott, Coldstream, BC Higham, Tyler, Wasa, BC Juttner, Jamie, MAJOR IN FRENCH Merrill, Christopher, Vernon, BC Hill, Matthew, Kelowna, BC Miyako, Manami, Yokohama, Japan MINOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Miller, Matthew Justin Hisey, Cory, Chestermere, AB Richardson, Lauren, North Vancouver, BC Parahag, Rivesha Akshi, Burnaby, BC Miller-Hanneman, Isaac, Gibsons, BC Holme, John Keegan, North Saanich, BC Sawatzky, Justin, Burnaby, BC MAJOR IN FRENCH Purvis, Ian, Kelowna, BC Holt, Joshua, Lake Country, BC MINOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR IN CULTURAL STUDIES Pynn, Jennifer, Kelowna, BC Hubner, Dustin, Williams Lake, BC MINOR IN SOCIOLOGY Daponte, Skylar Lee, Princeton, BC Rengifo, Ernesto, Vancouver, BC Hunter, Austin, Calgary, AB Cave, Julia Karel, Kelowna, BC Nixon, Lauren Marie, Summerland, BC Renner, Stephen, The Pas, MB Husny, Mohammad Hazwan, Brunei Darussalam Shimizu, Misa, Yokohama, Japan Rezaei, Shahin, West Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN FRENCH Jin, Michael, Calgary, AB MINOR IN SOCIOLOGY Roblin, Wade, Kamloops, BC HONOURS IN ENGLISH Johnson, Lawerance Kehler, Hailey Eileen, Ottawa, ON Salkeld, Joe, Brentwood Bay, BC Wilson, Maranda, Richmond, BC Kimanzi, Stephen, Mombasa, Kenya Savard, Siobhan, B.A., Kelowna, BC MAJOR IN FRENCH Kingston, Evan, Pitt Meadows, BC HONOURS IN ENGLISH Schaad, Michael MINOR IN SPANISH Kocher, Lucas, Canmore, AB MINOR IN CREATIVE WRITING Stafford, Mark Hovasse, Dominique, Kelowna, BC Lafortune, Levi Polzin, Kiera Louise, Kelowna, BC Stel, Cameron, Penticton, BC Penner, Alyssa, Kelowna, BC LeBlanc, Christophe, Ashcroft, BC Vandermeer, Thomas, Delta, BC MAJOR IN ENGLISH MacSween, James, Oakville, ON MAJOR IN FRENCH AND SPANISH Vanvliet, Cole, Kelowna, BC Bleskie, Corrin McConaghy, Mitchell, Calgary, AB Newburn, Paisley Catherine McLennan, Walline, Devin, Stony Plain, AB Bontorin, Stephanie, Kelowna, BC McKinlay, Elizabeth, Delta, BC Calgary, AB Weal, Zane, Assiniboia, SK Cardoso, Kathryn, Associate of Arts, Panza, Pamela Meers, Kyle, Acadia Valley, AB Kelowna, BC Williams, Chad N, Kelowna, BC Mok, Justin, Calgary, AB Francis, Lindsay Williams, Percy, Victoria, BC MAJOR IN FRENCH AND SPANISH Mosaferi, Yashar, North Vancouver, BC Hearn, Kaitlyn Morgan, White Rock, BC MINOR IN INDIGENOUS STUDIES Wongjariyakul, Thanachot, Bangkok, Thailand Muzir, Nur Amirah Marsyella, Mah-Vierling, Jade, Calgary, AB Fowler, Ayla Anne, Richmond, BC Kelowna, BC Yang, Wei, Changsha, China Minor, Justine, Kelowna, BC Nakatsu, Devon, Kelowna, BC, Bonaparte Indian Band Rhodes, Brittany, Spruce Grove, AB THE DEGREE OF IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Neufeld, Conrad, Acme, AB Riddle, Jaden, Lower Nicola, BC BACHELOR OF APPLIED Ahmed, Mazhar, Dhaka, Bangladesh Robichaud, Jenny, Calgary, AB Newman, Mariah, Palmer, United States SCIENCE Badowich, Connor, Okotoks, AB Shione, Braelyn, Grand Forks, BC Bentley, Ryan, Okanagan Falls, BC Nwakaeze, Chibuzo, Calgary, AB Taylor, Haley Nicole, Comox, BC Dean Marc Parlange Boivin, Adrian, Kenora, ON Ohlmann, Luke, Fort Nelson, BC Oleksyn, Steven, Lloydminster, SK MAJOR IN ENGLISH Faculty of Applied Science Chauhan, Rahul, Penticton, BC Olsen, Mariah, Calgary, AB MAJOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Chen, Te-Yuan, Kelowna, BC Olson, Andrew Moran, Liam David, Vancouver, BC Associate Dean Rehan Sadiq Cooke, Timothy, Toronto, ON Faculty of Applied Science Ferguson, Tyler, Vernon, BC Oyelese, Oladejo, Kelowna, BC MAJOR IN ENGLISH Foster, Taylor, Kelowna, BC Paletta, Gianfranco, Maracaibo, Venezuela MINOR IN ANTHROPOLOGY Reader: Mina Hoorfar, Director Gerzen, Jonas, Summerland, BC Parhar, Kyle, Vancouver , BC Wenz, Sarah Danica, Quesnel, BC IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Jubinville, Paul Patjas, Justin, Squamish, BC Penner, Thomas Alexander, Afzali, Reza, Burnaby, BC Kostiuk, Graeme, Fraser Lake, BC MAJOR IN ENGLISH Abbotsford, BC MINOR IN BIOLOGY Arcila Barahona, Cristian Andres, Kovacs, Kenedy Rafuse, Campbell, Trail, BC Hazhir, Mariam, Surrey, BC Surrey, BC Lindsay, Tobias, Kelowna, BC Richardson, Louis Bauerlein, Michael, Kelowna, BC McKinney, Joshua, Revelstoke, BC MAJOR IN ENGLISH Riehs, Riley, High River, AB Blais, Matthew, Salmon Arm, BC Mielcarski, Scott, Delta, BC MINOR IN GENDER AND WOMEN Rogers, Kieran, Kelowna, BC Chapman, Nelson, B.A., Kelowna, BC Pelton, Gregory, Pitt Meadows, BC STUDIES Roth, Tyler, Prince George, BC Choi, Justin, Vancouver, BC Ravestein, Shelby, Trail, BC Kimball, Meaghan Anne, Pickering, ON Shahruddin, Ahmad Shah Ridzwan, Couchman, Jordan Rogers, Braydon, Kelowna, BC Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia MAJOR IN ENGLISH Cumming, Ian, Penticton, BC Royston, Maria, Kelowna, BC Sheptak, Brooklyn, Prince George, BC MINOR IN HISTORY Duncan, Christen, Bridesville, BC Simkus, Kyle Sonnenberg, Grant, Edmonton, AB Baldwin, Samantha Joy, West Kelowna, BC Engelsmeier, Trevor, Kelowna, BC Su, Zhen Kai, Vancouver, BC Taylor, Logan Kadach, Jordan Forbes, Robin, Sardis, BC Vogel, Benjamin, Sicamous, BC Terry, Logan, Medicine Hat, AB Kopp, Christopher Paul, Naramata, BC Foster, Sara, Kelowna, BC Williams, Todd, B.Sc., B.Ed. Tun, Zaw Thura Marshall, Katelin, Princeton, BC Fostvelt, Jeremy, Surrey, BC Van Hanegem, Brad, Caronport, SK Sallenbach, Baylee Grassick, Stirling, Kelowna, BC IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Verlaan, Levi, Enderby, BC Grebenc, Matthew, Elko, United States Alnassar, Fawaz, Kelowna, BC Wagner, Reid, Oliver, BC Gregory, Mackenzie, Roberts Creek, BC Andrews, David, Calgary, AB


