Copyright © 2017 by Roland Stull. Practical Meteorology: an Algebra-Based Survey of Atmospheric Science
Copyright © 2017 by Roland Stull. Practical Meteorology: An Algebra-based Survey of Atmospheric Science. v1.02b INDEX 1-D normal shock, 572-574 Look for Patterns, 107-109 droplets, 191-192 1-leucine, 195 Mathematics & Math Clarity, 393, 762 nuclei, 192-196 1-tryptophan, 195 Model Sensitivity, 350 active 1,3-butadiene, 725 Parameterization Rules, 715 clouds, 162 1,5-dihydroxynaphlene, 195 Problem Solving, 869 remote sensors, 219 1.5 PVU line, 364, 441, 443 Residuals, 340 tracers, 731 2 ∆x waves, 760-761 Scientific Laws - The Myth, 38 adaptive, 771 2 layer system of fluids, 657-661 Scientific Method, 2, 343 adiabat, 17 3 second rule between lightning and thunder, 575 Scientific Revolutions, 773 dry, 63, 119-158, 497 3DVar data assimilation, 273 Seek Solutions, 46 moist (saturated), and on thermo diagrams, 119- 4DVar data assimilation, 273 Simple is Best, 680 158 5-D nature of weather, 436 Toy Models, 330 adiabatic 5th order rainbow, 840 Truth vs. Uncertainty, 470 cooling, 60-64, 101-106 9 degree U.S. Supreme Court Quotation, 470 to create clouds, 159-161 halo, 847, 854-855 A-grid, 753 effects in frontogenesis, 408-411 Parry arc, 855 abbreviations for excess water variation, 187 18 degree halo, 847, 855 airmasses, 392 lapse rate, 60-64, 101-106, 140, 880 20 degree halo, 847, 855 chemicals, 7 dry (unsaturated), 60-64 22 degree clouds, 168-170 moist (saturated), 101-106 angles, estimating, 847 METARs and SPECIs, 208, 270 process, 60, 121 halo, 842, 845-846, 854-855 states and provinces, 431 on thermo diagrams, 121, 129 Lowitz arc, 855 time
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