HAWKESBURY NEPEAN HEALTH STRATEGY At 2699km based environment activity existsinthesubcatchment.based environment activity lateral” whichisofhigh environmental riverchanneltype, signifi cancedue to itsrarity. Signifi cantcommunity The subcatchment 1ofthe inReach containsarare channeltype river Tarlo R1),the ( “Meandering valley fi llshave beengullieddue to changesinrunoff been cleared for grazing, trees native were riparian replaced withexotic andinvasive Willows ( the Wollondilly subcatchment hasbeensignifi cantlyaltered. Signifi and riparian cant fl oodplain vegetationhas through to the current time.European As settlementandcarry withmany suchareas, sinceEuropean settlement The subcatchment containssignifi cantagricultural landsandassociated industries, which were in developed early Burragorang. landsassociated withLake reserved The Tarlo NationalPark River ofthemajor protects asection Tarlo fl R2)andtheriver (Tarlo tributary owsinto the subcatchments to Burragorang south-west, thenorth. andLake andtheKowmung andNattaisubcatchmentsWingecarribee lieto theeast,Upper Wollondilly to thewest, Mulwaree to the 2 , the Wollondilly Nepeancatchment. subcatchment River isthelargest intheHawkesbury The . Salix Salix spp.) andintact Subcatchment

97 Appendix 4.2 Subcatchment summaries Wollondilly River management (I) ow management (I) ow practices in riparian lands (E) (P,W) riparian lands (P,E) (P,W) quality (M) (E) restoration (P) riparian vegetation remnant protect (Planning, Education, Works, Monitoring, Institutional) Monitoring, Works, Education, (Planning, • (W) riparian vegetation of exotic Removal/replacement • Management of aquatic weeds • Management impacts of stock on waterways (W) • adoption of sustainable land management Encourage • (W) works control Channel bed or bank erosion • and connectivity habitat condition improvement Aquatic • management Riparian wetland • quantity / fl Water • quality / nutrient management (I,W) Water • quality Urban water and sediment management (I,W) • (W) with indigenous riparian vegetation Revegetation • activity Maintain existing community environment (E,M) • Management impacts of stock on waterways (W) • adoption of sustainable land use practices Encourage in • and connectivity habitat condition improvement Aquatic • quantity / fl Water • water values – recreational of recreational Maintenance • environmental Increase community capacity for • conservation to Develop management agreements res in res pollution use source and nutrient impacts and blackberry willow following removal hawthorn) Lagarosiphon) lifted and moved that have (Causeways downstream) steep countrysteep • – – hydrological Urban development Triggers Action • impact erosion – STP; downstream Severe • blackberry, (willows, invasion Highweed woody • and (Ludwigia outbreaks weed Aquatic • (Stock) access Damaging • rail bridge. Carrick/Brayton below Erosion • functioning ecosystem Barriers to regulation • Flow extraction • Flow • quality – STP and diff Water • (stock) access Damaging • functioning ecosystem Barriers to regulation • Flow extraction • Flow • bushfi and sediment input from Erosion cance cance shing shing agship species (Pelicans, agship species (Platypus) ed fl ed fl ed community cant vegetation supply cant irrigation water cant community based community cant vegetation (Tableland Grassy Box-Gum Grassy Box-Gum (Tableland Wollondilly-Shaoalhaven Woodland; Woodland) Gorge birds) and other water Black Swans activity environment Gorge (Wollondilly/Shoalhaven Woodland) Reach ValuesReach Threats Reach recommendations Reach management • Signifi • fi recreational Popular • Identifi • Signifi • Signifi • drinking (Marulan) water Town • Good riparian vegetation • condition Good river • Signifi • fi recreational Popular • boating non-motor Popular • Identifi Revegetation • of local signifi Wetland Riparian Land Management Category Assisted Assisted Regeneration uence uence uence. From Paddy’s Paddy’s From Tarlo to River Steep River. topography & good quality native vegetation. Lower Wollondilly Wollondilly Lower R1, confl River Paddy’s to confl Description Lower Lower R1 Wollondilly Lower R2 Wollondilly Reach Name Reach Reach Management Recommendations – Wollondilly River Subcatchment River Wollondilly – Recommendations Reach Management


Reach Name Reach Riparian Land Reach Values Reach Threats Reach management recommendations Description Management (Planning, Education, Works, Monitoring, Institutional) Category

Lower Lower Wollondilly Assisted • Good riparian vegetation • Damaging access (stock) • Management of stock impacts on waterways (W) Wollondilly R3 R3 from Tarlo Regeneration • Good river condition • Barriers to ecosystem functioning • Encourage adoption of sustainable land use practices in River to Lake • Signifi cant vegetation community • Flow regulation riparian lands (P,E) Burragorang (Wollondilly/Shoalhaven Gorge • Flow extraction • Aquatic habitat condition and connectivity improvement Woodland) • Erosion and sediment input from bushfi res in (P,W) • Popular recreational fi shing steep country • Water quantity / fl ow management (I) • Popular non-motor boating • Maintenance of recreational values – recreational water • Identifi ed fl agship species (Platypus) quality (M) • Increase community capacity for environmental restoration (E) • Develop conservation management agreements to protect remnant riparian vegetation (P)