Whiteside, Benjamin, Calgary, AB Williams, Matthew, Kelowna, BC Winters, Austin, Canmore, AB Wojak, Hunter, Kamloops, BC Wood, Graham, Vancouver, BC Woolley, David, Acme, AB Wylie, Holly, Vernon, BC Yordanov, Momchil


Dean pro tem Robert Eggleston Faculty of Creative And Critical Studies

Reader: Marianne Legault, Associate Dean

MAJOR IN INTERDISCIPLINARY PEFORMANCE Belanger, Mariel, Okanagan Nation Contractor, Ashishvangh, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Gill, Alison, Calgary, AB Jack, Rhian MacMillen, Emily Zhu, Shangning, Dalian, China

MAJOR IN VISUAL ARTS Chulo, Cortnee Leeh, Ancaster, ON Dobroskay, Brandon, West Kelowna, BC Fox, Anastasia Gatey, Marisa Jordyn Mae, Ladysmith, BC Harrison, Rebecca, Oakville, ON Kwok, Boaz, Hong Kong, Hong Kong MacKay, Michelle MacPherson, Kyra, Kelowna, BC McKenzie, Adrienne Laura, West Vancouver, BC Pagourov, Diana Roy-Cloutier, Esther-Gabrielle, Okanagan Valley, BC Spankie, Brittany, Lillooet, BC Wilson, Magdalena, North Vancouver, BC

MAJOR IN VISUAL ARTS MINOR IN ART HISTORY AND VISUAL CULTURE Allen, Kelly Lynn Chen, Jia, Shanghai, China Risler, Kira, Kelowna, BC




FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 2016 8:30 AM

THE PROCESSIONS THE PROGRAM Graduation lists as shown in this program were prepared two weeks before Graduation and may therefore not be completely correct—the names of University Marshal O Canada some graduates may be missing. Nancy Hermiston, O.C. Professor, Opera Moment of Reflection

Procession of Graduating Students Address (Ph.D.) Lindsay Gordon Chancellor Procession of Graduating Students Conferring of Honorary Degree Senior Marshal by the Chancellor Suzanne Nazareno, B.G.S., M.Ed. (Br.Col.) The Degree Doctor of Science Manager, Conference Operations David Schindler, O.C., F.R.S.C., F.R.S. Head Marshal Jessie Ravnsborg, B.A. (Br.Col.) Remarks Development and Alumni Engagement Martha C. Piper, O.C., O.B.C. President and Vice-Chancellor Marshals Derek Como Deborah Buszard Associate Advisor, Academic Advising Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal

Debbie Harding, M.Ed. (Br.Col.) Felisha Truong Manager, Conference Sales and Services Member, Graduating Class

Procession of Faculty Conferring of Degrees in Marshal Course Robert Young, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. The Chancellor Associate Professor of Earth and Closing Remarks Environmental Sciences Deborah Buszard Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal Chancellor’s Procession and Chancellor’s Party Reception Following the Ceremony Acting Registrar Fred Vogt, B.Sc. Deputy Registrar

Macebearer and Marshal Jan Cioe, Ph.D., R.Psych. Associate Professor, Psychology

Alumni Representatives Dustyn Baulkham, B.Mgt. Nishat Tasnim, B.Sc.


