The Ithacan, 2000-02-17

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The Ithacan, 2000-02-17 Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1999-2000 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 2-17-2000 The thI acan, 2000-02-17 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 2000-02-17" (2000). The Ithacan, 1999-2000. 20. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1999-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. Vol. 67, No. 20 Thursday . .,::.:-,~ ~ ~ February 17, 2000 Ithaca, N. Y. 28 Pages, Free an www The Newspaper for the Ithaca College Community News Opinion Are we diverse? Accent 13 Classified 21 Thumbs down A special report looking at Comics 20 Alumna critic11.cs college's race on campus. Page 6 Opinion IO journalism program, Page 11 Sports 23 New magazine threatened by censorship BY DEVON DAMS-O'CONNOR ,,way," Shiel said. He said that Accent Editor Castellano and Adams might have felt uncomfortable because of the Four Student Government As­ nature of the mcetmg - four up­ sociation representatives pres­ pc:.rclassmcn speaking to two sured two student editors to freshmen. change the content of their SGA­ However, Shiel said he wa<; m fundcd publication before it went ~upport of the girls and their freedom to press today. to publi~h without review by the Although funding threats were SGA. He said he met with them to never made directly to Stellar discuss &Yhat repercussions they magazine co-editors freshmen might face. Whitney Adams and Stephanie "I just want them Lo be aware Castellano, they said they felt in­ that many people will disagree with timidated into changing features in what they' re printing and they PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY ALAN DEITCH/THE ITHACAN their student should be prepared for that dis­ THIS GROUP OF "rude" Ithaca College students demonstrates Inappropriate behaviors in class, Pleth0ra, 13 publication to agreement," he said. "But I will including_ tal~ing on a cell phone, sleeping In class and not paying attention to the professor. appease SGA following a meeting back them to be allowed to pnnl last week wi1h sophomore SGA any content they choose." Rep. Danny Manus of the Roy H. Adams and Castellano said Park School of Communications, se­ they did not remove either of the fea­ Disrupting ~Q, class nior SGA off-campus Rep. Jessica tures in question, but they did add Paul, junior SGA off-campus Rep. a paragraph to a first-person essay Adam J. Serafin and senior SGA about a student's experience with the packing their bags even though the "It's always annoying and Rep. Brett Shiel of the School of drug Ecstasy, noting the negative Rude behaviors professor continues teaching. very disturbing when someone is Music. These could be pictures of always talking," he said. "I find "I think it was intimidating in a See BOHN, page 4 annoy teachers some of your classmates at Itha­ myself listening more to their ca College. pointless conversation than to the and students Is talking to your neighbor, tak­ professor." ing a morning nap or answering Associate Professor and BY CARLA KUCINSKI your cell phone a disturbance to Chainnan Hector Velez, sociolo­ Staff Writer class? They are viewcd'as prob­ gy, said he is probably one of the lems by some, but for other stu­ only professors to state in his syl­ Imagine it is 8 a.m. and the boy dents, these behaviors can be tol­ labus that eating, drinking, sleep­ sitting next to Y<?U in Introduction erated. ing or talking in class will not be to Psychology is snoring so loud­ Sophomore Adam Shutts said tolerated. ly you cannot hear the professor. that sleeping is the only rude be­ "It is totally unacceptable for The two girls in front of you havior he can tolerate in class. students to fall asleep, talk to each have been whispering since they 'Tm all for people sleeping and other or bring in food to cat or sat down. You hear the door slam keeping quiet," Shutts said. "As drink because the subject matter and you tum your head to sec a long as they arc not making of my classes is too serious for student arriving late climbing noise, it doesn't bother me." people to use as snack time," he over school bags and other stu­ But one behavior Shutts and said. dents to find a scat. At the end of other students said they cannot In spite of stating these rules in class with two minutes remaining, deal with is students talking some students have already begun while the professor is lecturing. See NEW, page 4 JOHN SIGMUND/THE ITHACAN DEAN THOMAS BOHN of the Roy H. Park School of Communications makes a presentation about censorship