Is There a Vaginal Area of Hypereroticism (H Area) Or a G Spot?
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12 Journal of Clinical Sexology - No.1: October - December 2018 Is there a Vaginal Area of Hypereroticism (H Area) or a G spot? *Vasile Nițescu Medical Centre of Obstetrics-Gynecology and Sexology Is there a Vaginal Area of Hypereroticism (H Area) or a G spot? Abstract: The Vaginal Area of Hypereroticism describes only the effect, namely the state of pleasure of the vaginal area of Hypere- roticism and the lack of the description of the morphophysiology of the area, which by its structure determines the erotic state against which many specialists have brought H AREA countless arguments, invoking even the non- existence of the Vaginal Area of Hyperero- ticism. Fig.1 - Anatomical drawings – location of The research proves that there is a zone the Hypereroticism Area of cellular bioexcitability even increased as compared to the rest of the vagina, the tis- sue with superior erectile properties being related to clitoris, so with the erectile border manual stimulation of the H-area is the lu- areas. brication of the vagina. The area I called the Area of Hypereroti- cism, the “H” Area is part of the vulvo-vagi- Key words: nal erectile complex (fig.1). Hypereroticism “H” area, bioexcitability, The female’s first response to the male’s stimulus, anterior vaginal wall *Correspondence to: *Nițescu Vasile MD., Ph.D, 9 Washington Street, 1st District, post code 011792, Bucharest, Romania Journal of Clinical Sexology - No.1: October - December 2018 13 Introduction: The motivation of 80,00% 70,00% 72 % the work (Purpose) 60,00% THE PRESENCE E OF THE H AREA The area has been known since antiquity, 50,00% URINAT THE SAME when it was shown that it “produces maxi- 40,00% TO N SENSITIVITY 30,00% mum pleasures”. In the 17th century, it was ATIO THE ABSCENCE OF mentioned by Regnerus De Graaf and in 1950 20,00% THE H AREA 16% 10,00% 68 % SENZ by E. Gräfenberg, known as the “G” spot. 12% Absolutely all the authors mentioned only 0,00% LOT 200LOT 200 the effect, “the state of pleasure”, but no one explained why the erogenous effect occurred. Fig.2 -H Area Study This is why the existence of this area or its absence is currently under discussion. the rest of the vagina, clearly showing the This is the motivation of my work. difference in potential for this action. – the time between the application of the sti- Method: mulus and the response was significantly The study (fig.2) that was conducted initi- shorter in the vaginal area of hypereroti- ally on a total of 200 people was later exten- cism; ded to 800 women aged 16-45. It showed that – the potential for resting is shorter for the 72% of the studied people showed distinctly cells in the H Area, proving the existence an increased erotic sensitivity of the “H Area” of a structure with particular morphology as compared to the rest of the vagina, 16% and a neuro-vascular system where the had the same sensitivity across the entire va- tactile receptors process and transmit the gina, and a rate of 12% had no vaginal erotic information collected from the H Area to sensitivity. It was also found that 68% of the the nerve ramifications differently from people, consulted on the gynecological table, the rest of the vagina. They reach the bra- with an increased sensitivity experienced the in, which will sensitize the erectile bodies need to urinate when touching the “H Area”, of the H Area - anatomically different by unimanual examination. from the rest of the vagina. The sensitivity assessment of the two va- ginal areas, H area and rest of the vagina, was Description carried out by a subjective test (bi- and uni- My research proves that, in fact, there is manual vaginal touch) and by measuring the an “area”, (not a spot), located on the ante- biopotentials of the two segments. rior-inferior vaginal wall, having a surface Thus, I found that: with markedly increased erectile sensitivity – the response to the electric stimulus occur- compared to the rest of the vagina, due to its red differently, respectively with a lower particular neuro-anatomical structure, which intensity in the H area, and with a higher I have called “the vaginal area of hyperero- intensity in the rest of the vagina, viewed ticism”. on the electrogram. The threshold (limi- The anatomic topography does not provi- nal) intensity was 1/3 higher for the vagi- de a good view of the area, when the patient nal tissue as compared to the H Area. The is in a normal gynaecologic position, as the collection and replaying of the electrical pubis symphysis covers with approximately signal for the same amplitude on the elec- 1-1.5 cm the edge of the H Area, context in trogram was made by a lower stimulation which the surface can be endoscopically de- in the H Area and a higher stimulation in monstrated (fig. 3a, b, c). 