THE DEGREE OF THE DEGREE OF Merani, Raziya, Richmond, BC Khurdia, Sanny, Regina, SK DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Morhun, Kylie, Kelowna, BC Kooner, Pavandeep, Abbotsford, BC Nguyen, Vanessa, Penticton, BC Larter, Justin Acting Dean Thomas Heilke Dean Wisdom Tettey Olsen, Janine, Kelowna, BC Lashley, Tiffany, Lake Country, BC College of Graduate Studies Faculty of Arts And Sciences Peters, Natasha Louise, Surrey, BC Lindsay, Rachel, B.Comm. Proctor, Tianna, Mackenzie, BC Lipsett, Amber, Kelowna, BC Reader: Sylvie Desjardins, Associate Dean Wisdom Tettey Ratsoy, Garrett, Surrey, BC Liscombe, Amy, Nanton, AB Dean Faculty of Arts and Sciences Rytz, Chantal, Calgary, AB Mahal, Sanjeev, Burnaby, BC HONOURS BIOCHEMISTRY, Sheehy, Kathleen Martell, Kelsey, Kelowna, BC Reader: Sylvie Desjardins, Associate GENERAL OPTION Dean Takyi, Emmanuella, Calgary, AB McGuire, Shannon Jessie, Kelowna, BC Bopearatchy, Don Ranuka, Surrey, BC Liu, Ying, B.Sc., In Biochemistry and Weiler, Jonathan Meyer, Jenny, Kelowna, BC Molecular Biology HONOURS BIOCHEMISTRY, Wood, Jessica, Kelowna, BC Minor, Lisa, Whitehorse, YT Aleklett, Kristin Anna Eva, B.Sc., M.Sc., GENERAL OPTION Yang, Jennifer, Coquitlam, BC Musa, Christina, Nelson, BC In Biology MINOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Yue, Gary, Burnaby, BC Ockert, Patrick, Coldstream, BC Ohsowski, Brian, B.Sc., M.Sc., Redford, Enevoldson, Amanda, Kelowna, BC Zentner, Jennifer Patricia, Kelowna, BC Percival, Aspen, Kelowna, BC Michigan, United States, In Biology Peters, Linnee, Vernon, BC Pakpour, Sepideh, M.Sc., Montreal, QC, HONOURS BIOCHEMISTRY, MAJOR IN BIOCHEMISTRY, Pierce, Holly, Kelowna, BC In Biology MEDICAL OPTION MEDICAL CONCENTRATION Robert, Brittani, Kelowna, BC Dousty, Faezeh, M.Sc., Tehran, Tehran, King, Daniel, Maple Ridge, BC MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Iran, In Chemistry Schindel, Kayla, Kelowna, BC Lemke, Ashley, Kelowna, BC Seitzinger, Patrick Faisal, Shah, M.Sc., Kelowna, BC, In Schindler, Patrick, Coldstream, BC Petit, Alix, Coldstream, BC Environmental Sciences MAJOR IN BIOCHEMISTRY, Schuhmacher, Sandra Lee, Penticton, BC Slattery, Wyatt Thomas, Kelowna, BC MEDICAL CONCENTRATION Fentabil, Mesfin, B.Sc., M.Sc., In Smith, Michelle, Vernon, BC Environmental Sciences Truong, Felisha, Surrey, BC MINOR IN CHEMISTRY Soltani, Elika, Vancouver, BC Veloz, Tomas Igor, B.Sc., M.Sc., Santiago, Xu, Lifei Chile, In Interdisciplinary Studies HONOURS BIOCHEMISTRY, Stockerl, Spencer, Bonnington, BC Tirdad, Ali, M.Sc., Kelowna, BC, In MEDICAL OPTION MAJOR IN BIOCHEMISTRY, Thompson, Chelsea, West Kelowna, BC Mathematics MINOR IN CHEMISTRY MEDICAL CONCENTRATION Van Der Heyde, Sietske Xu, Jia, M.Sc., Chongqing, China, In Murad, Yousif, Victoria, BC MINOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Walker, Emma Mathematics Sekhon, Navneet, Surrey, BC MAJOR IN BIOCHEMISTRY, Wilson, Elana GENERAL OPTION HONOURS IN BIOLOGY MAJOR IN BIOLOGY THE DEGREE OF Dean, Jonathan, West Kelowna, BC Bernie, Emily MINOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MASTER OF SCIENCE Dunbar, Sara Birker, Katja, Kelowna, BC Kremer, Natalie, Sicamous, BC Lee, Min Ky Chelick, Carmen, Lake Country, BC, Métis Acting Dean Thomas Heilke Rendulic, Bradley, West Kelowna, BC Macdonald, Alexander, Armstrong, BC Fitzpatrick, Kyle, Sicamous, BC College of Graduate Studies Segal, Mitchell, Kelowna, BC Muir, Mckenzie, West Vancouver, BC Pasquale, Deanna, Kelowna, BC HONOURS IN CHEMISTRY Nelson, Ryan, Vernon, BC Pearson, Justin, Lake Country, BC Dean Wisdom Tettey Acton, Sydney, Kelowna, BC Nomellini, Maria, Richmond, BC Shipman, Frances, Streetsville, ON Faculty of Arts and Sciences Andrews, Trevor, Grand Forks, BC Simon, Shane MAJOR IN BIOCHEMISTRY, Griffin, Samuel Elliot, West Kelowna, BC Reader: Sylvie Desjardins, Associate MEDICAL CONCENTRATION Walker, Molly-Rae, Qualicum Beach, BC Dean Kerkovius, Jeffrey Kevan, Westbank, BC Alexander, Peter, West Vancouver, BC Watters, Brittany, Kelowna, BC Lund, Jensen Allan, B.Sc. (Hons), Burnaby, Nguyen, Quyen, Chilliwack, BC Arodi, Mirabelle, Nairobi, Kenya BC, In Biochemistry and Molecular HONOURS IN BIOLOGY Rahemtulla, Shaqil, Richmond, BC Biology Asleson, Demi, Vernon, BC MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Soukeroff, Laura, Winlaw, BC Glover, Matthew, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC, In Blasco, Joshua, Kelowna, BC Cloherty, Alexandra Pierrette Mary Biology Chiu, Ting-Hsuan, Surrey, BC HONOURS IN CHEMISTRY HONOURS IN BIOLOGY Neuner, Marissa, B.Sc., Fort St. John, BC, Cho, Lia, Burnaby, BC MINOR IN MATHEMATICS In Biology MINOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Cowling, Christopher, Victoria, BC Shum, Leona, Vernon, BC Vanbianchi, Carmen Marie, B.Sc, Twisp, Latchman, Someshwar, Kelowna, BC United States, In Biology Damji, Aya HONOURS IN CHEMISTRY Moisey, Luke, B.Sc., Smithers, BC, In Daniel, Maron, Surrey, BC MAJOR IN BIOLOGY MINOR IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Chemistry Del Buono, Katie Anderson, Connor, Calgary, AB McKay, Carson, Surrey, BC Armstrong, Nathalie, B.Sc., In Dhillon, Parveet, Kelowna, BC Armstrong, Emma, Vernon, BC MAJOR IN CHEMISTRY Environmental Sciences Dosanjh, Manpreet, Vernon, BC Beverley, Jennifer, Merritt, BC Baskier, Andrew, Comox, BC DeWolff, Brent, B.A., Canoe, BC, In Fehr, Chantelle, Kelowna, BC Bird, Sarah Christina, Ottawa, ON Environmental Sciences Belot, Spencer, Vernon, BC Findlay, Erin, Abbotsford, BC Bofarull Oddo, Matias, Santiago, Chile Jamal, Esraa Ali, B.Sc., In Environmental Cooper, Devan Sciences Garton, Bryce, Kelowna, BC Buchanan, Gage, Penticton, BC Duchesne, Anne Pyett, Nicole, B.Sc., In Environmental Haberstock, Paige, Vernon, BC Cutting, Sarah, Louisville, United States Enright, Tyler, Chilliwack, BC Sciences Hodgson, Ryan Robert, Vernon, BC, Metis Del Medico, Talia, Kelowna, BC Hans, Rajanvir, Kelowna, BC Snook, Roxanne May, B.Sc. (Hons), In Hughes, Lauren, Kelowna, BC Du Toit, Carla, Salmon Arm, BC Environmental Sciences Janzen, Calen, Lake Country, BC Jaeger, Dakota Robert El Lahham, Saher, Richmond, BC Beiranvand, Vahid, Isfahan, Iran, In Moon, David Kerby, Richard, Saskatoon, SK Evans, Jessica, North Vancouver, BC Interdisciplinary Studies Mottier, Andre Knezevic, Neven, Kelowna, BC Fergusson, Sean, Honolulu, United States Burtini, Giuseppe Antonio, B.A., In Rad, Colton, Cranbrook, BC Interdisciplinary Studies Konkin, Marla, Grand Forks, BC Fowler, Kerriann, Armstrong, BC Share, Zachary, Lake Country, BC McKee-Scott, Jamie Lee-Ann, B.Sc., Kulas, Tara Gill, Livkaran, Kelowna, BC Truong, Nghia, Burnaby, BC Armstrong, BC, In Interdisciplinary Lo, Brian Goetz, Adam, Merritt, BC Studies Wickman, David, Kelowna, BC Lunde, Brianne Mary, Trail, BC Gondara, Mehtab, Surrey, BC Epema, Cody, B.Sc., In Mathematics Yang, Pei Fang, Coquitlam, BC Machan, Dustin Hollemeyer, Lindsey, Kelowna, BC Sremac, Stefan, B.Ed., Williams Lake, BC, In Mathematics Mann, Reuben, Abbotsford, BC Huynh, Allan, Kelowna, BC MAJOR IN CHEMISTRY Mattei, Bianca, St. Catharines, ON Kaloty, Sukhresh, Kelowna, BC MAJOR IN MATHEMATICS McCarthy, Garrett, Salmon Arm, BC Khatra, Omeet, Vernon, BC Hansen, Kendas, Kelowna, BC


