University of Cincinnati News Record. Thursday, May 11, 1961. Vol. XLVI
Uni~~,.sity· .Sing . r;;.~~~ci-__. -Will 'Be Sunday O~ft-· " " R;S:. ~r: . ., The University Sing will take place Sunday, May 14,:aI: . '.ii: ~ ""_i 2 Ii: m. in \filson. F, and sororities will~ !<:::t . ""'" I taking partthis year. Admission IS free and open to alL. : 1~5 ~ ~ !' Ju.dges for" this year's Sing i,~··-,.":"'.~ ; ~ill be John ~rtin;,,~nsel ~r. Thomas Reiber, BA '6!. Singing ~t;,.': >- """'..... tin, choral director from With· second will be PhI Delta Theta, . Z552 . " i/:-;? s:t",~ ::::: i . row.! High School; and Samuel directed by Earl Rischer, BA'62~ Cincinnati, Ohio, Thursday, May 11,]~ ~ .~fl. XLVI, No. 2B Engleman,. College Conserva- witb "Almighty God of Our,l"a • N ~ \ tory of MUSIC. _ thers.", " If:::. :.! Chairman 'of the Sing is, Jobn' Next will be Triangle; directed . COme Hell, High Water ."""'~J '" " Betz, Eng. '62. '~y .ward Wells, Eng. '6~, ,~mgl:ng - Beta Theta" Pi will open the Climb Every Mountain, Pre- - . program singing "Western Med- sent~n~, "The~,Here's to Our ~~·a. - I- ht P ley" under the direction of ,termty. and, Sweetheart of S,I,g~ .Iuniors , 0n I9 ro m "rna' cnr, will be Sigma Chi, ,di~ HOId M O UC S d erected by Bruce Knowles, BA,' · / . .' tu ents an' '63. by Susy.' Hayes . ~ , "Fifth will be Delta Tau Delta, Corne heil or high water (prob- Pick Best Prof: directed by.Sam Fishel,', Eng. '61, ably high water), Junior Prom will , r . singing "Emitte Spiritum." Fol- :be held from 9 p.m. ItO 1, a.m: to- .
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