Paddys R1 Short cut and fi ll Revegetation • Wetland of local signifi cance • Channel engineering / modifi cation (a section of • Management of stock impacts on waterways (W) reach through (constructed wetland in creek line) the reach is piped with a playing fi eld on top of • Encourage adoption of sustainable land management the village of it) practices in riparian lands (E) Bundanoon, to • Damaging access (stock in rural areas an human • Manage human impacts at public recreation river access just below village. in urban areas) points and along foreshores (W) Approximately • Barriers to ecosystem functioning (pipes) • Aquatic habitat condition and connectivity improvement 2.8km long (half • Flow extraction (P,W) urban, half rural). • Urbanisation and subdivision (Bundanoon) • Urban water quality and sediment management (I,W) • Riparian wetland management Action Triggers • Increase community capacity for environmental • Severe downstream impact – sedimentation and restoration (E) water quality impacts • Revegetation with indigenous riparian vegetation (W)

Paddys R2 Paddys R2 Assisted • Wetland of National Signifi cance • Damaging access (heavy stock impact, also a • Riparian wetland management Long reach Regeneration (Long Swamp) point of human impact at the • Management of stock impacts on waterways (W) from just below • Wetlands of local signifi cance (eg. bridge) • Encourage adoption of sustainable land management Bundanoon Hanging Rock Swamp) • Barriers to ecosystem functioning practices in riparian lands (E,P) Village almost • Signifi cant vegetation community • Flow extraction • Aquatic habitat condition and connectivity improvement to confl uence (Tableland Grassy Box-Gum (P,W) with Wollondilly, Woodland) • Water quantity / fl ow management (I) except for short • Popular recreational fi shing • Increase community capacity for environmental confi ned reach • Identifi ed fl agship species (Paddy’s restoration (E) just above River Box) confl uence • Signifi cant irrigation water supply (Paddy’s R3)

99 Appendix 4.2 Subcatchment summaries Wollondilly River ow management ow management (I) ow sh passage (P,W) restoration (E) restoration (P) riparian vegetation remnant protect practices in riparian lands (E) (E) restoration riparian lands (P,E) (E,W)points and along foreshores fi – barriers to (E,W)points and along foreshores (P,W) (E) restoration Part of reach in Reserved of reach Part Land. (P) riparian vegetation remnant protect • environmental Increase community capacity for • conservation to Develop management agreements • Management impacts of stock on waterways (W) • adoption of sustainable land management Encourage • quantity / fl Water • environmental Increase community capacity for • (W) with indigenous riparian vegetation Revegetation • Management impacts of stock on waterways (W) • adoption of sustainable land use practices Encourage in • management (P,W) Riparian wetland • management – quantity (I) Water • access river Manage human impacts at public recreation • and connectivity habitat condition improvement Aquatic • access river Manage human impacts at public recreation • and connectivity habitat condition improvement Aquatic • quantity / fl Water • environmental Increase community capacity for • conservation to Develop management agreements (Planning, Education, Works, Monitoring, Institutional) Monitoring, Works, Education, (Planning, trails in granite re country) damage at public access point) damage at public access • Flow extraction • Flow • (human fi access Damaging • functioning ecosystem Barriers to extraction • Flow • and also some human (stock access Damaging • functioning ecosystem Barriers to extraction • Flow cance shing shing agship species (National agship species (Platypus) ed fl ed ed fl ed community cant vegetation community cant vegetation (Wollondilly – Shoalhaven Gorge Gorge (Wollondilly – Shoalhaven Woodland) Park) • Good riparian vegetation • Caves Wombeyan – National Park • Signifi • fi recreational Popular • Identifi • of local signifi Wetland • condition Good river • High potential geomorphic recovery • Signifi • fi recreational Popular • Identifi Reach ValuesReach Threats Reach recommendations Reach management Regeneration (Near Intact and both in and out of reserved lands) Conservation • Good riparian vegetation Riparian Land Management Category uence with uence just before just before confl Wollondilly River; Paddys by R3 crossed Rd. Canyonleigh Description Guineacor R1Guineacor R2Guineacor Revegetation Assisted • damage) (heavy stock access Damaging Jocks R1 Conservation Paddys R3Paddys Short reach Reach Name Reach Reach Management Recommendations – Lower Wollondilly River Subcatchment River Wollondilly – Lower Recommendations Reach Management


Reach Name Reach Riparian Land Reach Values Reach Threats Reach management recommendations Description Management (Planning, Education, Works, Monitoring, Institutional) Category