MAJOR IN CHEMISTRY MAJOR IN ECONOMICS MAJOR IN EARTH AND GENERAL PROGRAM MAJOR IN PHILOSOPHY Chiu, Yun-Chun, Taiwan ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES CONCENTRATION IN BIOLOGY Harrison, Gordie Jeffrey, Oyama, BC Frame, Aaron, Kelowna, BC MAJOR IN ECONOMICS AND BIOCHEMISTRY Chelick, Dallas Evan, Lake Country, BC Otto, Maria, Terrace, BC MAJOR IN CHEMISTRY Han, Linan, Dalian, China Smeeton, Kelsey, Whitehorse, YT MINOR IN MATHEMATICS Jiwa, Zain MAJOR IN EARTH AND Nikolic, Nikica, Kelowna, BC Kanya Nkogote, Benda, Coquitlam, BC ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES MAJOR IN MATHEMATICAL Ng, Venetia, Richmond, BC MINOR IN BIOLOGY SCIENCE MAJOR IN CHEMISTRY Barre, Aimee Freund, Alon, Richmond, BC MINOR IN ECONOMICS MAJOR IN ECONOMICS Blaney, Erin, Kelowna, BC Sun, Victor, West Kelowna, BC MINOR IN MATHEMATICS AND HONOURS IN MATHEMATICS Lewis, Samantha, Goose Bay, NL STATISTICS MINOR IN ENGLISH HONOURS IN COMPUTER Slipec, Natasha, Winnipeg, MB Badhon, Maisha Maliha, Dhaka, Arnold, Madeline, Surrey, BC SCIENCE Bangladesh MAJOR IN EARTH AND Davies, Jake, Kelowna, BC Steadman, Parker, Grand Forks, BC ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES MAJOR IN MATHEMATICS Eger, Kevin, Kelowna, BC Francis, Mark, Vernon, BC HONOURS IN ECOLOGY AND MINOR IN ECONOMICS Nowicki, Michael, Lake Country, BC EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY Jurome, Jaxon Gardener, Jordan, Cranbrook, BC Raharjo, Kenny, B.Math. Hoang, Kevin, Calgary, AB Crevier, Lucas Phillip, Vernon, BC Willoner, Ethan, Winfield, BC MAJOR IN EARTH AND Huang, Qihui Olynyk, Kalenna Julia Elaine, Ajax, ON ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Lesiuk, Anuthep, Bangkok, Thailand HONOURS IN COMPUTER Smith, Vanessa Eleanor, Delta, BC MINOR IN GEOGRAPHY Lukens, Brett, Armstrong, BC SCIENCE Weixl, Taylor Rae, Vernon, BC Bakhshi, Shiv, Calgary, AB Milligan, McCall, Kelowna, BC MINOR IN DATA SCIENCE Byrnes, Kenzie, Peachland, BC MAJOR IN ECOLOGY AND Nairn, Riley, Summerland, BC Millard, Emily, Belleville, ON Dows, Matthew, Langley, BC EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY Sharma, Rajit, Summerland, BC Gollner, Andre, White Rock, BC HONOURS IN COMPUTER Butz, Benjamin Joseph, Kelowna, BC Wintle, Aimee, Kelowna, BC SCIENCE Cheyne, Scott, Cold Lake, AB Goode, Jacob, San Jose, United States MINOR IN PHYSICS Cunningham, Kyran Whitton Hart, Hunko, Dylan MAJOR IN MATHEMATICS Holland, Gordon, Canmore, AB Nelson, BC Mitchell, William Laurence, Port McNeill, MAJOR IN ENGLISH Keuhl, Holly, Winfield, BC, Kawacatoose BC Gimson, Francesca, Calgary, AB MAJOR IN COMPUTER SCIENCE First Nation Nicholson, Emily, Pickering, ON MAJOR IN MATHEMATICS, Arlitt, Joshua James, Penticton, BC Mould, Dallas, Fort Nelson, BC Nicholson, Laura APPLIED MATH CONCENTRATION Chimney, Jeffrey, Kelowna, BC Rothlin, Evan, Blairmore, AB Plovie, Mackenzie, Coldstream, BC Gregoire, Spencer, Kelowna, BC Gunawan, Pamela, Bandung, Java, Postman, Spencer, Canmore, AB Indonesia MAJOR IN ECOLOGY AND Ricard, Mitch, Penticton, BC MAJOR IN MATHEMATICS, Hamilton, Brent, Novato, United States EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY MINOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Webster, Corey, Williams Lake, BC APPLIED MATH CONCENTRATION Koriath, Nolan, Kelowna, BC MINOR IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Millie, Abigail, Westbank, BC MAJOR IN ENVIRONMENTAL Lam, Arthur, Vancouver, BC Marley, Jessa, High River, AB CHEMISTRY Lau, Andrea, Vancouver, BC HONOURS IN EARTH AND Linao, Alberto Luis ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Carrier, Meagan, West Kelowna, BC MAJOR IN MATHEMATICS, APPLIED MATH CONCENTRATION Linning, Connor, Penticton, BC Cavallin, Hannah Evy, Smithers, BC Matthews, Jeremy, Calgary, AB MINOR IN EARTH & Nnabuihe, Viktor, Edmonton, AB Naismyth, Dayna Renyard, Alicia, New Westminster, BC ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Spohr, Matthew, Kelowna, BC Reynolds, Larsen, Quesnel, BC Walker, Justine Jo-Ann, Vernon, BC Lee, Jessica, Prince George, BC Van Den Brink, Erin Elizabeth, Saremba, Brett, Qualicum Beach, BC Kelowna, BC HONOURS IN EARTH AND Scherer, Mackenzie, Kelowna, BC MAJOR MATHEMATICS, PURE ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES MATHEMATICS CONCENTRATION MAJOR IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Sundin, Sten Nils Olson, Prince Rupert, BC MINOR IN GEOGRAPHY MINOR IN COMPUTER SCIENCE MAJOR MATHEMATICS, PURE Cameron, Hilary, Waterloo, ON MAJOR IN ENVIRONMENTAL Kwok, Gabriel, Vancouver, BC MATHEMATICS CONCENTRATION CHEMISTRY Krogfoss, Shayne, Winfield, BC MAJOR IN EARTH AND MINOR IN EARTH AND MAJOR IN MATHEMATICS, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES STATISTICS CONCENTRATION MAJOR IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Bennett, Shea, Naramata, BC MAJOR IN MATHEMATICS Antonio, Andre, Lima, Peru Jia, Siheng, Xuzhou, China Bernhardt, Ashley, Kelowna, BC Li, Si Wei, Vancouver, BC Barr, Colin Roy, Kelowna, BC Bonin, Matthew, Whistler, BC MAJOR IN FRESHWATER SCIENCE MINOR IN EARTH AND Dean, Riley, Garibaldi Highlands, BC HONOURS IN MICROBIOLOGY MAJOR IN COMPUTER SCIENCE ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES MAJOR IN MATHEMATICS, Gross, Jayden, Fernie, BC Ames, Amanda, Kelowna, BC Duffy, Ashleigh Janice Lynn, Lacombe, AB APPLIED MATH CONCENTRATION Hawks, Ian, Port Perry, ON Birnie, Blake, Kelowna, BC Lensink, Brendan, Delta, BC Kerrigan, Leo, Wallingford, United MAJOR IN FRESHWATER SCIENCE Larrabee, Melissa, Invermere, BC Kingdom Neil, Kyle, Kelowna, BC Longfellow, Robert Kuemper, Kevin, West Kelowna, BC Renaud, Lisa Marie Michelle Reader: Bernard Momer, Associate Loubser, Nicolas Hendrik GENERAL PROGRAM Dean pro tem MAJOR IN MICROBIOLOGY Martel, Jeffrey, Surrey, BC Anburaja, Ahinthhan, Vancouver, BC Andreopoulos, Sophia Grace, Calgary, AB MAJOR IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Mayer, Nicholas, Kelowna, BC Boudreau, Riley, Salmon Arm, BC Anil Lukose, Monica, Richmond, BC MINOR IN ECONOMICS Meneilly, Scott, Vancouver, BC Hasegawa, Shoichi, Saitama, Japan Anvari, Roya Morrison, Brett, Sidney, BC Paath, Ade, Jakarta, Indonesia Hui, Hei Tung (Christy), Port Coquitlam, BC Bahniwal, Jasdeep, Penticton, BC MAJOR IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Pourmokhtari, Sina, Trail, BC Lutz, John, Kelowna, BC Bruder, Christine, Kelowna, BC MINOR IN MATHEMATICS Pritchard, Nicholas, Yahk, BC Montgomery, Brandon Raymond, Chen, Hung Chi, Coquitlam, BC Kuhn, Brandon Purnell, Ryan, West Kelowna, BC Kelowna, BC Eacrett, Jorja, Calgary, AB Miller, Samuel, Summerland, BC Reynolds, Clark Mundi, Sonepreet, Oliver, BC Fitzsimmons, Raymond, Kelowna, BC Richardson, Noelle, B.A. Sharma, Gopika MAJOR IN COMPUTER SCIENCES Geissler, Amber, Kelowna, BC, Okanagan Schemenauer, Matthew, Corman Park, SK MINOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Sohal, Ramanjeet, Kelowna, BC Indian Band Schober, Leo, Kelowna, BC Schofield, Jamie Robert, Kelowna, BC* Teitge, Jordan, Roberts Creek, BC Gidda, Harish, Okanagan Falls, BC Wilson, Paige, Langley, BC Hsieh, Julie, Kelowna, BC