at Tuesday's SGA meeting. ·officials 'Conclude Terrace 6 fall 'not an accident' BY MEREDITH JORGENSEN of the investigation. sponded as quickly as possible, ar­ earlier, Holt questioned if the inci­ on the incident. Staff Writer The woman is currently at riving just before she fell. dent would have turned out differ­ David Prunty, as~1stant d1rec1or ------ home with her parent's in Glen "We got the call at 6:03 p.m.," ently. He said there was no clear of residential life opcrat1ons. em­ A Campus Safety investigation Head, N.Y. She was released Fri­ Holt said. "[The responding offi­ reason for students to call Campus phasized that the Residential Life has determined a freshman day from Robert Packer Hospital in cers] took Route 968 in order to get Safety earlier in the day. staff is trained to cope with the~e woman's plunge from her third­ Sayre, Pa., after being treated for there faster." "Had [Campus Safety) heen sorts of emergencies. floorTerrace 6 window Feb. 9 was two days for a broken collarbone. "Just a~ the officers pulled up m there any earlier, what could they "[RAs] go through a full week not an accident. Maley· said the woman is not ex­ front of Terrace 6, the young have done?"" Holt said. "You of training after they arc hired plu\ "The student did not fall out of pected to return to the college this woman let go," Holt said. "She could not get into the room,.so it on-going lraming throughout these­ the window," Public lnfonnation semester. couldn't hang on any longer." was a tough call." mester," he said. "I lhmk our !>taff Director Dave Maley said. "It was She had been alone in her sin­ Freshman Vijay Paltoo said he Paltoo went to the tlurd floor to 1s well tramed, and even more 1111- · not due to any deficiencies with the gle room before dropping more than heard moaning noises coming sec if he could he of assistance. He portantly, 1s well informed ahout window, the room, or the building. 40 feet to the ground at 6:05 p.m. from her room for 20 minutes be­ then tried 10 break the lock of the what resources [the staff] ha<; for re­ To respect the privacy of the stu­ Feb. 9. Witnesses reported several fore he saw her hanging from the girl's door wllh a rock, but could not ferring people who have emotion­ dent, we will not release any addi­ attempt-; were made by students to window. Paltoo and others in the get the door open. He said a resident al issues to seek different re­ tional information about the results gain access to the room in order to building did not intervene earlier assistant attcmp1cd lo get the Ter­ ~ourccs on campus." of the investigation." reach the woman, who dangled out because they assumed it was a pri­ races' ma~ter key from Terrace 7. Sophomore Kristm Snuth. a Campus Safety Director of the window for several minutes. vate matter. Anjali Singh, Terraces 5-8 re~­ Robert Holt confirmed the results Hoh said Campus Safety re- If officials had been contacted idenl director, refused 10 comment See HOLT, page 4 2 THE ITHACAN THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2000 11~4,;~ News IRA withdrawals from disarmament talks after government dissolutUJn BY MICHAEL W. BLOOMROSE Washington Post. The government had only News Editor been in operation since Dec. 2. Trimble had promised to resign as first IRA statement on withdrawal from talks The Irish Republican Anny withdrew minister of the government by Saturday if Tuesday from disannament negotiations, ·the IRA had failed to begin to disann. Statement from the outlawed Irish Republican Army, which announced Tuesday dealing a blow to hoped of resurrecting However, following Britain's suspension it no longer would meet with Northern Ireland's disarmament commission: Northern Ireland's Protestant-Catholic of the government, the IRA surprisingly de­ power-sharing government. clared it was prepared to make long-await­ "On Nov. 17, 1999 the leadership of the IRA agreed to appoint a represen­ In a strongly worded statement, the IRA ed moves on decommissioning, reported The tative to enter into discussions with the IICD [Independent International Com­ accused the British government and the Times. The word emerged in a rushed re­ mission on Decommissioning]. province's major Protestant party, the pro­ port from Canadian Gen. John de Chaste­ "This was on the basis that it would be part of a series of events including,· British Ulster Unionists, of lain, head of an international dis­ and in particular, the establishment of the political institutions set out in the Good pursuing "a military victory," armament panel.
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