Jocks R2 Jocks R2 partly Conservation • Good riparian vegetation • Damaging access (stock) • Management of stock impacts on waterways (W) confi ned lower • Good river condition • Barriers to ecosystem functioning • Encourage adoption of sustainable land use practices in section to • Signifi cant vegetation community • Flow extraction riparian lands (P,E) confl uence with (Wollondilly-Shoalhaven Gorge • Sediment impacts from upstream • Aquatic habitat condition and connectivity improvement Wollondilly River. Woodland) (P,W) (Headwater • Identifi ed Flagship Species • Water management – quantity (I) and confi ned (Platypus; Bentwing Bats) • Maintain existing community based environment activity upstream reaches • Some community based (E,P) are in near intact environment activity (Catchment • Develop conservation management agreements to condition, so Protection Scheme) protect remnant riparian vegetation (P) not assessed by Panel.)

Tarlo R1 Includes Revegetation • Rare or threatened river category • Woody weeds (Crack Willow; Basket Willow; • Revegetation with indigenous riparian vegetation (W) headwater, (reach contains two ‘meandering Blackberry) • Removal/replacement of exotic riparian vegetation (W) partly confi ned, lateral’ sections) • Damaging access (stock – intensive grazing) • Management of stock impacts on waterways (W) meandering • Signifi cant vegetation community • Barriers to ecosystem functioning • Encourage adoption of sustainable land management lateral, partly • Popular recreational fi shing • Flow modifi cation practices in riparian lands (E) confi ned, • Identifi ed fl agship species (Platypus) • Gully erosion contributing sediment to the creek • Aquatic habitat condition and connectivity improvement meandering • Signifi cant irrigation water supply (P,W) lateral and partly Action Triggers • Water quantity / fl ow management (I) confi ned reaches. • Rare river category (meandering lateral) • Rural water quality and sediment management • Increase community capacity for environmental restoration (E)

Tarlo R2 Includes Tarlo Assisted • Good riparian vegetation • Damaging access (some cattle at lower end. • Management of stock impacts on waterways (W) River National Regeneration • Wetland of local signifi cance (Long Damaging human access restricted to Swallow • Encourage adoption of sustainable land use practices in Park along a Swamp) Tail Pass) riparian lands (P,E) section of the • Good river condition • Barriers to ecosystem functioning • Manage human impacts at public recreation river access reach. Reach goes • Tarlo River National Park • Flow extraction points and along foreshores (E,W) all the way to the • Popular recreational fi shing • Subdivision threats from access roads and weeds • Aquatic habitat condition and connectivity improvement junction with the • Identifi ed Flagship Species • Erosion and sediment input from bushfi res (P,W) Wollondilly River. (Platypus; National Park Habitat) • Water quantity / fl ow management (I) • Riparian wetland management (P,W) • Increase community capacity for environmental restoration (E) • Develop conservation management agreements to protect remnant riparian vegetation (P) 101 Appendix 4.2 Subcatchment summaries Wollondilly River management (I) ow management (I) ow practices in riparian lands (E) (P,W) (E) restoration riparian lands (P,E) (E) restoration (P) riparian vegetation remnant protect Reach mainly within reserved lands. (P) riparian vegetation remnant protect (Planning, Education, Works, Monitoring, Institutional) Monitoring, Works, Education, (Planning, • (W) riparian vegetation of exotic Removal/replacement • Management impacts of stock on waterways (W) • adoption of sustainable land management Encourage • and connectivity habitat condition improvement Aquatic • (W) with indigenous riparian vegetation Revegetation • quantity / fl Water • environmental Increase community capacity for • (W) riparian vegetation of exotic Removal/replacement • Management impacts of stock on waterways (W) • adoption of sustainable land use practices Encourage in • quantity / fl Water • environmental Increase community capacity for • conservation to Develop management agreements • conservation to Develop management agreements res in res steep countrysteep • invasion High weed woody • (stock) access Damaging extraction • Flow • bushfi and sediment input from Erosion • (Willow; invasion weed Hawthorn) Woody • – severe) (stock access Damaging • functioning ecosystem Barriers to extraction • Flow clearing • Riparian shing shing community cant vegetation (Tableland Granite Grassy Granite (Tableland Woodland) activity environment Reach ValuesReach Threats Reach recommendations Reach management • fi recreational Popular • Some community based • drinking () water Town • Good riparian vegetation • condition Good river • fi recreational Popular Riparian Land Management Category Regeneration (mainly within reserve) Description Woolshed R1Woolshed Revegetation R2Woolshed • Signifi Assisted Murruin Ck R1 Near Intact Near Intact Reaches within reserved lands: Jooriland R2, R1 Creek Tonalli Concern: of Community Creeks Reach Name Reach Reach Management Recommendations – Wollondilly River Subcatchment River Wollondilly – Recommendations Reach Management