32 CENTENNIAL CONVOCATION 2016 *With the support of the STEPS-Forward Inclusive Post-Secondary Society LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 2016 8:30 AM

Johnston, Britney, Kelowna, BC Alexcee, Sheneice, Westbank, BC Krakowska, Julia, North Vancouver, BC Beldi, Claire, Salmon Arm, BC Le, Michelle, Vernon, BC Berhan, Hebah, Asmara , Eritrea Long, David, Abbotsford, BC Carlson, Cassandre, Oliver, BC Nguyen, Huy, Mississauga, ON Chow, Jason, Coquitlam, BC Paetkau, Rachelle, Abbotsford, BC Cromarty, David Panghali, Bhavanjit, Merritt, BC Draper, Zakary, Kelowna, BC Pannu, Steven, White Rock, BC Earmme, Loren, Fort St. John, BC Phachu, Gurlene, Penticton, BC Friesen, Karalyn, Summerland, BC Plesca, John, Oliver, BC Kim, Hyo Qarni, Bilal, Edmonton, AB Liang, Tommy, Richmond, BC Randelovic, Danijela, Kelowna, BC Loney, Brittany, Kelowna, BC Rothkop, Camille, Coquitlam, BC, Luehr, Stephen, Kelowna, BC Lhoosk’uz Dene (Kluskus) Nation Luk, Justin, New Westminster, BC Schoenthal, Tison, Regina, SK Ma, Katharine, Richmond, BC Teleron, Elise Mesman, Jacoba, Abbotsford, BC Zhang, Ai Qi, Port Coquitlam, BC Nearing, Caitlyn, Westbank, BC MAJOR IN MICROBIOLOGY Ogunyannwo, Foluke MINOR IN ENGLISH Poole, Megan, Quesnel, BC Anderson, Jared John Stuart, Delta, BC Sternig, Julie-Ann, Cranbrook, BC Struthers-Lavoie, Ethan MAJOR IN MICROBIOLOGY Woolgar, Lucia MINOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Yu, Daniel Bhamra, Trisha, Kelowna, BC van’t Schip, Katherine, Roberts Creek, BC Dhaliwal, Reena, Kelowna, BC Stevens, Cameron MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Yang, Hugh, Victoria, BC MINOR IN BIOLOGY Larigakis, Zoe, Surrey, BC MAJOR MOLECULAR, CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Stitt, David Andrew, Pickering, ON MINOR IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Oberholzer, Wilco, Lake Country, BC COMBINED MAJOR IN PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Ai, Xing Shuo, Calgary, AB MINOR IN SPANISH MacGillivray, Shannon Lee, Kelowna, BC Khatibi, Sadaf, Coquitlam, BC Reiner, Hannah, West Kelowna, BC MAJOR IN ZOOLOGY HONOURS IN PHYSICS Bedi, Enjulie, Waterloo, ON Clements, Aaron, Nelson, New Zealand Blanchard, Samuel, Richmond, BC Frymire, Nolan, Penticton, BC Friesen, Karlee, California, United States Garner, Christopher, Kelowna, BC Haberman, Chautelle, Hunka, Nolan Opoka, Erwin Letvinchuk, James, Vancouver, BC Pelehos, Matthew, Calgary, AB Ogilvy, Andrew, Delta, BC Reid, Meaghan Somer, Nicholas, Kelowna, BC Rose, Natasha, Langley, BC Strauss, Anastasia, Kelowna, BC HONOURS IN PHYSICS Wardle, Lindsay MINOR IN BIOLOGY Major in Zoology Meldrum, Allan, Chilliwack, BC Major in Mathematics MAJOR IN PHYSICS Chambers, Ian Boekestyn, Cody MAJOR IN ZOOLOGY Burns, Michael, Golden, BC MINOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Johnson, Lucas, Issaquah, United States Kanten, Sherissa, High River, AB McDougall, Connor, Calgary, AB Moore, Jasmine, Durango, United States Nadeau, Eric, Kelowna, BC Novokshonoff, Spencer, Grand Forks, BC Seguin, Bellecia, Calgary, AB Spencer, Natalie, Calgary, AB Wallace, Richard Andrew, Penticton, BC Weeks, Megan, Coquitlam, BC

HONOURS IN PSYCHOLOGY Bowlsby, Nicole, Vancouver, BC Legg, Nicole, Calgary, AB Makortoff, Caleb, Salmon Arm, BC

MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Akhlagh Moayed, Saba, West Vancouver, BC


FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 2016 11:00 AM

THE PROCESSIONS THE PROGRAM Graduation lists as shown in this program were prepared two weeks before Graduation and may therefore not be completely correct—the names of University Marshal O Canada some graduates may be missing. Nancy Hermiston, O.C. Professor, Opera Moment of Reflection

Procession of Graduating Students Address (Ph.D.) Lindsay Gordon Chancellor Procession of Graduating Students Remarks Senior Marshal Martha C. Piper, O.C., O.B.C. Suzanne Nazareno, B.G.S., M.Ed. (Br.Col.) President and Vice-Chancellor Manager, Conference Operations

Head Marshal Deborah Buszard Jessie Ravnsborg, B.A. (Br.Col.) Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal Development and Alumni Engagement Brianna Verigin Marshals Member, Graduating Class Derek Como Associate Advisor, Academic Advising Presentation of the Award for Teaching Debbie Harding, M.Ed. (Br.Col.) Excellence and Innovation to Manager, Conference Sales and Services Zachary Walsh

Procession of Faculty Conferring of Degrees in Marshal Course Robert Young, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. The Chancellor Associate Professor of Earth and Closing Remarks Environmental Sciences Deborah Buszard Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal Chancellor’s Procession and Chancellor’s Party Reception Following the Ceremony Acting Registrar Fred Vogt, B.Sc. Deputy Registrar

Macebearer and Marshal Margo Tamez, B.A., M.F.A., Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Indigenous Studies Program

Alumni Representatives Catherine Comben, B.A. Joel Krupa, B.A.


