SPINc GEOMETRY OF KAHLER¨ MANIFOLDS AND THE HODGE LAPLACIAN ON MINIMAL LAGRANGIAN SUBMANIFOLDS O. HIJAZI, S. MONTIEL, AND F. URBANO Abstract. From the existence of parallel spinor fields on Calabi- Yau, hyper-K¨ahleror complex flat manifolds, we deduce the ex- istence of harmonic differential forms of different degrees on their minimal Lagrangian submanifolds. In particular, when the sub- manifolds are compact, we obtain sharp estimates on their Betti numbers. When the ambient manifold is K¨ahler-Einstein with pos- itive scalar curvature, and especially if it is a complex contact manifold or the complex projective space, we prove the existence of K¨ahlerian Killing spinor fields for some particular spinc struc- tures. Using these fields, we construct eigenforms for the Hodge Laplacian on certain minimal Lagrangian submanifolds and give some estimates for their spectra. Applications on the Morse index of minimal Lagrangian submanifolds are obtained. 1. Introduction Recently, connections between the spectrum of the classical Dirac operator on submanifolds of a spin Riemannian manifold and its ge- ometry were investigated. Even when the submanifold is spin, many problems appear. In fact, it is known that the restriction of the spin bundle of a spin manifold M to a spin submanifold is a Hermitian bun- dle given by the tensorial product of the intrinsic spin bundle of the submanifold and certain bundle associated with the normal bundle of the immersion ([2, 3, 6]). In general, it is not easy to have a control on such a Hermitian bundle. Some results have been obtained ([2, 24, 25]) when the normal bundle of the submanifold is trivial, for instance for hypersurfaces.
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