IGH H S A C C H ITHACA HIGH SCHOOL O A PROFILE 2018-2019 Jason M. Trumble, Principal O H L T I 1401 North Cayuga Street ph: 607-274-2157 Ithaca, New York 14850 fx: 607-277-3061 www.ithacacityschools.org/highschool 18 74 CEEB Code 332-535 BEDS Code: 61 06 00 01 0017 Accredited by the New York StateLI EducationTRED DepartmentTLE SCHOOL COUNSELORS ITHACA COMMUNITY Kas Bilyk | kbilyk@ics d.k12.ny.us Located in Ithaca, a city of 30,000 Eva H. Collier |
[email protected] Nestled in the Finger Lakes Region of Upstate New York Jamie Fresina |
[email protected] With Cornell University, Ithaca College and Tompkins Amanda Poirier |
[email protected] Cortland Community College in close proximity, the focus Maria T. Torres |
[email protected] of the community and its chief industry is education. Total enrollment of the Ithaca City School District: 5,205 STUDENT BODY ADVANCED CURRICULUM Class of 2019 – 327 students Honors classes oered in all academic subjects and Project Lead the Way High School –1346 students Pre-Engineering classes 66 % White Advanced Placement 8.3 % African American English Language Psychology Biology French Art 5.1 % Hispanic English Literature Calculus AB Chemistry German Music Theory 8.8 % Multiracial US History Calculus BC Physics 1 Latin 11.8 % Asian Human Geography Computer Science Physics C Spanish 25.5 % Free Lunch World History Statistics Environmental 3.1 % Reduced Lunch European History Science ACADEMIC OPPORTUNITIES CLASSES Electives in all academic areas plus Technology & Engineering