THE DEGREE OF MAJOR IN ANTHROPOLOGY MAJOR IN ECONOMICS MAJOR IN GEOGRAPHY DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY MAJOR IN ECOLOGY AND MINOR IN ANTHROPOLOGY MINOR IN EARTH AND EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY Kuo, Fan, Vancouver, BC ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Acting Dean Thomas Heilke Farrants, Katelyn Joy, Armstrong, BC Clark, Taylor, Calgary, AB MAJOR IN ECONOMICS Larosa, Andrea, Surrey, BC College of Graduate Studies MAJOR IN ANTHROPOLOGY MINOR IN EARTH & MINOR IN ENGLISH ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES MAJOR IN GEOGRAPHY Dean Wisdom Tettey Achilles, Ricki-Lynn, Kapuskasing, ON Smith, Lawren, Kelowna, BC MINOR IN ENGLISH Faculty of Arts and Sciences Pidwerbeski, Alana, Kelowna, BC Wuttunee, Katharine Emma, North MAJOR IN ECONOMICS Vancouver, BC Reader: Mike Evans, Associate Dean MAJOR IN ANTHROPOLOGY MINOR IN HISTORY Anputhas, Markandu, B.Sc., M.Phil., MINOR IN GENDER AND WOMEN Fong, Heng Kin, Macao MAJOR IN GEOGRAPHY Maruthanarmadam, Sri Lanka, In STUDIES MINOR IN HISTORY Interdisciplinary Studies MAJOR IN ECONOMICS Griffith, Meaghan Mapute, Constantine, Kelowna, BC Bonney, Christine, B.Ed., M.A., Kelowna, MINOR IN MATHEMATICS BC, In Interdisciplinary Studies MAJOR IN ANTHROPOLOGY Sim, Yoori, Gwangju, Korea, South MAJOR IN GEOGRAPHY Lane, Penny, B.Sc., M.H.S.A., Kelowna, BC, MINOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Yang, Yongmin, Zhongshan, China MINOR IN INDIGENOUS STUDIES In Interdisciplinary Studies Scott, Melissa, Kelowna, BC Kandal, Rayce Olson, Surrey, BC Rollison, Lynn, B.S.N., M.A., Nanaimo, BC, MAJOR IN ECONOMICS Xu, Yue, Richmond, BC In Interdisciplinary Studies MINOR IN PHILOSOPHY MAJOR IN GEOGRAPHY MAJOR IN ANTHROPOLOGY You, Lu, Shanghai, China MINOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MINOR IN SPANISH Watson, Kelsey, Bowen Island, BC THE DEGREE OF MAJOR IN ECONOMICS Thompson, April, Kelowna, BC MASTER OF ARTS MINOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE MAJOR IN GEOGRAPHY MAJOR IN ANTHROPOLOGY Blasius, Natalie, Fort McMurray, AB MINOR IN SOCIOLOGY Acting Dean Thomas Heilke MINOR IN VISUAL ARTS Furrer, Thomas George, Collingwood, ON McQuiggin, Jillian, Kelowna, BC College of Graduate Studies Osswald, Karina MAJOR IN ECONOMICS HISTORY HONOURS PROGRAM Dean Wisdom Tettey HONOURS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE MINOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Graef, Daniel, Kelowna, BC Faculty of Arts and Sciences MINOR IN MATHEMATICS AND Ng, Ching Hang, Vancouver, BC STATISTCS HISTORY HONOURS PROGRAM MINOR IN SPANISH Reader: Mike Evans, Associate Dean Offenwanger, Anna Maria, Oyama, BC MAJOR IN ECONOMICS Ryder, Jeremiah Nathan Norman, Kelowna, Awad, Emad, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In MINOR IN SOCIOLOGY BC Interdisciplinary Studies MAJOR IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Garcia Rivas, Alejandra Guadalupe, San Giffen, Robyn, B.A., Calgary, AB, In Jaggard, Alexander, Kelowna, BC Salvador, El Salvador MAJOR IN HISTORY Interdisciplinary Studies MAJOR IN COMPUTER SCIENCE GENERAL PROGRAM Best, Kimberley Dawn, Armstrong, BC Gill, Mark, A.A., B.A., In Interdisciplinary Studies MINOR IN ECONOMICS Bennett, Logan Kenneth, Boss, Aaron Noel Terrence, Fruitvale, BC Mansouri, Mohammad Amin, In Dupree, Brett Buttar, Paneet Kaur Dawson, Kathryn Sara, Vancouver, BC Interdisciplinary Studies Troke, Victoria, Toronto, ON Frank, Kevin, North Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Sanbrooks, Lauren Victoria, B.A., Kelowna, Wilson, Samuel Joseph, Bowmanville, ON Macauley, Thomas Jeremy, Regina, SK BC, In Interdisciplinary Studies MINOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Yanow, Nycole, Kelowna, BC Munger, Christopher, Kelowna, BC Cunning, Madison, Kamloops, BC Stonehouse, Jeffrey, B.A., In Ross, Ean, Coldstream, BC Interdisciplinary Studies GENERAL PROGRAM MAJOR IN ECONOMICS Sanford, Devan, Fernie, BC Carroll, Christopher Ryan, B.A. (Hons), CONCENTRATION IN Kelowna, BC, In Psychology Banerjee, Aparajita, Kelowna, BC ANTHROPOLOGY Studer, Brenden, Charlie Lake, BC Chang, Che-Wei, Vancouver , BC Vice, Andrew, Vernon, BC Crosby, Kimberly Anne, B.A., Calgary, AB, Van Roggen, Emily, Vernon, BC In Psychology Chen, Nien Tse, Vancouver, BC Welsh, Madeleine, Kelowna, BC DeClerck, Drew Alexander, In Psychology DeVogel, Ryan, Oakville, ON GENERAL PROGRAM Wood, Hannah, Westbank, BC Leitner, Damian, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC, In Dean, Spencer Lewis Hinton, Kelowna, BC CONCENTRATION IN PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR IN HISTORY Psychology Durante, Michael, Priddis, AB Caldwell, Talisa, Oliver, BC MINOR IN ANTHROPOLOGY Passmore, Holli-Anne, B.A., Edmonton, AB, Huang, Zuwei, Kelowna, BC In Psychology Siemens, Kaylee, Trail, BC Koch, Megan Elsie, Kelowna, BC Kang, Ruining, Burnaby, BC Smith, Katherine Dawn, Abbotsford, BC Kong, Fan Yue, Coquitlam, BC MAJOR IN HISTORY MINOR IN CULTURAL STUDIES THE DEGREE OF Kong, Jeremy, Richmond, BC GENERAL PROGRAM BACHELOR OF ARTS Li, Zuhua, Shenzhen, China CONCENTRATION IN SOCIOLOGY Stemmer, Tamara Beate, Kelowna, BC Liu, Jisheng, Vancouver, BC Prasad, Neelam, Surrey, BC Dean Wisdom Tettey MAJOR IN HISTORY Matvieshen, Joshua, Kelowna, BC, Cree MINOR IN ENGLISH Faculty of Arts and Sciences MAJOR IN GEOGRAPHY McCloskey, Brian, Vancouver, BC Simpson, Jeffery, Vancouver, BC Alexander, Tianna, Richmond, BC Morgan, Patrick Steenwyk, Samantha, Kelowna, BC Reader: Mike Evans, Associate Dean Bitcon, Laura, Kelowna, BC Padda, Rupinder, Chanin, Christopher, Singapore, Singapore MAJOR IN HISTORY MAJOR IN ANTHROPOLOGY Paget-Robinson, Dylan Chuang, Alice, Vancouver, BC MINOR IN GEOGRAPHY Hull, Kenzie M, Toronto, ON Pascuas, Marcel, Vancouver, BC Dickson, Brynne, Vernon, BC Stephen, Scott Elias Hvala, Shayna, Kelowna, BC Ratcliffe, Walter, Toronto, ON Grogan, Liam, Kelowna, BC Jhand, Rubinder Ravestein, Dakota MAJOR IN HISTORY Kindrick, Tate, Paia, Hawaii, United States Matheson, Bowen, Summerland, BC Tian, Runfeng MINOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Lam, Daniel, Vancouver, BC McKenzie, Jesse Watabe, Taisei, Nerima, Tokyo, Japan Kolb, Sydney Adele, Coldstream, BC Lively, Brad Ogawa, Akari Yoshida, Shirabe, Nagoya, Japan Pudlowski, Sabrina, Petawawa, ON McCormack, Matt, Kelowna, BC Ormiston, Colby, Sutton West, ON Yuan, Daixuan, Beijing, China Mohebiany, Neima, West Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN INDIGENOUS STUDIES Roberts, Lindsey, Ottawa, ON Yuen, Ka Kuen Gottfriedson, Randall Denise, Cawston, Tse, Fiona, Hong Kong Moore, Kirsten Marie, Surrey, BC BC, Similkameen/Colville Wingfield, Sherry Palmer, Eavan, Kelowna, BC Zotto, Amanda, Kelowna, BC Tomniuk-Gagnon, Megan, Edmonton, AB Williamson, Alexandra, Okotoks, AB


