The Chirka - Lindel¨of and Fatou theorems for ∂J-subsolutions Alexandre Sukhov* * Universit´ede Lille, Laboratoire Paul Painlev´e, U.F.R. de Math´e-matique, 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq, Cedex, France,
[email protected] The author is partially suported by Labex CEMPI. Institut of Mathematics with Computing Centre - Subdivision of the Ufa Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, 45008, Chernyshevsky Str. 112, Ufa, Russia. Abstract. This paper studies boundary properties of bounded functions with bounded ∂J differential on strictly pseudoconvex domains in an almost complex manifold. MSC: 32H02, 53C15. Key words: almost complex manifold, ∂-operator, strictly pseudoconvex domain, the Fatou theorem. Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 Almost complex manifolds and almost holomorphic functions 3 arXiv:1808.04266v1 [math.CV] 10 Aug 2018 2.1 Almostcomplexmanifolds............................ 3 2.2 Pseudoholomorphicdiscs............................. 4 2.3 The ∂J -operator on an almost complex manifold (M,J)............ 6 2.4 Plurisubharmonic functions on almost complex manifolds: the background . 8 2.5 Boundary properties of subsolutions of the ∂-operator in the unit disc . 9 3 The Chirka-Lindel¨of principle for strictly pseudoconvex domains 10 3.1 Localapproximationbyhomogeneousmodels . .. 12 3.2 Caseofmodelstructures . .. .. .. 13 3.3 DeformationargumentandproofofTheorem3.4 . ... 16 4 The Fatou theorem 17 1 1 Introduction The first fundamental results on analytic properties of almost complex structures (in sev- eral variables) are due to Newlander - Nirenberg [9] and Nijenhuis - Woolf [10]. After the seminal work by M.Gromov [7] the theory of pseudoholomorphic curves in almost complex manifolds became one of the most powerful tools of the symplectic geometry and now is rapidly increasing.