14 Journal of Clinical Sexology - No.1: October - December 2018 Fig.3a - Fig.3b Fig.3c- Fig.3a, b, c - Hypereroticism Area shown by endoscopy Fig.4.a, b - Different appearance and structure of the H area by comparison to the remaining vagina Journal of Clinical Sexology - No.1: October - December 2018 15 The immediate retropubic part can, how- ever, be demonstrated in the case of a geni- tal prolapse, which, by the herniation of the pelvic organis, by the uro-genital hiatus en- gages the anterior-lower third of the vaginal mucosa (cystourethrocele), due to the insuf- ficiency of the supporting mesenchyme. Due to the tension produced, the mucosa appears without folds. I mention that the vaginal wall that consti- tutes the H Area has a special structure due to the intimate adhesion special to the urethral wall, by the suburethral tissue, which has a specific structure (fig.4a, b). Because of this, the surface of the mucosa has a different as- pect. For this reason, the mobility of the vagi- nal mucosa is reduced on a distance of appro- Specific coloring of the H area ximately 2-3 cm. Fig.5 - The average dimensions in rela- tion to the variable values of the types of vagina: – transverse diameter: 2/2.5 cm; – anterior-posterior diameter: 2,5 cm. The area represents about a quarter of the length of the anterior vaginal wall. Form: Trapezoidal, with single and precise topo- graphy. Fig.6 - Rugae vaginalis in the H area Course: Oblique, downward and forward. splits, forming a transverse fold at the exter- Appearance nal opening of the cervix, thus detaching the The vaginal mucosa is pink coloured (fig. “Pawlick’s triangle”. 5) and is thicker than the H area. The surface with thicker transverse folds (ruge vaginalis) Relations (fig. 6) is well perceived visually and upon Anterior: the urethra, totally; touch. On the midline there is a longitudinal Anterior-inferior: the pubic symphysis; eminence (columna rugarum), which has on Inferior: the anterior-superior part of the the anterior edge of the vulval opening of the hymen membrane or the hymen carunculii of vagina a small thickening (the vaginal tuber- the vaginal opening; cle), located just under the urethral meatus. Superior: extends the anterior vaginal On the upper side the longitudinal column wall; 16 Journal of Clinical Sexology - No.1: October - December 2018 Posterior: the vaginal cavity, or the poste- The anterior head of the vestibular bulbs rior vaginal wall; is related to the opening of the urethra, ca- Lateral: the urogenital diaphragm, ves- using during the erection the hyperemia of tibular and bulbar-spongy bulbs, the middle the area, namely of the urethral meatus. The part of the perineal aponeurosis and the leva- corpus cavernosum of the clitoris, as well as tor ani muscles. the vestibular bulbs, have in their structure a cavernous tissue with arteriovenous anasto- Role moses which fill with blood during the erecti- It determines and increases the state of ex- on through the dilated helicine arteries, whi- citation, it induces the ejaculation and orgasm ch are tensioned due to the albuginea, a little during the manual manoeuvres of stimulation extensible membrane that covers, plugging of the receptors in the area, by an anterior- the veins and the blood drain system. The posterior or circular movement in the self, zonal erectile tissue vascularization directly hetero- or homo excitation. involves the urethral cushion, which is also composed of erectile tissue. Located in the Structural peculiarities suburethral space (urethro- vaginal) it affects of the H Area directly the H Area. I emphasize that, since it is an erectile tissue, covered with albugi- In order to understand the determination nea, its unique functionality is determined, as of the eroticism state, namely the morphophy- compared to the one determined by a simple siological peculiarities of the H Area, the local hyperemia. anatomical description of its structures is The direct link between the erectile tis- necessary. In principle, I refer to the erectile sue of the clitoris, the vestibular bulbs, the tissue, the vascularization and the innervati- urethral tissue, the urethro-vaginal tissue and on of the area, especially the urethra-vaginal the vascular plexus of the H Area causes by area, all being in a close connection with the the stimulation of the receptors of the H Area, surrounding erectile bodies. the occurrence of a complex effect, rapidly The urethra opens in the vestibule of the erectile, with turgidity in large area, prepa- vagina, through the external opening of the ring the genital organs for copulation, amid urethra, located posterior to the clitoris. It an increased libido. consists of the mucosa, the submucosa, and The anastomoses of the corpus caver- a muscle layer of longitudinal fibres on the nosum of the clitoris with the corpus ca- outside and longitudinal on the inside.