MAJOR IN INDIGENOUS STUDIES, MAJOR IN MATHEMATICS Stene, Katherine, Delta, BC Kiesewetter, Carrie COURSE WORK OPTION MINOR IN HISTORY Wardrop, Cassandra Kirkey, Cherilyn, Coldstream, BC MINOR IN GENDER AND WOMEN Silva, Timothy, Abbotsford, BC Woodmass, Kyler, Kelowna, BC Knutson, Jessica, Kelowna, BC STUDIES Kohler, Sarah, Osoyoos, BC MAJOR IN MATHEMATICS HONOURS IN PSYCHOLOGY Delaurier-Lyle, Karleen Rae Dawne, Koker, Siona, Calgary, AB Kelowna, BC, Berens River First Nation MINOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MINOR IN CREATIVE WRITING La Prairie, Eva, Fort McMurray, AB Bella, Jessica Lorene, Trail, BC Klassen, Jessica, Qualicum Beach, BC MAJOR IN INDIGENOUS STUDIES, Sihono, Han Hwe Wongso Lai, Artemas, Coquitlam, BC COURSE WORK OPTION HONOURS IN PSYCHOLOGY Lee, Veronica, Burnaby, BC Mason, Stephanie Christina, North MAJOR IN PHILOSOPHY MINOR IN ENGLISH Leung, Canice, Vancouver, BC Vancouver, BC, Tsleil_Waututh Nation Dlouhy, Dominik William, Coldstream, BC Sperandio, Erika, Kelowna, BC Lichon, Jessica Prince, Crystal Dawn, Brokenhead Ojibway Elliott, Connor, Aurora, ON Nation HONOURS IN PSYCHOLOGY Lisson-Smith, Shalyn, Rock Creek, BC Gillett, Stephen, Kelowna, BC MINOR IN SOCIOLOGY Loomer, Beau, Kelowna, BC MAJOR IN INTERNATIONAL Maroney, Lloyd Cheveldave, Becki Lutz, Jessica, Okanagan Falls, BC RELATIONS Vander Molen, Lauryn, Penticton, BC Makkar, Sandeep, Abbotsford, BC Abe, Ryo, Akashi, Japan MAJOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Martin, Laura Agbo, Chidiebere, Abuja, Nigeria, Igbo Ahuja, Jeevan Varinder, Merritt, BC HONOURS IN PSYCHOLOGY McIntyre, Aislin, Edmonton, AB Babunga, Alliance, Surrey, BC Brownridge, Kasandra SPECIALIZATION FORENSIC Mohamed, Mohamed Chirkoff, Nicole Melody, Vernon, BC Devakumar Anita, Kelowna, BC PSYCHOLOGY Morey, Amy, Delta, BC Conly, Celine, Vernon, BC Ewanchyna, James, Kelowna, BC Dilley, Tianna Reid, Westbank, BC Nelson, Kyla, Oliver, BC Cuadra, Kim Eloise, Kelowna, BC Hiphner, Devon Verigin, Brianna Leigh, Kelowna, BC Ng, Karen, Richmond, BC Dooley, Colin, Kelowna, BC Reimer, Jasmine, Calgary, AB MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Nickel, Brittany, Kelowna, BC Heinitz, Joshua, Kelowna, BC MAJOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Adams, Kimberly, Vernon, BC O’Connor, Dustin, Barrie, ON Heuser, Elizabeth MINOR IN CULTURAL STUDIES Basi, Eleeza, Kelowna , BC Patterson, Adam, Delta, BC Hoi, Sin Tong, Macau, Macao Friesen, Jamie, Vernon, BC Bauerlein, Sarah Rarog, Alyssa, West Kelowna, BC Hunko, Morgan, Kelowna, BC MAJOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Bell, Tara-Lynn Joyce, Oliver, BC, Osoyoos Reodica, Shanelle, Calgary, AB Kean, Shanna, Kelowna, BC Indian Band MINOR IN ENGLISH Riemer, Rachel, Kelowna, BC Kuzma, Ashley, Calgary, AB Bennett, Melodie, Lake Country, BC Duncan, Lyndon Ward, White Rock, BC Robertson, Tyler, Kelowna, BC Lin, Chien-Jo, New Taipei City, Taiwan Biensch, Jessica, Red Deer, AB Rowshanzamir, Shabnam, Vancouver, BC Mullally, Kira, Fort McMurray, AB MAJOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Birch, Kevin Schellenberg, Jessica, Kelowna, BC Pollock, Graham Theodore, Nottawa, ON MINOR IN FRENCH Bowie, Rachelle, Antigonish, NS Schmidt, Lenai Michelle Rita, Vernon, BC Schaffrick, Tyler, Coquitlam, BC Pecyna, Andrew, Kelowna, BC Burdett, Clara-Marie, Vernon, BC Schoonover, Nicole, Courtenay, BC Sinnott, Shaelyn Keara Read, Victoria, BC Chiang, Julia I-Chieh MAJOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Shannon, Tessa, Vancouver, BC Skinner, Shelby, Barrie, ON Choate, Robert, Calgary, AB MINOR IN HISTORY Shul, Shealyn, Kelowna, BC Smith, Jenna, Kelowna, BC Chypyha, Leanne, South Porcupine, ON Edwards, Blake Alexander, Castlegar, BC Sisk, Jennifer, Langley, BC Straith, Donald, Victoria, BC Clermont, Pascale, Summerland, BC Smith, Caitlin, Kelowna, BC Wang, Stephen MAJOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Cooke, Carly, Kelowna, BC MINOR IN MATHEMATICS AND Soin, Aman, B.Com., Toronto, ON Cooney, Emma Fay, Kelowna, BC MAJOR IN INTERNATIONAL STATISTCS Sood, Richa Dahl, Alex, Armstrong, BC RELATIONS Virdi, Ruchi, Kelowna, BC Stevens, Jeffrey Davies, Megan, West Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Sutherland, Cassandra, Barrie, ON MAJOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Desaulniers, Renee, Gibsons, BC Mah, Jennifer Kristen, North Vancouver, BC Thielmann, Julia, Kelowna, BC, Metis MINOR IN SOCIOLOGY Dhaliwal, Avneesh, Vancouver, BC Thompson, Linnea, Toronto, ON MAJOR IN INTERNATIONAL Chu, Sarah Lai Yu, Vancouver, BC Dhami, Manreet, Surrey, BC RELATIONS Tracey-Nylund, Brooklyn, Surrey, BC Dias, Angeline, Fort Saskatchewan, AB MINOR IN ENGLISH MAJOR PHILOSOPHY, POLITICAL Turton, Lucas, Kelowna, BC Dick, Julia, Kelowna, BC Bouchard, Amber, Kelowna, BC SCIENCE AND ECONOMICS Uppal, Nisha, Kelowna, BC Flaherty, Brianne, Toronto, ON McKay, Andrew Cardon, Kelowna, BC Andrews, Nicholas, Penticton, BC Wagner, Tori, Kelowna, BC Flood, Morgan Andreychuk, Rachel, Prince George, BC Watson, Sadie, Kelowna, BC MAJOR IN INTERNATIONAL Fournier, Brooke, Kelowna, BC Chizh, Alexander, Vladivostok, Russian White, Justine, Kelowna, BC RELATIONS Federation Fu, Jimmy, Vancouver, BC Williamson, Robert, B.A., LL.B., Vernon, BC, MINOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Davison, James Timothy, Kelowna, BC Gannon, Cheyenne, Penticton, BC York, Kara Kasemphaibulsuk, Putdhikorn, Bangkok, Dobbin, Michael, Medicine Hat, AB Garcia-Mendez, Alberto, Kelowna, BC Thailand Zein, DeAnna, Kelowna, BC He, Teng, Changsha, China Gerami, Rozhan, Coquitlam, BC MAJOR IN INTERNATIONAL Helmore, Kathryn, Houston, United States Gerwin, Matteo Ryan, Delta, BC MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY RELATIONS Kostaschuk, Jordan, Kelowna, BC Gonchar, Kayla, Kelowna, BC MAJOR IN CREATIVE WRITING MINOR IN SPANISH Kundu, Erik, Lake Stevens, United States Gordon, Amanda, Calgary, AB Wotherspoon, Kasia Marita, Winnipeg, MB Delorme, Gaelle Oshanek, Dominique Duval, BC Gosling-Scott, Annabelle MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MacLean, David, Kelowna, BC Rouse, Grant, Kelowna, BC Grainger, Lauren, Kelowna, BC MAJOR IN ENGLISH Wildmoser, Johanna, Lausanne, Switzerland Shein, Kelsey, Victoria, BC Grant, Jane, Calgary, AB Alfred, Hannah, Kelowna, BC Sinnett, Jennifer Haidar, Meriam, Kelowna, BC Lawrence, Brooke, Mississauga, ON Reader: Trudy Kavanagh, Associate Dean Sowdaey, Sam, Oakville, ON Hanley, Samantha, Kelowna, BC MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY pro tem Switlishoff, Courtney, Castlager, BC Hanson, Alexandra, Kelowna , BC MAJOR IN GEOGRAPHY Welch, Teagan, Kelowna, BC Herrera Lopez, Tania, Kelowna, BC MAJOR IN LATIN AMERICAN Wahi, Natasha, Richmond, BC Hicks, Colin, Surrey, BC STUDIES HONOURS IN PSYCHOLOGY Hong, YooYeon, Etobicoke, ON MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Hoffman, Jordan Amy Clark, Jeneya, Kelowna, BC Howard, Brian, Kelowna, BC MAJOR IN SPANISH Keogh, Jennifer, Hastings, ON MAJOR IN MATHEMATICS Jenner, Kelsey, Summerland, BC Cheng, Hoi Pan, Hong Kong Massoud, Jelisa, Surrey, BC Xiao, Desiree, Vancouver, BC Kaczmarek, Benjamin, Burlington, ON Myhill, Ariella, Vernon, BC Zhuang, Huihong, Burnaby, BC Kaur, Devinder Rine, Sydney, West Kelowna, BC



MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR IN SOCIOLOGY MINOR IN BIOLOGY MINOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Algas, Stephanie, North Vancouver, BC Giroux, Ann-Katrine Johnson, Natasha, Summerland, BC MAJOR IN SOCIOLOGY MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MINOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MINOR IN ECONOMICS Jude, Avery, Kelowna, BC Chau, Priscilla, Vancouver, BC To, Natalie Chik Sum, Hong Kong , Hong Morrison, Kevin, Westbank, BC Kong

MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MINOR IN ENGLISH Boyd, Alexandra, Armstrong, BC, Soowahlie First Nation Gagnon, Kayla, Calgary, AB Kohar, Prabjot, Kelowna, BC MacDougall, Sarah, Kelowna, BC Paul, Shelayne, Calgary, AB Powell, Kayla, West Kelowna, BC Swetlikoff, Jenna, Kelowna, BC

MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MINOR IN GEOGRAPHY Lo, Shih Ju, Richmond, BC Szakacsi, Amy, Toronto, ON


MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MINOR IN PHILOSOPHY Redwood, Colin, Chicago, United States

MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MINOR IN SOCIOLOGY Bakker, Kathryn, Kelowna, BC Cartier, Kendra, Kelowna, BC Errico, Alessandro, Verona, Italy Hess, Devon, Abbotsford, BC Hothi, Ravneet, Kelowna, BC Johnston, Matthew, Delta, BC Kim, Yeon Soo, Lilongwe, Malawi Lucke, Andrea, Delta, BC McGraw, Shelby, Penticton, BC Pequeno, Rachel, Lake Country, BC Ralph, Zachary, Holland Landing, ON Witt, Hans, Kelowna, BC


MAJOR IN SOCIOLOGY Conceicao, Alicia, Richmond, BC Dhaliwal, Amrita, Surrey, BC Ho, Patrick, Richmond, BC Judge, Sophie Lydiatt, Britney, Cawston, BC McNab, Kayley, Coldstream, BC Warsaba, Spencer, Regina, SK





The Chancellor Lindsay Gordon, President and Vice-Chancellor Music Provided by: Okanagan Symphony Wind Ensemble Martha Piper and Deputy Vice-Chancellor Deborah Buszard would like to thank the numerous faculty, staff and alumni volunteers who Dennis Colpitts, conductor contribute to the success of the Convocation Ceremonies, as well as Sheila French, flute the following departments: Rhiannon Jones, flute Sally Arai, clarinet Alumni Relations Stephen Buck, clarinet Aramark Allan Wiens, clarinet Athletics and Recreations Lucy Benwell, alto saxophone Campus Security and Parking Harrison Argatoff, alto saxophone Ceremonies Office Craig Thomson, tenor saxophone Convocation Leadership Team Scott Wilson, horn Enrolment Services Nealee Humphreys, horn Facilities Management Rob Hogeveen, trumpet IT Services and the Media Centre Bruce Dougall, trumpet Risk Management Services Tim Watson, trumpet Student Services and Financial Support Wade Dorsey, trombone UBC Bookstore Okanagan Cindy Hogeveen, trombone University Relations Gordon Waters, bass trombone Reynold Epp, tuba Ceremonies and Events Edmund House, timpani and bass Vancouver and Okanagan Lonnie Burma, percussion

Director Special thanks to Full House Presents Eilis Courtney

Associate Director Alanna Vernon O CANADA

Event Specialist O Canada Erin Podmorow Our home and native land! Event Assistant True patriot love in all thy sons command. Brittany Jarman With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! Enrolment Services From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. Graduation Coordinator God keep our land glorious and free! Andrea Burke O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.


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